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DRAINING AND SANITARY SCIENCE. A practical Engineer who has devoted A much attention to the drainage of towns, and the utilisation of sewage, may be consulted ns to the removal ef Nuisances, kc., on very moderate terms. Plana, speci- fications, and estimates prepared. Address, Samtarias, Chronicle Office, Bangor. MOSEY ready to be advanced on security of Land or 'Buildings at a moderate rate of in- terest. Apply to Messrs. Ford and Duncan, Solicitors, Chester. TO ANGLERS. FISHLNG TACKLE of every description at G. H. OGDEN, Toy AND FANCY WAREHOUSE, HIGH STREET, BANGOR. BLASTING. AS NOW ADAPTED BY I.ENK'S PROCESS GUN COTTON IS THE CHEAPEST AND SAFEST EXPLOSIVE, AND FREE FROM SMOKE. Prices and directions for use on application to the Manufacturers. THOMAS PRENTICE and Co., 173, Fenehurch street, London, E.C. MANUFACTORY :-Stowmarket, Suffolk. Agent for North Wales :-Mr. Wm. Casson, Plias yn Penrhyn, Pprtmadoc. f) MESSRS. GABRIEL, THE OLD ESTABLISHED DENTISTS, FINDING their Patients prefer PERSONAL attendance, have discontinued their assistants' pro- fessional visits to Bangor, and beg to refer their friends to their LIVERPOOL estublishn-euts 134-DUKE STREET—134 Where one of the firm is daily in attendance, and wkere the arrangements are so complete, that only one visit is required from country patients, and a complete set of Teeth can be made in one day if necessary. Cases requiring alteration or repairs receive immediate attention per post- THE OLD ESTABLISHED J k»i>ENTIStS^ 134, DUKE STREET, LIVERPOOL. 65, NEW STREET, BIRMINGHAM. 27, HARLEY STREET. CAVENDISH SQUARE, W. AND 64, LUDGATE HILL, LONDON. GABRIEL'S PAMPHLET ON THE TEETH, GRATIS. NOBEL'S PATENT BLASTING OIL (NITRO-GLYCERINE). APID completing of blasting operations- perfect security in storing and charging—tumping with water or loose sand—great saving in labour. If theblusting of a certain quantity of work requires 100 feet of one-inch boring at 4d per foot £1 13 4 15 lbs. of gunpowders at 5d. per lb. 0 6 3 £1 19 7 We effect the same work with 10 feet of oue-inch boring at 4d. peT foot tO 3 4 It lb. of Nitro-Glycerine at 3s. per lb. 20 4 6 CO 7 10 Showing a saving of ki 11 9 Apply to C. F Cuael, 64, Wood-street, London, E.C. The Judges of the Royal Cornwall Polytechnic Society awarded their first Silver Medal. IMPORTANT TO SINGERS &e. JOKES' TREMADOC AROMATIC VOICE CLOBULES. For Restoring and Clearing the Take, removing HoarteneM. <6c. THIS wonderful New Discovery was firt Jt. introduced amongst the Italian Vocalists, and is wsed with remarkable benefit in Germany, and other jarts on the Continent. The secret was obtained, with was difficulty, by the proprietor, and the demand for them since he has introducad them in this country is most afftoundind. These Globules are a combination of the most simple and Balsamic Vegetables, acting as a soothing and Tonic Renovator to the Vocal and Respiratory Orgous. They will remove, in a few hours, the most troublesome Hourse- aess that can take place afte Singing, Public Speaking, &C. and by using them three or four times" day for a abort time. they will not fail to restore and clear the vaiee, making it most refined and by using the same ec- cuianally they will give a Tons and fineness to the most Magh *ad broken voice, protecting the throat from re- laxed Hoarseness and Cold. They clear the accumlated Phlegm that coagulated in the bronchial Tubes, to the great inconvenience of Singers and Public Speakers; and arc good to those who have lost their Voice; also have been found effectual in cases af Spitting Blood. Old Caughs, and Palpitation. Their taste is good, anil impart an agreeable odour to the breath. Prepared only (by Appointment) by R. L Jones, Cambrian Pill Depot, Tremadoc, In Boxes, Is. lid., and 2s. 9d. each. Said by all the Wholesale and Retail Druggists, and may be had direct, per return of Post, from Tremadoc, on receipt of Is. 2d., or 3s.. in Stamps. Testimoniids of their wonderful effect come to hand faily, A Clergyman of 30 years standing in the Church has tried my V oioe Globules after suffering more or less from an affection of the throat, attended frequently with hoarseness, far 20 years, and has found them wonderfully eiffcacious in removing all hoarseness and in strengthening the Voice. And if any one doubts this, I am at liberty to rire hM name in private to any brother clergyman who wishes to have it. Read the following from L. W. LEWIS, Esq., (Llew Llwyfs Denbigh, August 7, 1803. Sir,—You have desired me to make a trial of yotiz Voice Globules. I did so. Tiie result Is this-I never had anything before to have an immediate, decided, and agreeable effect upon my Voice as these, although I spent much in Lozenges, Wafers. &c. Now I get an iMMe? Lte relief from Hoarseness when I am attacked I find the Globules an effectual preventive from Hoarseness; a most valuable discovery worthy of trial. Send me another Bell immediately. Yours, tc., LlJsw LLWTFO. WHEN YOU ASK FOR rjLENFlELD pATENT s TARCH, SEE THAT YOU GET IT, As Inferior kiuda are often substituted. It is Sold by all Gracers, Chandleis, kc., &c. WOTHERSPOON k CO.. GLASGOW AND LONDOK. STARCH MANUFACTURERS TO H.B.H. THE PRINCES OF WALES. Eetablished &Mft& 1 8 3 9. &taHished M???SSaiSB!?? 1839. THE CELEBRATED CAMBRIAN MEDICINE. A Preventative and Cure for all Disorders resulting from a Disordered state ef stomach and Liver, and Impurities in the blood Jo -Ml TREMADOC APERIENT & ANTIBILIOPS PILLS, Patronired by the Faculty, Nobility, Clergy, and the Public at large, Prepared from the orginal Presciption of that eminent Physician (the Abernethy of Wales) the late W. LLOYD ROBEKTS, M.D., OAKLAND. The practical trial of the above Professor for HALF A CENTORY, with the more general test of TWENTY FIVE YEAliS by the afflicted public, has now established the reputation of these Pills. Containing no Mercury, but composed of the isett rare and expensive Vegetable preparations of the Britsh Pharmacopoeia, combined with a valuable SNOW- DONIAN HERB, forming a mild, laxative, tonic re- medy. OPINION OF THE MEDICAL FACULTY. Bxtroct of a Letter from Benjamin Travers, F. R. S. Sur. gean Extraordinary to the Queen, Surgeon in Ordinary 60 R. R. H. Prince Albert, tc., &c. "Sir,-The Combination of the Ingredients of the PILLS is so familary to Medical men that I scarcely think their efficacy a matter of question. London. Yours obediently, B. TRAVERS. Said Wholesale by Appointment by Barclay & Sons, Farringdou Street; Sutton & Co. Bow Churchyard; Han- Day t Co. Oxford Street. London; Maderk Weaver, Wholverhamton Evans, Sons & Co Lord Street Liver- pool and Raimes & Co. Edinburgh and Liverpool; T. h A. Warren, Ratcliffe Street, Bristol; Butler. Sackville Street, Dublin; and at the Cambrian Pill Depot, Tremadoc, North Wales; and retailed by all respectable Medicine Vendors in every town in the United Kingdom, in boxes at Is. 1d.-2s. 6d., and 4s. 6d. each. Great saving in procuring either of the large boxes. Should any one lai) to obtain the Pills in his own neighbourhood, if 14 Postage stamps for the Is. lid. box. 32 for the 2s. 6d. or 60 for Aha 4s. 6d. be posted to the Cambrian Pill Depot, Tremadoc, North Wales, the Pills will be sent by return of Post lret. -Directions are given with each box. TESTIMONIAL* are too numerous to be inserted, &Von;& selection, but way be had from the Agents in all ObAft "PURITY & EXCELLENCE OF QUALITY" OlE M ED ?6?SB? ?M? /G V <Y\ ??< I FrBADE HAUTI l¥uu;»"w8itoj J  I TMIWR MMUttEtM DOUBLE SUP EftFlREAlITU QlIumu PAtneuuuiKeoHUHMO FAR FAMILY m. RETAILED m EVERY TOWN THROOTRTUT THE UMMtOlUNDOOM. W——i————a—si———»m i i mi ————— MONEY WANTED TO LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETIES AND OTHERS. A BUUT JE5000 required, in one or two sums A on Mortgage of Freehold Land, situate near Conway North Wales, 100 acres of which is first-rate arable and pasture land, and mostly well adapted for the erection of villas. Any professional architect procuring the money will be treated with, first, for plans of two villas now in- tended to be built, an.1 will probably be introduced to further business. The owner would insure his life for a portion of the amount advanced. This being considered an excellent investment, it is expected that a moderate rate of interest will be taken.-For further particulars, address Mr. J. H., at the Chronicle Office, Bangor. TO PROPRIETORS OF QUARRIES. JOHN OWEN, Iron and Brass Founder, MENAI FOUNDRY, BANGOR, begs to announce to Quarry Proprietors that lie continues to manufacturi Quarry waggons, kc., and that he is now in a position to supply every description of Quarry Machinery, Incline Drums, Rollers and Waggon Wheels (case hardened) and castings of every description. Also Sawing and Planing Iltchinesfor slate and marble slabs upon an improved principle Water Wheels, Steam Engines, kc., on the most modern principle and is also appointed manufacturer of Mr. E. J. J. Dixon's patent axles and waggons, by the use of which there is a saving of 75 per cent. in oil. N.B.—Most promt attention paid to all orders. 1 D11. UAMMOND(ofthel.OCK HOSP!TAL,mcmberof[hFC.,). lee of )'h;sn i.?S! ndSnr?eo!)t!).nn!)U those Due asks which BMBtTTER and SHOKTEX the DURATION of HCM\N I,IFP. He offers Hints wherehy MANLY VIGOUR and nil the attiiUutes of PERKKC! MANHOOD C'I" he secured. The MAlUUEL) LIFE RENDERED HAPPY, and the cause of all domestic dis- coid removed. THOSE WHO DESIRE TO MAURY restored to HEALTH, BKAU'IY, GRACE and ELEGANCE. Also on The ARREST, CURE, and ISOLATION of Nervous, Physical and Sexual Debility, Spermttmrhcca, Nocturnal and Diurnal Lo^es, Painful Dreams, Wasting of the Organs of Generation. Impotence, Sterility, and all DISEASES of IN DISCRETION." The Author's chief aim is to militate human Ftiflering, and in proof of the effiacy of his theory, n- will advice INVALIDS how to Cure themselves, by calliag on him during profession^ hours. Tlios(i unable to attend personally are advised to enclose siz Stamps for41 THE SELF-CURATIVE MANUAL." which wtil enables ifferers to effrct a speedy and PRIVATE CURE WITH- OUT DANGEROUS & ABORTIVE SO CALLED REM EDI US. All Letters to be prepaid and addressed DR. HAMMOND, No. 11, Charlotte Street, Bedford Square. London. At home 9 till 2, and 6 till 8, Sundays 10 till 12. By the sauat Author, beautifully illustrated, 100 Pages (details with above). LOVE, COURTSHIP, AND MARRIAGE, together with LITERARY PHOTOGRAPHS. AN ACT of GRATITUDE, for the benefit of suffering Hit- manitv. A Geiitletian many years tormented with e Cough, Indigestion, Painful Dreams, Fear of Insanity, Thoughts *f Suicide, Feeling of General Decay, Nervous Debility, fee., &c., deems it his duty to make the Curative Mtans known by which he was returned to Health and Httppi u»#s. He will there- fore tend the Information Gratis on receipt of Two St;itnps,- Address, Mr. Hooper, Publisher, 161, King's Cross Road, Lou- don, W.C. CVRE YOURSELF WITHOUT HEDECTNE OR FEES. ithe Self Cui-ative) \TERVnUS, M.nul, auil Phriicai I)COllity, l,owiiess of 1\ Soil its. Indirection, %A,fkni .)t Enerzy F-ai of Inanity, Thourhtii of Suicide, and Prelllatnrf Decline with plain and timp)* Advite for securing Health, Happiness, and Vigour, WITHOUT DANGEKOUS MEDICINES. Sent GRATIS to lutferers en receipt of stamp for postage, by 14. Janies, Esq., Percy House, Rcdtord Square, London. Just published, 2.d edition, price It. 6d., by post Is, Sd., REVELATIONS OF QUACKS & ftUACKERY By DETEVROR. REPRINTED from the Medical Circular. See notioes of this startling work in the Saturday Review of April 1, entitled" Quacks and Quackery;" Punch, April 12, "Guide to the Quacks .f London;" Weekly Dapatck, April 9, Quacks and their Crimea." "The vile practices, the monstrous impudence, the cruel rapacity, and the enormous gains of the obscene tribe of Quacks, the mischief they do, the ruin they work, even to the causation of suicide. are fully set forth in" Revelations of Quacks and Quackery." And mark especially that, as aforesaid, the names of the Quacks are published. The pamphlet in question thus consti- tutes a regular Quack Directory, by consulting which every young man may know where he may go if he wishes to get plundered and destroyed. ? Buf y 4t le r Pf.,? reader, by all n-eans buy 'Revela- tions k.. a Quackery.' Its contents will astonish and amuse you, while they iuvoko your indignation and disgust."—Punch. Every young man in the kingdom, from the age of 16 and upwards, should read this reprint, and every father and every guardian of youth should take care they do."—Medical Circular, March 29, 1885. Medical Circular Office, 20, King William-street, Strand, London. GIVEN AWAY, the new MEDICAL WORK W?ti? tl,d DEBILITY, ITS CAUSE AND CURE, or a Warning Voice to Young Men on the Cure of Mcr- Yous Debility, Loss of Memory, Dimness of Sight, Lassitude, Indigestion, Dislike to Society, Local Weak. ness, Muscular Reflation, Languor, Listlessness, Depres- sion, &e, which if neglected, result in Consumption, Insanity, and premature death. This work is illustrated with hundreds of cases and testimonials from patients, showing clearly the treatment by which they were cured with plain directions for perfect restoration i,) health and vigour. Sent post-free to any address, :i receipt of a directed envelope, enclosing two postage stamps. Ad. dress Messrs. SMITH, 8, Burton-cresent, Tavistock-square, W.C. CO?U'L?IO? BY LETTER WITHOUT FEE. —Messr! SMI I H will, for the benefit of Persons suffer- ing from NERVOUS DEBILITY, &c., on receiving a description of their cases (enclosing a stamped directed envelope for reply), send a written opinion with advice and directions for the most successful treatment and cure. Address, Messrs. SMITH, 8, Burton-Crescent, London, W.C. IMPORTANT TOTADYEETISERS. THE WHITEHAVEN NEWS, (Published every Tuesday and Thursday rnol-nillg,) CIRCULATES, IN ONE ISSUE. MORE COPIES THAN ALL THE OTHER WHITEHAVEN NEWSPAPERS PUT TOOETHEB. THE Circulation extends throughout the Twhole of the County of Cumberland, a portion of Westmoreland, Lancashire, Dublin, the Isle of Man, Bir- kenhead, and Liverpool, in which places there are agents who receive regular parcels of the paper. The list of subscribers includes the names of the most influential mercantile and agricultural gentlemen, and iron-ore pro- prietors, as well as the principal gentry of Cumberland and Westmoreland. PROPRIETOR WILLIAM ALSOP, To whom all orders for Advertisements or Papers must be addressed. Offices 148, Queen Street and 43, Roper Street, Whitehaven.  ??Mf? KBB? ''M H & j ?? ?"? ?<  WORCESTERSHIRE SAUVE. THE GREAT SUCCESS of this DELICIOUS CONDIMENT has been the signal for the appearance of many SPU- IUOUS IMITATIONS totally different in FLAVOR and destitute of the DIGESTIVE PROPERTIES of this SAUCB. Pinhuan arc MumMtly requested t. ASK FOR LEA PERRINS' SAUCE, Pnparei only by x) jjv LU & PERRINS, Worcest r. Md Wl"alca-d for Export, bv S ? C Sol BLACEWILL, Londou. I t a J Bt, mid til Mfrctwt* aadOUtaao, THE LLANDUDNO TURKISH dJ GENERAL BATHS Tygwyu Road, off Church Walks. These Path, are open daily (Sundays excepted) from 9 to 8 p m. Mondays and hursdays set apart for Ladies, the other days for gentlemen. Turkish Baths, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. (a course s. d. of twelve Baths £ 110s.) each 3 6 Ditto after 4 p.m. 2 6 Douche Hatha 1 0 Shower Hatha 1 0 Hain Baths 1 0 Packing Bathe 2 6 The Packing Bath is followed by Rain, Shower, or Douche l'jath, at the option of the Bather. Managers :—Ladies' Days, Mrs. John Long; Gentle-* tijen's DavG, Mr. John Long. G^^THOUSIBBS NOW USE Johnson, Tohnson&Co's PURE TEA ¡ t.; rib. r! f- t.  II  Bscav.sc it is better in qua'ity th?n .others The Prices ar3 aH now educed HKiT-rasE pre psbho. 1.1. J. h'" J ( L:í lt I T, I, i,< :ecdJ.c;d. to 2 3 T". 3/8, h Roduc'^i II) 3/. T!, .1/" is Reduced to 3'4 Thn 4/1, is Reduced to 3.3 -1/S, is Reduced Ii. !'?".?4' 8(' thul II, mm nf Vajlo, I J o i-i i i s o r), J c) h n i o ii C ts on rack Padcrt. Seld in Pm-k^ts bv lit)i in every Town, LOCAL AGENTS. LOCAL AGENTS. Baugor—Roberts, chemist, High-street —WiPiams, chemist, High-street Beaumaris—Thomas, chemist, Castle-street Holy head -It o'uertm, Medical Hall C..)nway-Bri lge, bookseller, High-street Llandudnn- W illiams, chemist, Mostyti-blr**t Llanrwst—J ones, stationer, Denbigh-street WHOLESALE WAREHOUSE, 17, Blomfield Street, City, Lond on. ROSSETTER'S HAIR RESTORER, is not a Dye contains no Oil. Will restore Grey Hair to its original colour. Removes Dandruff and all other Impuritietl from the Head. Preyent- the Hair from falling off. Promotes the growth aud strength of the Hair, giving it the lustre aii(I health of Youth. Does not injure or soil Ladies' Bonnets or Dress. And is the best and cheapest Restorative ever used. Full Directions on every Bottle, Price 3s. 6d. Sold by all Chemists, Perfumers, &c. and Wholesale by F. New- bery & Sons, 45, St. Paul's Churchyard, London. CEREALINA." DR. BROWN'S CEREALINA. An in- dispensable article of Diet for the sick room and nursery, peculiarly beneficial to the dyspeptic or seden- tary, being slightly aperient, digestive, and nutritive. Is a most valuable diet as a preventive for Cholera and all Summer complaints. Can be used in Cooking as Maize- farina, Arrowroot, &c, &e. Manufactured by the Cerealina Manufacturing Com- pany, and carefully analyzed by Dr. Hassell. of London who pronounces it a valuable article of Diet. See further particulars in Pamphlet inside each Shilling Packet. Sold by all Chemists, etc., and wholesale by F. New- bery and Sons, 45, St. Paul's Churchyard, London. T AYLOR'S CONDITION POWDERS, In Boxes; eight powders, 2s. 6d. each box. Prepared by T. Taylor, Veterinary Surgeon, Burton-on- Trent. IJ O R S £ S .—T ATLOX'B COUGH POWDKBS.— Sold by all Chemists, 2s. 6d. per box eight powders. HORSES,- TAYLOR'S COUGH POWDKRS.— Unequalled for Influenza in Horses. IJ O I-TS E S .^TTY L OR s COUGH POWDEBS — A sure and speedy remedy for Coughs in Horses. TJ ORSES.—TAYLOE s COUGH POWDERS,— Wonderfully relieves broken-winded Horses. IX O R S~E S — TA VIOE'8 CpUGH POWDERS. — The Powders are given in bran-mash. LT ORSES. -TAYLOB'S COUGH POWDERS.- More easily given than Balls. H ORSES. T A Y L 0 B, II COUGH POWDERS.— Wholesale Agents in Bombay-Trenchard and Co. H O R SITS — T A Y L o R a COUGH POWDERS.— Wholesale Agent at Cape of Good Hope-Mr. Saun- ders. HORSES. — TAYLOR'S COUGH POWDERS.— WholsaJe Agent at Shanghai-Wallis and Co. R 0 R S E S. -rA%YLOR'S COUGH POWDEr,& These Powders will be found the beat remedy for Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat, Influenza. &o., and as they ore given in masli, will be found the best means of giv- iug medicine, and thus obiate the danger of choking, so liable in giving a boll to horses suffering from sore throat, etc. Prepared by T, Taylor, Veterinary Surgeon, Burton-on- Trent. WHITWORTH'S BANGOR BILLIARD ROOM, (Over the North Wales Chronicle Office, Bangor,) IS NOW OPN, fitted np with every im- provement and essentials of a BILLIARD ROOM, Mr. W. has secured the services of a First Class MA RKER from the Junior United Service Club, London, who will be happy to give instruction in the Art, upon EasyTerras, to all who may desire it. Bangor, May 23rd, 1865. TAX OFF TEA. M\Y H I MALAYA | | PURE/ IMWRA^owur B fs THE BEST AND CHEAPEST. FOR PRICEAmi, QPIITY UNEQUALlED Tie ox/y motored led AT THE BEDMED DUTY. AGEM. RCTHIN-LLOYD, CHEMIST, MARKET PLACE. C,rnarvon-Williams, do. Wrexham -Kendnck, Unfectioaer. Holywell-ioneg. Pharmaceutical Chemist. Plint-Hughes, Grocer, ke. Llandudno—Harm an. Herald Office. Llanidloes-E. and R. Hughes, ChamMM Bango)- WiUiame, do. B,"gor-Roberts. Draper,  I ???i???cSMP??nMt? iculart Mpty to THE HIMALAYA TEA COMPA. NY, 37A, ? Af-Y's Axe, Loniou, B.C. ply to HE nimALAYA Energetic Agents would ??THE?MAL?A TEA COMPANY, 37. 1 S. MMy'' Axe, L?dM, ?.u. MR. C. MAUGHAM. SURGEON DENTIST, 14, NORTHGATE ST., CAENAEYON. MR. C. M. may be consulted at the Eagles 1 f 1. Hotel. Llanrwst, the first Tuesday in the month Llangefni, at Mr. Robert Hughes, Jllona Drug Hall, the first Thursday in the month and at Portmadoe, at the Commercial Hotel, the sec.nd Friday in each month. Consultation free. OLD Bi)t)KS.-Part 10 of PRYSE'S CATALO- v_/ GUE OF OLD BOOKS (1081 Lots) will be sent free, for one stamp, by John Pryse, Publisher, Llanidloes, Montgomeryshire. BRITISH HISTORY AS VIEWED BY THE WILSH. Ev AN'S HISTORY OF THE ANCIENT BRITONS.— D (From the Welsh.) Price 2s., post fiee. EVANS'S SPECIMENS OF ANCIENT WELSH POET- J-i RY, with Translations and Notes, also a Latin essay on the laws and usages of the Weisli Bards. A ueat 8vo volume, price 6s. 6d., post free. John Pryse, Publisher, Llanidloes, Montgomeryshire. CAMBRIAN LITERATURE. -PRYSE'S SCRAP-BOOK v OF CAMBRIAN PROSE AND POETRY. Pricels., post free. John Pryce. Publisher, Llanidloes, Montgo- merythire. Price Is,, or tree by post for 11 stanps. THE DIET OF INFANCY AND CHILDHOOD, a book < for MtUhers and Nurses CONTENTS,—Diet of infincy-ei,ii,ireii prematurely bom- rules dtirii-g and after weaiiitig-wet nursing—qunlificatioiis and duties of a wet nurse—diet after eight months of :\ge dry nura- ing, or briiffing up children by liand-ttit- different kinds of milk bevera.-es -various kinds of ioud-rules for the nursing mother, &r. Union: Robert HaMwicke, 193, riccadilly, W., and b) trder of all btmkaellt-rs. Dv YOU Wo\N'l' LUXUlilANT HAIR. WHISKKR- %ious,rACHILIS and EYE BILO%VS?-Of file imnierotia nreoaratiuns Intrmluced-for the 11 Mil. mine have raaintamri K Mlebrity « BMIUB DEAN'S CRINILENL, whicl, U guaranteed to produce Whiskers, Niotistaciiios, and Eyebrow# in a few weeks and will befouud eminently suecejsful in ijotirisli- ii,y curling, and bMntif:ingthe Hair, checking gP)'tH8 III aH its »ta«« strengthening "cak Haired ?re-ent-ng .1. fallmif uif 1?? repruduction of Hair in haidneM, from whatever cause aud whatever age, ONE TRIAL will prove its astonishing p.wer. In the nursery it is indispensable forming the basis of a bratttittillieattofliair. Price 2s per bottle; large Bottles, ei,n. tai?in? more than four times the .m.t? "nee, as each. bj all Che.n?t.in the world,or .entpo.t fr?.o..rM..ptot ? penny .tAn byMi..? DEAN and L'ourELLE, Ha,r Re?torets, &c., B?.rd Hnn?. RMse?-.quM.. London, W.C — A|«n., Ilnjhfi, Chemist.  EXTBACTS FHOM LETTERS.My hair was rapidly coming 9, but ina %vetk after using .?urCrtuiteneitccaaed. —fiKk- :on, Etdon-itreet.Shefndd. !n the short time of one fortnight. [ have zot a beautiful moustache. — H.Adatns, >> il?deii. It can now boast of a head of hair, which many cannot; was qnite bald on the crown of ray head when I hi-aii using li. "Ever), customer speaks M?hlyof your Crinilene — r. 1 Jones, Chemist, 5, Paradise-strea, Liverpool. "HINTS ON THE MANAGKMhNT OF THE HAIR, Whiskers, &c., with Testimonials, List of Agents, &c,, sent ptht. free for four penny stamps' KNOW THYSELF! TiiBOaiarsALOnAPHioLoai>i MARIE COUPELLE, continues her vivid, and useful rfeii- neatUns of character from the handwriting of individual?, in a i I. peculiarl) her own. Persons deeirouapf knowing their own (. haracteristies.ortlioseof any friend, should send 9 writinsr, staling sex, are, or supposed age.&e., with It uneut penny stamp?, and ;iddre*8ed envelope,to %I KRIF, COUI-F.LLE, Bedftrd Houee, Russell Squart, London, 'A .C., when they wilJ receive a lengthened detail of tne talents, tastes, virtues, lulling*, ke., of the writer, with many other things previonslyunsuspected and calculated to guide in the every day affairs of life. The Thousands who acknowledge the value and accuracy OJMJSS O. « sketches, establisli the ?reat utility of the science. •• Ihe char- acters von sent were wonderfully truthful. Miss Hall, Atheury, Co. Galway. I was much surprised at the clever way in which you described my character."—Jane Bray, 105, Lansdowne Bright.n, "Jt is pronounced quite extraordinary, —Charles Hnmilttn. "\<u<tescri!<e< my character so truly, that I could not have lilne it btrtftr."—T.tnis Rivlor. AN ACT OFGRATITUL)E.-A Gentleman who had been long suffering from a very deplorable state of nervousness, langour. latitude, lew spirits, almost constant head-ache, dimness of eight, threatened deafness, 1811-8 of memory and strenptl., in shtrl ail test for enjo)-ment -ttid everything th^t renders lite pleasant, has been maivellously restored by very simple toeiins, aii(i as a public dutv ft-elt it incumbent on him U impart the information to others sifnilury affected, on receipt of a directed envtlepe bearing two stamps addressed H. B, Laurie, Esq., Montague Chambers, Mentagne Street, Londoi^ W.C. FOR GRATUITOUS CIRCULATION.—A Physiciim many years extensively engaged in the treatment of Debility and the various mental, Nervous and muscular affectiens resulting there- from-is loss of inemor)-, dimness of sight, thickness ol hearing, giddiness, neises in the head, langour anrllasFlitnde, indigestion, pains in the back, &c., will send the FREE EDITION of his lar. work (I"2d p^g's) on recti-et of four penny stamps. The work contains hit hithly successful and enly safe treatment, with all the neeessarv prescription* ami directions, by which sufierers may obtain a cure ot their ailint tits, at the smallest possible ex- pense. Address, Mr, Lawes, Publiehei, 14, Hand Court, Hot- barti, London. MEKICAL REVIEW.—"The shoals and 'Iuiek.and. against. which this little work is well calculated to guard the reader, render its careful perusal especially worthy the attention of all A *AXB BSIK AKD LOVELY COXPMXKN A yala SKI ?M L97hfLuY se of MADAME ROSALIE COUPHLLE'* IB U DE PARAPTS, the only remedy for skin diseases yet brought bifore the pub- lic. It is largely prescribed and usod by the faeuitr, and whilst it permanently eradiestea ta*, sallowneiP, pimples, freckles, rid. aell, small res marks, roughness, and effectually removes dis- eolouratUna; it is important to stat- that unlike the greatma- jority ofits congeners it to perfectly innocuous to the skin itself. or)* trial will convince the most sceptical ef its marvellous effects, it havit.g in skin diseases almost superseded the nos of %,in #rat and other preparations given interaally, which too often lntiets a tasting and irreparable injnry on the constitution. That* are many unprincipled and trashy imitations of the above. under various namee, and the public is therefore warned that none Is genuine unless bearing the signature KoiAi.i* COUPXLLE imitate Which is a forgery. Price 2', td" h. M, and lis. per bottle, through all Chemiita in the world, or direct from Madame Rosalie Coupelle, Bedford House, Russell Square, W.C., on receipt of the amount in uncut p,,stsgo Stamps. Agent, Hughes, Chemist, Bififor. ♦• Tour wondertal lotion hay quite removed the roughness and lrritativii.Miss Walker. "The pin.ples which hiive at long defied my doctor. have disappeared as it via,. by msgic "-Clara Walton. "I would never have believed that any preparation cotild effect such amarveiloua change id the complexion as yours did III Agnes.S. Brown. "The marks left in iny face from the small pos which I had three years ago, are now quite invisible- thanks to your excellent lotionr-j.ne Smith. EXTRAORDINARY SUCCESS OF THE NEW MODE or TREATXENT Poitfree for Six Stamps. open eiiiis, or 14 in a Sealed Envelope THE MOST 8THnLING TRUTHS ne contained in th. LAST NEW BOOK on PREMATURE DECLINE and it, ready rem.val; the modern treMm?ntot certain diaquahnc?tiona; with ru1e8 and numerous preMhptiontf for the speedy cure by very simple means of nervousness, debility, aud all the more cojii- man diseases and supposed incurable maladies of the sexual aye. te in, invalids will be astonished at its contents. B) Dr. W. J Rees, From long practical observation in the most famous Institu- tions ofthis ceuntr, and the continent, the Author has had somewhat *nu»ual labilities for acquiring that uniform success, which has hitherto characterized his treatment, and he refers with pride to the numbers he has been in-trumental in restoring t. health and happiness: whilst to all who need such aid h. offers every assurance of speedy restoration. Persons at a dis- tance should forward a detail of their case by letter, with a. remittance of jEl is, when advice and medicines, will be sent btretnri Post-office Orders to be made payable at the General Post Office, to VR, WALIKE DE ROOSE, 25, Bedford Place, Bloomsbury Square. tendon near the Uritisli Museum. THE HOST WONDERFUL MEDICINE in the WOULD CURE' IN FOUR WEEKS.—THE GUTTJE VITA;, or (j VEGETABLE LIFE DROPS, Protected by Royal Let. ters Patent; Sanctioned by the Faculte de France, tc., have in numberless instances proved their superiority over every other advertised Remedy for langour, lassitude, depression of spirits, excitement, distate and incapacity for socicty, study or busiaess, indigestion, pains and palpitation in the side, eiddines. noise in the head, &e. This medicine strengthens the vitality ot the whole system, gives energy to the muscles,, peedily removes nrrvouaiiesi,, renovates the Impalfed poivets ol life, and invigttatel the no It, hatteredcoflBtLtution. For skin eruptions, •ore threat,pains ia the beties,;Lad those dlseates in "hic" mer- cury sarsaparilla, ke.,are too often employed, to the utterruin of healt, it. surprising efficacy has only to be tested. CAUTION.—If sufferers would on, mako tair unprejudiced trial oftob oad tb. following well-tried and world-famed reme- dies htlore wasting valuable time in seeking aid from quack nostrums, instruments, Ialvaoism. or similar absurdities, they would effectually protect themselves stainet the eitoraUons of those rapacious iuiposters who have lately received such well- meritid castlgatlon free the newspaper press. Price 4s 6d, lis, oi four times the lutter at 33s per bottle through all Chemists in the world or direct from J5, Bedford Place, Russell Square, Lon- don, W.C., where thousands of testimonials may be seen. Agent Hughes, Chemist. Eaugor. ¡Piij.; THItEEDAÝ'S CURE—NEW FRENCH REMEDY 1 THERAFION; as uniformly adopted in the French hospilals and by the notabilities ef the French facxtty; in a remarkably short time, often two or three days only, without the slightest discomfort inconvenience, or risk, removes all discharges from the mucens membrane, whether of the urinary or other organs. It comloines all the desiderata to be sought in a medicine of the kind, and surpasses everything hitherto employed. Vevoitl sf all unpleasant taste and smell. In packets, 2s 9d,4s 611, lis and 33s through all respectable medicine vendois, or sent direct trem the establtshment en receipt ef stamps or post oiffce order. The lis size contains three at 4s 6d, and those at 33s, four of the lit. The stamp, to imitate which is felony, bettro the word "Ther- anlon "in white letters, by order of Her Majesty's Hon. Cornmis- ioners, who thereby secure the proprietor against infringement ihrou*ho»t the United Kingdom and the colosies.-Aggiit, Hughes, Cheselst, Banger. PAINS IN THE BACK. ORAVEL, LUMBAGO, GOUT, RHEUMATISM, DISEASE OF THE KIDNEY8, BLAD- BER, Sec. THE COMPOUND RENAL PILLS correct acidit. of the etomacki. and indigestion, promote the functionsof the liver and kidneys, thereby preventing stone in the bladder and kidneys with many other serious disorders to which these impor- tant organs are subject. Listlessnesi, weakness, peevishness, and complaiits long supposed to be nervous, often arise solely from contamination of tlit blood with certain impurities which should havebeingcarriedoff by the kidneys: several unsightly eruptions of the skin and face arise from the same cause, and may be as readily rensovet hese Pills, which in 19 cases ont of 20 cure with a rapidity almost marvellous, Is lid, 2s 9d, 4. 6d, lis, and 330 por box. through all Chemists. THOITSANDS or TRSTIMO',q[&L$ MAY BE SEEN BY ANY ONE. Sold byHughes, Chemist, Bangor; Roberts, Chemist, Con- way Grilttth, Chemist, High-street, Carnarvon; Edwards, Chemist, Denbigh; Hughes, Chemist, Holyhead; and Moore, Chemist, Newtown and at least one agent in almOBteverv town but should diftculty occur,enclose theamoun tby Post-o(fleeorder or otherwise, to 25. Bediord Place,, Bloomsbury Square, London aud they will be sent securely packed per return. NOTICE AND CAUTION.-Injurious imitations of the above by Quacks and others, who forge teetiraonials to puff off their useless trash, sufferers should guard against the recommendation of the spurious or other articles, bv dishonest vendors, who thereby obtain a larger profit. The genui*iie hitv- the words WALTIR DR Roos. LONDON," printed in white letters on tiie Government Stamp, by order at Her Majeety's Hon. Commissioners, to imitate whick it fflony and transportation. rhe Right Hon. Earl Russell has graciously favoured J. T. Davenport with the following "Extract of a dispatch from Mr. Webb, H.B.M.'s Consul at Manilla, dated September 17, 1864 Tho remedy most efficacious in ifa effects (in Epidemic Cholera) has been found to be ChlorodYJN tai. with a small quantity given to me by Dr, Burke I have saved several lives. ) CAUTION. CHLORODYNE. Tice-Cbancellor Sir W. P. Wood stated that Dr. Collia Browne was undoubtedly the inventor of CNcroOyMC that the story of the defendant, Freeman, was deliberately untrue, which, he regretted to say, had been worn w Eminent Hospital Physicians of London stated that Dr. J. Colhs Browne as the discoverer of Chlorodyne; that they prescribe it largely; and mean no other than Dr. Browne's. -See Times," July 13, 1864. The public am therefore cautioned against using any other than DR. J. COLLIS BJOWIfE'S CHLORODYNE. This Invaluable Remedy produces quiet refreshing sleep, relieves pain, calms the system, restores the detttftgti functions, and stimulates healthy action of the secretions of the body, without creating any of those unpleasant results attending the use of opium. Old and young may take 1t it all hours and times, when requisite. Thousands- of persons testify to its marvellous good effects and wonderful es, while medical men extol its virtne* mML offensively, using it in great quantities in the following diseases ■— CONSUMPTION, ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS, WHOOPING COUGH, NEURALGIA. DIARRHCEA, RHEUMATISM, SPASMS, &c. ) Important Testimonials from numerous Medical Men accompany each Bottle. Caution.-Always ask for Dr. J. Collis Browne's Chlorodyne," and see that his name 11 on the GovemmGt. Stamp. Solli only in Bottles, at 2s 9d and 4s 6d, by all Chemists. Sole Manufacturer, J. T. DAVENPORT, 33, Great Oaswll Street, Bloomsbury Square, IAndcu- NOTICE TO INVSNTOSS. OFFICE FOR PATENTS, 4, TRAFALGAR SQUARE, GHARING CROSS, LONDON. Printed instructions (gratin) as to the COST of .L PA'fEXiS for (irf?t Britain or fon'?n MMNtrfM..tfhi? ami ui"'tl\n( in (li?po?iiW of or wnrkin*r h)vM)tifnt. Branch officii ftncl agencies in «ven' coatinrtital state, find in Amcricu. EiitrtbJidlwd AO rfirrs. Villi informa(ign as to expired or«Uting putenU at home and abroad.tppl) personally or by letter to Meears. PRINeE & Co., Patent Office, 4, Trafalgar 85., Charing Cross, Lond-)u, W.C. t I Second edition, eular^ctl. Price 3d.. post free 4rl. f>HEOSTATIC GOLT AND ITS CURE: r? A Pamphlet addre?ed to the Public by ? Late Sufferer. London: John Camden Hotter), 74, Piccadilly, and all Bookseller*. Use VRAZIVPI as a Diet." Vide THE TIMES, SEPTEMBER 25th. Only Prize Medal Corn Flour Reported by the Jury "Exceedingly Excellent for Food." PETER PATTERNS FREE. 103 to 108, ROBINSON'S 103 to 108, CU I/O OXFORD 8TREM'. 51 LKS. LONDON.  srr REM1iU>1'"   INDIGESTION 0 I OIWTLE 1? Sold everywhere. Battles Is. Hi., go. M.. &at lis. SPECIAL NOTICE. DUTY OFF TEA. PHILLIPS it CO. kave again Kedncetl all I_ Prices SIXPENCE P'Slt POUND. STONG BLACK TEAS. Is 6d, 2s, 2s tJ<1 to 3s. Most cMieiims Black Tea now only Ufi 0(1 per lb. PHILI.1PS k CO.'S TEAS are BEST ami CHEAPEST. Inferor Houses copy this statement for obvious reasons, A PRICE CUHRKNT POST PHLE. SUGARS AT MARKKT PRICES. PHILLIPS & COMPANY. Tea Merchants, 8. KING WILLIAM ST., CITY. I,ONDOT, E.C. PHILLIPS L CO. saiid Teas, Coffees, and Spices, Carriage Free to any Railway Station or Market Town in England, if to the value of 40. or upwards. PHILLIPS & CO. have NO AGENTS. FIRSTMANUFACTURED 1742 01 MORI THAN ONE HUNDRED &. TWENTY YEARS. /???\ .?? ??Wt gnMantee?\??\ ?'A?v/the perfect purity of\??? U this Mustard. \? ) ISO, l Av^ SoM in jj ? \?? ??/. \??? The attention of the public and of the medical pro. feision is called to thii facsimile of a label placed 01 the top of aU canisters of Keen's Genuine Mustard, wbich can be purchased of most Family Grocers. KEEN,ROBINSON,BEUVILLE *Cl., LONOOIt BY ROYAL LETTERS PATENT. PROTECTION FROM FIRE! BRYANT & MAY, WHITBCHAPBL NOAT), LONDON, E. Invite public attention to their PATENT MATCH HOLDER and TABLET, a sketch of which is given below. It is equally adapted for use in Kitchens, Nurseries, Bed-rooms, Offices, Warehouses, &c., and should be introduced into every household. The Holder is filled with Patent Safety Matches, and the Reservoir below contains a supply of Friction Tablets SUFFICIENT for two years. THE RETAIL PRICE COMPLETE IS ONE SHILLING EXTRAORDINARY OURE OF A COUGH. fhe following letter has been received:- "Nightinrale Hall, Edmonton. "DKAR SIR,—I have recently suffered much from a most violent cough, proceeding from a tickling in my chea4 which no remedy, out of many I resorted to, could allay. My head was constantly aching, and my whole frame entirely shaken. Having seen the good effects of your Balsam of Aniseed in several members of My famity, I purchased a small bottle, and when going to bed at night took a tetfspo- nful in two tablespoonfuli of water, just warm. The effect was immediate; it arrested the tickling in my chest, I slept well, and arose perfectly restored iu the morning, with the exception of debility, arising from fatigue by incessant coughing for some days previous. My cough entirely left me, and has never returned. Having since heard of a lady in the neighbourhood who for a long time had laboured under a most distressing cough, and who hud resorted to every remedy within her knowledge, I sent the remainder of the bottle to her; and that long-standing, obstinate, and (as she thought) incurable cough WIIR perfectly cured. I am, my dear Sir, yours very truly, "To Mr. Thos. Powell." WM. BOARDS." POWELL'S BALSAM OF ANISEED. For Coughs, Cohh. Shortness of Breath, Asthma, Tickling in the Throat, and all Pulmonary affections, this medicine will b. found invaluable. Prepared and sold by THOMAS POWELL, at 16, Blmkfriars Road, London. Sold by all chemists and modicine vendors in the kingdom j also in Australia, Now Zealand, Oape of Good HOI«J, North and South America, &c., in bottles only stlo lid; 28 3d; and lIs each, CAUTION.—Observe the words THOMAS POWELL, Black- friars-road, London, on the Government Stamp, without which it cannot be genuine. ASK for POWELL'S BALSAM of ANISEED. gold by all Chemists and Medicine Tenders in thu Ton aid Neighbourhood, THE PATENT MECHANICAL CHAIR FOR BRUSHING HAIR BY MACHINERY. Fur Prospectus and Pastieulars apply to the PattBime and Sole Manufacturers, JOHN GOSXIXL CO., 12, Three King Court. I ombard-street, London, E.C. BARRY & co:s"- SUPERIOR PREPARATIONS OF COCOA. Tested and recommended by Dr. ANDREW TJBE, M.D., FIM PEARL COCOA 8d per lb. PREPARED COCOA Is 2d per lb. HOMCEOPATHIC COCOA Is 4d per lb. NERVE COCOA, in 1 lb. and i lb. canister Is 8d per lb. To be obtained of all Grocers; and Wholesale at the FINSBURY STEAM MILLS, LONDON, E.C. MUDIE'S SELECT LIBRARY. ALL the beet Books or the Season are in circulation tk,, UTMIE'S SELECT LIBRARY. Book Societies, Town and Village Libraries and Reading; Rooms supplied on liberal terms. Prospectuses, postage free, on application. MUDIE s SELECT LIBBAKY Limited, NEW OXFORD ST.. DEAFNESS.-The SOUND MAGNIFIES, and invisible roice conductor. It fita into the ear, not perceptible; the unpleasant sensation of Kinging noiies in th* head is entirely removed. It afford* immediate relief to deadE persons, and enables them to hear distinctly at church anit public assemblies. ETery other kind of hearing instrument. 0. ft B. SOLOMON, 39, Albemarle-st., Piooadilly, London* W. DET, CHU,INOMETEH, WATCH, and L CLOCK MAKKK to the Queen, the Prince of M'ales, and the Lite Prince Consort, and Maker of tits- Great Clock for the House* of Parliament, invites atten- tion to the superior workmanship and elegance of desigTB. of his extensive stock of Watches and Drawing Roost, Clock.. Ladies' Gold Fo- reign Watches 7 guis. Gentlemen's ditto 10 oi- Gentle- nieos Gold Eng- lish Lev#r ditto 16 Strong Silver Le- ver W at"h" 5 Gentlemen's Gold Compensation Balance ditto 40 {im. ilver ditto ? Marine Chrono- incter 35 „ Gold and -Silver Pocket Chronometers, Astronomical Turret, itu.1 Bricket Clocks of every description. A* elegant u-sortment of London-made Fine Gold Albert and Gu. I'd Chains, &c. DENT, (jl, Strand (adjoining- Coutt's Bank); 34 and 35, Royal Exchange and at the Clock and Marine Company Factory, Somerset Wharf, Strand, London. DENT'S TURKET CLOCKS.—The attes- tion of Public Bodies, Gentlemen, and others, is respectfully requested to the improvements made in tie construction of Clocks suitable for Stables, Churcbn, and other Large Buildings, hy the late E. J. and F. Dent, Clock and Chronometer Makers to the Queen and th-Ð late Prince Consort, and makers of the GREAT CLOCK for the HOUSES OF PARLIAMENT, &c. Turret CJwb with Compeuation Penduluinn, adjusted for Tariatiofc* of temperature, to work the bauds of Dials of any sist- from one foot to thirty feet diameter. DEXT. 61, Strand, adjoining Coutt's Bank, and 34 ..d' 35, Koyal Exchange, Loudou. BLASTING AS NOW ADAPTED BY LENK'S PROCESS. GUN COTTON IS THE CHEAPEST AND .SAFEST EXPLOSIVE AND. IS FREE FROM SMOKE. Prices and directions for use on application to MR. WILLIAM CANSON. Plas yn Penrhyn, Cttrntrvmt. R U P T U R ESe. By Her Majesty's Boyal Letters Patent. WHITE'S WOC MAIN LEVER TRUSS OEQUIRING no steel s triiio- round the XV body, is recommended by the following peoneaa- ties and advantages :-lst, facility or application ask perfect freedom from liability to chafe or excoriate w" it may be worn with equal comfort in any position of tM" body, by day or night 4th, it admits of every kind &S exercise, without the slightest inconvenience to tla, wearer, and is perfectly concealed from observation. 4 4 We de not hesitate to give to this invention our vab- qualified approbation, and we strenuously advise the vAM of it to all those who stand in need of that protection which they cannot 10 fully, nor with the same contort^ obtain from any apparatus or truss as from that which vi?L. have the highest satisfaction in thus reconimendin&"L- Church and State Gazette. Recommended by the following eminent Surgeons William Ferguson, Esq., F.R.S., Professor of Surgeij IFE King's College, Surgeon to King's College Hospital, he- C. G. Guthrie, Esq., Surgeon to the Royal W estmirotoa Ophalmic Hospital W. Bowman, Esq., F.R.S., Assirf- ant Surgeon to King's College Hospital T. Gallaway. Esq., Senior Assistant Surgeon to Guy's Hospital ;x> Blizard Curling. Esq., F.R.S., Surgeon to the Hospital W. J Fisher, Esq, Surgsou-in-Chief to t. Metropolitan Police Force Aston Key, Esq., Surgeon to Prince Albert; Robert Liston, Esq., F.R.S. James L11le" Esq., Surgeon to the London Truss Society Eraimu Wai son, Esq., F.R.S., and many others. A descriptive circular may be had by post, and tfc Truss (which cannot fail to fit) can be forwarded by pwt on sending the circumference of the body two inches before the hips, to the manufacturer. Mr. WHITE, 223, Piccadily, London. Price of a Single Truss, 16s., 21s., 26s. 6d., and 31s. 64L Postage, Is. Double" 31s. 6d., 42s., and 52s. 6d. Postage, Is. 8d. „ Umbilical,, 42a., and 52s. (>d.^Peitage, Is. PoRt-effice orders to be made payable to JOHN WHITE, Post-office, PiccamiZy, NEW PATENT ELASTIC STOCKINGS. KNEE CAPS. &e. The material of which these are made, is recomme. by the Faculty, of as being peculiarly ElIASTIC utt COMPRESSIBLE, and THEBEST INVENTION forgjriae efficient and permanent support in all cases of WEAX- NESS and swelling of the LEGS, VARICOSE VEINS. SPRAINS, &c. It is porous, light in texture, and iataf- pensive and is drawn on like an ordinary Stocking. Prica from 4s. 6d., 7a. 6d., 10s. to 16s. each. Postage, 6d. JOHN WHITE, Manufacturer, 228, PICCAILLT LONDON. Specimens may be seen in the Crystal Palace. MRS. S. A. ALLEN'S WORLD'S HAIR RESTORER, AND ZYLOBALSAMUM: OR WORLDS HAIR DRESSING, ARE unequalled, and so acknowledged by all who use them, for restoring, invigorating, beautifying; and dressing the Hair, rendering it soft, silky, and glossy, and disposing it to remain in any desired position; quickly cleansing the scalp, arresting the fall, and impat-tin, a healthy and natural colcur to the Hair. They neTer fail to restore grey Hair to its original youthful colour. They act directly upon the roots of the Hair, giring them the natural nourishment required. No lady's toilet is complete without the Zylobalsamun or Hair Dressing. It cleanses the HaIr, and im- parts to it a most delightful fragrance, and is suited to both young and old.-The Restorer Be- produces.—The Hair Dressing Cultivates and Beautifies. Mrs. S. A. Allen I principal sales office, 205, High Holborn. London. Her Prepar- ations can be bought of most Chemists Patent Medicine Dealers, and Hair Dressers in the King- dom. Ch. t 'D. Sold by Mr. Wm. Williams, Chemist. Bangor-