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NEWS OF THE WEEK. On Friday, Prince Alfred took leave of the Prince and Princess of Wales, and left Marlbo- rough House for the Continent. His royal high- ness goes to resume his studies at Bonn. The royal apartments at Windsor Castle were again closed to the public on the 8th, that they might be prepared for the reception of her Ma- jesty, who, according to the arrangements an- nounced in the "Court Circular," was to leave Osborne for Windsor yesterday (Friday), and will on next Friday, (the 19th inst), proceed to Scot- land. On Saturday, the Crown Prince of. Denmark arrived at Marlborough House, on a visit to the Prince and Princess of Wales.—The Prince of Wales left London on Monday morning, at half- past seven, for Dublin. The Duke of Cambridge accompanied him. Their royal highnesses arrived at Dublin at six p.m. and dined with the Lord Lieutenant that evening. A ball followed the dinner. On Tuesday, the exhibition was opened, and the Prince was received with considerable en- thusiasm. No more brilliant scene," it is said, "has been witnessed for years." Dublin was brilliantly illuminated both on Monday and Tues- day nights. The Fenians have shewn their temper with re- spect to the reception of the Prince of Wales. They held a mass meeting on Sunday, on the plains of Corntarf, when speeches of a very in- I flammable character were delivered; and a pla- card was issued, in which Irishmen are told that 639 years of bloody extermination and rapacious plunder by British butchers, countrymen of the Queen of England's sons, demand of them silence and contempt;" and they were called upon not to participate in "the hollow rejoicings of the bastard descendants of Strongbow and Cromwell, but to unite in the bonds of brotherhood to have Ireland for the Irish." On Tuesday, Bit. Alderman James Clarke Law- rence was elected representative of Lambeth, to succeed the late Mr. Williams. There was no op- position. A meeting of the Danish Council of State was held on the 6th inst., at which it was resolved to dissolve the Folksthing, or the Lower House of the Rigsraad. The new elections are to take place on the 30th inst. By an imperial decree, published at St. Peters- burg, on the 9th inst., Geiiertl illouravieff is re- lieved of his duties as Governor of the Western Provinces of the Russian Empire, and created Count of the Empire. He is succeeded by Gen. Kaufmann. The change will produce no altera- tsoninthe system of Government of those pro- vinces. It is this week reported, that Prussia has of- fered to reduce her military force in the Duchies and to compromise with Austria, by sending only a part of her navy to Kiel. After the delay of a few days, the discussion ot the Military Re-organization Bill was resumed in the Prussian Chamber of Deputies, on the 4th inst. when it was announced that the party of progress could not accept the amendment of Herr Bonin, proposing a mediation between the Go- vernment and the Chamber, on the question of the military budget, because this amendment would be equivalent to a recognition of the Go- vernment scheme of military re-organization.— On the 5th, this amendment was negatived, only 8 votes being given in its favour. The 1st and 2ntl paragraphs of the Government bill were then rejected by 258 to 31 votes. The ministers, in consequence, declined taking any further part in the discussion and the entire bill was re- jected. On Friday, it was announced at Brussels, that the King had passed a bad night, and his health was a little less favourable." That day, the Duke of Brabant landed at Marseilles, and imme- diately left for Brussels, where he arrived on the 6th. The bulletin on the 8th announced, that the King had passed a very good night, and a considerable improvement in his health had taken place. A keen debate commenced, last week, in the French Legislative Body, on the army bill, which proposes to call out the usual contingent of 100,000 men. Two amendments. were brought forward, to reduce the vote by 10,000 to 20,000 men respectively. The amendments were rejected and the bill carried, on the 4tti iiist., by 219 votes to 12.—The Empress presidell at the (oncil of State held on Saturday and does not n< g'ect any of her duties. Her Majesty received ivlr. and Mrs. Bigelow on Sunday, and expressed her re- gret at the recent sad events at Washington. She had addressed a private letter, she said, to Mrs. Lincoln, tendering her sympathy. On the 3rd inst., the Emperor disembarked at Algiers and met with an enthusiastic reception. All the public oflioials appeared to do him homage. The telegram conveying the intelligence, add, his health continues excellent." On the 4th, his Majesty breakfasted with the Agha-s Bachaghas of the province and, subsequently, accompanied by Marshal MacMalion, visited the environs of the city. That day, his Majesty issued a procla- mation to the inhabitants of Algiers, in which he tells them that he had come in person to learn their interests, to second their efforts, and to as- sure them that the protection of the mother conn- try should not fail them." After giving them some good advice, the Emperor says—" We must be the masters, because we arc the more civilized we must be generous, because we are the strong- est and he calls upon them to justify the act of his predecessor, who, in planting "on the soil of Africa the banner of France and the cross, un- j furled, at once, the sign of civilization and the symbol of peace and charity." This proclamation was followed by another, on the 5th, addressed to the Arabs in which they are told that the French went to Algeria in 1830, not to destroy the Arab nationality, but to liberate the people from ages of oppression. They had fought against their liberators: he honoured their selltiment of war- like dignity but God had decided, and he called upon them to recognise the decrees of Provi- dence. Notwithstanding the rumour given in the Tu- rin paper last week, of a concordat having been concluded between Rome and Italy, it appears that the mission of Signor Vegezzi, had, up to the last dates produced no results and, on the 4th inst., lie left Rome for Turin. It was asserted he would return in a fortnight. He held a Con- ference with the ministers on the 8th. They had not at that time left Turin, though it had been formally announced that the capital had been transferred to Florence on the 28th of April. Tht Senate is also still sitting at Turin. On Tuesday, by 73 to 19 votes, that body approved of the bill for the loan, 425,000,000 lire.—The Duke of Suo therland, accompanied by Arrivabene had ar- rived at Florence where great preparations were made to receive Victor Emmanuel. On the 5th instant, an important circular w published at Turin, addressed by the Minieto-f the Interior to the Prefects. The Minister stat 0 that the bill for abolishing religious corporatio3 was withdrawn, because the opposition in the Chambers, and other difficulties, led the minist to believe that it would not be passed but tF Government has decided upon bringing it forward again in the next Session. The mission of Signor Vegezzi is referred to and the minister states that it is not the intention of Government t abandon the fundamental political principles of the kingdom. The Government could not decline the invitation of the Pope on the other hand it would not forget its duty to protect the rights of the people, the laws of the state, and the prero- gatives of the Crown. It had, therefore reo frained from mixing up political with religioll, questions. On the 4th inst., the King of Portugal was in vested, at the Palace of Adjuda, with the Orde; of the Garter, by Earl Sefton.-In the evening a dinner was given at the Palace, to which tf English ministers and the officers of the British Fleet were invited.—On that day, the Cortes passed resolutions expressive of sympathy witb. the people of the United States, at the assassins tion of President Lincoln. The Council of State was deliberating upon the question of dissolving ?.. r the Cortes which step, it was thought would be taken. On the 6th, Earl Sefton and the British Fleet left, except the Defence, which remained to join the Russian squadron, shortly expected with the body of the Czarewitch. The Bombay Times, of the 13th April, contains a despatch from Gen. Tombs, announcing that his force re-occupied Dewangiri that day, with very little loss and that not a Bhootea was left on the plateau. About 130 prisoners, among them two men of note, had been taken.—On the 23rd of March, Sir Wm. Mansfield assumed the command of the army of India.—On the 31st of Ifarch fr. Massey, the newly-appointed Finance Minister arrived at Calcutta.—Captain Sherard Osborne' who arrived at Bombay by the last mail, had en: tered on his duties as chief manager of the Great Indian Peninsula Railway.—The reports of the harvest throughout India, are reported to be en. couraging and the papers contain little news.— A telegraphic despatch, dated Pekin, April 23 announces, that the ministerial crisis at that city was at an end Prince Kung resuming his posi. tion as Prime Minister. There is important news this week from New York the dates being to the 28th ult. Booth ) and a man named Harrold, said to be his accom- plice, had been traced by Col. Baker's detectives and chased from a swamp in St. Mary's County, Maryland, to Garrett's farm, near Port Royal, oil the Rappahannok. There they took refuge in a farm, which was surrounded by the detectives, aud fired. Harrold then surrendered; but Booth shot at a cavalry sergeant, who returned the fire, and wounded him so severely, that he lied in three hours. The Garretts were also ar- rested they say that they did not suspect that the party who took refuge in their barn was Booth. The assassin had fractured his leg, sup- posed by a fall from his horse, in making his es. cape. A Dr. Mudd, of Maryland, had set it, and supplied him with crutches he had been arrested in consequence. Harrold had been perfectly nu- communicative up to the latest dates. Canadian bills to a large amount were found on Booth and Mr. Stanton had announced, that lie had received information, that the murder of the President was organised in Canada, and approved of in Rich- mond. He adds, that the assassin who attempt- ed Mr. Seward's life, is in prison, and is believed to be a St. Alban's raider. Mr. Seward is recov- ering. The accounts from the seat of war continued to indicate the breaking up of the Confederates. Nearly all Mosby's command, including the offi- cers, except Mosby himself, had surrendered. Wilson had occupied Macon on the 10th ult., taking several officers prisoners. On the 15th, a temporary suspension of hostilities was agreed to between Sherman and Johnston the former being near Durham's Station in North Carolina. On the 16th ult., he issued an order of the day, announcing an armistice, and stating, that the agreement with Johnston, when ratified, would make peace from the Potomac to the Rio Grande. On the 18th, he arranged the terms with John- ston, Breckenridge being present. It was then agreed that the Confederate armies should be dis- banded, and deposit their arms and public pro- perty in the State capitals the Federal Execu- tive to recognise the State governments the Su- preme Courts to decide upon the legitimacy of the conflicting State governments caused by the war the Federal authorities to guarantee to the people civil and political rights, so long as they obey the laws a general amnesty to be proclaim- ed, and the war to cease. When the Federal Government received the announcement of this arrangement, it was disavowed, and it was de- clared that Sherman had exceeded his authority and Grant immediately left Washington for North Carolina, to supersede him, and push on the war against Johnston. Johnston's surrender, on the same terms as granted to Lee, has since been ac- cepted. President Johnson is reported to have made a speech, in which he said, the rebel leaders must be punished and impoverished, and their social position destroyed and the union men in the confederacy should be remunerated from the pockets of those who had brought suffering oil the country. He had appointed the 25th to be a day of mourning and humiliation on account of Mr. Lincoln's death. It was not known where J elferson Davies was. It was rumoured that he had from 6,000,000 to 8,000,000 dollars in his pos- session.

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