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DENBIGH. THE GRAMMAR SCHOOL Scfirmp.-The Committee appointed to consider this Scheme met a second time on Thursday, the 4th inst., when" lengt hy and rather acri- monious discussion ensued, principally on the subject of imparting religious instruction in the School, and which was substantially the same as that already reported in our issue of the 29th ult. Mr. Gee, the Rev. B. Wil- liams, and other Dissenters, zealously argued against the principles and doctrines of the Church of England being taught to the children during the regular school hours. They were as zealously opposed by the Rector, Mr. Hughes, of Ystrad, Dr. Tumour, the Mayor, Mr. M. Smith, &c., who maintained that religious instruction in the doctrines of the Established Church could not be excluded without violating the terms of the original deed. The latter gentlemen carried their point triumph- antly, whereupon Mr. Gee declared that he would con- scientiously withdraw from taking any further interest in the school. The Scherrie was again referred to at a, Council meeting on Monday, a report of which we pub- lish this day. The following letter was read by the Chairman (Mr. Gold Edwards) at the meeting on Thursday Denbigh, May 4th, 1865. To the Chairman of the Denbigh Grammar School Com- mittee. Dear Sir, In compliance with a request contained in two communications I have received from Major Ffoulkes, of Erriviat, I take the liberty of addressing you on the subject of the contemplated resuscitation of the Grammar School, and the proposed scheme for its future government. Major Ffoulkes, who expresses himself as deeply in- terested in everything that concerns Denbigh and its neighbourhood," feels somewhat aggrieved that an op- portunity was not given to the representatives of the original Founders of the School to consider the merits of the Schema, and to express an opinion upon it. He is of the decided opinion that the nomination rights to the descendants of the Founders should be recognised and confirmed; and, considering that the School was founded by the ancestors of gentlemen still possessing property and residences in the neighbourhood, and that the Scheme deals with property which was given by their bounty, it would, to say the least, only be a mark of respect that a certain uumber of the Trustees should always be chosen frotii the descendants of the original Founders, and that they shbuld not be limited, as the others, to a residence of i Miles from Denbigh, but to a residence within the county, of on the original pro- perty whence the benefaction isstted-. I am also desired to say that Major Ffoulkes is pre- pared to contribute his quota of any expenses that may be incurred in placing the School on a proper footing, whether by the improvement of the School BiiikMngs, or otherwise or to join in any guarantee fund that may be established for the purpose of securing the seMibes of an efficieut ill aster. Should the Scheme and intentions of the Committee, as finally a(lopted, be in accordance with the spirit of Aiajor Ffoulkes' views, I shall, as his professional ad- viser, be prepared to say to what extent he is desirous of co-operating with the Committee pecuniarily and otherwise. In conclusion, let me ask you to remind the Commit- tee that Major Ffoulkes is a descendant of one of the original Founders, which, coupled with the interest he takes m the Scheme (though at present resident at Dres- den), is the ground upon which he asks them to consider and give to his views the decision they merit. I am, dear Sir, Yours truly, J. PARRY JONES. The Chairman said the letter would be considered at the close of the meeting but when that period arrived, all parties seemed anxious to go home, and the letter was left unnoticed till another day. I COUNCIL MEETING. An adjourned Council meeting was held on Monday, the 8th instant. Present R. Lloyd Williams, Esq., Mayor; Dr. Turnour, ex-Mayor; Dr. Pierce, John Parry Jones, Esq., Dr. Hughes, Dr. Edwards, R. Owen, Esq., Messrs Story, Wm. Parry, R. Foulkes, draper, and R. Foulkes, Graig. Bills.Bills to a large amount were examined and passed unopposed, with the exception of one, viz.,—a bill of 6s. for refreshments for the returning officer, the town clerk, Mr. Parry Jones, &c., on the memorable day of the last election of town councillors. Dr. Pierce proposed that those gentlemen who con- sumed the refreshments should pay the bill. The motion was carried amid loud laughter. The Proposed Alteration of the Assembly Poofft.-The Mayor staled that the Committee appointed to consider the subject of improving the Assembly Room had met that morning, and they had since frameda report., which Mr. Williams, deputy town clerk, would read to the meeting. The report strongly recommended the proposed alter- ations, as shewn in the plan prepared by the Mayor, should be carried out. Mr. Parry Jones complained that this subject was brought forward at this meeting, it having been decidccl at the previous meeting—only a week ago. It was then agreed that the alterations should be deferred until the Corporation should obtain more funds and he most strongly protested against an attempt being made in a week afterwards to rescind that motion. The Mayor explained that the subjected not been brought before the Council at the previous meeting in a regular form. It had not then been under the conside- ration of the Committee. Mr. Owen said he witnessed the name of Mr. Smith (malinger of the V. C. R.) on the list of the Committee. Mr. Smith, no doubt, was a useful man, but inasmuch as he was not a member of the Corporation, it was an infringement upon the rules to enter his name on the committee, Mr. Parry Jones, Dr. Pierce, Mr. Parry, and others, spoke in a similar strain, and it became a mystery how Mr. Smith's name had entered the list. Dr. Turnour said he was present at the meeting when the Committee was formed, but he had uo recollection of a motion being passed to include the name of Mr. Smith. It was certainly due to say that Mr. Smith had taken the initiative in this matter. Dr. Hughes stated that he remembered distinctly that Mr. Smith was mentioned as one of the committee, and no objection was raised against him. After a deal of further conversation, instructions were given to omit Mr. Smith's name from the Com- mittee list. Mr. Parry Jones said he perfectly agreed that the As- sembly Room required to be improved, but owing to the want of funds he should again propose the resolution that was pa-sed on the previous Monday, viz.,—" That the thanks of the Council be given to the Mayor for pre- paring the plans and specifications, but that the work be deferred until more funds can be obtaiued." The Market Hall required cleaning and repairing, and, in his opi- nion, it was more important to do that work than alter- ing the Assembly Boom, because the Town Hall was al- ways to be had for the purpose of holding concerts and public meetings. Dr. Hughes said he was willing to give a guarantee that 7 per cent. per annum would be paid on the outlay required (X 150) to effect the alterations. Mr. Parry also said he was quite confident that the Corporation would receive a handsome revenue from the room if it were altered according to the plans so kindly prepared by the Mayor. Mr. Foulkes, draper, proposed that money be borrow- ed to proceed with the work at once, and that the Coun- cil accept the guarantee offered by Dr. Hughes. The motion was seconded, but it was eventually aban- doned, Dr. Pierce observing that it was something like old maids' play nt a tea party." (Laughter.) Mr. Foulkes then proposed, as an ameudment,second- ed by Mr. Parry—That the Report of the Committee be adopted. Dr. Pierce seconded Mr. Parry Jones's motion. A division then took place, and the original motion was carried by a majority of 6 against 5. The Mayor offered to take the room under a lease for 21 years, at a rental of £ 15 per annum. He would also undertake to carry out the alterations at his own expense. The Mayor's offer was not entertained. Encroachments.—Mr. Davies, inspector of nuisances, produced a report on the encroachments of the public thoroughfares in front of the premises of Mr. Thomas Jones, Park Lane, Mrs. Dorothy Roberts, do., Mr. Ed- ward Jones, butcher, ditto, Mr. Gough Roberts, ditto, Mr. Knowles, bootmaker, and the late Mrs. Salisbury Williams. The highway surveyors, Messrs. Morgan and Thomas Roberts, appeared before the Council, aod promised to co-operate with the Council in removing all encroach- ments in the town. On the motion of Mr Foulkes, draper, seconded by Dr. Pierce, it wis unanimously agreed to serve all per- sons (without distinction) encroaching upon the public roads or footpaths with notices of immediate removal, and to take such other steps as may be required to re- medy the evil. Increase of Salary.—Mr. Davies applied for an in- crease of salary. Dr. Pierce said Mr. Davies was a very faithful officer, and certainly deserved to be encouraged. (Hear, hear.) Mr. Parry Jones also observed that he (Mr. Davies) fulfilled his duties very independently, and lie would for that reason support an increase in his salary. (Hear, hear.) Mr. Parry proposed, and Dr. Tumour seconded— "That Mr. Davies's salary be increased from 1:6 to X10 per annum." Carried unanimously. The Grammar School Sch-me.-Thi. Scheme was laid on the table for the consideration of the Council. Mr. Foulkes, draper—Have we anything to do with it ? The Mayor—I do not clearly understand how the Cor- poration stands with regard to the matter. Mr. Parry-Is there not a part of the endowment vested in the Corporation ? The Mayor—Yes a field called Acr Forwyn. Mr. Parry Jones—We have received rents for that field, and it is quite clear that we have authority to in. terfere in the management of the trust. Dr. Tumour—During my term of office as Mayor, I discovered that the appointment of Schoolmaster was not vested in me. Mr. Burchall (the late schoolmaster), when summoned before the Corporation, defied us to interfere with his appointment, which, it transpired, was wholly vested in Mr. Myddleton. Mr. Parry Jones—1 am aware that Mr. Myddleton has had the appointment in his hands, but as part of our property has been applied to pay the Master,. we ought to have something to do with the School and this Scheme should have been laid before us before being discussed at committees and public meetings. Dr. Pierce—Well, how came it to go out of the Cor- poration at first ? Mr. Parry Jones-That is what I want to under- stand. Dr. Pierce—We have had a great many meetings about this matter, and I fear very little good has been done. It has caused me a deal of annoyance to see Sec- tarians and Churchmen evincing such irritable feelings in discussing the Scheme it is a pity they cannot agree to disagree. However, I must say that the conduct of the church people has been characterised with much coolness and commendable spirit-far more so than their nonconformist friends—for they appeared anxious to meet their opponents as fairly as possible within the spi- rit of the donor's will, which I think is very liberal, and the new Scheme is more liberal still. I am astonished to hear the objections to the Church Catechism, as set forth by Mr. Gee. Mr. Foulkes, draper— Y ou are wrong, Doctor. No one said anything against the Catechism. Dr. Pierce-Leave me alone; I will come to you just now. (Laughter.) Mr. Gee has said, and I heard him say, that he would be sorry to send his child to a school where the Church Catechism was taught. I say that is unworthy of a man professing broad principles," and shews disrespect to the doctrines of a Christian Inatitu- tion. I like to see all denominations work friendly to- gether I wish they were amalgamated into one. But 110 such friendly spirit, is shewn by Mr. Gee, especially in that letter which he has published. Mr. Parry-If we accept the endowment, we must accept its terms. This School is clearly a Free Church Grammar School, according to the will of the donor, and we cannot evade that. Dr. Turnour-The new Scheme is very liberal in its terms when the terms of the original deed are consider- ed; and with all the boasts of Mr. Gee in his profes- sions of broad basis" and broad principles," I think his ideas respecting the Scheme shews a most intolerant, illiberal, and narrow-minded spirit. Because he does not wish his own children to receive religious instruction in the School, he wants to deprive my children as well of the same privilege! Dr. Hughes-I think it is very dear the Corporation have something to say to this Charity. One-fourth of it is yested in us, and it is our duty to see that it is properly applied. I think, however, that it would meet the object of the Charity if we were to add two or three the ob j ect of the 4, members more of our body to the present committee to watch the progress of the new Scheme. It is too lengthy for us to go through it to-day. Mr. Parry Jones—I have penned a resolution to that effect. Dr. Turnour-As a member of the Committee, I may say that we have gone through this matter over and over again, and we have experienced much difficulty and unpleasantness with it. Mr. Myddleton (a trustee) has been a little jealous, and consequently has not co-operat- ed with us as freely as we desired. I can assure you it has been a delicate subject altogether, and we should have been glad to get the assistance of Mr. Parry Jones6 or any other gentleman, to lessen our trouble and la- bour. Mr. Parry Jones-I was not invited to attend the Committee, although I was engaged to ensure the dis- missal of Mr. Burchall. I feel a great interest in the School, and am anxious to see it re-established. Major Ffoulkes, a descendant of the original trustees (who re- sides at Dresden), having read an account of the Scheme in the North Wales Chronicle, wrote to me, a few days ago, wishing me to watch the Scheme, and promising a very liberal sum towards repairing the present, or build- ing a new school, towards carrying out the objects of the Charity. (Hear, hear.) Mr. Polrry-I feel very thankful to the gentlemen who first moved in this important matter. Their ser- vices will prove to be of great benefit to the town. (Hear, hear.) Dr. Hughes—I beg to move that Dr. Pierce and Mr. Parry Jones be appointed to represent the Corporation in co-operating with the Trustees and Committee in re- vising the Scheme for the management of the Denbigh Free Grammar School, and that these gentlemen report the result of their deliberations to a special meeting of this Council." The motion was then seconded, and carried unanim- ously. THE ROYAL BOWLINO GRRF-T.-The annual ceremony of opening the Denbigh Royal Bowling Green was per. formed on Thursday afternoon, the 4th inst. The mem- bers of the Bowling Club indulged in a few amusing and recreative games. They afterwards dined together, and probably some curt speeches, characterized with both wit and wisdom, were delivered after replenishing the inner man. The Highway Surveyors' accounts for the District of Denbigh were examined and passed on Wednesday last, at the County Petty Sessions, before Thomas Hughes, Esq., and W. D. W. Griffith, Esq. There was no police business for transaction.


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