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The Bishop of Oxford, who has been suSering for some months from annular disease to that which so frequently rendered Mr. Cobden unable to take an active part in the duties of public life, has, on the advice of his physicians, gone to Algeria. Insanity in France is said to be on the increase, in consequence of the consumption of tobacco. M. Jolly aaid before the Academy of Sciences—"The immoderate use of tobacco, and more especially of the pipe, produces a weakness in the brain and in the spinal marrow, which causes madness." A nre broke out a few days back in the village of Lappioo, Aisne, France, and destroyed 28 cottages. The catastrophe was owing to the imprudence of a man who, observing a magpie which had, during a fortnight, perched every day on the roof of his house, and, looking upon it as an evil omen at the moment when his wife was about to become a mother, fired at the bird. The wadding lodged in the thatch and occasioned the con- flagration. A correspondent of the Scientific Å merican says that common brass clocks may be cleaned by immersing the works in boiling water. Rough as this treatment may appear," he says, it works well: and I i!ave for many years past boiled my clocks whenever they stopped from accumulation of dust or a thickening of oil upon the pivots. They should be boiled in pure or rain water, aud dried on a warm stove or near the fire." The name of the artitlerymen injured at the review on Monday is Joseph Lambert, of Poplar, gunner in the Tower Hamlet's Artillery. He waaacting with the men of the First Middlesex Artillery, when in trying to clear the wheel of an ordinary carriage which was passing dose to the cannon he fell, and one of the wheels of the gun passed over his thigh, not breaking but bruising it very badly. PAINFUL SoENB IN A CnuRca.—On Sunday after- noon, while the Rev. John Barton, incumbent of S'. Margaret's Episcopal CtMpet, Meigle, was enjE-aged in reading the service, a female, eteg.tnt!y afired in a blue silk dresa and fashionable bonnet, entfrtid the church in an excited state, and, proceeding rapidly towards the reading desk where the revereftd gt-nt)c- man was omeiating, she threw a snuU cord over his head, and seizing the prayer-book shut it violently, fx- claiming in a loud voice as she did so that she would not allow him to read that book. Mr. Burton im- mediately descended, and, disengaging his bead from the cord, attempted to p'us her, when a stight strnggie eu. sued, and she again. endeavoured to get hold of the prayer-book. The congregation, para)ysed by the sud- denness and extraordinary nature of this sacrilegious iu- te) ruptiou of the solemn services in which they were cogged, made no attempt at m'st to interfere, but at length <ome of the gentlemen present left their pews, and succeeded, not without dimenlty, in ejecting from the church the unhapoy origin.,Lor of this p.tiafu! scene. Mr. Burtoa then proceeded with the service, which was frequency intsrrupted by renewed attempts on the part of the intruder to re-enter th? chapel. When the service w'" concluded, the reverend gentleman gave out the evening hymn, and intim ..fed that, in consequence of what had occurred, he trn-ted to the his hearers for dispensing on that occasion with hisusu;)! 'ermon. After singing tae hymn. the benediction was pronounced. Mid the congregation dispersed, to Snd out. side the unhappy wom'm w.tiidng to and fro, still in n ó,dLe of great excitement. She proved to be a dress- maker, living in the neighbourhood, whoae mind for a coui)iJer:'b)e time past hm beeuina very nnaoundfitate. On more than one occasion before, by threaMning let. ters pnd otherwise, she has annoyed Mr. Burton, and one of the poor young woman's ha))uciiMt,ions is to f.tncy hfr-ielf the proprietrix of several of the e.,t;\le'! in this di4) ¡(,t, more than one of our resident gcn.ry hav- in" received a formal notice from her to quit their po.<. <los;i"ns. On Sunday afternoon she w.)S removed in the cl1,;¡,otly of a policeman to Perth, where the mou: "I tmhdy under which she labours will doubtless receive evefy at.ex'.to!).—Z)!<K<7t'<: Advertiscr. OF REAL LTFE.—DweHers in Paris know th.iL the unpoetical market women, or f!ftmM </c <(t /tM</e of the e.'p" '), maintain the jioetic.d cuiitom of offering a bou quet to any rich young lady who is about [,0 b;'come a bride, and genera t)y choose either the d.tyon which the contract is signed or the nu;'ti.il day fur thi', norat offering. It is true that the (<<t;ttM expect f cnnaid.-ra- b!e t;t';ttif!C..tioa in ieturn fKr their good wishes and but the custom is, neverthelesa. one of the few relics of ancient, times still reiigiou-fy maintained. A few days since a auperb bouquet was accordingly con- veyed to the residence of a rich and beautiful young htdy who, as the women had heard, was about to be ,u,;JTiërl; but on aniving at the residence of the bride's fe,ther, in the Rue de Faubourg St. Honore, they en- countered a funeral car, the white draperies of which indicated that a virgin was about to be conveyed to her !ist home. To the utter astonishraeut and dismay of the dcputa.ion, they found ou inquiry that the funeral wis I,bt of the young hdy whom they had come to coii,iiiil-,tie on her approaching marriage. Theyirn- medit-')ykue)t, piously bid the bouquet on tbecomn, and retired. The origin of this cujtom is said to be found in an event which occurred as long back as the commencement of the twelfth century, when riii))ippe Augustus ru)ed over France. At thi<' epoch no person w.ts Mthorised to open a .shop in the good city of Pan", but business was done in the markets, which were a fief of the Crown, and from which a considerable revenue WM derived. Under Phillippe Augustus an edict wis issued in favour of the tradesmen, and in gratitude for the royal indulgence the dre.s-imakers of the day pre- sented to the Queen a mtgni6ce!!t trousseau in baskets ek;1.tJLly adomed with nowera. Philippe Augustuswas to u;hed with this mark of gratitude, and gave the bearers the privilege of being present at all the imn'i.ges of the kings of Fr.mce, after having embraced each new Queen on her nrrival in Paris. This privilege was huinrained till 17S9, and Marie Antoinette was the hat QuHcu saluted; but since the Revolution the market wo'nou have adopted tbecustom of presenting themselves before all rich young ladies on their marriage, of salut- ing thnm, ma)dng an offering of nower.s. and receiving munev in exchange for their delicate attentions. E':TnAORDINAt:Y CHARGE AO.UmT A SuMEOX AT DMm'.—L?t week, at the Derby County Police Court, a c:?e which excited great interest was be.t.rd. Mr. Alfred Olivant Francis, surgeon, Dt'rby (the ",on of a I c)..rgy,u), W:i summoned for indeeentfy.M.sauIi.ing a 'n.wied wnmu) named Ann Ponper, of Chaddeaden, ne.u- Derby, fhe eomp)-uuant's evidence w.mo the ,feet tInt" Mr. Germau, surgeon, attended her tor a tumour in the lower part of the body, and Merwards sent to her Mr.Franek'.whow.'tstheahispartHer. On the 23rd 'larch h¡,t Mr. Francis vhited her, got her to lie down on a, broad-seated sofa to in, 'Ice an examination, .'t)ht took advantage of this to commit the ofrfnee. She charged him with the offence, when he went out of the door open. Mr. German, surgeon, proved that Mrs. Peppertoldhimwh.thad(.ceune.i,audsefmed vety I mlldI,¡¡<Ires,eil. He aftertvards saw Mr. Francis r..nd advised hitli to leave the town, and the latb'r said he would do .o—Mr. Leech, for the defendant, denied the ch'u'ge, remarking that the e:se was fuU of improba- l,iliti"A number of witnesses were called, and the )tev. \V. F. Wiikiaaon, vicar of St. Wcrburgh's Church, Derby the Rev. IV. Hope, vicar of St Peter's Church; Captain Ba)guy, 1st Derby illititi.,L; Mr. G. H. Strntt, county m:'siatrate; and Nii-. Johnson, ironfounder. Derby b'WC the defeudant a most excellent moral eharitcrer.—The bench dismissed the CMe, a result at which the spectators teatiSed their approval. How TO DO THE RopE TNOK.—The things that ap- pear most difficult of performance are genera)]y the e)"iest when you know how to do them. iherope- trick is no exception to this rule. Atthuughsevera! yards of rope be knotted round yon, in such a network that the coils or twists appear to be involved in an in- extricable hbyriuth, yet a Uttte pmctiee H'lH enaMe you to free your&etf inavtiryfewminutes. Now, the key to the whole mystery of detaching youraetf from any arrangement of cords whatever, is to be found in the tact that the human body, by reason of the great flexi- bility of its joints and muae)es, can be bent in so many different ways as to slacken the tightf'iit rope in some plilco. or other. For instance, supposing you are tied in the 'vay shown in the first ot the illustrations given in our Last number, you have only to bend yourself back- wards so as to bring ynur hands up to the final knot of the rope. You can then untie it, and soon set your armst'ree. Afterthat,ifyouareagi!e,youcanjump over your handa, and untie them in front; or if you are not active enough to do that, you can uutie them behind your back, with no great dimeu)ty. Some persons can best perform this trick by bending the body forwards inthehrstinstanee. Itisahardertuik todotachyour- setf from acbair,especia]iy if the ieg.-) are curved, or have mouldings or ornaments upon then), upon which the cords can hitch. Set any one member of your body free first—which may be done by bending the body in various directions, and thus slackening the strain of tin- rotw—and then yon will be able to ioosen the others wiUiout dimeulty. There is one way of slackening the cordswhichneverfaits. Kneet dowuandhendforM'ard. Kvery cord is by this means made quite toose, and you can then slip them off without untying the knots. A littte practice witi show how this is done better than a pirn' of description. When you are a proficient, you cm sl!p the cords on again. In fact, a clever performer shoutd always be able to tie as we)l as to untie himseh. We have seen it done by tying the hands in front, then hriugiug them to the back by beuding down and .jump- in.'through them; and then by dint of throwing the over the shouMers, or by a ciever use of the teeth, the knots can be re-tied.—From C<MMH'ii lilttstmted Fa- Rome h M fuU that It few nighta since a bed t-oaH not be chained for A:Ioo. ThewifB'of Mr. H. Tilleard, on whose prem!Ms in Southwark <<? destructive fire and explosion occurred last week, <HM on Friday night from the injuries which she susttifed through falling from a. ladder by means of which she was being rescued from the burning promisee.. A gentleman in Elgin picked up a bit of auriferous quartz near Woodside the other day. The glittering stone is not so large as one's hand, and must be a eMp from a bouMer, for there is no quartz roch near the spot where it was found, or, at least, none cropping out through limestone or sandstone, which undettie this dis- trict.-Elgin CoMfant. A sad accident occurred near Escrick Hall, six miles from York, the seat of Lord Wentock, last week. His lordship's eldest son, Mr Lawley, was shooting rabbits, and a rabbit catcher named Richard Smith was with him. By some means or other the gun Af r. Lawley was carrying exploded, and the charge entered Smith's forehead and caused his death. There is near Raigmore tolibar, Inverness, nearly 100 yards below high water mark, a well of splendid fresh water, from which the tenants of the bar get their water, and out of which, before the days of railways, many weary pedestrians quenched their thirst. It is regularly overflown by the tide to the depth of several feet, but as soon as the tide recedes it boils up as fresh and cold as any mountain spriug.-Elgin CoMfMf. Mr. Gladstone went one day lately to the Working Man's Exhibition at Lambeth. The doorkeeper did not know him, and demanded five shillings for admittance. "Five shillings!" said the Finance Minister—"is not that more than your usual fee for admittance I" Oh, yes, sir; but the Chancellor of the Exchequer is to speak to-day, and the demand for seats is so great that we have raised the price to five shillings." So Mr. Gladstone paid his money, and had the satisfaction of hearing his own speech.—<7cM;'< Jou2-nal. INTERESTING DisoovERY.—A most curious discovery has recently been made in the venerable parish church of Windermere. The piaster having come away over one of the arches, a band of red and black was revealed. On the removal of more of the thick layers of white- wash, a beautiful inscription in Old English characters was found. Further search was instituted, and similar inscriptions have been discovered on all the walls be- tween the arches in the nave. It is conjectured that these inscriptions were placed in the church at the time of the Reformation. Wo subjoin a specimen :—" Is the breade and wine turned into the boddie and bloode of Christ; No; for if you turne or take away ye signe that 'may be aene it is no sacrament." A YANKEE OcTDONE.—Some of Sherman's soldiers were foraging round a house owned by some pretty Se- cesh ladies. One of the men seeing the earth in the gar- den freshly turned up, asked, What is buried there Nothing," was the reply. You can't come over a Yank that way; I guess I'M 6ud something worth look- ing after here." He fell to digging the lady appeared quite distressed, and requested that he would desist. This onlv fired his cupidity, and he dug the more vigor- ously, until be got down some six or eight feet. He would not even suner any of his comrades to help him, claiming the whole as his perquisites. It chanced to be a well that had recently been closed in. At length the young girl told those on the look-out, when a good laugh was got up at his expense. He got up, put on his coat, and made tracks, using very strong language to sooth his injured feelings.-New York He- )'aM. ANOTHER PHASE OF THE EDMUNDS SCANDAL.—The Bethel! scandal is likely to give rise to an action for libel, if not to an administration of personal chastisement with a horsewhip. Some time since a letter signed "Vin,]ex" appeared in the Stanrl[(1'd, making some very unpleasant charges, and stating, among other things, that the Lord Chancellor's son, Mr. Richard Bethel), had been "re- moved from a public ofnce." The Lord Chancellor replied to the charges at the time, and on Friday the correspondence assumed another phase, Mr. Richard Bethel! having published a letter which shows that "Vindex" is Mr.Wildo, late Hegistrar of the Leeds Bank- ruptcy Court. Mr. Bethell states that he has placed the matter in the hands of /m solicitor with a view to action for libe), and he concludes that Mr. Wilde will be fortunate if he does uot "some day," like Mr. Fraser nf old, meet with a Grantley Berkeley, and the prac- tical treatment" which the latter gentleman gave to Mr. Fraser. TWENTY-FIVE THOUSAND Wioows.—Twenty-nve thou- sand widows are receiving pensions under the laws passed recently. Twenty-Sve thousand widows made by the present war. By its bullets and bombshells, its cannon batis and bayonets, its wounds, its camp fevers, and privations. Twenty-five thousand women receive pension; how many thousands do not, we are not told. Many do not know whether their soldier lies under Southern sod, or languishes in a Southern prison, or who will watch and wait for him long after the mag;tio!ia, blossoms on his grave. Twenty-nve thousand widows. How many orphans ? how many childless mothers! how many betrothed maidens, whose young hopes have been nipped, and whose hearts are seared and scarred for life What victory can compensate for so many brokeu hearta, even for the fact that so many helpless women have been reduced from comfort to beggary? for again we say there are more than 25,000 widows made by this war, who have not received even a misera- ble pension.- -A'e!X Yoi-k Pape)'. A FEW WORDS ABOUT WORKING MEN'S CLOTHES.— I very much. wish that you would allow me to communi- cate, through the Bitit(lei-, to the world at large, the particulars of a little trick which I have practiced for some years with great comfort. I Uiust state that I have as tidy and industrious a wife at home as any man could desire, and it is to her I am indebted for the idea and the carrying of it out. I never wear the aatue suit of clothes, or under-clothing; or boots, two days running. I am only a working man, engaged in a dirty, foul em- ployment, and the clothes of my fellow-workmen fairly stink they c'tll me "The gentleman," becau&e I appear comparatively respectable. Now, I have two eieau shirts a week (my whole stock of shirts is four; not of a very grand sort, but they do for me), and I put on one clean abirt on Sunday morning, and one c!ca)] one on Monday mnruing. Then the Sunday one goes on again on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, and the Monday one goes on again on Wednesday and Friday. The days they are left at home, my wife looks to them. sees to any tears, &c., which my work has caused; Oil ftne days she hangs t)mm out in the wind, and so ou. The same with my stockings and outer clothes. My hoots also she dries and. tidies up. Before I get bnme at night from work, she has laid out on my chair, at my bedside, all my toggery for next day; and when get up in the morning, I have no trouble whatever with n)y c)othes. I give myself a good wash, and start a king Why, sir, cannot aU working men with wives at home I meau men who earn a fair week's wages—do the same thing, whether they are carpenters or masons, or smiths, or what not ? I can assure them that it does not cost me one penny more a year for clothes than it does my mates; indeed, less than some. Any kind of two set-) of clothes answers, and the good comes directly. I did not like my wife to have so much trouble with me at first, but she was determined to do it, and I was oblis''d to give way. She is a good one, sir. Cod bless her!— A WoMMG MAN.—.BM!'Mei'. THE SIAMESE TwiNs.—The New York correspondent of the ilfo)-ning 7/erffM gives the following account of these extraordinary personages:—" Singular as it may seem, there are two persons in the South who have not been materially afFected by the war. For them con- scription has no terrors; poUtics have no excitement. And yet those seemingly happy mortals are not wholly blessed. Gladly would they become humble privates in Lee's battered army, if so they might change their con- dition. Physically they are united, but morally and socially they are divided. Since their withdrawal from pubtie view, the'Siamese twins,'as they are popularly termed, have resided on their plantation near the town of Salisbury, in North Carolina. In this world's goods they ars weft to do, am) among their chattels' are se- veral scores of negroes. For many years they have hved iu harmony with their wives and children, their famines being periodically increased, unti), after a certain lapse of time, each became the happy possessor of five nourish- ing olive branches.' Up to this time between the two there had been apparently a perfect community of thought and purpose. But all event' occurred in the faHiity of Chang, the larger of the two brothers, through which great subsequent trouble arose. A sixth child was added to him, and this advantage' not only excited intense animosity in the mind of the wife of his brother Eng, but led to a separation between that parson and MM. Chang, the two women occupying different houses, but remaimug on the same plantation. This jealousy bad its effect upon Eng, who is the smaller and feebler of the two, and he is now said to look ten years older than his brother. The twins have as little to say to each other as possible; of course, such a thing as total silence is out of the question. Their fate is certainly deplorable. Regarding each other withfeeiingf! of bitter- ness, they are yet hound together by a tie, any attempt to sever which would almost inevitably result in the death of both. Through the ligature which connects them passes an artery as large as the femoral artery, and it was the opinion of the eminent London surgeons who examined them some years since that any operation tending to free the brothers from this abnormal con- nection would prove fatal. They are, it will be remem- bered, wed.ted to sisters, whi ;h renders the estrange- ment stilt more unfortunate. Chang and Eng have an ample fortune; their deposits in various bauks in the otty are very considerable. In agricultural purauits they have prospered, despite the war. Taken ail in a)), matter for a very rcopectaMe story hanga about these worH'&mom twim." Th. depute b.tw..nthe ?menand? ??.?h. Quebec timber traders at Poote hat been ?tMoy ? compromise, the seamen having consented to go to sea for ?3 15B. a month. FrominteUigen=ereceivedbyth.Frenc?over? ???:n???????? ?- in Algiers has risen in two years, in the BlOgle province ot Bona, from 60 to 490 hectares. d The Government of the Danubian provinces, in order to prevent the propagation ?. "???-? h? adopted measures to prevent the import of seed wblC has not been carefully eMmined, in °? ? ? "° vemment may guarantee t?qi?tytop?chas?? the THE GLASGOW POKOnnrGCASE.-It IS ??;; Dolice in Glasgow have been successful in discovering a c?poude? between Dr. Mtchardandayoun?ady resident in that city, who is reported to have ?4,UUUin her own right. ? On?rS the boiler of a Io.om.tive engine belong ing ? the Sdinb.rgh and Glasgow Railway ?? Sdrling Station. A luggage c erk named Sampso? was very se?ousjy injured, and Simeaton, the dnver, was also much hurt.. The great bulk of the joiners and h°"?P??' NewcasSe and Gateshead are now on strike ?aMf- holiday on Saturday. Twelve cf the masters have ? ceded to the demand of the men, but 46 of the otber employers refused to d. so and the men, M?S to previous notice, consequently struck work on Saturday. During the past week the district around Aldershot hasbeenthesceaeof frequent heath nrea, which have swept over large tracts of land, and :in some instances involved a great destruction of property before they could be extinguished. The nres are supposed to have been of incendiary origin. The worst form of scarlet fever having made its ap- pearance in the TuIIeries and the fear of infection spreading amongst the inmates, it has been proposed to remove the Imperial Family of France to the Elyee. The director of the works, however, has refused to re- ceive the imperial party in consequence of the damp and unaired state of that palace. A Stanbrdahire paper announces that last wiek Mr. Bates, Tamworth, was wtlking in a meadow adj.)mirg the river Tame, when he noticed a sm dl stone bo' 'Ie closely corked lying in the grass. Upon removing the cork he found the bottle contained a piece of piper, on which the following words had been written with a pea- oil:—"Worcestershire, Broomagrove, December 8.— This is to certify that Frantz Muller r.,s innocent of the murder of Mr. Briggs. Against such time as this meets with anyone to read it the real murderer will be past bringing in guilty." The seventh detailed annual report of the Registrar- General for Seothad draws attention to the state of elementary education in that country as exhibited in the proportion of men and women able to sign their names in the marriage register, which the report says continues satisfactory, seeing that 89.39 per cent. of the men. and 78.67 per cent. of the women, who married in Scotland in ISO), were able to sign their names. Year after year it appears that as many women are able to sign their names io the marriage register in Scotland as men in England. FATAL AcCtDEXT TO A SURGEON.—An accident of a fatal nature occurred to Mr. William Bryckwood 1'om- kin, surgeon, of Wytham, on Wednesday last, at Bi)Ieri- cay. Mr. Tomkin was driving a horse in a. phaston the horse had never been in a four-wheeler, and on des- cending the hill from the town it became restive and commenced kicking, wheu Mr. Tomkin, in attempting to escape from the carriage, was thrown out aud suffered a compound fracture of the right kg ? hs also received otL.er injuries. Mr. To.nkm was carried to the Red Lion, where the leg was speedily set by Messrs. Day and Carter, who were promptly in attendence. At first it was hoped the patient was going on favourably, but we deeply regret to state that gangrene set in early on Snudav morning, which resulted in death.-Essex Ilerald. BAXK RoBBEur 'i!f BERLi.The FoM-ZeM'M?!y re- lates t)i!tt some astonishment was caused to the popula- tion of Berlin a few days back by the bank remaining closed p.trt of the morning. At midday the doors were opened, when the public learned that the cfiuse of the delay in commencing business was the discovery that a very large number of 50 th.Uers (187f. oOo.) notes of the year 1846 had disappeared, having been either lost or abstracted. The directors, in the meantime, offered a reward of 1000 tha]ers for the recovery of the property. A former servant at the bank wM afterwards arrested with the greater part of the missing notes in his posses- sion. ExTBAOmiXARY EsCAFE OF A BOT.—A little boy named Poole, 10 ye.trs of age, hid a singularly narrow escape from accidental death at Bury St. Edmunds, a few days ago. With two other chiMr<n,3boyand a girl, he was drawinc; witer fra'il a well, when he slipped and fell in, a depth of some 60 feet, there being seven or eight feet of w:lter in the bottom of the well. It ap- pears that on rising to the surface he clung to the rope, and his companions commenced drawing him up. When he had been drawn up a short way he let go his hold and again fel). Nothing daunted, the children a second time endeavoured to drmv their playmate up, and were happily successful, when it was found he had sustained no further injury thta a slight bruise on the head and athoroughdreuehing. STRANGE DtSOOTEKY OF A McRDERER—The follow- ing ;ciis:ttiuiial par.Lgraph is runfiing the round of the German press :—" A cattle dealer of Prussian Silesia was murdered and robbed some twelve years since, and no tr.tce of the murderer could be found. A year later the murdered man's daughter married a master butcher with whom she has lived ever since. A few .Lyf- back, white m'e'Nring to Move to another hnuse, the woman found alll'mg her husb.twt's effects a smrdi purse cm- brnidered w:t)i silver which she herse)! had m.tde for her Mier, and which hM) disappeared after the murder. A horn'jle suspicion took pos-ie-.sion of her mind, and hav- ing taxed her husband with the crime, he ui.,tde a full confession, M)d lias consequently beeu arrested and com- mitted f,'r truL"— Globe. A TOAD'S TotH;T.—Audnbon relates tint he once saw a toad undress himself. He commenced by pressing his elbow-! hard against !))< sides and rubbing downward. After a few smart lubs his skin began to burst open al()ii-, bis back. He kept on rubbing until he had work. ed aU ins skin into fohts on the sides and hips then gr.MpiM" one hind leg with bnth hands, he h.uued off one Ie" of hi8 pants the same as anybody wouid, then stripped off the other hind leg in the same way. He then took bis cast otrcnticfe forward between his fore. month and swa))owed it then by raismg and lowerill(T his head, swaltowing as his head came do', n, Iw Ktriplll,,1 otf the ,kin underneath until it Ctme to his fore-I('"a,aud then f;p!ug one of these with the oppo- site hand, bv considerab)e puUiug he stripped the.ot.her, and bya.singie motion of the head, and while swaUow- tn? he drew it from the neck and swaUowed the whole. An Irishman,who was in the habit of getting tipsy, and neglecting his work, was frequcntty remonstrated with.but tohttiepurpose,uuti[ one day, as Pat came in the worse for the crathur," and became rather iioi,y, bis employer eath'd him into his oMce. After a white paJ:c:ttnfout,whe!tau)!mbe)'of his fe))ow-wo!'kme)! went to hhn to hear what the"governor"had said this time. said I'at,"a very gintet man. We)), what did he say to you ?" Och, an sure he talked kindly tome—just like a father, A ii' sure he i-t.tkifxi-h.-artcd Christian,.tHdM'ou)<!n't th.u'- ru!n the feeUngs of the mauest man in the wurr'td."— "M'e)),what did he say to you?"—"Au'sure he is a nj]eman."saH)'at, "an'hespa.kcdtome jistlikea, kind father, an' toutd me if t iver came in dhrunk agb he wu<! kick me out of the shop. J[LTND..—At the Manchester Cathedra], oft Monday, a large number of marriages took p)aee. To witness the amvaIot'the"happypaira"tht;rewas.teot).<i.)e:'aHe eoneonrsc. Some excitemellt was occasioned by the rtunourthatanunfaithfntyonthhad.jntedayoupg hly, and that "1' to the l:nt he hat! lc,[ her to belii'vc that he makin, her hi-i bride, whi]e he was paying his attentions etsewhere, aud that the deceiver! !ady intemlcl! "1:'king a demoU:Jlration. Har!yi'ithe lllorning niue couples came out of the bni](lin¡' tmd the crowd, Ifd by thti deceiver) fair one, greeted t!:eu) with markt of a not very ptatab]e Character. The crowd, !iowever, made some mistake as to the coupte, an<t t'.e faitiden swaio and his bride managed to etude the vigil. anceof the furiousdamsel. However, tatem theaft'jf- aoon she discovered the eoup)e at Knott Mi)) fair, nud then she commenced a.furiou-i onslaught, kii,)ckiii,, oif thf man's lizit, tearing his c)othes, and putting his hair, whiie the trembijng bride wasatso serious]y mauied, her wedding c)othes being literally torn to rag<. 'f'HH Ci)tt.fjBt'KtXG C.\M AT Y<)):t:.—W<' stated last week that two women, mother and daughter, the former named Kieanor Teasd.de and the tatter Margaret Teasdate, had been apprehended atYork on the charge of conceatiug the birth of Margaret's ehitd by burmng the budy. On tto'.iday the two women "'ere brought be- fore the the evidence )<rodueed shotV- ed that beyund doubt the younger prisoner had !.een dchvered 01 iufiy devdoped chi)d, the mother and her appar.tpresentingaU theappearanceu.uaUy attendant ut.onchihU-irth. The po)icea).o found some calomel bones uuder the fire grate in the prisoners house, :.no in an adjoining soit-phe.. they discovered the charred ?m.i? ? b??a???of ??'?? ??'??? The doctor (Mr. T. F. Marsha)) who had e?mmed these re.naius woutd not swear that they belonged to a human beiug. atthough he was of op.mon that they did. these circumstances the beueh discharged from CUSto<iy the eMer prtsouer, and committ<od tùe 'OUHv;er one for trial at the assizes, simpty on the charge of Con- cealmeiit of biitli. SM)t<<f''< Vewo Letter mentions a ftintamth&tFe. nian delegates have &mved tn Dublin ffoni New York. An international ag;ricultural exhibition, to be held at Cologne in the months of May and June, will be in augurated by the CA)wn Prince of Prussia on the 15th of May next. The Davenport Brothers have retired from the rough haadlit)!; of the public, and now only give their Bealcq in private circles. We (Observer) understand that Mr. 1 hwattes, chair. man of the Metropolitan Board of Works, will recede the honour of knighthood on the occasion of the opening of the great system of intercepting sewers on both bach} of the Thames. Wm. Henry West Betty, known in dramatic history :IS the Infant Roscius, now lies dangerously ill. It must be quite half a century since he last appeared on the stage. A shocking accident happened near the Seven Sister. road, Holloway, on Saturday evening. Two men were at work in a sewer, which is being made there, whea suddenly a part of it fell in. One of the men was bu. ried alive, and all efforts to extricate him failed. On Saturday, Mr. Vandervelde, photographer, Kent. road, London, was knocked down a short distance from his own residence by a dog (to whom some mischievous boys had tied a tin kettle) running between his ]ep. HM skull was fractured by the force of the fall, and a portion driven into the brain, causing almost inst&at death. The efforts made to save the life of the convict Lynch who now lies in the Cork County Gaol under sentence of death, have failed. Mr. Joyce, the Governor of the gaol. received a letter on Friday mommg from General Larcottt informing him that the law must take its course, and desiring him to inform Lynch of this decision. A PSMOtt OF VERY REGULAR HLBITS.SOUe 25 years ago, or perhaps a little more, an aged and high- ly respected physician departed this life in one of the counties of Massachusetts. TbM worthy gentleman had reached at the time of his disease the extraordinary age of 105 years. The period of his death was one of great excitement in regard to the temperance question, and it was felt that most important lessons for the benefit of the cause could be derived from an investigation of theordin. ary habitsofagentleman of education and scientific attain. ments. Accordingly a committee was deputed on the part of the temperance societies to wait upon the old gentleman's grandson, to obtain from him all the parti- culars concerning his aged relative. Doubtless," said the chief interlocutor, "your grandfather," enjoying such a remarkable span of existence, was a strict obser. ver of the rules of temperance, and we need not exprea our confidence that he indulged in no excess in the use of hurtful kinds of drink." Oh, no, sir,' said the per. son inquired of, You may be quite sure of that..My grandfathar was a person of very regular habits." But we should like to know, if you please," pursued the questioner, something in particular regarding his mode of life how, for instance, he began, and passed, and ended the dilY" "We)), sir. when he first rose iathe morning he took about half a glass of pure Jamaica rum; my grandfather was a person of very regular habits; this was his uniform custom." 11 This, I suppose," said the inquirer, was to give a sort of fillip to his system after the lethargy of lengthened repose, made requisite as an exceptional case by his very advanced period of life. Please tell us what his practice was during the rest of the day." My grandfather, gentlemen, was a person of very regular habits, and took nothing else of this sort until eleven o'clock, and then oa)y a glass of Jamaica rum." Indeed did he drink anything with his meals Not exactly with his meals about half an hour before dinner be drank a mixture to which he was partial, consisting half and half of cider and rum. But after drinking that it was his custom to go out fur a short wa)k aud return to dinner. When dinner was about ha)f through he would then driuk, say, a glass of rum or whisky, as the case might be, and another whf] dinner was over. Dinner was always punctually on the table at one o'clock; he took no n.'ore until four o'clock, and after that a small quantity in his tea.. His practice was not to drink anything else until near bedtime, which was always nine o clock, when hehad.tgi.Msortnoof whisky or rnm; unless, indeed, some neighbour or friend came in to join him. He was very ho-pitable always, and, as I have remarked, extremely regtuarinbisbabita." The Committee looked at one another and hesitated about pursuing the inquiry any further. It occurred to them, however, that it would be well to save themselves, if possible, in regard to the use of tobacco. Did Dr. -——— ever smoke ?" asked the chairman, That," said their host, was one of his most regular habits. He was not often without a pipe'in his mouth, when not engaged professionally. He did not smoke in his bed." Surely, then, he used tobacco in no other way ?" sug- gested the interrogator. My grandfather every Satur- day afternoon, gentlemen, purchased a certain quantity of pigtail tobacco, say from 21 to 23 inches in length; this he cut up into seven different portions, one of which per day, aud no more, he used for chewing in the course of the seven days of the week. My grandfather's habits, as I have observed," Oh. confound your grandfather and his habit?," broke in the questioner, out of all pat- ience. I beg your pardon, sir, but it is not necessary to pursue this subject any further.Bostoll CoMrMr.

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