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.OMf' ib'1\ry I


OMf' ib'1\ry THE TALE OF DANISH HEROtSM.—Ey J. E. H. Skinner, epecial cor)esjM))dc))t of the N"W3 during the late war. Londou:Bicker.s&.Son. This is a "jutt," and we I.elieve t'up, history of the war in Sch!eawig-Ho)sLein, in w';i.'h ]iit)e D':J]'l'ark had to contend ngainst Austria and rrnssia—lii.eraDy a dwarf ag.'r'sta giant; but at the conctusion of which one of the great powers ex'dtcd iu )ond and vaunting tones r-s if ithadbceu a victory g'insd against almost overwheliiiiii g o,l(is. Theeveotsare.comjUtativeIy.Eo recent that we need not elller into the causes or the re- sults of the convict; they a'-e famili'r to our readers, as are the principal occurrences of the w..r. Dnt v.e nn. tice this workpurpo.selyto ¡ec')"¡',Vl1Ù it to those who Wish to have a history of the war iit)oji their book shelves, mid who desire to pr. -.e've a record of the heroism of Ii" Ie Denmark,when she stood forsaken and atone; and as a si,ecilHfm of i,\d '\llt )Or'B By}e we give an extract fromhM <l,erip: io,1 01 i,lie bo,xil) ir(lijieiit of Sonderborg April 2u,t i'o a h):e o!,hHr days of the "ie:e, wi:il a c.n"1" r¡;1i,'<;t Dy1..bul IJil! from a\lll ;M".r)hL. the ei.HPIIY'i wo.ks, in their fro))t, fro", ])y)):)oUti!]. AVo he:'I'.l the.'tCCUsTomed booniing :t.'d uh)..frl.tg of :"¡'¡ illel'Y, whieil grew louder every hour." On th.tt <y t:w 1)¡¡n(1 of firing b"f'u)]3 incessant M 'he oil. I had !'oeu earlier in the n. "o.y gcnth!n:\u, who a,o si;y"'¡ .tt. the [where Mr. Skiuner Mged.] dtir 12 o'u!u. di.i.h'r \Va. 0\,1)1'. 111" po);t- panion !j'l gone forth to 'iii;; ztii(I t !iL\ed usual table by T!tcrev.Hit!iR Raadhun., n" JI);I¡.;t:1' ttlIa¡¡l",l ].y ¡>rÍ'mcl's (they It'd been removed t.) n:rrow street with ib train of i.tr;t).'r-< t.u' an'.) led hor.c' e M;h other a. freqHeht Some sol(lid'íi Lrutled P\t CJrl.) iJ) W\)llD(!ell 1\1'1'1. It was strange to '.ee o:)H brought i'i.t wtlvl they al- ways came )rp ,iiiotlier road i'ro.n the bridges. Then the wagons c2a"1.1 by with earscrec!. and c,-es i't terror. The foot passeng"ers s"))ed t;rcat[yagiiated. '\t'atcou)d itbe' Ah, ]i.e)).' du)[ he.ivy crashes that r.tje everythin;; ouLhe i-!deboard. :J1'y shoot they f -om is her x.arthng annoHnc. ment as h.u'd makes the tre'nblin' household grunnwith anxiety. Anoi-ieoobidedrew us to the wi:icl,)%v. A-,i jtl,,b opposite had scattered every'tudy right and left. Viree;]y after a pair of hordes .ore by at t'uU 'ipee<), their \v.ig.;on jnll1' inf! behind thon. I said that we were beiti,, in earnest, a))(t hurried oilt io !(alher new! it was a dreadful scene Women shrieking, cannon roaring (for they had redoubted their vi:;o, across the Sound), an ) above all the frequent, boom of fuming projectites." < "The snnwuut down amid Kt.rauge eBecta, like one of the widest of Turner' .-) pictures. Heaped-up masses of vapour tos.) iuto k-ve;-y shape came sweeping down befor.'astroug wind; the constant i!1\.>!1CS of arti))cry d'rLed vividty forth from under this qLncUv-shifting cor. am; aud asmght drew on the fhmes of :'nrl1ill" hOlh!'S 1',].le<1 nlt'ir di,1JlaJ glare to completethehorrorsof the hour. ll'lFsian cannon thuudering ag" ainst the hi]', werj answered by the Danish batteries. ))uta a;Jd barracks, near each re- donUe, Mazed fiercety, and she!)< rimed at the uoatmg bridge feU hissing into But 'c !-mst c!ose our extract aud d' nv a veil over the terrible scenr, one more recommending this Tale" of true htrui-.ttt" to the attention of onr readers, GOTHK! AMHtTECTL'KE j'i f)2,:I¡.-By George Edmnrd S. Street, F.S.A. London: .fohn Mu.ray. Spain is a country whore fewer n!<< am to travellers than most Other countriesextend to t'ient; and yet it is one wherf many ati.n;tious are presented to them, both by nature and art. Of one class of th!; latter—the splendid remains of th': ancient Gothic edi- 1ices-fr. t,rt)et gi\'t"i in th-; VI)}tIWe a vivi{l nce It!I,t; and he inspires l)is readerfi with a desire to go and view them likewise. As in-.Aiiy tliotis,tii(ii c,,ttlllot quali&cationwo recommend the vulun)otoaIHover-,<.f art, esnecially to the admirers of <a!t e.'lebr .ted order of architecture—the Gothic—of which we have so i'w good cathedrals ..nd churches at Burgos, Tudda, Valladolid, and mosto:,her cities and towns in?;.ai?, aa well as of the castles In various par.-s of too counh'y, are admirably described; .'ud the cxaminati. of ihc Romanesque porch (If the church of ",III Vieeiii o at AvU& causes the author to remark To me tha ,i"t of such work as this is For here, in the 13th centnry, we tmd men exec"tt!tg work which both m design and exeeuHon is so immea- eureably In advance of anything we ever Bt'o done now, that it seems almost in vaiu to ho.e for a renvat of the eld spirit in our own days; vain it migh:: be m any ag o to hope for better work; but more vain in this day if the mmsy conceit and impudent setf-Moe'-t'on which characterise so much modern (w-called) Gothic is to be iterated." He has reason for tberemark. Tihe mo- dern English architecture is not to be despised but our imitations of the Gothic are frequently tameable abor- tions. In his remarks on the fine church at Liguenza, Mr. Street iudutges in another phiiippio against our modem architects:—"The truth is that the somewhat excessive solidity of the work-or heavy and ponderous in substance as is the grandest Romanesque—is sm- gularly noble when combined, as it is here, with very considerable height both in the columns and wa))a, and with fine pointed arches, early-traceried windows, and good sculpture. Unfortunately that massive grandeur is only a matter of envy to a wretched architect of the 19th century, whose main triumph, if he would prosper, must be to use as few bricks and as small fragments of stone as he can to the intent, that his work should cer- tainly be cheap, and in forgetfumesa, if posstble, that it will also be bad." Perhaps the architects are not more in fault than the spirit of the present age, to contend for having things done cheap rather than to insist upon their being done MtK. Both architects and their pa- trons will do well to read and study this work of Mr. Street. It might produce a desirable change in both. THE LtM, TIMES, AND SCIENTIFIC LABOURS OF THE SECOND MARQUIS OB WORCESTER. To WHICH IS ADDED A REPRINT OF HIS "CENTURY OF INVENTIONS. By Henry Dinks. Published by Bernard Quartieh. This is an interesting work; both to the student ot history and the lover of science. The second Marquis of Worcester was a soldier as well as a scholar. He cultivated the art of war as well as science; and he was, ]ike his father, one of the most loyal subjects of Charles I The nrst Marquis of Worcester gallantly defended RagtM castle against the Roundheads—that being the last place over which the royal standard floated after Charles gave himself up to the Scotch; and the second expended a large fortune in the service of his royal master and, when Earl of Glamoigan, he went to Ire- land and concluded a treaty with the Committee of the Irish rebels, who sat at Kilkenny, which Charles after- wards disavowed. It is by his pursuit of science, how- ever, that the second Marquis of Worcester is beat known to the present ago. Many who read of Lord Herbert or the Earl of Glamorgan of the time of Charles, wou'd fail to recognise in the nobleman who bore those titles the author of the Century of Inventions," and who was the first discoverer of steam power. He sought to discover some power strong enough to control all others and-" He tried weights and springs, screws and levers, and finally he filled a piece of a cannon three-quarters full of water, which, after making a fire under it, 'burst and made a treat crack.' The aim and object of all his laborious experiments was now obtained, and from the day when he thus burst the cannon steam power was realised, its application pursued, various kinds of machines constructed; and the strangeness novelty, and power of the new engine were such that he declared, as in an ecstasy of delight,—'I call this a i!Mtt-oHMnM<M< engine, and do intend that a mode thereof be buried with me." The noble marquis will from this volume acquire a fame which has not hereto- fore attached to him and whilst 7tis loyalty and his scientific acquirements are done full justice to, several documents now published for the nrst time shew that the King he served so faithfully was not justified in disavowing the agreement into which he entered with the Mah Roman Catholics. Mr. Dinks dedicates bis work to the Duke of Beaufort, the descendant of the Marquis; and we Lave no doubt that it will be ge- nerally read. Books and Periodicals for Review to be Mat to W. C. Stafford, Esq., No. 2', Neville Terrace. Hornsey boad, London.


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