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NEWS OF THE WEEK, Prince Alfred a,nived at Windsor Castle from the Continent on Friday, in time to celebrate the birthday of his sister, the Princess Louise, who, on Saturday, completed her 17th year. Oil the Monday his Royal Highness arrived in London, and returned to Windsor the next day. On Saturday the Prince arid Princess of Wales j!,[ 'a dinner party .it M?i-thoron?h HOl1e, the ??sts being the Duchess, Princess Iary, and the DukcofC.unbrid?e the Turkish, Austrian, and Prussian ambassadors and theIr Indies the Duke 0f fSomerset, the Duke and Duchess of Argyll, am the Erl of Tyrone. A \erv innuenti?l meeting was he)d in the city °Thursday, the Lord Mayor in the chair, at -liich Ksotnt'ons and a mcmori?) to the Chanee!- i\ of the Exchequer were agreed to, in favonr of reducing the duty on fire insurances generally to Oil Friday, a deputation lro:n t:ic Corporation of London, headed by Mr. Alderman Rosy, MP., had au audience of the Prince and Princess of Walts at Marlborough House, and presented their Royal Highnesses with tlio medal struck in lioii- our 0f tlie public entrance of the Princess into LOlllloll Oll the 7th of March, 18u3. It is an ad- mirable work of art, and was much admired I>y the Prince and Princess. Friday was St. Patrick's day and was celebra- ted in the metropolis bv all classes of Irishmen. The Roman Catholics had a grand musical lvli- gious service at St. Patrick's Cathedra1, Soho ) j„ the evening the annual dinner of the Ben- evolent Society of St. Patrick was held, at which a larg" party assembled, and the greatest harmony preva' iled, though the opinions of the guests were vervdiversified. Lord Powerscourt was in the chair. C^ The strike and lock-out of the iron trade con- tinues and a strange turn is likely to by given to it Tile men (some of them at least) have got an idea into their heads that some acts of the mas- ters constitute a breach of the 3rd c'.au~e of the Combination Act. Legal opinions are to be tak- ell ,tlj,i if tII03, are against the masters, a crimin- al prosecution will be commenced. On Monday, the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council gave judgment in the Colenso case. Our readers are aware that Dr. Colenso, bishop of Natal, was cited before. the Bishop of CaPè TOWII, os metropolitan of the African church, to answer for his work on the Pentateuch, and 1 1.. ,1 ,vas deprived of his see. lie appealed to tne Privy Council, on the ground that the Bishop of Capo Town had no authority to deal with his case. The Bishop of Cape Town disputed the jurisdic- tion of the Privy Council, and contended tliitt tlic, appeal should have been made to the Archbishop of Canterbury. The Council decided in favour of Dr. Coienso, and declared the sentence against liini null anvoid. The latest reports from Nice of the Czarewitch's health are more favourable than last week. His Imperial Highness is now out of danger.—It was stated that the Emperor would go to Nice to es- cort the Empress home. It is now said that his Majesty will, early next week, be at Hesse Darm- stadt, to await her arrival.—In reply to articles which have recently appeared, intimating that Russia is greatly extending her territory in Cen- tral Asia, the Journal de St. Pvtersbmny of Mou- day sa\s—"What has recently taken place in Central Asia had not the object of extending the frontier of Russia, but of rectifying it, by acquir- ing an uninterrupted frontier line, and of estab- lishing ° relations with tribes who know how to value 0 the blessings of peace and commerce, and are not given up to plunder." It seems from a note of Earl Russell's, publish- ed at Vienna, on the 16th inst., that England re- V()"Ilise.stbe provisional state of things in the duch- ies and also the provisional flag of Schleswig- Holstein and of the German Federal Diet are res- pected by Austria and Prussia. There has been a long discussion in the Prus- sian Chamber of Deputies, upon the report of the Finance Committee. At the outset, the finance ministers denying that there was any heavy pres- sure by taxation, alhrnied that any reduction of of the budget would aggravate the contest between the government and the chamber, instead of re- moving it. On Saturday, the minister of war an- nounced that the government agreed to fix the streugth of the army by law, if allowed to increase its strength 111 time of danger and that the house agree to the other government proposals, relative to the military organization. In the debate on Monday, the same minister declared that it was inexpedient to diminish the military force, on ac- count of the strength of the French, Austrian and Prussian armies and that a three year's term of military service was indispenable. The debate still continues. The debate upon the address in the French Chambers was prolonged till the 18th instant. The principal interest of the discussion was con- nected with clerical affairs the Cardinals and Ultramontanes defending the Encyclical and op- posing the Convention of September. On Friday the 17th M. Rouher, in reply to Cardinal de Bon- lieehose, emphatically declared that the Conven- tion was intended to establish a homogeneous Italy, and to guarantee the independence of the Holy See. On Saturday the address was adopted by 130 to 2 votes. It was presented, on Monday afternoon, to the Emperor, by a deputation, and his Majesty expressed the pleasure he felt at his policy receiving the approval of all parties in the Senate. On Saturday the address to the throne was read in the Corps Legislative. It entirely approves of the imperial policy, and the conven- tion. The debate has not commenced. Wednesday, the 22nd instant, was the birth- day of Victor Emanuel and of Prince Humbert and the English at Naples selected that day for the consecration of a church, erected ou ground given by Garibaldi. The ceremony was perform- ed, and the sermon preached, by the Bishop of Gibraltar. At the close of the services Colonel Maclean presented a communion service of the value of £ 50 and several other gifts were made. A heavy debt, however, still remains on the church. There were several indications, at Madrid, of opposition to the government measures. On the llith instant a protest against the New Press Law, signed by the editors of 22 journals, appear- ed and the same day the democratic committee put forward a manifesto, demanding a large ex- tension of civil and religious liberty. On Satur- day, however, it was announced that "the contest between the government and the members of the minority in the congress had terminated satisfac- turily." After a stormy debate, the new Portuguese ministry, on the 11th instant, received a vote of confidence from the Chamber of Deputies. The debate on the organization of the ministry was more moderate in the peers. The capital and the provinces were, on the 17th, generally tranquil. There have been more ministerial difficulties at Athens. On the 15th Admiral Canaris resigned, and was replaced, as President of the Council, by M. Comoundouros, who also assumes the Port- folios of Justice and Marine. M.Amargiroshas been appointed Minister of the Interior, the other ministers remain in office. ()fticial despatches received from Algeira on the tlie Hith, state, that Pabors is now the only point where some agitation exists. Rumours current at Algiers appear to have exaggerate I the state of affairs, but the suspected tribes were, neverthe- less, strictly watched. The impassable state of the roads still prevented the troops from pene- trating into the country. Quebec papers, of the 7th instant, state, that ill Xew Brunswick the anti-confederation candi- dates had been successful by large majorities. Ti,e government, notwithstanding, will pin-sue their policy, and as soon as parliament ii ad- journed members of the administration will come to England, to c.onferwith the Homo Government Ol: the question of defence, the confederation, and other pressing matters. The China arrived from Xew York on Friday, with 1Iews t, the 8th inst., after a rapid passage of 81 days. We learn from the papers that Sheri- dau, on the 27th ult., commenced moving down the Shenandoah. He was not to return to Win- chester but was to co-operate with Slieriutu.- There was great rejoicing on the Gth at w:t;;hi¡i;tlili oil account of recent victories and Mr. Stanton announced that Sheridan had attacked Eaily at Charlottesville, and that the latter with his entire force had surrendered to the Federals. No con- formation of the news had been received and it was believed to be a mere rtlse, to give eclat to the proceedings.—No one knew where Sheinian was. He had not up to a late date effecte(I a junction with Sehofield. The most probable of the rumours respecting him was, that he was not far from Georgetown, on the Black River, as Adiniial Dablgreii bad captured that plac." and Fort White witil 15 ginis, expecting to co-opemte with that officer, then- said to be about 12 miles distant. The Admiral's ilag-ship, the Harvest Moon, had been blown up by a torpedo, all hands were saved. —Grant was still compelled to remain inactive by the condition of the roads.—An important expe- dition left New Orleans oil the 22iul itlt.-At Charleston, negroes were enlisting ritl)itlly.-A joint resolution had been reported to the Confe- derate House of Representatives, recommending that Lee should be clothed with power to treat fo peace.-The inauguration of President Lincoln, and Vice-president Andrew Johnstone, went off I (liiioMv. The latter made a union speech and it is sai 1 he was inebriated. The Senate had subse- quently forbidden the sale of spirituous liquors in I the Capitol. Private lettors from Mexico, received in New York, assort that tho war in the United Status i; attracting special attention there and that the Imperial Government had" directed the police to arrest all persons professing sunpathy with the Felleral cause, The Federal Consul had been sent from Matamoras, in consequence of the non- recognition of the empire by the Federal Govern- ment. He had arrived at New Orleans.—There had been more negotiations between the Mexican and the Confederate oiffcers, and authorities but on Sunday, it was announced in the official paper of Vienna, that negotiations at Washington between the agents of the Emperor and Mr. Seward were progressing szttisfitotorily; ttil(I that Mr. Lincoln had promised to recognise tho empire at the termination of the present war.—The Imperial treasury is reported to be getting lower and the opposition of the Church party to be increasing.—At San Francisco, it wag delliell, on the authority of Mr. Guitts, agent, that thc Emperor of the French had abandoned the coloni- zation scheme. A despatch from Peru, published in the Madrid CorresjHitileucia, announces that a revolution had broken out in that country. The President, I'ezet, had been arrested. The treaty with Spain was said to be the cause of the outbreak. ————————











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