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BEAUMARIS. I I THE LITERARY INSTITUTE. The annual meeting of this useful institution was held in the Guild-hall, Beaumaris, ou Tuesday evening last, the 21st instant, for the purpose of receiving the Report of the Committee and the transacting of the usual gene- ral business connected with the Institute. In the absence of the President, Sir R. B. W. Bulke- ley, Bart., M.P., the Vice-President, Captain H. Lewis Hampton, occupied the chair. We are sorry to say the attendance was but a small one, as, from several adverse causes, the meeting had been delayed several weeks beyond the usual time of holding it, and it had been only partially an- nounced. Amongst those present we noticed the following :— Captain Hampton, John Williams, Esq., 0. Williams, Esq., Mr. Delamere, Mr. Goodfellow, Mr. T. Pritchard, Mr. G. Griffith, Mr. W. Hughes, Mr. Tyrer, Mr. Itichd. Jones, Mr. Robert Jones, Mr. Edward Jones, Mr. Henry Owen, Mr. William Davies, Mr. David Roberts, Mr. W. Owen, &c. The Vice-President then rose, and observed that he greatly regretted to see such a small attendance of mem- bers, and he hoped at their next meeting there would be a much larger one. The institution was one calculated to do much good, and it was of great importance to the town and for himself he had great pleasure in support- ing it, and in doing what he could to advance its pros- perity. (Cheers.) He trusted, therefore, the next gene- ral meeting would be better attended, for no gentleman could wish better to the town than he did himself. He then called upon Mr. John Williams to read the report of the Committee for the past year, 1864, which that gen- tleman at once proceeded to do. REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE. In accordance with the regulations of the Institute, the Committee have now to lay before the members a report for the twelve months ended 10th January, 1864. It will be remembered that at the close of the year 1863 the Institute was zEl3 1G.-i. Id. in debt, and the Committee have again to iutimate that a deficiency of £3 Us. lid. still exists in the funds. An effort was made to liquidate the debt by means of a concert, which was held in Beaumaris Castle in July last by the Bethesda Choral Society. The concert was energetically promoted by that staunch friend of the Institute—Mr. Rogers, of l'enypark. The Committee fullv expected it would have realized a surplus of at least £ 10; but the total gain, after pay- ing all expenses, was only 5s., and the present debt of the Institute would have been t:8 14;1. lld. but tor the opportune and liberal donation of zC5, given by Mrs Lewis, of Bulkeley Place, for which a special vote of thanks was passed by the Committee. The number of honorary members who contributed last year was twenty.four, and of ordinary members seventy-nine. A gradual falling off has taken place in tho number ofe honorary members during the last three years, and, cou- sequently, a considerable diminution in the amount of subscriptions it is quite evident that, if the patrons do not continue their support, the usefulness of the Insti- tute will be materially curtailed. The Committee are fully aware that an institution of this kind must be maintained chiefly by the class of people for whose especial benefit it may have been in- tended and the Beaumaris Literary Institute deserves a greater amount of support and encouragement from the artizans and working-men, residing in the town and its vicinity, than it has hitherto received. The Committee have been most assiduous in their en- deavours, during the past year, to lessen the expenses and to increase the income of the Institute. Ten committee meetings were held in the course of the year, and various useful measures were adopted, which had for their object the general welfare of the Society The box placed in the Reading Room for receiving donations from visitors, produced during the summer months the sum of ±1 10s. let., an(i ,t q,,iving ot Ilz]S been effected in the outlay for newspapers by paying every (juii i ter in advance. It was deemed advisable, in order to economize the funds, to discontinue the following newspaper; and pe- riodicals, viz.,—Daily News, MancJicstcr Guar: an, Haner a'tAmwrau, YCj/mro, The Cornkill il" izinc, and The Leisure Hour. Under the pecuniary disadvantages already alluded to, it has been found impossible to comply with the wish, very generally expressed by the members, to have fea- tures in connection with the Institute. It would be very desirable to have a series of instruc- tive and entertaining lectures during the winter months; but as the Committee are convinced that they would ajjain prove a source of pecuniary loss, their postpone- ment is urged upon the members until the funds are in a more flourishing state than at present. The following is a classified list of the books issued from the Library during the year 1864 :— Biography 2.) Void. Fiction 134 History 12A Magazines 117 n Poetry 2S Science 10 tI Travels 31" Various 31.i" Welsh 5" Total al t Vols. The Committee wish to draw the attention of the subscribers aud the public to the fact that a much larger proportion of the books issued ill 18ti4 ivert,- works of a useful and improving character. 1 his result the Com- iiiittee to be due, in a great measure, to the re- marks made by the I'lu-ruent of the Illstitute iu liG.- speechatthe?tgeueralmeeting. The Committee are also glad to state that the stamps so kindly given by I Captain Hampton Lelois have effectually answered the piirpose intended. Very few, or almost none, of the papers or periodical are now missed from the foom. Too much praise can not be awarded to the Librarian for his valuable ana disinterested services. Mr. Goodfellow has been molt punctual in his attendance at the Reading-room during the year, and the subscribers have experienced no difi- culty in obtaining books. The thanks of the members are due to the Presideit, Vice-President, and to the patrons of the Institute for their, kind support, and also to Mr. E. R. Thomas for his kindness in giving the Reading Room free of rent. In concluding this report, the Committee wish to draw the attention of the members to the necessity of com- bined and cordial co-operation—this can he done in se- veral ways—by recommending the Institute to the no- tice of their friends and acquaintances—by inducing them to become members—by drawing the attention of strangers and visitors to the advantages of the Insti- tute-and, lastly, by paying their subscriptions punc- tuslly. The Committee are only a few, and the neglect of this last part of the members' duty causes them, in con- sequence, much anxiety and no little labour. It would be disgraceful to Beaumaris—the capital of the Island—were this Institute allowed to fail for vaut of the support it certainly well deserves. Since writing the foregoing report, the Committee have great pleasure in informing the meeting that they have received trom the Misses Roberts, of Mat-log, a very valuable donation of books, consisting of 29 vols, of the Quarterly Keview" and 102 vols. of the Edin- burgh Review." These books, published at 6s each, though not bound, can, owing to their perfect condition, be made available for issue to subscribers, and contain a very large amount of valuable and interesting matter. The thanks of the members of the Institute are due in an especial manner to such benefactors of the Society as the Misses Roberts have shewn themselves to be by their valuable gift. The following is a summary of the Treasurer's ac- count for the year:— RECEIPTS. Honorary suhscriptions £ 9 0 0 Ordinary ditto 10 15 0 Donations for Newspapers 4 18 0 Sale of Newspapers 1 6 1 Donations from Visitors, and Vi- sitors' weekly tickets 1 10 1 Book lost from Library 0 1 0 Donation from Mrs. Lewis 5 0 0 Proceeds of Concert 15 8 0 L47 18 2 PAYMENTS. Balance due, and paid to Mr. J. Williams, former Treasurer JE511 I Gas 2 2 9 Wages, &c. 8 12 0 Newspapers 15 7 9 Printing 0 12 2 Advertising. 0 6 0 Miscellaneous 3 13 0 I nsnmnce of Library 0 5 6 Expenses of Concert 15 3 0 E51 13 1 Balance due to the Treasurer, .-£3 14s. I Id. The following members of the Committee go out of office by rotation, and are eligible for re-election Messrs. Goodfellow, Delamere, Hutton, and J. Wil- liams." It was then proposed and seconded that the Report be adopted, which was carried nem. con., and with cheers. Mr. John Williams then called the attention of the meetinc to one of their rules, which he thought it would be desirable to repeal, as it would be to the ad- vantage of the Institute to do so. By the present rule, No. 4, it was enacted that the offices of secretary and treasurer should be held by one and the same person. Now, he thought it would be advisable to divide the offices, and to appoint a gentleman to each. Mr. Hughes, Bauk, had filled the two offices during the past year, and he was sure the members were greatly indebted to him for his exertions and the zeal with which he had brought to bear upon them, and he had succeeded in reducing the debt to a very small amount. (Cheers.) Still, like himself, he felt he could not spare the time necessary to fulfil the duties of the two offices as they ought to be, and he should therefore move that the of- fices in question be divided. The motion, after being seconded by Mr. Goodfel- low, and put to the meeting by the Chairman, was una- nimously agreed to. The Chairman said he quite agreed tnat it was desirable to separate the office of secretary from that of treasurer, and he .vas happy to inform the meeting that, during a conversation which he had had with him' on the subject, the Rev. T. Warren Trevor had expressed his willingness to act as secretary (cheers); and he had no doubt but what his doing so would be of great ad- vantage to the Institute. He then pressed up' B the members the necessity of their making extra exertions to promote the interests of the Institute. They would perceive that, notwithstanding the donations which they had received in money and in books and papers, and that the room was given to them for nothing, yet they were behind in their accounts instead of there being a sur- plus. The room where they met, he went on to say, was kindly given to them by Mr. Evan Thomas, and he must say of that gentleman that he had done more for them, and taken a greater interest in their success than any other member had done (loud cheers), and for this he was sure they all felt deeply indebted to him. He then briefly alluded to the difficulty which had been experi- enced during the past year in getting in the subscrip- tions, which added greatly to the trouble of the secretary and treasurer. He would recommend them to do all in their power to induce new members to join, and he would promise them that he (the chairman) would ren- der them all the assistance which he could. They must try and begin again as it were; and in order that they m ? ty have a fair btart and clean hands, he should be very happy to pay, himself, the small debt (£3 14s. lid.) which was then owing. (Great applause.) In order to further the interests of the Institute, he thought it would be advantageous to have a number of small cards printed, to be distributed all over the town during the season," drawing attention to the Reading Room. He thought if that were done, it would help them a great deal, for he believed that numbers of visitors came to the town, and returned without knowing that there was such a place as a Literary Institute in the town, or that the Times could be seen every day for the most trifling sum. For himself, he should certainly call the attention of all his friends to the subject, and he hoped all the members would do the same, and then the Insti- tute, doubtless, would be more prosperous than over. (Cheers.) This suggestion as to the cards" seemed to be warmly approved of by all the members present. The Chairman then announced that four members of the Committee retired by rotation, amongst them being Mr. John Williams (who begged to be excused serving again for a time), and that it was their duty at that meeting to appoint four other members in their stead. The following gentlemen were appointed on the com- mittee :1r. G. Griffiths, Sergeant Simpson, Mr. Goodfellow (who is also librarian), and Mr. Robert Da- vies. On the motion of Mr. J. Williams, seconded by Mr. G. Griffith, the Rev. T. Warren Trevor was appointed Secretary. Mr. Hughes, Bank, was re-appointed Treasurer. Mr. J. Williams then rose and called the attention of the meeting to the number of members of the commit- tee, which by the present regulation was necessary to form a quorum and to transact business. By the pre- sent rule, it was necessary that 5 members meet, let the matter to be settled be ever so trifling; and he could assure them that it was often a very great difficulty to get that number to attend. Nothing whatever could be done if 0 members did not attend; and it must be re- membered that the funds at their disposal were very small which they had to deal with and if the matter to be discussed involved an outlay only of 15s., still it could not be disposed of if five members of the commit- tee did not attend. They could not leave such matters to be settled by the Secretary, because it would not be right to put such responsibility upon him and so the fact was there had been only one legal meeting during the past year, when, as they all knew, many trifling matters required to be settled without delay and at once. He should, therefore, move—that in future 3 members, in- stead of 5, should be Bltfficient to form a quorum. (Ap- plause.) Mr. Goodfellow seconded the motion, observing that out of four meetings which had been called, during the past year, only one had been held, as five members did not attend.. The motion was then put to the meeting by the Chair- nlan, and agrecll to. Mr. Delamere next moved a cordial vote of thanks to the Chairman for the handsome manner in which he had come forward to relieve the Institute of its deMo ^Mr. John WiUiams said he hf?rtuy begged to second the vote, which was carried with acclamation. The Chairman returned thanks, and remarked that the next time he had the pleasure of meeting them in that room, he hoped he should hear a great many more feet cheering under the benches. (Laughter and ap- plause.) Mr. John Morgan was then appointed Auditor in the place of Mr. Davies, who had been elected as a member of the Committee. Mr. J. Williams next moved a vote of thanks to the Honorary Members, who had made donations to the Institute in money tfrin books. The speaker insisted on the necessity of tliclf making the Institution self- supporting, and upon their Hot depending so much as they hitherto had done upon the assistance of others. Of course they felt greatly indebted to those kind ladies and gentlemen who had made them presents of money and books, and to Mr. Thomas for the use of the room but still he thought it would be much better if they could place themselves in all independent position, so as not to be absolutely dependent on the extraneous as- sistance of others. (Cheers.) The motion was seconded by Mr. W. Davies, and was carried amidst loud cheers. The Chairman then moved a vote of thanks to Mr. Goodfellow for his valuable services to the Institute as Librarian. Mr. J. Williams seconded, and said he could speak perhaps more than any other member of the arduous duties of the office, and of the zealous and efficient manner in which they had been performed by Mr. Goodfellow. Carried with applause. Mr. Goodfellow briefly re- turned thanks, adding that he was willing to act as Li- brarian again if the meeting desired it. (Cheers.) The Chairman then said, before the meeting broke up, he wished to press upon the members again the neces- sity of their trying to add new members to the Insti- tute Every one of them had some friends, and if they would but bring the matter before them they might do a great deal of good. He did hope that all of them would do their best to promote the success and pros- perity of the Beaumaris Literary Institute. (Loud cheers. ) The meeting then broke up.








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