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THOMAS WI L LI A MS, FAMILY GROCER, AND ITALIAN WAREHOUSEMAN, PROPRIETOR OF THE MUCH ADMIRED LLANDUDNO SAUCE, GENUINE TEA, COFFEE, COCOA, RAW, AND REFINED SUGARS, AND EVERY DESCMPTMN OF (tROCERIES, DESSERT. WESTPHALIA HAMS, PHILLIPPE AND CANAUD'S SARDINES, Ac.; tGFVr ?or EHis's and Schweppes' Sodft and Pohtss Waters, Brighton, and other Seitiier Water. Chatnpftgne m?nitde. and Ginger Beer GiUun't! Essence of Beef, fcr the immedi&te production of Beef Tea Crease &! Black Leif dotted Meata. Fortttble Soups. Piektea, &c., &c. Lea &nd Perrin's Worcesterahh e Sauce Fortnum & Mason's lpa 'I t l" ',s 0- ?o p thi Coco<t; ?',rnin' r the leitf not coloured Mackenzie GI:J'\Ii',hllemass'. celebrate,l Edinburgh Biscuits ditto's Scotch Short Bread and Orange Ginger Bread Huntley ?' t t'.dmer's ReatUug Biscuits KeiUer and Sons\ Dundee Marmalade Price's Patent Composites, and other Can- di: the Fuvount< Pick)e—the Onne's Hout Samphire. THOMAS WIL LIAMS, DISPENSING AND FAMtLY CHEMIST CHURCH WALKS (OPPOSITE M08TYN AND TUDNO STREETS). LLANDUDNO, ESTABLISHED 1854. pRESCKirnOKS ACCURATELY COMPOUNDED ACCORDING TGTHE FORMUL)BOF IHE BRITISH PHARMACOPEIA WILTLIAMS'S CELEBRATED LLANDUDNO BOUQUET. GENUINE EAU DE COLOGNE. tiair, Tooth, Nail Briiskes aud Comb! Pom.des PmtG'yctHM I SUPERIOR LAVENDER Cotd Cream AntiafpHc Tooth Ponder Oriental Tooth Paste OILED SILK. BATHING CAPS. &c. ROWLAND'S MACASSAR OIL, KALYDOR AND ODONTO. GODFREY'S EXTRACT OF ELDER FLOWERS. RIMMEL'S TOILET VINEGAR. ODORIFEROUS TINCFURE OF MYRRH AND BORAX. An eMcient Mouth Wash. CONCENTitATED CO-NIPOUND DECOCTION OF 8ARS;>PAR!LLA AND TARAXACUM, Amostva'uaMeAUerat'v NEROLINE, unequalled in it* ttTectt in preoerving the Sk'" from the action of the Sun. Wind. and S"d, and i* indispensable a nregervxtive after Set Bat-King horn t))t ir' 'Utio.. cauetd bv the Ch.m.eat action of the S.iine V.po.f. W.Uiams' Compound Rhubarb Pills. Correcting, ditto. Antiliilotis, ditto- dinner. do. Wiiiiama Coned. Ess, of Ginger. Quinine Wine. Sweet Essence of Senna Disrrhoea Mixture. EFFERVESCENT CITRATE OF MAGNESIA. GEUINI!: SEIDLITZ POWDER, LEMON KALI, &c. Now PuMishing. 9th Thousand, LLANDUDNO.it! History and NatutatHittorY, or Williams's beat ,tide and Map of Uandudno and the Neighbourhood. OFFICE FOR LOST AND FOUND ARTICLES. ? THOMAS AND CO., MEDICAL, DISPENSING, & FAMILY CHEMISTS, 0 S T YN S TREE 'r,. LLANDUDNO, A FEW DOORS ABOVE THE POST OFF:CE. Prcpnctoro of the Orme'sHcad Bouquet. a new perfume, ?Sle for it. sweet and lastmg fr?uce. The LI mdudco Tooth Paste, one triat of which will con- vincc thc most prejudiced of its great superiority ovor every !her. it give. the teeth an exquisits whiteness. at the same time promoting a healthy .chon on the gunis,-arrc tidg the progress of decay, and imparting to the breitth a most pleiming sweetness. A hrse KndweU sdected stoek of the choicest perfumery. by the best makero. C?enuine Eall de Ci.logne. ????nd??er. strongly recommenJed S?-s Perfume Vaporizer, Spmt, E?senc., Tc.!et &- c. dor, and Odonto. ?X' ?ar OH. Mydor..nd Odonto. Oldridge's Balm of Columbia. Godfrey's Extract of Elder Flowers. B.n?ine and Cosmetiques. Col<1l'ream, Glycerine. ?S;??e. M?w. Honey, and other P?m&deB. Genuine Boar's Grease. fancy Soaps, in great variety. Cited Silk, Gutta Percha, and Spongio PiUne. Finest Turkey and Honey Comb Sponger Sponge Btga, BathiMg Caps, &c. Quinine. Camphorated, and other Dentrificee. Finest XewipumUitnd Cod Liver Oil. Dr. l)e Jon's LiKht Brown Cod Liver Oi). Du Barry's Revalonta Arabica Food. Brown and Poison's Patent Corn Flour. DuryOtt'!) Maizena. Kingstord's Oawego. Prepared Corn. Robinson's Patent Barley and Groats. Hair, Tooth, and Nail Brushes. Combs, in every variety of style and pattern. Genuine Seidlitz, Soda, Lemonade, and Ginger Beer Powders. i Galogenes, for making artincial Bi-atecl waters. Powdera alld Essences for charging the same. Sme!)ing Botttes, sitver-moanted and otherwMe, in great variety. Patent Medicines of every description. I Genuine Tet, Coffee. Cocoa. Raw, Crushed and Lump Sugary Spices. &o. PicUe? SaucM. E?ence.. Caper.. Marmalade, ???. Preserved ?°?r, Fru?. Bnt?h W.D?..nd ?r X<t<- Lemonade. Soda, SeMzer, Lithia. PotaM. and many other ?Erated. Waters; ??t ? o???nr??n.' &C-, Lemonade, Soda' Seltzer, Lithia, Potas% and many other Emte(I Waters; fer KeillerN Mamlalade, Horoiman'. Pure Tea; for Mackenzie and Middlemus' celebrated Albert Bàeuits, icowh Ohort Bre?d, and Orange Ginger Bre?. ? ST. GEORGE'S HOTEI.Â' LLANDUDNO, Corner of St. George's Crescent, Fronting the Bay. ISAIAH DAVIES, PROPRIETOR. TABLE D'HOTE DAILY AT TWO O'CLOCK. FAMILIES CAN BE SUPPLIED WITH WINES AND SPIRITS. AN OMNIBUS BELONGING TO THE HOTEL MERT3 EVERY TRAIN TO AND FROM THE STATION. MMtAMM POST OFFICE, LLANDUDNO. WILLIAM POWELL, BOOKSELLER AND STATIONER, STREET, TTAS the pleasure to m&rm the Visitors and Inhabitants of Llandudno, that he continues 11 to Muniv Stationery of the new?t atyte. Books, Photo?phs, L?nd?pes of North W?, &c..by E. Bedford ?t?A?um.o? .iM.,BiM. Church Services, Common Prayer Guide Books, and Book. of View. m great viiiiety, ?Lo?T ?nd PMvincM New.papeM Mpp]i<?. Circuiting Library, contMning the moat recently pu ished Boob not in stock :an be procured from London, at the shortest notice, free of carrMge. ROBERT HUGHES, Confectioner, General Grocer, and Tea Dealer, AGENT FOR THE LIGHT WINE ASSOCIATION, 5 MOSTYN STREET, LLANDUDNO. REFRESHMENT ROOMS, British Wines, Etns's Soda Water and Lemonade. Ginger Beer, C &c,Mck!M. Sauce.. Marmalades, Potted Me.t. Ham., Bacon, and Prime CheMe, Biscuits made on the Pmmiges. Families supplied with Groceries. ??'h?y?S ?? ?' ?d AU.opp-.AlM. Dublin P.rterand Stout. bottM .nd d?M. J. EDWARDS, LATB P. WEBSTER DISPENSING AND FAMILY CHEMIST, HIGH STREET, [Opposite theCastle Hotel, C 0 N W A Y OLD ESTABLISHED DEPOT FOR GENUINE DRUGS. J'DL HYSICIANS and Surgeon's Prescnptios andj Family Beclpoa compounded with much pcare Mtd Mcuracy. An aMortment of approred Perfumery Toilet Soap. in great vaAetY. EDWARDS'S ?UneennttU T.oth P?te. hightye.t?medf.r beautiMngthe Teeth .Dd Gu?. Thi. much?pp?ved P?P??.?? nreecrvM to the enamel its ongintJPeM-1 wmteneas, md M p.trttcu!?Iy ?EDW\A?RDS -?S ?? S?? who B.<fer nm.h from t?th.che and teuder gum. ?? ??.? ?.??? ? ?' ? -?? ? '-? "? '? tntgranee. Teeth filled and extracted. I ?? P?? J? M??, S?din? ? ?t ?ty, impcr? by C?& B?.M, LoDdon ? LemonB. S?d OH, W. C.mp?t C..d!? ChiM'. Night Hgbt?W? T?n.?d V??w.y.:n 8èock.' I Fine New Season Tea. {m- quality, strength and flavour not surpaeftd. Sponges and BaM in VMrioua Maortmentt. p\for lIIfu'ø Ruthi1t8oda, Potay Wateø, and Lemonade. .FA$Ujks SUPFMED WITH GROCERY. S CONVAY. COMMERCIAL TEMPERANCE HOTEL, LANCASTER SQUARE, Srd .Door on tlte Left froin the Railway Station. A CCOMMODATMN for Commercia! Gentlemen, FamUics, and Tourists, on reasonable ,/t. terms. E. RICHARDSON, rroprietor. Visitors to the Handudno Eisteddfod will ftnd every accommodation, Beds, &e. LONDON HOUSE, LANCASTER SQUARE, CON"VV.A Y. w ELSH FLANNELS, LINSEYS, AND WINCE, YS RIDING GLOVES, SHAWLS, (V MANTLES, and DRESSES STRAW HATS, BONNETS, &e. E. E. DAVIES, GENERAL DRAPER, GLOVER, HOSIER AND SILK MERCER, LONDON HOUSE, (NEAR THE RAILWAY STATION), CONWAY. JOHN JONES, FAMILY AND DISPENSING C HE MIST, MOSTYN STREET, NEAR THE RAILWAY STATION, LLANDUDNO. In dispensing Medieices the greatest attention is paid to accuracy and neatneM. Teas genuine &8 imported, fresh roasted CoBfees, and general Grocery Warehouse. EIlM'e Sodt Water, PotMa Water, and Lemonade. French Essences and Perfumery, Fancy Soape, Ac. CARTES DE VISITE. t STUDIO for Firet Class PORTRAITS is now A open at Next Door to Osborne HoaBe. ORMES VILLA. NORTH PARADE. LLANDUDNO. J. S. CORNABY, PROPRIETOR. $ HENRY HAYN, W tM ]E MERCHANT9 (OPPOSITE THE, RAILWAY STATION,) LLANDUDNO. LIST OF PRICES. Per Doz. Porta [Old cruBted or otherwise] from 30a to 72a Amontit!ado. °- ManzMiUit '? DimerSherry ?' ? FineGoldenditto ? Ditto, superior 42.. Fino Bordeaux Clarets from 12s to 548 per Doz. Champagnes—Roederer's, Ciiequoh', and Meets [Brat qualities] from72a Other kinds. from36<i I Sparkling I-lock M8 )Ditt<)ditto,pinte 30B Ditto Moselle — 5<s Sound Burgundies [Red and White] 2()s BASS & CO'S ALES, AND GUINNESS'S STOUT, IN CASK AND BOTTLE. JOHN RE EVES, WINE AND SPIRIf MERCHANT, Church Walks [near the Parade], I LLANDUDNO. AJhopp't Pale Mid other Aleo in Bottle. London and Dublin Stout. A wel! Maorted Stook Of'tne choicext Wines. LIST OF PRICES CM APPLICATION. CHESTERHCnJSE, MOSTYN STREET, LLANDUDNO, FIR8T.CLA8S APARTMENTS. Large Drawing Room, Sitting Room, 2 Single and 2 DouMe Bedrooms, with extra Bedroom. K reared. Mate, Linen, good Cooking and Atten- Terms moderate. ?——? Th: ° ?RICHARD8. N.B.—The whole to be Let or in Apartments. .'I:.n' '>. i!1.t.. 'Z'Et;¡¡ (, (. -4' 0. ;<J ,,+- .;< '»- (, -f !t>' -II" '"V.<.) ¡.-< ((' f. o o Q oi( 0 'Ii'(' t TO VISITORS TO THE SEA-SIDE, TOURISTS AND TRAVELLERS, ?i???????????? tbe Promenade, the Ride, and Drive. In all cases Fervid Heat and its concomitant Dust, materially injure tbe Skin, producing Sunburn, Tan, Freckles, anè Discolorations of an almost indelible cha- racter. To obviate and em?iocf ate these baneful results, resource may with confidence be had to ROWLANDS' KALYDOR, A n Oriental BotanMt! Pt-epaM<t<m. Whether reported to in its specific character ? a tho. =';s??s. de eotg of an eruptive nature, and discolorations of the Skin, or as a Preserver and Promoter of its already bn?g'nt and glow?in?g ?t?mM?, this ELEGANT TOILET REQUISITE- has in every instance maintained its claim to the title :?-.?'?KK?&'?'S,? GRACE." Duri ug SUMMER and AUTUhfN the invigo. s???r? s'??? KALYDOR wilt be found singularly agreeable.to ¡ LADIES TRAVELLING. The effects bY temporary exposure to solar heat upon ?FA? NECI?ARMSand HANDS being neu- t? ?i? and the cloud reduced by re;a?h<mat,d Ia,- ? rdMpdfed by its power of sustaining a perfect e?- ticity of Sesk? without which c?m detenorati? ?ea dace thus in the usual periodical visite made to ?oS ROWLANDS' KALYDOR i. ind?pen?iMe aa a preeervative of the Sk'n after SEA BATHING, from the irritation caused by the chemicaJ action of saline vapour. PrMf 41. M. and 83.6d. per totMc. The heat of summer frequently communicates drynesa to the hair and a tendency to faH oS, which may be completely obviate, by the use of ROWLANDS' MACASSAR OIL adelichUnUy fragrant and transparent preparation, and aaanmviKoratorandbeautinerofthe Hair beyond all precedent. For CHILDREN it M especially recom- mended as forming the basis.f A BEAUTIFUL HEAD OF HAIR, while its introduction into the nursery of Royalty, and the numerous teetimoniah coMtant'y re- ceived of itseSoftcy, afford the beatand surest proofs of its merits-Price 3s. 6d. 7s.; 10e. 8d., equal to four small, and 21s. per bottle. WHITE AND SOUND TEETH, are indispensible to PERSONAL ATTRACTIO. N, and, to health and longevity by the proper masboation of food. ROWLANDS' ODONTO. OrPe,ariDtntifrice, A White Powder, compounded of Oriental Ingrédleptli, is of inestimable value in preserving and beauttfymg the teeth, strengthening the gums, and in giving a pleasing (trance tot&.BrLth. It eradicate Tartar from the Teeth, removM spota of incipient decay, &nd polishes and prefierves enamel, to which it imparts a PBLRL-LIKE WBlTBHMfi.—Price Zs. 9d. per box. SeM by t%MtM« aM Pcrfvam. I <w ASK for ".ROWLANDS" Ait:cl«. JUST OUT, WILLIAM'S GUIDE to LLANDUDNO & NEIGHBOURHOOD, Sold at the POST OFFICE by Mr. Woodcock, Sta- tioner, Church Walks; Mr. Eilerhy, do., Mostyn Street; Thorns and Co., Chemists, Mostya Street; and by the Publisher,— THOMAS WILLIAMS, CHEMIST. CHURCH WALKS. WILLIAM ROBERTS, POST OFFICE, PENMAENMAWR, HOUSE AGENT; A G E N T for EMis's Soda W?tpr, Lemou- J'1?_ ade, and Ginger Beer; also agent for Jones' ?MeDai Bndge; for Guinneas'a Extra Stout Bottied Ports; AIIsopp'a Bottled Ale, Half-barrels of which can be had. Agent to the North Wheat Setou Copper Miaioc Company NEWS AGENT.—STATIONER, &c. (?* Agent for THE DIRECTORY and the NORTH WALES CHRONMLE," &c. Agent to the British National Life Assurance Association. RHYL CARTES DE VISITE. VISITORS to Rhyl arc respecttutiy reqnest- f ed before having their Photographs taken to ex- amine T. Brown's SPECIMENS on the West Parade, and at the EataMishmant, 73, WeHington Road. No Photographs issued inferior to specimens exhibited. Cartes, Ms. the nrat dozen. „ <!s. the half dozen. "We have never seen Photographs so clear and life-like Mr. Brown's.Whiwhaven lierald. PENMAENMAWR BUILDING LAND. W. P AYRES. CONTRACTOR, A-c, TTAS Several Piots of Freehold &-Leaseliold JjL Land to DISPOSE OF, with immediate possession. All the Plots command views of magnificent scenery. Particulars upon application to W. P. A., Agent for the Alexandra Hotel Company. Monnt.un View, Peumaenmawr, August bth, ISM. J. JOHNSON, No. 4, GLODDAETH CRESCENT. Stablea, Back Mostyn St., behind No.3, St. George' Crescent). Open and Close Carriages, with good horaes for hire per mile, day or hour, with steady drivers, acquaintedwith all the drives and places of interest in the neighbour- hoot). W AGGONETTES, &c., siiitable for plearure Vy and pie-nic parties; for making tonra through the beautiful &nd far-famed Vales of Conway and Llan- rwst; to Trefriw, Danrwat, Bettwo y Coed, (past the Miner's Bridge and the Swallow Waterfall), Capel Curig to Beddgelert, the Ogwen, pasat Nact Francon, aud returning through the pass of Llaoberis. CONCENTRATED FLUID EXTRACT OF JAMAICA aARSATARILIA. finHE experience of many years has fully Testablished the reputation of this pa)tieu:ar pre- paration. as conttuninfrmoM of the virtues of the roo from which it is procured than the decoction made in the ordinary way over a nre. It is well known that Sarsapanlla sweetens the Mood. improves a bad habit of the body, and by giving the cu. t&neous Tesaets a regular action, removes disposition to Erysipelatious innamation, and those affections resem- bling it, from which so many persons periodically suffer and that it al.so frees the system from what may be term- ed the sequel!! of a mercurial course. When taken in the Spring and fall of the year as an alterative medicine it will be found to impart that ttamina to the constitu- tion, which is indicated by firmness of flesh, regula- rity of xppetite, and freahDest of complexion. PrepMed and sold only by J. EDWARDS, CHEMIST, HIGH-STREET, CONWAY, in Bottleo, Ze. 3d., 4&, 7a. M., Md 1]& A B'1 cemmtndf) pet poet will be <ent per nul t< My acWrw.

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