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NEWS OF THE WEEK. I It appears thftt an extraordinary suitor has ap- plied for the hand of the Queen—Theodore, Em- peror of Abyssinia. He sent the application through Mr. Cameron, the English Consul; and an answer not arriving so soon as he expected, he imprisoned that official, and had him put in chains. This being communicated to the Queen, an answer was despatched to his Majesty per post. Such is the story told in the French news papers. On Friday morning, the Prince of Wales, and Prince Louis of Hesse, left Osborne, in the Vic- toria and Albert, to visit the Channel Fleet, at Torbay. The Princess of Wales, and the Princess Louis met their Royal Highnesses on their re- turn, in the Elfi,) and they returned to Osborne in company. On Monday, their Royal High- nesses took leave of her Majesty, and arrived at Marlborough House with the infantPrince, Victor, the same evening. On Tuesday, the Prince of Wales presided at the uncovering of a statue erected to his late fa- ther, by the Licensed Victuallers, in the Old Kent Road. The weather was unfavourable, as there had been heavy rain all the morning but there was a numerous and fashionable assem- blage and the Prince, in reply to an address presented to him, expressed the pleasure he felt in seeing the honour paid to his father's memory, and his wish to follow his example. It was announced, on Friday, that the Post- master-General had cancelled the contract of the Royal Atlantic Mail Steam Packet Company, and that the affairs of the Company are now in process of winding up. The triumph of Lord Courtenay, at Exeter, has occasioned great disappointment to the Libe- rals in that city, andgaverise tori-its on the evening of the polling-day, and on Friday, when the num- bers were officially declared. Lord Courtenay was, on the latter day, pelted with stones, one of which wounded him in the face. More evidence has been taken this week to con- nect Muller with the murder of Mr. Briggs. The German Legal Protection Society of LondoD, on the other hand, are endeavouring to ascertain the precise movements of Muller, on the day of the murder, with the view of proving an alibi. On Monday, the first stone of a monument to be erected to O'Connell, at Dublin, was laid in Saekville-street, by the Lord Mayor. There was a long procession, with flags, banners, and music. —In the evening there was a banquet at the Ro- tunda. Lord Palmerston arrived at Holme House, Lightcliffe, the seat of Mr. Ripley, President of the Bradford Chamber of Commerce, on Monday evening and on Tuesday, he went to Bradford, to lay the first stone of the New Exchange. There was a great display at Bradford, and along the route from Lightcliffe, of flags, banners, and other decorations, on Tuesday morning, and crowds of people. Several showers fell, as the noble lord, and his numerous attendants went in procession, from Peel Park, to Market Street, the site of the intended building. But the sun burst through the clouds when the pro- cession arrived there, and the ceremony (preceded by the presentation of an address to his lordship) was performed under the influence of its inspir- ing rays. After the ceremony, there was a grand diunerat 8t George's Hall, at which several ad- dresses were presented to the Premier. The working-classes had adopted one to present to his lordship, reproaching him for his for- saking the cause of Reform, which the manag- ing committee refused to present.—After the dinner, Lord Palmerston returned to Lightclifie. —Ou Wednesday, he went to Saltaire, the resi- dence of Mr. Titus Salt, and returned to town in the evening A very destructive fire took place on Thursday, when the mansion belonging to the Marquis of Londonderry, on the banks of the Thames, near London, was destroyed. Three years ago, Col. M'Murdo, the Inspector of Voluuteers, took the house on a seven yean, lease. He had furnished it very handsomely; but independently of the furniture, which can be replaced, there was an extensive armoury, in one of the rooms, contain- ing arms which had been presented to the gallant Colonel, of nearly every description of bore. In the drawing-room, were, also, a number of gold presentation medals, placed under glass shades for protection and in fire-proof safes, were many valuables, amongst them, a gold-mounted isword, which 11 a. presented to the Colonel by some In- dian chiefs, when he was serving in India. The oouservatories contained a great many orange trees and exotic plants—which are destroyed and the trees and flower beds in the garden, are also completely ruined. The loss must be very great. The Colonel was absent at the time his lady (who was the daughter of the late Sir Chas. Napier), gave particular directions to the firemen to be careful in preserving every relic or part of one that might be found in the debris but very little is saved. An appeal has been made to the volunteers, to come forward with some tes- timonial to the gallant Colonel. On Friday forenoon, at half-past 11 o'clock, a tremendous explosion took place at the powder mills of Mr. S. Sharp, at Chilworth, near Guild- ford,-wliiell occasioned destruction of both life and property. What caused the explosion, no one can tell; it took place in au instant shatter- iug the pressing-shed, a detached building, in which it originated, almost to atoms large pieces of machinery, portions of the roof, and timbers, being hurled some distance round; and one pon- derous piece of machinery was found a quarter of a mile from the place. Two men were at work in the abed, and were blown to atoms, their truoks being found ftt a distance of 200 yards. The sparks, or burning timbers, set fire to two ricks of hay, whioh stood 150 yards from the mill and several houses, including that of Mr. Goodwin-Chester, one of the county magistrates, which was 250 yards from the mills. In that mansion, the furniture in many of the rooms, was lifted from its place, and no fewer than 60 windows were broken. At the Percy Arms, close to the Chilworth Station, the roof was injured and the windows all smashed. The violence of the explosion may be conceived, from the fact, that a man who was standing on the edge of a lime quar- ry, three miles distant, felt the shock, and was nearly precipitated over the bank. It appears that the Russians succeeded in get- ting into their hands, the chiefs of the Po- lish National Government," 16 of whom were tried, and condemned to death. On Friday, the 4th inst., M. Fraugett, described as "the head" of that Government, with four others-Krajew- ski, Foryski, Zulinski, and Jezioranski—chiefs of departments, were hung on the glacis of the cita- del, Warsaw. The other 11 will not be executed, but some will be subjected to hard labour for life, while others will be imprisoned in a Siberian for- tress. At a private sitting of the Danish Rigsraad, on the hit inst, the President of the Council an- nounced, that an armistice had been concluded. —The intelligence was received without remark, or manifestations of opinion on the 2nd a mo- tion was brought forward and supported by a con- siderable number of the members, to the effect, that the silence was not to be construed into an approval of the conduct of the Government.—On the 4tli, furloughs were granted to all the recruits of the Danish army, who were undergoing prelim- inary drill; and the troops stationed at Fuhnen began to arrive at Copenhagen. On the 6th inst., the Session of the Rigsraad for Denmark Proper was opened by the King, who said in his speech,—"Having been abandoned by all Europe we are obliged to seek for peace with our overpowering enemy. It is hard to have to have to make such sacrifices, but still harder to prosecute the war. Union between the King and and the people, may bring about a happier fu- ture." The preliminaries of peace, as published at Co- penhagen, on the 2ud inst., are, the complete ces- sion, to Prussia and Austria, of Holsteiu, Launen- burg, and Schleswig, together with the Jutland enclave, the town of Ribe excepted. The present occupation of Jutland, by the allies, to continue till the conclusion of peace. The Duchies are surrendered in their entirety, without any reserva- tion the public debt is to be paid by Denmark, by the Duchies, or by Denmark and the Duchies, according to the terms on which it was contracted. Full liberty to dispose of the Duchies is uncondi- tionally granted to the two powers.—-It was stated that the Federal Execution in Holstein must now enter into a new phase, since there no longer ex- ists any object for its continuance." And it was reported at Vienna, on Tuesday, that Austria and Prussia have entered into negociations re- specting the establishment of a joint provisional government in the Duchies and that they intend to make the proposal to the Diet. In the sitting of the Diet on the 4th, the claims of Prince Frederick William of Hesse, to Lauen- burg, were brought before the representatives. It appears, his Highness, also puts forth his heredi- tary rights in Denmark, as the treaty of 1852 is setaside. Duke Charles of Schleswig-Holstein- Sonderburg-Glucksburg, the elder brother of Christian IX., has sent a meirorial to the Diets, protesting against any claims compromising the rights of his House. Oil the 3rd, 1000 soldiers, natives of Schleswig, who had been discharged from the Danish army, arrived at Flensburg. There were loud rejoicings, both by the soldiers and the people on the occa- 8ion.-The same day, a meeting was held of the clergy and gentry of Kiel, to adopt a petition call- ing for a common Government for Schleswig-Hol- stein, under the protection of Prussia. There were only 23 persons present, of whom five refused to sign the petition. The trial of M. Garnier Pages, and 13 other persons, on a charge of illegally convening an elec- tion meeting of more than 20 persons, commenc- ed on Friday, and terminated on Saturday, before the Court of Correctional Police, Paris. The Court, after deliberating five hours, found a ver- dict of guilty, and each defendant was fined 500f. ( £ 20) and costs.-On Sunday, the Emperor arriv- ed at St. Cloud, from Vicliy.-Oti Tuesday, at 5 p.m., the King of the Belgians left Paris. He arrived at Brussels at 9 p.m., and proceeded to Lacken. Victor Emmanuel is amusing himself with hunt- ing, and other diversions, in the Valley of Aosta, and occasionally goes to Turin. Prince Humbert left Italy this week for Paris, where he will be present at the fete of the 15th. Subsequently, he will visit other parts of France, England, and the Banks of the Rhine. He travels incognito, it being his father's wish that he should visit, and make himself acquainted with the most civilized countries of Europe. Spain still appears to be the seat of some iuter- nal dissensions. On Saturday, several sergeants of the Suboya regiment were arrested at Madrid; and the Epoca of that city remarked, the next day, "this measure appears to have some serious motive, although Madrid is tranquil." The King of Portugal is at the Palace of Al- ferte, practising, on the sands of the Tagus, a new cannon of his own invention.—The 5th inst., was the anniversary of the establishment of the Constitution. The King received the municipal authorities of Lisbon on the occasion, and said he would always maintain those institutions which contributed to the prosperity of the people.-On Tuesday, his Majesty held a Cabinet council, at which it was resolved to permit the establishment of a limited number of religious houses.—A tele- gram of that date, states, that the elections are fixed for the 11th of September and that the vines are suffering from the intense heat. A telegram from Athens, dated the 3rd inst., states, that the Ionian Deputies had arrived, and had met with an enthusiastic reception. They took the oath of allegiance on that day. when the verification of the elections was declared complet- ed, and M. Deliorohi was re-elected President of the National Assembly. A new ministry had been formed, with Admiral Canaris President of the Council, and Minister of Marine and the dis- cussion was to commence on the 6th. Advices from Constantinople, to the 27th of July, inform us, that the missionary difficulty at the Turkish capital is, happpily at an end. The book-stores itudoffices of the several Protes- tant societies have been re-opened freedom of worship is allowed in chapels and meeting-rooms, but not in Khans and other public places the .sale of the Bible is is permitted in book-stores, but colportage, and the gratuitous circulation of works attacking the Mahommedan faith, are prohibited. A telegram from Constantinople dated, the 5th inst., states, that an Arab insurrection had broken out below Bagdad and the Turkish troops had been defeated in three engagements, losing three guns.—The cable of the Persian Gulph telegraph has been broken. It is not known from what cause.. A letter from Bucharest, stales, that Prince Couza has published a decree, which has been been welll received by the public. The first arti- cle enacts, that the different faculties existing at Bucharest, shall be henceforth united, and take the title of University of Bucharest." This is the tirst time an establishment of the kind has been known in Romania. Advices from Tunis, to the 31st ult., render it ??,,?h.) ,h?thpr theinsurrectioii call be comider- ed as at an end. The Arabs are dissatisfied and blame their chiefs for having treated with the Bey, without obtaining the dismissal of the Kis- nadar. The French and Italian Admirals had sent two ships of war to the coast, to protect the subjects of those nations. We are glad to learn by an arrival at Liverpool, with dates from Western Africa, to the 21st ult, that all the British troops had been withdrawn from the Ashantee frontiers. Several telegrams have been received from Suez. One, dated Calcutta, July 6, states, that, "the King of Ava has granted a perpetual con- cession for railways, telegraphs, and collieries, in Burraah." A second, from Singapore, date July 6, announces, that" 8,000,000 lbs. of tobacco leaf had been destroyed by fire at Manilla. A third, from Melbourne, of June 26, gives the informs tion, that "the latest advices from New Zealand, report no further military operations and that the troops had gone into winter quarters." The Australasian, on Saturday morning brought intelligence from New York to the 27th ult. On the previous day, Mr. Fessenden, had called for subscriptions to a popular loan of 200,000,000 dollars, at 73-10ths per cent. Atalanta has not been taken, as reported in the previous arrivals; but the Federals were in great force; and all the railroads leading to the town from the east, west, and south-west, are re- ported to be destroyed. On the 21st, the Con- federates attacked the Federal positions near Atalanta. The fighting was fierce, and was con- tinued the next day. The Federals claim the victory. They admit a loss of 2,500 men but say the Confederates have lost more than 7000. On the 23rd, the fighting was suspended, the wounded being removed, and the dead buried, on both sides, under a flag of truce. It was not re- sumed on the 25th. The Federal force left in the Shenandoah Val. ley, after the pursuit of the Maryland invaders had been abandoned, were attacked near Win- chester, on the 24th ult., by the Confederates, under General Early, defeated, after a severe en- gagement, and driven through Martinburg to the Potomac, with heavy loss of men and artillery. The Confederates occupied Martinburg, and com- menced destroying the Baltimore and Ohio rail- way. Smith's expedition had returned to Memphis for supplies, after having defeated Forrest in five engagements.—Grant still remained inactive be- fore Petersburg.