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THOMAS WILLIAMS, FAMILY GROCER, AND ITALIAN WAREHOUSEMAN, PROPRIETOR OF THE MUCH ADMIRED LLANDUDNO SAUCE, GENUINE TEA, COFFEE, COCOA, RAW. AND REFINED SUGARS, AND BTEM DMCNMION OF GROCERIES, DESSERT. WESTPHALIA HAMS, PHILLIPPE AND CANAUD'S SARDINES, &c.; AaBM for EUia's end Schweppes' Soda and Futios Waters, Brighton, and other Seltzer Water. Champagne Lemonade, "nd Ginger Beer Gilion's Essence of Beef, for the immediate production of Beef Tea Crease & Black well's Potted Meatt. Portable Soupa, Pickles, &c., &c. Lea and Pernn's Worcestershire Sauce r Fortnum & Mason's Chocolate, S'.C. Epp's and others' Homeopathic Cocoa; Horniman's Pure Tea, the leaf not coloured Mackenzie and Mi'MIemMs's celebrated Edinburgh Biscuits ditto's Scotch Short Bread and Orange Ginger Bread Huntley tnd Pa!'ner's Reading Biscuits KeiUer and Sons's Dundee Marrmalade Price's Patent Composites, and other Can- jles; the Favourite Pickle-the Orme't He.td Samphire. THOMAS WI LLI A MS, DISPENSING AND FAMILY CHEMIST CHURCH WALKS (OPPOSITE MOSTYN AND TUDNO STREETS). LLANDUDNO. ESTABLISHED 1854. PRESCRIPTIONS ACCURATELY COMPOUNDED ACCORDING TO THEFORMULjEOFIHE BRITISH PHARMACOP2EA WILMAMS'S CELEBRATED LLANDUDNO BOUQUET. GENUINE EAU DE COLOGNE. Hoir. Tooth, Nail Brusikes and Combe PetmdM t '0. r..h.a"h,. I SUPERIOR LAVENDER WATER. CotdCrtM) Antxtptic Tooth Po'tdtr OrieRt;tl Tooth Past# "1" OILED SILK, BATHING CAPS. &c. ROWLAND'S MACASSAR OIL, KALYDOR AND ODONTO. GODFREY'S EXTRACT OF ELDER FLOWERS. RIMM'L'S TOILET. VINEGAR. ODORIFEROUS TINCfURR OF MYRRH AND BORAX, An efficient Mouth Wash. CONCENTRATED COMPOUND DECOCTION OF SARSVPARILLA AND TARAXACUM. A mot valuable Alterativ -? "intfth??k?" fn"n the action of the Sun, Wtnft.)tnf!?a'(i,snd it indiepenttbte NEMLnfE.u?qu.)? )ed ? "t.'?..t?'t".t?Mri.t..rt?t!i,.tmi., .?,? b. t? t hem;c.t Mtion of the SaUn. Vapour. WMiamf' Compound Rhubatb PiUs. Correcting. ditto. nliliilolll. ditto, nn.r .1n. I WiHiama' Coned. Est, of Ginger. Quinine Wine. Sweet Essfnee of Senna DiKrrlio-a Mixture. EFFERVESCENT CITRATE OF MAGNESIA. GENUINE SEIDLITZ POWDER. LEMON KALI, Now Publisbing. 9tb Thousand, LL.\()U()NO. its History and Natural History, or Williams's beat wide and Map of U"ndudno and the Neighbourhood OFFICE FOR LOST AND FOUND ARTICLES. THOMAS AND CO.. MEDICAL, DISPENSING,& FAMILY CHEMISTS, m c:> s -Z -v- 1-.T s -r I:D.- :a P. -r LLANDUDNO, A FEW DOORS ABOVE THE POST OFFICE. Proprietor, of the Orme's Head Bouquet, a new perfume. remarkaHe for its sweet and la..ting fragrance. ?iX?????? trial of which will con- vince the most prejudiced of its great superiority over every other. it gi%?es the teeth an exquisite whiteness, at the same ???? a healthy action on the ?S??? ?eprog.?.f ?y..nd unpart.ug ? the breath tt moat pleasing sweetneM. A large aud well selected stock of the choicest perfumery. by the best makers. Oenuine Ean de Cologne. ?T??:?? .tr?y ———? ?.?i'. Perfume Vaporizer. Spirit, E?ce. M?et, Vinegar, &c. K?S.' ?c?s.r Oil, K?ydor, and Odouto. Oldhdse's Balm of Colu'nb]a ('Ifrey's Extract of Elder Flowers. &t"d.)Une and Ccemetiquea. Vt,ld Cream, Glycerine. ?S; ?ari?e. Marrow, Ho.ey. a.d other, Genuine Bear's Greaae. Fancy Soaps, in great variety. Oi)ed Silk. Cutta Percha, and Spongio Mine. Finctft Turkey and Honey Comb Spongef. Sponge Baga, Bathing Cap" &c. Quininp. Camphorated, and other Dentrinoee. Finest ewfoundJand Cod Liver Oil. Or. De Jnngh's Light Brown Cod Liver Oi!. Du Barry'f PeN,alentti Arabics Food. Brown and Potsnn's Patent Corn FIocr. Duryett'ttMaizena. Kingsford's Oawego. Prepared Corn. Robinson's Patent Barley and Groats. Hair, Tooth, and Nail Brushes. Combs, in every variety of style and pattern. Beer Genuine Seidtitz. Soda, Lemonade, and Ginger Beer Powders. Giizog enes, for making artificial crated waters. Powderx and Es.etjees for charging the same. Smelling Bottles, silver-mounted and otherwiae, in great variety. Patent Medicines of every description. romaues. Genuine Tea Coffee, Cncoa, Raw. Crushed and Lump Sugars, Spices, &c. I K? Sa?. E? &.M?l.de, ?? Preserved Ginger, ?? ?t.? ?. ? I P?otted Meatg. ?. ? t. ??.?' ?<. Lemonade, Soda, Se)tzer, Lithia, Potaaf!. and many other crated Waters; jK?, °M?d??Sna?'?Tea; f.rMackenz.aud Middleman- celebrated Albert B?uit.. Scotch 3hcrt Bread, and Orange Ginger Bread. I S T. Gr E 0 R Gr E S H 0 T E J, LLANDUDNO, Corner of St. George's Crescent, Fronting the Bay, ISAIAH DAVIES, PROPRIETOR. TABLE D'HOTE DAILY AT TWO O'CLOCK. FAMILIES CAN BE SUPPLIED WITH WINES AND SPIRITS. AN OMNIBUS BELONGING TO THE HOTEL MEEM EVERY TRAIN TO AND FROM THE STATION. DILIJIARDS. POST OFFICE, LLANDUDNO. WILLIAM POWELL, BOOKSELLER AND STATIONER, mosrr-,0-1-,T STREET, T.jIjAIsTIDTJ'DN'O TTAR tht. t)lea"uro to inform the Visitora and Inhabitants oi'ljiandudno, that he continues n tosupply Stationer)- of the newest style, Books. Ph<?graph..LMdsc.,? of Nor? Wa]?, &c.,byE. Redf.rd Aoto? A?um. of aU?M,BiNea. Church 8trvic.B. Common Prayer Omde Bo.k<, M,d Books of Vtew. M great variety. ?Lon? ?d Provincial Newspapers suppUed. Circutatiag Library, containing the mo.t recently pu i.hed Book.. ? Book.. not in ?tock ?n be pr?ured from London. *t the .horte?t notice, free of cM-riage. ROBERT HUGHES, Confectioner, General Grocer, and Tea Dealer, G EN T FOR T HE LIGHT WINE ASSOCIATION, 5 MOSTYN STREET. LLANDUDNO< ? RFRESHMEXT ROOMS, British Wines, EUis'a Soda Water and Lemonade, Ginger Beer. &c., Pickles Saucen. MMma!adP6. Potted Mett. Hamo, Bacon, Mid fhme CheeM, Bi.cmts made on the Pftmi.es. Familieø .upplied with Grocerie.. '1?? 'X'&hc ?'??S ???'. ? Alkopp'aAl?. DubUn P.rt.ra.d Stout, bottle and dr.ught. J. EDWARDS, LATH P. WEBSTER DISPENSING AND FAMILY C HEM 1ST, HIGH STREET, [Opposite theCaetIo Hote C 0 N W A Y OLD ESTABLISHED DEPOT FO.B GENUINE DRUGS. j-D'? HYSICTANS and Surgeon's Prescription Md Fam?y Recipes compounded with much cM< and Mcoracy. An MeortmeBt of approved Perfumery, Toiiet Soap. in great variety. ED????Tooth P?. hi?y?edfor ?utifyingth. Teeth ?Gu? Thh.?,chaMMYe(l rrep?tion reatoref.Md preaerve? to the .name] ita ong.n?PearI whiteDMB, Md .a p?rticuMy i?L""?? ?trentthfn the nerve, and eepMiaUy to thoM who ?un-er mueh from toothache and t?der cumf.. ???t ??f Mmo?: ? UDple?utodour from the mouth, and imparti? to the breathe moat d.Uc*t. trtgrance. Teeth filled and extractm. P?' ? Po??, Jam? MarmaMe. S?Une., in great T?y, impo?d by Cr<?.& BI.ckw.tt, London ?? L.mon,. &J.d Oil, W. Cemp?it C?dte., CUld'a Night Light?W? T.per.Md VMtMa!w.y.in .took. ?'t New SetBon T? for quality, .trongd. Md aavour not ?urpMsed. Spong"i and BagB ia YM-iouB Msortmento. ???? ioda, Potem Wates, aud Lemonade. Spcngee ?nd Baga ?? ?U?ITH .ROCMY.- LONDON HOUSE. LANCASTER SQUARE, CON"VV A Y. YYTV tT-ELSB FLANNELS, LINSEYS, AND WINCEYS RIDING GLOVES, SHAWLS, V t' MANTLES, Md DRESSES STRAW HATS, BONNETS, &c. E. E. DAVIES, GENERAL DRAPElt, GLOVER, HOSIER AND SILK MERCER, LONDON. HOUSE, (NEAR THE RAILWAY STATION), CONWAY. JOHN JONES. FAMILY AND DISPENSING CHE MIST, MOSTYN STREET, NEAR THE RAILWAY STATION. LLANDUDNO. In dispensing Medicines the greatest attention is paid to Mcuntcy and neatMM. TeM genuine as imported, freah roasted CoSees, and general Grocery WarehoHoe. EHM'a Soda Water, Pot*M Water, tnd Lemonade. French Eaeenceo and Perfumery, FMicy Soape, &e. CARTES DE VISITE. t STUDIO for First Cla? PORTRAITS is now A open at Next Door to Oabome HoxM. ORMES VILLA, NORTH PARADE. LLANDUDNO. J. S. COBNABY, PROPRIETOR. HENRY HA YN, WIE MEKCMIAMT. ) (OPPOSITE THr; RAILWAY STATION,) LLANDUDNO. LIST OP PUICES. Per Doz. Ports [<1)d erupted or otherwise] from 30a to 72a AmontiDado. 60< MMzauiUa 72-i UinnerSherry from 24,1 FineCotdenditto '209 Ditto.superior 421 Fine Bordcaux CIareta {roml2ato5't!' per Doz. ChimpagnM—Roederer's, Oicquota, and Meets [firftt I qualities] from 72., Other kinde. from3G< I park)ilJg lIock ) 4,1 Ditto<Utto,p;nts SOj !)ittoMnaeUe 54, 1Sound HnrgunfUefi [Red and White] 20., BASS & GO'S ALES, AND GUINNESS'S STOUT. IN CASK AND BOTTLE. JOHN REEVES, WINE AND SPIRIi MERCHANT, Church Walks [near the Parade], LLANDUDNO. AJbopp't Pale Md other Ales in B«tt!e. London and Dublin Stout A wet) assorted Stock of the choicest Wines. LIST OF PRICES ON APPLICATION. CHESTER HOUSE, MOSTYN STREET, LLANDUDNO, TIRST-CLASS APARTMENTS. Large Drawing Room, Sitting Room, 2 Single and 2 DouMe Bedrooms, with extra Bedrooms if-required. Plate, Linen, good Cooking and Atten. dance.-Temls moderate, ??-? Th'e'?PRICHARDS. N.B.—The whole to be Let or in Apartments. Unde-r the Patronage of HER MAJESTY <M<t <A<: late DUCHESS OF KENT. t BEAUTIFUL COLLECl'ION of WELSH AIRS ?\ arranged for the Harp or PiMofore, by the hte H. S.HYDEN.CamarToa. Price 109. 6d. reduced price 59. 6d. For Copies, apply at No. 3, Glan-y-Mor T.rrM., UM- dudno. TO VISITORS TO THE SEA-SIDE, TOURISTS AND TRAVELLERS, And to those who enjoy the Promenade, the Ride, and Drive. In all cases Fervid Heat and its concomitant Duet, materially i"J?e the Skin, producing S'.nburo Tan, Fn-cUef?. niBColorationa, of an atmoat indelible cha- fer. To obviate and eradicate the.e baneful results, reMuree may with confidence be had to ROWLANDS' KALYDOR, An Oriental Botanical Preparation. Whether resorted to in IM apecific character M a Uio. rough puriner of exbtrng defects of an eruptive nature, and diMotorationsof the Skin. or as a Preserver and Promoter of its already bright and glowing tints, tbia ELEGANT TOILET REQUISITE has in every instance maintained Its claim to the title of THE UNFAILING AUXILIAHYOF FEMALE GRACE." During SUMMER and AUTuKN the invigo- rating and refreshing properties of ROWLANDS KALYDOR will be found singularly agreeabl(-Ito LADIES TRAVELLING. The eBecta by temporary exposure to aotar heat upon the FACE, NECK, ARMS and HANDS being neu. traXsed, and the c)o.)d reduced by relaxation And lan. Eonr disp?Ued by ita power of austaimng a perfect. etao. ?city of the skin, without which certain detenorat?n takea ptace th..s in the usual periodical visits made to the coast, KOWLANDS' KALYDOR is indidpeusible as a preeervatiTe of the Skin after SEA BATHING, from the irritation CMMd by the chemical action of saline vapour. frM<! 49. 6d. (txd St. Gd. p«- t<M/<. The heat of Bummer frequently commumeatM a dryneM to the hair and a tendency to falt oS, which may be completely obviate, by the use of ROWLANDS' MACASSAR OIL a ddightfuUy fragrant and traMpareat prep?atioB.and a8aninvigoratorandbeauti6erofthe Hair beyond aU M-ecedent For CHILDREN it M mp?MaHy recom- mendeda.formingtb.baaiaof ABEAUTIFUL HEAD OF HAIK, while its introduction into the nursery of Royalty, and the numerous testimonials conxtant'y re- ceived of its emcacy, aSord the best and fiureot proofs of its merite-Phce 36. 6d.; 7a.; 10t.. Sd., equal to four 6maU, and 2lB. per bottle. WHITE AND SOUND TEETH, are indMpenMbie to PERSONAL ATTRACTION, and to health and longevity by the proper mMticatton of food. ROWLANDS' ODONTO Or fMW .PfH(t/rM<, A White Powder, eompoanded of Oriental rngredienta, M of inestimable value in preeerMng and beautifying the teeth, .trengthening the gnma, and in giving a pleaaing fragrance to the Bre&th. It eradicates Tartar from the Teeth, removee opott of incipient decay, and pobthes end preaervee enamet, to which it imparto t PttAtL-UKi! WMTMEM.—Price &i. 9d. per bot. Sold by CMMilu arig Perfurm. &r OWUNJX JMekt. j LLANDUDNO NEW CHURCH. rpH Committee, have the satisfaction of announcing the union of the several Funds; viz., thope of the Original Committee, the Ladies' Corn' mittee, and the Bazaar, amounting to €2416 Oa.6d., which, together with the Donations already promised, make a tota) of ne;tr)y jt:3000. The Committee therefore intend to lay the Founda- tion Stone iu the course of the j'reaent 3timmer, as sooa as the plans and estimates can be competed. The church is to contain not iesa than 1000 sittings, and as the outlay wilt necessarily be very targe, the com- mittee earnestly request the co-operation and assistance of all, to enable them to provide the church accommoda- tion, which is so urgently needed, with the least possible delay. The pecuniary aid of the Visitors is earnestly solicited, and any sums, however small, will be gratefully re- ceived. Two members of the committee will attend every Monday morning from eleven till one o'etock, at the Estate OfBce, Church Wa)ks, Uandudno, to receive contri)n)tioM. Donations may be a)so paid to the Tre;M)!rer6, the National and Prot'inciai Jiank of Enp- land, Mostyn Street, every Wednesday and Saturday, tr at Conwav dauy; and to the Hononuy Secretaries, iltr. John WiUiams, Estate ONce, and Dr. T. C. Roden, No. 9, NeviU Crescent. Llanduduo, May 19th, 1864 WILLIAM ROBERTS, POST OFFICE, P E N M A E N M A W R, HOUSE AQEXT; A G E N T for EiHs's Soda Water, Lemon- ?\ ade, &nd Ginger Beer also agent for Jonfs' Menai Bridge; for Guinnesa's Extra Stout Bottled Portti; AUaopp's Bottled Ale, Half-barrels of which can be had. 'Agent to the North Wheal Setou Copper Mining Company NEWS AGENT-STATIONER, &c. W Agent for THE DiRECTOKY and the NoMH WAI.E9CH'tONICLE,"&C. Agent to the British National Life Assurance AosociaCoa. PURE AERATED WATERS EIjHS'S, RUTHIN, SODA WATER. ELLIS'S. RLITHIN, POTASS WATER. ELLIS'S. RUTHIN, SELTZER WATER. ELLIS'S, RUTHIN, LEMONADE. ELLIS'S LITHIA AND POTASS WATER, AN EXCELLENT INTKMfAL MMEDY FOR COUT. The PuMio are particniarv requested to observe tha every Cork is branded R. EItis and Son, Ruthin," with- out which none is genuine. May be obttuned from aU respectaMe Chenust, Con- fectioners, and Hote!-)tcepers and wholesale only. from R. ELMS h Sox, Ruthin. North Wales. Sold by :-Thomas Williame. Chemut; D. 0. Williams, ditto Robert haghes. Confectioner Hayn. Wine Mer- chant Chantrcy, Wiae Merchant; and at all the Hotels. J. JOHNSON, No. 4, CLODDAETH CRESCENT. Stables, BMk Mostyn St., behind No. S, St. George's CreseeDt). Open and Close C.wiaf;ett, with good horaee for Mre per mite, day or hour, with steady driven), acquMnted'vith all the drives and places of interest in the neighbuur- hood. WAGGONETTES, &c.,suitable for plensure. yV and pic-nic parties; for making tours through the beautiful and far-famed Vales of Conway and Dan- rwat; to Trefriw, Danrwat, Uettws yCof< (p.-fttbe Miner's Bridge and the SwatIowWaterfa))), Capel Cung to Beddp:«)ert, the Ogwen, )MS6t Naat Franeou, Md returning through the paM of LlanberM. CONCENTRATED FLnD EXTBACT OF JAMAICA SARSATABIHA. rpHE experience of many years ha' fuUy JL ettablLhed the reputation nf this p.nticu)ar pre- paration. as containing more of the virtues of the rno from which it io procured than the decoction made )B the ordinary way over a fire. It is well known that Sarsaparilla sweetens the n Nood;. improvM a bad habit of the body. and by giving the cu- taneous vessels a reguJar action, removes disposition to Ery:ip<-btious inaamatiou. and thoae affections resem. Ming it, from which so many persons penodically Buffer and that it also frees the system from what mar be term- <d the ee<fueh «f a mercuriat coarse. When taken in the Spring and fall of the yeat as an altemhve medicine it wiU he found to impart that stamina to the conahtu- tion, which is indicated by nrmnosa of Seah, resula- hty of appetite, and freahneM of complexion. Prepared and sotd only by J. EDWARDS, CBEMIST. HIGH-STREET. OONWAY. in Bott!e<, 2a. 3d., ok, 7<. 6d., Md 11s. AM commandB per po't wUI he Knt per MU to My

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