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TO PROPRIETOR OF QUARRIES. JOHN OWEN. Iron and Brass Founder, qj MENAI FOUNDRY, BANGOR, bep to announce to Quarry Proprietors that he continues to manufacture Quarry waggons, &c., and that he is now in a position to rapply every description of Quarry Machinery. Incline Drum., Rollers and Waggon Whee18 (case hardened) and cartings of every description. Also Sawing and Planing Machineflfor slate and marble slabs upon an improved principle Water Wheels, Steam Engines, &c., on the most modern principle and is also appointed manufacturer of Mr. E. J. J. Dixon's patent axles and waggons, by the use of which there is a saving if 75 per cent. in oil. N.B.—Most promt attention paid to all orders. far NEW DESIGNS FOR 1864. IK CABINET FURNITURE, UPHOLSTERY, BED- STEADS, GLASSES, &c., AT UrQUHAHT AND A DAMSON'S HOUSE FURNISHING ESTABLISHMENT AND NORTH OF ENGLAND BEDDING HOUSE. IS AND 15, BOLD-STREET, LIVERPOOL Families and Parties Furnishing Are particularly invited, before ordering elsewhere, to INSPECT URQUHART and ADAMSON'S iramenw Assortment of CABINET FURNITURE, &c., suit. able for Dining and Drawing-Rooms, Parlours, Li- braries, Bed-Kooms, Halls, Kitchens, Offices, and Ships' Cabins. The GOOns are Manufactured and Warranted by U. and A. of Seasoned Materials, First-class Workmanship, and New Designs, and are marked in plain Figures at Prices that will bear in every respect a favourable comparison with the Goods offered by any other House. The UPHOLSTERY DEPARTMENT embraces every description of Damasks, Chintzes, Silks, Reps. Pekin Cloths, Velvets, Cornices, &c. New and Original Designs for Embroidered Valances and Draperies, with all the New Borders, Trimmings, &c. Iron and Brass Bedsteads and Bedding. URQUHART AND ADAM SON, Cabinet Maters, Upholsterers, Bedstead and Bedding Manufacturers, and Decorators. 13 and 15 Bold Street, Liverpool. Workshops, Church Lane, where Connoisseurs may select the Wood, and superintend the execution of their own orders. U. and A's house Furnishing Guide may be had on appli- cation. THE TRADE SUPPLIED. Country Orders Packed Free. Export and Shipping Or- ders, to any extent, promptly executed. URQUHART aud ADAMSON have appropriated at Church Lane a number of DRY, LIGHT, and CLKAX BOOMS for BTOHMG HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. Removing and Packing carefully attended to. LEWIS & OO.,RANELAGHST., LIVEKPVOOL ( For Little Boys of four ) and six years old, from I Scotch Tweeds, neatly BOYS' SUITS J trimmed. Also Boots, Shirts, Collars, Neck ¡r ø, ,0 a.r8, eu J Ties, Gloves, Hats, and I Caps, for Boys of the I same %g". LEWIS & Co., ITANELAGH ST., LIVERPOOL For Boys of eight and ten years old, from Fine I Cloth, handsomely OYS' SUITS J braided. Also Boots, BOYS' SUITS S\.¡a Co llars, Neck ¡r. 0 arB, ec Ties, Gloves, Hats, and I Caps, for Boys of the same ageq. LEWIS & Co., RANELAGH ST., LIVERPOOL. ( For Boya of Twelve anù j Fourteen YeM8 old, I from extra Stout Cloth, BOYS' J well made. Aldo Boots, BOYS SUITS g?ta, Collan, Neck Ties, Gloves, Hats, and Cap8, for Boys of the „ same ages. LEWIS & CO., RANEL AGH ST., LIVERPOOL. ( For Elder Boys from Fif- ) teen to seventeen years old, from extra good I Cloths, well cut and BOYS' SUITS. i made. Also Boots, Shirta, Collars, Neck Ties, Gloves, Hats, and I Caps, for elder Boys of same ages. LEWIS CO., RANELAGH ST., LIVERPOOL. For Young Men of etght- teen and twenty years old, from fashionable Tweeds and Cloths, YOUNG MEN-SSUI?S. ?y?"' 'At fionliely made. Also Bc)oU, Shirts, Collars, Neck Ties, Gloves, Hats and Caps. for Young l Men of the same ages. Levis and Compan u beg to call the attention of Pare ntR, Guardians, and Schoolmasters to the above advertisement. They htive been for some time preparing their Stock for this month, and'they feel <M!M??<W.«'n?f?<< cus. tomerK will be more <A«K satisfied with ?eMM)? M?o aK(<? pretty styles for the Little Boys they are now showing, as well as With their large selection of handsome and useful Suits for elder Boys and Young Men. Lewis and Company would further call the attention of the public to their Boot Departihent, One entire Shop i. devoted to this branch of their business. Eee" aJ.tiC/, iold by Mum ii manufactured on the Premises by skufut and experienced workmen. All kinds of Boots and Shoes for Bo,1/l and Young Men may be had here—Jrom the little Dancing Pu mp or Slipper for the Boy of folir, to the smart Dress Boot or heavy Shooting Boot for the Youno Alan of tKent; v-kile, to meet the wishes of many famil- ies amonti thei) customers, they also undertake the Repay- ing of Boots, which in all cases are strongly and neatly done, and returned in one day. OIK J. MURRAY'S lU I tE FIIYI 6-M A GN ESIA is recommended hy Physicians since 1807, for Bile, Acidities and ?f/?h'?-TLey also order his Cordial C?nphor (3 grs. pel <? ) as the best restorative foi weak ?S, or Slow fevers -Mis Lemon Syrup, mixed with either Fluid forms a brisk Aperient for any age -bottles Is. and 2s. (id. To guard against false liquids. Pahnties, labels are subscribed "Sir J. Murray, Physician to the Lietit." ^LUABLE-REMEDIES FOR THFAFFLICTED DR. Roberta's celebrated Ointment, called jj the POOR MAM'S FRIEND, is confidently re- commended to the Public as an unfailing Hemedy for wounds of every description. A certain cure for ul??ted ?Le?. if of 20 years' st.mdi?; Cuts, BurM. Sc.Jd., Bruise., UMbI?. Scorbutic Eruptions, and P"nVle» ™ the Face; sore aud inflamed Eyes, sore He",h, s re Bre?ti. Piles, Fistub, Caucerous Humours, &c, Hold iu Pok at H 2s. 9d. Us., !tnd 2?. each. Also h? Breasts, 14. l PILULE ANTlSOROPHlJLiB, confirmed by 00 years' experience to be, without exc?- MDBnned by ? b"t alterative medicines oei con pounded for purifying the blood and aiding N.jtuie' in all her opemtions; hence they are used in ul £ ^°r™f ? C ?.t. Glandular Swellings, particularly those ot th.?pf-k &c Tlicy form a mild Md superior Family Aperient, tt?tm.yb. taken at all times, without con. inlJ}ent or elmngc of ùiet. ^dtwsTl? x|i, &. 9d.. 4s,6d„ U.. and 22 s e»eh. Sold Wbote?eby the Proprietors, Beach and SSicott, Bridp<?rt; and Het?t by all respectable Medi- cine Vendors in the United Kingdom, the Colonies, &c. Obilerve-No Medicines Bold under the above names ??ib!y be genuine, unless "Beach amih Ba™lcot^ late Dr. Robe?s. Bridpcitt," i. engraved on the Govern nent Stamp affixed to each package. D PE O)}loJ1UIU' l WORCESTERSHIRE SAMS. mHF GREAT SUCCESS of this T?ELuSuS CONDIMENT ? ™ the signal far tbe appearance of  RIOUS MITATIOM totally different in FLAVOR and destitute of to DIGESTIVE PROPERTIES of this SAUO ^TrTrrES8IS8' SAUCE, ASK FOR LEA lEB.IXS' $Auczl M prepared oaly L LEA & PEMBM. b Worc9Bter^ J Sgk* V 8oW Wholwalt Cao. BU.OILW.I.I., !AndoB, ?gK?Md tU MMdMnt* *°?""jSMB Recommended by the Faculty, and universally eddaprov by Connoisseurs. THE PRINCE OF WALES SAUCE IMPARTS to chops, steaks, cut- lets, fish, game. hot and cold meats,   ?) ek:, etc., a most piquant and appetizing 'i'(r.,}, reUah. and is pronounced by it to be .??? ,? the most perfect condiment ever offered to the public. It is a delicate combina- tion of rich exotic spice.4 and fruits, u perfectly whole- some, and a most agreeable stomachic. College of Chemistry, Duke-street, Liverpool. I have made a very careful Chemical and Microscopical Analysis of the "PRINCK OF WALES SAUCE." J can high- ly recommend it us being a very palatable, piquant, and delicious condiment, and perfectly free from all matters that could in any way interfere, injuriously, with the ani- mal economy. (Signed, SHERIDAN JIUSPKATT, M. D., Professor of Chemistry, etc., etc. Sold in Bottles, Is. and 2s. each, by Grocers, Oilmen, and Druggists everywhere, and wholesale and for Expor- tion by Evans, Sous, and Co., Liverpool* EXTRAORDINARY SUCCESS OF THE NEW MODE OF TREATMENT. Pott free for Six Stamps, open ends, or 14 III a Sealed Envelope THE MOST STARTLIG TRUrHSMe contained in th T LAST NEW BOOK on PR'E.%iAYU Ry, DF.Ul'i N E aii,l it ready removal; the modern treatment of certain dUqunUfkatiom: with ulell and numerous prescription* for the speed), ciare b), very simple mean* of all the more coin* n)oi) dipeaocs and supposed incurable maladiet of the sexual •>>• tern. I it, slide vill be astonish,-d at its contents. B) I)r. %N JH R008, M,D.,&C.,O) tne Kcokvde Medecine, Farii; Graduut- in Medicine, ^arjjery and Midwif^rT Hy the present law, iiotie but the real Physician dare attae. \1.1). to his name, II hc»\y pei?alnf-< would thereby he incurred. The public should therefore ?uurdagainst impostor* who st)l«- themselves I)r Proless,)r," "F.B.A.S. M.A. &c., in order to mislead the unwary a* to their trn< (ttiarneter, None of these men really know more of the disease- they profess to treat, than any person may, by readiug the tinov i, ork. From lonp practical observation in the most famous lnstiti<> lion. of this country and the continent, the Author has had somewhat unusual facilities for acquiring that uniform success, which hue hitherto charactcristtd his treatment and lie refer- with pride to ttie numbers he ha* been instrumental in restoring to health and happine«t; whilst to all who u»ed such aid h» offer* even assurance of speeds restoration. Persons at a di*- ttnee should forward a detail of their case hy letter, encl. sin t'l Is. for advice and medicines which will he sent by return l' itietits ei)rresi)ntitled with till cured. Post-office Orders to I. I made p.»vahle at the General Poet Office, to OR, WALTER n Itoos, M.O.. W, Bedford IMace, Ulo«m«bury Square, Londoi Hours for cousultation 11 till Sundays excepted. Itisimpor tant U) recollect the addi^s.-as to meet the wish of patient TUB KNTRANCBIS STRICTLY PRIVATE. THE MOST WONDERFUL MEDICINE in the WORLD!! /u'ttb IN FOUR WEKKS.—THE guttle vit^ o»- C %'EGk'I'ABLE DFH DROPS, Protected by H(M«. i.<r- ten Patent; Sanctioned by the FafUhedf France,&e.tM?r) numberless insunces proved their superiority over every oth- advertised Remedy lor laugour, lassitude, depression ot spniu, excitement, dtstite and incupacitv for society. stm;y or business, indigestion, pains aiiti palpitation in the 8Üh, fiddine* noise in the he^d, «fcr. i hie medicine strengthen* ir, viiauty oi the whole system,gives energy to the muscles, %pet-tiil% removes nervousness, renov-tea the impaired powers ol lite, an- invigorates the most shattered constitution. For skin cruptior^, sore thro<tt, pains in the bones, a id those diseases in which mer- cury, sarsapariHa, itc.,are too ofteu employed, 10 the utter run of heaitu, its siirpriiiiit efficacy has onJ, to be tested. llefore wasting valuable time in seeking aid front instruments, electricity, 'alv.inum, with similar absurdities professing; to tt-i a*ide medicine*. b> American and other impostors, soffereis wi. ,to xvell to milke (air trial of a remedy, which concocted to scientific principles cannot fail. Price 4s. G'd. and 11* or fou umes the latter at 33«. per bottle, through a)) CI)emistc, or dir eel from 25, Bedford I'Jace, WHERE THOUSANDS OP TEST* "oNJLS MAT BR BRBN. THE THREE DAY'S CURE,—NEW FRENCH REMEDY THERAPION; as uniformly adopted in the French hospitals and by the notabilities of the French faculty; in a remarkably short time, often two or three days only, without the slightest discomfort, inconvenience, or risk, removes all discbarges from the mucon' membrane, whether of the urinary or other organs. It combines aU the desiderata to be sought in a medicine of the kind, and surpasses everything hitherto employed. Devoid of all unpleasant taste and smell. In packets, 2s 9d, 4a 6d, U., and 33., through all respectable medicine vendors, or sent direct from the establishment on receipt of stamps or post office order. The U8 tize contains three at 4o 6d, and those at ?t, four of the 119. The stamp, to imitate which u felony, bran the word Ther- apion," in white letters, by order of Her Majesty's Hon. Commte. iouers, who thereby secure the proprietor against infringement throughout the United Kingdom and the coloaien. PAINS IN THE BACK, GRAVEL, LUMBAGO, GOUT, P KHEUMATISM, DISEASE OF THE KIDNEYS, BLAD- DEB &c. THE COMPOUND RENAL PILLS correct acidit. of the stoinach, and indigestion, promote the functions of the liver and ki'lneye, thereb) preventing stone in the bladder and kidney, with many other teriouslisordere to which these impor- tant organs are subject. Listlessness, weakness, peevishnesf, and complaints long supposed to be nervous, often arise solely from contamination of the blood with certain impurities which should have being carried off by the kidneys: several unsightly eruptions of the akin and face also arise from the same cause, and may be as readil), removed by these Pills, which in Incases out of 2U cure with a rapidity almost marvellous, Is lid, 2b 9d, 416,1, 1 Is, at,d 338 por box, throt)gh all Chemists. THUUSADS Of TESTIMONIALS MAY BE sBRN BY ANY OMB. Sild 1>1 :-I! ugh e., "be mist, Bangor; Robeits, Chemist, Con- way Griffith, Chemist, High-street, Carnarvon; Edwards. Chemist. Denbigh; Hughes, Chemist, Holyhead and Woore. Chemist Newtown; and at leaat one agrnt in almost every town; but should ai«cult voocur, enclose theamount by Post-oroce order or otherwise, to 25. Bedford Place,, Bloomsbnry Square, London and they will be seut securely packed per return. NOTICE AND CAUTION,-Dr, o. Roo. I. the only legally qualified medical man who thus advertises his medicines; and as there art injurious imitations of the above by self-styled Doc- tors, them Clergymen, Rupture Quacks and others, who copy his book.. wMch they send for nothing, and forge teøtimcmiab to nutf off the r uselesi trash, or publish fictitious reviews that really never appeared in the Journals they name, suffererejshonM euard against the recommendation of the a purious or other articles, bv dithonM) vendors, who thereby obtain a larger profit. The genuine have tte word a WALTYR DB Roos, LONDON," printed in white letters on the Government Stamp, by order ot ller Majesty's Hon. Commissioners, to imitate winch it felony and transportation. I Do YOU WANT LUXURIANT HAIR, WHISKERS MOUSTACHIt:S, and EYliBROWSt—Of the numeron nrenarations introduced for the HAIR, none have maintained such celebrity as tMILIE DEAN'$ CRINILENE, which is guaranteed to produce Whisker., Moustaclnos, and byebr. we fl a few weeks and will be found eminently successful in nourish- ing. curling, and beautifying the Hair. checking greyne?« HI hi its stages, strengthening weak Hair, and preventing its falling off. In the reproduction of Hair in baldness, from whatever cause and whatever age, ONE TRIAL will prove its astonishli g power In the nursery it is indispensable, forming the basis at beautiful head of hair. Price 23 per bottle; Urge Bottles con- taining more than four times the .mall ones, 58 each. Sold by all Chemists in the Viorld. or sent post free, on receipt of S4 peon) ,tailips, by Misses DBAN and CourBLLE, Ifait Keetorera.&e.. btdtord Houee, Russell-square, London, W.C. EXTRACTS PROM I.ETTJCRS;Nl)- hair was rapidly coming ut in a we k nftei using vourCrinileneitceastd. —I. Hick- son, Eldon-street, Sheffield. "in the short time of one fortnight I have got a beau tiful moustrtche.H, Adams, NN'ilgdet,. "I can now boast of a head of hair. which many cannot: I was quite bald on the crown of my head when I began usinrit. —W. Every cunomer speaks highly of your Cnmlene —A1» P. Jonep, ,e Parad ise-a tree i, Liverpool. ??'ri'?-? ON ?E MANAGEMENT OF THE HAIR," Whiskers, &c., with Testimonials, List of Agents, &c., seat post free for four penny K NOW THYSELF! THE ORIGINAL ORAPHIOIOOISA J\. MARIE coUPELLF, eontiyiueo her vivid, and Uteful deli- neaiions of character from the handwriting of individuals, in a style peculiarly her own. Persons desirous of knowing their own characteristics, or those of any friend, shouid send a specimen o writing, stating sex, age, or supposed age,&c„ with 14 uncut penny stamps, and addre-sed emelope, to MABIB COUPBLLB, Bedford Houpe, Russell Square, London, W .C., when they will receive a lengthened detail ot the talents, tastes,virtues, failings, &c., of the writer, with many other things previously unsuspected and calculated to guide in the every day attaire of life. The Thousands who acknowledge the value and accuracy ol Miflsc. b sketches, establish the great utility of the science. The char- acters you tent were wonderfully truthful. Miss Hall, Atbeurv. Co, Galway. •• 1 was much surprised at the clever way in which you described my character,J ant Bray, 105, Lansdowne Place, Brighton. it is pronounced quite extraordinary, —Charles Hamilton. \eu described my character so trul), that I could not have done it better."—Louis Rivior. N OF GttkTIl UDF.- AL oentleinan who had been long A suffering from a very deplorable state of nervousness, langour lassituJe, low spirits, almo-t constant head-ache, dimness of sight, threatened deafness, loss of memory and øtrengtb, ID short all zest for enjoymerrt and everything that renders life pleasant, has been marvellously rrstored oy very oiynple means, and as a public duty feels it incumbent on him to iinpart the information to otbers iimilary affected, on receipt of a directed envelope bearing two stamps Kddretsed B. B. Laurie, Esq., Montague Chambers, Montague Street, London, W-C- FOR GRATUITOUS CIRCIILATION.-A Physician many years extensively engaged in the treatment of Debility and the various mental, nervous and muscular affections resulting there. from-as loss of memory, dimness of Bight, thickness of hearing, triddiness "noiseB in the head. langour and lassitude, indigestion, patns in the back, &c„ will send the EBEE EDITION of his large work (180 pages), on rectipt of four penny stamps. I he work contains his Highly successful and only ate treatment, wi. th al the necessary prescriiitions ami directions, by which sufferers may obtain a cure ot their ailineilts, at the ritiallest possible ex- pense. Address, Mr. Lawei, Publisher, 14. Hand Court, Ilol born. London. MEDicALRBviBW.—"The shoals and quicksands against which this little work is well calculated to guard the reader, render its careful perusal especially worthy the attention of all young men." _———————— SKIN DISEASES, GOUT, RHEUMATISM, LUMBAGO, SCIATICA, NEUBALGIA, PARALYSIS,GLANDULAR SWELLINGS, CONSUMPTION. ASTHMA, 35c. THFIR SPEEDY PREVENTION AND CURE by means so si mole yet so certain, ad to appear ajmost incredible. A ;X»io, Brook 'o ?PM'' "°'t "'cred.ble. A hlet () 10 pages), sent post free for 14 Stamps, by John. order through ?U Boo?aeUeM* STRICTURE CF THE UKETHBA; it.n?utc.MU.equencM S .ieties. and speedy cure, wi.h«.tth.?inMdn.k._ of l"ceration. cutting or .tt? irrational mes.ure.l'rice Is or ns>*t  for 14 stamps, by Johnson & <?o., rH.,Mumi?nerre, 10, Brook S?t Holborn; and by order thro?h B?k.e?r. HOTEL KEEPERS & OTHERS SHOULD FORWARD A r?..th?.h?.?ccomp..n.dbMS postage stamps for inMitiontnthtP?MureStektr'tGutde & Hotel Directory, the second annual publication of which i. preparing for prrl .üd U be ready early in 1864. Addr. Messrs Jobnton &Co., 10, Brook Street, E.C. A copy sent free for 7 stamps. Priee Is., or free by post for It stamps, mI ug D!ET OF INFANCY AND CHILDHOOD, a book for Mothers and Nurses CONTBKM —Diet of infucy-obU4ren prematurely born- rule. during and afur we,ninr-wet nUTlinr-qnalift.'tioD. and ditiea of» wet nurse-diet after eight months of a e-dry nun- inir or bringing up children by hand-the differs Lnd. of Bilk l!|«Ug«-va,,us kinds ofkood-rults ?"" '"?"°' mother, Loaiot l Safettt Hadwieke, I", PleeadUly, W. BANGOR PUBLIC NEWS ROOM, Open from 9 a.m. until 9 p.m., AT J. K. DOUGLAS'S, "NORTH WALES CHRONICLE" OFFICE, HIGH-STREET. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: One Guinea -er annum, which will entitle a subscriber to that amount to enter the Room at any time within the hours specified above. ?H??n?'??nn?m. which win give a ?cri?t.th.t?.tth. <.?t. the Room from 9 Lm.. until 9 o'clock in the cnning. N0N-90BaCR^GfcSw^liiJcadniitteil from 9 ..m. until 4p.?.. on payment of TWOPENCE; and from 4 p.m. until 9 p.m., on payment of ONE PENNY. PIANOFORTES ON SALE OR FOR HIRE ALL NEW MUSIC AT HALF PRICE. EVERT ARTICLE IN THE MUSIC TRADE UPON THE SHORTEST NOTICE. JOHN KENMUIR DOUGLAS, MUSICAL REPOSITORY, "NORTH WALES CHRONICLE" OFFICE, CAXTON HOUSE, HIGH STREET, BANGOR, DEGS to announce that he has constantly on hand for Saie oi Hire well-tuned Pianofortes by approved makers. H.I '^BO enteraHnto arrangements for a regular supply of all the New.ndP.p?Mu.c.??y of its publication, to be sold at HALF PMCE. attach(jd to the shop. Parties reaidMt in the Every facility afforded for trying Music over in private rooms attached to the Shop. Parties resident in the country may have their Music by return of Post. If the price is known, it is adrblet° enclose with the orders the requisite amount of post"ge sbmps, with one 8tamp extra for each piece as postage.  hantisorn: tqAPL"?tu-T ^^ftTaSoleD, and very fine toned, fun ?: pass, Lowest price for immediate Cosh, ??'25. Also, on Sale a new brilliant toned COTTAGE PIANO, in he"utitul Rosewood Case, with the extra compass of  Lowest price £25 fOJ Cash down. M?A?A?N?E MU S I Q U E UPPER BANGOR. MR H. HUISE, PROFESSOR OF MUSIC AND DANCING. FIRST CLASS HARPS, PIANO FOETES PIANO FORTES By the best London Makers ?° FROM FROM Kliilii HARMONIUMS, TWENTY FIVE GUINEAS. ???i?SMM?E?N N ON SALE, OR HIRE. XWM  PATENT HARMONIUMS, D B8aMSaW | | MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS FROM FIVE GUINEAS..WL-?.S'j-gSM?SaL of all descriptions, I FROM FIVE GUINEAS. UZWBAND EVERY ARTICLE IN THE TRADE SECOND HAND INSTRUMENTS Supplied on the sliortes notice, and TAKEN IN EXCHANGE. at the lowest possible price. PIANO FORTES TUNED SINGLY, OR BY THE YEAR. MILITARY AND QUADRILLE BANDS PROVIDED FOR FETES, BALLS, Ac. IMPORTANT NOTICE TO lHk SPORTING PUBLIC. THE neXt Great Ionster Draw wiH take place on the GREAT DoNCASTER; ST. LEDGER, to be co iducted the same as last year, by 5 000 share?i, -it 5,. ea,h share; and two st?tuiped directed envelopes foi? tickets; Drawing will take place on Ionday, September 12 h, 18M, and each shareholder to receive Mmai ticket before the race. First Prize Second 300 Third  Fourth 75 And £ 225 Tnion^t ^rterrf Pd^non-^rters^he first fo-ar prizes will be paid less 5 per cent. for expences on foar prizes will ho P ^e rest in full immediately ^ter the ^w"' Prizes not daimed within three months will be forfeiwd. All "pplications for shares to be mnèe by letter only to the Secretary, Mr. J(,lm Howard, l?, Lit'le N ew-strcet, Farrington Market, LOD,I(.n, E C. P.O, orders payable at Fleet-street, London,-Stampl b'n :H 'ah. _¡' juit Published, Price l.pMt&eeMr ? ???"' .ealed envelope for 20 ,??p? •DREMATURE DEBILITY, a popular Me- JL iical Work,  treating  its causes and Cure, giving fUll instructions  thoBe "ho are prevented b)'im- pedi,n ntafrom entering into the Married State, alBo thowinz pediments from enteimff l. K.. Gonnorrhœaand 8¡pbiUi. L^e, P.- teiDMter Row, Londo j, TRJESMAR N-. 1. I. a certain remedy for relauûon, Spermatorrbœa, and all the   abuRe. iudi8criwinate excises, o. too re.vdence^n hc.tcUm^te. TRIESEMAR No, I]. effectually eradicates «U !««-!«. both In rt. mild aggranted formB, We. tB, StrictureB, Irritation of the Bladder,  and all urino.genital deBeaBeB TRIESEMAR No, 111, u the great Continental Bemed, for Syphilli. and secondary Symptome.. in the form of a ,rRIESEMAR.No. 1 -2, and 8, prepared in the form of a lozenge, devoid of taste or .mell, and cen be carried in the waistcoat pocket.  LT c. in on. for S3, which = and In t5 <Me..?h.r.by "'Me.?? ".???, ?: W. AGENT. Newbury & Son&, 4,5 St. paulls Churchard, W. Button" Co.. 10. Bow Ch'irehyard W* PDWARDA 67. St. p?t': Churchyard; J.Sanger, 150 oxford ^e E Clea.er,6a, 0.- ford Street; Butler, 4. CheapBide; prout and Har.ant, 229, rndrKoh^'H'o^^Vacech.ch Street; Butlett Honper, 45, King William 1,tre Wt. E-C- —— BUCHAN'S .suaAB-??SABSATARlUA FILLS. ? IT is a well known fact that SarsapanUa is I the greatest puria,-r of blood in the world KEEP YOLR BLOOD PURE !ne Bowels regular 1-An? DEFY the DOC- TDR III-ThtBe PiIl..trike at the root of «c^ diee.ee, the)' Ire particularly beneficial where   emp)oyed-and ?f tor the cure of M"n, Woman, and Child. ?ch .9 all E,uP,°"s,h 'sky Indigestion, Bilious, rGien„«r „i WakneMt Gout, It lieu- Li?r, .nd Ston,a.hC.mp)a?Gen<????.   matiam, Lumbago. Pains in I"^V Headaches Sore Throats, matiBm. LumbM., PMns "?'"°' of the bowels, ob- ,nd ""ycDmpiamtcM?d b;.??n??<<{ ?t?h. ? bow?.ob- Patent Medicine WarehouJ se, > gtreel> oxford Street,  and Co., 75 Famngdon ^r' ar-r^r'tt^'aruottus. Is ? all THESILENTFRIEND ON MARRIAGE, a Medical WorkaGuideto those who have impe^ led the power of manhood bj you^th indiicreûon.: treaung on Syphillis, Secondary Symptm8, rha,a &c^ c„„tainin? a L i to avoid conUmina- tion; I pages, It f>O en 9layingd- e- by pOBt 12 otamp., aealed 0. Addy a essrs PER and CO. urgeons, 19, Ber- s £ nU SBii—. r,°" -?-" till 2, an from 5 ill day? ti if I ?',ock. SERR?s coAL B? OF -SYR? X CU M. For all cases resulting from the effors or esce..eo Of youth, losses of natural power and tiyour. Price J Is?, or four times the q"anlit.. 339. 'gSR'R?S'COPAIBA AND CUBEB GM. r am cs the on<-iM) crep'Mtion eompoMd of th' '"y M- oeD..o!the Balsam 0 l Copaiba and Cubeba, perlectlyt..te\¡'In cODsequenceoftheirbeinr encased in sugar In a11 e.8ee of Gonor- hwa Gleet. Stricture, &c., a single trial will prove the eftlcacy of hi. wonder working remedy. Prico h 6d and 110 per bottle, t tan) where, on receipt of Post-office order. Addres#,Messrs, 6 rry and Co, II above, or may be had from prollt aDd "Ha..ant. Pfl.7trand; Sanger, 150' Oxford street, Londed, W. H I MALAYA JTiiJ El \??M?<?& w?y rpuRE,? tNATORAt.COt.OURJN ItistheBes and Cheapest uneqmUled for Flavour and I i,th.B.8 Md C?e?t unequ?Ued for Ftavcur and Sold in Packets only > 4" ? 4d. per lb. AGEN?. rv. BANGOR chemi,t. Williams CtoNWAY Edwarda aiKNARVON WUUama ••• HJLYHEAD  HJtope^le Agents WANTED, where none ha^e been appointed. Apply to the '• K"'°' Plwe South, IOjQdou, B.C. MR. JOHN BERRIE, SII,K, VELVET, WOOI LEN, AND COTTON DYER, AND FRENCH CLEANER, 13, OLDHAM STREET, MANCHESTER, HAS appointed K. K. ROBERTS, Draper M and Silk Mercer, &c., Victoria House, Bangor, and J. Roberts and Co.. Drapers, l'ort Dinorwic, Agents for the above well known establishment, and any orders en- trusted to their care will have prompt attention. AN EXTRAORDINARY SCOTCH TESTI MONIAL RESPECTING HOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT AND PILLS. COPY OF A LETTER FROM MR. PETER GRAY, FARMKH, DEVEltONSIDE, BY BANFF, DATED AUGUST 17TH, 1863. M (ISTF.IT HOLLOWAT. I hiv been unco vext wi"a sit ir leg for nearly a score j' \ears, ami I tried aw kin' o' cures for it; but ueither loctors nor drogs seemed o' the le;ist avail. So about Oiiristmus time I wis pitten awa some beasties to Lunnon, Md gaed down to ^anff to see them off, fin a chiel handit me ane o' your bills. Weel, I teuk it hame and read it to the gudewife, and then says I— Wel, Janet, I'll send in by for a box o' thae Peels and Ointment to the droggistin Banff, and see if they will dee my leg ouy gueed. 4 fat dia that Howl-awa m Peter.' says she Howl.awa chiel ken or care about the like o' us Y 1 hue nae faith in foreigners ava, and I think ye are surely crack to shauve awa your siller on ony sic stuff.' Stiiff here or stuff there,' quo' I, Ise gie the man a trial, for I'm sick and vext o' doctors and droggists tee so I think it little eueuch that I get a spring on my ain fid- dle ance in the twenty years.' 'Weel, weel, Peter, tak yer ain way, and seen ye win- na dee o' the pet. But 1 tell ye I have nae faith in thae foreigners ava' But the man bides in Lunnon, says 1, and he's nae a foreigiiei, besides, if he dirlna sell his stuff, he widna be fit to adverteese as he docs; so I'se gie him a tr' Weel, sir, I got a box o' thae Peels and Ointment, and pursued takiu' them as ordered, and in sax weekf. my leg was nearly as gueed as new. I canna tell ye how prood I wis o't. Janet allowed hersell that it passed her comprehension, and that Mr. Howl-awa deserved a medal for his physic only Janet is some droll in her rewards, for the ither day she heard the minister takin' up the cudgels against some folk in high places, and she declar d that he ought to git a medal!! I ken na how that would look on a parson's coat. However, I'm wanderm frae my soubjec; but ye must excuse an auld man. I v. been dippit upon every time I cam to Banfi, by the drog- gist, to senk ye a certificate o' my case; so I've gaen ye aw the oots and ins o't noo, and sail be happy to recom- mend your medecine, and answer ony enquiries that may be pittin to me. ? be ,? Wishing ye aw manner o' happiness and prosperity in which wish Janet heartily joins, I trust aw your, patients may experience as rapid and complete a cure itS that of yer moat obedient servant to command, (Signed) "PETER GRAY." The above was sent to Professor Holloway by Mr. Alex- ander Coutts, a highly respectable gentleman, carrying on the business of a chemist and druggist, at 34, Low-street, Hauff, who states that he sells large quantities of Hollo- way's Pills and Ointment. These celebrated medicines will cure any old sore, wound, or nicer, however desperate or long-standing. The Pills are the finest medicine known for all dis- orders of the liver and stomach, weakness and debility, and for disorders incidental to females at all ages they are unrivalled. No family shouhl he without them. The medicines in England are Bold at Is. 1 d., 2s. Od., 4s. 6d., lis., 22s. and 33a each Box or Pot. There is a considerable saving by taking the larger sizes. N.B.-Directiom for the guidance of patients in every disorder are affixed to each Box t- Pot. A Lecture, by post, two Stamps, sealed 12. Address, Secntaiy, London Anatomical Museum, 44A, Maddox Street, Regent Street, W. ON MARRIAGE its Physical Duties and Obligations, with an Essay on Sterility in Man and Woman its Cause and Cure. By a PHYSICI kN. To which is appended a catalogue of the contents of the Museum, which is open, for gentlemen only, from ten till ten. Admission, Is. M" ASMfKE VIGOUR ({UARANTEKI) in if i. Fourteen Days, without the possibility of failure, by the use of DR. BRIGHT'SREMHDY, prepared iu the form of a Lozenge, to insure secresy. Invaluable in all cases of Generative and Physical Debility, Spermator- rhea, &c. Sent carefully packed, on receipt of 11. frei; by post, 12s., for stamps or post office order, «>v ou appli- cation. Address, Dr. BRIGHT. 29, George street, Hanover square, London, W. (TWEN AWAY, the new MEDICAL T WORK entitled DEBILITY, ITS CAUSE AND CURE, or A Warning Voice to Young Men on the Cure of Nervous Debility, Loss of Memory. Dimness of Sight, Lassitude, Indigestion, Dislike to Society, Local Weak- ness, Muscular Relaxation, Languor, Listlessness, Depres- sion, &c., which, if neglected, result in Consumption, In- sanity, an'l premature death. This work is illustrated with hundreds of cases and testimonials from patients, showing clearly the treatment by which they were cured with plain directions tor perfect restoration to health and vigour. Sent post-free to any address, on receipt of a directed envelope, enclosing two postage stamps. A dnress, Messrs. SMITH, 8, Burton-crescent, Tavistock-square, London, W.C. CONSULTATION BY LETTER WITHOUT FEE. -Momrs. SMITH will, for the benefit of persons suffer- ing from NERVOUS DEBILITY, &c., on receiving a description of their ? (enclosing a stamped directed envelope for reply), send A written opinion with advice and directions for the most lucces8ful treatment and cure. Address, Messrs. SMITH, 8, Burton-crescent, London, W.C. JJtnigf T ilk efr TkUTLBR'8, edabUgM M jan, od "IbM 'tB' B nt Imitatllou. It Iw a ebtHMh? and refrabi emBme? It la truly exoeUmt." Kxceeaiiigly weftd." Pnvod highly -Ud-t-Y." Answered well.. Thus write those who have tried TD >TJTXEB.'S B0SEHAB? HAIB CLEANER, snexoeUant preparation for the Toilet and Nursery, pol- temine in the highest degree the property of removing scurf and dandrilf from the head, and by its invigorating qoalitiee increasing the growth and strength of the nair. Sold in paekets fid each, making a Pint of first-rate Hair Wash. Wboleage by all established honses, and retail by all rapectable ohemists; or of Hr. Butler, Wycombe, BIIW, by wading stamps and address. 7 Bank Buildings, Old Jewry. London, E.G. Is the Chief Office of the ACCIDENTAL DEATH INSURANCE COMPANY. J. W. ORAM, Secretary. f,"Ø&ST REArED "f,. INDIGESTION 0 btOJrIL sell mrprkin. Notam h. it4-, II. M., tad 118- Use MAIZENA as a Diet." Vide THE TlMfcs, September 2oth. Only Prize Medal. Iieported by the Jury "Exceedingly Excellent for Food." ANY ONE CAN trSB THEM. A basin of water Is all thtt Is required to produce the most brilliant and fashionable colours on Silks. Woollens, Cottons, Ribbons, ko. in ten minutes, by the use or JUDSON'S SIMPLE DYES, MAGENTA | GREEN | ORANGE ?i?? f SGCRAERELNET  8??,_ VIOLET ( BROWN ) PINKtBLUB Price Od, Is 6d, 2s 6d, and So per bottle. These Dyes will also be found useful for imparting ooloDr to Feathers, Fibres, Grasses, Seaweed. Ivory, Bone, Wood, Willow Bhavings, Paper, also far tinting Photographs and for lliumi. nating. Hay be had of all chemists in the United Kingdom and dolonies. Wholesale 19A, Coleniaa-etieet, London. NOTICE TO INVENTORS. OFFICE FOR PATENTS, 4, TRAFALGAR SQUARE, CHARING CROSS, LONDON. P rinted instructions (watis) as to the COST of -) PATKXfS for Orefft Britain or foreign couriirit-s. Aihice and ttssifjtance in of or working inventiun«. Bwrnrh ami in ev^rv ontiiu'iitnl stntf, ami In nca. 30 yt'avs. Fill! inlurn«ation to exjilrfi ror existing puttuts *t t*nd abroad.—Apply pewonahy or by letter to Messrs. PRINCE & Co., Patent Office, 4, Trafalgar Sq., Charing Cross, Lon^qnLVj^C. 9/1 nil, yo. Pd' 9-' öci,\X''6 'eJ..00!n to.' ,it '1'\ "J H. WALKER'S Patent Ridded Eyed JB K«;«;tUes l'or rapid sewing. Thorell nothing vrS' liko tluini for npeed. Patentee of the Pene. Wt\$, i lope and XJuctopio Crotchets Samples fo* • Z$Is, post froo of any dealer. W HUll, Queon'a\\ orka.Alcester, £ 47,Greshom-st. London* FIRSTMANUFACTURED1742 OR MORE THAN ONE HUNDRED & TWENTY YEARS. /??\ ?<??/?gaarMtee\?? ^k Hif AJV/the perfect nrity of\?A? ? ?/ this Mustard. \V ML gold •/ ? ?J????Soldin ???//? 01 ,lo -lib. C&ui 41;,?  The attention of the public and of the medical pro* fession is called to tbisfacsimile of a label placed on the top of all canisters of Keen's Genuine Mustard, which can be purchased of most Family Grocers. KEEN,ROBINSON,BELLVILLE & Co., LONDON. NOTHING IMPOSSIBLE. The rreateBt and most useful invention of the day, AGUA AM ARELLA.—Messrs. JOHN GOSNELLandCO., Three King-court, Lombard-street, London, Perfuraersto Her Majesty, respectfully offer to the public this truly marvellous fluid, which gradually restores the human hair to its pristine hue-no matter at what age. The Agua Amarella has none of the properties of dyes; it, on the contrary, is beneficial to the system, and when the hair is once restored, one application per month will keep it in perfect color. Price one guinea; half bottles, 10s. od. Testimonials from artistes of the highest order and from individuals of undoubted respectability may be inspected on application. Messrs. J. GOSNELL and Co. have been appointed Perfumers to H.R.H. the Princess of Wales. gSf Sogal Stftm latent. niaVjflJ'4 PROTECTION FROM FIRE. BRYANT & MA.Y, FAIRFIELD WORKS, LONDON, E. ?p?th.Uy re<!ae.t rupxR"Bm and coNscMBM of M. Ih. .Uto ob.,e, that the PArLNT Special Safety Hatch; IT L 0TIC -"C ,?h is not fOHnnoua, con- 4taiuo no PfMH'tMMM, and LIGHTS ONLY ON THE BOX, ?MH h mtnufMturedoNM by them, and that IAHL) without their address and TRADE MARK t ??,?S)? (AM AM) NONE can be genuine. Sold by Mr. WM. GRIFFITH, Bangui-ana ilia) be olit.iiued of most respectable groceri, chemists, &c., in the neigh. bourhood. Be very particular to observe that every Pckage and every Box bears our trade mark-an Ark. j /r' ù y f IJ <L.t" k-1  I. rc :J' :L r3;: r:+:.>' <'? .)'"<'n' fftt? com- ]' j '}/■„ it ij!;nort"l v-ith.'hr Uafnot c^'0»~efi, and com- biy)es -ni; fitiv,?ur otit; sti-e))'f!! i. Patd In¡ Cltemi,v.s, Stationerst and Civifecfiihiers in till par" ot the kingdom. Local Agents. Bangor—ROliERTS, Baker, High Street. ('ardiff—TKKHAME, Olrcmist, BLtteStreet, EVANS, Chemist, High Street. Swansey— LADl), Grocer, HOLMES, Grocer. DENT, CHEONOMETEH, WATCH & CLOCK MAKER To the Oneeii anil the late Prince Consort, and Mokerof the Ureat Clock for the HOUSES "F PARLIAMENT, TNVITES attention to the superior workman- L shij) and elegance of detign of his extensive Stock of Watcher and I trawing Itoom Clocks. ladies' Gold Foreign Watches 7 Guineas, (icntlemen's ditto 10 Ladies' or Gentlemen's Gold English Lever ditto 16 Strong Sil ver Levcr Watches. p' 11 Gentlemen's Gold Compensation Balance ditto. 40 Silver ditto ditto I., m Marine Chronometer, 36 Guineas. Gold and Silver Pocket Chronometers, Astronomical, Turret, and Bracket Clocks of every description. An elegant assortment of London-made Fine Gold Albert and Guard Chains, Sic. DEHT, 61, Strand, (adjoining Coutta's Bank) 34 and 35 Royal Exchange; and at the Clock and Marias CompMa Factory, Somerset Wharf, Strand, London. DENT'S TURRET CLOCKS.—The attention IU of Public Bodies. Gentlemen, and others it respect- fully requested to the improvement* made in the con- struction of Clocks, suitable for Stables, Churches, and other large Buildings, by the late E. J. Dent, and F. Dent, Clock and Chronometer Makers to the Queen pnd the late Prince Consort, and Makers of the GREAT CLOCK FOR THE HOUSES OF PARLIAMENT, etc. Turret Clocks with Compensation Pendulum, adjusted for variations of temperature, to work the hands of DIaJ8 of any size, from I to 300 feet diameter. DENT, 61, Strand, adjoining Coutts's Bank, and 34 and 35, Royal Exchange, London. TRY, TRY, TRY. ROCHE'S HERBAL EMBROCATION- An Effectual Cure for the Hooping Cough, Without Internal Medicine. THIS is the only discovery affording a perfect CURE, without adimuistenng internal medicine, the difficulty and inconvemenee of which, im all disorders particularly incident to children, are to well known to need any comment. Many thousands oft children are cured annually by this remedv and in most cftset), one bottle will produce the desired effect. The Proprietor therefore earnestly and conscientiously recommends it to Parents. Guardians, and aU those who have the care of children. For the protection of the Public, and to prevent im- position. L. ROCHE" is signed on the Label each Bottle, and the name of the Wholesale Agentt Edwards, 67, St. Paul's, engravel on the Government Stamp. Price 4s. per Bottle. Sold by most respectable Chemist and dealers in medicine. STARCH MANUFACTUBKRB TO H.R.H. THE PRINCES OF WALlS. QLENFIELD PATENT s TARCH, USED IN THE ROYAL LAUNDRY. AND AWARDED THE PRIZE MEDAL FOR ITS SUPERIORITY. Sold by all Grocers, Chandlers, Oilmen Ac. WOTHERSPOON & CO.. GLASGOW AND LOKPOS. PURE AERATED WATERS. ELLIS'S, RUTHIN, SODA WATER. ELLIS'S, RUTHIN, PDTASS WATER. ELLIS'S, RUTHIN, SELTZER WATER. ELLIS'S, RUTHIN. LEMONADE. ELLIS'S LITHIA & POTASS WATER, AN EXCELLENT INTERNAL REMEDY FOR OOUT. The Public are particularly requested to observe that nie Pttt)iie are p;trtic-i l trE if, Iis and Son. Ruthiu. with- every Cork is branded R. Ellis and Son, Ruthin, with- out which none is genuine. May be obtained from all respectable Chemists, Con- fectioners, and Hotel-keepers and Wholesale only, from R. ELLIS AND SON, Ruthin, North Wales. WHEAT SOWING. Goulding's Anti-Smut Composition HAS been found, beyond exception, the !t most valuable and effectual remedy for the Smut, Built, or Brand in the ear of Wheat. It has received the univeisal application and approval of most of the Practical Agriculturists of this Country, and is firmly established as the TRUE FARMER'S FRIEND." It is the most simple in its application, the most certain in its effects, and cheaper t)i an any other dressing in use h'H stood the test for the last SIXTIXN YEARS, and with. out one single failure to our knowledge. The Proprietors wish to remark that with this Preparation there is no oc- casion to Lime or Brine the Wheat. nie see(I can be dressed and fit to sow in a quarter of an hour. Sold in Packets M. each, sufficient to dress 364 poundit of seed. Prepared by W. and H. M. GOULPIHG, Cork. Wholesale Agentll-EVAI(S. SONII, and Co., Liverpool, EVANH, LESCHER, and EVANS, London. Wholesale and Export Druggists, Drug Grinders and Pharmaccutical I- Chemists. > FIRE! BURGLARS! FIREI f, a e ¡ .!1 .8' 'I ,I 23. CANNON STREET WEST (Late of Old Change, St. Paul's.) SECOND-HAND Wrought Iron Fire Proof SAFES, DEED BOXES, IRON DOORS, Strong ROOMS for the SECURITY OF BOOKS, DEEDS, PLATE, and other valuable property. The only house in London where they can be obtained at half the maa- ufacurers prices. Sketches and prices may be had on ap- plication to C. H. Griffiths. 18-inch Wrought Iron Firepronf Boxes, 40s. 23, Cannon Street West, London. PURCHASE DIRECT FROM THE MAKER, AND SAVE THE DEALERS' PROFIT! FIRST-CLASS ENGLISH PATENT LEVER WATCHES, CAPPED and JEWELLED, with all the Recent IM- PitOVEMENTS, and Finished in a Superior Manner, at £ 3 58. EACH. NOTE.—These WATCHES are our OWN MAKE, and cannot be surpassed. WRITTEN WARRANTY GIVEN for 10 YEARS. THE TIME OF DAY AND THE WONDER OF THE DAY. SAQUI'S Excellent SILVER WATCHES JEWELLED. AT 21s. EACH. Also the celebrated 8a. Alarum Clock may be had at the reduced price of 6s. 6d., warranted. OBSERVE THE ADDRESS- JOHN SAQUI, 40 MANCHESTEIt-STREET. —4# LIVERPOOL. Second Watchmaker's Shop from Whitechapel. PUBLIC CAUTION.-Finding a Liverpool Shop- keeper has copied my advertisement from the Liverpool papers, with a view of taking a most unfair advantage of my business, Mr. Saqui brgs to inform the Welsh Pub- lic, that he is the only, and the original maker of the £ 3 5s. Od. Patent Lever Watch. These Watches have obtained an established reputation for cheapness and quality, that defy competition, and have but to be tried to maintain their superiority over all spurious imitations. All Mr. Saqui's Levers have his own name, and address in full, engraved on each Watch. N. B.—floods sent to all parts of the world, on receipt of Post Office Orders. R UP TU RES. By Her Majesty's Royal Letters Patent. WHITE'S MOO-MAIN LEVER TRUSS REQUIRING no steel spring round tbe 1. body, is recommended by tIle following peculiar- ties and advantages :—1st, facility or application aid, perfect freedom from liability to chafe or excoriate 3rd, It way be worn with equal comfort in My portion of the body, by day T r night; 4th, it admits of ,"Il'y Jtmd of exercise, without the slightest inconvenience to the wearer, and is perfectly concealed from observation. We do not hesitate to give to this invention oar an- qualified approbation, and we strenuously advise the ust of it to all those who stand in need of that protection, which they cannot so fully, nor with the ?mc c.mfort, I obtain from any apparatus or truss as from that wHich we h.ne the highest satisfaction in thus rccomn?uding. Church a??d State S??Kf. Recommended by the following eminent Surgeons William Ferguson, Esq., F.R.S., Professor or Surgery in King's College, Surgeon to King's College Hospital, sc. C. G. Guthrie, Esq., Surgeon to the Royal Westminster Ophalmic Hospital; W. Bowman, Esq., F.R.S., Assist- ant Surgeon to King's College Hospital; T. Gallaway, Esq., Senior Assistant Surgeon to Guy a Hospital; r. Blizard Curling, Esq., F.R.S., Surgeon to the London Hospital; W. J Fisher, Esq, Surgeon-in-Chief to the Metropolitan Police Force Aston Key, Esq., Surgeon t* Prince Albert; Robert Liston, Esq., F.R.S. James Lope, Esq., Surgeon to the London Truss Society Eramue Wil. son, Esq., F.R.S., and many others. A descriptive circular may be had by post, iiid the Truss (which cannot fail to fit) can be foiwardca by port on sending the circumference of the body two inches belew the hips, to the manufacturer. Mr. WHITE, 228, Piccadily, London. Price of a Single Truss, 168., 21s., 26s. 6<1., and 31s. ed. Postage, la. Double 31B. 6<L, 42S., and 52a. 6d. Postage, If. 8d. Umbilical,, 429., a.Ild 528. 6d., P06tage, I., 104. Post-office orders to be made payable to JOHN WHITE, Post-office, Piccachny. NEW PATENT ELASTIC STOCKINGS. KNEE CAPS. &c. The material of which these are made, is recomniende by the Faculty, of all being peculiarly ELASTIC iud COM PRESSIBLE, andTHEBEST INVENTION forpvinjg efficient and permanent support all cases ot wKAJt- NESS and swelling of the LEGS, VARICOSE VEINS, SPRAINS, kc. It is porous, light in texture, and inex- pensive and is drawn on like an ordinary Stocking. Price from 4s. 6d., 7s. 6d., 101. to 16s. each. Postage, 6d. JOHN WHITE. Manufacturer, 228, PICCAILLY LONDON. Specimens may be seen in the Crystal Palace. f