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jMMH WALES TEMPERANCE ASSOCIATION. rtib. inniial meetings in eonneetion ,.ith the ;¡1,ov<' ,;o!"i.Li,,n tL.nk ptacc n" Tufsday !Utd ""e,l11e,I,,y ):K!t ,,A lhvtik(w whun t cUIliUer>\bl., Hnmber "f mfmt.t-ra and <It" iriellils (.{tcmixnttico, from variuns part of Wa'.a.), tetf-t. t<f<*ii?nt. I TFHSDAY, \18 a.m. anil 3 p.m. mcctinR of (Ieleg.%teA waa .,the )'enrhYn H.tH,W. r:crce.H<q..Wrexitam, ('l\. tilt' dl'\ir ile:)ijrt., ,f the, Ft:it,, aun rH'\)grcB's of tt'1U- owrf[0''ei<')'.),!md \uion I]p;etioni mHle, which <'m< ,Ii(lt"cd. aomt'titm's, with )nnch w;xrintli "f spirit, '.vive of the zea) !tnft eaDtHMtneaa with which the AI" fntf)'Mf) iiita) t!t'' 'I,ti,,n. A want of perfect "l\1ÜüiHn, anll a!!rt;.th'ran'')U))t of onion !(;nonf the .ties wa p(,intt:d to as one js-reat defect in connectio') 'w'h tlln ill,elnelit I)tlt no definite re""lnti"l1 w:i.S ar- I ai"fl1\t thL; <la. A ITBHC MEHTIXH \1j. J.td: u) t'UH (,Vellilig, at the Penrhyn 1M), presided ,f( hy Abe)Simner.K-.tj..of J,ond('n. Amo;) those, ,we dl" platfOI'IJl, and in till' bo,1y pI' thr IlIIlI. we> i W. Butketey nue'bef. Ks.j.. r-<. <tones ltt-v. Jolin Oriffitli, S ,th: Hngh Ihn-n. ].1.. Lo,l"H: Dr. F.]{.: i!r.!rvir.L: White. Lnndo)t: Xev. W., M.«;.m, M.A.. L'audegai: ):ev..<. M.A., Kaf).. t!ev.A J. farrv.Cefinnawr;. Thorns, M A.. 1,. f %7itn initiiifei-, attttor. Hev. G. (litt,): Mr. lIohert I'aITY FV.AIT& D(Itt Kryn\ Merthyr Tydfil: Mf.Mr.<. J. I'lloillas, r. r.i, J. Rubprts, Dallgor. &c-, &u. C!I.HHl. S that some one mnre e.t)M' ,Ie itan t>.i.\lHcli h.td not Vetii oallHti ill,(,n to occnpy the 't& t'\t \'l"uing: ¡'ut'one lii'\rê "iticere u) the :1. 'f:>¡oll'1\.rl1c" th", "1dnot h:lve Ile a for 21 ve;tt,r;, (itiriii,, which tiinH th' "'r ,uwkeci nor l)um'd. whieh he cltvÍ(h:-l't'(\ vRry of thia country. f. h{ll:r.) Children \"l"rt' now Jo't'pn'with Rltort pi"e 5tt 'Kmt their )))ini'-tfr'<nd th.'ir <)e!t- ,o,.H1t the Mlnp, an>! P",I:¡\'ollr",I to ["i/ the hot. <<t¡,' ,of thdr tes ters. ThM it ti-tt «ii'-t tiK-v shouif! )(!it(.i.'t tift- of hu))!tfss a!i(i ii.4t!ftil- 1l-, 1> dCI;Y them"ell-es <iVfryth.ingthttdcb.Med and Jle'f..L tho mcHtinK in W<:MB.Md "fter all 111I1I"j..n to the pr('d,'II even. W"ledllr." ohic1'd thi\l tot'tt a'Mtin;)"ce W!W <nAtM.E;d "r h(\II-(lwJltaL}e or nnreadnablH. lie %%I-okk them ca.n,rnlly to (-X!mn)ie which it Nva.4 r.(-.At «-;« 'Mxed upon tht> prillciplt'i'O '.f truth and m¡¡nH. '-t'. &AA Nvliotlier it w!<s the dHniin, habits of the peopie ,wir t0ta1 abtinpuce front l¡y, "'0,.1<1. "'a. it th., ¡",I,Ii" h"<o tippJer or the tee. "I(ot !lftt inarle the bl',t mrmber of ? Sonif t,Jc to think, Rtiil "frcn insinuated, tli;tt he :<'I'<,¡ Inntseft by bi< connection with the t"n)))t'rauce "meut-that it w.')it of ).i,; twttr to attnctt hinl!it.lf to thou war "f );):t!));it)d-drxnkt")ni'se. \'t\n Ite thonght if hI' I]"-ir,"l to be f,'ee from the b!o..d <t t)t<Me ;tm))))f; wh.'tn.Lm bOOm'I. it w.M tiis imperative Chni.it.tojointhRn'o)earn)y 1'.1:t \Ç;t m:u¡J¡l ill con1h7ttin thi 1n'mter e\'il wht)<t! ""it1lt'rillf( biinhted the 1,t p\rti''nx of t."{ \"eLL\eo a t\H1Chin in('i<hnt in the lif! of <nr.teter.wn.ou) h. llwt intbt) dt'tho{ ,{;;ktit Keath. IIPOIl thl' point of committiua: .,lid,je- f1(.;it h? sucei'ded in getti,i, him to sign the p!edKe. who .Yftcfa-.D'tta !t u'<e{n) tniniatt'r of the goapci in 'n. Hí' e,)1)clllíleil with an <1'1"0111. appeal to the temnBr.mci! to units all th''ir elH'r¡.:i\ tether "'II! ,(,u'e \vhid. their' 11\11 ,'e:oll allrl clm"iellce. teót;. '-<«-:« the work of G..d. nr. F. politico) indic:t- 'r, tile Ti"t.es, ",I,ich. hownver,strnuk tt;n minuter too lu -th:;t teetotalislIl "'a< Il"t yet a i'mJar qlle"tilln; l>. it w". only !nn;).ttcr of time \l'fllre it would come <te so, and atrpadv it h.td dom' [;rent thini;a. The were puintMd out M 1rHmi:¡cs or fmatieiot,aHfl yet ri.M.ir h:td pet)etrat< d th<' h.d)s of tt'.K legiil,,ttkire. 'Tt"tJ'(h m:l\st. he very .<trM)E: indeed before it could net a 6,-akl opon the head !(n.t heart of thi9n;ttiot); and it The prit)cipte.t of "t¡.l :lb,tiuenee wer.' wiittt'u in wat "1. ¡\wl it eautd not be found thM'c—wre written iu iu''tit')tion!i.aud in SHri))tnre. 'ree. .¡",tII w.M I(oo¡j t" his body and for his mind—pood I i ip y ii,,t iii j tir(?, r« tbu t -ciaUy and mor.diy. Titpy codd not injure injuring the aont. Many said th.'ir mdutiliie* were unbound, nnd remarked titat they pro- oj),ntht'.samf ground XH if they wanted to cure 11-ttÙliY by U!'t eating at at). Those who '< dd ao turret \;iv,, 'l:1Je:i'e existed no couuection between th" one and .l ,)tRIOr. The more they at<, tlH' more sti"fi(l they "t.t'ct, but the more they drank the more was their (!(*- <<4«Tttnnk. Drink ,tltei-ecl feeling,, w))i).t ut- anf'tllmu's uwn vitality etiminatcd it from the Yf,. lill'- Thn Game miLt. be ,id of opium.snuff, and t.tCM. Ttm evil nuHt. be put down. The time. )noi,t -t\n', w')ul,\ c>tne when the true pnuoptesotaooaL "tb. would trimnph, de-<pite every which turn's ,it,vnitity c'uiddeYi..<e. (Cheers.) Itwasaphitosophi- "11 :d')11\ that in "filer to remove the efR'et they u.ust *<Cttv.'theoause. They OllY knew the causes except their conseqllcnce8. Itwontdnotdotoprctehtee- ¡,bw,; itmt).st bep)aeti-ted. Theyniu''t. like C'rotn- a. vice to hi-) ket';t the powder ,z (joftwiUbtesstho means adapted to the end. come out manfuUy, and not compromi'ie their upon the hustings. He wonl,1 i)ever vote f(.r <f.t& who )ifte') up hi" tcice or gare hi< vote in ]'ar)ia- :-te:r.i" fitvonr of Acts to make drunkards. He wanted he saw hnrning riDm8 t<:tt years ap:(o —hH wnn]d MMe the batt]e cry tpti'Mt hI." notion8 abollt ftriuk and the tmfEc in stri)i)g "IÙ- Ç¡ime and everything that wa. bad wa" genera- z,od by the ay..t;')t). Let them nn! delegate to tberffnre. the power of increasing cmue. poverty. <)).<! (tcgM'ftatiou in tha!)«(!. Thf)). an't BottiU then wil) -bx, (X?untry become and the people happy-- .;]f and then, «)))y shou)d the workinK man be entrusted '-nth. tho fnmchise, because then they wiU he in a pmi- !{.'<!t nkfitly to exercise the power cotiSded to them. applause.] '?' Ht.v. A..). PuutY, Ct'fnmawf, said t'uat the nMt eon- .?"Mn o! ? Rafe ntorat remo<)y was to abstain from that M&j?t cansed the disease That condition was ba"cd '"(\11 n'-J.1lI and cripture Theon)yrealpanaeeafor ,1.mk"lw, was that wbi"h reclaimed the drunkard '.«tM!eh-protected the sober frjmbecomins a drnnk- ,tA. The teetota! remfdy w;M infaUihte—there was no ,Ti,r.t,er that atota) ahqttiiier,wliil,,3t lie.Colitilitied wontd 'Mtt prey to this vice. The speaker next dwelt npon tile 4nty of setf-denia). and impressed upon the audience r..uA 'thwc who iived F),On society aho'dd livo aho for .i"y. {App)anKC.] 111;(;11 OWL, E'lh London, whi1.t he had 1."on te- for many yea's wouU not be!ieve in any system tt.t !.hat of morat persnafiou HM frien t the Chairmau, ?< .¡clived, was somewhat fanatica] 'j.bont the qtiestion. -t!t ke [Mr. Owen] con)d do with his Mends was to ar- ""W with thetn, if they eonM justify their own conduct <lLHnh<'ircon-<ciencesandthewo)'dot'Uod, hecon)d 9ftt tx'"demn them. [Hear, hear.] W. M. Hucnus, Esq. [who was warmly received], ..nj<he<i to mark. by his presence that eveninK ;.mon)!: -Mum. the due SMnac of impM trncp with which he regar- prom('tatempcrimce!tnd sobriety. &t I&eWd gaicl on the j'rfvioua eveninR. he w:M'non'y to ttMs tM tttu nMohwKi* of hib dutiea, the conti- f<tAiner);aMo{thiitviHe.w)deht))ny wereca]tMdfio ..f'(p,n to i<upp)-e<fs,—first, by gentte fioi!, then by a term that nu'etinK w"n)J ?- ttt" tnmns of ('nahJing t!tHm to s: bpttcr tliiiir-3 of rllttir t-oxntryincn, that the ('vit )n!p:ht be initigated, and utiioryati(i penury which it entai]" enti!'ely rera,)\"e<1. He pr")x.wd a \t'' of th:iU):n to the Chair. m&ti, wliieli theRev.Mr.Griffith iipeondc' 'The tueeting then terminated. WEDNESDAY. This hcing the [)Titicirizil <!ay of the fetitiva), a hrge of peopie arrived in the city by exeurMf'n tr.Mua i" \Vrexham, Donbigh, Xciyhead, a))') Carnarvon. Ttte nrat meetiax wa het.t at tlw Tahernacle Uh.tpe), )HMn<e!ock ia the niortiizig, A..Sim))fr, Esq., in the "AIr. The PtntttMAt said that temperance haf) (!f't)e a great -Ust fw bmMelf, and h.Mt beo) !t greitt Honrce of Musing M cutitito,, e-ipeciiilly W"le., which wa< high)y pri- S,wrae titne ago he h;td oceMiMn to visit II irtet MiHMtur ia L(,u(lon, to itqk on hphatf of hia fitvou)' at the han(ls of the G"vcm' WMWi He toht hita the W"I.h hat) a claim upon t))p t.<XMl)ttnre. The minister illlmediatply aik(,cl how allll moat e)imu that wtM. Well," he fthe eliairniit))] mid, fe have civen y"n )M3 troub'o siuoe our annexation to than either the Scutch or the Irish—scarc.']y <-ctr are yo)t ttaked to intert'ere with us." But how do fM neoouttt fur that!" sai<! the geDth'man whom he "UI wlreMing. Well," Mid he, "I .tceouut for iL in ctrM My. h is the BiMe ;tnd Sunday Schools that hKve 'Ai). lw4ter hotd upon the pt-opte—they live 'nore eeo. x')t)MaMy. and they are more contottMf)." Having oon- witb hia coneagues, he granted Ms application. iTtNt, we betieve, refera to the eitez)sion of time -tlloied iJ' Ae enrolment of chapels in Watea.] He exhorted )<M <'<!untrymea not to lower their character by indu]- ..fuM ia the vice of drunkenncM, which, notwithstanding t all their efforts, still appeared to prevail to a fean'n) extant. Itov. W. Rowt.AfDS, MMhycUeth, condemned in nn- me.Mured terms the "beastly habit of Stnoking,"which was resorted to in private houses and railway cacriages, which j,hreatrnt'l to undermine the health and the st-unina of the rising generation, and excited a desire for drink. He really cou)d not see any consistency in the 'induct of those who abstained from intoxicating dnnks and continued to indtdge in this noxious weed. He then went on to ohSlene that the principles of tota! ab- stinence were ptainty enjoined in Scri)Jtme. Cert.am peoph-were commuuded in the Old Testament for their .tbstInHMco. Some might i,;iw itit objection and nay they were merely commended for their obedience; but won)d they bo commended for doing awrong thing' Not likely. He maintained that before justice could be administered,the drunken Man should not only be fined, but those who so)dhim that whiehmtuh'him drunk- hetli,ir it I ie the ifrst or secoiitl to the drunkenness. I!nt some objected to i,letige them. selvesnotto drink. Thiaprineiplewa.satsorecognised intheHibh. The :tZ'lrenr, entered into a covenant with the Lord that they wou)d not drink; and the H.H- chahitef (who were not people) had mvorn to their fatherthtywonldnotdrink. Foi- this they were a,tiii commeud",1 by God It was right, a,1 proper they ahontd enter into a "olemu vow r.f't to do that which wa< ,1iple,\Hing t) God. The !rood John NN,esl(,v :to whose connexion he be]onKedt !aid it down as one of ttie constitutionat ruh'sof \Vn1\ani"'1l1 that the lnini:tel' werenot to indulge in ard9ntf)piht'< for the miniatrythe fo))owinK. qu'Mtioua were put:— "rh vond)i))k ar.t.'nt spirit-.?" The r)'j,ty i<, No" "])o v(,ti oi- take U\1tr t' The rl'ply i- "No. He waa sorry to &I-V that in )e39 than a fo!'tllig-ht ftft")' they were ordained.many of his brethren 'I'ere "en (II native of l''nntshirc), who was taid exho)-tin!: friends .it Banker to per.evcre iu the good. work which they had he"an to accompUsh. Kev..). R. HunuKS. of I'entraeth, mxt addressed the mbeti!ig with moch power and effect. Rev JOHN T:!OMAS, Livt,i-po(,I, :'eMtrked that the temperance qtte.tion.ieemed to he much favoured in tht\f" {hy aluon th hight'r l'il{I' of sflcit'ty .who saw thedep)oraMe consequence of fh'iuk,and were not in- diapoaed to consider the propriety of lei,lating upon thesn.'hject. The pntpithad been inauuicienttoehoc': its presence, or h!td been sitenced in theperformance o{ ita duties, or m)'ht bo shamed 'o do it, hy the maK"- tHria)bf'nchesoftheeonnt,ry. The drinking habits of the peopta retarded the pro);reit-) of re!if;ion; in the first \)!:le, they kept the masses .doof frompiaces of wor- ship. Aocordi!)KtoDr. Cha)merH,o2 percent.maybe rea.son.tb)v expected to attend ptaces of worshin in thia kingl"m; aecordinK to Mr. Bainet 60 per cent., and ac- is the aYerage nnmber which may he expected to at- tend Nowtho Reputation (if tilii kiiig(loni at the la-t census was ]8mi]!ionf); no that eight nti))tons may be. excused on account of aK' disea<e, &c., for not atteiifl- i!J the honk IIi' aori. Motif the other ten mini m. came howcoutd they be. aceoLn'nodated? There waR no adequate provision in aii the churchea and chapf)a for more than oG per cent. Wa)es was better off in that respect than other parts of the ef)!ft)try,aa there, wa. a provision in Wa)es to the am 'unt of 8-1 per cent. The nnmber of \],h srca]¡iug inhabit ints of Liver- poot amounted to .Tt.OOO—there were thousands of 'of))e)'!iwhoM'ereU'e)s)nt)Oubntcou)d!)o!;KpetkWe)-)h I-t,) meet the number there were 19 Welsh chapels and .one We!) church, capable of aceomnt..dating only !H,()00 persons; andSit.oOUWetsh-speaking peoptein Livorpoo] mav f.tirfy be Mttmated in the averagu who donotattend any phI' of w"r,hip. Awl what was the cause of thisdisparity! Why, drink—the corse and ahamf of Great Rritain. CCheers.] He had no sympathy with %Vilo get npon the p)at. fo,'ms of EiRtpddfo'¡'1 an'] cr,1" out, Of" .'I/'NrI i't, i(tith (l!llllraffl." hi an E))t;sh speech whi)st they looked down upon their fc\l",v-e,l\\nt"YIl1HI groalliug in the very depths of desradation and sin. It was not those who Atttered fulsome <tdn]ations—soft'soapinf; each other at pnb)ie dinners—and b;t))ed at the p'int of their voices, "our Klori<.mconstitut!f)n," the "army and navy," &c., that were the true patriots. No, it was those who felt for their national iniquities, who bewai)ed the sad condition of the p'or drunkard,and deniedhim., xe)f the inxuriea ;ini (if his own tab)e, in order to resettf the unhappy victunof nnholy desirf's [Cheers.] The drinking practices also counteracted the influence of gracf. upon the joinds of thousands who did attend p)acesof Nvorsllil). He stron,-Iv (leiinuiieed the \I'elli pnbUc-honses in Liverpoo), where few incompettnt literary tvros and foui-monthed poetasters tnst tog''the.r to wipe away iit Id)e. jests what some tnay have fe't at thep!acesofwor<hin. MaU pl:tN>" \t'"ler h""ven let vou!)g men fromWahjs eschew those nests of iniquity. the (lr!Tikiii, custont was ;d<o the m dn cause of back- W,i(ling in .tU the churches of Christ: and of a)) the ano'na)ies in(iod'screationthe)no..tconspicnenawaa! secio!! the ministers of God embracing the viper which penetrated the vita]s of Christendom. (Applause.) The CHAIRM.N hoped that aU would discountenance Eistcd'tfod.u), and appeaifd to himse]f not t) [!ive them a helping hand. He knew of no poet who had done anygoodtohiscountry. InLondonhesaw many a young man ruined with the t 'ymreifyddion. The meeting terminated with a vote of thanks to the Chairman. THE AFTERNOON MEETING. The next meeting waf held at the Tabernacle Chapel, Mr.IInght)ughei',L]angaffo,inthcchair. The Cn.\ntMAX brieay addressed the meeting, after whiuhheca)!fdthe i );ev. K.T. Own' Betiiescl;t. who spoke of the social duties which pertained tu each member of woiety to ditcharge. Re enumerated the evikof intemperance, which aSceted not the drunkard on)y, but the tax- payers a)so, who had to support gaois, reformatories, and workhouses, which ware n))af) by .such characters. Itev. W. EDWAtiDS, of Aberdat'e, next audreaeed the meeting. Dr. I)!vmu WHITE referred to the amount of Sabbath desecration engendered by intemperance, and the open- inKofpuMic.houaf's on Sunday. InSeot)andthe;\ct for ctosing puHic-housea on the Lord'a day was in the 9th year of ita operation—they were closed from 11 o'ctoek on Saturday night till 8 o'clock on Monday morning He and others In Scotland went personally to the people, and asked them what reat advantages were there which had growu out of such a change. The first was the poiice. Before Forhes Iacken. zie'a Act had come into operation they were told that from 80 to 100 people were locked up in Glasgow he- tween <) o'c)ock on Saturday night and 8 o'o!ock on Sun- day morning. Since the iteration Bunded they were told by the police that scarcely 5 individual were locked up during that period v [Cheers.] Then he looked at it eommerciany—the diSerence in the tax'ltion for the support of those so committed. In addition to Glasgow they gathered the opinion of the shopkeepers in Kdinburnh, Dundee, and Aberdeen. They asked them what their condition was previous to the passing ofthatAct. Tbeyansweredthatthepeoplecameto their shop!< )ate. )aid out little money, and bought the worst at the very last hour. Since the a!teratiot) they came early, ]aid out a iarger sum of money, making moreampteprovi.ion for their cuphoards and their homes. Andtooka.titin another light. Thatwhich the people bought at the provision shops afK) ware- houses did them fond, whikt the money they spent for driuk at the pubtic-houses ouiy muclclled their br,¡jn, Md bfeame a curse to them that "sed it. [Cheers.] They next went to the ministers and those who had f.harge of congregatiotM, ffnd Mked them also what had taken place with respect to the number of persons who attended places of worship since the Mackenzie's Act was passed. "Oh," they «aid, "we can harniy find room for the pRoplouow!" Now, headed them, was it no- thinf that the people were gathered together in the House of Prayer, and put their fm't,a«itwere, upon one step of Cod's Mdt'r, which they hoped would tet- minate at God's throne? Sahbath day dunking was one of the curses which they had to battle with. Since the passing of that Act in Scotland, whatever ficoffers said to rhc contrary, the morat Mpcct of the peo)))e had I changed. If itwaarinht forScot)and it was right for broad F;r)zl,,tnfl -it wi.,t right for Wate.<. [Cheers.] At the royal commission instituted, iarfe entptoyera of la- bour admitted that .1. great number of the men before this Act passed did not come to their work till late on Monday, others on Tuesday, and some even not tit) Wednesday. Look at the toss to the UMt-ufacturer, and the toss to the working meu themselves from that state of things. Who coutd estimate the happiness which the working man's wife tost, the education of his child- ren neglected, and the comforts of home frittered away. But the change. The men came at the usual hour on Monday morning, and continued, with some exceptions, tilt the afternoon of Saturday with their work. Hi)n- setf and friends next went to the mnuicipat authorities at Edinburgh. There they had voted .012,000 to enlarge one wing of the gau). The vote, however, remained in abeyance for a short time; because it was a targe sum to pay out of the ta.x-paying peopte for an asylum to dntukarda. Now, let them took at the advantages of closing pnMic-houaes on Lord's day. It was found out after the passing of that Act that it was no longer uc- cessM-yto eutargethe ga.ot. [Cheers] Were they in Bangor witting to help those who wished to close public .houses on Sunday, that their children's prospects misfit not be blasted for ever..He tmeted that aouiethiug woutd be douebythe godly of Watea in co-operation with their friends in England, to enable Mr. Homes to bring in another bitt in the next seaaion of Parliament. They were labooring for the common good of the land, and the welfare of the people. [Apnhuse.j Hev. J. JnsK", C;irtiL(idi, who was a totsl al)StAille" 1 h)rnearIy.{OyL'ari),6p"keoftbpcotitinu<i<M<'M!ng-' which flowed fll'UI (\ tempe; ate life. [The "peakeI' he; turned to the (Jh.tirn)!U), who was It stout jolly.looking oU guuthnt.tn, and pointed to the go" e!flJets tecto. L,tli,iii dH[duted tn his floo. Mr. Jon, exllibiti!lg a];¡) It of iiesh upon hi.-< body, the ChM)'- u)!U), good hu)uour<'t))y, steppe.) forward, aud ta);i))p' hi'"oy thi'.trm,b.)th atoudspeechIfM upon the pl:\t. t'orti'ip"rtingt)tc' goo,l qualities of th cold wItter ")" tt'm. ThM produced ing.] itc v. A. J.I'A"KY, inability argumentative strain, !u!(!)'e'<'<edt))Min<tit)g, and eHde.tvourefttoprnfe that thu Bibtf p)ohibite<), condKmnc<), and eotnBMnded even UtM moderate tit. of intoxicating )iquor.<. Tin-meeting closed with a prKVt-r. TIm ¡:VE:i¡:iG MEETI:iGS. 'two e%,eliill, ilieetiiigs ii,cre lielil in the evening, one at the Tabernacle. the other at Horeh Chapel. At the Tabernade Chape), Mr. TlImas LEWIS oc- eupn-J the chair, aud ca'.)eJ up"t) the Rnv. J. G;FEfTU, of Ne.)th, to :ulflresi! the meehns' in Euntish. T)R'r(!V.et'tletnautiriit announced tli-,tt tiie, eubj:'ct of hi,; remark., wOllld be n wonl of cO\ll"el au,l a word otencnm'.tgement to thmvurkingm.U].f'then bpc.)Use it was assuciated in his mind with evHrything that was great! anddigniec). I](, cotil(i i)t)ttliink of anyone tiny wli"i-c of ail imptlrtaut plact": În ociety who W;1.S not. a working man. It. was n. mistake, however, to sup- po.-e that no one but he that works with his hands was tvorthvofthathonoure.i.titte. Godin his Providence I)ad<H'dained various (tep.u.tment.i of labour in thu wor]d—some were called to !abour with the members of their body, (itliers with the faculties of their minds There were working men in science and philosophy. w(n'king hard to (tevetope great truths, tvhichbear upon thtirwett being, and bring forth great theories in science intopracMce. In the field of philanthropy men were for.ud working very h:tt-(l In 1,,ti-ge,to%vll; tIlt-3; f,)Illl(l them going out to relievo distress in every form, and alieviatepovertyandmiseryofaHkinds Ministersof the Gospei had also great work to perform-it wasa work carried on to eternity, and woe to them if they [Cheeu-3.] Titereisnorom for the drones in the busy hive of thu wnrtd. Hehadministeredamongworkiugmenfortha ]ast 20 years, and he had no desire to change the .('ones (,fhis)abour.—Ifthey)ookedbacka hundredyeaMago they would find that vf.ry)itdeconiparat:ve)y was done for theworkingman. Fc'vthought..rcared fiow he Hved theu. But no\ working men's chtldreu when har())yab)e to tl)L:ik were taken to sehoots, and have oft'ered them KUperior education and ad niirab)e mental dieeiphue. Phitauthropy stepped forward when he hitmen outofthedayschooh and takes ttimtenderiy by the hand.andkeepahiminanightsettoot. Juntas head- vxmj ed in liie, what, did society They had,probab!y,areat!ing room in his mind. Evbi-yt,liitig ii w,)ikiiig at this moment for the working man; and if they di(t not keep him right ]", \1.'< sure to go wrong. Look what re]igion was doing for him; tile magnificent churjhes and chamois free for his reception, without heing shoved .Mi f"rrllerl' into a remot,. corner, screened by piHars in th,' bro;,d a¡:;1t" Denominationatditierences was tost sightof in ende.tvouring to henent the working man; and he rejoiced that it was "pen foiaU of them to tread the same common )'uad, to look at one com- mon Swiuur, for to be washed in hMhtood, and be camUdatea tor one common heaven. [Loud appfause.] If, therefore, it was ascertained that society had done and was doing aHthis,<vhatwa.s there to be done in connection with the working classes? Ho wished .to see the working men ingooft off)'t'a)Mrisi!)g up and shewing an examp)e to other nations (.f their frugaHty and tcmperanee. Kverybodyth'.ug))tofn)<.ney;ittvani, of money 1'arson.iand people ahkemo-ithavemoney \Ve)),'vhatu)art'e))ou.sc)):)nge. had taken place imnen'awages? ))e remembered the time when ts.aday was the common wage for a la- bourer In dOme part' of WaleB, he kuew, wages were t,titi very !ow; out titi)), taking the country together, took at the enormous advance that hat taken ptaee. Ho confd not getammto)a!.oHr about bia hou.entxier I j,. h, IS. a woek, and he was mighty particular about whatwaa given himto<)o, and he.thvayaaUotvedhnu tog.) home at 4 o'clock the afternoons of Saturday. There was the t!ki)tn)art;Mnf!, again—men who onty earned former)y about Is. tid. a day, now getting their 4s. and 5s.a()ay. InthH)argt! forgeK'<'rkaiuSo))th W:ilf,s therewere men earning as much as .CH p'r month. L)oonr inthisco))ntryr<t)i-)e<)abnnt3f)0,f)!)U,00('am)!]- aUy.and about 4-5th of this capital found its way into the pockets of working tueti. If that be so, and he had no reason to doubt it, let it not be said that nobody cares f r the working man, and that he w.'M little better off thanan)ave. The sutt'ering of the working classes was bronght on by themst'ives. Fheir position was p)-rfect)y inde('endt'nt, and they had every opportunity to improve Biit What (iiii the w,,i-h-inq class do k%,itli t!ieir wages ? Uow was thsir money spent ? They were coming thell to the sO!'rowfn] part of the Blo rf. Tho working man spent £20,000,000 a year on soiritoua H- quor,C25,i)0!),UOOamiuaUy upon beer, porter, and otherdrinks. Butit\vasnoton)ythetnoney.spent,but th.-time )ost they shonl,llook upon. Why was tt that \1 erthyr an,! ¡ )owlai, men di,1 nut go to thdr wurk on the Monday fo])owing pay day; why, it was because they coutd not be got out of the puHic house. But what were the wonh of counset and encouragement he had to give them with the view of improving their con- dition. Did they require more mea)M to be suppticd to them by others—additional schooh. charitable and bene- vu]"nt sueÎetiesl Hewou)dte)lthemnevertolose their seif-respect, and their independence: for the mo- mfut they d'.d so, they would loae the position which Htd iutended they should (.ceupy in society, and become absotutety slaves. They should endeavour to regulate themselvea and contro) their passions that they might not forfeit that privitege which was at the foundation of everything that was great and good. (Cheers.) Let them rely as much as possible upon themselves; and if they wished to ad vance themselves in the world, he would say to them, "1'ractiee economy." As long as they con- tinued to resort to the public houses, as longas that they were sure to occupy an inferior position among their fel- low-creatnres. Take care of your freedom (ii:ud Mr. Gri(nth), and don't sell it for nothing. Snap the ebaina that hold you fast. and jump into happinesa and free- dom. Hut there is a work atitt of greater iniporl-tnce. White working for time, you shnutd abo work for eter- nity. It is far greater than any other work in connec- tion with this work, the father cannot work for t)ie son, nor the mother for the daughter. You must all work for yourse[ves. "Work while it is ca!)ed to-day "—work with all your might. (Loud cheenng.) The Rev. JoHX .)OXE.s. Carnarvon, drew a graptne picture of two young men entering upon life—one start- ing upon temperance principtes. and the other trifling v.'ithtemptation,and becomingadrunkard. HefoUow- eft up the career of each, contrasting them in )ife, and on a death-bed, and the innueuce they exercised on their respective posterity. 1'he Kev. J. !'H')MAS, Liverpoot; comparing the pre- sent state of things with what they were l.'i or 20 yeara ago.thought drunkenness was onthe increase, and if it made the same progress in the next ten years a< it had made within the last, they sttouid retrograde to the fame awfut point as that which aroused the spirit of their fathers to their energetic combat with the evit. What they wanted was to drive intoxicating drinki) to the apothecaries shops, where they ought to be, and this woutd on)y he accompiished by total abstinence, common sense itself wnu)daot do it, neither wou)d education, or Jega) enactments, tor men get to be drunk- ards in spite of aU these. He, therefore, exhorted his audience that in order to be secure, to step on the nrm ground on which they stood, and, with Pedr Vardd, say, Rwy'n penderfynu dal yn dyn Y" wastad heb ddiferyn. He was followed by an address from the Rev. Mr. Ed- ward'i. of Aberdare. The proceedings terminated with a prayer, and a vote of thanks to the Chairman. MEETING AT HOREB CHAPEL. Another crowded meeting was held at Horeb Weslay- an Chapel, the Rov. U. T. Owen, of iiethesda, in the chair. Revs. J. ti. Hughes and W. Rowlands having spoken at some length, the meeting WM further addressed by .r. R. PARRY [Rohyn Ddu Eryri], Merthyr Tydfi!, who, by a tigxrative appellation, introduced the nnbjt'ct of temperance societies, which Coihad reveatcd to good men in the fulness of time, as liew other societies, to combat the j.nnnater evil of intHm pBr.mee. It was ape- ciaUy the work of Cod'a church to promote sobriety, and to eradicate this cvit; and he could not Me the consis- tency of those who eaUed for tegat enactments to abolish the drinking custom of thia country whitat they them- oetves, as ministera of God, looked on with total indif- ference at the temperance movement. A call for the civil power to interfere, in his opinion, was a tacit ad- mission of the church's own iukewarmnes", and neglect of the opportunities posseMed to work etiectuaUy upon thewortd. Stit[,itwasthedutyofa!f)Stnemberaof society, without regard to any particuhr cimreh,. to .msMt in this morat regeneratton of mankind. No one shoutd be prohibited from doing good to his neighbours; and yet there were some who were ca))ed the spiritua) ieaderg of the people who woutd crush the endeavours of all but themselves to cnect this improvemetit. Whou he walked the street he met some who were physicaUy stronger and taUer than him, aud othora who ware weak- er and shorter. It was the same mtellectuatty; some were stronger, and others weaker; but would they be- lieve it, and would they allow him to <ny M without giving himself up to vain Mif-praMe—he had to Ustea to I men whom he hnew to be inferior to him in pomt of inteUect,—" mentat (lwtl,ft3"-wlio willed to gag hia mouth, because he con].! persoii;illv testify to the evils of intemperance. [Cheem.] Common Benae itcoinnieii. ded the principtes of total abstinence. He then went o" to shew the eminent lite-rary chamders who had become slaves to the Yi)e naseions of their nature; and how the names of poor Burn- and I.ord Byron were asioci-,itecl with cxee."ivt' <)rinkinK. He referred to the ..xert.on.. of Rood Dean Cotton and Dr. Arthur Jones to put down the drinking practices in Banor, and M)d that, to_ a ,ocll)- man to do ¡(ood, was as I"i hreathing. He gal'e Be,'eral striking i):natrations of the power and g'Md of temperance principl"K, and interspersed with an.e- dote. good hnmonred!y r..tated, conctude.) w.th a power. fut orttion, enjoininK all to try the e;;)d water experi- ment- Darllawiad lor y Unoeftd. ?C'L w word. from the Rev. A. J. rarn- the After a f, ivor,li from the Rev. A. T. Parr, the meeting terminated.. The proceeding were enlivened with t).e serncea of "Cor.yr Aelwyd," con"i"tin of f'ther and nve of his a.,n.<, who-ianRfome very pn.tty s'M during the day. Delegate meetings were held r' the momm); and af- ternoon, at. w))i..h scvcrat re.<utions were pMsed, w!nch will hepn''Iishcd in our next Tlllnks were voted to Co(miP¡ Pennant for his hber.-thty, to ?!r. r!n)kete'v Hushes for hif presence, and to the Rev. Mr Crimth. who had come from snc'i a distance to a'tenr! the meetmg.





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