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A. CLARKE^ PHOTOGRAPHIC ARTIST, Opposite the KutrAnce t^ St. Paul's Chapel, P EX I) RE, HA NOOK. PORTRAITS in every variety of style. taken with the most unerring accuracy, and war- ranted free from the blemishes conimouly found in the productions of many other Artists. Family Pictures photographed on moderate terms, aud CARTES DE VISITE, in the very first style of the Art, 10s. the dozsn, carriage paid to any address. dw Observe the address: A. Clarke, Photographic Artist, opposite the Entrance to St. Paul's Chapel, Peu. dre, Bangor [A WALTER JONES, No. 10, Boston Street, AUCTIONEER, VALUER, AND APPRAISER, HOLYHEAD. N',B.-All order!! entrusted to his care will be punctual- ly attended to. PURE AERATED WATERS. ELLIS'S, RUTHIN, SODA WATER. ELLIS'S, RUTHIN, PJTASS WATER. ELLIS S, RUTHIN. SELTZER WATER. ELLIS'S, RUTHIN, LEMONADE. ELLIS'S LITHIA & POTASS WATER, AN EXCELLENT INTERNAL IIEMEDY FOlt GOUT. The Public arc particularly requested to observe that evert/ Cork is branded R. Ellis and Son, Ruthin." with- out which none is genuine. May be obtained frmn all respectable Chemists, Con- foctioners, and Hotel-keepers and Wholesale only, from R. ELLIS AND SON, Ruthin, Nortit Wales. COUNTY OF DENBIGH. NOTICE is Hereby Given, that the General 1 Quarter Sessions of the Peace in ,md for the County of Denbigh, will be held at the County Hall, n Ruthin, on THURSDAY, the 34)th day of June, 18(;4, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, for the transaction of the finance and police business. and will be continued at the came place on the following tlar at Ten o'clock in the forenoon. The business relating to the Acts made and passed regarding the police, and the business relating to the assessment, application, or management of the County Stock or Rate will commence on Thursday aforesaid, at 11 o'clock, at which hour all bills and demands against the Couuty lUust be laid before the Court. The Grand and Petty Juries, and all persons bound by recognizance to prosecute and give evidence, or to surrender in discharge of their Bail, are to appear at the County Hall, in Ruthin aforesaid, on FKIDAY, the 1st day of July next, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon. JOSEPH PEEt", Clerk of the re ice. Ruthin, 1st June, 1804. N. B. —Instructions for Indictment* should be sent t my Office (if practicable) four 4ays at least before th iOHH. ANGLESEY QUARTER SESSIONS. NOTICE is Hereby Given, that the General _i.? Quarter Se-Mion?of the Pcace for the County of Anglesey, will be held at the COUNTY HALL, in BEAU- kiAKis, on TUESDAY, the 28th day of June next, at the hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon, for the dispatch of the Civil and Criminal Business; and that at the hour of Eleven o'clock in the forenoon of the name day, all business matters, and things appertaining to the assess- ment, management, and application of the County rate, or stock of the said County of Anglesey (which by any statute or statutes now in force, the Justices of the Peace we authorised to do and transact at the General Quarter Sessions, or at auy adjournment thereof), will be com- menced, done, and transacted publicly and in open Court, RICHARD OWEN, Cerk of the Peace, Jone 6th, 1864. CARNARVONSHIRE TRINITY QUARTER SESSIONS, 1864. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEX, TH AT the General Quarter Sessions of the TPe,%ce for the County of Carnarvon, will be held at the County Hall, in Carnarvon, in and for the wùd County, on Thursday, the 30th day of June. 18(14, at the hour of Ten o'clock in the Forenoon, for the des- patch of the Civil and Criminal Business, and that at tie hour of Eleven o'clock in the Forenoon of the same day, all business, matters and things appertaining to the assessment, management, and application of the County ttock. or rate of the said County of Carnarvon and also the business relative to the County Police (which by any itatute or statutes now in force, the Justices of the Peace are authorised to do and transact at the General Quarter Sessions, or at any adjournment thereof) will be com- menced, done, and transacted publicly, and in open Court. Dated this 6th day of June, 1864. W. T. POOLE, Clerk of the Peace. N.B.—Magistrates' Clerks are requested to forward depositions and recognizances to the Clerk of the Peace, on or before the Saturday preceding the Sessions. Merionethshire Quarter Sessions, AT OTIC E is Hereby Given that the General1 i.1 Quarter Sessions of the Peace for the County of Merioneth, will beholden on TUESDAY, the 25th day of J une next, in the COUNTY Hall, in BALA, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, when the Court will resolve into a com- mittee and proceed to audit all such bills and accounts against the County as shall then be desired and also to transact the business relating to the Assessment, Applica- tion and Management of the County Stock or Rate, and the General County business, and likewise all business relating to the County Constabulary, and the Application and Management of the Police Rate, after which the Court will be adjourned to the following day, to be held at the same place at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, when the Grand aud Petty Jurors will be called over, and the Court will proceed to hear and determine all matters brought before them in the following order: 1. In the trial of prisoners or persons indicted for assaults and misdemeanours at any former Sessions, and in cal- ling persons bound by recognizances in cases where lp- plication shall be made for that purpose. 2. In the trial of prisoners. 3. In the hearing of appeals. 4. In hearing motions, and in the transaction of such other bus- iness as may be brought before the Court. All persons bound by recognizances to prosjeute, or who mav have to prefer any indictment, presentment, 01 articles of the Peace, are required to furnish me wiLh proper instructions on or before Tuesday, the first day of the Sessions and in case of special indictments or pro- ceedings, instructions must be given or sent as long before the Sessions as practicable.. The Clerks to the Justices of the several requested to transmit to me, seven days before the Ses- aion, all depositions, convictions, and recognizances, which shall have then been taken, with any instructions for indictments, which they may be able to give. All bills against the County which shall have been audited and allowed either previously to or at the above Sessions must be presented for payment to the County Treasurer between the hours of 11 and 3 o clock on Wednesday, the second day of the Sessions, when the same will be paid, otherwise they must stand over till the following Sessions. EDWARD BREESE, Clerk of the Peace. Dated this 6th day of June, 1804. ??  'l J. S jggp WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE. THE GREAT SUCCESS of this DELICIOUS CONDIMENT has been the .¡ n.1 for the appearance of ay  RI0U\ IMITATIONS totally  1,'LA VOR and destitute of the DIGESTIVE PROPERTIES of this &AU?. Purchasers are eameaU, requfllted to ASK FOR LEA PER RINS, SAUCE, prepared only by JV LEA & PERRINS, Worcester. C j Sold M'holftwle and for Export, by j* qrarl Rosis & ILACILWRLL, LPndom. and all Merchants and Oilmen, Recommemkd hy the Faculty, and *inx$trtally approved by ConnoMcurk. THE PRINCE OF WALES SAUCE T MPARTS to chops, steaks, cut- ?._ ? ■ ^s* a,l(* meat., i JSl&tj*. ctr., etc., a most piquant and appetizi)? wlwh, ?"'? is Prnuouuœol by all to be the most perfect condiment ever offered I "3U ?? to the public. It is a delicate Ct?mhhm- tion of rich exotic spicM and fruits, is perfectly whole- some, aud a most agreeable stomachic. College of Chemistry, Duke-street, Liverpool. I have 1111010 a very careful Chemical and Microscopical I AnalysIs of the "PIUNCE OF WALES SAVCK." ] cau high- ly recommend it as being a very palatable, piquant, aud i delicious condiment, and perfectly free from aU matters that could in any way interfere, injuriously, with tho ani- mal economy. (Signed, SHERIDAN MUSPRATT, M.D., Professor of Chemistry, ute" etc. Sold in Bottles, Is. and 2s. each, by Grocers, Oilmen, and Druggists everywhere, and wholes tle. aii(I for Expor- tiou by Evans, Sons, and Co., Liverpool. EXTRAORDINARY SUCCESS OF THE NEW MODE OF TREATMENT. Post free for Six Stamps, open ends, or 14 in a Sealed Envelopt- THE MOST STARTLING TRUTHS are contained in the i LAST NEW BOOK on PREMATITUE DECLINE and its ready removal; the modern treatmtlut of certain disqualiifcations; with rules and numerous prescriptions for the speedy cure by very simple means of nervousness,debility,aud all the more com- mon diseases and supposed incurable maladies of the sexual sys- tem. Invalids will be astonished at its contents. Ih L)r, kV. Jr. Roos, M,D., &c.,of tne Ecolede Medecine, Paris; Graduate in Medicine, Sorgery and Midwifery I By the present law, none but the real Physician dare attach I. D. to his name, as heavy penalties would thereby be incurred. The public should therefore guard against impostors who style themselves 11 Dr. "Professor," .R.A.S. "F .R.A.S. M.A. &c., in order to mislead the unwary as to their true character. None of these men really know more of the diseases they profess to treat, than any person may, by reading the above work. From long practical observation in the most famous Institu- tions of this country and the continent, the Author has had somewhat unusual facilities for acquiring that uniform success, which has hitherto characterized his treatment, and he refers with pride to the numbers he has been instrumental in restoring to health and happiness: whilst to all who need such aid he offers everv assurance of speedy restoration. Persons at a did- twee should forward a detail of their case by letter, enclosing 1 XI ft. for advice and medicines, which will be sent by return. Patients corresponded with till cured. Post-office Orders to be made PAYABLE at the General Post Office, to DR, WALTER DB Roos, M.D,. 25, Bedford Place, Bloemsbury Square, London. flours for consultation 11 till 2, Sundays excepted. It is impor- tant to recollect the address, as to meet the wish of patients TUB ENTRANCE IS STRICTLY PRIVATR. THE MOST WONDERFUL MEDICINE in the WORLD! CURE IN FOUR WEEKS.—THE GUTTÆ VILE, or. VEGETABLE LIFE DROPS, Protected by Royal Let- ters Patent; Sanctioned by the Faculte de France, Ac., have in numberless instances proved their superiority over every other advertised Remedy for langour, latitude, depression of spirits, excitement, distate and incapacity for society, study or business, indigestion, pains and palpitation in the side, giddiness, noise in the head, Ac. This medicine strengthens the vitality of the whole system, giteq etier,), to the muscles, »peedily removes nervousness, renovates the impaired nowets ot lite, arid invigorates the most shattered constitution. For skin eruptions, sore throat, pains in the bones, aid those diseases in which mer- cury, sarsaparilla. See., are too often employed, to the utter ruin of health, its surprising- efficcy flas only to be tested. lJefore wasting valuable time in seeking aid from instruments, electricity, galvanism, with similar absurdities professing to set aside medicines, by American and other impostors, sufTereis will do well to make fair trial of a remedy, which concocted on scientific principles cannot fail. Price 4s. (id, and lis., or four times the latter at 33s. per bottle, through all Chemists, or dir- ect from 23, Bedford Place, WHBKB THOUSANDS OF TESTI- MONIALS MAY BE SEBN. THE THREE DAY'S CUIŒSEW FBEXCH REMEDY i THERAPtOX: as uniformly adopted in the French hospitals and by the notabilities of the French faculty; in a remarkably short time, often two or three days only, without the slightest discomfort, inconvenience, or risk, removes all discharges from the muconR membrane, whether of the urinary or other organ1. It combines all the desiderata to be sought in a medicine of the kind, and surpasses everything hitherto employed. Devoid of all unpleasant: taste and smell. In packets, 2s 9d, 4s 6d, lis, and 33s, through all respectable medicine vendors, or sent direct from the establishment on receipt of stamps or post office order. The lla site contains three at 4s Gd, and those at 33s, four of the 11p. The stamp, to imitate which is felony, bears the word 1 her- apion," iu white letters, by order of Her Majesty's Hon. Commh- loners, who thereby secure the proprietor against infringement throughout the United Kingdom and the colonies. PVINS IN THE BACK, GRAVEL. LUMBAGO, GOUT, RHEUMATISM, DISEASE OF THE KIDNEY8, BLAD- DER, &c. THE COMPOUND RENAL PILLS correct acidity of the stomach, and indigestion, promote the functions of the liver and kidneys, thereby preventing stone in the bladder and kidneys, with many other seriousdiaorders to which these impor- tant organs are subject. Listlessness, weakness, peevishness, and complaints long supposed to he nervous, often arise solely from contamination of the blood with certain impurities which should have being carried off by the kidneys: several unsightly eruptions of the skin and face also arise from the same cause, and may be as readily removed by these Pills, which in 19 cases out of 20 cure with a rapidity almost marvellous. Is Id, 2,901, 4s 6d, I Is, and 33s por box. through all Chemists. THOUSANDS OF TESTIMONIALS MAT BB HBEK BY ANY ONB. Sold by Hughes, Chemist, Bangor; Roberts, Chemist, Con- wav; Griffith, Chemist, High-street, Carnarvon; Edwards, Chemist, Denbigh; Hughes, Chemist, Holyhead; and Moore, Chemist, Newtown and at least one aent in almost every town; but should difficulty occur, enclose thcamount by Post-office order or otherwise, to 25. Bedford Place,, lUoomsbury Square,London, and they will be sent securely packed per return. NOTICE AND CAUTION.—Dr. I)e Roos is the only legally qualified medical man who thus advertises hie medicines and as there are injurious imitations of the above by self-styled Doc- tors, sham Clergymen, Rupture Quacks and others, who copy his books, which they send for nothing, and forge testimonials m puff off their useless trash, or publish fictitious reviewsthat n ally neverappearud in the Journals they name, snfferer<8hou{d uarrl against the recommendation of the spurious or other rticles, bv dishonest vendors, who thereby obtain a larger profit. The genuine have the words "WALTER DB Roos, LONDON," printed in white letters on the Government Stamp, by order of Her Majesty's Hon. Commissioners, to imitate which is felony and transportation. DO YOU WANT LUXURIANT HAIR, WHISKERS MOUSTACHIES, and EYEBROWS?—Of the numerous preparations introduced for the HAIR, none have maintained such celebrity as EMI LIE DEAN'S CRINILENE, which is guaranteed to produce Whiskers, inloustachios, and Eyebrows in a few weeks and will be found eminently succefsful in nourish- ing, curling, and beautifying the Hair, checking in all ite stages, strengthening weak Hair, and preventing its falling off. In the reproduction of Hair in baldness, from whatever cause and whatever age, ONE TRIAL will prove its astonishing power In the nursery it is indispensable, forming the basis of a beautiful head of hair. Price 2s per bottle; large Bottles, con- tnining more than four times the small ones, 5s each. Sold by all Chemists in the world, or sent post free, oil receipt of 24 penny stamps, by Misses DBAN and COUPBLI.B, Hair Restorers, &c., Bedford House, Russell-square, London, W.C. EXTRACTS FROM LBTTERS;—"My hair was rapidly coming offi" but in a week after using your Crinilene it ceased.I. Hick- son, Eldori-etreet, Sheffield. In the short time of one fortnight 1 have got a beautiful moustache."—H, Adams,"Wilsden. "I can now boast of a head of hair, which many cannot: I was quite bald on the crown of my head when I began using it."—W.B. Every customer speaks highly of your Crinilene"-F. P. Jones, Chemist. 5, Paradisc..street, Liverpool. HINTS ON THE MANAGEMENT OF THE HAIR," Whiskers, &c., with Testimonials, List of Agents, &c.. seat post ree for four penny stamps' N OW THYSELF! THK ORIOINAL GRAPHIOLOOISI MARIE COUPELLE, continues her vivid, and useful deli- neations of character from the handwriting of individuals, in a style pecuiiarlv her own. Persons desirousof knowing their own characteristics, or those of any friend, should send a specimen o writing, stating sex, age, or supposed ag,e,&c., with 14 uncut penny stamps, and addressed envelope, to MARIE COUPELLE Bedford House, Russell Square, London, W.C., when they will receive a lengthened detail of the talents, tastes, virtues, failinsrs, &c., ofthe writer, with many other things previously unsuspected and calculated to guide in the every day affairs of life. The Thousands who acknowledge the value and accuracy of Miss C '» sketches, establish the great utility of the science. "The char- acters you sent were wonderfully truthful. Miss Half, Atheun. Co Galway. I was much surprised at the clever way in which ?.uriImy character."—Jane Bray, 105, Lansdowne Place, Hnghton It i* pronounced quite extraordinary,"—Charles Hamilton. "Yeudesrribed my character so truly, that I could not have done it better.Lotiia Rivior. AN ACT OF GRATITUDE.—A Gentleman who had been long suffering from a very deplorable state of nervousness, langour, h ssitude, low spirits, almost constant head-ache, dimness of cht, threatened deafness, loss of memory and strength, in short Ml zest for enjoyment and everything that renders life pleasant, is been mervellously restored oy very simple means, and as a l ublic duty feels it incumbent on him to impart the information to others similary affected, on receipt of a directed envelope bearing two stamps addressed B. B. Laurie, Esq.. Montague Chambers, Montague Street, London, W.C. FOR GRATUITOUS CIRCULATION.—A Physician many years extensively engaged in the treatment of Debility and the various mental, nervous and muscular affections resulting there- llom-as loss of memory, dimness of sight, thickness of hearing, L'iddiness, noises in the head, langour and lassitude, indigestion, pains in the back, &c., will send the FREE EDITION of his large "ork (120 pages), oil rectipt of four penny stamps. The work e«.mains his highly successful and only sate treatment, with all tllP necessary prescriptions and directions, by which sufferers II lIY obtain a cure ot their ailments, at the smallest possible ex- i»i?»e. Address, Mr. Lawes. Publisher, 14, Hand Court, Hot- bllrn. I.ontlon.¡.(. MEDICAL REVIEW.—"The shoals and quicksands against uhkhthi* little work is well calculated to guard the reader, render its careful perusal especially worthy the attention of all young men. SKIN DISEASES, GOUT, KHEUMATISM, LUMBAGO, SCIATICA, NEURALGIA, PARALYSIS, GLANDULAR SWELLINGS, CONSUMPTION, ASIHMA, &E. rpliellt SPEEDY PREVENTION AND CUKE by means so JL simple, let so certain, as to appear almost incredible. A Pomphlel (110 Pazes), sent post free for 14 Stamps, by Johusou and Co., Publishers, 10, Brook Street, Holborn, London, or by order through all Booksellers. STRICTURE CF THE URETHRA; its nature.cousequences, 0 varieties, and speedy cure, without the pain and risks of laceration, cutting or other irrational measures. Price Is., or post free for 14 stamps, by Johnson & Cn„ /J*™- 10, Brook Street, Holborn and by order through al,l ?'"?" HOTEL KEEPERS & OTHERS SHOULD FORWARD A RTaritf of their charges. accompanied by 12 postage stamps for insertion in the Pleasure Seeker's Guide & Hotel Directory, the second annual publication of which it preparing for press and will be readv early in 1864. Address, M essrs J ohnson & Co., 10, Brook Street, E.C. A copy sent free for 7 stamps. Price Is., or free by post for 14 stamps. THE DIET OF INFANCY AND CHILDHOOD, a book for Mothers and Nurses CONTENTS —Diet of infancy-children prematurely; born- rules duripir and after weaning-wot nurnnt-qualtficauens and duties of a wet nurse-diet after eight months of age-dry nurs- itie or bringing up children by hand-the differed kinds of milk beverages- various kind. ofiood-rules for the nurung mother, dzc. London: Kobert Hardwicke, 192, Piccadilly, W. PIANOFORTES ON SALE OR FOR HIRE ALL NEW MUSIC AT HALF PRICE. EVERY ARTICLE IN THE MUSIC TRADE UPON TtlE SHORTEST NOTICE. JOHN KENMUIR DOUGLAS, MUSICAL REPOSITORY, "NORTH WALES CHRONICLE" OFFICE, CAXTON HOUSE, HIGH STREET, BANGOR, BEGS to announce that he lias constantly on hand for &ue oi Hire well-tuned Pianofortes M ) by approved makers He has al so entered into arrangements for a regular supply of all the Now tand Popular.'Music immediately of its publication to he Hold at HALF PlUCK Every facility afforded for trying Music over in private rooms attached to tho Shop. Partien resident in the country luay have their Music by return of Post. If the price is known, it is advisable to enclose with the orders tho requisite uiuouut <>f postage stumps, with one stamp extra for each piece as postage. On >SALK a Foreign Pianino, in handsome WALNUT CASE it is a TKIOOKD, and very fine toned, full com pass. Lowest price for immediate Cash£ 25. ()n .SALE F?rei?n P .tnino. COTfAGE PIANO, in beautitut Rosewood Case, with the extm compass of Also, on Sale a new brilliant toned COTfAGE PIANO, in beautiful Rosewood Case, with the extra com pas" of octaves. It is eXIJuisitly finished with Ivory fronts, and Collarda S harps. Lowest price J;i:) tor Cash dowu. rE 1-i (D M S S TEGID S-A.XJOE, A Cosmopolitan Relish.—Price Is. THOMAS'S MERIONETHSHIRE SAUCE, The most delicious, eooiniuiical, mnl generally useful SAUCE cxtimt. Price Is ticl Sold by Druggists, Grocein. and fUliau Warehouse-men, everywhere. A i,vise of 121i()ttlesMER10NKTHSHIRE SAUCE, delivered free to any Railway Station in the kingdom f01 18s.—The sumo of TEGID SAUCE, for lis.—The same. Six Bottles of each 15s. Post Office Orders to be made payable to WILLIAM THOMAS, Bala, North Willes Just Published, Price Is., post free for 14 stamps, or in a sealed envelope for 20 stamps, Psa!Im! a popular Me- 1. (lic?l Work, illustrated with numerous Engravings, treating 011 Sperinauorrhcea.its causes and Cure, giving full instructions f,r the perfect Restoration of those who are prevented by im- pediments from enteiing into the Married State, also showing the dreadful results from early abuee.GonnorrhcBaandSj-philliea. Address: James Allen, Bookseller, 20, Warwick Lane, Pa- ternoster Row, London. TRIESMARNo. 1. is a certain remedy for relaxation, Spermatorrhoea, and all the distressing consequences arising from earJJ abuse, indiscriminate excesses, or too long residence in hot climate. TKIESKMAtt No. 11, effeettir, ly eradicates all traces of Gonorrhoa, both in its mild aggravated forms, tileets, Strictures, Irritation of the Bladder, Pains of the Loine and Kidneys, and all urino-genital deseasea TRiKSEXAR No. III. is the great Continental Remedy for Syphillig and Secondary Symptoms. "TttlESKMAR, ,0. 1.2, and 3, prepared in the form of a 'I'lt I I-,S P, %I AR, N o..8 or smell, and can be carried in the lozenge, devoid of taste or smell, and be carried in the waistcoat pocket. Price lie,, or four cases in one for 339., whichsaveallo.; and in X5 ca"s, whereby there is a auvii g 91 12s. AGENTS:—Newbury & Son*, 45, St. Paul's Churchyard, W, Sutton & Co.. 10, Bow Churchyard; W. Edwards, 67, St. Paul'3 Churchyard; J. Sanger, lr)O, Oxford Street; K. Cleaver, 63, Ox- ford Street; Butler, 4. Cheapside; Prout and Harsant, 22'J, Strand; Robert Howden, 78, Gracechureh Street; Bartlett Hooper, 45, King William Street, E.C. BUCHAN'S SUGAR-COATED SARSAPARILLA. PILLS. IT is a well known fact that Sarsaparilla is the greatest piirifler of blood in tho world. K KKP YOUlt BLOOD PURE !.The Bowel, regular!-And DEFY the DOC- ToR I!!—These Pills strike atthe root of each disease, they are particularly beneficial where Mercury has been employed—and are tor the cure of every ailment incidental to Man. Woman, and Child. euch as all Kiuptionson the Sky, Indigestion, Bilious, Liver, and Stomach Complaints, General Weakness, Gout, Rheu- matism, Lumbago, Pains in the Limbs, Headaches, Sore Throats, and every complaint caused by irregulalities of the bowels, ob- structed perspiration, and deteriorated and unhealthy blood. Patent Medicine Warehouse, 19, Werners Street, Oxford Street, London. Wholesale Agents—Barclay and Co., 75, Farringdon Street, and from all Chemists. Sold in bottles, Is lid. ga 9d 4o GO. and lls. THE SILENT FRIEND ON MARRIAGE, _L a Medical Work, a Guide to those who have imperil- led the power of manhood by youthlul indiscretions; treating on Syphillis, Secondary Symptoms, Gonorrhoea, &c., containing a Prescription known as the Preventive Lotion, to avoid contamina- tion 190 pases, with 50 engravings, free by post 12 stamps, ..aled 20. Address, Messrs. PERRY and CO, Surgeons, 19, Ber- nerf Street, Oxford Street, London, W. Consultations daily, 11 till 2, and from 5 till 8. Sundays till 1 o'clock. PERRY'S CORDIAL BALM OF SYRIA- J. CUM. For all cases resulting from the errors or excesses of youth, loases of natural power and vigour. Price lis., Ir four times the quantity, 33s. PERRY'S COPATBA AND CUBEB GLO- i BULE9, the original preparation composed of the very es- sence ofthe BalBamof Copaiba and Cubebs, perfectly tasteless, in consequenee of their heing entfssed in sugar In all esses ofgonor- rhcea, Gleet, Stricture, &c., a single trial will prove the efficacy of this wonder working remedy. Priro 4s 6d and lis per bottle. Sent anywhere, on receipt of Post-office order. Address, Messrs, Perry and Co, as above; or may be had from Prout and Hasaant. M,Strand; Sanger, lõO, Oxford Street. Londod, W. HR. JOHN BERRIE, SILK, VELVET, WOOLLEN, AND COTTON DYER, AND FRENCH CLEANER, 13, OLDHAM STREET, MANCHESTER, HAS appointed R. E. ROBERTS, Draper l and Silk Mercer, &c., Victoria House, Bangor, and J. Roberts and Co.. Drapers, Port Dinorwic, Agents for the above well known establishment, and any orders en- tnisted to their care will have prompt attention. WHEELER AND WiLSON'S 'b'1!f,V [pœ,  ¡ + :.r FELLS. TUCKS. or GATREFTS. GIi" QUILTS. Sir BLFDS. COUDS. This Machine claims it superiority over all others from its range of work, beauty of hnia l.' nl^ y and ease of operation, inability to get out of f order, siiii- iicitv of construction, and tlurability of work when  It has attained a popularity unpai-aUeled in thehistory of inventions. '"T?chine will Sew exquisitely the Finest Book or Swiss Muslin, Silk, Linen, Calico, Flannel, or the Thick- est Cloth. Besides ordinary Seam Sewing, it will Hem (turning its own hem as it stitches,) feU, Quilt Tuck, Bind, Gather, Cord, Set on Braid, ke. The Work of a Day can be performed in One or Two Hours. First Prize Medal awarded at the FARM INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION, LSBI. LONDON INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION, 1862. AMERICAN INSTITUTE AT NEW YORK. SEPT. 25TH, 1863. BELGIUM EXHIBITION, 1863. And at upwards of Fifty other Exhibitions, including two from the Manchester and Liverpool Agricultural Society, -One at Birkenbead in 1863,-the other at Ashton in 1861. Instruction gratis. Prospectus free. WHEELER AND WILSON, 73, BOLD STREET, LIVERPOOL. QA\Y IHIMALAYAk <J!TW e| ?PUREI NATURAL COLOURN ?t?   ??M?  It is the Best and Cheapest unequalled for Flavour and Strength. Sold in Packets only at 3s 4d 4s„ and 4s. M. per lb. AGENTS. BANGOR Roberts Draper, Williams Chemist. CONWAY ? ? ? ?"?  CA.RNARVO..N Edwards CARNARVON y?"? HOLYHEAD Roberts Respectable Agents WANTED, where none have been appointed. Apply to the Himalaya Tea Company, 4, Finslrory Place IiöíIa;;¡ South, London, E.C. < STAnCH MANrrACTTREM TO H.R H. THE PRINCES OF WALES. GLEN FIELD pATET STARCH. USED IN THE ROYAL LAUNDRY. AND AWARDED THE PRIZE MEDAL FOR ITS SUPERIORITY. Sold hysili Grocers. Chandlers, Oiltiiezi L-c. WOTHERSPOON & CO., GLASGOW AND LONDON. MR. E. W. THOMAS, Organist of St. A nn's Church, and Teacher of the Piaif forte, Orgav, and I/annonium, | PL AS LLWYI) TERRACE, HIGH STREET, BANGOR. PUPILS attended in Bangor and Neighbour- J_ hood.-Terms, One Guinea per Quarter. I WHEAT SOWING. I Goulding's Anti-Smut Composition HAS been found, beyond exception, tlir must valuable and cfFuctual remedy for the Smut. Bun' "r Brand in the ear of Wheat. It has reeoivod the univNsal application and approval of most of thePractiical AgriculiumLs of this Country, and is firmly established as th, TRUE FAUMER\S FRIEND." It is the niorft simple in its application, the most certain in its effect. and cheuper than any other dressing ill ii,e; has stood the test for the last SIXTKKX YEAPt4, and with- out one single failure to our knowledge. The Proprietors wish to remark that with this Preparation there i" oc- casion to Lime or Brine the Wheat. The seed can be dressed and fit to sow in a (pMrter of an hour. Sold in Packets 9<1. each, sufficient to dress 3G4 pounds of see 1. Prepared by W. and H. M. GorLUJNO, Cork. Wholesale Agents —EVANS, SONS, and Co., Liverpool, EVAN", LKSCHKR, and EVANS, London. Wholesale and Export Druggists, Drug Grinders and Pharmaceutical Chemists. -+ -n_ A Lecture, by post, two Stamps, sealed 12. Address, Secretary, London Anatomical Museum, 44A, Maddox Street, Regent Street, W. ON MARRIAGE; its Physical Dnties and Obligations, with an Essay on Sterility in Man and Worn m its Cause and Cure. By a PHYSICI kN. To which is appended a catalogue of tho contents of the Muse mi, which is open, for geutlemen only, front ten till t^n. Admission, IR. MASCULINE VIGOUR GUARANTEED M Fourteen Days, without the possibility of failure, by the use of DR BltlGHT'S REMEDY, prepared iu the forn of a Lozenge, to insure secresy. Invaluable iu all ca's of Generative and Physical Debility, Spermator- rhoet, &c. Sent carefully packed, ou receipt of lis,, free by l ost, 12s., for stamps or post office order, or on appli- cation. Ad h-ess, Dr. BitIGIfT. 29, George street, Hanover square, London, W. READ THE NEW MEDICAL WORK entiled DEBILITY, ITS CAUSE AND CUKE, or A Warning Voice to Young Men oil the Cure of Nervous D'hitity, Loss of Memory. Dimness of Sight, Lassitude, Indigestion, Dislike to Society, Local Weakness, Muscular Relaxition, Languor, Listlessness, Depression, &e., which, if neglected, result in t'oimimtion. Insanity, and prema- ture death. This work is illustrated with hundreds of c tsc s and testimonials from patients, showing clearly the treatment by which they were cured with plain direct- ions for perfect restoration to health and vigour. Sent post-free to any address, on receipt ofa directed envelope, aiie:oiing two postage stamps. Address, Messrs. SMITH, 8, i-ui ton crescent, Tavistoek-square, London, W.C. CONSULTATION BY LETTER WITHOUT FEE. Messrs. SMITH will, for the benefit of persons suf- e ing from NERVOUS DEBILITY, &-c.. on receiving a description of their cases (enclosinga stamped directed en- v -lope for reply), send a written opinion with advice and d rectious for the most successful treatment and cure.— Address, Messrs. SMITH,8, Burton-crescent, London, W.C DINNFORD'S Pure Fluid Maamesia has been, during twenty-tive years, emphatically sanctioned by the Medical Profession, and univer.-al accepted by the Public, as THE BEST REMEDY for ACIDITY OF THE STOMACH, HEARTBURN, HEAD- ACHE, GOUT, AND INDIRESTfON. and as a MILD AFEUIKNT for delicate constitutions more especially for Ladies and Children. When combined with the ACIDULATED LEMON" SYRUP. it forms an agreeable Effcrvcscing Drain which its appsrient qualities are much increased. During HOT SEASONS and in HOT CLIMATES, the reyulur use of this simple and elegant remedy has been found highly bent- ficial. It is prepared (in a state of perfect purity and of uniform strength) by DINNEFORD and Co., 172, NEW BOND-STREET, LONDON, And Sold byal respectable Chemists throughout the W oi-ld. TP HUGHES AND CO., T. CABINET-MAKERS ANDUP HOLSTERERS. 45 AND 47, BOLD-STREET, LIVERPOOL. OPPOSITE SLATER STREET. FACTORIES: 58 AND (M, FLEET-STREET, AND til SEEL-STREET. T. H. and Co. being bona fide Manufacturers, are in a position to offer inteudiug purchasers great advantages in price, and guarantee that for design and durability their productions not to be surpassed. A LAnGE STOCK OF GILT MIRRORS TO SELECT FROM. BEDDING, of every description, and all the New Materials for WINDOW CURTAINS and DRAPERIES as they appear. Parties about to Furnish should not fail to inspect the large variety of DRAWING-ROOM SUITES, in Walnut i and Rosewood, brought out by T. H. and Co. for the present season's trade. 45 AND 47, BOLD-STREET, LIVERPOOL. OPPOSITE SLATER-STREFT. BENJAMIN SHIRLEY, CHINA MANCFACTI'RER. HIGH S TR E T BANGOR; AND PRINCE OF WALES'S WORKS, LONGTON, STAFFORDSHIRE. NEW Pattern ])inner Ware, Dinner Sett, Lit 102 Pieces,£Z 10s. 6d.; Tea. Setts, 32 Pieces, from 10s 6d. upwards; Molded Tumblers, from as 6d. up- wards ditto Tumblers, from 5s. upwards; ditto Wiue Glass, from 3s. upwards new Pattern Toilet Ware, from 6s. upwards. B.S. having his own manufactory, is able to match broken services, and which he is prepared to do at very moderate prices. I WHITE AND SOUND TEETH. f?.tfBAHt'Wm'HMKEt i!S it u r s§1 t3FSES'f?"SSS??'? 3 ? ? ? ? o CAUTIOX-CUorodyne.-In Chancery. IT was clearly proved beforeeVice.ChanceIlor Sir W. P. Wood, by affidavits from eminent hospital Physicians of London, that Dr. J. Collig Browne was the discoverer of Chlorodyue i that they prescribe it largely, and mean no other than Dr. Browne's.-See Times, Jan. 12, 1864. The publio, therefore, are cautioned against using any other than Dr. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLOBODYNE, which is extensively used in hospitals at home and abroad, and is affirmed by medical testimonials, accompanying each bottle, to be the most efficacious medicine ever discovered for CONSUMPTION, COUGHS, COLDS, ASTHMA, BBONCUITIS, SPASMS, RHEUMATISM, &c. No home should be without it. Sold in bottles, 2s 9d and 4s 6d. Sent free, on receipt of stamps, by J. T. DAVENPORT, 33, Great Russell Street, London, W.C., solo manufacturer. Observe particu- larly, none genuine without the words Dr. J. Collis Browne's Chlorodyne" on the Government Stamp. Prom J. M'Oaiaott CROiT, M.D., M.R.C.Physiciang, London, late Staff-Sursreon to H.M.F. Afterpreicriblng Dr. J. Collis Browne's Chlorodyne, for the last threeyears. insievere emeiof Neuralgia and Tic Doloreux, I feel that lam In a position to testify to Its valuable effects. Really In some rases, it acted as a charm, when all other mean, had failed. Without being asked for this report, I must corae forward and state my candid opinion that it 11 a most valuable medicine." medicine.' ?.. J)to. E. aoDMTOM.M.D., Knighton. I can eonfMentty "a's that Chlorodyne ft M admirable Sedative and Anti-Spasmodic, having used It in Neuralgia, Hys- teria, Asthma, and Consumption, with remarkably favorable results. It relieved a III of Asthma in four minutes, where the patient had suffered 11 years Ina inost distressing rnannerno pre- vious remedy having had so immediate ana beneficial an effect. THE GLORIES of the HEAVENS seen by a NEW TELESCOPE, for Z5, which will distin- guish the face of a sheep and features of a man four miles; the sign of a public-house five miles; shot marks upon a target two miles; and time by a church clock ten miles. This instrument is guaranteed in writing to perform the whole of the above, and to be equal in tho most important respects to telescopes costing £70. It has a three-inch superior achromatic object glass, two eve-pieces, &c., with portable metal tripod stand with jointed claw feet. Persons are invited to apply for a diagram, with other particulars, and eight sheets of closely- printed testimonials from scientific and other gentlemen (in- cluding LOBD ROFASS), Seut free by book.post.-S. and B. SOLOMONS. 39, Albe- maxle-street, Piccadilly, London. Small powerral Pocket Telescopes, Opera, Race, Field, and general oat-door glassec. 7 Bank Buildings, Old Jewry, London, E.C. Is tho Chief Office of the ACCIDENTAL DEATH INSURANCE COMPANY, J. W. oaAM, Secretary. NOTICE TO INVESTORS. OFFICE FOR PATENTS, 4, TRAFALGAR SQUARE, CHARING CROSS, LONDON, l irinied instructions (crntis) ?stotheCOSr of 1. PATKNTS for Cifiit Britain or foreign countrio. Advice ;11;41 ithxistinirfl in disposing of or working invention*. Branch afiil lumrifs in every continental state, and in America. KM-'Mishe'i So years. Full Information as to eipircd or existing pwU'itf* itt. home and uW-owt. —Apply personally or by letter to Messrs. PRINCE & Co., Patent Office, 4» Trafalgar 3q., Charing Croga, London, W.C. DRAIN PIPE, Tile AND BRICK MACHINES. E. PAGE & CO., Patentees and Matlaf:u.tur"l'd of The BEDFORD" P BIZE BRICK, PIPE and TILE MACHINES for HAND, RORSE or STEAM POWER Illustrated niid descriptive Cataloguos, with pi iei*, sfnt post free on application to the Makers,- E. PAGE & Co., Laurence Pountney PLice, Laurence Pountney fliil, Caiiiion Street, London, E.G. ManufactoryVictoria Iron Works, Bedford. NOTHING IMPOSSIBLE. The greatest and most useful invention of the day, AGUA AM ARELLA.-Messrs. JOHN GOSNELL and CO., Three King-court, Lombard-street, London, Perfumers to Her Majesty, respectfully offer to the public this truly marvellous fluid, which gradually restores the human hair to its pristine hue-no matter at what age. The Agua Amarella has none of the properties of dyes; it, on the contrary, is beneficial to the system, and when the hair is once restored, one application per month will keep it in perfect color. rrice one guinea; httif bottles, 10s. 6d. Testimonials from artistes of the highest order and from individuals,of undoubted respectability may be inspected on application. Messrs. J. GOSNELL and Co. have been appointed Perfumers to H.R.H. the Princess of Wales. ANY ONE CAN USE THEM. A basin of water is all that is required to produce the most brilliant and fashionable colours on Silks, Woollens, Cottons, Ribbons, &e. in ten minutes, by the use of JUDSON'S SIMPLE DYES, MAGENTA I GREEN I ORANGE ?i?'? SCAHLET I S?SoN MVIAOULVEE T I BROWN I PINK & BLUE Price Is 6d, 2s M, and 5s per bottle. These Dyes will also be found useful for imparting colour to Featherg, Fibres, Grasses, Seaweed, Ivory, Bone, Wood, Willow Shaves, Paper, also for tinting Photographs and for Illumi* nating. May be had of all chemists in the United Kingdom and Colonies. Wholesale Dep6t, 19a, Colemau-street, London. COUGHS, Astiiniii. and Incipient Consump- tion mie eifectuKiiy cured by KEATING'S COUGH LOZENGES. STATISTICS SHOW THAT '>0,000 PERSONS amniitlly full victims to Pulmonary Disorders, including Consumption, Diseases of the (.host, and the Kcspirjitory Organs. Prevelltion j, at all times better than cure be therefore prepared, durini the wet alitt wintry season, with a supply of HEATING'S COUGH LOZENGES, which possess the virtue of averting as well as euring a Cough or Cold; they aie good alike for the young or for the Aged. Prepared and sold in Boxes, Is. 1.>1. aud Tins, 2s. Oil each, by THOMAS St. Paul's Churchyard, London. Retail by all Urn-gists in the World. SPECIAL NOTICE, DUTY OFF TEA. PHILLIPS i CO. are NOW SELLING STRONG BLACK TEAS, 2s, 2s 4d, 2s 6d to 3s. The Most Delicious Black Tea the World produces 4s per Pound. A Price Current Post Free. SUGARS AT MARKET PRICES. PHILLIPS & COMPANY, Tea Merchants, 8, KING WILLIAM ST. CITY, LONDON. PHILLIPS & CO. send Teas, Coftees, and Spices CAKBIAOR FREE TO ANY RAILWAY STATION OR MAHKKT Towx IN ENGLAND, if to the value of 40s or upwards. PHILLIPS & CO. have NO AGENTS. ?"'  REMJ??'? .?? INDIGESTION ?\ ILE Soli overywbmv. Bottles Is. lid., Is. M.. and lis. gg gtrpl$afart. I PROTE.' FROM FIRE. ??,?,?j?JU?,3?,?BRYANT & MAY, FAIRFIELD WORKS, LONDON, E. M.=y .;Te,,l PuRcmuzm and ooNsumBu of Mt&het everywhere to observe, that "the PATENT |« I I J tfJ'J Special Safety Match;" I wm.ch ie not PomNous, con- )?Jt,.J?j?Jj?j? tains no PsoeMomm, and  LIGHTS ONLY ON THE BOX, ?!Ht? ? manufachuvd ONLY by them, and that without their address and TRAUE MARK (AN AKK) NONE can be genuine. Sold by Mr. WM. GRIFFITH, Bmgor and may be obtained of most respectable grocers, chemists, &c., in the neighbour- hood. Be very particular to observe that every Package and every Box bears our trade mark-.in Ark. Use MAIZENA as a Diet." Vide THE TIMES, September 25tk. Only Prize Medal. Reported by the Jury "Exceedingly Excellent for Food." TRY! TRY! TRY! BAKER AXJlllAKER'S PFlm UNCOLOURED TEA. Thitf Tea is ^vowo and prepared under careful inspec- tion, und imported free from all artificial colour. Is highly recommended by medical and scientific men. It combine* purity. tine tiuvour, ami lasting strength. Sold only in packets, by Agents throughout the kiugdom. LOCAL AUKVTS. IhiUKor-ROBERTS, Baker, High-^rcet. t4 EVAN-S, Chemist, High-street. Swausea—J>A1)I), Ur«>cer, HoLMKS, Giv>cer. I)E,NIT, CHRONOMETER, WATCH & CLOCK MAKER To the Queen and the late Princti Consort, and Maker of the Great ('lock for the HOUSES OF PARLIAMENT, TN\ITES attention to the superior workman- ?. S'"P and elegance of design of his extensive Stock of II atches and Drawing Roon) Oocks. Ladies'Gold Foreign Watches 7 Guineas. Gentlemen's ditto 10 Ladies' or Gcntlemen's Gold En"lisb Lever ditto 16 Strong Siher Lever \Vatche« 5 Gentleiiieii'ti L'oiiil)ellsztti.ll dittn ?o ihel' ditto ditt? .? ? ? ? u Marine Chronometer, neas. GoM and Silver Pocket Chronometers, Astronomical, Turret, and Bracket Clocks of every de<eription. An "iogant assortment of London-made Fine Gold Albert an.1 Guard Chaius, &c. DENT, 61, Strand, (adjoining Coutts's Bank); 34 and 35 Iloyal Exchange and at tIe Clock and Mariue Compass '/actory, Somerset Wharf, Strand, London. DENT'S PATENT MPLEIDOSCOPE (or Meridian Instrument) for the Regulation of Clocks and Watches hy obtaining True Time bp Solar Observation, itecejit improvements enable the most ii3- ,xpei,iet),-e,1 person to tix these Instruments in the iNi cri- diaii, and thereby furnish the means of ascertaining either Greenwich or Local Time, Price "1.1. 2s. DENT, Clock, Watch, and Chronometer Maker to the 1 hteeu, and the late J'rince Consort, 61. Htl'and (adjoining Co ttts's Hauk), and 34. and ;15, Royal Exchange, London. Maker of the Great Clock for the Houses of Parliament. FORD'S PECTORAL BALSArfl OF HCREK8UND. Prepared by I&r. iV/id, the Patentee. rPHJN cctrhratrd mrdirlncstill maintaitMUs high po.-i- ti<<nin (";ti;ii;ition. For tli?? cure f,f Cough, C<»his. iiiuiienza, and Pulmonary complaints, it remains witiiont a conijit-iilor. The well l*uown iKoperti: s :lie horh, with the elegance ami extraordinary Bala.'¡¡i'" tliia- lities of this preparation of it, has secured for the Pectoral Balsam of ilorehound the highest and most extensive patronage, lnlluenz.i find common Colds will be found to vield to its benign irfluence in a few hours; and in 1 Asthmatic complaints, uf however long standing, allevia- tion and relief will certainly follow the use of it. Mr. Ford respectfully requests purchasers to observe that his signature will be on the outside wrapper to/eaeh bottle, and that the name of his sole Wholesale Agent, Mr. Edwards, 67, St. Paul's Church Yard, is engraved on the Government Stamp. Sold in bottles at Is 9d, 2s 9d, 4s 6d, and 10s 6d each, by most respectable Chemists and Booksellers. WATER PROOF GLUE COMPANY, (UMITKll), LANDFORT, PORTSMOUTH. [.T.\ Y'S Patent Waterproof alue, and India Jt | Rubber Varnish. Extensively used by Ship Builders, Proprietors o Houses, Architects, Builders. Paper Hangers, and all interested in the security of Ships, Houses, &(! from damp, &c. AGENT FOR BANGOR ROBERT ELLI, X. P. Bank, of whom firthe particulars may be had. FIRE! BURGLARS! FIRE! ,At;ttM..? A ? ? -r\. > II .f' ¡k \.Ï) 1 23. CANXOX STREET WES T; (Late of Old Change, St. Paur-t.) QECO'?-HAX!) Wrought Iron Fire Proof S SAFES, DEED BOXES, IRON DOORS, Strong !WmiS for the SE('UmTY OF BOOKS, DEEDS, PLATE, and other valuable property. The only house in London where they can be obtained at half the man- ufacurcrs prices. Sketches and prices may he had on a p. plication to C. H. Griffiths. ltf-iuch Wrought Iron J'iropronf Boxes, 40s. 23, Cannon Street West, London. RUPTURES. By Her Majesty's Iloyal Letters Patent. WHITE'S M0C-HAIN LEVER TRUSS REQUIRING no steel spring round the body, is recommended by the following. peculiar- ties and ii,lvlkljt;Lges :-ist, facility or application 2nd, perfect freedom from liability to chafe or excoriate 3rd, it may be worn with equal comfort in any position of the body, by day or night Itl,, it admits of every kind of exercise, without the slightest inconvenience to the wearer, and is perfectly concealed from observation. We do not hesitate to give to this invention our un- qualified approbation, and we strenuously advise the use of it to all those who t;ilitl in need-of that protection, which they cannot so fully, nor with the same comfort, obtain from any apparatus or truss as from that which we have the highest satisfaction in thus recommending."— Vhmrhand State Gazelle. Recommeuded by the following eminent Surgeons :— William Ferguson, F.R.S., Professor of Surgery in King s College, Surgeon to King's College Hospital, & C. G. Guthrie, Esq., Surgeon to the Royal "Westminster Ophalmic Hospital; W. Bowman, Esq., F. U.S., Assist- ant Surgeon to Kings College Hospital T. Gallaway, Esq., Senior Assistant Surgeon to Guy's Hospital; T. Blizard Curling. Esq., F.R.S., Surgeon to the London Hospital; W. J Fisher, Esq, Surgeon-in-Chief to the Metropolitan Police/Force Aston Key, Esq., Surgeon to Prince Albert; Robert Liston, Esq., F.R.S. James Luke, Esq., Surgeon to the London Truss Society Eiamus W il- son, Esq., F.R.S., and many others. A deM iiptive circular may be had by post, and the Truss (which cannot fail to tit) can he foj warded by I,c,, t on sending the circumference of the body two inches below the hips, to tho manufacturer. f. Mr. WHITE, 22-S, Pi ca, Lond,,ii. Price of a Single Truss, Ilis., 21s., 26s. 6<1., and ;)1.. ttd. Postage, Is. Double 31s. 6d., 42s., and 52s. tid. Postage, la. 8d. Umbilical,, 42s., and 52s. 6d., Postage, Is.. 1(1,1. Post-office ordeis to be made payable to JOHN WHITE, Post-office, Piccaamy. NEW PATENT ELASTIC STOCKINGS. KNEE CAPS. &c. The material of which these are made, is recomnn-nde by the Faculty, of us Veing peculiarly ELASTIC and COMPRESSIBLE, and THE BEST INVElfrlOIf forgiving etKcicut and permanent support in all cases of W KAK- NESS and swelling of the LEGS, VARICOSE Vi-.INS, SPRAINS, ke. It is pomvs, light in texture, and inex- pensive and is drawn on like an ordinary Stocking. Price from 4s. I3d., 10s. to W.. each. Postage, 6.1. JOHN WHITE, Manufacturer, 228, PICCAILLY LONOON. Specimens may be seen in the Crystal Palace. L.> BLACK LEAD. Used in the Palaces of » ■aaaiaaaaiig and the ?1??'????? MORE VL E A N L Y Because being in polished blocks "it does not drop thou lite powder Leads, on the Furniture, Carpets, Clothe &e. MORE BRILLIANT. Because it is unadulterated, thus every particle produce a splendid metallic lustre. POLISHES MORE QUICKLY. Thus saving theftime and labour of the user. AND CHEAPER. Because it is less wasteful. And because a little goes fur- ther than auy other kind. RECKITT i SONS, Loudon fridge, E.C., ai'i Hull. Sold by Mary Williams, Chemist, &c., Abergele. •' T. A. Roberts, Chemist, Conway. David Jones, Grocer, Bangor. John Btaples, Grocer, Beaumarit.1