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VLe ade r Class'ifie]T j»-t K A d vertisements. UTS, situations vacant OR jWANTED, TO BE LET, LOST AND FOUND. ?? One Three Six J' Imertion insertions. Insertions ff* aO Words. l 0 2 0. 3 0 ?" 30 Worda. 1 6 Z 0. 4 0 40 Words. 2 0. 4 0. 60 COH SALE, PRIVATE ANNOUNCEMENT, ttf One Three Six insertion. Insertions, insertione 20 Words. 1 6 2 t i » 30 Words. 20 3 0 4 6 40 Words- Z 6. 3 6. 6 6 fttRTHS, DEATHS, IN MEMORIAM, AND MARRIAGES. Oue Three Six ijjt* Insertion. Insertions. Insertion* 21^ Words. l b. 3 b 6 0 30 Words. 2 0. 6 0. 8 0 40 Words. 3 0 T 0 12 0 EDUCATIONAL. ■ One Three Six I Insertion Insertions. Insertion* 20 Words. 2 0 3 U. 4 6 t JO Words. 2 4 0. 6 6 40 Words. 3 0 5 6. 7 6 ,:t. MONEY.6d. per line. Aw. ) ■ &1TU ATIOIfM £ VACANT. dfr i > WOMEN ANO GIRLS. V/l/OxtiviiSu ilouoeKeeper VVaiHca h ,c m out. to taite ciiaigc of feiuaii iiome; Ucw boy nVl; ieura. one giri YLari.- s»iiU> liox K b, Dail.y .Laager. lyiiAlli-i.- YAi jbxjjei'ieuc'ua Typewriter &uoi;. T t liana -bady UieiK at oitue: good oiUeJ; frtate saiary and particulars.— n me Box L 6. Leader Otiice. lyiAlisoi.' A i, 1. 61) at once iixpericnced ■» T ana teorterh.—Apply..a a. lin^u fe»vunsea. oatna ana Lauiuuy Co. 1")d,L-ü domestic Servants. I \JiS _yul> wages aül1, every ctmsiueratiOn oaerea m U,(l elLe-l?.u ?LiiU UL O?ILQ ~v-PPi^, -Hlo. 1.II:ü::Itela. J1. hatOli-cl'teoeiii., S w .UótJd.. \\f Ai>Tr.-i», CooK. Parlourmaid, ilou-ov n maiu. aiui iutchoniuanl, lor Bacueloi- (jfciit.tman lu-opeiuiix uoune; good wuscs.- Lic L/o t'lanciS, Lyiiuomi/u mil, iiata. iJuAl^o V* ANTED, early in January, good 0",11. i i eral Maid.—Apply Mrs 11 ttauis. lievoB Villa tioif.emon. 189A12-Z7 MEN AND YOUTHS. BitICKLAYIi!llS wa.uZed Ap?iy Mac- -D Jteuna, COntractur at Wenwdu CO!. i?cy: a?so at ',cw HuHdin?e. Ailn\en _• ?_, C;2?.? a'ji\i0? Cletk Eetiuired ov Swailce'l i,» ? Cfammssfcn AA'eiu.—iiepiy, ?ivinK fU!1 p.irtieulai-3. salary expeeteii. to Box 7. Daily Leader. lyiA12-i4 '-i;r"'f:TÙJ, ..J :l¡Õl' Assistant for tfrocerv 'f Department; a?e 17 to 20; wa.KM. Trade ULlluii rate Apply stating «ige aiat experience to the Secretary. Aian Vallc Co-operative Society ivciavcii, fort Tal- but. not later than Monday, December 2th, 1919. I AriTED capable, strone Youu? Ma. i 'fo;' Ùrocl'Y ?archou?e.—Appi.y (o- Opel-ative Society. ticitonierry. luKLiiSS i ELE(TliA W1Y <theeciei)oe »? of the future). Why pay fees for training a traded Suitable men, are la to 25 years, yre now being trained free cf ciiai'frc. and receive nayment, ciothc. ivhd tJ-ba. «hiie' traiains for the si;ii;l Servicd of the Koyal Engineers. C'oursi s of irj^trul'tion arc about to commence for Teletiraph Operators. W treless Operatoie. Sw«tch!>card Operators. Permanent Lin?- rretl field Linemen and fciunaimen. Full particulars as to period of service, pay, and other openings in the R.E Signal Service ca.) co obtained from the nearest Recruit iqi: Oifice or the Central Recruiting Depot. Grt^at Scotland Yard Vmdon. S.w Man 'I for Wallpaper Van: M'eterence pive^n toDis?har:;edSoidier:muEtbcg&odMic?- Ma'—Aco)y Mills and SaH. WaMpape" Me?- !a.t: I on ta !'è" C12-?' Ti-7 JSELEfJS TE1 ytjGBAPHyWe h^ve 't tbia vear sent out 150 Students to oer- B?nRnt oositions. ind are Booking ?t'.tde?? to entf-r tha Collece in Jimnary ar! have (.)Il?y a l?'evr E,<) il vouwi?-li a t Wire;e<? Appointment, vou had better En rol at once -AVI)iy Wireless Training Col. v Ltd.. St Mary-street. Cardiff, or I Castle-street Swansea. W'ANTKD. thoroughly experienced Short- tt hand Typist-Apply, stating age es- I perience. etc to Box No 0 1. Leader QOice. Siv;-ty.r.a -|( FOR SALE. I BABY" Push C^~ ChiId'rCot. Single and J? Double Bed&teada in Wood and Iron V< ire L1ttrc'& Bedding, Piliovs, Piii e,? ?nd Lace Curtains. ?OMPLET??-PonyrCart'?Td'Ylsrn??'for ?' Saia.—Appiy 12. Montana-place. Lap- a "re. ^185A 12-23 't?KAPHRY.—Rii.-har'd Lewis HiRh-?t.reet J J Swansea, ha6 a Vacancy for a Sharr Youth a?? A.pE!:entie.. 187A12-23 -DOWi"-ilJT this.—Good Cocking An?t?:: JL? 2?!bs. 6?; 561bs lis 6d in bags 6d each- carriage oaid. Ca?h with order. Hundreds cf eatis&ed customers.—H. Edwards, Fruit Grower Wellington Soni. 178A12-26 OR Zinc and Hraeo Washing Eoarric. 4:od and chca? from the maker 'write D?vic? Cabinet Mah?r C!ydauh. Swansea. Wholesale only. 189A12-24 1', -OE-8ALE, N.. 2 E.nsicn€ttR Citm^ra. JL practically new: in little use sinc -October when new; alio 3 ^wols of films I Riven in; £ 3 ISs.or be;zt offer A Fplendjd I Xiiias Itiît,- Yhite £Ox E 6 Leader Ofdce 187A12-23 410ALE, a larz:e ati-ttititv of New and Second-hand Rails of variotts, weights and sections together with all accessories for same. For price and further particu- laPS apply to Messrs Holme* and Howell, j 2. Glonceeter-place Telephone No 831 CeII- tral. Telegrams: Direct Swansea" cr-2V pRDfE Kn.Kiish Hay for Saie Ijarpe Quantities for Early !),elivery -Eii- auiriets for Full Truck Load? only to f) j Jamês. Thoma", and Co. Pontardulais C12-2-' SALE, Pony, >4 hands; well need to road-: jI ? also Hnrnea?; also Ralli Trap, cushion tyres, cushions, set 3 lampH; sell separ- ately or togetlen- cood condition: bar- (riiiw.—Lewis Pontardulais-road Gor?e- j inoijr- 191 Al2-30 SALE, 10 h.p. Gas. Saw Bench Truck | Machine and 4-ton Steam Wagon for Hive or Sale—Write Box B 5," T,,Pa e" Oflice. 183A12-?9 -O-L- MONEY. IF yoti require a I/oan, apply to Thomas. Church stree (opposite S+ j| Varv'c* Cimrch). Swansea Private and Gor fidential ■ "11 .TONFY- to Lnf1 to Resnectable fluuse- .1,1 lvv'lrr- P- j v 'o r ;l ial lYor ? Thomas 5 Waterloo-?t Sw?n?ea. WI4?E-S, S1b ToRooo- j 0? wrhte') or top to rep?:? or any neuritv Prihc)B?') remains or can b" repaid by !b or ?t h Iiri,?taiiiic,ntsi no (-)I an,. Mnd nn)e&? bnsíndone; romf'tneM' and privacy; avoid exposing your reouirementi locally.—VVrit« oldest, (lompanv existing- E. LAWRENCE, LTD.. Don Chambers, Wino-street, Bristol k JSOELLANEOUS WANTS, I BUY Furniture New and Second-hand Serkin. 219. High-Etreet Swansea 192Ai2-30 'I"1 KEES ,f Wan ted over Pit wood fiae.—\len- Wanted -.pver Pitw(K)fi size.-fen. i fSad. B)?t< Branch al Porthcawl 8TC VAT ANTED. Buy Second-hand Roller i T I Sknitee- "ingie Dair or any quantity.— 1>!ó.vd Fomyth. Pier Folkestone 19'A12-50 -ø- v LOST AND FOUND, T^OSrT on SundayEvening.between St J-3 Pa-?i'R Church. Landore And the Black i £ tad. a. Black Velvet Hat. with white ) feather trimmings.—Finder rewarded on re- to ing same to E. A." Leader Office 191A12-24.! TiPST on Wednesday Night, Decern> H. 17th. Opal and Pearl Pendant, with God Chain attached, between Unit&rian I GJftirch. Congtitution-bill. and Rhondd a. JStSfet. Kindly return to 75. Rhcndda- ctfijeet. Reward- 1911.12.2.: T-»OST, tetween tJpland6 and Rhyddine- I JM. Park-road, or poseibly between High- [ at wet and Uplands a very One Gold Pen- i d-, Chain.—Finder rewarded on returninK «Pf| £ e to Caut Wiliiame Tenb.? Hotel, Swan- < I cil-23  Treasury Notes contained in n j < BrownWallet was I!t on Vrndav-j between Mansel reet and Fforest fa? Cre'ss via Park-street and the 8 p.ti '&?. The sum of £ 5 ?')U be ,aid to finfieri reftrujug same to 19. Mansel-etteet Swa? i '?a. ?OOAIS-M < I IViOTC^ ^CA«S, CVÇL$., c. i A LBiON Chai-sie tor immediate ueiiveo 1'1- (subject unsold); 60 CWL. 60 cwt.. 89 t-wt, and 30-seater cuarabanc cnassii. Wo can deliver from stock. Cash, Exchange: Oi- Easy fayraent».—li. b. Jones. Ltd.. Cardiif. and S-wanota li t, IL10R AL£. 10-12 h.p. Argvie Motor Van, in Koud rauuinu order: 3-incn iiauii;;? I'jnmnc ,Ùtb 'iv.o Drums and E'ittiag?: verljca! 6ceam J'.jBf?iue abou 5 h P. bv Hay ward Tyler; Vertical Boiler; aLout 57xt. 6m. by U Shafting, with. Connecting Ends. Puileys and iliunimer Blocks; 3 Vertical Feed Sewing -ta.cuine<s. about <00 2-Zbib Garden Hoes, beot o;;teel I.t-aving district; I n-List be aoid.-hughee iiry ;ieyniai«. Ystradg.vnlais .67A12-23 I EIV FOIiD Van. 1919 model, for Sale: de- i-* livery this week: £ 230. or beet oiler.— j write Bj J 6,-Leader Otiice. 19UA12-30 6 il,P Enlieid Combination; excellent con- D dition; eiectiic light, for immediate bale; XIOO.-Crarich X Ray Depaitiuejit, j Fcmjione liospaai. NeMth 190A 1^-30 t h i!-Io Ivor L. Roberts', Motor Cycle bpecialis;, Announcements. j BOOK To-day to ensure Deiiveries:-i t > Models ol ilotor Cycles: Douer- 1-o. B.b.A.. LnHetd. Triumph, Sunbeam. i, Li (I ge, Norton Levis, Imuerial, Harley Davidson. Alion B.A.T.. etc I ]"): bLl V Ell Y from Stock: Levis 2?st?jk€ ui,milt. L?o; Ruby Jap 6 h p combination ?158: baltley VulieiH Z?troke. 'I 2-&t?ed. M p.p., £ 63. hrst cheque secures 'i'ei. 915 Cent. QECOND-IIAND Motor Cycle? for Sale 0 ?]4 Enfieid, 6 h.u Co?biM?Lion engiDe jl recently ovei-pau-cd by makers; new ciaains atns tyres: £9»: 4;1 la p. 13 B.A. Combination, complete 10.:í.: Ladye; Model Singcl Iigntweight. What oilers I ? OTOR CAR?.—At;cj? for Stars Austins ?-tL U.?.'s. and Morgan P?unaloaL s614 ton Dennib. v.iln bOdY; delivery thiee days; casii or callY terms. I DOUGLAS 4 li.p. Cumbinatiozi for delivery January. viist cozno, first served. I dJ not accept or ask premiums. Ail prices emoted are delivery ex works. j ?.?'.hl not give your boy or Girt some- >» thln &?osi&]o aad U?'eful ao a Chr)<'? mirt brtsentr 1 have a pood selection at j lligh-grade Cycles from Xlj 106 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. L'WiC tiiiLE. Piano; good apxjearauce aI, 1 tone;, by Uouirey; ^0 guineas. Call) alter uve to-ni^Lt.—r,l^iitingais, « Carky.i. j lStfAl^o \OiJi- REY and Co. Ltd.—Special Bargainu in se;;v.u-naud Pianoo and ur^ai. ?i?m from ?j gil. New rianoa Py ail tLe leading luMuduig coiiara ana C'ai- lara. Vvitcon and Witton. &ames and Co., HrM??mead Cramer. c?c.. etc. frizes from oO gns a"h. arranged if acHsireu Write for free list or call and make a per- sonal selection.—UoUirev ana W Ltd., t. St. Helen &-road. Swansea lMAl2-?/ tCLi' and Co. Ltd Pianoforte .Ma:m J' facturers, have now Re-U?ncd ti)ei, iuuing and Kepan't?K Department Pianoo ana Organs thoroughly Renovated aad He- paued. b?tiiaa?co I '-ea. Expert Tuners %i,bit ail parts of Wales, Pianola and Player Pianos a ?uecian.ty.—Uouirey aWl! Co..Ltd.. St Heiene-road. Swansea. I jö9Al2-7 jV/a LiSlC is- required in the Home ici ChriMmas; let Us supply your nce<;n I with the be.? value piucu? able; no Hon.e I will be complete without music this I Christmas.— v» ootiing, Gower-streec. Swan- SEA. 1?9Al?.i'  :P-"lASO.-A splendid toned Upright Piano 1 for Sale; 32 .guineas.—19. Park-street j Swansea. lylA12-24 Thompson and Shackeii's Announcements CCHICAGO Organ, 4 Mts of reeds, 8 etops, ? 2 knee iwellb; ven hne Lure, ;t.t. lhoinoton and Shackell. Ltd.. 39. castle- street, Swansea by Ralph Allison, full corn JL pass, ivotv keys; sO guineae cash. c. easy 'teririb,—1T-nc{mpsoh and 'bhackcH. Ltd .?. C?jH? 'éøt.'Swtl:ót'a, IL Li,ai ?, harinoitiui"; 12 6ope, 1: 4 sets of reeds; irg, powerful i ?it11 Li m?nt. buna?e for place of Worship; 135.- mouipaon and Shackell. Ltd., 35, Castle- rtix>et. Swaneea. JgRADEE'S ANNOUNCEMENTS.- ROUBLE Manual Pedal Organ, by Store: 1) and Ciarke: bamtsome oak ease 18 stops with tpecial Roman niue; very fine tù.ne. n::tr¡.(:1:n ICO g-us:-Uw.vnnto II. Brader, I toiie. bargain 100 srns. 17 jdeathUeld-otreet. Swan-sea ^tECONDrHAN D (icrnnn O\'crstruu Piano by W-on'gma.ter: 'walnut ca5C. full hi.  ??.?t?&-(??k??;tMa ? ban:ai, -G w.v nne lad?ai- 17 ff??6ttltiel2ne ?'EW and Second-hand Pianos by Chan 1? cell. Collard and Co!h:rd Mociuirtont and We-citoii, Warre, Geo. Rogcs iireol- i kopt and Haertel; largest "took in Swansea. —Gwynne ii. Brader 17 IJeatntield-street Swansea. OQO Q^NOTE Player Piano: practically new U rosewood case: fitted vith all the late«t, devices; perfect tone: inspection jn- I vitrd — Gwyune H. Brader, 17 Beathfield- i street, Swansea. C12-24 j HOUSES AND SHOPS FOR SALE APiD TO LET. TT^REEllOLD.—One Dwelling-house, ei;> .JL sued at Treboeth. containing 7 rooms, ,mth (h and c.); large garden—Apply a Davies-row, Treboeth. 19uA12-29 USE for So,le a.tTrewyddfa-ronU a Grai Morriston; eix rooms: f(cphold- possible eariy possession.—Write Box L 5, Leader Oicce. rl-;Õ LET. Commcdi?us?Hous?, with Lar? I X Garden; early possession.—Write B-r- T 5. Leader Oliice. C12-23 -¡" T 1 Tir-vacant Possession Freehold t V House and Shop for Sale at Treboeth —Apply 142, bli-ynE.-elly-terrace. Treboeth 192A12-30 APASTMgNTS Akt) LODGHGS TO LET AND WANTED. 'T'VFO Brothers reouire Apartments or JL LOÙHl¡;S in central locality. after Cnristuias. with or without Board.—Reply 7 Hv-b-street Llandovery 137A12-21) '(AN'rED. immediatciy. Two or Three good Ground Floor Rooms, prcferabiv j unfurnished, Walters-road or Up'ands dis- trict.—T/rite Box M 5 Leader Office. 186A12-29 VOUNG Woman wishes Accommcdation -L with nice elderly people ifter Xmae: WGuld do lisht housework.—Write D. L, LeMer OMee. 190A 12-2 1 HOUSE PURCHASING, I ?LL BORROWERS Share in the Profits 1 Aof the Landore Permanent Building Society because these are distributed among I members only No better teriiis can be offered in the country. Secretaries: David I Roberts and Son, 61 Wind-street Swansea. ?_ ? C12-24 1 14[Ty 11-vour ou,,3e with the Rent. It?)mp-' JL? diate Advancep. and Houses fcund a?)v I district. 40.000 purchased this way.—Write G. Evans, kettv. 19LA12-S0 T E-N, A-NCY or Ownerihip.-4,0,OM people JL have already Purchased through our easy system—For free booklet write Bos V3, "Leader" Office. 189A12-27 ? WRFK?.Y w?! PHrpha??M ?'usf 41C) ??nv (iiitrllt7 hv -,1 1. ranle vient.- landlord." Leader, Swansea. TC. YiMOE ?M-?UMCt?E?TS. Aii IvIiViN i'OKD and ?ii:.?;. -jr*- Machined gaiorc and all ^ea^onabie o-oocte in tlie f-ont: Useful Presonta a fea- tti, c Visit us early. All goods marked in fc;j.iii figures.—Larries tne Furuishers and ironmongers. Cj:Z4 APt'Li.Buy from the G-owers.— A Boxes Choice Selected 0: !lge BiNi- netMici Orange Pipping. Peai\naius Eusse^s 10s. bd. per'box 2tnb.; extra rchmJ Cooking, o-j. 6d box-. caab with order, boxes iree, carriage paid.—Bas«eit. Woolasion Court. Lydney. 164Ali-io A N iatai Xmas Present for Ueu-tiemcn is a 15-year guarantee VVatcli. which a iiletime; f;uaraute<j given with each watch.—A Joseph. Watchmaker and Jewel- ler licathfield-otreet next to pullin' • 187A12?.j IJ-.ÜŒELEiqUÍd Eggs, 2 cwt,; 2 cwt. Keg y Cre?m Powder: acout 6.; cwt. Powdered Rezin. M'uet be sold: leaving dicLrict.— ? Uucues Bryncymais. Ystradsynlais. 187A12-23 B- LUlUM.-8hect Gla68 in 300ft. cases- JD Horticultural Glasts 21oz. 24ix J2 a no Zu x 14. fcpocial quotations ior tjuantitir^.— B. Shepherd. Ammanford. Tel. No. 4b. C12-23 I ^HEiSTMAS PRESENTS—Boys' and Gi.. \j xViiii/blils, Picture Book. Revvard Books, ifioles (Scoiield LN c-, k, ;)e r r y, and Teacher# ): Jrouutain Pens. StYlelS, Purees, and Willets: for Sale at feinociis lllrr: street I -caie Swansea. Real Bargain- in Biblea. 192Ali-cO DENTISTS' Mecbanic& to the Profession D 8pec1aliBts in Koid crown har Ur?d?c. and vulcanite work. Quick despatcn. W ote for price list.—The ilinerva Laboia- tory .:5 Charles-street Cardiit. 162A1&.25 iiAi^i., tiie leading Vveit Liiti I Tobacconist, opposite tne Hospital, &wansea, for all tne SmoKer requires. Phone, 43a Docks. jj^UES Remodelled.—By our process we a. 1- abe to mako Old Furs took Uke NeN ail the Latest Styles in Fur Coats and Sets —Tennens b Cradock-street Swansea. 18a.\12-24 IjTOE Real Good Value in Footwear. W. Jl H .I'homaa, the ueiiaole boot tjtores, tiing Edwara-road. Swansea. (T. C GO to the Shop where you get most value \jr when buying your Xmae Presents. Gold urooehes from 6s. 6d.: Gold (Jem Rings from 12s. 6d.; Solid Gold Wrist Watches from £ 6 Also tine selection of oth'er Jewel- lery at A Joseph, Watchmaker and Jewel- ler (next to Buliin's). Heathfieid-street. Swansea. 187A12-2S IN Everybody's Mouth! Mackay's uerbai Tablets for Chest. Throat, and Voice. Unrivalled. Uf all Confectioners. 2d ounce. Wholesale of Ma.ckay s, Mfg, Confectioners. Old Market-street, Bristol. PARENTS,- give your Childien a Happ. t Chrietma^ by Purchasing .vour Toys at a Shop that gives Value for Money. Rock- ing Horses. Tot BOOKS, Meccano*, etc.- Morgan. Dillwyn-squaie B'.viihytiyd. 183 A12-24 QmtUlCAL Appliances. Whirling ;Spr.\y. O. Enemas. Elastic Hosiery Rubber Bandages; Surgical Rubber Goods if every description; Illustrated Catalogue oost fre' -Deakin Botanical Di^acnsatfy Swansea 189A3-23 SURGICAL Appliances.—Trusses, gorayg. Ù Enemas. Surgeons' Rubber Gloves and SurCnJS! Uubbei Goods of every description i W rito for Catalogue, scut post free.—Le Brasseur Surgical Co., Ltd Dcpt D.V ), 9J antl 92. Worcester-street giizuirigain. T.C. r C a »EY Sidney Palmer's Mince Pies arid X T'aotries.^ Large Assortment of Xynas Cakes. See our Windows for Brides' Cakes, Birthday Cakes in Stock and Made'to Order Palmer's Cafe. opposite Empire, and Branches. nu U 1)8 at Lut leai-3 Prices; Pipes, Pouches, etc.. etc.; call at Edwin Hail's Depot, opposite the Hospital, Swansea. rpHE Largest Stock of Cigarettes in Town X is at Edwin Hail s, opposite the Hospi, tal, Swansea; Navy Cut Ciear<?t(?, 1d, 6d, for 50. TltW yGaijage Manscl Saloon, for Tonpit~. X Wigs Transformations and Pih Ladies Own, Combings made to order. Tinting ji Speciality. 187A12-23 TTNCLE BERTS Full Cream Walnut a j *J Almond Toffees are now 01. Sale at his Oxford-street. Shop. Pre-War Quality. The First and the B-est. 168 AIZ-24 UÊ;FUL Presents in G!aea and Chin, <J Ware; Toilet. Dinner, and Tea Ware' Vases. Plant Pots, 'ii great variety and latest designs Best Value and Lowest Prices. Special terms to shops.—Coldi'ick, 138 High-street, Swansea (above the Palace' I 189A12-27 Y OU get Good Boots at the new R U. Shot J- Store. Goat-street. Reasonable price. 187A12-23 XMA.S.,SALE. 232. High-dti-ect GIVE the Lady a rmach Blanket Cbat, 55a Gwertil S4s sin4l't ?llc()at or Watci proof. 35a. 6d. Styles thafr-pler.se the yjuii6 and value that satisfies Parents. GIVE the Young Man a smart Overcoat Penhale's Raincoat. sale price 70s., worth 90s.; newest shades; warm, fleecy, blanket cloth; Raglan ty Ie, {J_I V E.i Father a .smart Raincoat, lineu U. check; smart covert cloths in Fawn oovert coatings, 90s. sale price, worth 120s. Merry Xmae. eh! Gl VE. the Boy a. smart Eaincoat. 19s. lid.. or smart new style Overcoat 50s.. or a 1 smart Rugby Suit 35?.; smart Jerseys, extra good quality, 10e. 6d -t gop,4 qliah; ?5Tif a-? Check Trench I V E e G Coat. Ms.. or Waterproof Cape ?nd Hood, 12s 6d. Gloves, fcrcarves, etc., for Boys and I.M TORT AN T.—See that the Young Man J- gets a Smart, Ready for Wea.r Tailor- made Suit sale price 8,1 wortb 8 guineae; I Youth's Long Trousers Suits 55s.—Merry I Xmas to all.-Penhale. LIVE STOCK, &e. ENSUEE good litter by giving sows 'one Karswood Pig Powder three times weekly before pigging Penny mch.-T. A. J ones Chemist, PIGS aën ready for butcher when I- they get Karswood Pig Powders twice weekly. Promote health, increase weight prevent crop sickness. le.ve 1/- — Agrieu ,ural A8S0cIahon, Ltd.. S3' New- road Skew en. 11227 2 9 EXTRA eggs from only 5 pullets were obtained by one user first month after trying Karswood Spice containing ground insects. Packets 2d. 7id., I'S.-From T. A. Jones- Chemist. Pontardulais. 189 A12-27 FURNITURE. I F^UENlTtJEE — 6est Priceo given by mp.' t for ?Mund-hand furniture and Antiuue Furniture of any description Dtopmea. ty>.»tcard or call.-Wm. J^mee. 8. Fahian- street "At Tho as Vl) PERSONAL. IN Oncle Bert's" Toffee Shop there is .Si a t.(l ii, Room On" Uncle Bert and his Son thank you for votir help Yon are Bit" as we did ours*- Thanks! I <»anjea Thankw" HOUSES WANTED. W ANTED at once, small Furnished t T House Flat. Part House, or Rooms, suitable for <;m>Dll family not less than 2 Bed avrl 1 Sitting-rocm; U1 Qr ner, Swan- s^a.—Write, Box N 5, "Leader" Office. Swansea. C1229 I I I 7^— J SMALL ADVERTISEMENT ORDER FORM. 1 j # Ij  I j  I —???=z=r I 'J c ?! I ¡ 'I f ,I I I I =?==  I I .1 I JL_ ¡ II I- Please publish the above advettiwrr.'v* tixnoa, foT which I II enclose .s. d. | Name and Address: ? t I M dCRired' rep?px t?sy be ef?t ? Box Ntmb??rg at t? Cnrsbri" baib I Lowdej- OWce. g | TbM foria ah?uid be adbreeMd to Ad veruse=ent Dopartment, "Cambria DaU1 1 8 Le'\aer.,SwalJoe ? -"I.. L'

