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?nr j! ? fi r j Leader' ClassifiedI ,d"}; s Advertisements. i APARTMENTS, SITUATIONS VACANT OR ,WANTEO, TO BE LET, LOST AND FOUND One Three Six Insertion. insertions. Insertions  a) Worde. 1 0. 2 b. 3 0 !.I 30 Worda. 1 6 3 0. 4 0 ;? 40 Words.. 2 0 0 5 0 R SALE. PRIVATE ANNOUNCEMENTS. ;.y> One Three Six I Insertion. Insertions INSERTIONS i 2* 20 Words. 1 6. 2 6 3 B j F,/ 30 Words. 2 0. 3 0. 4 6 FCVI 40 Words. 2 6 3 6 6 6 j "FFTRTHS, DEATHS, IN MEMORIAM, AND j MARRIAGES. QUE l'hree Six :i! Insertion. Insertions. Insertions '^V- 20 Words. 1 6 3 6. 6 0 j 30 Words.. 2 0 5 0. a 0 i; 40 Words.. 3 0 7 0 12 0 EDUCATIONAL. One Three Six Insertion Insertions Insertions #*V 20 Words. 2 0 I 0. 4 6 .lw* 30 Words. 2 6 4 0 5 6 40 Words. 3 0 6 6 7 6 | £ ?' MONEY.—6d per line. J MONEY.-6d. per line. i ;)/T<HE foUowing letter has been received at '-•4L the Leader UiHce Advert Mana- %»T.—Sir. kiudly discontinue the advert. fi! Lost in the Lost and Found Column 1,3 ^AE dog HAS already been found as the re- "blt of the advclt., You may publish this ? your 'valuabl paper, the Leader" -?eea '1 Da vies tadvertMcr,. P.S.—The ad- *?6 EP had only appeared one day before th3 had been found. A.Z. I j$ISO £ LLAf«iEaU £ i S3TU ATIONS VACANT. | "I Bir-Loc, School. 56, Castle-street. I Swansea, has vaeancica for intelli- I JRONT young ladies to train as Shorthand 1,ciy Cle.,k-s; Day and Evening ?i?t'?es; Term commencing January 6th. ) ,4'JAO; exteptionai advantages oiTered to suit- able applicants; apply for Free Prospectus. C12-18 WOMEN AND GIRLS. I* A VI ill). Woman for Cleaning liou.-T (Soldier's Widow); also Cook-Generai. | t Pl)ly ALr.=. Brown. Bryn Cerrig, Si. Gardens. 134..U2-W; 3 £ \LDOVVEII with three children, you L F est 6 requires Respectable W orliing Ilpusekeeper; widow preferred, about .55 to .-Wrie Box P 5 Leader Office. 134A12-18 ANTED ri!spectableliousekeeper for, ,» » YOUNG Parmer (single): full chaNe; I -,iltle to milk; good hbuae for trust worthy :J5IRSON over 30; state WAGES.—Write "Sam. •IL^raler Office *■ 183A12-16 J T7 —' ) Domestic Servants. (£OOK-GČ. HKAL.—Wanted.oyJanuary ? 5th. a c?pabie Ccok-Uenera) —Apr.lv Xi-s ae HarriLs. TJie Bo?good, Pontaiv 4fi]aiu. C12-? ¡:ïf06.iJ Wages and every consideration X co'ered to good GENERAL Ya;l?i at o?;cc. —Apply, ilrs. Eubcnstcin. 59, Eaton-crescent, JJYTMSO.1. LFCA12 20 fED, eiieiif ab<>ut 18.—AM 1( U.W. Hotel. Aleandra-roaa, Swansea. 154AI2-Z,Z "KI/ANTED, a good Girl. a bout 18 to Z I' X* one u?ed tQ waiting; good home fc?r itablc giri.Apply Duiais 1,?tures. Pontaz-.i la is. 183A!2-22 A pood General Servant.- j TTF ply d.r8. Merrells Tradesmen's Club. ? a re uccta ble Young -Gii T: TFT comfortable home: two in family.— APPLY 10 Pare Wem-road Sketty 184A12-17 i 't?' ANTED coed Cencrai. refercn?ca e— ?e i ?,, IAlGo dav mrl.—Apply Dn, i ?. St. I:¡('n'-n'ad. ?wr'n?ea. C'! ? 7 Xt,, ,t. ?OKNiKG Hid. D&y. or General want.V! i?i at o.rwe.- W iWarns. 5 Gwydr-terraco. 1lI,i:.ui(ts Swansea. 182A12-19 J T%,T AN'IED. Capable General Servant: V WEG^?S. 45S. per month; small family; 400c, ontings.—Mrs. Bloomer, Peniwrii, ^T'D-AOH. MEN AND YOU T H S. DAKER.-Vvanted Ail-round Hand, well D up in Smal.6; also Boy.—David yLlovd, i isai Produce STOREST 64 and 66 StcpncJi- street. Lianeliy. 184A12-22 | Of.'ice Nl-n required: gocd 4-J -shorthand typist and used to fLin &Qd office rcutine.—Apply Clee?es and CD., ?Crk Cham,,)crs. C12-18 QTRO?GLn.d Wanted at once about ?;.j ? to deliver Biilk — E P Evans \ïctorÜt ?,iiy. Ar,-4.vteitrect. Swansea. 1MA12-LC j ? )LA ?'i utiiee Boy wanted Docks Coilie:- ? ? Ofnce: shorthand essential.—Write in ?wo handwriting, CoUiery." Daily Leader, I c;*2-:7| I SUPERINTENDENTS' and Agents wanted] ?3 at Brvnamm11 Garnant. Llandcbie. Llandilo. Dandovo'y. PecvE-roe?. CRR?S Sands Tu?mie. and Pontvberem.— Apply Matrict Superintendent L Norman-rna?. Ammanford. 18A12-17 ANTED. Gae Engine Driver; must be j TF used to Suction Gas Plant.APPly,t John LewM Son and Co. Prince of Wales Dock,Swansea. CI2-17 Nv ANTE E) by the end of January. Man I TV for Wallpaper Van; preference given tr; Discharged Soldier; MUSF he good "¡,k.s- I66.n.—Apply Mills and Son, Wallpaper Mer. Cl 2-22 ■F\RIHELENS TELEGRA PHY-WE have j » f • this vear sent out 150 Students to per- nianent Rooition?. and are Baking Student? t? enter the College in January ad have Cftty. it*Few- Vacancies- eo if vou wish a WI'FETE&S' Appointment vou had oetter En- roi at on,te WirrJM" Training Col- I lp-ce Ltd., St Mary-street. Cardiff, or Castle-street Swansea. "IT7AL.NTF,D thoroughly experienced Short. it hapd Typist -Apply, stating age. EX perience. etc to 6°x No 01. "Leader T)• \'E. SWANSEA T('' P^lbUL:Ll.A^ £ OUS SITUATION^ WANTED. I IAl!'ol'l'J:{. SEEK6 S^FF?ION; thre"e Painter. J- experience. Write, Palllt.er," °f'f?cc Swansea 71 A 12-17 FOR SALE. l *"4 DPRESSOGITAPII Machine. complete 'I' J\- fitted with 220 D.C. Motor, together with hand púwer! Graphot.VlJe Machine; both in perfect working order: c(xt £110 ip 1915., Aifverlisers aie purchasing IatÐoL j xnaotwines, and will accent half price.—AD- I ply Addressojrraph." Daily Leader. Swan- sea. 184A12-2Q B- AGLAN. Britonferry.—For Sale nart ot JD Stycyllwen Farni.-Ai)plv John M. Lceder and Son, 46 Waterloo-street, Swan- (lea. C 1^-19 D ON'T •TOI«6 this.—Good Cocking Appu- 28.b8. 63; 561bs 16 6d: in bags 6d each: carriage Daid. Cash with order. Hundreds of SATISFIED customers.—H. Edwards, Fruit Grower WCHI^STON Som. 178A12-26 IFOIF SALE. a heavv? Horse and Cart .£' ply Mr. David üaviœ. 69 Cwm Levcl- road.: Landore. €12-19 I FOR SALE, a large Quantity of New and S&eoi'.d-hafHi Rails of vari" weights! and spctiofis together with all acce«oric9 j for same/ For price and further particu- j lars aptfly to Messrs. Holmes and Howeli, 2. Gloucester-place Telephone No. 831 Cen- tral. Telegrams: Direct Swansea." C12-27 IUILLT Lorry MARE and Harness: com- i J olete Turnout ready for immediate USE: nrice reasonable: adopting motor.S.- i Re.ea and Richards. Pwll Lianeliy. 184A12-17 | (D ALE, -Gae. Saw Bench Truck 1 O Machine and 4-ton Steam Wagon for 1 Hire or Sale 012-19 SAFES (Fire Resisting) 20 to 43 inches I Iii,;h for Sale: also Steam Wagons;! pair 8 in Winding Engines; Punipg.-Birt: 47a. Strand. Swansea. C12-20 1o Hotel Proprietors and Job Master*.— TFoy, Rale Station 'Bus by well known Biakcrs; lamps, cushions, poles, complete; as new. Also Double Harness; a barg-ain BNJJSETT, Woo!ast<jn Court. Lydney IT Glcs.. -c; -j MONEY. j ?1LAWl2' London-roa.t. NeathMa? J* Cash 4uv:i')ces F:OM ? an,f upwtrn? J trlctl;r PrivatE" F-tihlitihe, lt76 TC IF yoj require a loan, apply to GE<>~ Thomas- Church strep fopposite F!t I Vary'U Church). Swansea Private and Cor ftflential %/L"ONEY to [,end to Respectable nou?e- S j HO'.ITTI PRJV?TP 'lId (()n"(j('ntb1 I Ivor D. Thomaa, 5 Waterloo^st Swansea,, ADVANCES, &15 TO S5,090 ?J written promise to REPU or any security rincipal reniains or. can B" repaid by 16 or 31\ moiit/hly INSTALMENTS; no charge of any I llind unless busines-s done; promptness and 1 vacy; avoid exposing your reqnirenients ¡ tocally.—Write oldest Company existing: j E. LAWRENCE, LTD., vOon Chambers, Wine-WeaL Bristol, t TRADE ANNOUNCCMENTS. A Mil AN FORD —Make Christmas of good A cheer, in truth by iudicious our chaser of our Mincing Machines. Patty Tins, Jo.vce'ts Ga& Kettles Stainlees Cut- lery. Week-end Cases. Pianos etc.—Harries the Furnishers desir;1:-Haét!71 \PIJLE-B=Buy- from the G'owers.—LCti? 11. Boxes Choice Selected 0, nge Blen- heims Orange Pippine. I-eaimaiiis Russets lCko. 6d. per box 201b.: extra go<>d Cooking, cte 6d box: cash with order, boxes freu. carriage naid.—Bascett. Woolaston Court Lyd ney. Gloe. 164 A 12-26 -B t;Lci l{j IiI .-Sheet C!aes in 300ft. cases- B Horticultural -Giasc Zloz. 24 x 12 anc 20 x 14. Special quotations for Quantit1. B. Shepherd. Ammanford. Tel. lXo. 4b C12-23 CHRISTMAS PRESENTS—Boys' and ¿Œi,Ù cAnnuals, Picture Books Reward Books, Bhiea' ¡Scoheld. cwbáry. and Teachers); Fountain Pens. Stylos, Purse*, and Wallets; for Sale at Enoch s. iiigii- street Arcade Swansea. Real Bargains in Bibles. ■ 134A12-2Q DEMOBBED, after Five Years' Serviic. L suitable for Presents; Jau Silk Cami- eoles. directi from manufacturer, 7e. lid.. 3d. lid.. et< Blouses, Snecial Line of jai) Siik 21s 9d.; Crepe de Chene from 19s. lid. Jarvis Jonos. Blouse Snecialist; 011 :y Ad dress: 28 St. Helen's-road (ot)D(wite Shaftss- biirv Citipma) 18A 2-li DENTISTS' Mechanic? to the Profession -t? St?oaii?-ts in ec.d crown har bridge, and vulcanite work. Quick despatch Write for nnce list—The Minerva Labora- tory :5 Charles-etreet Cardiff 162A12-25 T? IREWOCD.—R.? E.? Thomae.Fire??od -L ?ierchatit. Hston House Hafod Daily Deliverieij ot Hardwood Lous Bundled and Cbopucd VVoori; delivered in large sacks rea(ty for lighting fires. Prompt attention ou recfiot of inquiry or order 'Phone Cen- tral 1510. 1B4A12-19 l'OR Real Good ?alue ia footwear. W M Thomn?. the iteliaoie Boot Store-, King Edward-road. Swansea. (T.C.) GO to the Shop where vou get most vah o when buying your Xma-f- Presents Gold Brooches from 6a. 6d.: Ooid Gem Rinaa from 12s. 6d.: Solid Gold Wrist Watches i"rom £5. Ai-) fine selection of other JcwEi- lery at A Joseph, Watchmaker and Jewel- ler (next to Bullin's) Heathlield-street, Swansea. -178.125 ORDERS taken for Christmas Poultry: 0 Geese. Turkeys Ducks, and Fowls; from own fat,m.-Ba,scett. Woolaston Court, Lydney. -Gloti. 171A12-17 PIN YOUR FAITH to Nostrolinc" Na?al J- Specific for Nasal Catarrh. Head Coldo. influenza. Sore Throat and all in- fectious disorders of the nostrils. Acts caytinuousiy day and night. Convenient, pleasant, eafe. and effective. Of lead- ing CJiemi.-ts everywhere is. 3d 'by iKjet Is. 5d.). Sold Dy E. Bevan. A'elson rtreet. G T David. Manuel-street; D R Daviee. St Helen's-roaA. J T Davids Ltd (all Ijranches); II L Havard. Bryny- inor-road. G H Kent 45 St Helens-road: K J. Kieft Robert-street. Manselton A D Matthews, Oxford-street: B Needham, Neath road; Ogdens Cash Chemisti. Ltd. High- street; J and t). Rees Fabian-street. St Thomas an i Port Tennant E T. Rich high-street- E W Richarns College-etreet: E 'f ho mas High-street: Wrighl and io, Walter-road SWANSEA- W T Thomas. Gorsetnon M L. Bevan 99 WoodSeld street: W Isaa*; 8i Wooflfield-streer. MORRISTON; W J Daviess M.P S. Picton-place. FFOREST FACTI. and a,lt Chemists in NF.ATH. SPECIAL NOTICE.-Alfred Tcnnen«Tthe Is Expert Ladies' and Gent's Cutter, bees to announce that he has a Splendid Selec- tion of Gent's Overcoats Suits and Ladies' Costumes from six guinea*: perfection ir cut and style.—Cradock-street, Swansea. j ISO A 32-16 SUROICAAppliances.—Trnssete, Surays. ? UncmH?. Surgeons' RnhheT Gloves ?rd Surgica; Kubbei f{(h,d,. of every description Writ.; for Catalogue, sent P(x;t iree. -i.e Brapsenr Surt'un! Co.. [,td Dept D V t, 90 ■md 91 W'orcester street P. 1 r ini n::a m TO. rJ"'EY Sidney Palmer's Mince Pieg qnl T Pastries Large Assortment of Xmns Cakes, fee our Windowe for BrMe'e Cnkes. Birthday Cake* In Stock and made to order — Palmer's Cafe. oppc&ite Empire. and Branches )94A}2-? ''?OYS.—T??<??p?pcrA'?d Bazaars.—We T .bav1iilÍ<a larpe variety ?f leading lines iu Chr?tuna? Goods.inclmHr.g Dredged and Undrerst.d Xoonite and China Po)Ia<— Ruck 60 Aiex?ndra-road Swansea 181A32-"3 TTNCLE BERT'S Pull, Cream Walnut and u Almond T?fTeet are now on Pa!e at hSs Oxford-Street Shop. Pre-war Quality Tie Eiret and the Beat. 181A12-I7 FURNITURE. C^HRISTAIAS BARGAIN^Bargains for C Christmas of all kinds of Houeehola Furniture at Hill 's, who wish to announce that their Annual Sale of Surplus Stock, IV llldl is very large aixl great (in variety, of Bedroom and Parlour S utes Sideboaroa and Bookcases, Bet^steads ■ and BedJing. Kitcheu Dressers, and othe- goods too numerous to mention, will t>e tiotd at the Lowest Pur.i bie Prices All in tending uurcha^era should call at once ai;d inspect before the befit bargains are gone Any goods stored free of charge Cash or Easv Terms. Delivery to arT pa"t6 of the country—Please note the Address —Hill's Gower-street. Swansea. Also J4 Windsor- road. Neath. 181A12-17 LiOR SALE. Walnut Sideboard. Chest cf i Drawers Overmantel Swing Glasses. Bedsteads Beds, etc.-),I. Manoney. 1. Bridsfe-street • (top cf High-streety, Swansea. V 184A12-20 lfOR SALB. a Dark Oak Bptl- rcot Suite, Double Glass- Mirrors in Robe. Swing, ft I asses and Centre Ula«3 in Dressing Chest larbjc-topped \Va8iJinr.: Office. ?nFMTtiRE—Best Prict? given bv mp 1 for Second-hand Hurniture and AntIque _ill tire of tny description Drop me a t ostcani or call Wm Jprnee. 8. '() Fabian. I o? )r call .;tr.(.t Thomas CT C KiTCiiEN Tables at Factory Prices. Bert j ..1. ilulte and Finish at John Richards 2( t ^docilt-ctrcet Swansea. 183A 12-17 1 BCY Furniture. New and Second-hand — -L Serkin. 219 High-Street. Swansea. 184A12-23 ■ ''u*1 1 — .i i LIVE STOCA, &c. OR SALE Brown Pomeranian Puppy.- Apply Mr. Mercer 5 Castle-square. ]\f Y Pigs came on si)lenoidly af r il!lTL tinn Karswood Pig Pow,tersc'e Lav. one uZr although they had no appetit" before Twelve powders Is. bv post Is 3d -Jordan and Sons. Chemists Pontardawe 162A32-2J ONE Hundred 1919 and 1918Pullcts lay- 0 ing. 7s and 8s. each.—Lloyd. 384 Pen- tregethin-road Cwmbwrla Swansea 181A12-17 THE greatt doubter is convinced after Tone thorough te?t of Karswood Spice, containing ground in.g.cds-the egg pro- ducer it is a pleasure to sell, because it "ives satisfaction. 2rI.. 7d.. 1/3. —W T. Thomas, Chemist. Gorseinon and Old Bank Pharmacy, Llanelly. 181 -12 7 PERSONAL. IN Unclt BerF?" To0?<' Shop there is i 1al,di], ?o'TT'Ot?v" Uncle Bert and hi" Son thank yon to! Vour help You are ,lo*,fi?! 'Yoik Bit" a« we dJd our# Thanks" I 'wan'¡(,:1 THINKS'1 EDUCATIONAL. PRIVATE TPITfON for London Matr0 t and glo the Professional Prelim Ex J ams- Shorthand and Book "keeping pppidlj.. taught at r.ishman's Coaching College. 40 41 t', or, i),D riF:t.Te (7inetnt- orrppter-DlaoeN (opPo.-it« Castle Cinema Swansea. TC HOUSES AND SHOPS FOR SALE AND TO LET. BERAVON-PORT TALBOT.—Suitable -A Site for Shop, with buildings partly recently destroyed by fire. in the centre of the district opposite Avon Vale Hotel. Free- ho!?.? for Sale; vacant nossestiioa.—Anp'y NTI? Mosea Thomas. beravon.. CH 17 FOR SALE two Dwelling-houses, 30 ar.d I 32. Whittington-strcet. Neath.-Particu. lar5. apply to Payne 42, Crythan-road, Neath. C12-19 l-f",OR Sa le. House 6 Rooms and Both; good i. position; Uplands district; long lease; price, £ 490.—Apply, "W. Daily, ,) i  y Leader,' Swansea. 181A12^8 I' Mr. Astley Samuel's Announcements. VACANT HCUfcES. ¡ £1'1 1100 will purchase ,t well-bu?!t 1,'1= Freehold l?sidence wita I vacant possession Situated in Weet Jina !of S w eii-ea. Ciosetocar? In fi?,-st cla?s decorative condition.—Particulars fr,Jl j A&tley Samuel. Auctioneer. Gower-etret C '12, 9 I Swansea.. 1:.) lOll)JÓD-ROAD.-A well equipped r'l- JA dence for Sale, with Vacant I'c?- eession; Southern aspect; charming view, 2 Reception Rooms, 6 Bedrooms; Bathroom, etc.—Astley Samuel. Valuer and E??o Agent, Swansea. C12-13 SKdiTTYTROAD.—A well arranged Eesi- I dence for Sale with V?acant Possessio:). I Long LeaF; low Ground Rent —Particulars and order to view ,from Aetlcy Sanffiel, Estate Agent and Surveyor. Swansea. fN VESTMENTS. VALUABLE Block of Office Property situ- ated close to the Docks.—Particulars from Astley Samuel, Auctioneer. Swansea. 012-19 I' r*f?AA vv:H Purchcse a well built Leane- a'?OUU hold Residence in the Wet Er? of Swansea. 2 Reception Rooms; 5 Bed- I rooms; P.athrooni,; Kitchen and Scullery.- Astley Samur el, Auctioneer. Swansea. C12-59 I G ROCEltY Business for Bale M a going \jr concern; Corner Freehold Premises: splendid situation.—Astley Samuel, AUf. I ti^-nofr. -Swansea. C12J_p. APATSTIVSENTS AND LODC-ING3 ( TO LET AND WANTED. i rno LET. Furnished Ap?rtmonte: would X suit two ladies in buainj?s?; con- venient to stations and town.—Write Box Z.4. lieader OHice. 183A12-17 WANTED two or three Furnished Roo;r;o if good locality.—Write Box D 6. Daily Leader. 185A 12-18 BUINESSES FOR DISPOSAL. BUSlNEAAfor Sale; First-Class Fruit and JD Vegetn.ble; two shops; best position in town; cash trade; low rents; established eight years; owner retiring.—Write, full 1 particulars, Henry Bassett, Woolaston Court. Lydney. Qlos 171A12-17 j HOUSES WANTED. £10 OFI"}RED forPo?se?ionor In- Xio formation Leading to Po?ession cf House in good locality.—Write Box D 5. Daily Leader.' 181A12-17 HOUSE PURCHASING. ADVANCES 'on Freehold or Leasehold -A Properties by the Landort Permanent Building Society are renayable over any I term from 3 to 16 years. For prospectus apply to the secretar iae David Roberts and Son. 61. Wind-street. Swansea. C12-18 4?A ADVANCED onOP590 Iloime; any district.—Write for full particu. 1 iare Eauitable," Leader Office. Swansea. C12.9 WEF.KI,Y will Pure asp 4 Honr-c i"/ '» IIIIV distrtct: TI"TW-SSIO'. by arrange merit. Landlord." Leader Swansea, TC MOTOR CARS. CYCLES, &c. ALBION Chassis. —Delivery of 50 cwt and 60 cwt. Chassis from Stock, subject to beins; unsold; eakli or easy terms.—R E JOlles, Ltd.. Motor Depot,, Dillwyn-street, Swansea. TC E !NJ"ltiLD Combination 8 h p. November JU 1918; not dona 400 miles; as inew 0145; I 110 offers.—W rita Box G 5 Leader Otticc. i i 184A12-18 j Fon SALE, 1919 Ford Touring Car; 5 d; X tachable wheels: eaual to new; £275. Wouid echange for Ford Landaulette or1 sell touring body of chassis £ 50. Also Ford II Metal Van Body; half size; with wird screen and cushion. £ 20—Lewis 57. Alej and;-a-road. LX)It SALE Nauier 15.9 Landaulette. in L exoellent eondition: Zenith Carbur- i rettor; al-so English Touring Body to sui; i Ford cnassla; equ al to new iese- hood ar.d screen.—Ree« Jones and Son. Talbot Garagi ABimaniord. ? C13']7 TLrQTO?ISTS?For'nuBlotr'GoQ<:y€? .nd  !icheHn 'ryre W"i.m-Ine PumM Head. S)de and Rear Lamps and all Acc^s- soi 1—Fletcher's Garage, Swanseai84A12-:0 I 184AlO i !vor L. Roberts', Motor Cycle Specialist, t Announcoments. BOOK Now to ensa-re DeliverJe?.—1920 Models of Motor Cycles: A J.S. Done. I?"'B-s-4- Triumph. Sun bean.. Rud) ge, NOrtón Levin, Imperial, Harley Davidson, etc. DELIVERY from Stock.—34 h p. B.SA > T.T Model. A.,1.8. 6 h.p. Combination Dongl^p .W.D. 2-.speed 23 h.n, Rudge Muttï: 3i h.o.. Ruby Jap 8 h.n. Combination. DELIVERY this m0nth-U b.I). Imperil Jap. 2-speed Model: also 23 Imperial Jap 2-speed. kick starter and hand clutch SECOND-HAND Motor Cycles for S:1Je- 1914 Enfield. 6 h p Combination ermine recently overhauled by makerc. new tyres and chains £95. PRACTICALLY New 2-etroko 2-speed n- t field, complete with Lamps and Horn: perfect, condition: XE8. NIOTOR OATtS.-Aaent for Austins, Stars. | 1»J G.N. Morgan Ittinal-outa. Boofe To-day for 1920 Model* • 1.1" !l I ■ NOCES. c ONTTNITED Fletcher. ) M.B.P.S. Test Reading Pree. Send birth date and stamped envelope.—5. I Arcade Pontypridd. Glam. 184-12-20 Tie-S wapsta vei,Faa Gil-: lingham. A Watch given away free to the uersou giving the Correct Scores at Half-time -and Final. Send vour Forecast to Edwin Hall. Tobacconist ODPcisite He. pital. Swansea. C12-191 .L' O¥AL-JÜ. Edmond I?od?e. Liaii? LJ fcta?h.—Ltst of Winninef Numbers:— 1st Prize 3158; 2nd. 6587: 3rd. 13?56- 4tli. 9245. 5th 284); 6th 12821:7th 3183: 8th' 3*33: 9th. 8507. 10th. 6032:, 11th. 10121; 12th. 11004- 53th, MZ). 4th. 16538: 15th 7569; 16th, 7396; 17th, 3371- 18th. 5901 19th 9825: 20th 7337 21st. 8849: 22nd 10390. C12-i7 PROF. MICHAEL Celebrated Astrologer: i Ayesha Medium: Rocking Stones of Wale5. Send hirth ctae, P.O Is. sd.-Scril). torium, Victoria Buildings, Ttidor-road, I Cardiff. 181A12-13 T"E Winning Numbers of the Drawing for D. W Thomas Tinman Morristou: 209 805. 1731. Prizes to be obtained at Alec Lathlan. Cwmbath-road Morrietou 184A12-17 PROFESSIONAL. 1 MR Frank alton. M.E Ilarv. Honours' ?JL Lond.. and Mrs Walton. Certificated I Nurse and Maen<e have b!u'n over tb,- practice of ..Massage and Electrical Treat rLents formerly carrjrd on by Nurse Evans Both Dast and present patients may be as siyed of thn brfhest skill and care. (as- sage Remedial Bxe-ct«es X Pays H'gh Pre ouencv. Radiant Heat Br.ui-s e+'* li. Ffv- rone- £ treet. Swansea. I81A12-17 I j SMALL ADVERTISEMENT ORDER FORM. ——————————————- —————————— t J ————————————————————— —————,——   < <- I' 1.— « — l I   | Please publish the .above advertisement. tiawp, for whirb I E I encl6se a. d. 8 I Nanjte and Address: I a 3f deaird. replies may be pent to Box Nnmbcre at the "Csmbria D?;!y |jjj 6 Lendei, 4D21ce. I ThM form 9ho?d ho ad?rMe? t9 Art rortlsement Departinent, Cambria Daily 1 g TbÙJ torm hould bê t\ddr M A ("crtisement Depa.rtroent. Carnbrí:t Daily' »n ■ mwrwk FOR THE FUND. A Will be held lI.t Will be held at Tabernacle Vestry, MORRISTON, ON Saturday, Dec. 20th, I When a First-class Miscellaneous Pro- gramme will be provide! by the Plasmarl Schoolboy I Scbooi?v Minstrels AND THE Gwalia Male Voice Party (Conductor. Mr. GQMEii WILLIAMS)- i to be taken at 7-30 p.m. by Cha.ir to be taken at 7-30 p.m. by Councillor MORGAN E. REES. Admission Front Seats, 21-; Second do., 1/ Entire Proceeds towards Widows & Orphans Fund. 1,8"" In Morriston alone there are 70 Widows and 150 Dependants, whose nee d s I have to be met out of the Fund. Your Opportunity! WILL YOU HELP? ■ iiag-j MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. L'OR SALE, a beautiful Piano-Player, in t. excellent conditiott: JE:45 50*3. or nearest offer, with 26 Rolls of JVlusic.—Write Music." Loader Offit e Swansea. 184A12U2-J liAilOPilOlsiiS.—Wonderful Machines; KX liorn or Hornless, Worm Drive Motors: £ 4 17s 6d. £5 17a. 6d., etc New Records Zs. 6d.; Second-hand, le.—Park, street. Swansea. 14Al-2Z GRAMOPlfONË. Ma?niacent Inlaid \jr Uorni?a Cabinet Grand, tanding 4ft. hinh: recently t?e, ?: perfect tone and con- dition throughout; powerfu. double-spring motor noiseless, worm driven: takes 12in. records; ouawtity Eocords; accept £ 10 D6.: genuine bargain: must cell: ideal present .Nice liKce of furniture.—108 St. ilefetio road. Swansea. ItjA13-13 INSTRUjIExnTS for Sale; silver-plated Slide Trombone by Gourtoie; nett con-' dition. Concert Flute, 8 keys, by Ituddal;, t ioUnR by Tweed ale Hornstainer Gaillard. etc. Italian Violoncello by gannino.-Sitho: Z, Waters-road. Sw?nee?. 182A12?8 'DIAXOS.' 23. 39. 49. 55 aulnea?- largo -I- t:on for ca^h only; Broad wood Collard etc.—Piano Exchange. 1.1 Park-etreet. opooeite Mond Buildings. Swansea. 1S4A12-22 UPRIGHT Grand Piano: patent duuic LJ resonator: magnificent .instrument- Solid Mahopany froiit oides. and ha-ck: beautifully hand carved- perfect tone; pre- viously owned by an Indian Prince; present owner toitiz abroud: seen bv appointment —I>so Savoiia House. Llandilo. 185A12-22 CODING, 22, Gower-stdeet, fov all » » Stringed Instruments and expert Re- pairing. for Wind Instruments and their Repair. We epeciolise in all Strings and tthe correct Accessories oroperly adjusted to the exact requirements of your instru- ment. There are no two inetruiaenta ex- actly alike, and it takes an expert to ad- just the fittings correctly. We are Experts. 184 A12-19 Thompson and Shackell's Announcements tCHICAGO Or:;n. 4 seb of ree?g. 8 ?tc-pe \? Zknee?wcTs; ven fine tone, — Thomson and Shackell. Ltd.. 39. Caetle street. Swansea P1A.NOFOHTE by Ealph«411ison, full com- pass, ivorv keys; 50 guineas cash o may term<i.-Thompson and Shackell. Ltd o9. Ca.st^e-stireet, Swansea å LhXANDEA Paris. Marmonium: 12 stops. ?-? 4 sets of reed9; hJ rge powerful instru. ment, suitable for place of worship; £ 35 — Thompson and Shackell, Ltd.. Z9. Castle- MISCELLANEOUS. WANTS, OUR-'I'OIN lorry- returning from Swansea JL one day weekly wants Load or woula collect in parts. Hauling Contractors of e\ery de.script;on.—Cardift Transport Coni- i nan.v Ltd.. W. Merchants' Exchani ?*>. Qar jHiL 186A12-22 rl'RË}-Wanted-QV-;r Pit wood size.—Jen- i n intra. Ltd. Woodworkers, Penny well road. Bristo! Bt-aiich al Portlicawl. STC. 'IrANTED Piano for Mliseion use. State VT price for cash.—Write C6 "lieader" Offlee. 185A12-20 T/V^-ANlTiD to. Purehe, a Typewriter; state price, etc.-Repliea. Box 22, Q-P-Q-. Swansea. C12-18 NTED, OXY ACETYLENE WELDING, BRAZING, etc. Speci-! alists in ALL METALS.—KOTIIL AM ACETYLENE WELDING COMPANY. GIANT'S GRAVE. BRITONEERRY. ~TANTED, Second-hand Piano ellitabl, M fnr country cottage: will pay fair price.—Write Gower," Daily Leader, swaneea. 1S5A12-18 w ANTED. IDO 13oxes 1 0 Tinplatc-s. 216: TT Iba. 20 by 23, lowest quotation, for export.—Write Box V 4 Leader Oflice. 181A12-17 'L- OS-l'A;¡.¡NjQ' HalO:' i, LOST, bctwceir ?VnHams7 Taiior, Hafod. -JU and \ViiUatc. Tailor Coiiene-street a Pur?e containing Notet? and Money. The Hn?er will be rewarded on retIlT!}mg the ?ame to 174, Middle-road Cwmbwrla. ?34A12-?8 TEFT at Metropt?eC!oak Ht'om. en I J Thursday. Pafoe) containing Grey Suede Shoe".—Finder ccnimumcatmK with Box K 5 Leader Office will be suitably re- warded. 184A12-22 LOST Temon and White Spaniel, answers Lj to the name of Bex:" had collar on when lost with address of owner A reward will be triven for his return or information1 leading to his wher"nboute — Rees T. D:ivie€ KilbyHonee Loughor. l C12-19 10ST, Sunday morning, near Cricket i Field, blaols puppy; white chost and paws; half white ring around neck; mp7.7!ed; an"crp to Peter.—Rewnr? on re'll turning to 69. 0.?ford -treet. Swans, D e fainer pro<=-e"ifed. 182AJ2-17 | THE CHiLDRENJ- CAUSE SACRED. WILL YOU HELP IT ALONG?


