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'Leader' Classified Advertisements. APARTMENTS, SITUATIONS VACANT OR WANTED, TO BE LET, LOST AND FOUND. One T,'hree Six Insertion. Insertions. Insertions .u Wgi-de.. 1 0 2 0 3 0 M Wõrd8. 1 6 3 0 4 0 40 Words. 2 0 4 0 6 < FOR SALE, PRIVATE ANNOUNCEMENTS. One Three Six Insertion. Insertions. Iasertiose 10 Words. 1 6 2 6 3 6 A Words. 2 0 i 0 4 6 40 Words.- Z 6 3 6 5 6 fliflTHS, DEATHS, IN MEMORIAM, AND MARRIAGES. Onti Three Six Insertion. Insertions. Insertions 10 Worda. 1 6 3 6 6 0 30 Worda. 2 0 5 0 8 0 40 Wcrde. 3 0 7 0 ii Q ) EDUCATIONAL. j One Three Six Insertion. Insertions. Insertion; 20 Worda. 2 0 3 0 4 6 20 Words. 2 6 4 0 6 6 40 Word.) 0 5 6 7 6 MONEY.—6d. por line. MISCELLANEOUS SITUATIONS VACANT. OFFICE Boy or Girl wanted for Auction- Udice; preference given to short- hand typiet.—Apply statins age tad vcciiUied. to Aibiou, c/o Leader Office. Cli-5I Neaih. Married Couple or Widow; rent. coal, lig/it, and garden return foj, wife's services.—Write ulift- men .Leader Office. Nea.th. Cl2-12 i WOMEN AND GIRLS. if —- — "]> £ SPECTABLK midd]e-aed Housekeeper .i.?-wanted; two in familyApply 57. B?n?v. Mk-stieet, Swansea. li5AlO-l6 i 'r"All:ORS.-l\.eQuired. Veet and Trouser I X li?nds; permanency.—Apply Cutter, I lion. Kvuns arid Co., Swaii ea. C12.lù "S^fcANl-ED immediately a YOUIur Ladv V i fchort-iiaud Typist: comfortable posi- tion" oiiered to suitable at Diicant.-Reply J ysg, Leader Office. pfc/SJANTBD. immediately. Packers aiKl tr .sorters.—Apply Lo the JI&LUigeieco, I Tiro £ <113 and Launder. C12-12 j YA/ANTSD. Ladies to train a* I } f Clerks,; modeiate premium; and Evening Classes.—Apply for iree prospectus The Bar Lock School. 36 Chappell's Chambers. Castle-street Swansea. 174AJ2-12 A TU two Experienced Packers and porters; also two Experienced Iron- ers: 4o hoar week; Government minimum w?gb.—App'y Sket-ty Laundry. 1750.12-9 ) Domestic Servants. X.VERiBn CIfc,i) Cook-Gene ral or General •wanted immediately—Apply 6. Slira- fier?er?cent. Swonsca. 161AI2-10 nKOROU UliLx Experienced Maid re- X ,ouned; email family, comfortable home: must be reiit:ed.—?i:)& Pr?bM<'b. St. Elmo. Old-road, Llaneily. 175A12-16 T31TANTED. a Respectable Day Girl.—Ap- "y ply (before noon). 1. Brooklands-ter- ra.ce.. 175A12-10 I WAITED, a good General Servant; gir, from 18 to 25.—Apply with references. I )1:r.r..Toan Jones Lord Jersey. Orange-street, Swansea. 169A12-9 '■I MEN AND YOUTHS. Ii jT?ECOR?.TORS' Manager wanted in Soutn l?aleg for-WhDiesate and Retail; must ba; practical, well up in buying, supervis- mar ajid estimating, and tayo charge cf < eaiira busincas.— Write, stating age. ex per i- eofie and salary reauired Box X 5, Cambria Daily Leader. Swansea ClM W'-A:"l£D-FurnacIÍ¡a.n and Doubler » » Aptly Wern Tinplate Works, Briton- ferry. C-12-13 -Iitr:.A.NTED, Joiner.-At)DlY C Tyler. IV- Guilder and Cont.ractor. RicharJson- atreet ï a.rd Swansea 176A12-t3 ??ANT?D. Smart Youna Sian kno??edi.t- i of tra?eiling. to work u? Wnolesa:? Coi:iie<.tion of Drapery and Clothing Busi- !.<)&.?. with view to partneisbip; slna, I capital 1-muired.-Write Capita! Leader i Oibee. 17SA12- "-TANTED immediately. Carpenters an? V T Bricklayers.—Apply Williams Bros., Pcntardawe. 'Y??Al??D. three 1-fouldei?s.-ApplY. S YT heater Units. Ltd.. Unit Wo? gtranfl,. Swansea. '1-J!, ??*IRELE&S.TELE?RA PHY.-We haei t V this year se^t out !o0 Stent6 to per- I maTjenr u?itioM. and are Booking ??ludeni?p I t? enter the CoUex? in January ad hav< o»iV a. Fe? Vacanc?eS: &0 if you wish s. ) Wireless Appointment, vou had better En- I rol at once—Apply Wireless Training Col- lege Lta., St. Mary-street, Cardiff, or Castle-street Swansea. W ANTED, at once Galvanizing Dinners VT and Tankers, accustomed to thin K^ugee.—Apply giving Ð peri nee. to the I Gr??eaend Steel and T?iuDat? icp_ to tbf- Bryngwyn Galvanizing Works.' Gox*seino:i. j CI 2-^ TtTA-XTED. thorcughly experienced Short- V V- hand Typist.-AppJy, stating age, ex; I perience, etc., to 6o rio, C 1. "Leader j umofo, aw-ansea. -TC. TO THOSE EEaUIEIKG DdilEDlATE OCCUPATION. No tra-iniig necessary There is a BtTSINESS of a NON-SPECULA- TlVE character of GREAT SCOPE, aiforrl- I ing Commercial OCCUPATION of a PER- MANENT and CONGENIAL NATURE. The Business i. VERY PROFITABLE and of UNIVERSAL IMPORTANCE, REQUIR. ■ ING A VERY SMALL AMOUNT OF f CAPITAL. ,I It can be undertaken ANYWHERE I. THROUGHOUT THE UNITED KGr.DOM'j' orrly reouiring a person of ENERGY and INTELLIGENCE, who would aesiduouely devote himself to it. dc-vc?te ADVERTISER commenced SINGLE- HANDED, entirely upon hh own aeconut. with no prior 6pecial knowledge of the work and has now with the assistance of one' clerk succeeded by PERSONAL EFJivORT AND STRICT ATTENTION TO I' BStjlNESS, in earning a t VERY LARGE WEEKLY NET PROFIT. So licitor's and Ac-jountants' References given if desired. Ahy Person DESIRING to know the DE- j TMfe of the means bv which these BIG  RBS?tLTS are being achieved which in- formation would enable many with enerpy and'intelliper.ee to start ?ork right away, j them bein? ample room for similar buei.. nMS in any INDUSTRIAL DISTRICTi.1 mu?t in the first instance apply hy letter cniT (enclosing a ctamDCd a?cire?efd en- velooe for reply). to i Un., J. BTLLINGTON. I, 31. EASTCKEiP c LONDON. E.O^. MISCELLANEOUS SITUATIONS ¡ h, WANTED. TTNJVERSITY Trained Lady, with eyeel- U1 .,ler..t trgtimonifble. Desires Engagement .for. Morning: fluent French. Advanced Engiisu. and Musiti,—Write Pox K 4, Trader ¡ CjTice;_ 175A12-9 T^LvANT'ED, by respectable person Vt tim as General Servant or Working I' c keener j age 34.—Write Box W 2. L??er Omce. ? _? ''?,-?? ■ m. 11 ii» ii Mill '*1 "? .1 — i —- FURNITURE. CCHRISTMAS Brgains. Bar&aiDsf? J Christmas of all kinds of Household, i Furniture at Hill"s. who wish to annouxn • that their Axinnal Sale of Surplus Stock wll%h is very large and great in variety, of Bedroom and Parlour S,jite«i. Sideboards and Bookcases, Bedsieada Mattresses and Bedding. Kitchen. Dreeseri. and othev good,, too numerous to mention, will be Sold at the Lowest Poseihie Prices, All in ¡ teudiTig puroho«ers shoulri call at orxe and j jn?ect before the best ban:aim are ?one I' Any,.goods stored ?ree of chare. Cw or Easy' Terma. Delivery to any pa-t? of ,b the country.—"Please note the Address — Hill's. Gower-streefu, Swansea. Also 14 Windsor- road Nea-tli. i73A £ 2-lC RE IRemoved from Hill Eow to JL i ,.jte Sold by Pnblio Auction, at the cor- ner t)i Page and Maasel-streets. Swansea, on Wednesday. sDei-mber lotIA 1919 Goods on I view Tuesday. This Sale will be contmaed on TUui'^day the ilth instant at 11 a.m. if neeggary. 01210 T^UENITURE.—Beet Prices given by me for sSe^ond-hand Furniture and Antique I'ti-I ifiture of any description Drop me a rostear,i or call.-Wm. J&mes, 8. Fabian- < street. St. Thomas. CTP TRADE AMMOUNCEMENT8. j Ammanford.-For the Xmna >ioiidaT I ?- Trunks apd Week-end Cases. Hake home atH'a?tive by purchasing 9ne Of ou? beautiful. Pianos! Stainless Cutlery 'Kczno' ¡ Moo«. Distemper.—Harries'. Noted Ilocst Furuit-here and Ironmongers. Cl2-iC I _c, A RMY Doo?t low -rade, ?) pam. i il better cl&es 50 paiii. £ 3 10s.: Govern- ment Scrap Leather, 203. cwt. <'a?b with order.—W elton. Contractor, fratton-road Portsmouth. j I -A P P.LES.-Buy from the Growers.—l.CC<; -i-X Ro?ea Choice Selected Otange Blen?f hMD? Ora?j?e Pippine, FeainlaLus, Rus?t? I 1. 6d. per bos Wlb.: estia good Cooking, ?a. 6d. box; cash wit? order; boxes f;"t;'t,1 carriage paid.—Baseett. Wooiaston Conrt Lydne.v. m" 164A12-2R j BELGIUM.—Sheet Glass in SOMt. ca?c? I B Ho?ticuJtur?I Glass. 21oz. 24 1 12 MK) I j 2J x 14. oocial quotations for qua.nt]tiM.— I i B. Shepherd. Ammanford. Tel. SQ. 46 j_ C12-25 BOOTS for the Tinplate Mills; BeDch j made; Solid Leather throughout: Nailed or Plain; 149 lid. per pair: wonder-I I,fu', valu? Also Boys' and Girls' Footwear —Carpen?r Bros., HZ. Woodiield-Ftreet I Morrkton 171A12-9 CHRISTMAS PRESENTS.—Boys' and Gn?s ? Annual. Picture Boo" 'Ae w a r B&okc-. Bibles fSocaeId. ,ewberry. ard I ?T,eachers": Fountain Pens. ?rios Purses, 'I } and WaJlet?: for -ale at Enoch's, High- | street Arcade Swansea. B?al Bara¡m in ) Bibles. 175A12-:3 II USLiiGNS, newest ehapes and co • ? ing«: alwas appreciated M Xma? sen. B?t selection at H&tSeld's. bt. j Helen'e-road C12-.10 /COLLIERS' BOOTS.—Try our 2&3. 6d. and C ?Os. lines; all Solid Leather; they ar» tip-top value.—Carpenter Bros. 132 Wood- Ce-M-street. Morriston. (71A12-9 D- &TI8TŠ Mechanics to the PMÚ¡;i()n. DgDwi-,ilists in óld crown bar bridge. I and vulcanite work. Quick dpatch. Writ? for price list.—The Mmer.a Labora- tory 1S Charles-street CardiK. 162A12-?j XpURS Remodelled.—By our pi-m-,e able to make Old Furs Look Like New. I All the i?a.tMt tyle6 in Fur Ooat? and set6. j "Tennefig. 5. Cradock-?treet. Swansea. I I73A12-10 FOR Everytliing in Gold, Silver, and Go r;- filled JeMehery: thousands of Geld Brooches; smartest der-isrns.—A. Jo?epli, | W aahmaker, and Jeweller. 20. Heat-hSeld- street. Swansea. 170A12-9 Ij^Oli Real Good Value in Footwear. W. r M Thomas, the Unliable Boot Stores King Etiward-road. Swansea. (T.Cw i FOR the Tuning and Repairing of piä II Harmoniums Reed and Pipt Organs. write to Edwin Davies, Plasyooed Clydach 167 A12,3 I IF it's Raincoats that you are thinking <A P 4t,' invite you to inspect our Stock. We hold all exclusive range of High Grade Raincoats for Men Women, and Children ac Moderate Price,Tohn Richards. Raincoat! Specialist.. Cradock-street Swansea. i 17.3Al2-10 rr; LVEBYBODY'S MOUTH! Mackay's X Herba] TaMete for Chest. Throat, and Voice. Unrivall€>d Of all Confectioners, ZtL ounce. Wholesale of Mackay's, Mfg Confectioners. Old Market-street, Bristol, j IF you want any Light Hajiiage done at a JL Reasonable Price, apply John Alban.. Discharged Soldier, Eowen-street. liafcd. ) Swansea. ld8A12-9 LAW CfCKTAINS for Mmm: beautiful iz- I  signs; 6d. 1? lid.. 16s. lid. to ? per pair. Bedroom sizes. 4s. 11d. up —He > field 14. St. Eeien's-road Clii-10 O"RDE}Û(t(iken for ChrL:.tm? Poultry; ?J' t*8e. Turk?ya. Duck. and Fowls; from own farm.—Bassett. Woo las ton Court. Lydne??Glo, 171A -1" SllOPK' £EPERS, the real secret of ?ucce? I -Advertise your goods. ?end 52s. 6d. for 6ne of our Changeable Window Signs, Mze 18jn. x lain.: coDip?et? with 260 'Letters. Figures, etc. (on Tin); absolutely the finest on the market. Repeat orders prove tbiz No' rubbish. Cash returned if not satisfied, Special Quotations for laiger orders.- j Hooper, Cinema. Buildings. Forge-road. Port Talbot. 171A12 SPECIAL N-OTICE. Alfred Tennens tht Expert Ladies' and Gent's Cutter, bsgs i to announce that he tas a Splendid Selec- tion of Gent's Overcoats Suits, and Ladies Costumes from 6 guineas: perfection in cut and style.—, Cradocii-street. Swansea. ■ ;■ ■- ■ 169A12-8 SALE of Overcoats—MfIT'S, 65S.; Boys'. 38A: Also Ladies' and Gent's Baineoate at half-prices. Weekly to respect- able householders.—London Clothing: Co., II Bay-street, Port Teucant (tram terminus) t SURGICAL Appliances.—TrHssss Spraye ¡ ?J Enemas. Surgeons' Rubber Gloves and I Surgical Rubbe: Goods of every description I Writv for Catalogue, sent post free.—Le Brasseur Surgical Co., Ltd fDept D V ) 93 and 9^2. Worcester-gtreet Birmingam. T.C. TRT Sidney Palmer's Mitmc Pies and -L Pastries: Large Aesortmexit of Xiaas Cakes. See our Windows for Bride's Cakes. Birthday Cakes hi Stock and made to order —Palmer's Cafe, opposite Empire, and Branches 175AIZZ T OY, for Xnias Trees. Schools, and i. Church 9azaare-"—^8 to advice our patrons that we ba.a a Largf Assort- ment of all kinds of Toys suitable for their rp,iuiremer,ts.P.ack. Alexandra-rd. Swan, sea. 171A12-V TINGLE BERT'S Fall Oream Walnut and *J Aiiaond Toffee^ are now on Sale at hi- Oxjor-d-street Shop. Pre-war Cnality. The First and the Best. 1731d:?r:¡; "T STOOD EN Toys; clearing out; very cheap If lines. open until 10 p.m.—Toy Fac-i tory. Jockey-street. (One minute's walk above G.W.R. Stetion. 163A12-S WE are now Selling OUT 15 year guaran- » tee Watches. Oxydised case, 25s.; Solid Nickel case 3. See name on dial.-A. JoaeTih. Watchmaker and Jeweller, 20 Heathfteld-street. Swansea (next to Bnl-1 lin'e). 17QA12-9 7.i!HY Not Grow Your Own rruit. I have the Trees And Varieties that will suit you from the Smallest to the Largest in Cultivation: also large stock of Dwarf ar d Climbing Rosee and Shrubs. W. Ewa.rt Thomas F.R.H.S. H.T.A. The Nur- scri^. Upper Lotigbor, Glam. 167A12-16 "\70U Fat G-coi Boots at the R.G .1.. Stores. Goat"otreet. Boots for Work or School. Reasonable prices. 170A12-9 LIVE STOCW't. &c. ? LIVE STOC?. &C. X^OR SALE. Smart Pony 12 hands h'?? -L years old, unbroken: price .f?, or near. eit offer. Also strong Hand-cart to be sold cheap: room wanted.—Apply 2. Oadle-fach Cottages. Ravenhill Fforestfaoh, Swansea. 176A12-1 AIY pigs oajne on spienioidly after get- ItX ting Karewood Pig Pow,tors," says one user although they had no appetite before. Twelve povrderj Is. by post Is 3d -joi,dan and Sons. Chemiats Pontardawe ^62A.li20 POULTRY FANCIERS.—If you want. fair dealing and pre-war civility, go to I Paradine for all kiuda of Pouitry Foods, etc Opposite Church Hall Sketty. 170A12-9 T" "HE;;aw.('t doubter 16 nvinCBd after I -L one thorough test of Karswood Spice, containing ground insects—the egg pro- I ducer it Ji a pleasure to sel), because it gives ouch 'sa.tifa-etion. Zld. 7id. la. 3d.— !:Skewen Agricultural Association Ltd., 231. New-road, Skc-weu. 175A12-12 PERSONAL. F-¡;V AXS:-in-;ëPïying to Garden." F • omitted his a?ldr?ss: please s?lid 170 A 32-7 IN Uncle Bert's" Toffee Shop there is ) i. "Mtar.dint: Room Only" Uncle Bert and j hi< Son thank you for yotir help. You are I •^Otnz ''Yon- Bit" as we did oura Thanks) Swansea Thanks" FOR SALE. FOR SALE. 16 h.p. Suction Gas Engine JL and Plant, in good confiitioii; cheao to clear.—Clarke, 46 Leonard-street Neath. C-12-13 FISH and Chip Range*—double pltir-foi, S:ile.-Apply John John. 4 Pentrenoth- road. Mon-iaton. 175A12-10 DOIJ, SALE. Berkel Bacon Slicing Machine. X practically new.—Pull particulars ap- ply R. Lane, The lied House, Lianeily. 174 A'2-11 fOR SALE. MassiTe Mahogany Show Case, ICft. x 10ft.. with five rows partitior.ee shelving plate-gla,-r, mirrors at ba-ek, cup- boards beiow etc.; aiso two excellent arch- shaped framed Mirrors. 6ft. 3in. r 5ft. 4iu. Apply Roche, Auctioneer, 12 Oxford-street, Swansea, C1,9 T?bR SALE. TaUor's Ovpn.'?Fn!! c?rt?! F lam apply R. Lane Th? Red Home, Llaneily. 174A12-H i."OR'.L\LE. Cutler "ya,=ht ??KeipM." 'Bo. .r lying at the Mumbles. Offer invited. Highest, or any offer uot necesiavjiv a. cepted.—J. D. Rawling» Solicitor, 10 Somer. i set-plaee Swansea. 17GA12-5 riBEWOOl) Branches 30s ton in wood:; Resolven. Prices on rail or crccut or application to Jeuning->4. Crigaa Woods, Be solven nr Ip LEE WOOD, chiefly dry, soft: brc-hen bos- stuff for chopning 29s. toii on roil nee,r Llaneily; cash; this week only, Bundling Machines for stick choppers with stand. £ 5 on approval. Barron Chopping i Machine.—C. Jenninra and Co., Bristol. 013-& LORRY carry 30 cwt,; suit horse 1f, JL< hands: good oondition; £12; rooni wanted. Redgrave, 2. King Edward-road, Swan,ca.. 175.A U-1Ú SAFES (rire Resistiing), 2D to 43 inches J kD high for Sale; also Stea.m Wagons: pair PJ. in. Winding Engines; Pumpe.-Birt. 47&. Strand, Swansea. c "?-20 I TO Hotel Proprietors and Job Mr.sters.— JL For Sale. Station 'Bus by well known makers; lamps, cushions, poles, complete: as new. Also Doable Harness; a bargain.— BasMtt. Woolaston C-ourt, Lydnev, C,,f4in.- 171A12.17 1 ■ 1 1 ■ -— 1—i ■: I I MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. D0 not wait until the Smas Rush. [ I Pia.uœ and Organs Tuned and R?- paired by Expert Resident Tuner. On re- ceipt of postcard. Tuner wih call. Send for 1 • Price List of New or 8eoond-hnd Pianos j and Organs.—Dale Fortv and Co Ltd.. 20 King Edward-road. Swansea. 17UAl'2-'j OR SALE, fine Hornless Oak Gramo- j phone; variety of good Records, equai to new.—Apply Cambrian Hot."I. Morriston. 175A12-? I GODFREY and Co. Ltd.-Sue<:m! Bargains in Second-hand Pianuq and Organs: I I prices from 25sns. New Pianos by all the Ieadldr: makers, including Collard and Col. f I a. rd. Witt on and Witton. Samee and Brinsmeiad Cramer etc.. et(I. Pno&s from 50gns. cash Terms arranged if desired Write for free list or call and,make a per- scnal selec-ticn,-GotUrev arnl Co.. Ltd., 22. j GODFREY and Co. Ltd Pianoforte Manu i 'L< facturers, have now Re-Opened tlieii- Tuning anfj Repairing Department Pianos j and Org?,ns Thoroughly Renovated and Re- paired. Estimates given. Expert Visit all ParttJ of Wales Pianola. and Player Pianos a Speciality -Godfrey and Co., Ltd 22. St, Helen g-road, Swansea, 173A12-10 > I SyN Frame Overstrung Piano br Bell, London. in beautiful Rosewood case- a bargain. Also Bell Or,-an, with 17 stops, j pipe toi),-Dale, Forty and Co.. 20 King Hd- ward-road Swansea. 175A12-K) THAT Violiniet friend of yours wili Lc j JL delighted with a gift he could utHise i in the pursuit of his study of that mot beautiful art-Violin playing. You ma.v I not understand anything of stringed in. struments, but allow us to give you our wed-knewn reliable advice in purchasing just such a gift. inexpensive 01 the reverse, that would be gratefully received by a etr?ilz3e ^netiuinentalist,—Wooding, Gower- strc? ?wan?ea. 147 A12.H Thompson and ShackeO's Anncuncetnents CHICAGO Organ, 4 sets of reeds. 8 stops, I 2 knee swells; very fine tone, £ .28 — Thompson and Shaokell. Ltd.. 39. Oaetie- street. Swansea TiIANOFORTE by Ralph Allison, full com- J. pass, ivorv keys: 50 guineas cash. o; eaev terms.—Thompson and Shackell, Ltd.. II 39, Castle-street, Swansea. 1, LEXANDRA Paris. Harmopium; 12 stops, J. 4 sets of reeds; large powerful instru- ment, suitable for place of worship; £ 35.— Thompson and Shackell, Ltd., 39. Castle- street. Swansea. MOTOR CARS, CYCLES, &c. I — A LB ION Chassis.—Delivery of 50 cwt. and vSO'cKt. Chassis from Stock, subject to ) being unsold; cash or easy terraa.-R. E. Jonts, Ltd., Motor Depot., Dillwyn-street, Swansea. TC FOR SALE, 3-ton Daimler Lorry with FW.D. body; in excellent rumiang order; going cheap owner purchasing 5-tonner.- I Write Box J 4 Leader Offloe C1Z-12 L"Ol{ SALE 1919 Rover Combination: nevv I at 0 tobe 5-6 twin Jap engine? I three .spd; all spring cha.in.dn?e; every tninz compl?M: ?i75.-?Box ? 3. adcr Oi&ce- _??_ ?69A?-3  CARS M be gold by Auction at -N? 11 a.m. 6harp on 10th DoombH. 19?9 at Astley Samuel's Sale at premi?? ?t j corner of PH.ge and Mansel-streets S «a;;s-o.i —one 5-seater Darracq and one 5-eo^ter Briton and a one ton Lorry. All in rum- mug order. 174A12-9 MORRIS Oxford two-seater; recently j .Lt'.1. overhauled, repainted. a.nd reupho!- stered; £ 32o. A.C. Kunabout in rum-nn-g order; good tyres; 475. Zenith Motor I Cycle; ??n little wear: fitted with Gradua gear; 950, Have your Car Repaired witb us. Prompt and )ersonaJ attention.— Da?es Bros., Motor Engineers, 15, Pilt?.. iane. Swansea. 17SA12-11 I O. t FËll. t-o Purchase in?ted'for'0vpr}a? 0 Tourin-!r Cpr; 23 h.p 4-5 eeater; 1915 æodel: damaged condition. May bp in spec ted any day from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.— Wt-te Henry Parnjinten Auctioneer. The Croft. Neath. 012-10 Ivor L. Roberts', Motor Cycle Specialist, I Announcements. BOOK Now to ensure DeHvpriea.—192P B Models of Motor Oyd: A.J.S., Doug- 13.6. B.SjI., Lniiold, Triumph, Sunbed.ID. Kuokg, Norton Levis, Imperial, Harlev Davidson, etc. D- EJX";ERY from Stock—34 hp B?T* DT.T. Model, A.J.S.. 6 h.p. Comoination? Douglas W.D. 2-speed Zi b.P.. Ructge Mnlti, 3i h.p.. Ruby Jap_ 8  h.p. Oomhi?at?on. DÊLÏ\ŸERY-thiS month—2? 'h?p Imperil DJAT), ?p<-ed Model: aI 2 IIDfel'iaI: Jap__e:l"kicl_ aiid hDndIr??I S- ECOND-HAND Motor CycI for Sale- 14 Enaeld. 6 h.p Combin?ticn engine recently Overhauled by makers new tyres and chains L95.  ew 8 h.D. ]Bat -0 (;Illn. Tp-R??rJ?ALLY New 8 h.p. Bat Jap Com. f b?ation, 8prin frame ?Nd cprinz whMl Mdc?ar; not done 500 miles; ownr buying Oar,; JB?M with full in.mrane Pohcy. \T6TOR C'AE6.?.A?ent for Austins, Stars, -UJ. G.N. Morcan Runabouts. Book To-day for 1920 Models. EDUCATIONAL. PRIVATE TUITION for London Alatric. JL and all the Professional Frelim. Ex- ams: Shorthand and Book-keeping rapidly taught at Irishman's Coaching College. 40-41. Worceeter-place (opposite Castle Cinema). Swansea. TC I SMALL ADVERTISEMENT ORDER -FORM": I "—'———'—————————'—————— .———————— I ——— r •* I f H 1 ■ ¡ h Ifc j I ti -M ■ II. II ■ .1 J i. TT rrftfTffHaiT-! • I. I »' r r T :«.-« i it- I i Iiiiaimr I fMtnirtiMtrijUPk j 8 » .mrxwr-i -I I WTII. ■ .r TTifMn-Tm -i-g i ■ mrm— itiWnfiMil'fiWh>t.-  b ■- in in i r wtimmmaniii-. ,i vip' mitmmmtei j  ? '—————————————————.?????. ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— j Please publish the above advertioeiaeat. far which I | I ermlese d. I 8 Name and Address: I V desired, replies may be oftt to Bot Nmabcft at the Cattibfia Daily I 8 | Leader Office. Thie form should be addrecMd to I.dv..t Dov&rttionk .V Ormjbf'ia BaMy || | | Leader," Swansea. I j I HOUSES AND SHOPS FOR I | | SALE AND TO LET. BER-A.VON-PORT TALB(ff.-F-eeho- '(. Site and. Buildings suitable for shop, i partly destroyed, by fire fcituate in Cwm- ayon-road. opjxisite the Avon Vale Ho tea, for Sale by Private Treaty.—Apply Mr. I Moses Thomas, Aberavon C12-9 BEli.A VON.—For Sale, Hous«e. Shop xa- Cornex- Houses on main road; suitable for conversion into shops; possession ami mortgages arranged.— Richard Mor?za I Auctioneer. Aberavon. C12-KI | Aticti-oti,-er. Abpra-.on. l"oIi SALE. Fz;??fi? liouses B?7yp- X hyfryd. Swaa.Ap¡Ü' 5?. Strand, j Swansea. 17óA1&5 Ij^OUE-SOOM Iforse for Sale; vacant, rlde, X SC5S10D.-Aply 45. rhilip^itrect, Man- 5 solton. 1 'rTOREST?'ACH-T-?o' wf!J-buiit Loa?h'clt- -i. Dvel-'ia?-house& on mam road, neH' Cadlo Sshooia for Sada: Mn i? i?ssp?sion: i one five-roomed, one six-roomed, in the- •• OUffk repair. Bargain to immediate buyer.; —Apply Dd. Jones, 138. Robert-strefrt, Mali selton, Swanaea. 174A12-11 j Frereliold for X with Vacant Possession, with long gar- i den. 223 feet long; in good position: Lan- i dore district. — Write Bryn," Leader Oi&ce. 169A12 v I t? OR'?ALE? Tv?o Well-built ?tm-c pt'J' h??'. Leasehold Houses (6 rooms, Z p?EtriM and scullery each) with largo gar,lens. within three minutes' walk from Killay I Statioti.-At)ply Philip Thomas 4, Cottage, Ti" REEliOLD Dwelling-hooso for Safe— .I: Delhi-street, St Thomas, oont it 4 j rooms; cheap to Quick buyer.—Ap?v Ëd ward Robert and Son Llanfair Buildings j Swansea. CI 2-9 I "1 Jf r ESTBURY-STREET, Swansea.-Lease t T hold Dwelling-houses for Sale by Private TTeaty.-Apply Edward Roberts and Son, Llanfair Buildings, Swansea CI 2-13 Mr. John Oliver Watkins's Announce ments. 17OS SALE &eYQTal 6-ooomed HouMe at 1 JIafod; good localit,: £200 each. -I- 13. Sinsrleton-strest for Sale; command ill inic position, and suitable for oonver- .,1\,011 into a bueine-^prem;J?nce £ 300. Rf]El-[OLD Shop, with Dwelling Accom- X modatifcn 36 Prince of Wales-road; back entrance Cpper Strand; price only £ 476. "LpOUR Soufi-fv in Fleet-street, anrt five X Houses in Caepistyll-street, for Sale at £150 each. MORTGAGES at 5 p.c. may be had on any ..l1 of the above, or any oTher suitable properties in Swansea and District. 1/Ott Further Particulars oi the above apply- John Oliver We;kins. F.A.I., Auctioneer end Valuer, 10 and 11. P-A .HS.eIl.e, n'road. Swansea, Sti, Jchn M. Leeder and Son's Announce- ments. BRYN-ROAD.—Leasehold B?eidence for B S?le. with possession; S reception room& 5 Wroow.6. bath-room; electric light. T LANDRINDQD WEn??Fi-?ehoMD?- Xj tached Residence for Sa:e, pos?&s?ioB March Sctii, 1S20; 6 reception. 19 bedrooms. bath-room, 4 lavatories: eminently suitable for boarding houee or nursing home. IANGLAND BAY overlooking the Chan- J nel; glorious outlook; most comfort- ably arranged; Detached House; all con- veniences; freehold: for Sale, with posses- sion. OR SALE. St. George-street. Leasehold 1 Corner Dwelling-house; 2 sittintr-roome. 3 bedrooms.' kitchen, scullery, etc. •^O LET (Furnished), Residence at Cas X well: 5 reception 7 bedrooms, kitchen, scullery, etc.; Stable and Coach-house JO^ES-TERRACE Swansea -Several fonr- < J roomed Houses for Sale; leasehold; well let: low figure. May be purchased eepar- ately if desired. ?RESCETH.—For Sale. four Freehold i How::es. Bi-yn?.?rrace Trehoeth; weU let: moderate price. FOUR Freehold Dwelling-houses for Sale. JL Singieton-street, Swansea, forming valuable central eite. LEASE of Building Site in central posi- JU tion for Sale; suitable for garage or stores. SUITE of Offices to Let Temple-street Swansea. 012.12 Mr. Richard H. C. Roche's Announce- ments. MB. RICHARD H. 0. ROCHE, AuctioMer. 1f 12. Oxiordstreet, Swansea, has the following Properties for &al^:— | MODERN House, near G. W. Nation; ea/ i 1!J. possession^ I Two Freehold Honses in London-road. JL Neath, near Tram Depot; suitaM? for conversion. N INE Fre<!hoM"Cott?ea &t McUncry-th?!? Neath. I Q HOP and Dwellinz.houM m Gower-street, wa nsea: early VC6BelOD. I  J^REEHOIiD Licensed Premises at Llan, H-OU8i,ilIWest ?C?c?Ia?cr'Windn?nL' Rt,c?r.?ace, Western-eireet Spring-terrace I.iT.!i?TMsch:roxd..Moat?n?.-atrMt, Lan dore Cambridge-street. Glamiaor?.r??ent CI 2-9 Mr, Joseph Harris' Announcements. I TT71LLIAMS STREET.—Three Houses for I v V Sale cheap to quick buyer: long lease Also fonr good Hous-ss in Jones's-terraoe, just off Alexandra-road. YlKCBST^EieT. Tirrfte —— ^U-built for Sale at a low figure. FREEHOLD House ior in Montnelier- teira^e; every con euience. Also one I in Rose.nii-terrace. f T??LLE?UE?STREET—Excellent. House for -Lt S?'e cheap to quick buyer; now let on short lease. CANTER S TJI' V BOA D, BirnmilL—Two ex- c ceL(>n Houses for sale at a low I &gure; w?U 6'eU separately. ¡ FOR Fnrther Particulars of the foregoing properties, apply to Joeoph 11 rri, Auctioneer aud Valuer, 1. George-street, Swansea, who has al?o ? number of ?othpr Houses for 8a]e in different p??ts of the town. Mortgages arranged at a low rate of interest. Tel. No. 469 Docks. C12-11 APARTMENTS AND LODGINGS TO LET AND WANTED. APARTMENTS.—Wanted,' two Furnished -cjL Rooms, with conYcnie?cee; young re'- fined couple; no children.—Write Box L 4. Leader Office. l7-5AIZ-11 '?ANTED. ADartmects  In for T Young Gentleman; peTma?ent if snit- able.—Write Bos N4, I?pdc??a'jc. JL7o_A]2?0 WANTED, in 9wanmea t?oor thrM F)? W nish?d or Unfurnished Rooms for amarrie? couple; no ohildren: Brynmill or St Helen's preferred .-Write Box F 4, leader Oftioe. 174A12 9 HOUSES WANTED. I)WELLŒG-HOUšEWa!Jted: four to ÐX D room?: Mumble? district: rent or pur- cha?e.—Write "E. H. I?ea?d?r ONce, Swan- sea. Leader Oiffce, 171 A.i2-9 ':¡-XT .A.N PMrnished House or Ap?rt- f ment3 for three; evary care taken; Uplands district prolerred. Metals." e'e,er." Office, Swansea. 170A12-11 ?1f? Offered for Key of He, Uplands <?JL? district preferred—Apply, "Met«le," Lea.der Office, Swansea. 170A12-11 I BUSINESSES FOR DISPOSAL. DUSJXESS for Sale: ?First?CIaas'?'ruit'a?? BTjslveget,ci,h I two 8hops: best position in town; cash traJe; low rents; established j eight years; owner rf tiring.—Wr?e, full particulars, Henry Bassett, Woolaston Court, Lydney. Glos. 171A12-17 j pOR SAi.E, old?at?blished FTuiC d ) J. Greengrocery BtMu?-5: same hands 13 years: illness cause of leaving; bargain to I auick buyer.—Apply 151 High-street Swan- 'n.. 176Ar2-lfl I PREMISS TO LET & WANTED SMALL Premises suitable amateur work <? shop vicinity Uplands State rent and if g-a,s.-Write Box F 3 Leader Office 174A12.11 | HOUSE PURCHASING. 4 VOID having your rent increased when 4- Restriction Act ends; LZ 12s. per -Plm. and easy repayments by arrangement.—S$. Leader Office, Swansea. 1T6A12-13 THE BEST of everything is what we all aspire to. If you invest vour saving 1 in the best security you know you can do no better. Shares which pay large interests are not much good when Income Tjix at 6s in the ? is deducted. The L?ndore Perma- ?ent Building Society. 61. Wind-ctMet S\an" is M e?ie a? a ??ark, an? p?ye reasonable interest free of tax half-yearly i on sums from £5 upwards. Pay in at any time; withdraw at any time. Call at the Society's Offices right awa.y and invest what. vou have. 012-8 i?QA DOWN or more. will eecm8 Pur- i e?OU chaM of Houee Buy now,—Par-1 ticulars Riqhard Morgan Auctioneer. = heravon. rill 10 j A /{? WEEKLY win Purchase f450 House 4/6 any district; Dosst-ssio'i by arrange- 1 meat.— Landlord." Leader. (3w«uue». T.O. I ..A-. I. '■ mil Ml L. çt SALES BY AUCTION. 1. IMPORTANT SALE. REMOVED FROM HILL HOUSE, SKETTY, SALE OF VALUABLE A-IN-:) COSTLY rxrRNISEI^aS, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER tCth, 1915. J HOUSEHOLD APPOINTMENTS. Will be SOLD br ITBLIC AUCTION. A few of the items: Magnificent Upright, .rand PIANOFORTE cby Netrfelti) ic inlaid Ebonised Case, Solid Walnut DLN.O.'G TABLES, Walaat BOOKCAcE, In. laid Mahogany Corner Cabinet, ^laesiTe -;4N!id Walnut; SIDEBOARDS, Inlaid Mahogany Ovremantel, Bearstiful Clocks in Gilt and Marble, Ca,hinet.s, Oak tTall Chairs a.nd Oak Hall Table em suite, Qo«yitifcy of SILVER, Silrer Cenfci-e. Piece (364028.), Silver Tea Set, etc., QUH:1 ity of Plated Cicods, Dhiner and Tea. i;et.s, Numerous Brussels and Axrninster vTABPETS, Stair Carpet, 2 Very Leather Covered Billiard Room Suites.djL-BEASS BEDSTEADS, BEDROOM. SUITES, Bex Spring Mattresses, Oak S :r.?en, Kitchen DRESSER, and numerous other valuable articles; Several Sets of V„?!uabl« Harness, REMOVED TO THE FREEHOLD PREMISES situate at the C. rner of PAGE AND MAiJSEL STREETS, SWANSEA. Theso. Premises, comprising Siiop. Showr oxn, and Commodious Dwellin^-hous^, will be SOLD by PUBLIC AUCTION Trior to the Sale of Furniture, WIT1:f VACANT POSSESSION. Furniture and Premises on View Tn v-iay, DecAqjber 3th, IS a.m. to 4 p.m. Sale to Commence at 11 a.m. precisely. Full particulars from the Auctioneer, ASTLEY SAMUEL, F.A.I. King> Chambers, Corner of Gower and Orchard Streets, Swansea; and as to the. Property only from A. J. Puntan, Esq., Solicitcr, Fisher-street, Swansea. j SWANSEA AUCTION ROOMS, Sale of Well-made Bedroom Suites, Din j ing and Drawing-room Suites, Grand j Piano, etc. I P:h. Leeder and San Will offer for SALE by AUCTION, on | THURSDAY, DECEMBER 11th, 1M9, at j 11 a.m., the following Well-made and Substantial I Furniture and Effects, A 5ft. SATIN WALNUT BEDROOM I' SUITE, comprising Hanging Wardrobe, j Dressing Chest fitted Swing and Side 1 Mirrors, Marble Top and Back Wash- stand and 3 Chairs; Maple Bedroom Suite II 13 pieces; Inlaid 3-Pi<? Bedro.?m Suite, I Walnut & White Enamelled Ov?rmantlcs, MASSIVE WALNUT SIDEBOARD, I Oalc Sideboards, Hall Tables, Occasional j Tables, Corner Cupboards, CHIPPEN- ( DALE {Tables, CARD TABLE, Drawing Suites in I Tapestry, DINING-ROOM SUITES in 1 I Walnut Frame upholstered in Red fm, ther, Carpus, an EXPENSIVE GRAND i j PIANO hy Broadwood, and Sundry Mis- j cellanva. I Goods on View Morning of Sale. ) I Auctioneers Offices, 46, Waterloo-street, II Swansea. I Messrs. JOHN M. LEEDER and SON I beg to announce that no more Furniture ea-n be reoeived for disposal. They find I it necessary to extend their ofSoe aocmo- I modjktion, and must utilise the Sale Rooia for this purpose. (32GB) PENYRHEOL," GOWER ROAD, I j SKETTY. j Important Sale of Household Effects, in- I eluding Handsome Oak Sideboard, j I Costly Oak Dining Suite and CliLster-? field in Morocco Leather, Splendid Ax- I minster Carpets and Turkey RngB, I Antique Coffer, Sampler Pictures, Sub- I stantial Bedroom Suites, Mahogany Gent.'s Wardrobe, Inlaid Mahogany Chairs and Tables, Pianoforte (rid tone), Sheraton Bureau Bookcase, Mas sive Brass Bedsteads, Portable Fowl House, etc. J. Barron Pascoe, F.S.I., F.A.I., Will SELL by PUBLIC AUCTION, at the above Residence, on WEDNESDAY, 10th DECEMBER, 1919, and the follow- ing day, if necessary, the whole of the Exceptionally Good and Costly Household Appointments, Comprising the Contents of the Hall, 3 Reception-rooms, 6 Bedrooms and Kitch- ens, Garden Implements, etc. Full particulars on posters. On View Tuesady, 9th December, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sale to commence at 11 o'clock a.m. Terms-Cash. Auctioneer's Offices: 7, Gower-street, Swansea. Tel., Central 1245. I f i FOREST tlALL FARM, FFORESTFACH (Near SWANSEA). Mr. John Frederick Meager (of the Firm of Jones, Meager &, Jon(!S).¡ ,s favoured with instructions to SELL by PUBLIC AT CTION, at the FIELD ad- joining the above Farm (by kind permis- sion of the Tenant), on THURSDAY. DECEMBER 11t.h. 1919, the following Valuable Live & Dead Farming Stock, IMPLEMENTS, TRAPS, HARNESS, Etc., viz.: 4 CATTLE. 7 HORSES. PIGS.—6 Store Pigs. v RARNESS.-Two Sets of C'hain HaT- ness, Three Sets of Silver-Plated Trap Harness, Three Sets of Brass-Mounted i Harness, Two Sets of Brass-Mounted Cart Harness, Two Sets of Van Harness, Set of Cob Harness, Set of Pony Harness. Crauk Axle Cart, Governess Car. Terms—Cash. Entries taken up to Morning of Sale and to be on the Field by 12.30 p.m. Sale to Commence at 2.30 o'clock Sharp. Auctioneers' Offices: Gtantawe Cham- bers, 41, Wind-street, Swansea. Tele- phone, Central 229. CATTLE MARKET, NEA-Tif. Mr. W. Burrows Trick Will offer for SALE on WEDNESDAY I NEXT, DECEMBER 10th, 1919, at 11.30 1 aan., 2 HORSES, 3 EXCELLENT MULES direct from Timber Hauling. Also 3 MARKET TRAPS, 2 NEW SAFES. AN EXCELLENT HORSE, suitable for Brake purposes. 3 SETS OF DOUBLE HARNESS. 2 BRAKES. 2 CROSS-BRED HEREFORD MILK- ING COWS. Without Reserve. Further Entries Solicited. Borough Chambers, Neath. I DUNVANT. Important Sale of Freehold and Lease- j hold Properties, one with Vacant Possession. 1 Mr. Richard H. C. Roche j Will offer for SALE bv AUCTION, at the DUNVANT INN, DUNVANT. on SAT- .TRDA Y, DECEMBER 13th, 1919, at 7 clock in the Evening, the following a.l uable Dwelling-houses and Premises i Vir. Lot 1.—The Leasehold Detached Dwel- Ung-house known as ROSELAND nODSE This Lot will be Sold with VACANT POSSESSION). Lot 2.—The Leasehold Detached Dwel- ling-house known as GLAN-Y-MOR. Lot 3.—The Two Leasehold Semi- detanhea Dwelling-houses known as Bryn- NANT and GLANNANT. BErNEIRON. Lot 4.-The Two Freehold Semi- detached Cottages known as, QUARRY COTTAGES. The Mines and Minerals are Reserved. For further particulars see posters, or apply to the Auctioneer, at his Otce-s, 12, Oxforcl"-stTWt, Swansea. SPECIAL ARTICLES In the SPORTING NEWS.91 *——— I SWANSEA. TO PROPERTY INVESTORS AND j OTHERS. J. Barron Pascoe, F.S.I., F.A.I., t Hes been instructed to SELL by PUBLTC. AUCTION, at the HOTEL CAMERON SWAN SEA, on TUESDAY, 16th DLCE vi, BER, 1919 (subject to Condtiions of Sd to be then prdouced) the following Valu- able Leasehold Properties: Lot I.-All that Valuable Doubl Frontoo Shop a.-i)d Dwelling-house situate and being Nos, 93 and 94, MAN SET* STREET, in the occupation of Mr. J, Campbell, Draper. Vacant Possession will" be given on Completion of the Purchase. Lots 2 to 7.—Nos. 10, 11. 12, 13 and 15, SPRING TERRACE. Lot S.-iNo. 14. SPRING TERRACE, together with the Valuable YARD ad- joining. This is a Splendid Site for the Erection of Garages or Warehouses. Lots 9 and 10.—TWO LEASEHOLD GROUNDS amounting to £ 9, arising out of and secured upon Nos. 7, 8, ami 9, Spring Terrace Lota 11 and 12.—Nos. 63 and 63, WES- TERS STREET. Sale to commence at 3 o'clock p.m. Further particulars, with Orders to View. may be obtained of as to Lot t to 10, Messrs. T. W. James and Co., Solici- tors, Goat-street, Swansea; as to Lois 11 and 12 of Geo. L. Thomas, Esq., Solicitor, Central Btuldmgs, Fisher-street, Swun- sea, and as to the w-hole of the Auction- eers, 7, Gower-street, Swansea. MONEY. I I DO you Need Money for Christmas' I D Yee! Then dont worry. Go to M Foner. 9. Carlton-terraoe Swansea, and vo t won't be borr) i62Ai2-12 II LAW. 13 London-ro". Neath Makes E. Ca?h Advance? from £5 and upw&r?? I Strictly Private Established 1S76. TO. FOR a Loan upon Eaey Terms, AIrt 1:1. JL. Ga,sh 6 Uplands-crescent, Walter-rood. Swansea. CiS-9 IF you require & Loan, apply to Georfe ? Tb?mM Chnrch-atre?'. (opposite 9? Church). Swansea. Private and OcT < ndentiaAt MONEY to Lend to Re&Decbable Eonso- Ill. holders: Private and Confidential.— Ivor n. Thomae. 6. Waterloo^ Swaneea, ADVANCES, Ou written promise to repoy or any aeenrit? Principal remains or can b., repaid by 16 or 1A monthly instalments; no charge of anr kind unless business done; promptness and! privacy; avoid exposing your requirements locally.—Write oldest Company existing: E. LAWRENCE, LTD., Don Chambers, Wine-street, Bristol, LOST AND FOUND, LOST. on Saturday. December 6th. i 4..30 D.ra., between. and Danyirrais Station or in Jersey lfarin«. a Collecting Book. Reward civen on rvturn- ine eanva to 6. FrOKmore-avoaue, Sfeettj 7 175A12-9 LOST on Monday last week, from South  Wales Hotel High.tr6et a York?ho TerrMr. Ajt?wpra to name of 'Digger.' ?*<? vainer nrtx-octited. Return to S^uth '?' .ilMt Hot?t. Swar«ee. 1.75A'T-? NOTICES, ??O?TINUED8uc<?a6.—Ma.da,mFIetcher. C M.P.S.: Test Rewwll Free. Send birth date and stamped envelope.—6, Aiv cade, Fontypridd, Glam. IToAlWi P'-ïiOF- MIOHAËCelebratnd Astroloswp; JL Ayeeha Medium; Bollinjr Stones of Wales. Send birth date. P.O. a. 3d.—Scrip- torium, Victoria Buildium Tudor-road, Oardiff. 174A111 rpAXI for Hire: Skewea. Ua.njs&mlet. a?7 Distnct.-T. M Davim Neath.road fnea" 'Phone Exchange) Llansamalst, 176Ali-14 MISCELLANEOUS WANTS, 7 PIANO Wanted—Lady wMlea to ..< ii chase one. auita.Me I*" child's oracT tice. Pleaee state vrioe.-Write Box M 4 Leader Office, Swansea- 175A12 •13 rpBEf.'S Wanted over Pitvood eize.?en. ni"K3. Ltd. Woodworkers. PejUDyTre! I'Q'^q,. Brrstol Branch at Porthcawl. HTO, TTr^AiVTED, a 4mon-hand Double-barrc!l Gun also some useful House Furni. "Gower." Daily Leader. Swan. sea. SAILINGS. CUNARD LINE. TO UNITED STATES. SOUTHAMPTON AND CHERBOURG TO NEW YORK. I ];Laure1:.a.nia.S&t. Dec. II lmperator Sot. Jaii. 1? mp%)lf.f'H¡MPTÖN"TÖ"'N'ËW'RÆll. "J Royal George .ru. Dec  'H.oya.l George .&t. Jan. oA J Via Halifax. LIVERPOOL TO NEW YORK. Anjrlo-Chilean (Freight Oarmania Wed. Jan. 1 •Via Llulif&s LIVERPOul TO BOSTON. An^lo-Cliilean (Freight only).,t.Sat. Dec. 23 LIVERPOOL TO PHILADELPHIA » LONDON TO N1-;W YORK. fort Chalroerg (Freight only).T-uo8 Dec. 9 Lort, Albany (Fi-eight only) Sat. Dcc. 13 'Hemsanda (Freight only) Wed Dec. 17 Saxonia.Thurs. Jan. 1-5. I ViR kinlifait LONDON TO BOSTON. Tnkula (Freight only) Thura Jan. 15 E?o,?-ION o'in?S ly)." I%tzr* Jan. 5 LONDON TO PHILADELPHIA 1 enconia ffreiglit only! .Thurs. Dec. 1t LONDON TO BALTIMORE. Copenhagen (Freight only) Sat. Jan. 34 \) BRISTOL 1"0 NKW YORK BRJSTOL TO 81dTBtOt:.E.. Copemhasen (Freight only) Wed. Dtw. 10 BRISTOL TO PHILADELPHIA. I ,ella:via, œreigl1t QDl:Y!Woo. Dec. 16 ROTTERDAM TO NEW YORK Vardolia (Freight only) Sat. Deo. 13 ANTWKBP TO NEW YORK. Navarino (Freight only) Wed. Der II CUNARD LINE TO CANADA. SOUTHAMPTON TO HALIFAX R?yal George .—- Tues. D&c JO Royal George .t g.. 1 LIVERPOOL TO HAUf AX. r)rd una c Oarmania ,Wed. Jan. 7. LONDON TO HALIFAX. Saionia (Pacaengers only).Thurs. Jan. 15 LOuON TO PORTLAND Me.. Venueia ?Freight only). g?.. Dec  Willaston (Freight only) Wed. Ja?. I All Canadian eailin^c connect witb Cana- dian National Railways. For Rates o? Paesar;e and Further ?' ticulars a?p!y C rd Line. Liverpool; 5i.? Bi!;booa,tc L?Ttdo? K.C 2: '29 ?l, Cock- armr-street. I?oudoa. S.W. 1: ?8 ;tc*?" ¿neet, M&uch?t?r: 2. Chsrles-etrcet.  ford; 65 BaJdwi!Jtroot. Briatol: !Be. !??h. street Cardiff: 117. New-efcrecr. Birmmg^ ham: Maritime Cnambprs Southampton; 1. Ivlillbay-road, Plymouth; or w Looai Agente. t