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COMMEMORATING THE VICTORY. A Great Meeting. Striking Recognition of Services. Enthusiastic scenes were witnessed at the Albert Hall, Swansea, last night, when the Right Horn, Sir Alfred Mond, Bart., M.P., was made the recipient of a beautiful ad dress and casket from constituents and friends. The occasion was intended to mark the great victory of December, 1918," and the hall was packed. The hall was beautifully deco- rated, tapestries covering the fronts of the balcony and gallery and the pillars, with groups of flags at in- tervals. The platform was specially extended, and in addition to its ,bunting had an effecti ve display of ipalti-is and ferns. Across the build- ing over the plat.form were National and Allied flags, with the Union J,ack in the centre, an d displayed in 1 front of the chairman's table were the casket and address. Half tin hour before the adver- tised time for commencement there was a, very striking and representa- tive audience which filled too area and balcony and the front row of the gallery. In the waiting time the audience enjoyed organ so los by Mr. H. T. Hughes. A. H.C.O., sang national songs, and gave rapt atten- tion and hearty applause to vocal items by Miss Maggie Davies and Mr. W. J. Colebrook, Mr. Hughes accompanying. The arrival of pro- minent Liberals on the platform was loudly cheered. When the Member and his party arrived the audience stood, cheered loudly, and sang "For he's a jojlly good fellow," smilingly acknowledged. N THE PLATFORM. I Mr. Thomas Jones, J.P., chairman of the Swansea Liberal Association, presided, and he was supported by the following ladies and gentlem-en :-ir Alfred and Lady Mond, Viscountess Erleigh, Sir Ellis J. Griffiths, K.C., Mr. and Mrs. Richard Martin. Mrs. Thomas "J()Dt>8. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kosser, Mrs. M. j 'B. Williams (Killay House), Lieut.-Col. Dyson B. William, D.S.O., Major 111- bourne Williams, and Captain Aubrey Williams, Sir Charles and Lady Ruthen. Mr. T. P. Cook. J.P., and Mrs. Cook, Mrs. R. L. Sails, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Harries. Mr. T. Griffiths, Mr. and Mrs. G. O. Luff, Mr. A. D. Perkins, Mrs. T. Williams, Mrs. T. W. Richards, Mrs. Richard Griffiths, Mrs. ReWeca Harris, Principal and Mrs. Sslmon, Mr. J. Vaughan Edwards. Mr. David Roberts, J.P., and Mrs. Koberis, Mrs. E. R. James, ■Mr. Gwilym -Alorgin. J.P., Cuun- cillor and Mrs. David Griffiths, Mrs. Sidney Davies, Mrs. Wm. Walters (Penlan), Mr. and Mrs. Aeron Thomas. Dr. J. S. If. Roberts, 'Aeron T I1 ).oinas. J ) t- J. Messrs. J. D. Williams f editor of "•Leader"), Evan Griffiths. Evan Rees. Harry Williams., Air.- and Mrs. Richard Lewis. Mr. A. B. Davies, Mr. H. R Bush ell. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Williams, Mr. and Mrs. J. Evan Rowlands. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Dorreil, Conn. and Mrs. Dan I Jones, Mr. and Mrs. John Lake, Mr. Wm. fjquires, Mr. John Roberts," Mr. and Mrs. Lyons, Mr. Edwin Jones. Mr. W. New combe. Alderman and Mrs. Ben Jones, Mr. Morlais Samuel. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Brown. Mr. C. Daniel, Mr. and Randall (' -\Ilijiibles). Mr. Dan Irl.rnas (London), Mr. Richard Watkins, Mr. and Mrs. David Seline, Mrs. Hors- pool, Mr. John Williams (Dubis House). Amongst those on the packed ground floor were noticed: Mrs. John Hodgens, Miss Parry Harries, Mr. Edwin Fish, Mr. Handel, Mr. Haydn and Miss Evans, Mr. D. Davies and Mrs. Davies ( Waunwen) the Misses Shuttlewood, Mrs. W. Jlowel), Mr. G eo. Cook, Mr. and Mrs. Owen Owen (Uplands-crescent), Mr. John Morgan "A\. Jo l -iiis. Mr. J. M. (missioner), Mr. E. M. Johns, Mr. J. M. Matthews, Mr. W. A. Jenkins, Col, and Mrs. Jones, Mr. John Slee. Mr. Gordon. Mr. Stevens (builder), Mr. John Wil- liams (Waunwen), Capt. Hubert Roh- ert-, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Williams, Mr. A. D. Perkins, Mr. Gwytlier, Mrs. Barrow Williams (lion. secA, etc., etc. Speeches highly eulogising Sir 11 'Alfred's services in various spheres were given by the Chairman, the Bight Hon. Sir Ellis J. Griffith, K.C.. Mr. Rd. Martin (chairman, Testimonial Committee), Mr. \Vm. Bosser (chairman. Executive Com- mittee). Mr. Thos. Griffiths (Liberal Club Committee),- Mr. G. Oliver Luff (chairman, Junior Liberals;, frs. Rosser (hon. sec., Women's Liberal Association), Mr. T. P. Cook, J.P. (vice-president. Liberal Association) Mrs. M. B.-Williams (president. Women's Liberal Asso- ciation). who presented the address and casket to Sir Alfred Mond. Sir Alfred Mond, Lady Mond. and Viscountess Erleigh replied. SOME SPEECH POINTS. I The Chairman said the value -){' thft gifts was not in their monetary value, but in their being tributes of esteem and love of the community, won by long public service. The attempts to destroy their confidence in Sir Alfred had but had the opposite effect. Sir Ellis J. Griffith, K.C., said the- attacks against a man than whom there was no more loyal citi- zen in the country pained those who had kpown Sir Alfred at Cam- bridge, and had grown fonder of him ever since. He would not eulogise his generosity, which was a bye-word, but when generosity be. came a sort of calumny, public life was not in such a state as they would wish. When he was asso- ciated with Sir Alfred in the House no one brought to bear on the solu- tion of public questions a greater courage, a clearer judgment and more persistent industry than the Swansea Member. Wales did not yet appreciate its full debt to him, and where could they find a truer 1 patriot, using that word in its real sense ? He would always be in or- ganisations for the redressing of human wrongs. Ketuming thanks, Sir Alfred spoke of the function as the most pleasant in his public life, paid a high tribute to the skill of the two local artists, and went on to say that he had never doubted that the rnass of Swansea, people absolutely trusted, believed and confided in I him. Naturally, a year after Ar- mistice, there were still difficulties ahead, but above all we needed patience, common sense, perspec- tive. We could congratulate our- selves on the rapidity with which wo were swinging over to prosperous economic life. As he never doubted the issue of the war, so he did not doubt the issue of peace. It was futile, mean and useless to cry about the money we spent on our high purpose in the war. We were quite capable of dealing with our burdens, and were not bankrupt or anywhere near it. for we had un- dreamt of potentialities in trade and commerce, an d were about the only people who could fill the empty world's markets. We needed energy, determination, co-opera- tion—and work. As a member of the Government, h- pleaded strongly for help, sup- port and sympathy for discharged officers and men, of whom many were still unemployed, and on hous- ing urged local loans. Finally, li,, I re-asserted his Liberalism, and paid a fine tribute to the Premier. THE SPEECHES. The Chairman, whose rising was a sig- nal ior hearty cheering, said this was a meeting of the supporters of Sir Alfred Mond. who represented them so ably in the House of Commons. f Applause.) j They were there to make a uresenta- | tion—which might be rather strange, because lie was reputed to be a very 1-icli man—(laughter and there were things in life which could not bought with money. (Applause.) Ufle of those was the confidence and esteem and lore of the community. (Applause.) Those presents were being given to Sir Alfred Mond because he had won. them by his long public ser- I,'¡ces. ? (Applause.) Ever since Sir Alfred Mond had been in Swansca there had been an attempt to destroy the foundation of their confidence in him. (Hear, hear.) Those attempts, had had the opposite effect. (Applause.) INCREASED CONFIDENCE. The effect had been to increase their confidence in him and to arouse their sympathies. (Great cheering.) Sir Alfred had the confidence of the Kmg- (appl.iuso)--lic had the confidence of the Prime Minister and the leading politi- eiaus of tlw House of Commons, and they (Ins supporters in Swansea) were there that iliglit to state publicly that they had full confidence in him as an English gentleman. (Applause). They would like to bo:M- tbeir testimony to the great services which he had rendered to our country in the day of its lire need. (treat cheering). His InlS not lip loyalty. He converted lJi s profeEsion into practice, his faith into works. He laid upon the altar of his country his time and ability, his energy and his health. He lnflde a most valuable contribution towards winning the war, and they thanked God for the victory. GREAT PART IN WINNING THE WAR. Indeed, the chapter had yet to ba written of the great part which e took in the winning of the war. (Applause.) They were thcrc to show, in sojiie mea- sure, their approeiation of those services, and there were many of them who looked forward to the. time when Sir Alfred would he able to meet them and to talk to them as a Liberal to Liberals. (Applause.) As .there were many distinguished people there to address them that right, he (the chairman) would not occupy their time any longer, but before calling upon the speakers for their addresses ae woulrl ask the secretary to read to them some telegrams and letters which had been re- ceived from ladies and gentlemen who had been unable to attend and seni their apologies. WRITTEN TRIBUTES. I Mr. W. J. Crocker thereupon read the I following (-Ollllllltnicfttions I Mr. Dd. Matthews, Greetings.. II Alderman David Matthews. Al-L. for Swansea East, wired from the Langham Hotel: Much regret unable attend to. night's meeting. Had already arranged for important engagements here to-day. Very best wishes successful gathering." MR. R. L. SAILS' TRIBUTE. I Mr. R. L. Snails wrote: I am exceed- ingly sorry that I thall not be able to be present on Friday evening to take part in the presentation of the address and casket to Sir Alfred Mond, Baronet, M.P. I have to be in London, and have an ap- pcintment to meet, the Coal Controllers' tcpresentative. This is a very important thing, and it was impossible for me to get the meeting adjourned. I scarcely know how to express ray- self in reference to our member. It is a great honour for any man to be elected and re-elected to represent a constituency I such as Swansea it is a great honour for Swansea to have for its representative such a man as Sir Alfred. His outstand- ing ability as a politician and as a p1'a('-1 tical business man, dealing with the affairs of the nation is exceedingly great. Personally I feel honoured by having such a man to. represent Swansea in Parlia- ment, and it is a matter of exceeding pleasure to me to know that from the first time lie appeared before the electors of Swansea, notwithstanding all the op- position against, him, and the character or that opposition, I have never v.avered i'' my grpat esteem and my loyal support. 1 hope he will be spared for many years to represent the port of Swansea FROM THE LIBERALS OF J WALES. Mr, W. Crocker also read a telegram as follows to Sir Alfred Ifojici- "Heartiest greetings and congratulations from the Executive Committee Welsh National Liberal Council meeting at Shrewsbury to- day .—Francis Edwards, cha irman." Miss Dillwyn wired: Express regret at being unable to be present. Awav from Swansea." In a letter to Mr. Thomas Jones, president of the Liberal Association, Mr, Morgan Tutton wrote as follows: "Dear Sir,—Wi-1 you please allow me to say how deeply regret my inability tcv attend his evening the presentation meeting to Sir Alfred Mond and Lady Mond. I have been unable to gtt about for a considerable time, and, after consulting my medical adviser, Dr. Hnm. I phreys, he advises me not to take the risk of going out to-night. I had hoped he would have allowed me to go to the meeting, and I feel KEENLY DISAPPOINTED, j 1since I love our Member, Sir Alfred Mond. I and hold him highly in my confidence and esteem. 1 feel it a matter of great satis- faction that I am represented in the British Iloufce of Commons by a man of such high character and great busine.-s ability. May he live long, and have health I and strength so to continue." (Applause.) Major Bertie Perkins wrote to say that ho had hoped to attend the meeting, to con- gratulate Sir Alfred Mond personally. At the last moment he found it impossible, so he wrote to fay how glad he was that Sir Alfred had come through the election and its sequence so successfully. PRESENTATION OF BOUQUETS. At this stage the Chairman said it was a family gathering to-night, and the children were now going to play tbeir part. He then called upon little Miss Hetty Kandell, granddaughter of Mr. Richard Martin, to present a bouquet tü Lady Mond. Amid long and continued ehcreing, little Miss Hetty gracefully handed to I a Accept- ing the same. Lady Mond expressed admi- ration, and stooped down and kissed the giver. Similar enthusiasm was aroused when Master Rubenstein presented Viscountess F.rleijih with a <dioice bouquet of flowers. Miss Maggie Davies sansr There s a Land." j Sir ELLIS GRIFFITH. The Itiglit lion. Sir Ellis J. Urithtb, K.C., who was received with great app lause, said: A little less than twelve months ago I met, with an accident by a slllall majority —Maughter)—and since then I may liter- ally say I have been unaccustomed to public speaking. And I am sure you will view with compassion and sympathy any- halting or faltering remarks that I may have to address to you at the first public meeting I have addressed since the acci- dent to which I have already so sym- pathetically referred. (Laughter.) I am glad, however, that my lirst ri)- appearance in public life i> associated with my friend Sir Alfred Mond. (Ap plause.) I have known him for á goad many j oars—in the absence of Lady Mou;) I could have ??n you part«'uhirs, (Laughter.) Suihco it to say—and 1 hope I may still retain her ff'i?ndship—tt was the latter half of the last century. AT CAMBRIDGE TOGETHER Wo wen* at Cambridge together, and to 111ope who knew him in the Cambridge days, and fo those who hm'c?fen fortu- nate enough to retain his friend- ship CHI' since and to grow fender of itiiii as the years roll hy, it has been a matter, not only of regret, but of pom to sen these attacks, to which th" chairman has already referred, directed aaInst II mun than whom there is NO MORE LOYAL CITIZEN in this country. (Loud applause). I saw the announcement of this meeting in the paper, and there it was announced that I was to lie present, and perhaps I might have done that part as well as most people. It requires no testimony of mine upon this occasion, but at any rate I can keop three warnings in mind: first of all to avoid the exaggeration of eulogy; and, secondly, not to be misled into the im- pertinence of praise; and, above all things, not to refer at all to the generosity 01 Sir Alfred Mond in many fields. SIR ALFR-ED'$ GENEROSITY. I His generosity is a bye-word. You know something of it in this constituency, but that does not confine the area of his generosity hy any means. And 1 am quite certain that when generosity becomes a sort of calumny, public life is not in such a state as we would wish it to be. N Now there was once upon a time a period during which I was a Welsh mem- ber. and during these years I was very Duc.h associated with Sir Alfred Mend in many directions of his activity, and thus I speak of my own personal know- led ge in this respect. Tn fli," olrl 4-1.,Ivs when Liberals spoke to Liberals—(laugh- ter)—-no <nie brought to hear upon the solution of the questions which then agi- fated public life greater courage, a clearer judgment, a more persistent industry, than Sir Alfred Mond. (Hear, hear;. WALES' DEBT OF GRATITUDE. I need not refer to his work in this direction, except that I knot- this full well: that' the day has not yet arrived when AVales as a whole has appreciated the debt of gratitude it owes to Sir Alfred Mond. (Applause). In the olden days- lonce defined patriotism posi- tively and negatively. Patirotism not an emotion but an endeavour, not senti- ment hut service, not pose and -pastime but purpose and pursuit. (Applause.* A TRUE PATRIOT. Judged* by that standard—the only standard.. L think, by which .patriotism can be judged—where can you find n man who is in the real sense of the word a truer patriot than your member in the House of Commons. (Loud apphim-cj irt- 4ays when, ns the chair- man has said, or hinted, there is a flux of parties, but there is one thing fit any rate that will not fail, and that is fllÎth in f s. And w herever there is an organisation for those things. I nm sure that Sir Alfred Mond will 1)1> found thcie. (Cheers.) I aiii qiiiie siii-e of this, too: that wherever there is an organisation which shall be a trysting- pfaee of this faith, for those who believe in it-. i\:nll for 11101>0 who, <>li"in, acL and for those who .so act, act together for I t'ie redress of human wrongs. Sir Alfred Moml will have his ol ice in that organisa- tion. CApplause). Virtue is often its own reward. Sir Alfred Mond ha* so often given that it: iiiiist b? a treat to him almost to have something eiven to him. (Laughter.) I think that for those who are engaged in public life the supremo necessity is that, each man shall know. in his own heart and conscience, that he i-, doing what he believes is ri"ht. Some- one ha? said— Xot in the clamour of the crowded •tret t. Xot in the Flioift. and plaudits of the throng. But in ourselves is triumph and defeat. I SERVICES RECOGNISED. At the same time it is something to know, for a public man. that his services have not gone liy without recognition; and this casket., and this addrens that Sir Alfred will take a war with him from this meeting t>night, will. I am siu^, l>e a joy and a gladness to him when ? look- Lack to the past, and a spnr ?nd'an in- centive when he lonks forward to the future. I am sure of this: That no man v:ho serves a constituency deserves better or them than h" does, and there is nothing that actuates a man jn .public life more, and is a higher source of inspiration, than the confidence and affection of his coii- ■siituents. To-night we have i-,i,,t to express our appreciation of his ser- vices in the na-t. and our confidence in his services in the future. And I am very triad to have had tlJi, opportunity of associating myself with this great meetmg to-night. I Mr. RICHARD MARTIN. ■ Mr. Richard Martin. the chairman of the Testimonial Committee. said he was •requested to explain the origin of the movement. One thing he wanted them to lie perfectly clear about was that it was not an echo of what, took place in Cardiff a fortnight ago. He did not mean that they did not appreciate what was done at Cardiff. What happened there had en- hanced the value of the meeting. (Hear, hear A It- had enormously increased the value of this testimonial. SEQUEL TO DECEMBER ELECTION. I This meeting was a. sequel to the eleetiou of TJecember, IfllS: (Hear, hear.i The splendid record of his conduct in this contest excited admiration in the hearts and minds of his friends. The main ptirpo.se of that presentation was to put that admiration on record. The friends wa-ited the record to be a tangible one, and an abiding one. Mr. Martin then gave the history of the move- ment and described the work of the various committees, etc. They also secured the services of Mr. Percy Gbavfs, who did the work of the j scroll, ami Mr. Harry C. Hall to do the casket. Mr. Martin described the address and casket as beautiful works of art, THE REAL VALUE I of which any man could be prouti of. But the mQst beautiful part of thar scroll wore the words and sentiments that were contained in 1. These were the thing, that gave it all the value, the eesential value, and would make it always valuable to Sir Alfred Mond and his family. Mr. Martin then procseded to read the ad- dress his reading being punctuated with ■applause. I Mr. WILLIAM ROSSER. I Mr. Wm. Rosier (chairman of the J'xecn- l tive Committee) said that Sir Alfred had served them faithfully and' loyally and ad- hered to thoss great Liberal principles "d ideals in which they had been nurtured, r la-* nd wh" ose flag had been handed down. SEAT SAFE FOR ALL TIME. ) "heir member had fought for thn-e pi-in. cip'les and ideals on the public platform, in the Hou6e of Commons, and elsewhere, and he (the speaker) cbuld say with confidence that the Swansea. Wr:t spat was now safe for all time—(applan.-e)—or a" long as Sir Alfred Mond desired to remain amonget them. (Applause.) If' unforeseen cinmm- f-tances should ever arise when he would be coml)-elled to relinquish the part of car- trying their bltntier he would undoubtedly hand it down untarnished, after having added great lustre to its brilliant, hue. (Applause.) "By their fruit shall ye know them." (Applause.> HAD BEEN ROUGHLY HANDLED. Sir Alfred had been severely criticised 1 and roughly handled by words, but, like a great man. he rcse above it- He never re- taliated. (Applause.) He acted on the old adage, Silence is golden," and when im- pulsive individuals, like the speaker, felt inclined to kick over the traces, and retali- ate, Sir Alfred's advice always irts. "Give them enough rope." (Laughter and ap- i plause.) Another piece of great advice vhich he pave them wa" Don't feed them with ammunition; let them alone, and they will come home, etc." (Laughter.) Sir Alfred Mond's good works had been done by stealth, for he was a believer in not letting his left h?n?d know what hi? right had Uon £ (Applause.) He (the speaker) did not believe that Lady Mond or Sir Alfred's secretary knew one half of what Sir Alfred had done, even if he knew it himself. (Laughter and applaw;(>.) II j Sir Ellis Grimth had to?d them some- I thing, but aU the good actions he per- 1 formed were not, and probably never I will be known. (Applause.) OU.TSTANDING MAN. As a business man, lie thought Sir Alfred Mond was one of the outstanding I men of the war. (Applause). When the Premier called for thd greatest brains j of the country for consultation to ("I rily on the great war. among those called into 1 consultation WflS Sir Alfred Mond. (Applause). Sjr, Alfred woe called in a dual j cApacity. Hpwasonpofthc?re&t.fstpx- pcrts at nnancc. aBd also, pf t?c hu?inrss and commercial worlds (Applause;) And he responded to the appeal. The Services of the Office of Works formed ohe of the great factors in achieving what we achieved in the war. (Applause.) The last point he woulclmakû was that of the patriotism of Sir Alfred and Ladv Mond. lie did not know of any who had ren- dered grekxtvr sern-ices. jo the CQII lit ry :ilii.riiit,tli e reit. war than: Sir" Alfred and J.ad.v Mond. (Great cheering.) Tliey gave their talents, their time, th^ir- wealth, their home*, and their only Qby. (Applause.) I THE LIBERAL CLUB. Mr. Thomas Griffiths, representing the Swansea Liberal Club" as the oldest mem- ber, thanked Sir Alfred for tha services he had rendered the country during the war as His Majesty's First Comtu&sioner <ft Worhs, and they felt proud of him as their member. (Applause.) The major- ity of Swansea people recognised the ser- vices that Sir Alfred Mond had rendered to the nation, and it was but a, small noisy minority that failed to recognise it. (Laughter.) -The speaker then proceeded to: recapitulate Sir Alfred's many i cti,-i- ties during the war, speaking in ,a very racy tyle, and rousing the audience to high enthusiasm. I THE JUNIOR .LIBERALS. Mr. Oliver Luff, chairman of the Junior Liberal* quoted Whittier, wirh the al- teration of one word;- While I am here, if men will say: He helped the world upon its way. If they will say, if but they can: lie played the game; he was a man; His way was straight, his soul was clean, His failing not unkind or mean, Ho loved his fellow men, and tried to help them. I'll bo satisfied. If the..question occurred ro Sir Alfred: Can ? be satisncd with the work that I have done, as the representative of the town of Swansea! the answer was to be found in the casket and the address. On behalf of the League he extended to Sir Alfred felicitations, and if at any time, in the stress of public work. they might be tempted to stand aside and let some- body else do the work, the casket and the address would be an incentive for them to still go on further on behalf of Liberalism and the country.- (Loud applause). THE WOMEN'S TRIBUTE. I Mrs. Wm. Rosser, lion, secretary of the II Swansea Women's Liberal Association, referred to her seconding twelve months I ago of the nomination of Sir Alfred Mond as the Coalition candidate, and said her expression of pride was from one of the largest Women's Liberal Associations in the country. And they had every reason to be proud. Some people said Sir Alfred would be made a peer, but ehe begged him never to entertain such an invita- tion—(loud laughter)—until a Bill had I been passed which enabled peers to-still represent tlit,, constituencies in the House of Commons. LADY MOND'S WORK. I She "bhecl success to Sir Alfred and Lady  Mond and family. They knew, too, of the j great work that Lady Mond had done in this country. She, could not refrain from making remark of it. for the fJet. that she had been the pioneer in Wales of the infants.' welfare organisatiOIl-,cheer8;-and that folks might know it was not a per- sonal and a selfish motive that made her start it. she flight tell them that it was Lady Mond's wholehearted desire to see the j babies of this country properly looked aft". (Hear, hear.) I PIONEER WELFARE WORK. i I And until the State steppfd in. she t I thought they should recognise pioneer work. iCheers.i Last July, Lady Menu I handed onr the organisation to the town of Swansea through the ilayor (Mr. Miles), and she hoped that as good justice would I be done to the work in the future as Lady Mond did in the past. (Applause.) iVir. T, P. COOK, J.P. 11 Mr. T. 1'. Cuok. J.l' speaking for the vice-presidents of the Liberal Association, briefly remarked that the meeting was quite unique in the hititOIT of public meetings in Swansea, it mvikit be in the future a- source of gratification to Sir j; Alfred and Lady Mond to know that in the months past, in the years gone by, when they were subject to, and the victims a miasma of suspicion which was dissemin- ated in the town, for political re-ason-th(lt while they were under that cloud and there were some people who doubted their true- j Iveattediie>s. as Britishers. tll("lw were loyal hearts beating in Swan- sea, thousands -of them,- yea, thousands of them. (Applause). There was nothing about this presentation that had not been put forward and carried through before something, had had a chance cf being tested in the Law Courts. There was one other thins the presenta- tion was not. They would Tgree with him that there were many caimes for' making a presentation that made one speak with a break in the voice or a tear drying in the eye, beeau'c it meant there was going to be a. parting; bot-he was glad to think that there was not going to be anything of the kind. 4 WOULD DRAW THEM CLOSER. fl 1t would prove something that would i ccn?nt and draw closer th? cor- fl dial it v existing between the con- stituents and their Member. "We are proud of Sir Alfred," sai,i Ilr. C(x,k, proud of his ability; proud of his capacity for work, and of the work he hos done, and wc are proud of his wholehearted devotion to the Coalition. We are prouder still of one other thing: that he is onr Member for Swansea. They wpre more proud than ever of the fact that he had laid his great abilities upon the altar of Liberalism. On the true basis cf Liberalism he had stood first and foremost for the I Liberal principles that were so dear to the | hearts of dozens in Swansea that day. They I in Swansea could aii(i could not fully express the debt of grati- II tilde they felt to Sir Alfred. PRESENTATION TO SIR I ALFRED. I Mrs. Morgan 13. Wiiiiams, president of the Women's Liberal Association, then made the presentation to Sir Alfred Mond as a token of appreciation of his great work. In doing so she reiterated the words of a previous speaker and said that probably no one knew how much Sir Alfred had done for Swansea. One fact was always evident, that they owed him a deep debt of gratitude not only in Swansea but as a nation. (Applause.) The speaker referred to the re- cipient's great work for the Swansea Battalion. As the nlothef of file officer ;'■ in command of that battalion .'ie ^ro- bably knew mete than many of the munificence of Sir Alfred Mond. A j)- plause.)* And she would tell t .cm that no single appeal had been made to him in vain. (Renewed applause.) Indeed, she was not sure what would have been the lot of the battalion but for he kintP ness and generosity of the member for Swansea West. Not only as a Liberal, but as a British subject she .anke;! Sir Alfred for all lie had done. (Loud ap- plause.) The Chairman then called apon Sir Alfred Mond to respond. ENTHUSIASTIC OVATION. On rising. Sir Alfred was accorded a splendidly enthusiastic ovation, h?- great audience rising en masse to greet him, musical honours promptly follow ing. and the hall fairly rang with "Fór he's a jolly good fellow," wit-h cheer after cheer ft its c'ose. When these had subsided. SIR ALFRED'S REPLY. I Sir Alfred Mond proceeded: Mr. Chairman. Mrs. Morgan B. Williams, and my very dear friends—(applause) — it is a very good thing that I am not ;v conceited man. If I were, I haveheard. j so much about my good qualities lrom ) my kind friends this evening that I should run a very grave danger of be- j coming: an intolprabic- nuisance to my fellow-citizens. (Laughter.) But I can assure you, fiotn the bottom ot I my heart, Jiat there is nothing that has "cciiried, nothing that can occur, nothing that will ever occur in my public life that could give me more profound pleasure and satisfaction— (applause)—a deeper sense of gratifica- tion, than this testimony of the loyalty, the confidence and love which been spoken to-night by so many of those whose tribute I deeply esteem which has been so freely endorsed by this last. audience, and which is expressed m this address. (Great cheering.) A FORTUNATE MAN. I am indeed to-night a fortunate man. As one of the speakers reminded you— I tliink it wasMr.T.P.Cook--tI)&t usually when a presentation is made to a lU. in public life it is because he is going away, or because lie has been de- feated at an election. (Luuyhter and applause.) 1 think I am almost unique in standing here to-night to receive this wonderfully beautiful address and this chaste casket while I am not going away, and have not the slightest intention of going away,—(loud applause)—although 1 observe that some people aro extremely I auxious that I should go away. (Laugh- ter.) But there are addresses and ad- dresses. and. caskets and casket; Now vou have not only presented me with an address, the words of which attribute to me much greater qiiulitics than I unior- tunately possess, but which 1 neverthe- less very much appreciate, but it is also the work of a great artist, Mr. Gleaves. (Applause.) U INSPIRING PIECE OF ART. This beautiiul. inspiring, and loveiy piece of art I shall be glad to hang in my house, and when my friends come there I shall lw able to show them what Swan- sea can do in art. It is enshrined in a casket by Mr. Hdl,. which is also one of the most hen uti fu I tbi ngs I have ever seen produced in any period and in any time, or in any city. It is exquisite in material, charming in idea, superb in execution, and will rank .i with any similar work of any period. CRAFTSMEfsl CONGRATULATED. I .L I I neartny congratulate you, aim also congratulate myself upon the fact that yon have among you men who can produce ai-t of such high merit. I thank you for your kindness in presenting with this loving testimonial, which will (Continued on Page Sixl.