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The Day's Gossip.


The Day's Gossip. Leeder" Offict. Wednesdsy. I have to confeae that at nrst I was with. Captain J. Hubert Roberts in my outlook upon the Two Minutes' Silence. But ye6terday1S experience converted me to the opposite view. The silence fell upon me when I was in the linotype room of the newspaper, and it was difficult to maintain dignity and silence in such matter-of-fact surroundings. But some- how or other, as the seconds sped, the thing grew in solemnity. Great is the power of suggestion! I was quite pre- pared, therefore, for the opinion of a staff colleague who came in a few minutes later with tho tale that. the street scene was quite the moci impressive thing he had ever seen. The Carets. I Laat nigrht the carollers gave us re&t, but on Monday evening our neighbour- hood was surrounded by several earn&st rttle parties. One of them sang quite well, and had it been nearer Christmas would have attracted many coppera to their pockets. But carols in early Nov- ember is a bit too previous, although I have known kiddies to &t&rt in mid- October. The PfoHteer. I An interesting conve-rsation on the ques- tion of profiteering was overheard in a railway carriage a few days ago. One gentleman of Labour sympathies was par- ticularly eloquent, and committed the Government and the profiteers without ex- ception to the bottomless pit, and of course there was general agreement on the latter point at least. Just then a woman in the I corner addressed the spokesman. Yon are a collier, aren't you, working at —— colliery? YeR/' he replied. U And dotkn't Mrs. eon work with you ? Of course he does." replied the orator. Well, tell me," said the Lady, how much you gave him last week?" Weli/' said Mr. Ccllier, with a magnanimous air, I gave him -83 6s." Oh, did you; and you yourself received in all ov. r <.E15; so that jou ma<le a nice little prciit of .B13." -tit the lady kept Mr. Collier collapsed, but the lady kept at it, and remarked: Mrs. —— is a widow, and this strapping youth who doe' a man's work keeps her and the little ones, and you give him .f:3 and a few shillings, while you get .S12 for 'yourself. wife, and —— children, and spend most of your time in the pub. Don't you talk about profiteering! A Private War Paper. I When I am told, with regard to <he <, Daily Review of the Foreign Press" and the Economic Supplement" that in view of their character, a complete set cf the daily and its supplements will prob- ably rank as the greatest bibliographical prize of the war, I am heartily sorry I did not preserve my copies. The Review was a Government compilation which was issued to the diplomatic service and the Government departments concerned, nnd also to tlio%e British journals which :'p- preciated the issue. It was not t actly a secret periodical, but it often gt-ve guiding information it would not La <)'s- creet to blazon abroad, and which was yet of service to pressmen. The Review of the Enemy Press was a weekly supple- ment that I read with never-failing in- terest for it provided the most -iceii-ate glance it was possible to obtain of condi- tions in Germany and Austria, My copies grew so bulky that, rather than run risks with them, most were con- signed to the names. Now I learn that something of the same kind. but without the offici a 1 cachet. is to be published—an excellent idea. The Wood Cottages. I The Liverpool Leho has bt-en com- mentrng in complimentary fashion upon a piece of expeditious hutment erection at W rexham by the well-known firm ot Wm. Thomas and Sons, Ltd., who in Swansea and other 'eish towns liave been en-deavourmg to interest the autho- nti.es in w<M<:ien \X>ttag-oo. The .Kcho records that the branch office had to be vacated immediately, and there h;ing no other accojnmoda.tion the diSiculty was overcome by <&eauring a piece of vacant land near the Urcat \Veetern Kail- way station. Close by (proceeds the paper), is Messrs. Wm. 'J.homa& and Sons' (Ltd.) timber ynrd, where hnndredb of military huts were made during the war, and are being made now for the homel&ss people of Belgium. Within 48 hours the hut, with three compartments and nve 7indows, was complete, and ready foroecupation. Thts performance naturally supporta Mr. Thomas's state- ments in Swansea as to expedition in erecting wooden cottages. i am still absolutely convinced," he told me a day or so ago, that theee are the only solu- tion of the housing diihculty." It is, 1 learn, more and more realised in Swansea that bricks and mortar will not alone meet the need, and that wooden struc- tures (not necessarily, of course, of either of the patterns proposed) may be one of the additional methoda chosen. Autobiographical. I Roamr" is autobiograph.ical to-day: There are those who sleep through the twenty-four hours as long as they can sleep, and rise only that exercise niay en- able them to sleep again; who ieign would Mtd to the reign of darkness with double curtainft. and never would see the eun. Whatever my failings (and I liava many I) this is not one of them, for I cannot lie abed when I know the eun is shining. In earliest childhood, when two or three of us, kindred spirits, wandered hand in hand away up the brook, to return at nightfall, scratched and torn—possibly minus a shoo that, having been used flS a boat. and lost with all hands in mid- stream, out of sounding's—what joy theFe expeditions were, when we returned too happy, and tired, to bother about the paternal rod in pickle. Satvage of the Sea. I Walking briakly along the eea-ribbed sands of a tiny Gower Bay on a recent cold, but sunny afternoon, my friend K.T.R. writes mo, I partook in the fas- cinating game of hunting for salvage. It mea.nt a Imi-eircuit of the bay along the high water mark left by the ebbing tide, and amongst the seaweed and drift- wood, many varied treasurer were dis- covered, some flavoured with roma.nce, other suggestive of sadno-is. Here is a tin of boot polish bearing on its cover the unpronouncable name of a Norwegian manufacturer, a broken oar amidst bits of wreckage, a sailor's cap. White squares upon closer uMpectio.n prove to be sailors' bedH. There is the half-buried maet of a, once-splendid ship with pulley block and tackle attached. An old well- worn sweeping brash is next discovered, its handle aea-moea covered, to which ding's pretty eea shells. So to tramp along—picb'ng up bamboo eames, kicking aaido empty French wine bottles. sea- soaked onions, great pieces of cork—irom one point to the other, is a sheer delight* discovering aipng the wal.Ler marks left by each receding tAe such articles of i»\iIetJ the ea.lvse Off the aca. <

i For the Ladies.I




Children's Comer.

