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d CJ -1- J Lead er' Classified „ Advertisements. — r~ — — APARTMENTS, SITUATIONS VACANT OR WANTED, TO BE LET, LOST AND fOUND. ace Three Six insertion. Insertions. Insertions ifil Words.. 1 0 2 03 0 3&. Words. 1 6 3 0 4 0 40 Words. 2 0 4 0 5 0 fOR SALE, TRADE ANNOUNCEMENTS- One Three six insertion, insertions insertion!? a) Words.. 1 6 2 I) 3 6 50 Words. 2 0 3 0 4 & 40 Word*; 2 6 3 6 5 6 ORTKS. £ i £ AT,2S, IN fdEMORtAM. AND MAKRiACtiS. ■ Six GUt: l'tll Sis ? lQBe:'L!on. In?ertt?na lusernoae to Words.. 1 6 3 b. 6 0 r .u. Worde.. 8 0 5 o. 8 0 40 Words., a 0 7 0 12 0 ECUCATtOHAL.  U?M ?hree Six tneernoQ ln:-?rnoua. Ina?rtio?e a WordW. 2 0 3 04 6 30 Words.. 2 6 4 U5 6 40 Wvrcis,. 5 0 5 6 7 6 MUNEY.—6d. per line. L. ———— ——L  a—=- "USC¡;1..I.AhOf.S "fUA n yAQANT. VV0fvlEft Pu 0 G. R L.S. CAPAbL>i~> ?eue?aj .meu; w??mg to« V ??8Mtt ? liubiatiidi—ii-ppij- xi<=»iUi o J LTill3. AlC. nst01J. :¡;All" > V i'Aj i, i j?ei? ?a-ntod lor 46 l1'.i'j -L? da?y.—??Jpiy .u? J..Huriay-?Letv??t. 1..<ici«oii-uiavv, fa aiiota. 14^Yli-12 yxiiAi'btci'waiHMi binart A-asistani ) XJ to sti ve tu.-ouBU.—Wiiiiaaw .Draper, tfpir.iiiis Jti OOJJ Girl »• anted, 1??); good Home.— ?T App.y, Mm. u.i?:, 13. rami* »yu!> j?a?. b.??.ca. 1-?Al:? j ?'<00ji Uei.ei ai able to d.) plain <;co?u?.j *3' stna'i iamuy; po»it:on wa?u?.—?ti-, ?tm&. ?. (jiw?tti'-t?i?xc?. Upland*, Swan- Øéa liiiAil-11 -rt/S.'ï:}:D:-i;;ii.n:6. thoroughly ex??i- I .». eneedj. Good Wage*; t.m?icy?u€itt,? <ymra.Hcu a,H lh3 iLe?r iiouim.- -ippry.. 17.cl(dl.i.an. Urove-p.acc. i.r AIiTED fit Once, Lxpeiieneed wentrai; j Good asit'i, li.bti'ai Outings-; ?.5, King Edw?ra'sr&aJ. !4Aa.lwii j 'i\A?1?..1). a XcunK Woman 11tl. 13 i \y "eiH8 Ot age, a? Assistant to te J Re- an. .-??ary iri?e.—WrilH. "?" i)1;:lrf¿< 'fiL..L fl\r_t 4:1 f:' iiT ArlED. experienced Cook, Housemaid *1 kept. Throe in family. Good wage?. | KivinK references 11ft;. Hewlett I Wernoieu. Ammanford ?'?A:Vi'El).'Eocd ?.c-teral. abk to do 'Pf.'l;n 50s.rnoilth.I,L,IV  Oilic. 141AL.14 I Box R.3. Leader Utucc. t4iAl.-M ME Pi A I, 0 YOUTHS. I. • TJr^C^ilA xlTiS and Carpenters wanted.— D .APiHY.4I,i.;nna. Coatrtictor, »• I uuti Coi»i?iy, near Nc«ta. Cll-o 1.i(J H l;lIJ" Trade.— Wanted, a eood til-!  r?u?.t lln tor tne Swa.n?ea Branch.— l?Ul's. Uow.cr-strect Swanoea 12?iAll-?5 10f;:Eli:e .I. tor an Act.ve ann SieacLy ?an rcs:;i Hzg at laornas.—Appiy -to tue Uistrxct jiana^er .)4. St. lielcn b-read, bwati&e;i. I36AT1-11 UOEfriHv WANTED -503 Students to ?.? Qua.:ity tor Kxi?t'.)!i: V acanc.ed Thi- ih a sftjetMtJ opportunUv fo; a Yuutb Oo- tpeen tiio ag;* of It and 24 to .-ecure a Itiaii-'st iocrative beiti ftir 11t, lIHern pjojeu riervie.' witn a KiiowiedKt o) Wirtiivrf of the above tiiould writo or call ai once. Wiriest- ) Ir&imfic Coiicge, L¡¡ *> iiarv-atieet Car- »lnr. or Casite-s-treet. Swansea. TV /f/i-XTKI) ioimf aiately competent Store- keeper for Sluprepairing wor&a state age, experience and (iaiary required., to Bos. T 1 £ *•' Leader Oiiiee, Swansea. Cil-iz '?? ?A?tED, Sni?rt RescectabYe Man as V V Attendant; ?rei?'cutjc g??ven to H.d- cliargod 0" i»isao!ed S-oloUfer.—Apply^, Mait- ac..d. ca.stl? Cm?nn. Swansea. ?Ali 12 A,,N-i 1,?D for Coiheiy in Afan Va!ioy i ? V CoJ'cry ClÚ. accustomed to trainc and makir. colliery payh. -State fzll par- t'.cjlars to Box llf '8. NpAU-H \'•* \V ? A^lEi) laimediateiy for Workr- Oltice. i  sm:ut 0:flce Boy. Ao?ly fn own I handwriting, Etatine axe. etc.. to Box L 18 C11.11 1 a L-ad to help in Garden and I V no Odd Jobs.-Apply, Pratt, Sketty I Isha, BlackpiI3.139A 11-14 "j T'CV a^TED, Chief finrlneer for Steel I Works, Bar tolling lliil. Sheet and T?inplate Works.—Apply, otating age, ex í efnence. quaiiticatidns. Upper torcAt and W6rcester feteel and Tinplate Works, Eiiuittct Morriston, Glamorganshire. C11.12 j Clerka Wanted Immediately. I GOOD PAY GOOD FOOD. GOOD CLOTHES l-'OPT'rr. d S I> h Ifl OKSE- Transport and Supply P,-unch, .1 Army Service Corns has a num. Bt- cf Vacancies for for one yet. Age between 18 and 45 y Any Category fend no physical <jtar.rU;. fheight. For Conditions of Pay; etc.. apply to the n.e.HCê;t Ke;-ruitin2 Oav-e, or to the C.R.S.O.. Ksw Scotland Yard S W. CI 1-12 1 I SITUATIONS WANTED. TOIXEit. Thoroughly Eiiicient, wants Job; <J Bench p:relHH'd. or repairs; wcud take work, or controi.-W.i8. "Leac?i" towce, Swcujsea. 141All.15 -7.l. lJ, aftr-Čbri,imäs,-b'- Expcr?- enced Governess, a good mori)Uio ?h'{af:empm er p:n'?L? puptk. Fiaismng <? «tii'n wirTboroaga tng.iia freuea, Latin, Piano, UrawiHg, k>*int;ng.-MiM Ba,tlctL. Gro8vcnor.rd. !?k?tty l?AH lo M- ONEY. | E LAW 13 London-roa.?. Neath M?k?s .E?t-M;) Advi'mcet. fsoxa ES and upwtrds W.ricti-i Private Establi^nce 1f.76 TC j yon W!t"-f¡ to keef) Yotir affairs private, Jt do P. t apply to straiiKera, for no 1 tirriruvi' wii! leiul you monev without mak ■iti& fnomries For a. Strtutf- Private T.<),in &?ply' to AH^rt E, t;?'h. ? Ui)lanis-creseet,L bWanica Cll-i. j T F yo) arc iu tempor'?Y Financi%l oultie's don't worry Consult M Foiei.  .Ca,.it(\-terr"Jce S.?onse? and y'?u ¡:. i;ot i>e fiorry 1Q6A31-13 I '? ,rZ;Ñ>l;oire a LOIw. apply to Hem-  JL Tb< mj« Church-stree (opposite 8+ j| Mary's Church), Swansea Private and Cor i irdt-ntial. T|/fON^'Y to Lend to Kesnectable ETouse- 1*1. ho'der?; P' ivate n.rui -Conifdential Tvor T> ft. Wat«r'oo-^T. swanafa I ADVANCES, E15 TO £5,000 0.1 «r'iten promise to rep i > or any eecuritv rincipai reniains or can b rel),iid by '.5 or no charge of any kind unless business done; promptness and privacy; avoid exposing yonr requirements locally —Write o!dect Company existing: | E. LAWRENCE, LTD., Oon Chanibers, Wine-street, Bristol. I. 11 111 j I. I'"—" I?tJK? tTt'Kh. —Be<itPficfe si ? enby?? X for Second.bami !*u(i:iture and Aiitu;i.e j ?'!i?U)turp <? any de^cri—tioii Drop me a i anY de?er.ioi, L)Y-c)p ine a • f.ti'eet' St 'Thdfcias CT.C j B ?att witb Kegret with Summer, out t? Autumn i6 not without its gpeciat' pie-"sorer, iue day's wo;k done, the door eputi the blinds drawn, the gae, lit, tne the Jiii^at swith ,»cuttie. let'* Hope, full of coal. t'ind. perhaps, q. bit of wind in tise t.iimnty ) t intervale), the pipe drawing well, the (Jwrnpaiiy conge^ai and the wherewithal of 4 rucdert supper in the pantry—why, Ulerl m is iiome. and there'tj no ploco like it vVcatevGr a-dds to the comfort of the Home r. werth while, and in that Category 001 Iiamien&e Stock of tiousehold Furniture cf iStfry Desorjytieu is the Sure Basis of Com- fort; and the risht place to buy is from the Manufacturers for Cash or Terms —ilillai. Furnishers, ilower-street, Swan3e. Ai30 14-, Windsor-road, Neath. 1JEA11-13 _KiTf ilEN Tables for Sale; be?t inalip. to bs cleared at a to- price.—Apply John Kiobarda, & Cradock-etreet. 136AU-11 HOUSES AND SHOPS FOR 'I SALE AND TO LET. 1 JijiAiNx V/ nio-sLrcet. ior Sale, six- room ±iou&e; IOW ground rent; extra large ga-rdeu.—Apply .ra,rmmter,Auctio:it)?r. I IN oath. •_ r 11:'1 ORSAiRPriate,}'l:a¡Yilo-in 1 JL Wcetoury-etreet; convenient situation. —Ldward Roberts and Son, Auct?o.!? 'r&. Li?ciair J?uUdinge. Swansea. CI1.4 1,1 OK SALE with vacant i>ot6e3s;GU. Shoo and Dweiiing 'louse in good business i neighoouviioua.—-i4>piy. Uo^ne, A-u-uotieo., Kutiaiid Rouse. Swansea 140A11-1,1 ¡' ST^OE Sale, TWo Substantially Built irou-es A situate at Factory-road. Ciydach.— Apply, tiwynfi^n, ■ AlltiagO-road, Pontar- a Cll-13 I^OK Sale, Splendidly Built Hou&e, with .— Stable end Coacb-bcUce or Uavage; I "Bod Fc-ddjs." Armiue-road, Fforestfach Lea^c, l,Ci>0 years from September iidta. li(M; Groujid Hent, £ 2 li's. &d.; let on Quarterly lenancy cf jtofl per annum, iennant pcying liates and 'i&ies.— Apply, Eeginaid iiowe, iiiiiside, ildrriston. 01-t SALK well-Uuiit iiodern Uouse. witli J- v&e&tiz, porssessioii, in Maui*eivon-road. I iieceoUtv. Huoxn. fCtcbeD. fccujiery, j Bedi'oo/us Bath Roam, band 1: Apply, 1*2, itii.i.i.tjefitGn-rci.. ilatweiioii. IJ¡:1:.11 |_i OUSilS Purchased on easy terms; Any district; .'iou wiu beueht by ba\ing the lowest repc^ment in licase Purcnase.— W tite, Ovdecsh.p:, Daily Leader" .(Mice, Swansea. 0 OW to PurciJaoo a House without cap- i.i ital througn' Lanulbrd." Kepaynic-.t. is the into rest. -App^y. "Seller," "Leader" i-fiice, S»',air»«a. 'i C Dweil'' ns ]IOU-,Og in Mill-terrace. JL i-'j.ntyiiyi.on, Carm. for t3ale; well- built and coas emootly situat.eo.-Bot K 18, Li-adcr Oifice, 'fewanisoa. C11-11 T7ACANT POSSESSION given of 23. iiruiiswi-K-bilieet -Sale at Hotel Cameron. November. 14th. Aootioueere; E.1 Cll 14 TXrANTED, Tennajsts AH ela.es to ?o'n I T Old E-mblisht?i Hou?e Pnrch?sc Sy-3- Z,;u Advantages uniouc and unpara- ileicl.-A.DDly Rant." "LI'ader'" Neath. Cll-14 TLITHY Pay Cent? 40.000 Houses already V Purchased thro»i?h our s-y^tem For Prospe:.ti"is and Balance-ebeet write Box D 1. L-ad-r OUice 1.37A 11-12 A >/? ?KKKLY r!'m Purchase £450 Hm. '<' an v district: 1J\ssio': by arrange nict'tt.—' Lundtorf! L{)!t.der. Swausea,. T.C. APJ RTftScW TS AND Lw<3G!NGw 'TO LcT ANZX Wj?.\5TrD. ~\S7Aft'TEi>. tro Redr?m? and one ?ivin? v ? 2&om ucfnruintie?!. by ?arr:?<! Couple wito two little -WriLe D 3. ciiargotf Soldier," Daily Leader 133A• 1-13 HOUSS IV*?. NTE D. \;<i A?T?? to ?urciiaEs. iiCüe in Waltc;o 'f row. ?wan?'a.. A1ào. to H-ert, Six Bouses in t Kesjjectable Lristriojt.—Send fiiil particul-a-iS to Edgar Thomas, Auctioned?, Lamb and 'i?iag, Aberavoiu WANTED. QKHWE?.—'tVantGd, Sb?p wit? Living O Accomnjt dation, between Tra\eIIe;s a id Crown idoq el; Would Consider Purchase; or Premises saiitable for can version; Any Good Locality ,"vú;¡ld be Considered —Apply, J. Wil-mott, 5A Doctoi-s'-rciad, Gwaun-cc; Gurv.cn. "1 SUSINES^SS FOR DISPOSAL. j,^OE E;uly Sale, aa a Going Concern, Pork and Beef SBdincE? Qf uavieb and Co., U, H.sn-3tr<,et, tiwan.-isa; Centra^ t'osit on. Rare Opportunity; uQd L?asons for Sell- ing; '?cuid Suit ?ruti?un Aiemnaut; LC:dJ2; Living ?oom; ?ixuure& include Auto Scales, ftcrm.?? SUoer. CRsh H?gicstcr, ice Sai?. etc.—Apply, Da,vl8. 115. High-sir?. I ilcrthyr. li6All-Il i?OS SALE a Po?ina: Business ?nd unt!pr' I' tann? good goi!!? concern )n a prosper oue town jn Soutb Wales, or would taJ,a i t'?r?npr with £ 500 as Working Man?Rpr to take charge Can ha- all pa rticu lars. .e all particulars. W rite Box S 16. Leader Office. Swaneea. 123A 11 .12 FT-IZMISZS TO LET & WANTED t?A?'i ED, Premise? S?ita.o?e?oF'Biiliard Hall or Rooms aho?e t 'nti2.? be central; g.?od rent p&id.—Apply. 12, A!e. r,ter -ace. Llryrm-Ul, S?vanwa. ?IAU-?5 ?'\?AXTEb to Rent, fock-un Shop Un- u lands neixh?urhood. — A PDly "Prompt.' Leader OiHcf 142AU-12 MwrCICAs. IPiSTfJUWEWTS. A STOUlvDiNG Piano liii-gains; 20. 26, Z), A 34, 39, 48, -69, 6d gtl-iiiuai, etc.; Casn on;y.—Lxcaange, 19 Pari.,Etrect, Swansea. 13SA11-13 TT^XCHANGE your old Ft?io or Organ for ±-? a M.odem Upr?ht ?rand: ?cw or ,vecond-hand; full vaiue Park street, Swansea. 1.58A11.3 -S.OR SALE, Second-hanfl hoi-n Gramo- L phone and Seoords. equal to new: ") 17S. Gd., a bartr.-aln Write Uplands, Leader," Swansea. 14LV-1111 GKAiiC-l'liONE -Ma?ni?ent Inlaid iloin- I \?' i«a* Cabinet, standing 4Dt. high, recently new; perfect tone and ooBdition throughout; quantity of records; jsacriiice, f.8 .5. 6d.; genuine b>.vw-in; must sell.— Helen's road. Swai>uea. 141A11-15 /? RA?O?iiU?M. — Womder.ml Wormgear <Ur Machines, £ 4 18s. em £ 5 18s.; Records, Ncculea; Sound Büf{eíJ,-J!xcha!lge. 1J Par.k-«treet, Swansea. 138A11-13 _n CToiTPttEV and Co Ltd —Sueciat Rarsanis i in Second-hand PInno" and Organ- prices fr»»tn 25gns New Pianos by ali the lea,din.-< makers, includiii<: Coilard and Col- lard, Wittor and Witton Semes and (k- B: insmead Crame- etc eft- Prices from I, oOgns casii Terms arranged if desired Write for free Lst or call and make a per. sonal st'ection.—Gcdfrev an.) Co. Ltd.. 22. St Heien's-road. Swmr,????a 340A31-14 (^O'OFRllY a: d Co Ltd P?nofortt' Manu .x tacturers. have n'w R?Ctpencd their Tu.nnn an'i Gepajrlll Department Piallo :tn? OrEan. Thnrfwh? Renovated and He. paired Estimates given Expert Tonej' Visit all Parto of Wales Pianola and Til, Ha no? a Sve' ialitv ( indfrpv and Co.. Ltd I 22, t{t. He.en's-road. Swaaeea. 140A11-14 j J1\'C"T "I'L-rrco co 1 1 h JKfTKLVFNTS Second-band.—We have a -jt Larga and Varied Stock of Second-hand' Instruments. including Violins. 'Cellos JfnndoU'ics. Bmio3 Violas Double Bassfs. j Clarionets. Flutes, etc. Also Cases and Bows.—J. L Wooding Grrwei-street, Swan «ea the man who Instru ments; 45 years' practical experience .37A11-13 THOMPSON AND mACKELL'R A% I ?OU?CEME?TS— ??H'CACO OrcMn. 4 set- of reeda. 8 ?tops. 'L? 2 knce'sweUs; yen fine tore. f?.— Thomnson and Sbackell. Ltd., 39. Lactie street. Swansea J31AN0F0STK by Ralph Allison, full com- is pass, ivorv keys; 50 guineas cash o RQsy ternoe.—Thompson end Sbackell. Ltd ,19. Ces^e-street, Swansea LEXASDRA Paris. Harmoninm; 32 stops. 4 sets of reeds; large powerful in^trn. raent, suitable for place of worship: £ 35 — Thompson rnd T.fd 39. Castle- street, Swaneep FOR SAt^E. "OAGAITILLE Table for Sale; good as new; i-will sell cheap; room rt-quire(L.-Apply, Ii Danny Phiilips, Station road, Brynamman. 13SA1M5 CEMENT! CEMENT! Large ounntitv for I ? disposal Prompt deUvery Send orders to Cement," "Leader" Omce. Swansea. j _?_ C1AJ1 CCLOAKROOM L<)Ckr6 for 1,000 persons or '? less; FacLory '1 rucks, 75s. (worth £ 5j; Sack Trucks, 21s Scales (Pooley), eign j 1201b, sample on appro, if returned within one week. Also, Timber. Plywood, Woou. work. all descriptions; all bargain prices.— I C. ,< :■ nnings and Co., Ltd.. Bristol. Cll-13 (JIL Sale, Kitchen D?o??f. Warurot?c, i. Chairs, Tabiee, Badste&d, and Beas, eto.—?j-auoney. 1, ?ridt,e-?t?eet. Swansea. I ?All-12 'Olt SAI,E, ? Omcc IjCtter Pre?c?, ft'om f 10". 6d. to ?a.—Apply, 64, UX.O.Ù' ticr&ct, awansca. 142A11-12 I-Z- Li.a:¡IJ.¡."ent Blaek t;¡;r-e J- Shoulder Wrap, an4 Lovciy tinu? i Muff; cost asl4 14s. iate iast season; not I worn; accept £ 4 las.; oarguin.—Jir. Scott St. iieica s-roau, bwansea. 141A11-15 0,U, suitable for Aiarlitt ¡ X Ga-raener or warmer. Also, ilauogany p ucvjl;; uiopectiou juvited.-M. Wedber, Ferrysido North Lock Basin. Swansea 1^4Ail-il i -dL"JU1J.-tHvc,,¡;. bUH(!lCt>, or ijoooe in j A. Sacks. Also a Large Quantity of i limber suitable for building Sheds, etc. Aiao General Hauiagg cioue.-M. Webber, I,!eiryside. North DOCK Basin, Swansea. 134A11-11 MUib, about 2ift. by 15ft.. £ 45 f.o.r.; 60ft ..LL by lÎt., £145; Qtaer sIzes "tucked .A bu Factory l; tenss. lïlllbcf. Woodwork of j every uescription.—C. Jennings ana Co., Ltd., liristol. Cll-13 9Sweet,$.-Tlie Doctor told j I t }lcther Nothing could be more whoie- some: only 4s. 4ib.; Id. per oz.. at Headdon's, ???cn.; 1MAH-H .?? ..L. Harness, and Trolley for S?e j I l?x complete; suit coal merchanb, farmers, haulers.—W. J. John. Alexandr.- road, Swansea. 139A11-13 MANGLn. hoLers (steamed Beech'turned ?-L and Bored; all si»es frc? 7s. 3d to 1Cs. 9d. each Venetian Blinds; Turnery every description —C. Jennings end Co., i iAd., Bristol Cll-13 | Q hCONi) HANI) 'fimcer. Large Stock. O Held. Also ne IV hoarings, sueh ing; Lkale all sizes: Doors stocked Newcastle. Leicester. Portncawl, Bristol.—C. Jennings and Co., Ltd., Bristol. Cll-13 QALE, Hand Mortise Machine, eqnal to O new: one-piece saw bench take saw to -;2in-: Spring Hand Truck.—H.J' JJenctr Oilee, Swansa. 140All-11 hOO OASES Gnnn's Canadian Eggs; GvH» on Wednesday. Whole. ,alp -W. Thoma? and Co. (Swansea), Ltd.. Gloucester' Buildinge Swansea. 140A1-1. LIVE STCOK. &c. I I | BIIACK, smooth-coated Retriever Puo?v.' I 4 months strayed from Lonlas House, i S>:ewen, Friday e.etiing. Anybody giving i tnfoi-njation ieadig to recovery of same to l aijovi* address, will be rewarded. 140A11-11  Lovely March Leghorn Rock PuUets- a cannot be beaten if eggs are waiitti during the winter. They are marked with I rings bearing onr name and numbered; C??tomers can then prove for themselves the cill-3itY ()?? 17vin,- etro.,ns, 61 each. Also 100 April Pullets, 10s.. 6d. each; 50 Laying Ducks. &3. each. 30 Prince nen? near laying, 8s. each. Carriage Paid 4 nirds.—Brown's Poultry Farm, Woolton. Lan ■ashire. 139AH-13 o VERY Missive Heavy Goslings; March OJ Hotrhed, 15s. each; Carriage Paid on Four Birdsi—Brown's Poultry arm, Wr-ol- ten. 139A11-13 EDUCATIONAL. PRIVATE TUITION for London Matric 'L and all the Professional Prelim Ex- ams: Shorthand and Book-keeping rapidly taught at Lishman's Coaching College, 40-41. Worcester-place (opposite Castle Cinemjaci Swansea TC QRORTiiANnT?nd' Typewriting; Private sTuition at Moderate Terms.—For par- ticul^ ars, apply iij?n Hall, 2, Roseland-ter- rac(?, St Thomas, ? ?nsea. 154AU-11 ,is.,a. 134AII-11 TRADE ANNDUNCEMSNTS. FINE Variety of Boys' and Gir13' An- Ii.. nuals, Picture Booi^s, Reward Books, Bibles taco&eid anu Xeu-uheii^. toumain Pens. Sty.os, rurses and Wallets, May be seen at Enoch's, 17, nigii street, Arcade, Swanoea. ae>ii liargaina in bibles. 142A11-13 B-ICOA. amokeu Drafts; cm. Item sideo JJ 10-12ib. wajght; whole, Is. loa. per 1b.- uavie-B and Co., Pork Butchers, iiign-street, Swansea. 136A11-11 RUSI[ED. Wool Brail for Ladie6' Mi iir.ar> All the Leading Shades now in stock at John Richards. Draper, 2 I Cradock-f-treet. t>wausea 136A11-11 I Exciu:ve B?ouscM and Latest in Cor?ts ?t n Keen Prices; Go to Ma?'me Jarvis Jonea, Ladies' Tailor and Dressmaker, 28, St. Helen s-road, Swansea. 142A11-15 I EAVil your Soots Repaired at the New J-t R-U Shoe Store. Goat-street. They do them at leurtidly—so neat. 136A11-11 i~F you want a real good Watch, ask for one of my 15 year guarantee Timekeepers II Full Jewelled MovemQnta: excellent Time- piece "-58. each. Oniy at A. JcMepn, Vi" ten. maker and Jeweller. Heathfleld-street (next to Bullitt's). 339A11-14 jJ>EN ii ALE'S Winter Saie.WO Smart X Gente' Overcoats; Sale Price, 65s., worth 80s.; 300 Ladies' Blanket Coats. 558., worth 75s.; Maids' and Boys' Raitiprnufs from 21s. 136A11-11 Is I.D-NEY well known Cakes 4ind C3 P-Mtrieg are made of best in?rpnientc only. Wedding a.nd Birthday Cakes in Stock a [.1 Made to Order. Noted for Teas md Mine Pies.-Palmel"S Oafe, opposite Empire, and Branches. 142.A11.15 SAFES (Fire Resisting), 20 W 48 inches ? b igh. for S le. Alao pair 8?n. Winding Engines; Steam Wagons; Pumps.—Birt. 47a. Strand, Swansea. Cll-18 SURGICAL Appliances—Trusses. SDrayp, ? Enemas. HurKeons' Rubber ,¡ oves !td Stirgica: Rubbe' Ooodr- of every description Writ.: for Catalogue, sent post free,-Ie Bmsseur Surff-cal Co.. Ltd Dept D V ), 90 and 71. Worcester-strect Biimingam. T.C. TTNCLK BKBT'S Full Cream Walnut fnd I u Almond Tofft?s are now on Sale at big Ovford-st'eet Shop. Pre-wa" quality The Pirat and the Best. 137A11-12 i\.ilSC £ LLANEOUS WANTS. GOOD Second-hand Pram- Wanted at once.—Write, X 18, "Cambria Daily II Leader," Swansea. 142.Al1.1i IBTTY Fur nit tii c New and Second-hand.— -L Serkin. 219 High-street, Swaneea. 142A11-15 PL4;NO Wanted for Institution; Price nnd11 I- Maker must be stated, and not to be more than ?40.—Write. "Secretary," "Cam- Vio Daily Leader. Bwan. 142A?! ?5 'T'REES Wanted over Pit wood size.— ien- 1 nin?s Ltd W<?d?orkerM. Pennywell road. Br?Ftf,l Branch at Parthcawl STC. '-7\T ANTED. a Chip Pot atoo Cut in Good 't Oord'tion W?? "Potato"" Leader,' Swansea. 158A11-16 j >WWWMIIWWWllll»WII,IUWMIWIIIIULMIIUMWWW"Wi"II»'"«" MJWI<U.UIIW>M.I.»I «U'IH> N)>» # FORM. i | SMALL ADVERTISEMENT ORDER FORM. I    i ■ 1 i Please publish the above advertisement times, for which I II Please PUbhSh the above adverh<;(> m('nt.f Imeg. for 1'1 h Ich J ,1 | .ncl;r: .1 'f dC11rCd, replies n"?? ?"' '? ? P«r Nrmbees at the "Cambria Dany | I' Leader O?ce. 1- Thia form should be nddrewd to Advertisement Department, Cambria Dai!? I Le'nier," Swane- | MOTOR CARS. CYCLES. &c. A LBION Chassis.—Delivery of 50 cwt. and A- 60 cwt. Chassis from Stock, subject to being unsold; cash or easy terms.—R. E. Jones, Ltd., Motor Depot., Dillwyn-etreet, Swansea. TC ¡,A111.u0li,l)E Minor Co U¡;; e, 1916 Model; V Dynamo Lighting, Electric Starter, etc. Thoroughly Overhauled; in flrst-clasfl condi- tion throughout; any trial or examination; £ 475.—George Marin and Co.. Oxforij street, Swansea. 139A11-13 1.10RD Two-Sieater with English built body, JL. painted green, upholstered leather, double windscreen, khaki hood, dicky seat, right-hand drive; been little used; can be reer. by appointment. Price including spare wheel with complete tyre and ali acces- sories, £3&5. -Apply, Box No. F18, c/o 1&.ader Office. Swansea. TC SALE 15 H.P. PMhard 3 Peaterwith k3 hack carrier. Daimler Engine 4 cylin- der, 4 speeds and reverse, in perfect condi- tion. Tyrco new. Lamps. Horn, Spares, Tools, etc. Bargain L120. Most suitable tion. etc. barL, i??x No. P 18. -bea(ler" frJ" tradesman. Box No. P 18. "ueader" Office. 14CA11-1J QI-vGER Light Car, 1915 Model" Two- >3 Seater; Dynamo Lighting; Electric Horn, etc., in good condition, £ 325 or QCers.-C,eorgo- Marin and Co., Olympic Garage, Oxford-street. Swansea. 139A11-13 A.E C ROAD TRANSPORT EXHIBITION. ROYAL AGRICULTLRAL IIALL, LONDON, NOVEMBER mil, 1919. SEE OUR EXHIBIT. 1"M> EW A.E.( CHAS?l? SUPPLIED DIRE" i J? BY US TO USERS ARE EXAMIND A Yl .'()'{ TWO YF A 1. We can give good deliverV to the follow; t ? and 35 eeater Charabancs, with taperj j etreaniiinc. bonnet, and dash. Also 32-seatev Saloon 'Buseo. 4-ton Lorries wit: hyd'-auht tipping gear q'ernis-C-,is,li or Deferred Paymente. N01E.—AIJ A.E.C. Chassis now SlIDpliei; by us have th.. improved type 50 h.p Tylor eti Ezint, fit+_IDr)n't buy Irjiv disposal A.E.C tut the new and guarantcej Chs-rcir) from H?[a?.< Wh:te and Co Barry ?Tel 32?. the ?)e Soot iDistt!-ibtjtiv?- Agent fnr A.r:.C Commercial Vehirles Cl] 20 1914 LldllT Humber Motor C9ycle; 2 A 4 h.p.; in perfect condition; trial given; l,ice, LZI.-A E. Harries, ITse Old Vicarage, Llandilo. C1-10 Commercial Carrier Co., Ltd., Announce. ments. *>-TOX Lacre Lorry; Brand New; short w whej ba&e; make excellent tipping wagon; in 8tck. QOLE Agents for "Albert" Car; Stand 109 -Iat deliveries in ro'a,i )n. OOOK Your Orders Now for letiy(-v < f Char-a bancs for January and Febru- ary; Let us quote you. OLE South WalesAgents for the "British Four Wheel Drive" Lorry; Shall we I give you a demonstration? Immediate de- livery. ^o-aimercial Carrier Co., Ltd.. 59-62. St. Helen's-road, Sw nsea. Central 776. C1.1.12 NOTICES. CONTINUED Success; Lilian Fletcher, M.B.P.S.; Test Reading Free; ckaia Birth Late and stamped enveiupe-4, ¡ Arcade, I-Pntypidd. WélDl. 141A11-15 Go.. Auctioneers, will m- Sell by Public Auction at their Sale Uoom*, 2l, Onion-titreet, Swansea, on Fri- day. November 14th 1919. at 10 a.m.. all the Unredeemed Pieu^es Pawned with Sir. A. Lyons, 25. High-street. and Messrs. Freed- man and Son, 27, Waterloo street, up to and including November 8th, 1918, and Special Contracts up to and including August, 1919. 142All.11 PALMISTRY and Clairvoyanev.-Notei I- Indian Palmist: 30 years' experience in America France London Australia. Fees from 56. Correspondence invited.-Pi-of. Kiemitt. PnJI.D., A.B. (13 a.m to 1 pjaj. 92 Cecil-street, Manselton. 141A11-1 5 PROF MICHAEL, Celebrated Astrologer- Herb Physician; Ayesha, his great psychic Medium. The Rocking Stones of WaJes. Post Is. 3d.. birth datc.—Scrip- torium, 33. Queen-street, Cardiff. 136AII-11 LORRY .-Half ton Lorry for Hire; Light .JU Haulage arrv description.—Enquiries, H A lenv. 211. Oxford-street. Telephone. 431 Central. C24 11 'i 'C Whoi" it May Concern—Electric Weld- JL in? Taught at a premium; everythina found.—Writo Box H 18 Leader Office. 137A11-12 PERSONAL, IN "Undto Bert's Toffee Shop there is JL ..t:tar.diu., liooro Onll1" Uncle Bert and bid Son thank you for your hslp You are do>u2 'YOI): Bit" as we did oura Thankel I .^wanjea Thanks!! IN Everybody's Mouth!Ma?kay'e Herbal ITtb! ets for Chest. Throat, and Voice. UnnvaHerJ Of all C?nfectionera 2d ounce Wholesale of Mackay's, Mfg. Confectioners, O'd -«larket-street, Bristol LOST AND FOUND. LOST, on Saturday night, between. Cri- -tJ terion and Singleton terrace, Pocket allet, coutairitng Money anu Valuable Papers; Under can lieep money if paperB are I returned.—37, Singleton-terrace, Swansea. 141AU-12 L'5S'l" on Wednesday Pocket Wallet con- Lsiiillirt lt ining One Pound Note. one Ten ?inlliqe .\ote. and Valuable Papers; finder can keep Notes if he returns Wallet and Papers.—J. Harris Duke Hotel, Wind-street. Swansea. 139AU-11 T}?/, REW ARD.-Lost on Sunday, a to/- Mounted Half-sovereign; keepsake; will tindcr kindly return to Harrison, 21, Woodfield-stteet. Morriston?, Cll-10 PUBLIC NOTICES. For Immediate Sale, As she now lies in damaged condition at the NORTH DOCK, SWANSEA, PORTUGUESE FOUR MASTED SCHOONER, "Rio M on Digo." f Gross Registered Tonnage, 733 Toaw. The Highest or any Tender not new* sarily accepted. Tenders to be sent to Messrs. CLARK & LUFF, Consulting Engineers and Surveyors, Cresswell Buildings, Swansea. SALES BY AUCTION. WALNUT TREE HOTEL, ABERAVON. LONG LEASEHOLD CORNER BUSI- NESS PREMISES, BUOT MAKING I and REPAIRING FACTORY. Going Concern. Repairs over S40 Weekly Owner Going Abroad. VACANT POSSESSION ARRANGED. Mr. Richard Morgan Will SELL on THURSDAY, NOVEM- BER 13th, 1919, at 7 p.m., the above ¡ well-known Business, Known as 1, CROWN STFEET and OAKWOUD ROAD, NORT TALBOT, Comprising 5 Bedrooms, Dining-room, Parlour, Kitchen, D.F. Shop, Bath (hot and cold), w.G., Machinery, B.U. 3A Fin- isher, 35 h.p. Crossley Gas Engine, Stan- j rlard Press and Knives, 2 Singer's Patch- fl ing Machines, Roller, Skiver. Can be Viewed in full working order. 99 years' lease from June 24tli, 1902. j Ground Rent, £ 4 15s. For further particulars, apply to Auc- tioneer. Globe Chambers Aboravot. I SALES BY AUCTION. SWANSEA, SKETTY, and TREBOETH. A Well-Built VACANT HESIDENCE in 'NT I"ESII)ENCE in KING EDWARI) PoAf), ati(! .-tlier Desirable Property. Astley Samuel, F.A.I. Will SELL by PUBLIC AUCTION, ftt the HOTEL CAME RUN, on WEDNES- 'WEI,'()-N. on WEI)NES- DAY, NOVEMBEU 12th, 19!9, Val!1abl Freehold and Leasehold | Properties: FREEHOLD- i Nos. 1, 2,3,4, JAMES PLACE, VIVIAN- HOAÜ, SKETTY. m:AMBER COTTAGE, VIVIAN-ROAD, SKETTY. 'I Nos. 6, 7, 8, 9, LLEWELYN-PLACE, VIVIAN-ROAD, SKETTY. LEASEHOLD- I No. 113, RODNEY-STRlusx (forinerly No. 20), SWANSEA. I No. 1U, RODNEY-STREET (formerly No. 21), SWANSEA. No. 53, BAPTIST WELL-STREET, SWANSEA. Nos. 11 and 12, CAEPARC, TREBOETH. No. 117, HAMILTON TERRACE, KING EDWARD'S ROAD. SVVAN- SEA, SOLD WITH VACANT POS- SESSION. Mines and Minerals are Reserved. Sale to commence at 3 p.m. Further particulars from the Auction- eer, King's Chambers, Corner of Gower as«4 Orchard-stroet, Swansea. AUCTION MART. ai, UNION STREET, SWANSEA (Opposite Mond Buildings). WEDNESDAY, 12th NOVEMBER, 1919. Mr. H. C. Higman, F.A.I., Has received instructions to SELL by I AUCTION, at the above address and date, Superior Household Furniture, principal items comprising:-PIA.NO- FORTE, Organ, Mahogany Duebesse Pair, Carved Marble Top Cheffonier, Roll Top Desk, Letter Press, Mahogany Dining Room Suite, Sitting Room Suite, Occa- sional Tables, Overmantels, Whatnots, Cabinet Ornaments, Pictures. Carpets, Rugs, Carved Oak and Walnut Pali Stands, Curtains. Oak SIDEBOARD. Mahogany Dining Table, Cruets. Stair Carpet, IWts, Chest of Drawers, Walnut Bedstead, Copper Wirel Mattre.ss; Over- lays. Be45, Iron and Br ess Bedsteads. Child's Cot. Kitchen Tables, Pine Kitchen Dresser, Chairs. Dinner and Tea .Ware, Oilcloth, Cutlery, Kitchen Utensils, and various other effects; Lady's Bicycle; and various useful OtTectA. Goods on View Morning of Sale. Term,Cn,h. Sale at 11 a.m. SKETTY. IN THE COUNTY BOROUGH OF SWANSEA. One of the most Desirable Residences in the District, standing on high ground with a Direct Southern Aspect, enjoy- ing Magnificent Views of the Bay and Bristol Channel, and is situate less than 2 miles from the Town; about 5 miuntes' walk from the Sketty Tram Terminus. Vacunt Possession will be given on Completion, J. Barron Pascoe, F.S.I., F.A.I., Has been instructed to offer for SALE by PUBLIC AUCTION, at the HOTEL METROPOLE, on TUESDAY, 18th NOVEMBER, 1919, at 3.30 p.m. prompt, the Exceedingly Choice and Valuable Freehold Residence and Grounds, Situate and known as PENYRHEOL," SKETTY. together with the substantially-erected Coach House, Stables and Greenhouses. Also ihe SIX FREEHOLD COTTAGES, known as Nos. 1 to tj, PENYRHEOL COTTAGES, SKETTY, Producing a Gross Annual Income of £78. These Properties will be offered in sep- arate Lots. Printed particulars may be obtained of W. Arthur Davies, Esq., Solicitor, 6, Rutland-street, Swansea, and Orders to View of J. Barron Pascoe, F.S.I., 7, Gower-street, Swansea. CARMARTHENSHIRE. PARISHES OF LLANNON, LLAN- DEBIE, AND BETTWS, And Near to Pantyffynnon and Gwaun- oae-Gurwen. Twelve Miles from Llan- elly and 15 Miles from Swansea. VALUABLE SURFACE AND MINERAL FARMS MESSRS. Stephenson and Alexander F.A.I. Are instructed to SELL by AUCTION, at the HOTEL METROPOLE, SWANSEA, on WEDNESDAY, the 19th NOVEMBER. I 1919, at 2.30 o'clock in the Afternoon, the Valuable Freehold Surface Farms, situate as above, and known át:- Lot I.-Tyr Isaf, 47 Acres. I „ 2.-Gilfach, 123 Acras. 3.-Gcll.}"rod\n-Isai, 93 Acres. „ 4. —Ge11 yrodin-Uciiaf, 23 Acres. „ 5.—Ground Rent, Mynyd Bachan." 6.—Accommodation Land, part of Gellyrodin. 8 Acres. „ A.—The Mines hnd Minerals under- lying Lot 1, now leaded to the G wa un-cue-G ur wen Colliery Company. „ B.—The Mines and Minerals under- lying Lot 2, now leased to the Rhos Colliery Company. I „ C.-The Minerals underlying Lots 3, 4, 5, and 6, unworked and un- let. I The Wholo of the Properties are situate in a rapidly developing district, near to Pantyffynnon and Gwaun-cae-Gurwen Stations, 12 Miles from Llanelly, and 15 Milps from Swansea, and some of the Lots have undoubtedly a potential value. The Minerals underlying Lots 3, 4. 5. and (j are believed to comprise all the well- known Seams found in the District. Plans, Particulars, and Conditions of Sale tnav be obtained upon application to Messrs. Vachcll and Co., Solicitors, Bute Dooics, Cardiff; or to the Auctioneers, 5, High-street, Cardiff. WITH VACANT POSSESSION. David Roberts and Son Will offer for SALE by AUC- TION, at the HOTEL CAMERON, SWANSEA, on THURSDAY, NOVEM- BER 13th, 1919, &t 3.30 in the Afternoon, the Leasehold Residence, 115, WALTERS TERRACE, WALTER ROAD, SWANSEA (near Tenby Hotel).. Conveniently situated on Sketty—Docks and Sketty—High-sfcteet Tram Routes, and will be Sold with Vacant Possession I on Completion. Further particulars and Conditions of I Sale may be obtained of Mr. A. J. Pun- tan, Solicitor, 12, Fisher-street; or of the Auctioneers, 61, Wind-street, Swansea. Tel., 676 Central. I SALES BY AUCTION. PEVERELL, RICHMOND ROAD. SWANSEA. Important Sale of well-made Bedroom Suites in various woods, Bedding, Auto ( Piano, Two Valuable French Commodes, full sized Billiard Table, Carved Oak I Appointments of the Dining Room and Ilal], Engravings and Etchings, Cabi- nets, Bureau, Bookcases, Gramophone, I Divan Chairs, Chesterfields, Cnne and other Chairs, Eastern Axminster and other Carpets and Rugs. Kitchen and Outdoor Effects. MESSRS John M. Leedsr and ipon Having disposed of the residence, are in- structed by Mr. Trevor J. Matthews to SELL by AUCTION, on the premises, on THURSDAY, the 13th day of NOVEM- BER, and following day if necessary, at 11 a.m., the Valuable Furnishings of the BEDCHAMBERS, LANDING and HALL, DINING and DRAWING ROOMS, I LIBRARY, BILLIARD ROOM, KIT- CHEN, etc., the whole of which have been chosen with taste and discrimination. View on production of Catalogue on the day prior to Sale. Catalogues, Is. each, of the Auctioneers, 46, Waterloo Street, Swansea. Preliminary Announcement. SALE OF FREEHOLD AND LEASE- HOLD PROPERTIES IN THE COUNTY* d BOROUGH OF SWANSEA. r MESSRS. John M. Leader and Son Have received mstructions from the Executors of the late Dr. Jabez Thomas to OFFER for SALE by AUCTION, in Lots, at the CAMERON HOTEL, on WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 19th, 1919. the undermentioned Properties:— Freeholds. No. 69, MANSEL STREET, Swansea, let on a yearly tenancy to Mr. Rhya Thomas at a rental of .£38. Five Freehold Cottages, 2, 8, and 4, MILL STREET and Nos. 21 and 22, BRIDGE STREET, let on weekly ten- ancies at gross rentals aggregating per annum .£64. 7s Leaseholds. Four Cottages, Nos. 100 to 103 inclusive, CARMARTHEN ROAD, Swansea, let on 4i weekly tenancies at gross rentals aggre- gating per annum £ 72 Cs. Held by lease for a term of 75 years from March, 25. 1891. at a ground rent of JE7 13s. per annum. A Shop and Premises, No. 15, UNION STREET, Swansea, in the occupation of Mr. M. Greek, at a yearly tenancy at [ rental of £60. Two Dwell.ing Houses and Premi. ses, Nos. 10 and 17, GEORGE STREET, at yearly tenanciea at an aggregato rental of £50. With the improved Leasehold Ground Rents arising out of and secured upon Nos. 11 to lb inclusive, GEORGE STREET. The foregoing are held by lease for a. term of 99 years from December 25th, 1867, at a ground rent of J018 per annum. Three Dwelling Houses, Nos. 76, 77, and 78, KING EDWARD ROAD. Swansea, let on yearly tenancies at an aggregate rental of 274. Together with an improved Lease- hold Ground Rent of .£4 arising out of and secured upon No. 79, KING EDWARD ROAD. The foregoing are held by Lease for » term of 99 years from June 21th, 1879, at a ground rent of J611 Is. 9d. per annum. For Particulars and Conditioni of Sale and further information apply to Messrs?. Strick and Bellingham, Solicitors, Fisher- street, Swansea; or to the Auctioneers, 46, Waterloo Street, Swansea. HOTEL METROPOLE, SWANSEA. J WEDNESDAY. 12th NOVEMBER, 1919. Mr. Trevor E. Williams A Has been instructed to SELL by PUBLIC AUCTION (Subject to such Conditions of Sale as shall then and there be pro- duced), the following Well-Situated Leasehold Properties, Lot 1.—33, RICHARDSON STREET, SWANSEA. Let at a weekly tenancy of 10s. 9d. Lease 99 years (less the last 3 days) from 25th December, 1872. Annual Ground Rent S3 10s. lOd. Lot 2.—39 and 39a, RICHARDSON STREET, SWANSEA. The Shop and Dwelling-house is now let on a weekly tenancy at 12s. 6d., and 39a, the Cottage, is let on a weekly tenancy at 4f. 5d. Lease 99 years (less tho last 3 days) from 25th December, 1872. Annual Ground, Rent of .£3 12s. lid. Lot 3.-148, WESTERN STREET SWANSEA. Let on a weekly tenancy at 12s. Lease 99 years from 29iii September, 1851. Annual Ground Rent C2. Lot 4.-155, WESTERN STREET, SWANSEA. Let on a weekly tenancy at 8s. 4d. Lease 99 years (less 4 days) from 27th September, 1848. Annual Ground Rent of 92. Lot 5.-9 and 10, GAM STREET. SWANSEA. No. 0 is ler on a weekly tenancy at 5s. Gd., and No. 10 is let on a weekly tenancy at 8s. Lease 99 years (less the last day) from 29th SeptembeT, 1848. Annual Ground Rent of 21. Sale to commence at 3.30 p.m. For particulars and Conditions of Sale, apply to W. A. Davies* Solicitor, Rut- land-street, Swansea; or from the Auction j oer, at his Offices, 17. St. Mary-street, Swansea, or Ravenshoe," Mumbles. Tel.: Docks 424. SWANSEA AND ST. THOMAS. FREEHOLD PROPERTIES WITH AND WITHOUT VACANT POSSESSION. J. Barron Pascoe, F.S.I., FJLI., Haa been instructed to OFFER for SALE bv PUBLIC AUCTION, at the HOTEL METROPOLE, SWANSEA, on TUES- DAY, the 18th day of NOVEMBER, 1919 (Subject to Conditions of Sale to be there* and then produced), the following Valu- able Freehdld Properties Lot I.-Tha Vacant Freehold Dwelling- House, No. 21. BRYN ROAD, SWANSEA, overlooking the Cricket Field; in splendid repair and nicely decorated; Central Heated throughout. Accommodation: S Reception Rooms, Kiteheil, Scullery, Bath- room. w.c., 5 Bedrooms. Vacant Pos- session on Completion of Purchase. Lot 2.—The Freehold Dwelling-House, No. 41, MIERS STREET, ST. THOMAS. Accommodation: Parlour, Kitchen, Scul- lery, 3 Bedrooms. Sale to commence at 3.30 p.m. prompt. Further particulars may be obtained of —Lot 1, W. Arthur Davies, Esq., Solicitor, 6, Rntinnd Street, Swansea; Lot 2, D. Harold Williams, Esq., Solicitor, 46. CMtle Bailey Street, Swansea; and with Order to View of the Auctioneer, 7, Gower Street, Swansea. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that N CHARLES NELSON, of 162, St. Helen's Road. Swansea, Marine Engineer, has applied to the Home Secretary for Naturalisation, and that any person who knows any reason why Naturalisatioa should not be granted should send a written and signed statement of the facts to the Under Secretary of State, Homo Oiiiee, London, S.W.1. (p.p.)