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The Day's Gossip.I


The Day's Gossip. I Leader Office, Saturday. The last word is with Mr. George Col. will! Naturally the Kilvey position has to stand, but a letter signed by two cor- respondents urges that Under the cir- cumstances it is felt by the electorate generally that the only course which can now provide them with democratic re- presentation on the Borough Council is for Mr. George Colwill to resign his seat on the 1st of November, submit to a con- test, and leave the issue to the electors." The Drama Award. I As I .expected, the drama award is being criticised. Mr. Walters, of Plas- marl, opened the ball, and I hear that other efforts are maturing. To the English reader who must have wondered why the Leader devotod the space it did to the adjudication, I ought to ex- plain that there were towns and villages uround Swansea in which the findings of the judges were awaited with an eager- ness far beyond that which the sporting man looks forward to the Ccsarcwitch, or the football fan of the football scores. I warrant that every line was read with keenness. j The RaHway Unions. The question of amalgamating the two railway trade unions is being taken up again, and a brother gossip says that he is told from insioe that there is much more hope of the plain maturing than ai any previous period of the protracted negotiations Som of the difficulties have been overcome by tactful concessions from the National Union, mainly concerned with allowing the locomotive men self- determination inside the larger union. A Call to Battle." The Student Christian Movement has sent me a letter very influentially signed, which declares, in part, that the foiiii- dations of society are wrong, because the, relations between man and man are wrong. We have failed to be Christians. Jesus told uc; to love one another, but as a plain matter of fact, we do not love one another. If we did. war would be at cnce condemned, and certain social con- ditions would not be tolerated." The Ruins of Wipers." A British tourist just from Ypres says that he had lunch four days ago in a restaurant called the Cafe des Champs de Batalle, wibhin 200 yardi of what re- mains of the Cloth Hall. There he met several members of the local Council, who have been mting in one of the old dugouts, and he was astounded to .hear they were still debating whether they should reconstruct Ypres, not a mile away, but actually on the immortal re- mains. The Town-major, in order to im- press the councillors, said that inasmuch as in the course of the Second Battle the English and French lost more men than fell in the army of the North throughout the American Civil War, every English- man and every Frenchman would never cease to regard the Ruins as hallowed ground, which it would be an outrage for any builder to touch. Lord Fisher's Dream Ship. The submersible battleship which Lord Fisher believes will drive the Dread- nought from the sea is already with us, at least in embryo. This is the sub- rjrmne monitor" M 1, which has just arrived at Portsmouth from a successful cruise in the Mediterranean. The M 1 is, in fact, a small battleship designed to fight above or below water. She carries a long-range 12in. gun, firing a shell of S50lb., and this powerful weapon can be discharged when only the muzzle shows above the surface. The vessel has been 1 exhaustively tested, and can now be pro- nounced a decided success in every way. She has two sisters, one of which has been completed since the armistice. The London Labour Party. The Morning Post yesterday had an I interesting leading article on the London elections. It declared that the London Labour Party do not want economy. I "They want extravagance. They want I extravagance because it is one of their ¡ aims to vote the owner of property out of existence. It is their way of clearing I the foundations for the new Socialist 1 <?rder. They want to destroy property in )rder to make room for Socialism. Mr. Sidney Webb, the gentleman who told the Coal Commission that it was possible to I change human nature by an Act of Par- liament, freely admitted the end in view. So far back as 1893 he was asked: Sup- posing it (the rate) had to go as far as to amount to 20s. in the S, what then?' And Mr. Webb replied: 'That is a con- summation I should view without any alarm whatever,' and he added: the municipality then would have rated the owners out of existenc:" A Personal Note. I Mr. Abraham Thomas is a sad man I these days. Some weeks a60, in his seventieth year, he had a seizure, and is still confined to his house. This week the Carmarthenshire Assizes are being held, but Mr. Thomas' familiar face is absent. For more years than many of us can probably remember he has been a, faithful attendant on the South Wales, circuit as Welsh interpreter, and, so far aa the writer knows, has not missed a single Assize until this one. The worthy chairman of the county magistrates al- ways looked forward to these circuit ap- pointments, and, whatever else called, he would never oven consider as much as a suggestion that he should forego his duties as Assize official interpreter. < Whether at Brecon, Carmarthen or Car-' diff, the warm welcome from his host cf friends was invariably forthcoming. He told the writer once that he was some- times tempted to write a book on his experiences in the Courts. If he is as good an author as he is a raconteur his reminiscences would make good reading.


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