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I WEST WALES RATES. Teachers' Salaries Blamed for increase. Extra IOd. in County. An alarming i"crease in the rates of the county was reported at the quarterly meeting of the Carmarthenshire County Council, held at Llanelly on Wednesday, when Aid. J. L. Thomas, J.P., presided, In moving the adoption of the supple- mentary rate of lis. 2 £ d., bringing the rat.e for the retiiain;ng S.J months of the current financial year up to 5s ltd. in the X, Aid. Evan6, chairman of the Finance Committee, said that in 1913 the elementary -Iucat;on rate was 8d.; 1913 li, 9d. 1915-10, lid.; 1918-19, lIS. 4d.; 1910- 1920, Is. lOçd. That was the amount which they estimated was required to carry on the work of education for the year. The total uriount budgeted for the year for educati'»a was -0111,192. Now it was found that they had not estimated sufficiently to nicest the;r liabilities. For- tunately, for the County Council, they had th6 poor ratepayers to fall upon. Dr. J. H. Willianis made an interjec- tion, whereupon Mr. Evans saiid: Yes. and can draw for at.d bleed t0 dearth, if you like." TEACHERS' SALARIES. Proceeding, Mr. Evans said that for teachers' salaries they budgeted £ 75,000. which was JS15.000 more than the amount --bey required for last year They found that by the middle of the year they had already Epent £ 53,000, so that they had to increase their estimates for teachers' salaries by < £ 3Q,000u The sum of X105,00,0 would be required for tea chews' salaries, as against < £ (>0,000 for las;t year. This increase would mean a supplementary rate of Is. That was the biggest item. The additional anount required to carry on the work of the Education Committee was £ 9,945, which was met by an extra rate of Hd in the 4 for the half-year. but had it not been for the CI5,600 re-1 ccived from the Government in respect of arrears of grants, it would have been Is. in the < £ Coming to the County rate, here again it was found that more money had to bt- rR'f'OO THE ADDITIONAL RATES, The proposed >idditional rates were a speci-al rate of 5d., and a general rate of od., nuiking Wd. The county rate origin- ally estimated was Is, 10 £ d., and with an additional rate of JOd., it came to 2s Bid. rhe rate was as estimated in March last 3s. Hid., and it was now 5s. IN Mr. H S. Holmes (Carmarthen) asked if the item, salaries of teachers, amount- ing to Y,105,000, was the county's contri- bution to that heading. Mr. Evans. These are the sajaraw we pay. Mr. Holmes: But the Government pays £ 62,000. Air Evans: That is the amount we pay, buit it does not all come from rates. Aid Blagdon Richards po-inted out that the Government grant was paid by the taxpayer, and indirectly they in Car- marthenshire were contributing toward s the extravagance of varous other coun- ties, so that it did not make one jot of difference in the long run. Dr. J. H. Williams said the Mr. Evans had forgotten the depreciation in the value of money, for a rate of 8d. in 1913 was equivalent to Is. lOd. to-day. Mr. Evans replied that the depreciation was the same on money received and ex- pended, so it made no difference at $11] Dr. Williams: You blame the County Council. Mr. Evans: I do. Dr. Williams: Yon should blame the farmers and others. (Hear, hear.) I SINS OF THE PAST. Lady Howard contended that; they were being hard hit to-day because they had I not paid their teachers as they ought to before the war. It really took a European war to pojnt this out to them. If they wanted their children decently educated, they must have decent people to educate them, and they could not have them for 2d. a year. Aid, W. N. Jones aid that the rates had jumped up because thyhad not done their duty to the teachers in the day., ;-one by. and they had forgotten thai the teachers were the very -people who were bringing up the'r children, and they should have given to the teachers what was fait and right. It was only now that they were beginning to do that which they ought to have done years agp. Mr. Evans took exception to the re- marks of Aid. Jones, and said they had beeB able to settle wf.th the teachers on every occasion, with exception of the time when they w.ent to arbitration. Aid. Jones was in the light then, and the teachers did not garin by it. Dr. J. U. Williams: Did they lose by it? Mr. Evans: Certainly, and that was the only fight we had w'th the teachers, j The motion for the adoption of the new J rate was then passed


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I - -,- - - ! HIS LUCKY NUMBER.…

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