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! Aberavcn Municipal Election.1

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Aberavcn Municipal Election. 1 Aberavcn Municipal Election, I November 1st, 1919. TO THE ELECTORS OF THE I NORTH WAHO. Ladies and Gentlonicii,- On the 1st November nert, you wiil be calied upon to eiect two VI-Qlll- bers to represent you on the Council for the aiJove Ward, and 1 again niost re- spectiully otter my services and seek your suffrages. During the period I have had the honour to represent you, I claim to have 'I been assiduous to :111 duties appertain- ing to the position, and have at all times been .-tetuated. NOT H r SELFISH MOTIVES OK DESIRES, BIT THE GENERAL WELFARE OF ALL SEC- TIONS OF THE COMMENT! V.. Since my last appeal to you seven years ago, the Country has waged in the I must terrible war in tbe anurds of ins- I tory. and consequently we imvo gone through very strenuous times. During this penoa, Locsi Authorities were iiutlioi'i'seri to hold up 1111 improvements as no sanctions of expenditure would be granted. Therefore, the promises of 1 seven: 1 improvements which I made in my last appeal remain unfvtlfilted iOr no I reason of my own. In lieu of-proceed-: I, mg with improvements, the essistnnce of Local Authorities was invited to help Jie country in her hour of danger pu<?n -iJ t- ters of vital importance, such as L?-id 'lnhuna's, War fpu?ons, food (ontr.)I, ational Service, etc. I was elected your Chief Magistrate in I j !91H-!7 at a time v. iron the country was in the throes of Warfare. J. acted as, CHAIRMAN OF THE LOCAL i'OOD COMMITTEE, and I venture to assert that the Borough of A B ERA VON COM- PARED FAVOURABLY IN FOOD DISTRIBUTION WITH ANY TOWN IN THE UNITED KINGDOM. I also acted upon the other Committees above- named, and devoted practically the ¡ whole of mv time to make the lot of the Soldier and his Dependent a happier I one. In consideration of my services, and beiiig an ex-Service man, the Local I Branch of the D.S. and S. federation have nominated me as their Candidate in this Section. I may say that two of the IMPROVE- I I n-ta3, sav tiiat two of the I-NIPRO'V'E- ACTIVE SUPPORT ARE NOW .\c-I COMPLISHED FACTS, ? iE. :—Munic!- pal and Arcade Buildings, and the SW Bridge over the River at Velindre. 1 have always been a staunch sup- porter of BETTER HOUSING FOR THF, WORKING CLASSES, and it is gratifying to ba able to state that the Council has rriade a move in this direc- tion. The" Fairfield" Housing Scheme has met with the approva! of the Minis- try of Hea!th, and it is now being pro- ceeded with at all possible speed. "lth the gradual removal of War re- strictions I think the time is now oppor- tune for proceeding with MUCH NEEDED REFORMS, such as BETTER I LIGHTING. SANITATION, and other improvements necessary for the general welfare of the Public. To ensurethè ac- complishment of these Reforms, and hay-I ing regard %) the enhanced value ot material and labour, ym will appreciate that, the Ratef, must of necessity have an upward tendencv. The question of AMALGAMATION I WITH CONTIGUOUS AREAS has, and always will, receive my whole-hearted support; and you may rest assured that I will do all in my power to further the Scheme. The POSTAL FAC ILITIES now exitt- ing, in the Borough ARE TOTALLY IX- ADEQUATE to cope with present-day demands, and if elected, I intend advo- cating the erection of more eomifiodious premises. In thanking vou for past favours, I again respectfully ask you to givf me your support and interest on the Polling Day of Election. Beliclve nip to I-emiiii. Your humble and obedient Servant, t T. S. GOSLIN. I 32, Church Street, Aberavon. ELECTION OF COUNCILLORS. I South Ward of Aberavon. J ladies and Gentlemen,— I The annual Election of Cou?ciHors I takes piKCe on the 1st "wmher. when the Electors of the 80"lh Ward have to I.¡ect two candidates to rpprese?t them. At the rcqafst of P Mrge number Qf I Ratcpnypr?. I bave Mnscntfd to he noyhi-I Dat?d. and trust you will give me the same plend id support on this occ&sion as vas aBFordcd me at the last Guardians', Election. [t is impossible to set forth in detail all one's views in an address, but among other things I should support: 1. Immediate steps to provide housing accommodation for the growing popu- taiion. 2. Strong action by the Council to as- sist in reducing the cost of living, and in preventing profiteering. The adoption by the Council of the Allótnumt Act, "hy virtue of which they could lease land to let for a lengthy term to the allotment holders. 4. Improved lighting and condition of roads in the South Ward. 5. I am of opinion that the time bas now arrived when the services of trains to and from the ea.side Station should be a more comprehen- sive one, and every effort should be made to bring about tht stoppage at .this Station of trains which at pre- sent run through. 6. T firmly believe, with the prospect before us of a great amalgamation of interests, the time lia.4 now arrived WIHm something can be done in the ..]ired ion of a more attractive and > UEMUXERATIVE Beech. 7. The Water Supply of the Borough is a matter that will have my most earnest attention. 8. No one needs nio to remind them that the Town Council is now mov- ing towards bigger things. The long discussed question of an EXTENDED BOROUGH has. at last. reached the day when argument and speculation have been MERGED in the greater business of a practical start in the right direction. Needless to say I should support such an extension, l and respectfully submit that my many years of business experience will be of assistance in the promotion of such a scheme. This same business experience will always be at the disposal of the Elec- tors of the South Ward whom I have found it an honour and a privilege to represent. Soliciting the favour of your vote and I interest. v i Vonrs faithfully. f E. MARCHANT JENKINS. 13ryn OgWy, Aberavon, October 23rd. 191. -4




County Borough of Swansea.…

Aberavon Municipal Election.1

I Swansea Municipal Election.