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   *?*  Leader' Uass?'iea Advertisements. APARTMENTS, SITUATIONS VACANT OR WANTED, TO BE LET, LOST AND FOUNO. One Three Six Insertion. Insertions, Insertion* 89 Words.. 1 0 2 0 3 0 30 Words. 1 6 3 0 4 0 40 Words. 2 0 4 0 5 0 1"0,1 SALE, TRADE ANNOUNCEMENTS. One Three Six Insertion. Insertions. Insertions ? Words. 1 6 2 6 3 6 30 Words. 2 0 3 0 4 6 40 Words. 2 6 3 6 6 6 ■ iiVHS, DEATHS, IN MEMORIAM, AND MARRIAGES. Ouu Three Six Insertion. Insertions. Insertions 20 Words. 1 6 3 6 6 0 30 Words. 2 0 5 0 8 0 40 Words. 3 0 7 0 12 0 EDUCATIONAL, One Three Six Insertion. Insertions. Insertions go Words. 2 0 3 0 4 6 » Words. 2 6 4 0 5 6 < Words. 3 0 5 6 ? 6 MONEV.-6d. per line. MISCELLANEOUS SITUATION* VACANT. MONEY-KAKING Work Offered; whole <r .L 1 spa") time: particulars, ai-so i'ockit liuDber Stamp of your JNam-j and Address free.—!J iiicbioid, Ltd.. Snow iiiU. Ijoi.UOXI UdAll 3 WOMEN AND GIRLS. ?r?O?i?.—tten. hvan? and Co.. .Lw., icyuafc C" & Oook tor tubir Jitltfocujuicui. uouiuj. -plea ilidVIV to tue Aia.na^fcre.>o. CIu-o-i1 t? Xj??R?L.??-L?U l;AtlUt;l"l "a{j"c- iJ App-y, W?Lh ttteuuiumais, to ?it.. Lvaos, uajiwajr llotb. it!Uíl.lJi 1<;1"a.. lii-ili-i I "jniX-PiiKii.ilisliD General Wanted Once; ti.J Crood wa^eo.—Apv'y. & to evening,, Jj&wia, imju-sti-eci#, fiwa.i;ce> li.o-i.ll '.r-WÖ-TÃll.Olái;gES wanted. Ve?t and I Trou:erj bands, Higheel W.,g0¡'; p- ¡ :us.tiet?y Jameo Tailors. Woodfield-street, ?orristoa _?.- 16All-.) \Y\V i AjS lbl). & Good Uenerai bervaiit.- tY Apply, any evening &in:r ? o^o.k, 9, Baton Grove, Swansea. 1Z5Al1. WAiN'i t±D, ? General ?rvant imme- IV diawly: Good Keicrecces required — Apl¥, .? ??tM&uiy-terr?ce, wa¡a,. cii-s I "VVIV r ANTE 0. Housekeeper. Apply between VY 6 ?n.l 7 p.m.. B. M 6? £ Derdy berth l- ttreco, [aiod. &?a.D6ea.. l?A?i? t?AKTED'iniinedj&tely, Girl. about 16 years a? General Servant; gwd hom? wages.?'-?pp:?y. Mrs. Ueorse. iii? House, Peomaen, (jower i??.n-? WANT'&D, early in November, thoroughly experienced help for small family; good wages and outingd.-iirs. Coonan. bae- moral. Mumbles. UoAii j. "X\^V TANTED, a Good General; allothcr Maid 11 kest.-Apply. between ) alILI 6, to ?r&. DaviM. 6. Gwydr-gardene, Swansea. j   ANTED General Servant, small family -Api?Y. ?M. BevM. CnemUt :;1.0: risn, .Q_29 VVi\ ^ANTED, a GeneNI &n-ant.- \? R 8h?-. Furzebauk." H?thM.,? Swansea _?  l i' MEN Aft D YOUTHS. A (lEriT wanted immediately for small A booll iu Swansea: also 10r Trader. fawan-sea 123.A1.-1 A J-??CA'iiU?d are invite for the ?tu- A Mion of Un?Hwe?-r toi Clytie t" 1 hvr CoU.ery. Ciyue: v^agen 66 ?er etun. s,»a j*««.««». ¡iJ,¡L Qaukey A?ard. Aumieauts to  at,t. ?<i must be 6naucM.i members ot tue ■ ii i' G.U. Application K be in ?y ha:43! not later than 'i-hur?av. O??r? 1?. K Hich??. 0. Ciyne-terrace. ??'ue. I ViV^w' |; C10LLBCTOB-CAK VASSEE required for in- <J surance Book; ?re.io? hxperielil, ?eferred.-Appiy. pero:;onall;y. betwceIl b I and 6 any #vemng to M. iT<toS p<-ctpoiiaccte, ),IanellY 1:¥ riOACHBUlLDE» Wanted ?r  ? if suitable, partnership wui be given. H^ply, Box W15, "1_ ,er," s',vansea ,2jAll-2 (t Ji°OilPETWarehouseman required-; C ?ienced-W. J. Juhil, A1«SJfo'S road. 120A1O,29 I^RAPEEY Apprentices; Vacancy for Two iJ Smart, we.led?teu Boys as A)pren- tices; W live iu; smail ?agee given 'row banning of term.-B. W. Ijaviw a#wl Co-, 1 ue &quar€. Neath. __?— 1'2 J TOlNEKS~Wanted; Jobbing and Repairs- J Apply. J. ?. Thomas and U., baeB ?raxOn-?M. '^A'J 1 T>AINTER^. PAPEEHANGEES &; GKAJN- p Ka WANTED AT ONCE  b l itliable men need apply. Lopf? j. ob to ?t. t? men-Apply Henry B.Ihn? and^ Trafalgar Yard. Swansea._ 23A10.Sj UBÚEN'l'L\W-Ã-ÑTEri=5ÕJ gtnt" to ?j Qualify for E!i3tin<! ?-a?.ea Thif is a 8plerHUd opportunity fo? a !Youtb b- tween the aKf of 17 and M to ^ure a pfr manent lucrative bert? fo" life (Joem loyed Demohoheed SNvieo men ?)tn & ?nowtedceof Wireless of the ahov n^. ?Jid?te or caH ?or'ce.-??.l? ?o,ining College, Ltd St. Mary-street Car fH?. ?r Castte?treet. Swansea. f ATED. Colliery Fireman holding I f, Certificate for in the Swansea Valley.-Write, giving aj^ and Experience to "Coal, Leader OSice. Swanaoa. ]^ W- ANTED, Doublers, Furnaeemen, at:d Behinaera.—Apply, Glamorgan Black plate Works. Pontardulais. r^All L "VV^V fiLNTEb Immediately, (imcer's Haulier; \V used to Horses; et?dy.-Apply Hong Kom Stores, Neath. ?Al- 2 -I. AlŒOUSE;M.A Hquired; w)lOieEaè Grocery.—Apply, John Richard Ltd., fnion-street. 123A10 WVV ANTED. Man to Repair Tra F;. dy YV work or piece work.—Dulais Co-aery, -Onllwyau n3A 0 q •/■ tVlV fANTED. Practical NiLht Mill Foreman t —Apply by iette,? in nr?t instance. ftatlnft azo experience an 1 wac ? ret)uu?d to Me?r? the Villiers Tinplatc Company. Ltd., Britot ferry. 121A10.1 lL'?7'AKTEr'. Youne Draftsm J^fd to V Y Ueatluc and Ventilating Ergineer 9 ■ H work.—Apply by letter, statins ago expert i, rice, and salary reauired. the Bnghtgidp >- foundry and Engineering Co. 29, St Mary w- e-treet. Caruiff 121A10-30 I WANTED by Firet-eimea Insurance Office VV Junior Clerk. 15-11, references < r < previous experience reouired.- Write Box p 14. Leader omeo. 120A10 30 S5 "XVXV TANTED, for a larao Steelworks m I Son. h Wales, a thoronehly competent MeJtinz Shop Manager, thoroughly oon- rerear.t with the most ui-to-date methods 9 of Basic and Acid St'.el u.annfacture fnr Sheet P.axs Tin Bars, and Emets Apr-ty. "'gfhtivit &;P. experience, and ftalary re- tiuired. no original testimonials to be sun- I tilled. 11 this is done. they will not he re- 5 t.trne.1. At applications will be treated i » with strict confdence —Anplv R 12." Cars. bria Daily Leader. Swansea. rasgae~B.-r ■- ■■ LOST AND FOUND. L' EFT on Seat at BrynmUl Pk;S;; I JU day. Girl's Squirrel uff,-Finder re warded on returning same to 23. Brynyirtor- j road, Swansea. CP 0 LOST. Large Cap of a Wiieei, i-ainuu j JU Green; Lost while traveliins between Morrston. Llanpyfelach, Pontardulais, aiia j Llanelly; tinder Eewarded.—H. Studt's I rfocnic Railway, Kidweliy. 12SA?0-30  08T. on October )6?h. between Mumbles  and Pontardawe, Stepney Spare Wheel complete finder pieaae advise Clydai h ;„.Poiice Station. 125AJ0-S0 "TOi?V, fispi Gwaun cae-Gurwen Common. a Dark Chestnut Filly, two-year old. ..ftPout 12.1 h.h.. witii prominent White St-ir "fen Forehead, light mane, and short ta 'I :1 -unshotl. Also a Bay two-year old Pony. 122 • h.h., Small St r. on Forehead, and touch of above eft eye.r. E. Morgan, 38. -ftetiadd-roajf Gwaun-cae-Gurwen. Cll 2 OfT beftveen Park-street, Hospital, and Ii J i Uplarda Gold Chain Bangle. Finder ITwarded un returning san.e to 2, Bcrnard- feet. 1?3A 10-29 T OST, Ba-Y Marc Porty 22 2 bands, in bo<.<:i I i oondition; medinm lonsr tail; 1101 i.,a.rks.-Evans, Post Office. Cefneitnni. 122-\ O-3! i 0DOINGS Wanted; Bedroom and Slight 1 a Attendance for Respectable WorV.ng Man: Town.—Please state terms to Box IT 16. I OMAt4* IkalW Ijftader.- & -Am. SUAV-Zt HOUSES AND SHOPS FOR SALE AND TO LET. Bki lyur u.oui»e witj> me over iioudtis have bfeen u-oug.it on our »wie»ie.—sor purlieu.ars, apply, G. t&vaiia, 12ZA I -1 |^A,iiL.\ Sale, in Pme- -1 » wootl-roud. Uplands, excellent Leat-« hold Loa?e. two sutuiK-i-oouis, kitcueu. hudcr. co?.<-iioubc. waaU-h?u?' ) b?jt?t'Uta baiii-roeiu, w.c.; tiU{ view& of Bay ctc; lonK INlfi6; low ground rent,-Aopiv i<.> Aie^ivs. J BJlnntt jcn?t'tS and Sons, i.«ta;.e A?t-nt? Surveyors, etc. 4. Cohege'strebt. ::)\\ ast-ca.. _?? C?? VER<LlYJFoAD, SKETTY?For?' Saic. L. vvitli car¡' poMCMiOU. freehold cmi. mtaened Villa; ;%vW reception tuo??.. Jut- I eben, tculipiy, wasbhouae etc. 4 bedroorus. Iiuth-rjoiii. w.c.; gcoll sarden—Apply to -Vleusrs. J BJevvitt Jenkins and Sons, kscato .m?;?. Rurvcyot'?. ,"e. 4. CoUe&e-t-ti-?H.. -v.an^ca.. Cl0.O L''? SALE. Two uous?s in Courtnc-y-otreci X Man?iton. 4 Rnd 5 Hoome; in Mc.t repair.—Write, "Busines3,"ilader" Oihc, ^virsea.  !25A1! 1 ?REHiiOn- House for S?- at WocdIa.?ds. -? t,?rrace Montpelier-terraee and R?p ,Üll.tcrrace, alGo excellent Lea?ehcid Hc.?e at tnc Upland'; to be' M:d with vacant )c? etssion —Joseph Harris AuctioDccr, 1 Gtorzp..stre?t bwan^ea. C?-30 1-lï5ifs:!i from i2M and m-warde- Ss 1M XI weekly repays ?25J..?.cM.?n??s.iTcu a:j,y district.—A rit;> "Seller," Leader OIT!ce T.C ?EA?I-ROAD ? POD-Two weH-hhHt Eou-es for Sa?p. chea? to fnnnpd?tp rurchaper- low ground rent-Joseph Ha.r. na At]f-n?r?r._ 1. Ceorge-street. Swar?pa QT. GEORC: S-TECRAJE't'i? oS 'WaIt? S T. rotd; cant Ho<?c off W alt, ?o?prn conveni?)ce: prico to "immediate PM-chaser onlY .ES?-Jo?t Harrie Au?- tioncer. 1. Gcorge-strcet Swansea. WE wil! erab!e you to Purcha.ee?. H<n)F°  'i't' wo!'tb £250 for ?n average repayment ,)f 5s 11(i rite Box W 8' L(?)p!.  C10,71 If WEEKLY will Purchase £450 ir;2 aiiv djstrirt; pow-fi3if>,i by arrange n'.en» t.— Landlord,^ Loajer. Swansea. T.(;. I APARTMENTS AND LO (! TO LET AMD WANTED. TTf^ANTEL'.—Two lnre-e unfurnished rnoma » or two fti-ni-hed.-XVrite B01 n 1r" Leader 0fflee, Sw, t n L -t.125AII HOUSES WAITED. \A7ANTFjj, Srnali Furrisljed^ JHouf-e » » l;at!room preferred; at Lapland or Newton.—Write "M." Leader ffik-e -121 AlC 30 llousa in ifce di?tr; t j aScJ-v/ to ter.t.-Writ.e Bot. W 14, Leader I Office. Sy.-ar.aea. 010-29 i PREMISES TO LET & WANTED I OFFICE in S'wan? rcQuired by Uiduett-? Company.—Apply, with fu:l parties- j;,8 of acooiumoiiation and cental re?uire? | to Box X 15, "Leader" OtULe, Swansea. j 123All-cO I TVfORKSHOP Wanted;, ranst be Centra; i » -0 J. Jcucfi, Coach Trimmer. 11, I Gordon-terrace. ■■ ■' 123A10-23 NOTICES. A MOSicAli Treat is aasured tbtie, who I j I vieii t'le Albert uaii ¡:a4a. on No k iabei' 1st. t'irst-cl s&s Vocalists and CUcLio competing. Scaca can be Booktii I I mvnieulately lao h>vause.t Branch Com u-ereial 'liliveileiti' A<stociSijou p.onuse the I thoii Eisitdaiod to be the Beat ?"aiity produced. C-O-W Ill .>XLLiou.:J-1Ù,NciN-Ö.-LateSt TŒldOll! } Dances taugat, iitciuding Tauao ??altz. Private and Class Lupous.—Appiy I ?r? Georl'iey Lewis. 3 Utorg*-street, Swan- <('? oe at The CejJt?at be hoot of Dancing. ? St Helen b-road (Godfreys), Swansea. 112A10-29 (-iAGEBiFä-;¡-ier;:=Ha-;illg-boUI:Lt a ? LafKo LcK&i?nmprtt 01 thi?year':) har- vested Canary Seed, we are now onenng the same at 6id per lb.; tnutd nd per i.b.: Hemo. Ra.p", Linked, ah i Parrot Food, aH ?at&d Per lb On sale at Swansea Poultry Corn Co-ocemt?c stoics & Faoian-street. St Tho?n?a and No 6 ?ta:f Swansea Maiket i uVateiioo-htreet sid?). opened ev?ry day. j 121A1U-30 C>OnTiNUED Suc?(.?; Madame Lk?ch?. \? M.B.P.S.; test reaaing tree; gccd. birth date and ntan;ped oiiveiope.—5, Arcade, i'ont.ypmid, < .U<JLu?.?.)i'.S Confectionery. — ?-? ( J Quanhtma sup:))it'd trade only: 3?. varieties Write price b,t ictamp) Dipt, 15 26. City Confectionery* Co. 119. Mincieg, Ix. 11 don 132 A10-30 DANCiNU.-Miss-Olivj Harris teaches ali J the Latest Dances; fur etc., apply Welineld ilouse, 1, George.street,. S»van;,ea. Tel. No. 469 Docks. 123A11 1 DANCING—Madam J?.-tf' Daviea nas Ke-1 -? euroed her Private Da?.cjn? I?esMtua. L:itœ i?nce? \.alllt. For term" appLv 35 (i^ org?sttect? Swan-sea. l?A?O-SO tt?O?R Light Kaniaue cf any deGoiDtio!) ?:.t ,oub, cba.t?e?. apply ? Hearn. 23, Trafalgar-terrace. 93Ai U-31 MOiiSSiS ar.d Traps foi Hire, also Pony .I l a?d Govern,?e* Car: by hour, day. or bv week.— S Hearn. 28. Trafalgar-terrace. 98A1C 31 ] Oli,Y.-Half.t()n Lori-y for Hire; Light II JJ Haulage arrv (iclleription.-Enquit-iez,. ii. A. Least, ill, Oxford-street. Telephone 431 Central. C' 4 -?li "jV'OTJCE.—Mc<iame Datma has Uemoved to f i.1 258, Oxford-street, Swansea; next doer Huekland-Jones' Dental Surgery. 1221..10.30 ri^O af| Irtendinp Purchasers of HotTeJ-?'.i I Furniture.—You ?houU. without dei.? call at Hill t- (the Manufacturers) and in- "t:ct )h<.?: Large and VanOlls htock?. ?::fct from their own works No middle- man's profits Cash or FAy Terms. Piean note the Address. Hill's Gower-street Sftan#tea. Also 14. Windsoi-road Neath i20A 10-29 T YPEW RITE 11,8.-T he Master-Model Royal jt. Standard Typewriter No 10. The tlu(.(; choice of all dircriuiinating Writing Ma chine Buyers Recent Government ordeib for over 7.000 Royals. Facilities provided for inspecting all other makes of T> pe- wnterp; OSice Appliance Company. Sid <lali Fuildyig. Swansea. Cll-9 | "1 I.T 'I LIVE STOCK. ko. Sale. Pure White Pom. (doj); four r months.-Apply, Fairweatlier, 6, Hill- side-terrace, Tichbourne, Mumbles, MAIO 30 F 04. k3ALI: 60 February, March. Apr 1. i. ll.J. White- W .vandotl/ Cockerels of eokwl'ent utility strains, from 12s. 6d.— Clements. Llanllienwen Farm, Morriston G-, EEih, Large and Young Glouceatershiie Poultry; 31a. 6d. each; laying fowls, 3s. 6d.. cockerels, W. 6d. Alfco Working Ferrets.— Neiil, Pegler-street, Brynhyfryu, Swansea. 123A11 1 \-i/ ANTED, good Yard Dog. stato parttcu- lara.-bliis. Beimont," Blackpill. 122A10-49 c4v-'If) l cac!t a* ^VQ months old. for four {) RmlJ store pi^s boncht nt 5s. ea.ch was one beginner's reeoi.l after u-iirg Karswood Pit; Powders. 7.) 1 ear: do it too! Twelve f,j" la. Thomas. Clicmwt, Gfvrsein- on. and Old Bank Pharmacy. Llanelly 112 Ml-6 J MOTOR CARS. CYCLES. &C. j A LBIOM CHASSIS —Wo cat. offer d?i.'?T | ?t of 50 cwt ebaz?si6 eiri 60 j cwt November and 30 c'st and 80 cwt No. vember. eubiect unsold Caeb Ea«y Terms, or Exchange.—R /E Jones. Ltd. (Motor I)et)t.). Dillwyn-strett, Swansea T/C /ALCOTT Light Ci r (;??6). Dickey ecat. vv dynamo lightiiiK. electric horn; 'e !• a inted anrl overhauled: i 1 excellent con. (titiM. a"d splendid ru?niu? order, t45G.- Apply W. Bcvan 28 The Promenade, Swn]? I Ee\ C10-30,/ IjT 70KD Lorry for Sale; new hood, new Stepney tyres, spare wheel: overhaul d I as new; any trial; rea ii for sellÜn, i? hea1th.-ApplY 1 Morris House, Fforestiach 123A ?0-29 jX)K ?L.E. Milmes Da.im¡erCümmerda Lorry, £ 100; 1 Ton Aerial ditto..?M; 2,Ton Deanis. ?.?0; 3-? Ton Clvnesdale. £ 220; 3 Ton Straker and Sauire, £ 160; 3-4 Ton A?I d y's Lorry, C 2 1 o, a 4-Seater Touring cl,i t c r T o i i r i 1 1 Cal?, .E425; 23 Seater Studebaker. £2O; and a Briton 5,Sooter Car. £ 193.— Apply. Joseph Harris, Auctioneer and Valuer, 1, George-street. Swansea. Tele phone No. 4-69 Docks. C1:-1 STAFFORD" Scoot- Book now for early deliveries Pol1 Agent for Swansea and Distrfct: Fletcher's Garnpe. ,\an8el\, 123..0.\11.1 A H.P. JAP; Free Engine, Boche Lag., B. and B-. new Tyres and Belt; lovely f'Ondition. Also 4i Br-ndbnry. 2 Speed. Fixe Engine: reason for selling, room wante/i Write, P15, "Cambria Daily Leader." Swar- sea. 123A13-3 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. I l' ::)AR({}U!'õ.-Seeond.h!t,d P:ano hy we]!-I ?B known London M-ker in cxceUe?. condition; 28 gns ca<>U — Hawkins, 24. Chapel-street Mumbles. 123A11-1 BABY Grand iron Frame Overstrui:fa Piano in Burr Walnut Ca&e, 75 Guineas; lueecna-iiand Pianos from 30 uumeas; or Terms Arranged.—Dlie, Forty, and Co.. Ltd., Ii0, King Hidwaru'u-road Swansea. 12cxAlO-3c G\ J.ODKItLV and Co Ltd.—Special 'Bargains in Second-hand Pianos and Organs; ¡ priceo from ?gns Kew Planes by all the tpadtn? makers, including Collard and Col- lard. VI itto and ?'ttto?.?me? and Co. B;i':smcad Cramc etc.. He Prices from ???!gn3 CSil Terms arnwged if dCcired I Write for free Est or (all and make a per- sonal selection.—Godfrey an,! Co., Ltd., 22. .-it. Heien's-road. Swansea. 1 a a 1 i)-,i /VODFREY and Co. Ltd Pianoforte ManiK ()T iac?u'ers. have now Re-Opened their Tuning an? He?a.iring Department Pianos and Oran Thoroughly Renovated and H?. paired Estimates given. Expert Tuners Visit all lJarU, of Wales Pianola and Player Ha nog a Si '!ialitY -Godfrey and Co., Ltd., J2. St. ?P.-<s M?. SW1nsea ?2A?-5? ?U?tCAL IXhTHUMH?TS.-?Ve Mf)!?. i''? Mainfacture Buy. SeH and r?pha'?c Stringed I not rumen is. Our Strings are un-! eoual'.ed: used by every Professional in Swaniioa and District. Repairs receive a- pert attention on the premises Get your Musical I.'eQuirement-s attended to by us. and receive tho benefit cf 43 years' pracci- e.I experience thereby caiiinf,, satisfaction and making your miiFic u-hr><. it, should be— j a plcasnr. Get the rignt goods from the i right &nop selected bv an experienced j player on. mr'rer. then "your render]}'g'1 be at its best.—Woodintr Gower-vtreet, S«ansci the man who understanda Stringed and thpj" reaun-e- rronts, and the requirement,of tb^ir 320A10 29 q^HOMPfsON A\x> SHAOKELL'S AN 1 NOUNCEMENTSt— (CHICAGO Organ, 4 set? of rcc?g. 8 -tops. ? 2 knee ewGUs; veOi fine tore. t'W.- Thompson find Shackell. Ltd.. 3P. Caotle street. Swansea PiANOFOKTE by Ralph Allison, full com- pass, ivorv keys: 50 guineas cash c. easy terms.—Thompson and Shackell. Ltd Swansea. LEXANDRA P&rfi, T?annoiihim 12 Btops, 4 seta of ree, large powerful in-tru. ment, suitable for place of worship; £ 35 — Thompson Ðnd Shackell, Ltd., 39. Castle- trr:et.. 8\n,ra. iVf !SCELLA^ £ £ OU3 WANTS. CAST-OFT Clothina: of Every Descripti 1 Buusht. Parcels sent, cash or by return Attends Svansea. Mondays.- Griffiths. Wood bine. I'erryside. 122 A; 0-31 LADY req-uires Piano; would give £ 25 to £30; old one would suit if goccl. Write, Loftus,'1 "Leader" 0iffce. 125All-2 t ^I 'REES Wanted over Pit wood size.—len- 1 nin?s. Ltd. Woodworker's, Pennywell- rond. Ervt/^l Rranchat PoT-theawl STC. MWWWWM—pM^iKtaw' wnrrwii■ n MaWw 100.. I 1- FOR SALE. I JTiOIi Sale, Two Typewriters; No. 4 Tosi. If 1 o. 4 SmiLb Pleiiiie'r.. ?,tate offe?,, to Box No. ?1, Citmbna Daily Leader," Swansea. 125A10-30 '11,-31:: Quick Sale, Fifty 10 Ton Waggons in JL Excellent Condition; inside dimensions 15ft. 6in. by /it. by 3ft. llin.; with -tTwo side and one end door; Main Line Traffic.— Write. Wagons," "Leader" Office, Swan- sea. 125A11 3 I -ioR. SALE, Piano, £ 22; Bedroom Suite, [ £ 35. Sitting Room Suite. Sideboard. Sell cheap Largo stocK of Bcxits and Trousers.—Apply, Nelson- street, S,.vali- sea. 125A10 30 nOR two Brentwood Rocking Chairs; set; f,3 good condition.— write. R 15, Lecd e r"' Office. Swansea. 12.,A 10.29 IToII SALE, Oak Sideboard, PiarK JL Cabinet, Overmantel: no dealers.—An ply Cambrian Inn Morriton. 122A10-31 Y''1RI'WOOL Choouuic Mactun?for SJE- X Barron." Also Sawbepches and oth?'' st'rph? Wcc?wotkinK Machines, Cra')€?. atui Tratcti(>ii Engine for Sale-C. Jennings rnii Col. Lid Bristol. C10-. I OCOMOT) VES lor Sale- tho?u?Iy?o 'f er- IA hau:ed in perfect Wo;'kin? C?ndificn; complete in all details and i-eody for de- livery; 10in. Cylinders, four wheels coupled; 4ft. 8Jin. Ifauge; Copper Firebox; yellow metal Tubes.—Thomas Jen- kins and San, Britonferry. CO-Z9 SALE of UnredcemedPlcns'e? on Tuesday. Is November 4th, 1919, et?O a.m. Mes-sre. Higman and Co win sell by Auction at ?;?. ?cisc?-street. Swansea, Pledgee that wera plNlg.-d from De? ber 1st. 1915. to May 30th, 1313; alw Special Contracts from Sep- tember 1st. 1916. to August 30th. 1917. with Messrs. A SH:dle and Son, Nelson-street, Swan; Ä. and EC Wehr e, Station ro.?d. Llanelly ■ 125 A 11.30 S-. A FEb 'Fire Resisting, OJn. to 48in hish, for Sale. Also pair SJin. Winding Engines Steam WaTona. JPetrol Lorries.- Birt. 473. Strand, Swansea. Cll 2 -C?*? Uousc Policy C?rtincate for Sale; ??'J!U ?E6 108. paid !n what offer?- Write, "Seller," "Leader" Offlce, Swansea 122A10 31 PERSONAL. IN CTnclt Bert's" ToffeeShop there is tto,)m O!Ilv uiiele rei-t aTd his Son thank you foi your help You are Hoins "Youy Bit" as we did ours Thanks! Swansea. ITianks" I .)nn,, MlCHAET, Celehroted Astroloq(.,r 1 Herb Ph-'icians Ayesba. his great Psychic Medium. The Rocking atones of Wales Post 1G. 3rt. birth date -Sc-rinto. rirfn. 33. I 'f'/fTILL Any Person who ?'itn??pc'. Cc?- N lhioH bdwf'en Tram C?r and Rover ?ntor Car in Waltera road game two months ago please communicate with 13rowils G-arages, Ltd., Oxford-street, Swansea? Cll-2 -=.> I SMALL ADVERTISEMENT ORDER FORM. I t ¡ .1     )  ——————————————————————————  ————-  | Please publish the above «dror^i< times, for which I I I eD.CIO&e. ,d, I Name and Addm"# | a I I 7f desired, r«r>11fs may be sent to Box Rammers at the Oambrla Daily | I Leader Office. 8 i fhis form should be addressed to Advertisement Department, "Cambria Daily, ■ 1 Leader," Swansea 1 11 llllll' 1I"'aJJU!I¡Øf.lUIJ .t-& U-n'& —* TRADE ANNOUNCEMENTS. | I L.F1¿I Tl?KE?. the expert Ladies' A Cz(,dt'6 lias tiie most Leau- t.iul selection in Ladiea Costumes, Gmt s S.il?? an I Overcoats. Putectiun in Cut. lyle m?t Fit.—5, Cradock-street. Swansea.   _i_ 125A11-3 A MMANI'CRD.—Seven's Goods—indoor or li. out)—whether Cartridges <Elcy'?, Ky. Loch' and Curtis' and Harvey's), or Cub- Iny. Ta.Me Lamp". fh.nt5 Nickel Fenders li 3. Rt flar. ar.d Irons, at Uarr'es' th ? noted Fur jsh ei-i and Ironmongers. Clo-60 A -LAIÜr-CLOCKS!! Another Laree CUll I ?'.? sicr.mpm jUdt arrived: be-t make; Gv?ry O¡W ?uaraoteed: XI each.—A. Joseph, ?cweUer. 20 Heathfield-streei wxt to B).I 1 lej/sK — 121A If- 30 BARGAINS in Men's. Women's, and Ch)!' -") dren's Foot wear: 1a rL"'6twkB; prices; to $u:t th< smallest r)ocl,.et -Ja(!?)b?. :?6, UxJorùtne:t (near IIosnt?)/ Swan«en 13 8A i0-28 I) A EGA INS at Enoch's, Aroade.—Casquet ,j of iiterature, 6 fine set of Burns' Poetical Works, 5 vols.; complete set Elli- nott's Commentary, 8 vols.; "Practical Draper," 5 vols, j "Popular Encvclopaeniia 14 vols.; Teachers' Biblff,, Welsh and Eng- lish, from ós.; Family Bibles, etc.. etc. 123A11.1 BAD LEGS-l han-e oiuceessfully treated jLJ thousands, and 1 guarantee a cure in every case.—G Deakin, Herbalist, Alexan dra-road. Swansea. 120A10-29 BAD LEGS. AIY Stimulating HcruarAn?i- B septic treatment cureB in every case.— Write or call to day -Deakin. Herbalist Aiexandra-road, Swansea 120A10-29 TjlURS Remodelleel; by our Process we ar6 ti able to make O:d Furs look like New All the Latest Styles in Fur Coats and Sets. -Tennens, 5, Cradock-strect, Swansea. 125A11-3 IN Uncle, Bert's" Toffe-3 Shop there is 'Standing Haom" Only." Uncle Bert1 ajid his Son thank you for your help You an doinr "Your Bit." as we did ours Thanks Swanwa Thank3!. 120A1023 OVER 20 Years' Reputation for Value, ¡' Come West for the Best; 50 Ladies' and Children's all-wool Tweed Coats to clear In ail the Newest Shades and Styles at Bar- gain Prices.-Richards. High-Class Milliners 40. King Edward's-road, Swansea. 125A30-30 PRACTICAL PROOF of tllc Tq Iiie, of No&. H troline" Naeal Specific awaits every victim of Nasal Catarrh. Influenza, Head Colds, ard Sore who will gi.,e it a trial. Use it dailv for health and comfort cf noeo and throat. Of leading Chemists e'erywhere Is 6-1 (by post la 5d.) Sola by E Bevan, Nelson-street; U. i\ David Mansel-strect: D R Davies, St Helen'^ road: J T Davies, Ltd all bran'-baii); n L Havard. Brynymor road O n Kent 45 St5 Helen's-road: E. J K ieft Roh&rt-st reet Sf^nse!t<.»> A i, tbews Oxford street B Needham. Neath road; OerrJefw. Cash Chemists, LId Hicrh- street: J and D Rees. Pa bi an-street, St Thomas and Port Tennam r; T Rich Hieh street- E W Richarels. College-st'Ttet: E Thomas. Higb-street; Wriebt Rnd Son Walter-road: W. J. Davies. M.P.S., Picton- iilace, f"iove«-tfaeh Swansea: W T. Thomas. Gorseinon; M L. P.eva<W. Woodf5eld $trf'et. (:aac 86 W???ftd-sirp?t. MOR RISiON ■ and all C?m?at? Ne?qth pOPLLAR S'AEETS..— Cheapest, Best, i Greatest Variety; 41b, 4s.; Id. per oz Mother says the chiWren will have them.- Head don e Orange-street, gwaneea. 123A11-1 "OAIiNCOAJo for Boyr, and Girls in any Av size; we have just the Coat to suit Your Child; something new in style and colour; mrderate in price.—John Richards. Raincoat Specialist Cradock-etreet Swan- SIDNEY Palmer's well-known Oakee and Pastries are made of best ingredients only. Wc-riding and Birthday Cakes in stock and made to order. Noted for TeaR and Co-1 Cafe, oppo- site Empire and Branches 12-3A31-1 OURGICAL Appliance?.—Trussed, Surav. 0 Enemas. Surgeons' Rubber Gloves and Surcieaj Ruhhei Gnnct" nf every IJpscription Writj f<y Catalogue, sent post freL-Te Erarseiyf Surtrval Co., Ltd Dept DV). 0/1 and 92. Worcester-street Birmingam. T.C. I, FURNITURE. ? '?'UR?ITnRE-?Bcst Pric? given by me 1 for Second-hand Furniture and Antiaue Furniture of any description' Drop mo a postcard or call.—Wm. 7??mcs. 8, Fa'?an. .?t rppt ? Thoma" CT.C IF you rpQxir? a good Bedroom Suite. Par- ?-i tou' Suite or Pinified Bedding call ?t Hill's Furnishers, Gower-etreet, Swansea. I 12M 11-1 I BUY Furniture New or Second-hand.— Serjun. 219. High-street, Swansea. 123 Al 1-1 2 3 A J EDUCATIONAL. SKILL in Letter-writing, in Note-taking, I in Typewritirig. in Book-keeping in Using Office Ap-pliancea. Naturally follows a course at THE DE BEAR SCHOOLS, LTD. Call or Write for Prospectus. Castle Buildings, Swansea. Tel.: Central 587. POSTAL TUITION.—I.earn Pitman's Short- i- hand and DIE Book-keeping quickly New easy method. Shorthand 20 les.-one. 3&i 6d.; Book-keepinc 22s 6d.—Daniel Jones F LP S., etc. (the Well-known Coach). Neath. Cli-5 PRIVATE TUITION for London Matric JL and slo the Professional Prelim Ex- ams-, Shorthand and Book-keeping rapidly taught, at Lishman's Coaching College, 40-41 Worcester-place (opposite Castle Cinema) Swansea TC MONEY. EO- LA W 12 London-road, Neath Maies ?t? J< Cash Advances from E5 and upwards. ?trictt/ Private. E.stab]i^hed_J £ 76. _TC. I F you require a Loan apply to  Georwe ? Thoma-. Manager Cht:rch?trect (ODPO. ??it,? St Mary's Church Swan6cm. Private and confidential. mONLY to Lend to Respectable, nouse- P"ivr>te and Confidertial.— Ivor D Tj fi. \Vat<'r'e>o-st.. Swansea. ADVANCES, S15 TO £5,000 0,. written promise to repay or any security Principal rcntaiua or can b., repaid by 35 or 24 monthly instalments- no charge of any kind unless business done; promptness and privacy; avoid exposing your requirements locally.—Write oldest Company existing: E. LAWRENCE, LTD., Don Chambers, Wino-street, Bristol. mn ■ m m«rm n««w.aiiMP- DENTISTRY. J Painless Extractions, J N; ;t::S I 43, WIND STREET j Also at 0 1 Swansea, Morriston, Pontardawe I I Established 1911. 1 8 All Work Executed by Skilled I Mechanics Ensuring Perfect Fit. I Teeth Extracted FREE Before I 11 a.m. daily. ■ Patients Attended to at their Own | Residence by Request. Required Immediately MILLMEN FOR STAFFORDSHIRE SHEET MILLS. Rollers who can bring their own Sets will hp rriven preference. APPLY- ( Bryngwyu Works, Gorseinon] SALES BY AUCTION. MORRISTON. LANDORE AND SWANSEA. Exceptionally important Sale of Two Splendid Freehold and Free Double- Licensed Counter Trade Public Houses with early Vacant Possession, and Two Dwelling-Houses. MESSRS. James and James, F.A.I. Are favoured with instructions from the various Owners to offer for SALE by PUBLIC AUCTION, at the HOTEL CAMERON, HIGH-STREET, SWAN- SEA, oil THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 6th, 1919 (subject to such Conditions of Salo as shall then and there be produced) the followi'ng FIRST-CLASS FREE DOUBLE-LICENSED FREEHOLD Public Houses, viz.: Lot I. — All tihat noted FrdehoM Pub- lic House, Brewhouse, Stable and Pre- mises called and known as THE MID- LAND HOTEL, MORRISTON, situate on the Clydach Road about 200 yards from the Cross and nearly opposite where the Morriston trams stop in the occupa- tion of Mr. Thomas Evans as tenant at will (his lease having expired at Michael- mas). The Premises have a frontage over all of 50 feet or thereabouts by a depth pf 107ft. 6in. or thereabouts. The Accommodation is as follows:—On the I Ground Floor: Entrance Hall, Smoke- room, lap Room, Private Room, Store Room (formerly Kitchen). Kitchen, Cellar, Small Back Kitchen. On the First Floor: Club-room, 2 Bed- rooms and w.c. On the Second Floor: 3 Bedrooms. There is a large open Yard at the back and a Brewhouse, and a Two-stalled Stable at the far end with a large loft over both, with an access thereto from the side lane direct. Lot 2.—A 11 that excellent FREE- HOLD FREE DOUBLE-LICENSED PI BLIU HOUSE AND PREMISES called and known as THE STATION INN, LANDORE, in the County Borough of Swansea, immediately facing Landore Railway Station on the upper side, with Vacant Possession at Lady Day ne st. The house is at present and has been for many years past in the oc- cupation of the owner, Mrs. Mathews, who has carried on thereat a very lucra- tive trade, probably the best in the locality. The Property extends from one street to the other, with a frontage or 31ft. 6in. or thereabouts to Station- road, and of 42ft. or thereabouts to Mysydd-street. The Accommodation is as follows:—On the Ground Floor: Bar, Sitting-room, Passage, Smoke-room, Tap Room, Kitchen, Back Do Small St. n:-room and Pantry. In the Base- ment A good Cellar. On the First Fie r: Club Room and 4 Bedrooms. There is a good-size Yard at the rear witii a 2-Stalled Stable and 2 w.c. 's thereon. The Club-room can be ex- tndcd or reduced as occasion requires by means of a moveable partition. There is one good Club, viz., The Foresters, meeting at the House. The House is situated in a position of monopoly, be- ing the nearest licensed hguso to the Lundore Railway Station. Lot 3. — All that desirable FREE- HOLD DWELLING-EfoUSE known as Nc.) 6, HEATHFIFLp-ROAD, SWAN- SEA, containing 6 Rooms, Bath (h and ch Scullery (h and c), in the occupation cf Mrs. Morgan as yearly tenant. Lot 4.-All that LEASEHOLD GAR- DEN CITY VILLA known as No. 9, THE PROMENADE,^Garden City, con- taining 6 Rooms, Bath (h and c) Scul- lery (h and c), and nice Garden. WITH VACANT POSSESSION ON COM- PLETION. Held for 99 years from 24th June, 1910. Ground Rent £ 1 18s. I Sale to Commence promptly at 3 p.m. For further particulars, with refer- ence to all the Lots apply to the Atic- tioneers, 7, Goat-street, Swansea; and with reference to Lot 1 to Messrs. iStrick and J. illingham, Solicitors, Fisher-street, Swansea; and Lot 2 to 4, to Messrs. T. W. James and Co., Solici- tors, 24, Goat-street, Swansea. PENLAN FARM, I Distant 1 Mile from Cynghordy Station. MESSRS. Wm. & Walter James, F.A.I. Have been favoured with instructions from Mr. Morgan, to SELL by PUBLIC AUCTION, at the above Farm, on THURSDAY, OCTOBER 30th. 1919, the following Valuable Live Stocks HAY, CORN & GREEN CROPS, vk.: | 21 CATTLE, 6 HORSES, 212 SHEEP. CROPS.—2 Large Ricks of First-class Ilay (part last year's Ilay), 4 Mows of Read Wheat, 6 Haggard Mows of Scotch Oats, 2 Haggard Mowy of Barley, 8 Rows. of Potatoes, 30 Rows of Swedes. Sale to commence at 1 o'clock promptly. Six Months' Credit on Sums, over 4:5. < Auctioneers' Offices: Ltangadock, Llan- i dovery, Llandilo, and Swansea. LLANGYFELACH, NEAR SWANSEA. SALE OF FREEHOLD HOUSE AND PREMISES. Pursuant to an Order of his Honour the Judge of the County Court of Glamorgan- shire, holden at Swansea, made in an Action, Lewis and Others v. John. x. 1890. Mr. Trevor Evans, F.A.I (Messrs. Bowen, Evans and Mills) The person appointed by the said Court to conduct the Sale) is instructed to offer for SALE BY PUBLIC AUCTION at the HOTEL CAMERON, SWANSEA, on THURSDAY. OCTOBER 30th. 1919, at 3.30 p.m. precisely (subject to Conditions of Salo to be then and there produced), » the extensive and conveniently eituate II Freehold House & Premises, Situate at THE CROSS, LLANGYFELACH, And formerly used and occupied as Licensed Premises and then known as THE JOINERS' ARMS. The accommodation ie extensive and comprises on the Ground Floor: Two jlarge rooms, kitchen and scullery, with I stores and cellar. First Floor: Three bedrooms, and large room (formerly club room). The Outbuildings comprise: ¡ Three-stall Stable, stone-built Stores, I Coach-house, Coal-house, large Wooden- built Stores, Pig Styes, and w.c., with a trpacious yard having cart access from main road. The Mines and Minerals are reserved. The Premises will be offered with VACANT POSSESSION on completion of the purchase. Particulars and Conditions of Sale may be obtained of Mr. R. T. Leyslion, Soli- citor, 11. Salubrious-passage, Swansea; Mr. Edward Harris, Solicitor, 3, iisher- street, Swansea; or of the Auctioneer, 22, Wind-street, Swansea. FARMERS, DAIRYMEN, & OTHERS. Sale to be held at the Field Adjoining the RAILWAY HOTEL, IvILLAl, COWER, on THURSDAY, OCTOBER 30th, 1919. Mr. John F. S. Meager (of the Firm of Messrs. Jones, Meager and Jones), is favoured with instructions to SELL by PUBLIC AUCTION, +-"e above date and place. Valuable Horses and Ponies, FARMING IMPLEMENTS, &c., Ac, For further pa.rtiM"q, apply at Auctioneer's Offices. Terms-Cash. All Entries to be on the Field by Morning of Sale. Sale to Commence at 12 o'clock Sharp. Auctioneer's Offices: Clantawe Cham- j bers, 41, Wind-street, Swansea. Tele- phone: Central m. SALES BY AUCTION. Re W. H. MILL (Deceased), SWANSEA. Centrally situated Property with Iargt Prospective Value. Astiey Samuel F,A.I. Has received instructions to SELL by PUBLIC AUCTION, on TUESDAY* NOVEMBER 4th, 1919, at the HOTEl CAMERON, the following Properties, viz.i All-those Freehold Houses, Nos. 4, 8, 9. 10, 11, 12, 14, and 15, MARINER STREBT" Swansea. All those Freehold Ground Rents with reversion to the rack rent, Nos. 5, 6, 7, IS. 16, and 17, MARINER STREET, Swansea. The Mines and Minerals are reserved. Sale to commence at 3 p.m. Further printed particulars and Condi- tions of Sale from Messrs. Gee and Edwards, Solicitors, Llanfair Buildings; or Auctioneer, King's Chambers, Corner of Gowex and Orchard Streets, Swansea. MINERAL WATER FACTORY, WAS- SAIL SQUARE. SWANSEA. Astley Samuel, F.A.I. Will SELL by PUBLIC AUCTION, at the above Premises, on FRIDAY, OCI;, 31st, 1919, Plant and Machinery. Chief Items are as follows: A Complete Doublo Pump Soda Water Plant by Ray- ward Tylor, One L prigllt Poitable Boiler and Engine Complete, Niagara Power i a.ars Pow(, Bottle "Washing Machine by Harnett and i oster, Gasometer, Gas Washer, Lead Generator, Acid Tank and Lead Storage Tank, Nine Head Rotary Filling Mach- ine by Barnett and Foster, Four Hand Turnover Filling Machines, Horizontal Soda Water Machine, Foote's Im- proved by Chapman and Foote, One Hand Low Pressure Screw Stopper Filling Machine, Vertical Soda Water Machine by Harnett and Foster, Three Platform Scales, One Bone Crushing Machine, One Large Sausage Filling Machine, Power Chaff Cutter, Four Tray Bottle Washing Machine, Two Spring Carts, Two Mineral Water Spring Wagons (Bristol make), TWO COBS 13 hands high (straight from. work). Harness, Galvanised Tanks, Hand Truck, One ;)0 Gallon Enamel Syrup Pan. Throe 20 Gallon Enamel Syr\ip Pan, Sun- dries. Sale to commence at 11.30 a.m. Term.>— czlf-ii. Further particulars from the Auction- eer, King's Chambers, Corner of Gower and Orchard Streets. Swansep. 47, FINSBURY TERRACE, c'WANSEA- Astley Samuel, F. A.I. Has been instructed to SELL bv PUBLIC AUCTION, on MONDAY, NOVEMBER 3rd, 1919, Valunblo and Well-Preserved Household Antique & Modern Furniture, Goul Upright Pianoi'orte, Massive Wai- nut Sideboard, Telescope Dining Table. Carpets, Rugs, Mats, Base Becker, Electro Plate, Ornaments, Oil Paintinss, Picture^ Engravings, Fire Suites, Bras* Fenders* Walnut Overmantels, Venetian Blinds, Poles, Curtains, Cornice, Bronzes, Clocks, Gas Fire, Mahogany Oval Dining Table, Mahogany Cheffoniere with M'arcle Top, Coco Mats, Mahogany Ilail Stand, Bamboo Whatnot, Mahognnv Dining Table, Oval Inlaid Table. ANTl llJ PIANO bv Thomas Sawers, London; ANTIQUE OAK FLAP TABLE, Whatnot, Fumed Mahog- any Cabinet, Mahogany Bedroom Suite, Mahogany lhll Table. Maho- gany Mirror, Chast of Drawers. Screen, Commode Chair, AJ1 Bra-s Bed- steads, Spring Mattress, Feather Beds. Overlays, Bolsters, Pillows, Bamboo Music Scat, Bamboo Settee, Baruboo Bookshelf, Marble Tcp Wnshrtand, Single Bed, Kitchen Dresser, the wu:J Codir: 1 r c. Culinary Utensils, and various other articles. 2-SEATER HUM BE R MOTOR CAR 0911) will fce first lot offered. Goods on View Morning of Sale fro:* 9 a.m. Sale to commence at 11 o'clock. Terms—Cash. Auctioneer's Offices: Kind's Chntubera» Swansea. TH!. P.HlSOAGJ, GOITRE-ROAD, KILLAY. J. Barron Pascoe, F.8.I., F.A.L, His been instructed by Mrs. Vv-m. Cur. ran to SLL by PUBLIC AUCTION, at tha above address, on FRIDAY NEXT, the 31st OCTOBER. 1919. the whole d tlH Superior Household Furniture AND OTHER EFFECTS, Chiefly comprisingHandsome Maho- gany Sideboard, WcU-mado Dining Suire- in Mahogany, Walnut Overmantel, Antique Oak Corner Cupboard, Sheraton Inlaid Chairs and Settee, Divan Chairs, Pembroke Table, Oak Hall Stand, Axminster Carpets and Rngs, Brass and othe- Fenders, Few Pieces of Swansea and Spode China. Old Glass Decanter, Walnut Occasional Table. Choice WAL- NU't BEDROOM SUITE, Brass itpil and other Bedsteads, Feather Beds and Pillows, Grained Wardrobe, etc., Kitchen Effects, Garden Implements. Sale to Commence at 11.30 a.m. prompt. Terms: Cash. On View Morning of Sale Auctioneer's Offices; 7, Gower-street. Swansea. SALE of FREEHOLD BUSINESS PRE- MISES at PONTARDULAIS. Messrs. Bufton & Son, F.A.I. Will offer for SALE by AUCTION. I\t the FARMERS' AFMS HOTEL, PON- TARDULAIS (subject to Conditions t, M then read), the Two Valuable Freehold Houses and Shops, Known as THE BON MAIWHE" and CASTLS. HOUSE," situate in SWANSEA ROAD, PONTARDULAIS, at 7 p.m. on TUES- DAY, NOVEMBER 18th. Particulars upon application to the' Auctioneers. Middleton Chambers, Lhm- drindod Wells, or Messrs. Glason Dhhn and Davies, Solicitors, Pontardulais. 1 1" SAILINGS. I C.P.O.S. to CANADA UNITED STATES & the ORIENT IJVFRPOOL TO MONTREAL. Miniiedoaa Nov. < bcal: din avian liov. 1 LIVERPOOL TO aT JOHN,'N.R. Motapama  Nov. 19 Minnedosa D ec. (JLAGOW TO MON fREAL LONDON TO MONTREAL Tunisian Nov. 5 BRISTOL TO MONTREAL. ANTWERP TO MONTREAL. Bootiaii .No\T. 1 Vi", Southainpton EXPRESS MONTML to VANCOUVER. 8M hours. QUICKEST TIVi0- THE PACIFIC. VANCOUVER to JAPAN 10 days. To CHINA. 14 days Complete Passenger Information proxupt-I: furnished bv- Wm BAIRD. Geral Aent. Pier Head Liverpool A "AT Arent. 13, St. Augustine'^ >■ Bristol OR LOCAL AGENTS. For Freieht aJJph tö- RoyLiver Buitdmsr. Livern' ol: ZS, Botlr LearienhaM-fltretft. Ijon<<nu -B.C.3 88, Commercial-street. D1111 dcc; J8, St. A'wi>«t!ne''> Parade. Bristol: ra Foyic-strcet Londonderry. 1 N A DJ AN PACIFIC OCEAN J SERVICES < J