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TO-DAY'S WIRES. Tokio, Monday (rcc-eived to-day).—The Privy Council has passed the Peace Treaty with Germany. JUDGE ASTBURY ILL. Owing: to indisposition, Mr. Justice Astbury was unable to take bis seat in the Chancery Division to-day. FAMOUS CRICKETER DEAD. 'I Mr. E. uamwright, trie old lorltsniro cricketer, di-I at Sheffield early this looming after a long illness, aged 54. OPAL FIND. Sydney, Tuesday.—A black opal find at TintMbar has caused great excitement. i A hundred claims have been pegged out. COL. WARD INVESTED. I At Buckingham Palace to-day, the King received Col. John Ward, whom he in- vested with the insignia of the CD. and C.M.G. U.S. AND FIUME. Pari?, Tuesday. According to Le Matin," nothing has resulted from the negotiations which have taken place be- tween the Unitefl States and Italy re- garding Fiume— Exchange. BRITISH AIRMAN'S FEAT. I Stockholm, Monday (received Tuesday). I —Capt. Saunders, a British airman, with a De Havilaud aeroplane, this morning I flew through the arch of a railway bridge at Stockholm. This is the first teat of its kind in Northern Europe.-—Reuter. POLICE UNIONS FORBIDDEN, 1 Christiania, Monday (received Tues- day).-The. Department of Justice has for- bidden the police* either directly or through associations, to join trades u euter. I CANADIAN BYE-ELECTIONS. I Ottawa, Ontario, Tuesday.— The result "of the Federal bye-elections Dr. Tomlie, the new Minister of Agriculture, Mr. Lapointte, the new Liberal Leader for Quebec, Sir Wilfrid Laurier'j old I seat, to have been elected .-Rieuter. CLEMENCEAU'S RETIREMENT. j Strasburg, Monday.—In his reply de- alining the invitation of the Radical Party of the Lower Rhine to stand its a candidate for the district in the coming elections, M. Clemenceau indicates that advancing years and failing health oblige him to retire from public life. PRINCE ALBERT A FREEMAN. I Amidst nccnps 01 grp?t enthusiasm.' Albert w,-ts mad ??rj'eemano?thp City of London fn Tuesday morning. There was a crowded gathering in the his- toric Guildhall, where the old-time cere- mony took place. ILR. Highness met with a great welcome on his way to the city, cheering crowds lining the i,uute.- Exchange. PETRORAD IN DANGER. Stockholm, Monday (received to-day)I Xlhtest reports received from Reval show that the fall of Petrograd is inevitable. At Krasnoja Gorka, the Bolsheviks are desperately. The Esthoniifi and White troops are supported hy the Briti&li and Esthonian Fleets. On Sun- day morning a number of villages near Tsarekole Selo were occupied. WAR CHIMINALS. i Brussels, October 28.—The Indepen- dence Beige states that the Cabinet has approved a list of 1,150 names of German -civilians and soldiers charged with having committed crimes against the rights of individuals at the time of the invasion and during the. occupation of Belgium. The list will be forwarded to I Paris in due course. The Minister of Foreign Affairs has made a statement, on v. the subject of the revision of the t-reaties of NAVVY'S M.P. HONOURED. The King received at Buckingham Pal-1 •, ace on Tuesday, Col. John VTa«l. M.P 0, and invented hv.rn. with the Ins;gnia of the Companionship of the Bath. and as ftw. Companion of the Order of St. Michael and 3t. George. The Hon. France's Lind- ley was received on his appointment as British Iligh Commissioner in Austria, and Brgadier 'Tetteral Hoare on hi sappointment iit, British Military Attache at Athens, Sir Eric Drurnmond, Secy .-Gen i. of thp League of Nations, left London for Pane on Tuesday, and will he absent several days. r NEW REPUBLIC CONGRATULATED. i On the occasion of the anniversary of the establishment of the Czecho-Slovak Republic, the municipality of Archangel has sent a telegram of congratulations to the President of the Republic. The Socialist organ. "Ir Vozrojdenio Sievera" publishes a leading article stating that the Oo-operative and workers organisa- tions have made generous donations to the Army. Connecting this fact with the recent visit made to General Yudenitch at Gatchina by a body of workers from Petrograd, the paper infers the existence of all understanding between the -n-orkers and the anti-Bolshevik forces which are now engaged in the fight for liberty and the Republic. FUTURE OF FIUME. L'Homme Libre" confirms a report that D'Annunr.io has sent to the Peace Conference the report of a great meeting of Italian and Slav merchants and trades- men, which was held at iiume, deman- ding That Fiuroe should become Italian; that the Government should be made completely free and open; that all navi- gation and railways should also be free; and that in future, trade with the hinter- land ehould be assured by all the neigh- bouring states. D'Annunzio, tbo paper Adds, in communicating this information. Appears to approve of it, and it seems the Big Five consider this solution ac- ceptable, &n.d have shown a desire to study it. T OFIGHT PROFITEERS. Proin Press Association's special cor- r^spondent, Archangel, Oct. 27th (de- layod).-Tl,v a Government decree, Ad- miral KoHehaks' measures against specu- lation are to be put vigorously into fores in the northern districts. A body of com- mercial, inspectors will be instituted and the penalty augmented for any artificial raising of the prices of foód stuffs and articles of ftrinie necessity And for all waste of food. The municipality of Archangel has resolved to send to the Commander-in-Chief, and through him to the whole Army its congratulations on the recent victory, the taking of Ples- sctskaya, and the continued advance of the Russian Army. The papers publish the Municipality of AnchangeFs message to the Army, in which emphasis is laid on all the difficulties of the brilliant operations carried out in the autumn weather, in spite of the impassable state of the marshes, ttM enormous numerical superiority of th eenemy, and the strength of the positions. The municipality ex- presses its admiration for the exploits of I this young but vigorous army, and sends its best wishes i'or further successes. FRENCH ARMY. PARIS, Tuesday. The Matin" outlines in general terms a proposal for the future organisa- tion of the French Army, prepared by the French General Staff for submission to the Government after the general elec- tions. The number of divisions of which the Army is to be is left blank, as it will depend on the attitude of Germany, and the military conventions to be ar- ranged with Great Britian, United States, Belgium, and Poland. Included in the number of division will be a consider- able contingent of Colonial, Moroccan, Black divisions, etc. The framework of the Army will be constituted by 100,000, with 140,00 volunteers or re-enlisted men, while the rest of the Army will be pro- vided by universal conscription, which will not exceed one year in duration. The cadres of the new artoy will be drawn from a single polytechnic train- ing gchool. Other schools will only be us-ed as centres of practice, and for the completion of studies. The reserves will be compelled to submit to periods of training, which will be shorter, more fre- quent and more intensive than before 191L The duties of reserve officers may, it is suggested, be 'made compulsory for certain classes of citizens. PRINCE IN MONTREAL. From Press Association Special Cor- respondent Montreal, Oct. 27th. Montreal was like a vast Christmas bazaar this afternoon, when in a babel of Church peals, motor horns, and cheering, the Prince of Wales drove in Procession through the principal streets, which were so crowded that the guard of honour and th:> police had their hands full in keeping the lane cleared for the motor cars. Along the entire route, which extended for some miles, brilliantly coloured decorations were hung from the lioases on either side. The Prince alighted at the City Hall, where, in the fine old Empire Chamber, the Mayor (Mr. Martin) read an address of welcome in the presence of all the local magnates The Prince replied in French. To-night • fehe.Prince^«rjll "hold a public reception in the Civic Buildings .The acAt few days will be occupied with revKvs, ,s;ts to hospitals and other cerenoutes, this being the culmination of the roy.u vjs.it to Canada, as the proceedings in To: «Mo and Ottawa which have yet to be re- visited will be of a less formal Afterwards the Prince will go to ington for three days, to return tlo lte- cent visit of the PröÛdent to England He a-ill possibly go on to New fork, and from there northwards to bid Canr-dsi farewell at Halifax.


[ TO BAN RED FLAG.i ! ' '-I


V. C.'s LETTERS. ———-————.a.

i TODAYS RACING.I -_ - - -

== I I ON TINS. 






! SIR A. GEDDES. 1 ! ! OiK…



) FAMILY BONUS. !I :.-:-


i ^ .... ■ ; ■ ! GRAND DUCHESS…