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ILeader' Classified! ea er 'JL8SSI leu j ;'J;fL. d CI .f..J ? Advertisements.  :—  -'{jPARTMENTS,- SITUATIONS VACAMT 03' ..ANTD. TO BE LET. LOST AND FOUNO. 'Sty One Three Six Insertion. insertions. Insertion* ¡ 20 Words. 10 2 0 3 0 "7 30 Words. 1 6 3 0 4 0 .t 40 Worde. 2 0 4 0 5 0 40 Word. 2 0 4 0 5 0 OA SALE, TRADE ANNOUNCEMENTS, Oue Three Sit Insertion, insertions. Itwertioue 20 Words. 1 6. 2 6 i 6 JO Words. 2 0 4 0 4 b I «*>: 40 Words. 2 6 3 6 5 6 I^ gjriTKS, OEATHS, IN MEMORIAM, AND MARRIACES. One Three Six iMortioa. Insertions. Insertion* 20 Words.. 1 6 3 6 6 0 JO Words.. 2 0 5 0 8 0 .-t 50 Words., 0 7 0 12 0 KM, EDUCATIONAL. •Jjf. One Three Six Insertion Insertions. Insertions I' '4" in Words.. 2 0 3 0 4 6 i..} 30 Words. 2 6 4 0 5 6 .f <0 Words.. 3 0 5 6 7 6 ■j'fc MONEY.—6d per line. t r = = JWISCCLLAWZOUS SITUATIOMIS VACANT. ?? Si TONFY-MAKIInG Work Offered: ?hole Ú Eiiuc; parti,;u)?ti-6. :11«:' Pocld in-r S?amp of your .\am-? and Address ?'ee.—!jt ?:cMurd. i?Kl.. bnow iii.t L?i;L:<;u ?.t U 8A11-3 ?rt?A?'J?D. Smart. i'r¡¡ctica] MilliJ].¡- ?f Aputy W. James ?Hd Son, 94 and 3CO. '? oodhe'd-strept. Aiorriscou. Aiw !Sm¡n ?ouitu as Ai)preiitice io? Outf..ttitig. 55: WOMEN ANU GtRLS. ;JJ:i WOM EN AN 0 G ¡ RLS. t,liAltWOliA.N renHir-J Daily V ?rs. W A. ?es Ci.vd&ch baKe?y, ne-?r ?ha.n..?.j H^AlO-liS i.Chi) General Wau?d Gt unm; J trooa wa^ts.—Apply. & ? c.J? evening, x^ewis, V.4H. Uig.i-itM'cv, swaiicw. lioAU-1 I ('10GI' Maid i cauiml: eood ?age? to sult- 1 ??tc b<:r?on.—AupIy ?tb W A R<?s. ??:dach Bakery. near  &y.auaea.. ll9Alti-? \i'LÙ.u'ÙOSCkC7iJ: Apply between I w 6 a.,i,i 7 B. M 67 Aberdyberthi- b?',ree,. Harou, wanwa, 123A11-1 Girl, about 16 years, as General Servant; good home ànd Wa"e, ilrt. George, tli.i Route, Pellm,lCn. Gower. 123Al1.1 ■"X* 7" ANTED. e:n;J'iIlŠoveDlber,-thorOUghlY I « experteu?ed hc? for small fami; ?c?d w<i?ps and outing*.—Mrs. Coona:? B.d. «. moral. Mumbles. 123A11-1 ?tt?A?TED. General Servant, small family ??? —Ap?ly.Mrs. Bcvan. Chemist, Mor- ??t00. 29 ,7í A'fËl'. a. Genr,ll Ser,ant.- I w Mr', Shaw. Furzebank. lieath?r'?. r.Swanfeea 121A10-2i I MEN At%D YOUTHS. j %vanLe(I imiyieciiately for small I in Swansea: also .Jure Lime .iv?ent icr ?futh.—?rtic C.B.,  l.eaacr,. wan8ea IZoA^l _?_ --¡ FPLïC,l'llàN are invited for the S?.u- ?i. RHOH of Cue??wei?.i-.r foi Clyne 1 <hy!'CoU.<'r?.CiyM:?aKMM j?er?hiit. l.ion yie\aiiing pereeutaKeb, war wage, and 1 ?nkcy A?ard. Apptic?nts to Matt; a?c. nhdmusthc fiaanc¡aJ mcmocia uit?c il.F.G.U. Applic-ations to be lil my nuufls ?ot later than 'imirsdav. October ?0 191> — K H?harct. 8, dyne-terrace. UIHJ. ?cath. £ ^i03TPETLTNT Warehcuseman requireti Cn j experienced.—W. J John. Alexandra- roa-d. IXOA-C-M (.iAHPTERS and Joiners wanted imme dltety: ecverai; tirst-ci?sa men.-l and G. Spi-agg. Builders, Brynytnor Yard. Catherine-street Swansea A 1) 'fC K2 WANTED Ai ONCE. None but TfJiable men need apply. Long job to suit- able vnc- -A.Tdi)ly Henry Billings and .-wie, Trafalgar Yard. Swansea Z3AlO-29 T' tlGEriTLY WANTED -503 Students to Qualify for Exist ma Vacancies. This" is a splendid opportunity to: a Youth bp. t-,veen the ag" of 17 and 2<1 to secure a per- manent lucrative bert:1 fo" lile Uiiem L-loyed Demobolieed Service lien with a ktic)wle,IL:( ot Wireless of the above gl.ciild write or call a( once.- vvirt-leffe OVaitiinc Collepc, Ltd St Marv-street Car- ciitf. or Castlp-street. hwansea. ^TeEHOUSEMAN Required; wholesale ■Y V Grocery.—Apply, John Richard". Ltd.. • U nion-street. 1213A10 29 WTANTED, Man to Repair Trams; I. day YY work or piece work.—Dulais Colliery, Onllwyn. l1B '/1  A\"1Y TANTED. Practical Sieht Mill Foreman ,t -Apt?y by tettc.i.tiu?t instance. '?atHMr aire c-?pc-ience an i waces reoui'?d to Messrs the Villiers Ticplate Company. Ltd.. Britoi.ferry- AVANTLII, Junior C.ey-,c-Apply, per*o: allv Beor and \v ilson. So\u'itors. Temple-Street, Swaru^a. 117AHI:28 .TANTEr,- Yo?nK Draftsman uspd-to V\ Heatinn and Ventilatinc Engineer's v-ork.f Ai>ply. by letter, Rttin age e*pcn el-Ce. nri'l salary renmred. the Brightsi.jp ..ouudr.v and Engineering Co. 29, St Mary's, street, Carciff 12^A10-30 TTCfANTED bv Firat-cta?? m?trance Onice ?V .iutnor Clerk. 15-1(1 references <r r'l'pvio1Is experiecce required.—Write Box P 14. ,eader Office. 120 A JO 30 WANTED, for a (ar? Steelwork in « ?u<h WaL?=. a thorouchly competent Melting Sl-^p Manatrer. thoroughly con- versant with the m0t ui -to-date methods of Basic and Acid n.onnfncture fnr Sheet R-r- Tin Bar, and Billet* Apr-ly. ftatintj a' experience, and salary re- ouired no original te^tirroLial^ to be sup- i-ti-?d. If tlii., is done. the,; will not I)e re- t.irned. Al ip,,Iicatioii-s will be. treitc-d with strict em¡,tjdence.-Anph.. R 12." CarE- hria Dai1? Leader. Swansea EDUCATIONAL. POSTAL TUITION.—Learn Pitman e Short- JL hrtnd and OIl'; Book-keeuing quickly New easy method. Shorlharr! id h|s.-H)np. 19ê 6(1.; Rook-keepitiE 225 6d.—Daniel Jones (fd.H o„ etc (the Well-known Coach). Neath. C1 .5 p RIVATF; TUITION to xidoi, Stai.rt, JL and all the Professional Trelim Ex. .ims; Shorthand and Book-keeping rapidly taught nt Lisbman'fl Coaching College. 40-41. Worceister-o'.ace (opposite Castle Cinema) Hwansea TC m 1.1 —■nil! -J- MONEY. EUW 12 London-r<y?. Neath Makes E. Cash AdVancf* from 15 and upw?rda. strictly Private. Established U76. 1'0. IF you retfture a. LosLn apply to Geortre fhomai Manager Church-etreet (oppo- site St ),Iary' ('titirvh Swansea. Private and conficrential. ONEY to Lend to Respectable House- l}, ho'den;: Private and Conndentia).- Ivor-HP Tb^niam. 6. Wntrrloo-st.swaneea ADVANCES, £15 TO £5.000 Oa Wr'tteu promise to repay or a.py eecurity Principal remains or can b" repaid by 15 or 24 moirthly instalments; no charge of any kind unless business done; promptness and privacy; avoid exposing your requirements loyally.—Write oldest Company existing: E. LAWRENCE, LTD., Don Chambers, Wino-stract, Bristol. PERSONAL. A DVERT1SER wishe? to ? Invest from 15C ?\- to ?n0) on good ?e?urity What offers? — Writa Terms," Leader Office H8Al0-^8 IN Ur.dt. Bert's Toffee Shop there is J.. "Standim Room Onlv." Uncle Bert and fcdo on thanl. you foi your help You are /iaaig "Yo»i:; Bit" as we did ours Thanks! fewansea,Thanks! IX Everybody's Mouth! Mac key'9 Herbal Tablets for Chest. Throat, and Voice. Unrivalled Of all Confectioners 2d ounce Wholesale of Mackay's, Mfg. Confectioners. Old. Mrkewtreet. Bristol "pRO? MICHAEL Celebrated ABf-?otm '?. Herb Phsician: AvMha. hia- great E«y<#iic Medium. The Rockinvc Stdt'.s^ of W ales. Post Is. 3d., birth ;rm..)3. OllP!'n-Rtrf'et. Cardiff 12|)A13-29  PURWITURE. ""URNITURE.-Begt Price" given by i?? J. for Second-hand Furniture and AntiQtie faraitnro of any de?f;r?t):)n Drop me a rosteard or call.—Wm. James, 8. Fabian- ctreet St Thomas CT.C IF yon require a good Bf?rooTn Su¡t, Par. Jt. lour Suite or Pu'ified Bedding call at IhIre Furnieliere, Gower-atreet, SwaIl"e. I 123A O-i I Houses AND SHOPS FOR SALE AND TO LET. TJ*Ji iioui House with the Kent; over 1) æ,[,{Jù iiouses have been oought on our ijcxiente.—ii'or puiticuiara, apply. G. Evano, i;versiey-ruat:, Sl&tty. 123-A31-1 R r Sale, lu kl;iie _r. wad. Uplands, excellent lease nold Uouae. tttro oittuig-rooms, kitchen, iaider. wash-house, 3 be<!rot>u a oath-rocm. w.c.: fine v.cWO' of Bay etc lon^ lease; low ground rent.—Auj.lv to Aieciins. J. Blewitt Jenkins and Sons. Estate Ageats Sui-veyoilf, etc. 4. Coliege-slreei. Sv.ansca. Civ 29 I^VER>LEi-ROAD. SKETTY.—For &a?;. -t'? with early possosston Freehold $emi- f?taeMed V ¡ na; t?o rcceotiou foom?. kit- cben. stulipry. washhou«e etc. 4 bed roo me iiUtli-rooia. w.c.; good car(len-I)ply to ili-^srs. J B,e-.vilt .)enkins and Sons, Estate Agents Surveyors, etc 4. College-strict, Swansea. 010.30 10it SALE, Two Houses in Courtney-street, MauseltDD. 4 and 5 Rooms; in good repair.—Write, "Business," "J.*ader" Oidce, Swansea. 123A11-1 '¡{B 8HOLL :-ïï01tee for Sal»> at WoodlflTids- i' t?'raco Mor-?petiet-tma?e and Rose niU-tcrracc. a? exceUGnt Leachold Hou<te a, the Uplaiids to be sold with vacant LCd.. session — Joseph Harris Auctiotieer. 1. Georgp-street Sw:triae.,L. CI0-30 FOR S-XLE with vacant possession. Free- J hoi i Villa in Eaton-grove—An:,ly Roche. Auctioneer. Eutiat-d House Swan- eea. Cl\}.?.a 170R^LENo7l4 (seim-detached). 13 ?. X 22. ar>d 4. ;,l::nor-roaü. Man"elt.on.- Owner," c/o Dadiv Leader Swansea 118A 10.28 IV OUF r; £.:150 and upwards- &} ?? w'dy repays jE25<??cHcar.? ,isiteu any distrjci.—Writn Seller." Leader Of?ce XT BATH—For Sale, the Substantial- IT ?ca?hoid PreMia?a known a. the XentN Am-) ion Room: gOOf: central posi- tion; ter .1 unexpired 83 yean*, early vacant los^ecsioii — Apply Henry Parmicter The Cix-ft Neath. j;f.Are-28 Vr EATIMtOAD ITA FDD —Two well-bi.ilt 1< Hou-es for Sale, chenn to immpdiite j l urehnserr low ground rent -,Iogel)h liar-i rif- AucT.ror.eer, 1. Georsre-street, Swansea. ?T?CO?? S?EREAJE?f.?usf?Q' Watter- 0 road. -Vacant ?OM?e for Ra!e; e?cry jroitrn cotivenipnee; price to immediate) pi;"cfii.scr only ifiSSI —-foFeph II,arris Anc- tionner. 1. George-street. Swansea. j WT E will enable yon W Pi)rchase a ffotist twortli £ 250 for an .average repayment r.f 5s lid weekly.—Write Box W 8. Lender; Oflice. Swansea. C20-71 ? /? WEEKLY will Purchase £450Honse 4/ ? anv district: pos-^i-ssic: by arrange Lrtrdlord," Leader, Swansea. T.C. MOUSES WANTED. "t?/'A?T??. Smah FuÑ'lshed Hom*> )<at]"roo? Drcfn'P. at uaugland or Newton.—?'rite M I?eadc? CfBce, W 121A10 30 "\V7jV i7 AJsTED, Furnished House; Mumbles or Skettjr District; for Long Pe.-ioti,- Write "Crown." "Daily Leader." Swansea. 119.A 10-2E OFF. RED for Key of good 6 or 8- f..) roon'-ed lioiim ir, good part of Swansea or Mumbles. or district; good ten- a'?o—?'r'?' iD:mediat<? to Box K 14 Lead? Ofact. 118A10-28 j L'l?t !'0< K?V?f?HoM?e in lice district X-1 V to n-nt.-Wdte Bo). W 14, Lender [ Cflice. Swansea* C10-29 j ? ?'' ? OFFERED for Com'?rtaMe. Famished. e?O or pneferamv Pari Furnished. I House- lonrr po'i?d: 8wmnsea or Mumbies -:f;r;d tenunt,Write to Box L 14 Leader Olfice^ 118A10 28 PRE!VS!SES TO LET & WANTEL YY 4' URHO.P Wanted; must be Centrai VY -0 J. Jon?, Coach Trimmer, 11, Gordon-terrace. 123A10 29 fflOV ICE-3. 4 MU'S1C'l, Treat ? n?suieQ thoee w)? A v:"H. c'tc AÜit tin.H .aw?i???. oa ?o i tubei. 1st. First—clus \ocalist& and Choiie competing. Seats can be Booked m1 meruait-iv Brauch Com ictrcial 'iiaveilerH A»soaiatio;i promise tiie i>ubli« their Eisrcddtod to be the Beet Ouality produced. CiJ-9 13 A LLROOii DANCING.—Latest London Dances taught, inciudixig lau.o v' altz. Private and Class Lessons.—Apply .Mrs Goodie Lewis. 3 tfeorg*-street, Swaa- '•eu or at 'the Central School of Dancing, h. St Helen e-road (Godfreys!. Swansea i. (S \GE 'Bird Fanciers.—Having,, boLt a. Larg.? Consifanmoiit M this ?z1 ? 1-1 E4 v?&ted C?naty S"ed. we art> now ouenng the same at 6id per io.. misod nd per lb.: lleinu. Linseed, an 1 Parrot food all at 9d per lb On Stile at Swansea* Pouitiy torn Cooperative stoves 26 [<!abi¡,,¡¡..street. St Thomas and No 6 taU Swansea l\Iarket (VVatei loo-street sid?). opened ever? day 121A10-30 ^OSTINUED Success; Madame Tiwtohtr. > M.B.P.S.; test reading free; send, birth date and etamped e-nveiope.—5, Arcade. P0ntyiiri ld, Gla.morgan. 123A11 1 |"MiOcOLAa'i^ C^ipfectiouery. o tin (If 1 ties supplied: trafle only: 30C varieties Write price lq5t icta,int)) Dipt l; 2b Citv Confectionery Co. il9. Mino-ies. Ix ndo-t 112A 1t 30 DAisCiNG.—Miss Oliv(D Harris teaches ail the Latest Dances; for terms, etc.. apply Weilzield House, 1, George-st:cst, Swansea. Tel. :-to. 469 Docks. 123A11 1 DANCING- —Madam Jpss< Daviea nas Re- sunned her Private Dancing Lessors. Latest ('.Jlicet; taught. For terms avpl,y 35 (ieorge-street Swansea. InAIG-30 ^T'OirT Lis'it Haui^ge of any deocription at JL reasonable charges, apply S Ilearn. 23. 98Ai U-31 MORSES and Traps foi Hire, also Pons 1. and Go'.erncsfe Car: by hour. day. or by week.-S liearn. v8. Trafalgar-terrace. 98A1C 31 L~ ORRY.—Half-ton Lorry for Hire; Light J? Haulage aitv ùescnl)tion.-EnQniric, H. A. Leak, 211, Oxford-street. Telephone. ¡ 431 Central. C?! 11 NOTJCE.—Madame Dalma has Removed to I N'ü'n(,'E' }Jo.d.ame D. U,.lw..a IHi.8 R emO.ý.'C'd .to1 Buckland J o tie s 'Dent a IS nr r y. 12ZAID?W ''jp\Vb ?apon?. two HoTRM. and Hxrnese 1 for ?ale —Ynysforgan Farm, Morriston, near Tra >. Terminue. 117A10-28 rpO all Intending Purchasers of Hoti?eV h: t Fui-nitiii,e.-You shouli. without delay call at ltill (the Manufactureret and in- spect 1hf-M Tiarge :nri Various Stocks, direct from their own works. No middle- man's profits Cash or Easy Terms Please note the Addr&ss. Hill's we] Swansea. Also 14. Windsot-Toad Neath 120A10-29 TYP¥WRITF.nS-The Master Mode! Rcyai ? T Ktardard Typewriter Ko 10. The Sna] choice cf all discriminating Writing Ma- chine ntivet-F., Recent Government orders for over 7.000 Royals Facilities provided for inspecting all other makes of Type writers Office Appliances Company. Sid dall Building, Swansea. CI 1-9 LOST AND FOUND. TOFT between Park-street, Hospital, and j Uplands Gold Chtin Bangle. Finder rewarded ott returning san.q to 2. Beninrd. street. 123A10-29 J OST, Bay Mare Pony 122 hands, in good i condition; medium long tail; TiO 1 :arks — Evans, Post. Office Cefneithen 122 A10-31 I MOTOR OARS. w à:de'' .1 A LBlO? CUAS.StS -We ca tT offer deLvc < ?t of 50 cwt Chfassis enf September, 60 I cwt November and 30 cwt and 80 cwt No- vember. sub.iect unsold Canh Ea?y Terms, or Exe 'I mn,:e. -H E.Ltd. '.Motor ) Dent. I. Dillwyn-street Swansea T/C ('ALCOTI' Light Car (1916); Dickey Geat. V dynamo ii?htin?. electric born; ?f I laintpd and overhauled: i 1 excellent con- clition a"1! splendid running order, £ 450.-| Apply W Btvan 28 The Promenade, Swan- sea C10-30 F O'AD Lorry for Sale; new hood, new J. Stepney tyres, spare wheel: overhauled as new; any trial; reason for selling, ill- heaitb.—Apply, Morris House. Fforestuich. 123A10-29 17*014 SiALE, Milmes Daimler Commercial I Lorry, £ 103; 1-Ton Aerial ditto., £ 50; 2-Ton Dennis, kl!O- 3-4 Ton Ciynesdale. £ 22u; 3-Ton Straker and 3-4 Toil All day a Lorry. £ 320..1,4 o, a 4-Seater Touring i Car, R.M.C., £ 425; 2..) Seater Studebaker, £ 290; and a Briton. 5-Seeter Car. £ 190.— Apply, Joseph Harris, Auctioneer and Valuer, 1, George-street. Swansea. Tele- phone No. 469 Docks. Oll-l ?OR?ALh; Ford Car. 1919 mod-ëi1{'t:'iG .r Hl?ht" only driven fe? hundred mJI(': nerff'et running order. Alpo ? 'I'r? 1'.?l Motor Cycle: good condition Good ofF^rs. LaYipp. Dairyman. Ftbrestfach 122A?28 U. E.rS ?(?nd-hand ??yatEnneld  vJ Bicycle, in perfect, order. 5 gns, a l,ar. gain,-£O -dwaraa- 11 oa(1. ?A:0.28 E. JONES. Limited (Motor l)epartme:it> H* Diiiwyn-gtreet. Swansea List of Cars in Sinek for Immediate De ivery:- AT SWANSEA DEPOT 12 h n Man- 2-seater and dickey seat, t C.A V lighting .c3w, 12 h.r). 19H Yalbot Touring dynamo lighting £600 11-9 h-T). Dumber 1914 2-seater. elec- trip lighting £ 495! '1.3 VauxhalJ Coupe. C.A.V light!dg and, Rtartinp MiJnfr-Da?n.Iei 2-3 ton Lorry £ 350 '6 9 h.p Napier Tourin?. C.A.V. lighting AT CAEDJFF DEPOT Nw 30 h.o Ih Im¡r Chs?eM £ !06u New Stndehaker B!? ?? £ 990 ? 0 h.n 19"? B??z? 2-3 neater, dickey. electric lighting 'I O h p. !91) Daimler &4 Beater com)e. V Hchtins C.A. 1914 M?thi? Sweater and d!ckpy. '0 h.o 31 h.n 19'? Lexin?toa Tourine e!ec- hit' 1ir:1,¡ ip and starting j | 16 25 h.p LONDON DEPOT I th! e li.t) LONI)ON DEPOT 2-senter, C.A-V. AT LOKDON [')BPOT 4 De Dion !P h.p Cha«si*. £ <75 25 h.p Vauxhall Touring. C.A.V. licht.-ntr 25-35 h,) Sunbeam Limousine. Lucas duplex lighting ALL offered subject unsold CFh. easv terms, or exchange. QTAFFORD" Scoot- Book now for O enrlv delivenos Sol' A gent, for i_ wait^i and District: Fletcher's Girir-,e. Sjwafi^a; 123A11-1 "0,rANTF.D. Motor. Tourin- Cnr, nr » > ton Lorry, or Cbaesie -♦Write Con- trietnr." c/o Lender Office. 122A10-28 Free P,,nitine. Roche av., B- and R.. new Tyres and Belt; lovely "ondit-i.on. Also 4J Bradbury. 2 Speed. Free Engine: reason for selling, rocm wn ned Wrue, P15, Cambria Daily Leader." Swan- "00.. 12..U11.1 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. -DA?.AJN.-Second7ha?d p7ano?ywc/n: ?? k?ow? London maker, in excelled. o gns ca6h HRwk!nR ¿ Chape?trf?T. Mumbles 1:?JAI?-i ( _123A?.I { 1 HA.Ji w 1' I u )N J:,S. — ??'??ome six?anej U Carved Oak, F-4 17s. 6d. (usually £ 7i; Records 113.. Is 6d.. 2B. Records Exchanged. 3a. dozen.—19. Park street. 118A10 23 GODFREY and Co Ltd.—-Special Rareains in Secot!o-hand Uianos and Organ-; pri. ces frolu 25Ens New Pianos by all the leading makers, including Colla rd and Col- ¡¡¡rd. Wiito. a.nd Witton Sames and Co. bunernead Ciame" etc.. etc Prict's from I 5úgns ca¡;h Term arranged if desired ?rite fo!' ? free hst or. call and make a p(- soira selection —Godfrey aM Co.. Ud., 22. ,St. lielon's-road, I?AIO-31 ("J ODFFEY and Co. Ltl. Pianoforte Mann. taclure.'s, have now Re-Opened their lu,1m am Repairing Department Pianos and Orean. Thoroughly Henovated and Re- ?"s'' ?'t'"?tes given. Expert Tuner8 ?8:t all I arte of Wales P?noia and Plaver Ha no" a Sppciahty -(4odfrev and Co., Ltd., ?2, St. j-o?? ?wangp? ?A''0-3j ?.'rU?rCAL tNFT?UM?TS.?We"??. I f acture Buy. SelL and Exc-hanc tb-4 tri• mr-'d Instruments. Our String are un- couallcd; used by every Professional in ENvanoeii and District.. Repairs -receive \x- r?:'t a l :or' on the oremises Ot ronr Mu&'cjt Requirements attndèd to bv t:s and re'?tve the h"¡WDr 0f 45 year"" pracd- c.1,! pxpcr?ncc thereby arairdnu sat?factt.'n ¡ and making yonr mosin ?h?" it should be-  rira'sVr< Get the h.?nt ?ood? from the ?i?.,ht shop detected hv an experjen('d nayer an M'.ker. tb- your rendering ?jl) be at itg ?t WOO nO Gover-r R\'l.nn.e'), pr. ?a.n w!.o ?nder'?tands t.y?n«9'} rumon?. nrl tei!' reau?- Strincred StDiced In ?the reauirpment? of their 1J1:y, er —— 1-20A10 29 Bargains} 2, 34. 33. 45. 55 Guinea- Largest and .Cheapest Selection 1" Walc. Cash On]y.—Exchange, 19. street, Sw?nseQ. SA'O Ze A ?N- 1) RIIACXFLL'S .4 'N i OL I, CEDENTS CHICAGO Or?an. 4 sets of ref?f. 8 ?top*. 2 knee etTcHs: verr fine tore. £ ? £ \r.? homu?pr' ?nd Sh?ckcII. Ltd.. 39. Cattle- street. Swansea piANOFORTE by Ralph Amson. full eotn- i pass, iTory keys: 50 guineas cash. o. terms -Thompson and Shackell. Ltd 39. Castle street. Swansea, A LEXANDRA Paris, Harmonium; 12 stops. 4 sets cf reeds; Hrge powerful instru- ment, suitable for place of wor-hip; E35 Thompson and Shackell. Ltd.. 39. Castle- str.-pt. Swansea LIVE STOCK, &C. OR S4LE a Dark Ba.v Pony. 1Z h.h. t sound, warranted in harness; always drivpn by lady.—Apply Brvn Rluv. Farm. I Penllergaer ::2A10-28 FOR SALE 50 February, Mar oh. Aprl. 1919. White. Wyandot># Cockerels of t'ijellent utility strains, from 12s. 6d.— | I Clraiente. DanDieiiWAQ FaruL. Morriston C10-30 G EFSE. Large and Young Gloucestershire \-t Poultry; 11s. 6d. each; laying fowle, 1)5. 6d.; cockerels, 65. 6d. Also Working Ferret s.-N ei,l. Pegler-street, Brynhyfry d, Swansea. 123M1 1 A, NTED, ar? fI Dog. atato cartto:. » ?r?—Mha. "Ee!mont." BIafkpin. 122AlO-ij9 r»r» each at five months old. for four (;c6 amali store oi8 boight at 55 cleb was one beginner's reeor-1 after unirg Karswood Pit: Powders. Yoj car do it too! •Twelve f,),, 13. Ttiomas. Chemist, Gorsein- on. and Old Bank Pharmacy, Llanelly 11 11 112"1"-6 MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. CAST-OFF Clothing of Every Descr:pti-r Bought. Parcels sent, cash or r. hy return Attendo Svansea Mondays- Griffiths. noodbine, Forryside. 122AjO-31 I BUY Furniture New or Scron(I-Iii nd. JL Sorkm. 219. msh stTpet. Swansea 123AM-1  | HIRERS Wanted over Pitwood Pizp.-?pn. 1 n!n:?<. Ltd. Woodworkera. PennywcU roa?. Bt'Mo) Branch at Porthcawl. STC. I SMALL ADVERTISEMENT ORDER FCRM. Ij ;,7lT7 .L.-<" _) 'I ■ i "Mi "mil t »-T"fcT M T J 1 ■ ■ ■ -i —• -T- T -in I P enclose | i j j_| I Please publish the above advertisement. tithes, for'which | Please publish the above advertf!ement.h.tiel'. for which' I' e B  o a e   enc1ose. _d. NamesI1d Addl'8¥' ? "re<t, MpliM zxty be tent to Box ?tuab?M ? 'he a_brio Da? |I Letuler OUlr" Thie form should be addreo"l to AdVoWileuwAA Dapartaoht, "Oanibria Daily |8 Le?der/' Swanea mm mi mm m m 'X .L:" rrlJf! 1 I TRADE ANNOUNCEMENTS. A M-UAN tORD.— Season's Goods—indoor r A out)—whether C&rt'-idK? (Eleys. Ky?- Koch's. and Curtis'ii and Harvey's), or Cut- lery. Tai>lo Lampi, Mantles Nickel Pender,4 aId; irons, at Harr;es' th. Doted Fur ish era and li oiimongers. ci 0-M ALARM CLOCKS!! Another Large Con ?.SL si?nmenT ju?t arrived: boat mak?: Josepn, Jeweller. 20 Keathtteld-stroec (next to Ht.l. len'a). BARGAINS in Men's, ?Voiiien'f4, and d'-enf Footwear: larce ftocka; pricct to suit tii i smallest p<x-ket — JacXib-s, 116, Oxford-street (near HospitaL Swansea. 118 A10-28 B^ARGA'INS at Enoch's. ArMdc.-Cat.?)iet f3 of literature, 6 vDls.; fine set of Burnf' PocDcal Works, 5 Tola.; compete set EHi, cott's Commentary, 8 vols.; Practical Draper." 5 vols.; "Popular Encyclopaedia." 14 vol. Teachcrs' Bible«, Welsh and eng- lish, from 8s.; Family Bibles, etc.. etc. 123A!1-1 BAD LEGS.-L hove successfully treated -D thouiands. a.ad 1 guarantee a cure in every case.—G Doakin, Herbalist, Alexan- dra-road. Swan sea. 120 A10-29 BAD LEGS. My Stimulating ilerbal Adti. JD' septic treatment euros in every ca<ie.— iVrite or call to day.—Deakin, Herbalist Alexandra-read, Swansea. 120A10-29 e AL.JCU that is much below to-day's value; We have .a few special lines in White and Grey.John Richards, Cradock-street, Swansea. 119-1.10-2.8 IN Uncls Bert's" Toffe Shop there is Standi n Room" Only." Undo Bert a.,d his Son thank you for your help You arj doing "Your Bit." aa we did ours Thanks! Swansea Thanks!. 120A1028 I)OPUW-R SWEETS. Cheapest, Beet. X Greatest Variety; 41b. 4s.; Id. per oz Mother says the children will have them.— Hea^ldon's 0range-street, Swansea. 123A11-1 AI^vCOATS for Boys and Girls in any sise; we have just the Coat to suit l'our Child; something new in style and colour; moderate in price.—John Richards, Raincoat Specialist Cradock-street, Swan- sea. 122A]0-3i OIDNEY Falmor's well-known Cakes and O Pa~trits are made of beet -ngtelienis ¡ only. Wedding and Birthday Cakes in stocS and made to order. Noted for Teas and- Co..} Luncheon's.—Palmer's Cafe, oppo- site Emptro and Branches 123AJ1-1 SURGICAL Appliances.—Trusses, SDray. Enemas. Surgeons' Rubber Gloves itnd Surgical Rubbei (ioods of every description Writ.} foi- Catalogue. stnt post free.-Tp Erasseur Surgical Co.. Ltd .Dept D.V ). 90 I ard 92. Worcester-street Biiraingam. T.C. THRIFTY Housewives should ir?pect onr -t. Stock of Blankets Pheet" QniJta. Ticks. etc.: all at Greatly Reduced Prices—-Jacobs H6. Oxford-street (ne?r HosiiitaP, Swansea. U8AjtM8 YOU get reliable boots at the New R.-G Shoe Store. Goat street; Good Shapes. Good fitting. Reasonable prices; Try tbe. 119A10-28 XAH GOLD Broe?da Ounta ttnU ei?.: ?U? usual price M? lld.- to at 16* 1.1 d. —J'lcolx?, 116, Oiford-etreet fnpar H o' p Unl j_ wan"e8. 1taAlI. FOR. SALE. I FOR ?ALE Wooden Shed (consisting F three compartmct;te). 30 feet !on?. abot?t 3 feet wide galvanised iron roof.—Apply If Lang-Coath. Guildhall. Swarsea. 010-28 I; 0 R SALE, two Brentwood RoclTing A I. hairs; set; £ 3; good con dition.- h rite R 15. Leader Ofiice. Swansea 123A10-29 ()il. SALE. Oak Sideboard. P'ian. L Cabinet, Overmantel: no deiLleris.-Ar% ply Cambrian Inn Morriston. 122A10-31 I^OR SALE, Kitchen Tables, Bedsteads Overlay. Three Large Mirrors. Also Piano. £ 30 or Nearest Offer.-M. Mahoney, 1. Bridge-street Swansea.. 119A10-2S IMRFWOOI Chopping Machine for SaJe- J. Barron." Also Sawheneheg and oth-r surplns Woodworking Machines, Crares, and Traction Engine for Sale — C. ,Tennim?s nnd Co. 1,1(1 P'istol. Ci0-21? QAFRS 'Fire-Resisting, 20in. to 4Sin h' I for "?'?- Also pair 8in, ?indin? t-Uigmn? Steam Wagons, Petrol Lorries.- Birt. 47, Strand. Swansea. Cll 2 i?9r;(\ House Policy Certificate for Sale; 10s. paid in; what offers?— Write. "teller," "Leader" Office, Swansea 122A1031 SAILING3. CUfJARD LINE. TO UNTIED STATES, .SOUTHAMPTON AND CHERBOURG TO NEW YOlK. (Calling at t-lywouiki EaatLound) Maurptanjx lue8 Nov. y Royal otorge I ii tj rb. Nov. 'A Aiauretauw, Sat. Deo. 6 Via Halifa* LIVERPOOL TO N"iv YORK. Ordu.na Tues. Nov 13 cu'rinali IfL Sab. Nov. 29 Via Halifax LIVERPOOL TO BOSTON. ikala (Fre?ht only) Bat. ?ov 15 LIVERPOOL TO PHILADELPHIA Verbama (i'reight, only) Sat. ?<)\ 29 L<?DO?. TO?KW YORK. Va41.Îa (!r-eir? 11 t oll?) 1,u em-6 Oo!, 23 iort Pirio (Freight only) TJiure. Oct. 30 tValacja (Ertigut ?,nlyNov 4 •S^cxoijia Tues.Nov. 4 (?:cnsand? <Fre?ht only). Sat Nov 8 ^ar7m <F?iRht only) Mon. Nov. 10 Joi-t Chatmen (FreiKbt only).. Mon Nov 17 *Carora Sat. Nov. 22 ?Vtd. Via Halifax. A Via L,?o?N,^Di'^ TO BOSTON. VaMurA /(Ft,rei.g,ht only) j^mf, tS Od «%^a Gukula (Freignt only)  LONDON TO l'UILAlJKL!'HÚ Vennomi (treight only) Hat Nov. ?299 BHJSTOL TO NEW YO? Veetaha (E'rei?ht only).. Turns rw • BRISTOL TO BALTIMORE ?- Dconhojm (Freight onlv) Wed Nov *W BR?TOL TO PmLADEL?n\ Cbpe?-lbawet! (Preight ;?ly) .Wed.N, ROTTERf)AM TO NEW YOKK A rjrlo-ChileaT. (Freight onIy).Sai. ?- 15 J Q ANTWERP TO NPIW YORK ?ahar? (Freight on!y).?t Nov 15 CUNARO LINE TO CANADA. SOUTHAMPTON TO HALIFAX. Royal George Thurs. Nov. 20 o LIVERPOOL TO HALIFAX. Ordnna Tufv. Nov. 18 C"t'¡"i. NW. h LONDON TO HALIFAX. Val, aeia Tnes. Nov 4 Saroma Tries "Nov 4 .Sat. Nov. 23 Via Havre. LONDON TO PORTIAND Me. Will, n^toi (Freight only) Sat. Nov. 3 Nov 21 Volumnja (Freght only) Tties. Nov 25I BRISTOL TO PORTLAND Me t Vonusia (Freight only) Wed. Oct 20 x lrgilia (Freight only) Sat. Nov. 23 i To' Montreal All Canadian sailings connect with Cana- dian National Railways. For Rates of Passage and Purther Par- ti(ilia-s. anpl7 Lunard Line Liverpool- 51 Bishopsttr.te tendon E C 2- £ .31 Cock Rt;ij,r-,st?-et. ton(i(jyl. SW 1. 6fi. Bafdwfn tieet. Brnto!; 18a Flir^h-stroet. Cord'flf- 117 New^reet Birr^-han,. Marftime Cliam- Millbav röa-d Plvmouth: or to Tiocal Aeents SALES BY AUCTION. SALE of FREEHOLD BUSINESS PRE- MISES at PONTARDULAIS. Messrs. Bufton & Son, F.A.I. Will offer for SALE by AUCTION, at the FARMERS' ARMS HOTEL, PON- TARDULAIS (subject to Conditions to be then read), the Two Valuable Freehold Houses and Shops, Known as THE BON MARCITE ahd CASTLE HOUSE," situate in SWANSEA ROAD, PONTARDULAIS, at 7 p.m. on TUES- DAY. NOVEMBER 18th. Particulars upon application to the Auctioneers. Middleton Chambers, Llan- drindod Wells, or Messrs. Glason D&hne and Davies, Solicitors, Pontardulaia. SUPPORTERS' CLUB, SWANSEA TOWN A.F.C. CONTRIBUTING MEMBERS. Notice is Hereby Given that alII lIem- bers having tay Claim against the above Club in respoct of Deposits made up to the End of Season 1914/1915, mult for- ward their Contribution Cards to the Treasurer not later than Nov. 10th, 1919. No claim can be accepted after this date. The undersigned will be at the Waver- ley Restaurant, CTaddock-street, on Fri- day Evenings, from 7.30 to 8.30 p.m., to deal with any Enquiries. H. C. Dodd, Chairman F. J. M. Chapman, Treasurer. 12, St. Helen's Crescent. Swansea. SALES BY AUCTION. MORRISTON, LANDORE AND SWANSEA. Exceptionally important Sale of Two Splendid Freehold and Free Double- Licensed Counter Trade Public Houses with early Vacant Possession, and Two Dwelling-Houses. MESSRS. James and James, F.A.I. Are favoured with instructions from the various Owners to offer for SALE by PUBLIC AUCTION, at the HOTEL CAMERON, HIGH-STREET. SWAN- SEA, on THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 6ti1, 1919 (subject to such Conditions of Sale as shall then and there be produced), the following FIRST-CLASS FREE DOUBLE-LICENSED FREEHOLD Public Houses, viz.: Lot I.-All Lihat noted Freehold Pub- lic House, Brewhouse, Stable and Pre- mises called and known aa THE MID- LAND HOTEL, MORRISTON, situate on the Clydach Road about 200 yards from the Cross and nearly opposite where the niloi-riston trains stop in the occupa- tion of Mr. Thomas Evans as tenant at will (his lease having expired at Michael- mas). The Premises have a frontage over all of 50 feet or thereabouts by a depth of 107ft. 6in. or thereabouts. The Accommodation it as follows:—On the Ground Floor: Entrance Hall, Smoke- room, Tap Room, Private Room, Store Room (formerly Kitchen). Kitchen, Cellar, Small Back Kitchen. On the First Floor: Club-roohi, 2 Bed- rooms- and w.c. On the Second Floor: 3 Bedrooms. There is a large open Yard at the back and a Brewhouse, and a Two-stallod Stable at the far end with a large loft over both, with an access thereto from the side lane direct. Lot 2.—All that excellent FREE- HOLD FREE DOUBLE-LICENSED PUBLIC HOUSE AND PREMISES called and known ae THE STATION INN, LANDORE, in the County I Borough of Swansea, immediately facing Landore Railway Station on the upper side, with Vacant Possession at T,ey Day next. The house is at present and has been for many years jpast in the oc- cupation of the owner, Mrs. Mathews, who has carried on thereat a very lucra- tive trade, probably the best m the locality. The Property extends from on2 street to the other, with a frontage ol 34ft. Gin, or thereaoouts to Station- road, and of 42ft. or thereabouts to Mysydd-street. The Accommodation is as follows:—On the Ground Floor: Bar, Sitting-room, Passage, Smoke-room, Tap Room, Kitchen, Back Do., Small Ste re-room and Pantry. In the Base- ment: A good Cellar. On the First Floor: Club Room and 4 Bedrooms There is a good-size Yard at the rear witi a 2-6talled Stable and 2 w.c.'s thereon. The Club-room can be ex- tended or reduced as occasion requires by means of a moveab!e partition. There is one good Club, viz., The Foresters. meeting at the House. The House is sittiat'nel in a position of monopoly, be- ing the nearest licensed house to the Landore Railway Station. Lot 3. —All that desirable FREE- HOLD DWELLING-HOUSE known as No 6, HEATHFIELD-ROAD, SWAN- SEA, containing 6 Rooms, Bath (h and c). Scullery (h and c), in the occupation ef Mrs. Morgan as yearly tenant. Lot 4.-A11 that LEASEHOLD GAR- DEN CITY VILLA known as No. 9, THE PROMENADE, Garden City, con- taining 6 Rooms, Bath (h and c), Scul- lery (h and c), and nice Garden. WITH VACANT POSSESSION ON COM- PLETION. Held for 99 years from 24th June, 1910. Ground Rent £ l 18s. Sale to Commence promptly at 3 p.m. For further particulars, with refer- ence to all the Lots applv to the Auc- tioneers, 7, Goat-street, Swansea; and wita reference to Lot 1 to Messrs. 8iirik and lllingham, Solicitors, Fisher-street, Swansea: and Lot 2 to 4, to Messrs. T. W. James and Co., Solic- tors, 24. Goat-street, Swansea. TYLEDU FARM, PE ERGAER, Nr. GORSEINON. MESSRS. James and James, F.A.I. Are favoured with instructions from Mr. E. Bevan to SELL by PUBLIC AUC- TION, on the Premises as above, on WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER atth, 1919, the following Valuable I Live Stoelk, HAY, CORN t ROOT CROPS, etc., vil.: CATTLE. 5 DAIRY CATTLE (1 with Second Calf at her heels).—Young Shorthorn Cow and Calf; 2 Red Shorthorn Cows in full pro-lit and in cftlf; 2 Red do in oalf. 6 STOKERS.—Two 2-year-old Steers, 1 Yearling do.. 1 Yeatling Heifer, and 2 Heifer Calves. HORSES.—1 Strong Roadstw Mare, 151 h.h., aged and believed to be in foal; 1 do. Collier Mare 144 h.h., aged; 1 Suckling Colt. PIGS.—i Strong Store Pigs. POULTRY.—100 Barndoor Fowls ana 18 Geese. CROPS.—Rick of Horse Hay, 2 Mows of Barley, 36 Rows of Swedes, and 18 Rows of Potatom. Luncheon at 1 o'clock. 8aloe promptly I at 2 p.m. Tei-mm-Six Months' Credit over M or the usual Discount for Cash. Auctioneers' Offices: 7, Goat-street, Swansea. Tel., Docks 172. pENITN FAkM, Distant 1 Mile from Cynghordy Station. MESSRS. Wm. & Walter James, F.A.I. Have been favoured with instructions from Mr. Morgan, to SELL by PUBLIC AUCTION, at the above Farm, on THURSDAY, OCTOBER 3Cth, 1919, the following Valuable Live Stock, HAY, CORN & GREEN CROPS, viz.: 2J CATTLE, 6 HORSES, 212 SnEEP. CROPS.-2 large Ricks of First-class Hay (part last year's Hay), 4 Mows of Read Wheat, 6 Haggard Motvs of Scotch Oats, 2 Haggard Mows of Barley, 8 Rows of Potatoes. 30 Rows of Swedes. Sale to commence at 1 o'clock promptly. Six Months' Credit on Sums over S5. Auctioneers' Offices: Llangadock, Llan. dovery, Llandilo, and Swansea. THE PARSONAGE, GOITRE-ROAD, KILL AY. J. Barron Pascoe, F.S.I., F.A.I., His been instructed by Mrs. Wm. Cur- rau to SELL bv PUBLIC AUCTION at thr) above address, on FRIDAY NEXT, the 31st OCTOBER, 1919, the wholo of the Superior Household Furniture AND OTHER EFFECTS, Chiefly comprising: -Handsoine Maho- gany Sideboard, Well-made Dining Suite in Mahogany, Walnut Overmantel, Afttique Oak Corner Cupboard, Sheraton Inlaid Chairs and Settee, Divan Chairs, Pembroke Table, Oak Hall Stand, Axminster Carpets and Rugs, Brass and otfce Fenders, Few Pieces of Swansea ¡ and Spode China,, Old Glass Decanter, Walnut Occasional Table, Choice WAL- NUl BEDROOM SUITE, Brass Rail and other Bedsteads, Feather Beds and PiUows, Grained Wardrobe, etc., Kitchen Effects, Garden Implements. Sale to Commence at 11.30 a.m. prompt. Terms: Cash. On View Morning of Sale Auctioneer's Offices; 7, Goww-Btreet, Swansea. I SALES BY AUCTION. TOWN HILL FARM, SKETTY. Near SWANSEA (Distant ten minutes* walk from Sketlyv Tram Terminus, or 15 minutes from Swansea Market). MESSRS. James and James, F.A.I. Are favoured with instructions from Mr. Joseph Evans, who is overstocked, to SELL by PUBLIC AUCTION, on the Premises as above, on SATURDAY AFTERNOON, NOVEMBER 1st, 1919, tlio^ following Valuable Live Stock, HAY, CORN AND ROOT CHOPS, Etc., viz.:— 4 DAIRY CATTLE (1 with Calf); ) Handsome, Well-bred Roan Shorthorn in- Calf Heifers and 3 do. lirst-class Itoau. Heifer Calves. 9 HORSES. CROPS.—HAY About 5 tons of excel- lent Horse Hay. CORN: About 10 tons of first-elass Oats. ROOTS: 2! acres va great crop) of Swedes. Sale promptly at 2.30 p.m. Terms-Six Months Credit on Approved Security over C5, or the usual Discount for Cash. Auctioneers* OfEces. 7. Goat Street, Swansea. Tel., Docks 172. SWANSEA. Important Sale of Remunerative Invest-* ments in Freehold and Leasehold Houses with Life Policies. Mr. Trevor Evans, F.A.I., (Messrs. Bowen, Evans and M, ills) Will offer for SALE bv AUCTION, at the HOTEL CAMERON, SWANSEA on WEDNESDA Y, NOVEMBER 6th'; 1919, the following Freehold & Leasehold Dwel. ling-houses with Life Folicies. Lot I.-Two Freehold Dwelling-* Houses, 9 and 10, Emma-street. I:> Lot H.—The Life Interest of one Svd- ney Wedlake, believed to be now aged; 4S years, in 17 and 18, North Hill-road,, together with Policy of Insurance for £ 150 on the Life of the said Sydney Wedlake. Lot 3.—The Lif Interest of one E. A. Thomas, believed to be now aged o3 years, in the Six Houses 33 to 38, Vin- cent-street, as well as Two Policies of Insurance aggregating £ 500. For further de1 ils see Postem Sale to Commence 3.30 p.m. Further particulars and Conditions of Sale may be obtained of the Auctioneer at his Offices, 22, Wind-street, Swansea (Tel. Docks 420), or of D. O. Thomar, Esq., Solicitor. 21, York-street, Swansea. LLANGYFELACH, NEAR SWANSEA. SALE OF FREEHOLD HOUSE AND PREMISES. Pursuant to an Order of his Honour tim Judge of the County Court of Glamorgan- s hire, holden at Swansea, made in an Action, Lewis and Others v. John, x. 189Q, Mr. Trevor Evans, F.A.I (Messrs. Bowen, Evan6 and Mills) The person appointed by the said Cotirb to conduct the Sale) is instructed to oli'er I for SALE BY PUBLIC AUCTION at the HOTEL CAMERON, SWANSEA, on THURSDAY, OCTOBER 30th, 1919, afc 3.30 p.m. precisely (subject to Conditions of Sale to be then and there produced), the extensive and conveniently eituate Freehold House & Premises, Situate al THE CROSS, LLANGYFELACH, And formerly used and occupied as Licenced Premises and then known as THE JOINERS' ARMS. The accommodation i8 extensive and comprises on the Ground Floor: Two large rooms, kitchen and scullery, with stores and cellar. First Floor: Three bedrooms, and large room (formerly club room). The Outbuildings comprises Three-stall Stable, stone-built Stores, Coach-house, Coal-house, la:óe Wooden- built Stores, Pig Styes, and w.c.. with a spaious yard having cart access from main road. The Mines and Minerals are reserved. The Premises will be offered with. VACANT POSSESSION on completion of the purchase. Particulars and Conditions of Sale may be obtained of Mr. R. T. Leyshon, Soli. citor, 11, Salubrious-passage, Swansea; Mr. Edward Harris, Solicitor, 3, Fisher- street, Swansea; or of the Auctioneer, r., Wind-etreet, Swansea. I AUCTION MART. 21, UNION STREET. SWANSEA (Opposite Mond Buildings). WEDNESDAY, 29th OCTOBER, 1919. Mr. H. C. Higman, F.A.I., Has received instructions to SELL by AUCTION, at the above place and dat% Superior Household Furniture, principal items comprising :-PIANo. FORTE, American Organ, Duchesae Pair, Singer's Sewing Machine, Letter Press, Mahogany and Oak Sideboards, Dining Room Suite, Sitting Room Suito, Overmantels, Whatnot, Cabinet, Orna- ments, Pictures, Carpets. Rugs, Carved Oak and Walnut Hall Stand, Mahogany Dining Table, E.P. Goods, Stair Carpets, Rtfds, OAK CHEST OF DRAWERS, Bod- room Suite, Walnut Bedstead, GENT"I WARDROBE, Copper Wire Mattresses, Iron and Brass Bedsteads, Overlays, Otto- man, Beds, Kitchen Tables, Dresser (sla^.« front). Chairs, Dinner and Tea Ware, Oil- cloth, Cutlery, Child's Cot, Kitchen Uten. sils, Lady's and Gent's Bicycles, Roll Top Desk. Typewriter, etc. Goods on View Morning of Sale. Terms—Cash. Sale commences at 11 a.m. NO. I, ST. ALBAN'S ROAD, SWANSEA. TO HOUSEHOLDERS, DEALERS, AND OTHERS. Mr. Arthur S. T. Lucas Has received Instructions from Mrs. Is Rossignol, who is leaving Swansea, to SELL by PUBLIC AUCTION, at the above address, the whole of the Household Furniture AND EFFECTS. particulars of which appear on the Auc- tion Posters, on WEDNESDAY, the 29tln of OCTOBER, 1919. Sale to Commence at 11.30 in the fore- noon precisely. Goods on View the Afternoon prior to Sale from 2 to 5 p.m. Terms: Cash. No Reserve. For further Particulars apply to Arthur S. T. Lucas, Auctioneer and Valuer, 6. Rutland-street, Swansea, and at Mumbles. Tel., Central 230. Estbd. 1885. (No. 1687) FARMERS, DAIRYMEN, & OTHERS. Sale to be held at the Field Adjoining tho RAILWAY HOTEL, KILLAY, GOWER. on THURSDAY, OCTOBER 30th, 1919. Mr. John F. S. Rfleager (of the Firm of Messrs. Jones, Meager and Jones), is favoured with instructions to SELL by PUBLIC AUCTION, at the f abøve date and place. Valuable Horses and Ponias, FARMING IMPLEMENTS, &c., &e. For further particulars, apply at Auctioneer's Offices. Terms—Cash. All Entries to be on tho Field by 10.30 a,m. Morning of Sale. Sale to Commence at 12 o'clock Sharp. Auctioneer's Offices: Glantawe Cham- bers, 41, Wind-street, Swansea. Tele- phone,: Central 229.