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IBnsituss :Aâtrr£Z5tS. ? ? ?TARK WHAT THE ? JL?. \V1LD V/l?D 8AYS."— jC iI '• L'ii..a8stionaWy there is no re- ???? M?,iy up to the nresenr, age equal to iT DOi WILLLU¡' P.\IEYl' ?ALSA?.t OF HOXKV for ail Chest Affections. Fortifies the sys- tern, increase* the le-iuatiug power against all diseases, heals the lungs, 3.,d. ;:ile,, a -winter cough when all oii'ji- remeiiir fail. Ii jou, children, or friends, are losing your grip on life and scarcely able to breathe, voa should Lry Tudor Williams's Patent Balsam of itoney. For weak-chested TIlen, delicate women, and children It cures when all other medicines fail. CUêj Coughs, Colus, Bronchitis, Aschma, Tightness of the Chest Cuvca t:;olt"nu,; t:, Children from Bron- chitis and Whooying Cough. Care?; for one shilling when pounds have b",u speiK in vain. i-Vrsons suifer- ,,Then 14okLa,ii; .lave It-i vain. sitifer- ow Cor.nnended bv Surgeons and Physicians. j Wonderful Cures Daily. ?ltOns,n,h of Testimonials to hand from ril pi.i f the world. FEW SPECIMEN'S:— THE r:EAl' COMIC Kl?Ctueak-th?hIvof rnCDOI, WILLIAMS' PATENT J- B-\T,UT OF HONEY. IMPORTANT I.NTKRESTINW FACT FROM A POLICE OFFICER. — "lor weeks I suffered from a severe cold, incessant couth, tightness of the chest, and bronchitis. When a severe cough came on I thought I would rup- ture a blood-vessel. One of your bill" was handed to ffie on the street at Middiesbrongh. I went to the nearest chemist shop and purchased a bottle of your Tudor Williams's Balaam of Honey. I took a dose Ll<ére and then in the shop. The effect, was nmr- veilou:, it eitoed my cough instantly. I have found nothing so effectual. I C0n.;iÙer it a dolden Remedy.- Yours truly, FREDERICK THOMAS (Police Constable), Herring ton, Miutdesorougii. THE PUBLIC JSPrlAK iliUHLY Or IT ALL OVER THE V" ?) RD. A cùiU of ours has been completely cured )[ BroudliLi" and oa i Cúuh bv your P<em Balsam o( Honey. His breathing was so tight, and he had such :err¡b:e pains in tfle chesr, that we had given up all *iopes of his recovery. Since then I have always kept a not tIe of your wonderful remedy in the house. The children are fond of it, anil take it eagerly.—Yours truly, Mrs M..EDWARDS, 19, Woodland-street, Moun- tain Ash." Another }::r:,i;s.IO:\ —" -or eleven years I hanJ ;,CL<1 a great sufferer from bronchitis, "ou.nhs,spitting of blood, and tightness of the chest; for Sve years I also had great difficulty in getting about; t could not even 5lp or lie down at night or day. I Have heeu under medical treatment for eleven years iaTlc a ..so hl.n under teauneni at the Hereford In- Srniary and Buxton and Souiiiport Hospitals, but all to no purpose. Doctors advised me that I could not jxpeeo a cure, beins: 64 year- o ace. Having heard so T.11idl Laik of Tudor Williams's Patent Balsam of Honey, 1 iave it a trial, and, to my -teab surprise, the tirst (i,t. ga-e mo irniji-d'N.te freedom in breathing. D(y bJ_;y.)loe'Írt¡n; irqnl the lungs diminished, hrn- chitis "disappeared, like m?ic to the four winds of t?e lieaven, ami in a vow weeks I was restored to my usual good health.—Yours sinceH'iy, Mr* Kjibrev, 19, Con- isby-screet, Hereford, May 25, 1330. '2 ,"ù1Ü by all Cheuusm aHl Stores .ill over the \\or¡ll ia l, Jd, aad -s id bo teles. I Sample boctle sent (:Jo,-t paid) for 15 2d, 3. an i 55 from the inventor, 1^04 DIl'DOll WILLIAMS, R.D.S.L., ?liD-iCiL HALL, AEERDA!U :?e niE l.IXEATE -I DAINTY I'OII THE TEA TABLE .L f 1) '1' 0 (J TY T, j I P T O N'S f i A EES, A s D i; t'i :oi;s, UN 11Y 5l) PKK.B. These famous — -Uifi ANA, CURRANT, ROYAL GINGER, SE L'.L>, ENOA, MADEIHA, and FIt;, thonh I A? C HEAP AS ?KEAU AND BUTTEH. ïJe e'l\1;Ü to the highest, class Cake sold by most I .o1 er and Confectioners at 1!J11 to 1: per lb. SnOlt^BiiEAD — 'ih ? i-ir.est Made—only 5d per lb ¡ rfold ol&ewii re ac double the money. SPONGE CAKES—A rare delicacy—41 id and 9el each; -I L C- ;(),¡ eLse\.here at 3d au,lls 6d each DELIOJITFUL SHOKTITttKA.D AND SPO-Nur, CAKE jblNGEltS. I Real Toothsome Tit-bits I Only 5d per bos S01d elewhere ahot!t ltne.bc th price No >ea-table complete without. II LLPTON'S CAKES ALL ?lA?tTACH'r?? 1? H i. OW? BAKERIES, L L i'p T -Ö ''i! L. THE LARGEST TEA AND PROVISION I DEALER IN THE WORLD. LOC.AI. BRAATHKS—- CARDIFF—ST MARY-STREET. I SWANSEA— \RCADE BL'IfJTNGS,KIGH-STliEET c ie Principal Towns of the Kin^doni. ,048 I ORMOZA rp E A AT PEE -j^3 gD LB PER -< 3 ?D LB THE BE.^T AXD MOST LUXURIOUS IN ENGLAND AT THE PRICE. r £ MS J> 0 T g T 0 R E S }  .ó  .1:" IN THE HAYES, A D I F F. 1614-109 I V 114-109 I fJIHE J>OATH JpURNISHERS TilE ROATH FURNISHERS I BEST :cK¿-HIOUSE I FURNISHERS IN CARDIFF. They Supply the La'sst and Strongest Manufactured Articles ia HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE At Prices within the reach of all Classes for Cash or oi »lij W i' ■ft-i.u u. Tar n — £ 2 10s worth 1 6 weekiv. £ 20 worth 7/- weekly. £ 5 „ 2 ?, "It" emos „ :-j „ ? ?50 „ 12'- £ 15 „ 5/- „ "5, „ l/.r.er amouuts ;n Pronortion. AI,L GOODS CARRIAGE PAID. Good. :ent home ;1, soon as fin, t is made. Special advantages to those about to Marry. Come and See for Yourselves. It-Will pay you to do ;;0, and you will Admit the Surpass all other Houses ia the Trade. y^fWT'H JpURNISHING ?0., ?  \?' L.-vADINt; HOUSE FURNISHERS, 42, CASTLE-ROAD & RE-STREET, IOXrH. From] a.m, till 10 i).c.1. jJathiT • d fitted up to 8.30p.ia 0 J  7?' S'S LE <? fAIES' 1 ^|"AMES:S yAZ.IES'S o J" AMES'S 0-0 BATHS "OATHS  r,,)_ "I^ATHS -Ÿ J^—Tiio, 3')1 ?,-) '?ATH? *i rpURKISH. j "pLECTRIC. i JJLPHUR. j o j ^|"ERCURIAL. 1 j_|YDRO'. i' or Colds. Rirjiuaatism, Broiv;i!tis, Inlfuenza, Gout, ..?.hc.? .t, ?.t?J yM= ?kut ErRpcions, Cbr(?ii;e Hiieu'n.?, ?o?uu.< Deoih?ty, Lumba" go, Liver Com- plaints, A-?., it- i-e. ?.B.-Wa ?&? accommodation for a few resident! pa.t:?!?. l''ot-tNmM?p?yat:l!eBa':hs, s^T., (' i'ARDIFF.  ? 29 jrp R E E DMAN & C o. <'AB[\?L' MAKERS & UPHOLSTEKERS. I i>EDDINO ?A:? C (• AC't'CRERs ,\I) C A R I' ? T MEN, ]' ]. ')' E:<:ellent JIu':TL O?S?i<?D YT?'i?ITURE ..ä.  UHEIR. OW.S ? ..?.? '? 3IAK?, AUo.Y?LritLS"f FIRST-RATE ^UA^iX < EL.iG ANT IN" DESIGN, AND LOW AA PIIICT i-otc CASH, WII O.N THIC a A s Y HIRE p U li. C 11 A S E s Y T E 31 Terms very moderate an inspection invited. P. F R 35 E D M AN A CO., 9, 3, A 4, MAUKET BUL^OtXUS, U'JCK-Si'HMHT, -N v 11 0 1' ESTABLTSHKi) E3TARLI3H«iD 1850 1650. EAT ONLY 8. IMITED, 1 \j. T JLj FAR FAMED j gAUSAGES, -pORK PIES, "ELTON BRAWN. ?&LI by &n rrov?i'-m Defers, r?nltt-rei-a, i1ihl1iongr, an<l iivocfers. j EAT NO OTHitii. 910e FjpEETH. Cyji»i)iete Set One Guinea Five warranty. GOODMAN A.ND CO., 56 1; Queen s reet, Cardiff. Ue HSushtiss :¡\ÙÙf£55£Z. HAVE YOU TRIED QWILYM jgVANS QUININE JglTTERS? IF NOT, DELAY NO LONGER, IT IS THE BEST RELEDY OF THE AGE For all Disorders uf the Stomach, Blood, Nerves, and Liver. IT GIVES STRENGTH TO THE WEAK, NEW LIFE TO THE DEBILITATED. Uni?ersally ?umi?:ett to be an 'I to be tn TONIC REMEDY, GIVING HEALTH, APPETITE, AND EN- JOYMENT IN LIFE TO THE DYSPEPTIC. PRAISED BY EVERYBODY. Prescribed by Physicians, Recom- mended by Analysts, Approved by Chemists, Demanded by Patients, and PRAISED BY AiiL WHO HAVE TRIED IT. iT L- A PURELY VEGETABLE REMEDY, AN EFFECTIVE REMEDY, A SUCCESSFUL REMEDY, AND THE BEST REMEDY OF THE AGE. GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS. Pv E c ENT T EST I IO NIALS. Apothec,1.ris' Hail. LL1;t! ■J uly 17 1, 1381. Gentlemen,—A eu.-a.oiner of mine (Mrs Davies, Bryngias, Maenan, near Ltanrwst) whom I persuaded to try GWILYM QUININE BIT- TERS a few weeks ago, says that she has derived more benent from it than any medicine she ever took. She had not been able to attend a place of worship for the last six months, but after taking the t^L'INI.VK BITTERS for a short time, sue was ahle last Sunday to walk some dista.nce to chapel, and feels better and stronger than Rile has been for many years and she gives you full permission to publish these facts.—Yours faithfully, 0->VI:N I. JONES. GWILYI EVANS' BITTERS. 5, Chapel-road. Kidsgrove, Staffs., duly 14 th, 1891. Gentlemen,—It is with pleasure that I testify to the benefit I have received from using your TJUIXR.\E BITTERS. I have, for Several years pitSL, suff.rrJd .r9;r,¡y from pains across the Mioulders, and other symptoms of Slugaish Liver and Indigestion, and I tind that the QUININE BITTERS have benefited me more than any Medicine I had taken pn:iou.5fy.- Yoars grate- fully, MRS LowE. GWILYM EVANS' BITTERS. Caution.—The great sr.ccess of these Bitters has induced unprin- cipled and designing persons in various parts of the country to imitate r rid copy them, hoping; thus to share the profits which must accrue from the ever-increasing dII1<¡).d. BEWARE OF THESE PERSONS. i&r Avoso IMITATIONS, -y¡. See th" name GWILnI EVANS, on stamp, Label, arid B.k-. Do not be peri-.uaded to try any other, be EVANS any otll,,?r, QUININE BITTERS THE BEST FAMILY MEDICINE. Sold in 2s3d and 4s6d Bottles, or in Cases containing three 4s 6d Bottles, at 12s 6:1 par Case, by all Chemists, or di-ect fioin the Pro- prietors, Carriage Free by Parcel Post. PROPRIETORS QUININE BITTERS MANU- FACTURING CO., LIMITED, lie LLANELLY, SOUTH WALES. American Depot: Mr R. D. WILLIAMS, Plymouth, Pa. ■ j • <" i FurnishOIN O'l.KIXEW HIKJ £ SYSTEM. F-Hoiic4f,? or Apartments completely fur- mshed on a new "yt1m adopted so?ly by us, whereby all publicity, exposure, and enquiries usually made by other companies are dispensed with. We have an hrnnen.se Stock of House- hold Furniture of cheap and superior quality. All goods sold on the Hire System at ready- money prices. We make no extra charge for credit, and all goods sent home m a private van free of charge. No ",t:tmp, or agreement charges mf.du no bill of sale every- tbi"- private. Anat.-?em-nt.scomp'eted without delay, and, being manufacturers, we guarantee quality, and will undertake to supply furniture, etc., at 10 per CJnt. less than any price list issued by any firm in Cardiff. Eleven showrooms, Call and inspect our immense stock, and compare prices before purchasing elsewhere. We will supply £ 6 worth for 2s 6d weekly; J310 worth, 4s weekly £ 15 worth for 5s weekly; JS20 worth, 6s weekly and so on in proportion Special terms for larger quantities. No objection- able agreements used. Plea.se note the Address :— SOUTH WALES FURNISHING COMPANY, 31, CaltlP-It-, 34o  ) i  I 4 EPPS'S 1 (BREAKFAST) c OCO A. GRATEFUL, -I COMFORTING. IADE .-IMPLY WITH BOILING VAT Kit OR MILK 230e FOR EXCELLENCE OF QUALITY, j NEW REASON'S JAMS, MANUFACTURED BY SOUTH WALES-TAM AXD MARMALADE COAIR AN V i LIMI TED). C A N T O N 0 A R D I F F. 4e S. W A 2s S l, OFFICE OF THE "SOUTH WALES DAILY NEWS,' No 2, OOELEGE-STRRET. I ?ushiMs ?I?rrs?a. { !TO 0ONNOISSEURS E R N I C K S JQANDELION £ JOFFEE Is composed of selected Coffees, a proper proportion of Chicoiy with DaGùelion Root, the whole being roasteù and compounded ill such a manner that the Taraxacum h ilenrive(1 of its hider taste, whilst its Medicinal qnaJities have not been mterÎeretl with. A A BREAKFAST BEVERAGE it is unequalled, and is highly recommended to those W'.KI suffer from torpid liver. Take only KKRNICK'S D_\Nf>ELCON COFFEE and make sure of getting a goull anidc. Refuse inferior brand. 4 ?\OTE.-ln making Coffee, use only one percolator, or French coffee-pot. KERNICK'S DANDELION COFFEE Is Sold only in 6d, lOd, and Is 6d Tins, BY ALL GROCERS AND CHEMISTS. WJwiesale only by KERNICK AND SON, CARDIFF. C<"nl1ff Agents: Benjamin; Green and Iorri8; Ambrose, etc. 555e THE GLOBE FURNISHING COMPANY 3 0 CUSTOM H0USE gTREET> CARDIFF, I I THE MOST SVCCESBFUL JpURNISHING HOUSE. THE ACTUAL MANUFACTURERS J^OWEST PRICES. Î EASIEST TERMS. JgEST VALUE COMPARE PRICES BEFORE FURNISHING. THE I G LOB E BURNISHING I COMPANY, ¡ l CUSTO)! XJ0(:TSE gTREET, j J JL.L CCARDIFF. 7Se i J e  _un_- TO MOTHERS ONLY. ROSEMARY CLEANSER FOR II AIR Utterly destroys Creepers, Nits, &c. Not Poisonous or Greasy. Claanses from all Impuritie. Used once a week it is a Certain Preventèltive ane1 Sure Destruction to all lI",ect life. MAKE-J CHILDREN'S HAIR GROW BEAUTIFUL, GLOSSY, CURLY, SOFT AND STRONG, If you wish your Children to have Beautiful Hair, if you desire your littlA ones to have Clea-i and Wholt- some Heads of Hair, vou must use HAGON'S CLEANSER, do not CLEANSER is certain in elfect, perfectly harmless and pleasantly perfumed. Remember, if any MOTHER fails to ose what is so necessary for the clean ami nice appearance of her Children, she ha only her own negligence to blame. Science Ins placed withIn the reacl1 of the poorest the priceless boon of Cleanliness. Also destroys Insects on Horses, Dogs, Cats, Fowls, and Green Fly on Flowers. PRICE 6D. PER LAR iE BOTTLE, POST FREE FOR 9 STAMPS. SOLD BY AGENTS EVERYWHERE IN WALES. SOLE MAKES, A. HAGON, f ?- JLJL MANUFACTURING 0HEMIST, 39, BRIDGE-STREET, CARDIFF. I 917e G. A. STONE & CO., I G. A. S:& CO.. FUNERAL FURNISHERS EVERY REQUISITE FOR FUNERALS OF ALL CLASSES. Proprietora of Cars, Hea?ea, SheHibiers, superb Flemish Horses, Coaches, Brougha-ms, and every necessary equipment for Funerals. PRICE LIST cn APPLICATION, ——— lie 1 1 1 2, W O R K I N G S T R E E T, C A R D I F E J A TLAS rjpHE ^TLAS j^URNISHING 0OMPANY, LIMITED, CABINET-MAKERS, UPHOLSTERERS AND GENERAL HOUSE FURNISHERS, 5, ST. JOHN'S SQUARE, CARDIFF rjHERMS OR FOR CASH, DIRECT FROM THE MAKERS. WE CONTINUE TO SUPPLY FURNITURE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION To Householders, Lodgers, Mechanics, and all Classes in any station 01 life, on their well-known I-IIRE jpURCHASE SYSTEM, JELJL B K3 The Special Terms of which are Acknowledged to be Undoubtedly the MOST ADVANTAGEOUS EVER OFFERED IN CARDIFF OR ELSEWHERE. Tho Furnishing Department comprises EVERY HOUSEHOLD REQUISITE, INCLUDING SHEETS. KNIVES KETTLES, BLANKETS, FOlUvS, SAUCEPANS, ?UILT fKUETS. FENDERS. i ?? KIR?. PERAMBULATORS, &C. TERMS. WEEK (A* PAYMENTS "Is 6d £u" ».7. 28 6d ?10 48 ?15 „ ?????? £ 20 „ „ 7s 6d 1 £ ^0 „ 153 20s ALL GOODS ■ 'AIUUAGE PAID. PlAi-O. ON EASY TERMS. BATH CHAIRS: IN VALID, BABY CARRIAGES Lent out on Hire by the Day or Week, and with Option of Purchase. CHAIRS LENT FOtl EVKXIXU PA RITE Clocks, \Y ;.¡,tches, amI Jewellery of every descriptiou kept in Stock, Prospectuses and Price Lists Post Free n Application. 17e io the Voung M»;ii of Eng"land who Surier from Nervous Debility. .Just Published. ??HE CONFESSIONS & EXPEDIENCE J- of ;;n INVALID, (ks;gnett as a waving and a caution to other3; supplying at the s;Íme time the means of self-cu.e, by one wiio has cured himself, after undergoing the usual amount of Medical Imposition and Quackery, Siugle Copies may bo had (post free) by sending a j stuinned addressed enve.ope to the author A?T?'R ?iXON, I?q.. Cue. flnvi|i!m>. Tifir r'01''I'.l. 3frrft for QtlnzzifirntÜru. TJN FURNISHED Apartments to Let, very convenient; ul one minute s alii from tram r?fE?rene,?-s exehanpd; 16, Longcross-struet, I loath, opposite Infirmary. 443 \JANTED, strong, respectable Girl, at once, for kit' hen t work. Apply, after 5, i2, Caroli ic-st-?t, Cardiff.447 BOOT Trade.—Wanted, a Man to uke ??'titch a-I 1-> Work highest prices paid in town to good workman.— S. Janes, Bute-street, CarÜilL <41 AMERICAN Orsan, Walnut Case, 10 Stops, 0"1?ve .1 'A. Couplers, Knee-well, Music Stool price E13 7s 6d also Harmonium, in Walrut Case; excellent tone; £ 4 4s.— Harris, NTa,k,t, ( ENERAL Servant wan ed.-Winslow House,Chepstoir- Xl ?oa,t, Newport, Mon. ""4 3 I. OST, from t1,Tt':hdH; Bute-street, Cardiff, on Ju Friday, IlL;l September, a? 12 o'c:ock, Fox Terrier Pup, two bb.ek ears, spotted on back. If detained after this will IJ- prosecuted. 417 HANDSOME Jlahosany Oiffce Table, 6ft. by 4ft., f.-r H iiitiediatccl:po3al cost E15; will take reasonab'e ofter.—Apply 24, St. Andrew's-crescent, Cardiff. 422 WANTED, a Carter to drive a wagon and hor5eJ. ANT 15, Albert Chambers. \ZOUNG Couple want Superior Unfurnished Drawing and Y back Sit, i i. in Liie vicinity of Ryder or Neville- I sl;eck (\'O, st¡Ii:re:t<\}ierI: Echo OdiLe, C"diff. 427 itlASO:"S, \V ;lItpdtv'(;'golBan ker Hand -It-= .n Apply P. Small, Builder, Komi!ly-road, Barry. 430 "tVTANTED, Boyior Office, age about 15; must be sharp M and quick at tigure's- Apply in own handwriting, Stating aj:e aou salaiy expected, to Bo. 47, Newport, Mon. YOUNG Man wants situation as under f-, y wholesale butchering; single; sge 23.—Appiy J. W., No. 5, Morgan-street, Newtown, Pontypridd. 429 SITTING and Two Bedrooms for young men dining ont Is hot-,ttid(?oitl water bath.-Apply 37, Glenroy-stre. t, Estate. 423 X^Oft Sa'», new Prince Dogcart, Malvern, R.stic, Battles- J1 '10 'd';)rr\vT t:!c%,1' a I:tl (f;itat\- s{,conù-!nnd P,.<ec"n in ^ood condition.—Avery, Dock- 436 ,4 Respectable middle-ased perg?n seeks situation E; .A.. 'ka:e to ;l]/rfcme;koUcotn:11J needlev. o-nan.—G. G, Echo OfEce, Newport. 952e DISENGAGED, sveral Working Housekeepers.—Miss D J?,-?,?s, Registry Odice, 16, Caerau-rd" Newport, Mon. INSURANCE Canvassers and Collectors wanted for New- p r? and Discriot: -ood sab,ry and commission vacant bo k given men able to inLrodncp businei3 splendid chance for good men.—1)., Echo Office, Newport. \34)< W"ANTED, Situation as Coachman for pair or Single li,?) good references.-Apply N. B., "Echo" Office, Newport. Mon. 9)7o 'fAK'rJD'p¡;'ble miiU"-aed Woman as Working N?T Housekeeper.—Appiy 34, Cardiff-road, Newpon. 949e OAK Kookcaso (carved), 703; Carved Oak Hall Chair, oll, seat and back, 13s 6d" Harris, The Market, Newport. 950e LOST, on Thursday, Fox Terrier Bitch, black ami tan L d black mark on root of tail. Anyone detaining after this date will be prosecuted.—George Brown, 22, Godfri y-streec, Cardiff. 416 O MALL Shop or 0 th el required, must be -(;entral. k3 s;ating terms, Profeseor Allen, 29, Freder:(?k-rold Leicester. 414 "litT"ANTED, House and Shop in Cardiff, with stable pre- W fir.ed; suitable for greengrocery rent modemte.- Address D. D. 418, "Echo" Office, Cardiff. 418 '\XY'l.?>'l'E-D: good S; about 22.-Apply Admiral W Nap:er Hotel, Cantdn. Cardiff. 419 A Respectable young Woman 126) wishes correspondence J JL vviUi tradesman about 32 genuine.32, Stacey-road, Ronth, Cardiff. 420 "? X7 ANTED, a strong Horse to pull trucks.-Apply 1' re- 'V A', I;'l.t:t?gr,iJæ.-APpJy 06e- i¿6 ;ale BayCob j4 ha??ds, ;q.iet X to ride or d!'ive.-Apply, Lbntrissant-sëreet, Cathays, CarùLíL 405 Wf ANTED, General Servant, only two in family.—Apply w A'l¿L-vW;;rlry two in 4l5 The Football Edition OF THO: South Wales Echo. Oi EA CIl SATURDAY NIGHT 1 1 I 1'1 II h b tnroiKjnout the Football Season, ice shall pub- lUh, at 8 o' Clock, a Special Footbaii Edition GonlaAiiiwj Full Reports of all FOOTBALL MA TCHES plat; throi'jhout South Wales and the umted Kivodom. Each Saturday our Special Edition pub- lished at 5 o'clock, onr Extra Special at 6 o'c!IJc! and our Sixth Edition at 7 o'clock, ivill contain all Football Telegrams received tip to the hour (d gom;; to Press; but our SPECIAL FOOTBALL EDITION ¡ at 8 u'coch will co^^nin the Fidlest Tele- yrap7rÙ; Reports of every mate]'- of importance j played throughout the United Kingdom. To BE HAD OF ALL NEWSAGENTS. 36 LONG COLUMNS. PRICEiD. I A W ONDE RF [J L M E D I CIN E. -jT3_ BEEC JAM'S PILLS, Are universally admitted to be worth a GUINEA BOX *'or biiious and nervous disorders, such as wind and pain in the stomach, sick he;\bche, gidLiine?.?, fuiuess, amI swelling after meals, dizziness and drowsiness, cold chills, flushings of heat, loss of appetite, shortness ot breath, contiveness, scurvy, and blotches on the skip, disturbed sleep, frightful dreams, and all nervou* and tr8m)Jjjng sensations Ac. The lirst dose will give relief in twenty minutes. Every sufferer is earne.,ily invited to try oue box of these Pills, and they will be acknowledged to be WORTH A GUINEA A BOX. For ietli-tles of all ages these Pills are invaluable, as a few doses of them carry oft all lmr.iours and bring about all that is required. No female should be with- out them. Tiiere is no mediciiia to be found equal to lSeecham's Pills for removing any obstruction or irregu- larityof the system. If taken according to the direc- tions given with each box, they will soon restore females of all ages to sound and robust health. This has been proved by thousands who have tried them, ami found the beneiits which are ensured by their use. For a weak stomach, impaired digestion, and all dis- orders of the Liver, they act like MAGIC and a few doses wil1 be found to work wonder upon the most importa.i. organs in tiie human machine. They strengthen the whole muscular system, restore the long- lost complexion, bring back the keen edge of appetite, and arouse into action, with the ROSEBUD of health, the whole physical energy of the human frame. These are FACTS testified continually by members of all classes of society, and one of the best guarantees to the Nervous and Debilitated is b'Jec1w.nL'i Pills have the largest sale of any patent medicine in the world. Prepared only, and sold Wholesale and Retail, by the Proprietor, THOMAS 1JEECHAM, St. Helen's. Lancashire, in Boxes 9d, Is lid, and 2s 8d each. Solei by all Druggists and Patent Medicine Dealers every- where. 73ge N R-]hùl directions are given with each box. 1144 THE GREAT SPECIFIC. MAT MILTON'S AMERICAN HEl, PASTE MAT MILTON'S MAT MILTON'S MAT MILTON'S MAT MILTON'S MAT MILTON'S MAT MILTON'S MAT MILTON'S AMERICAN llERB PASTE. MAT < MILTON'S AMERICAN HERB. PASTE. 6e is warranted to cure aiii, discharges. Thoroughly reliable. Con-, venient to take. In tins, I s 9d and 4s 6(1 each. Freei by post 3rd extra. HEWSON'S COMPOUND PENNYROYAL PILLS FOR FEMALES. In boxes, Is lid and 2s 9d caeli free by post 2d extra. Local Agents Carditf, Mr Alunday, Chemist, 1, Duke- !street Newport, Mr J. Pliillips, 92, Commercial- Istreet Swansea, Mr Keall, .Chemist, 199, High-street F. H. Hewson, S, Victoria- lavenue, Maindee, Newport, Mon. London. Barclay & Son. AM E Bit AJN AL\ii1i\1 PASTE. AMERICAN HERB PASTE. AMERICAN HERB Jr,. AM ERICAN HER? PASTE. MAT 'Nf I LTO.N' AMERICAN HERB PASTE MAT l\IIL'fON' AMERICAN HERB PASTE. 1042 AIPORTANT TO LADIES.—The most J3_ wonderful medicine ever discovered for all irregu larities and obstructions, however obstinate or long- 8l::tmlillg. Thousands Imn: been relieved by this miraculous remedy, and thereby aved trouble, illness and expense. Perfectly harmless never fails to bring iibout the desired effect, a testified to by hundreds of married and single females. Numerous unsolicited testimonials PILLS ARE USELESS only bring isappointment. Stamped addressed envelope for price list.-S. %V. D'ASMAIL, Walthamstow. The only effectual remedy-on earth. 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Drinking & Drunkenness. !




The Man About Town.

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