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Uirsimss ¡\btJrt55t5. Til Villi: IS NO MORE "\7" 3? TRYING SEASON FOR THE jT HI".VIAX CUX.?'HTUTION THAN THE PRESENT ?0-CALLED ?- .??. j "iULTRY WKATUKR t Beware of the sunshine in the day a 3d the cold winds j tt niht. Should you catch cold, Hip iG in che blld by taking the Crlain 1:elIledy, I TUDOR WILLIAMS BALSAM OF HONEY. Thousands of Children have been saved from an Untimely Death by the prompt use of TUDOR WILLIAMS BALSAM OF HONEY. No Mother should neglect to keep this Infallible Remedy in the house ready for any emergency. Remember chat it is wiser to check a slight Cough at the commencement than to allow it to develop into a tingering complaint. Ask distinctly for Tudor Williams' Balsam of Honey, and see that you get the right article. Thousands of Children Cured from Whooping Cough anil Bronchitis when all other Remedies fail. Persons suffering from Difficulty of Breathing should ive it a trial. Now Commended by Surgeons and Physicians. Wonderful Cures Daily. Thousands of Testimonials to hand from all parts of the world. THE JNFLUENZA. Now that the evil -wave of influenza, is sweeping over 4he country, prostrating in it" course many hundreds, and, in some cases, leaving whole families in bed, I had a most severe attack of the same. I trietl various prepamtions ont to :10 purpose; the only effective treat. ment; that I had was TUDOR WILLIAMS' PATENT BALSAM OF HONEY. I had a constant and troublesome cough, tight chest, and scuffed up nostrils, that I could not sleep at night. I consider chat the mass should be made known of this popular drug, which is a pure and simple prepara- tion of Honey. Capcain James BROWN. Cresent, Bradford. Sold by all Chemists and Scores all over the World n Is, Zs 9d, and 4s 6d bottles. 14256 12 See you get the riht article. 3¿e FOR THE O L I D A Y S. ^NDERSONS' WATERPROOF COATS, WATERPROOF MANTLES, WATERPROOF HOLDALLS, WATERPROOF KNAPSACKS. ALSO FISHING TROUSERS, FISHING STOCKINGS, FISHING BAGS, I FISHING BROGUES* AND EVERY WATERPROOF REQUISITE FOR ANGLERS. GLADSTONE AND OTHER BAGS ( IN GREAT VARIETY. i»LEASE SEND FOR CATALOGUE TO I A mERSON. A NDERSON, AND ANDERSON, I THE -YYATERPROOFERS, 8, QUEEN-STREET, CARDIFF. 542e J^IPTON'S rjl E A S DIRECT FROM THE TEA GARDEN TO THE TEAPOT. No Middleman's Profits to Pay. MAGNIFICENT INDIAN AND CHINA BLEND, PURE AND KRAGRANT, PER LB. SPECIALLY SELECTED CEYLON, INDIA, AND CHINA LEXD, 1 s. ¿! D. PER LB. EXTRA CHOICEST CEYLON & INDIAN BLEND JS PER LB. Finest the *Vorldcan produce. o Higher Price. 6, ? 10- and 20 lbs. Packed in Patent Airtight 6, 7 10. a.nd 20 Ibs. Packed in Patent Airtight LIP TON, TEA PLANTER, CEYLON. rEA SHIPPING WAREHOUSES — MADDKMA MILLS, CINNAMON GARDENS, COLOMBO. DEYLON OFFICE UPPER CHATHAM-STREET, COLOMBO. BKA.NCHES ix ALL PRINCIPAL TOWNS. THE LARGEST TEA ALE IN THE WORLD. 704e G. A. STONE & CO., COMPLETE FUNERAL FURNISHERS EVERY REQUISITE FOR FUNERALS OF ALL CLASSES. Proprietors of Cars, Hearses, Shellibiers, superb Flemish Horses, Coache5, Broughams, and every necessary equipment for Funsrals. PRICE LIST CN APPLICATION. ——— lie 11 & 12, WORKING-STREET, CARDIFF. JJIPLEY'S ID. PATENT OVAL BLUE AND OVAL BLACKLEAD, NOW SOLD AT EACH. <64e -—— 1018 Give Mr Ripley another pint of water. See W. P Fisher's letter in the "Cardiff Times "nd South Wales Weekly News," and The Cambrian weekly Copp AND ^RILLIAMS (FROM LONDON), TAILORS, HATTERS, AND HOSIERS, SUITS TO ORDER, FROM 45s. TROUSERS, SPECIALITE, AT 13s 6D. Bit, Style, and Quality Guaranteed. BATS, CAPS, SHIRTS, TIES, AND HOSIERY, IN GREAT VARIETY. THE JJAYES, 0AEDIFF. 737e NOW OPEN DAILY From 9 a.m. till 10 p,m. Bathers admitted up to 8.30p.m FJrom AM9 aE.mS. 'S TURKISH "OATHS <? For Colds, Rheumatism, Bronchitis, -D Ac JAMES'S TURKISH "OATHS ? For InHnenza. Gont, &c. JD JAMES'S ELECTRIC "OATHS *F For Sciatica, Neuralgia, Paralysis, .)F Chronic Rheumatism, Nervcrhs Debility, Lumbago, &c. JAMES'S SULPHUR "OATHS ? For Skin Eruptions. JD JAMES'S MERCURIAL "OATHS ? For Skin omplalnt, A;. -B? JAMES'S HYDRO' BATHS OPEN DAILY. 32 CHARLES STREET, f 1ARDIFF. 2ge V 29e fTpEETH. Complete Set One Guinea; Five years' warranty. GOODMAN AND Co., 56, Queen s reet, Cardiff. Ur The Y URNISHERS ARE ACKNOWLEDGED THE BEST AND CHEAPEST HOUSE FURNISHERS IN CARDIFF. They Supply the Latest and Strongest Manufactured Articles in HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE At Prices within the reach of all Classes for Cash or on cue da- v Term-; £2 10s worth 1/6 weekly. B5 u 2/- sioios „ 3/6 JS15 „ 5/- E20 worth 7/- weekly. £25 g,? !? 12/. £ 100 25 larger niuouiiis in Proportion. ALL GOODS CARRIAGE PAID. Goods sent home as soon as first payment is made. Special advantages to those about to Marry. Come and See for Yourselves It will pay you to do so and you will Admit the Surpass all other douses in the Trade. ITH JpURNlSHlNG Co., THE LEADING HOUSE FURNISHERS 42, CASTLE-ROAD & YERE-STREET ROATH, CARDIFP, business JUrSwsscs. DAVID J-ONES & COMPANY, T IMITED, "y^TESTMINSTER STORES, "^THARTON STREET, CARDIFF. It is most essential that the Visitors in connection with the visit of the British Association to Cardiff should be supplied with goods of the Finest Quality and at the lowest possible Prices. DAVID JONES AND COMPANY, LIMITED, have made Special Preparations in honour of their visit, and are offering JJ A M S, The quality of which we Guarantee at astounding Low Prices. Large Smoked YORKSHIRE CUT HAMS, 4% D PER Th. AMERICAN CUT HAMS, 6Th TO 10Th EACH, Pictures of Health, every one of which we Guarantee, 61/iD PER Th. I The Best Value ever offered to the Public. LONG CUT HAMS, I' 81b TO 101b EACH. Quality Perfect, I 6í2D PER Th., OTHER QUALITIES OF HAMS FROM 3Vod PER Th. NEW YORK CUT SHOULDERS, In many places sold for Hams, 4d per lb. WE ALWAYS KEEP A LARGE STOCK OF DENNY'S AND MATTERSON'S CELEERATED HAMS AND BACON. The qualities of the above are so well known, it is needless to say anything, only that we Sell at Prices that defy competition. HEESE, We have made arrangements for the supply of cheese from the largest anel best factories in the world, and are in a position to sell retail at prices lower than any other house in the trade. GOOD AMERICAN CHEESE, 4D AND 5D PER lb. FINEST CANADIAN CHEESE, 6D AND 6i oD PER lb. FIRST PRIZE SINGLE GLOUCESTERS FROM THE BERKELEY SHOW, 6;ll. and 7d. per lb. The Quality of our BUTTERS is so well known that I it is needles for us to) say anything Ulor than that we are still maintaining th" Superior Quality, and selling I at the same Low Prices. CHOICEST DANISH, Is. PER lb. FINEST IRISH, llD. PER lb. I OUR FRESH MEAT DEPARTMENT Is still receiving special attention, and the '■ NEW ZEALAND LAMB Continues to arrive in splendid condition, and only requires one trial to ensure further orders. NEW ZEALAND MUTTON AND AMERICAN CHILLED BEEF, FRESH DAILY. GREENGROCERY DEPARTMENT. Everything in this department is fresh daily, and receives speciLtl attention at the hands of an Experi- enced Man. NOTE THE ADDRESS— DAVID JONES AND COMPANY, IT IMITED, WESTMINSTER STORES AND CANTERBURY MEAT jyjARKET, "yyHARTON STREET, CARDIFF. y I S I T OF THE JgRI.TISH ASSOCIATION TO CARDIFF. ESH GREAT pREPARATIONS FOR THE VISITORS i NEW SUITES I $ 0ARPETS 1 J^EW JgEDDING For these Requisites you cannot possibly do better than take your Orders to the LARGEST, BEST, AND CHEAPEST FURNISHERS If WALES, BEY AN AND CO.. LIMITED, REGISTERED AS THE CARDIFF JpURNISHERS. DELIVERY FREE THROUGHOUT THE PRINCIPALITY AND BORDER COUNTIES. ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUES POST FREE ON APPLICATION. 87e Snsituss -Nbbrgssgs. JESSE WILLIAMS AND CO., CHEMISTS TO THE PEOPLE, 3 & 4 PARK'HALL J>UILDINGS, 0ARDIFF.  UFF We are the Chemists who supply the RIGIIT STUFF at the RIGHT PRICE, This we have continued to do since the foun<lMion of our business seven years ago. During the twelve months ending June, 1891, we served no less than 150,000 people. That we think is a most satisfactory testimonial. We could not wish a better. What do you think ? And now having given our refer- ence we beg to direct your attention to the following articles, all of our own manufacture. JESSE WILLIAMS'S Saline Powder. V Better than citrate of magnesia, and more convenient than seidlitz powders. Half the price of many similar productions. Cooling, refreshing, and a mild aperient. Is 4d per lb. Pd :1Ild Is 5d per tin. JESSE WILLIAMS S Red Gum D i ar- ih«a Mixture, con- tains the red astringent gum of the Australian Eucalyptus tree. The best remedy for Diar- rhoea, especially the chronic forID JESSE WILLIAMS'S Bro-Mal, the only <J' known specific for N-eu. ralgia. Cures v,-IieT) all else fails. Tile speediest cure for the dreadful Neuralgia. Is 6d per bottle by post, Is 9d. JESSE WILLIAMS'S Quinine and Podo- phyllin Pills, for Stomach and Liver troubles. We recom- mend one to be taken an hour before dinner, A and another ,tt bed- time. Wind, vague wan- dering pains, despon- dency, costiveness, are rapidly and perma- naiily cured. Price, 1131 per box. TESSE WILLIAMS'S Indigestion Mix- V ture. As the name im- plies, it is a special mixtuie for bad diges- tion, acidity, pain be, tween the shoulders- wind, &c., &c. In every case relief may be ex- pected. Price, Is by post, Is 3d. JESSE WILLIAMS'S Chloral Cure, stops Toothache at once and for ever. Never fails to stop that toothache which arises from de- c:-y*d teeth. Price, 101d b' v post, Is. JESSE WILLIAMS'S ChloroMenthol stronger than the pure Menthol. Speedily re- lieves all nerve pains, such as Headache, Neuralgia, Tic Dolo- reaux, Sciatica, &c. by post,Is. JESSE WILLIAMS'S Old Yellow Soap. Un-canted, Uncoloured, Unsophisticated. The genuine old-fashioned sort. In tablets about lib., 3d; in bars about 21/:>lb., 7Vid. Five bars for 3. JESSE WILLIAMS S Baking Powder. room with perfectly dry and pure ingredients. Warranted free from in (,tir own hot alum and all injurious admixtures. 10d per lb. A comnlete Li^t of I, ?'i %VILL[AAIS' SPECIALITIES will shortly be issued. Catalogue of Drugs, Chemicals, Photo- graphic Sundries, and the usual Chemist Wares mailed free on 602e application. 3 & 4, PARK HALL, BUIDLINGS, CARDIFF. The Alliance The Alliance The Alliance The Alliance The Alliance The Alliance The Alliance The Alliance The Alliance The Alliance The Alliance The Alliance The Alliance The Alliance The Alliance The Alliance The Alliance The Alliance Alliance, Alliance, Alliance, 33, StMary-st. 33, StMary-st. 33, HtMary st SS.StMa-ry-st. 55,StMnry- st. 55,!StMa.ryst FOR CLOTHING, FOR H ATS, FOR JJ OSIERY, GUARANTEED FULLY 30 PER CENT. LOWER IN PRICES THAN ANY OTHER CLOTHING HOUSE IN CARDIFF. 154e SPECIAL L IN ES. CHOICEST DANISH B UTTER, PER 1 S. 1 D, LB. FRESH -WELSH E GGS, PER 10D. DOZ. DAVID JONES & CO., LIMITED, WESTMINSTER STORES CARDIFF. 873   PREVENT PREVENT CANCER. j TRY C0^T HUGHES'S BLOOD PILLS. THEY CURED MY SKIN RASH. I THEY CURED MY BAD BLOOD THEY CURED MY INDIGESTION THEY CUBED MY HEADACHE. THEY CURED MY SLUGGISH LIVER. THEY CURED MY BILIOUSNESS V k TRY HUGHES'S BLOOD PILLS. THEY CURED MY NERVOUSNESS THEY GURED MY DESPONDENCY THEY CURED MY RHEUMATISM. THEY CURED MY CONSTIPATION. THEY CURED MY PILES AND FITS. THEY CURED MY BAD LEGS AND STIFF JOINTS. THEY CUBE WHEN EVERYTHING ELSE FAILS THE BEST MEDICINE FOR FEMALE DISEASES. Without delay get a Box. They are Sold by every Chemist and Dealer in Patent Medicine at 1s l%d, 2s 9,4, 4s 6d. By Post at Is 3d, 2s lid, 4s 9d, from 20e  JACOB HUGHES,  PREVENT PREVF Manufacturing Chemist BLOOIZ FEVERS. POISONING FBVMIS. PENARTH. A WONDERFUL MEDICINE. BEECHAM'S PILLS. Are universally admitted to be worth a GUINEA a BOX for bilious and nervous disorders, such as wind and pain in the stomach, sick headache, giddiness, fulness and swelling after meals, dizziness and drowsiness, cold chills, flushings of heat, loss of appetite, shortness of breath, costiveness, scurvy, and blotches on the skin, disturbed sleep, frightful dreams, and all nervous and trembling sensations, &c. The first dose will give relief in twenty minutes. Every sufferer is earnestly invited to try one box of these Pills, and they will be acknowledged to be WORTH A GUINEA A BOX. For females of all ages these Pills are invaluable, as a few doses of them carry off all humours and bring about all that is required. No female should be with- out them. There is no medicine to be found equal to Beecham's Pills for removing any obstfhetion or irregu- larity of the system. If taken according to the direc- tions given with each box, they will soon restore females of all ages to sound and robust health. This has been proved by thousands who have tried them, and found the benefits which are ensured by their use. For a weak stomach, impaired digestion, and all dis- orders of the Liver, they act like MAGIC aal a few doses will be found to work wonder upon the most important organs in the human machine. They strengthen the whole muscular system, restore the long- lost complexion, bring back the keen edge of appetite, and arouse into action, with the ROSEBUD of health, the whole physical energy of the human frame. These are FACTS testified continually by members of all classes of society, antl one of the best guarantees to the Nervous and Debilitated is Beecham's Pills have the largest sale of any patent medicine in the world. Prepared only, and sold Wholesale and Retail, by the Proprietor, THOMAS BEECHAM, St. Helen's, I<ancashire, in Boxes 9id, Is l £ d, and 2s 9d each. Sold by all Druggists and Patent Medicine Dealers every- where. 73ge N B.— Full directions are given with each box. 11!14 BCait for OHnssitkaturn. ?HEPSTOW QRAMMAIl gCHOOL. INQUIRE. 3S4 WANTED, to Bent or Purchase, small HOUSR in coun- "T A,J!tbto glr ;{C¥iï sr.2j i1a;e: Casrleon-road, N??port. 657e W ANTED, good Plain Cook; also House-Parlour- I N, i?l state age, wages, and ref-r-L:rces- bert Smith, Chepstow. 658o \{T ANTED, steady, respectable Man as Haulier.—Apply W W. A. Eakeer &, Co., Westgite Ironworks, Newport.405 "ÙANTED,g1-;ThJ;-1':nt;1-M;; ;;it be a good w lett er-cut, er. -Apply R? T. Herbert, Church-street, Rhymney. ?06 ? C-iOIFOn.TABLE Apartments for single gentleman near C town and tation every convenicnee, moderate terms. —Address Comfort, Echo Office, Cardiff. 392 WA?N?ED, g,?od Safety Cycle Lamp, in part or ;hcl exchange for nicely framed pictures.-Hobden, 32, Hichard-street, Cathays, Cardiff. 393 n LÁSSSha.d anâ-stlt;¡i1 sizes, cheap, for clocks, (1-1 1 statuettes, &c.-J. Cording, ?NaturaliA and Taxider- mist, 42, Itoyal Arcade, Cardiff. °' 376 F- m;S- a useful Cob, 14 h?nds.—AppJy after five to JL Cottrell, 24, D?rr?n-street, CfUh?ya, CardIff. :391 ,j A;TEDat;- General Servant; age about 21.- W Apply 16, Alice-street, Docks. t0? Sale, about 50 i ons of Old Ca.st?iron and 3 Tons of ri Old Lead. ,t Old ¡?:e?ltlr Tca;.F further particulars apply DAvi(I Davies, liuilder, Cathays.401 BARnAINS.-Dark Brahruas. Gold and White Pohmds, Wyindottes, and White Legliorns cheap to clear. — Branton Villa, Cathedral-road, Cardiff. 403 DIAMOND frame Safety, by Starley Bros., for Sale at Moore's Queen,street Auction Pooms price S5 lCs Owner ceasing riding. 402 HAIRDRESSERS.—Wanted, a thoroughly respectable H ,i,,nto,,nt,?nold-esta-blisiied flaireiii.uingBLisin with all necessary fittiog and tools splendid opportunity for Hnergetic man.-Apply G 389, Echo brEee, CarJi,Y. 3S9 Elhman Elliman Elliman Elliman Elliman Elliman Elliman Elliman Elliman Elliman i Elliman Elliman Elliman Ellirnan Elliman Elliman j Elliman Elliman Elliman Elliman Elliman Elliman Elliman Elliman Elliman Elliman Elliman Elliman Elliman Elliman Elliman Elliman M~A s u NIVERSAL jgJMBROCATION, For RHEUMATISM, SPRAINS, LUMBAGO, CUTS, BRUISES, CHEST COLDS, SORE THROAT from COLDS, STIFFN ESS. Preyared only by 73e LLIMAN, SONS & CO., JL'J SLOUGH. Is 1 d and 23 9d. Of all Chemsts. VISITORS TO LONDON SHOULD STAY at the NEW BRIDGE HOTEL, 252, WESTMINSTER BRIDGE ROAD, near Houses of Parliament and Theatres. BED and BREAKFAST from 2s 6d. 524 Addras* R. WAHL LOVELY BLACK SILK DRESS.- W c haye had 20 pieces of pure rich Lyons black corded silk left on our hands by a Lyons manufacturing lirni whom we made Pli advance to; we have decided to cut this up into 18 yds. full dress lengths, and offer them at half cost pi-ice-iiaiiiely, 595-to clear. It is most beautifully corded soft-wearing silk, great width, and does not contain a particle of any other material whatsoever but pure Lyons silk. We will send one or more of the 18 yd. pieces 011 approval for inspection. Money returned if not approved. All cheques crossed "Joint Stock Bank,' Manchester.— Ardwick Discoun Office, 159, Stockport-road, jifutchester. 831e SYMINGTON'S DANDELION COFFEE. or persons of Weak Digestion and those Suffering from LIVER COMPLAINTS and BILIOUSNESS. SOLII BY ALL OliOCERS. 793e | TOUTHV/ALEST ID e" T A B LE7 SOUTH WALES TIDE TABLE. T~(7ARi)IFF* HSWANSKA. NEWPORT^ Au j 1 ?Mor.jEvn.j H?t:. Mor.?Evu. illgt. lor.)gvnI 17 M? 4 25i 4 5928 3[328 4 3 26 10 4 36' 51228 8 18 T? 5 31' 6 0 31 2 4 35 5 4.28 9' 5 44 6 13 31 7 19 W 6 27 6 5433 11! 5 32 5 58.H 0! 6 40 7 7 34 4 20 T 7 20 7 43 35 11 6 23 6 44 32 7. 7 33 7 56 3o 4 21 F! 8 5? 3 2857 6?78 7 3035 8j 8 18' 8 4137 11 g I 8 58' 9 fî 10753 8 1¡ 9 1: ¿g¡ 1 3 23 "9 3f 9 5037 3 8 37 8 $33 2\ 9 4410 337 8 24 M10 9'10 2936 8920 9 40 31 51022104257 1 *ii.n;>;ii Basin. tPrinceof WalesDk. 1 AlexandraDk TO ADVERTISERS. The South Wales Echo is GUARANTEED to have a Larger Circulation than that of ALL the other Evening Papers ef South Wales and Monmouthshire added together. As regards Cardiff alone, it is almost un- necessary for us to add that the circulation I of the South Wales Echo is IMMENSELY GREATER than that of any other Evening ( Paper. ROGERS' AK ALES & PORTERS I IN 41 GALLON CASKS and UPWARDS. PALE AND MILD ALES.from lOd per Gallon. PORTER AND STOUT. from Is per Gallon. BREWERY, BRISTOL. fo be obtained of the following Agents In Cardiff, who SELL NO OTHER BEERS IN (,ASKS:- OOSULICH, S., Ale and Porter Stores, 114, Miskin-street CROUCII, J. F. Ale and Porter Stores, 34, Eldon-atreet. DANIELS, G., Grocer, Custom House-street. DAVIES, T., Grocer, Cyfartlifa-street FRANCIS, S., Grocer, 1, Donald-street MORRIS, B., Grocer, Bridge-steet. PARSONS, U. C Commission Agent, 20, Habershon-st. PARSONS, T., Grocer, 205, Severn-road. RICHARDS, WM., Grocer, 6, Thomas-street SMITH, J. G., The Clive-road Grocery Stores. THORNE, G. F., Grocer, Clifton street. GEORGE DAWKINS, Grocers, Cowbridge-read, AND AT THE 330 CARDIFF STORES, 9, WORKING-STREET. I

The Man About Town. I











i A Remarkable Letter.1 !-



IThe Voice of "Truth."I






Singular Death at New,port.