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L J 4) t'l f.- TI L eader' Classified Advertisements. APARTMENTS, SITUATIONS VACANT OR WANTEDRTO BE LET, LOST AND FOUND. t One Threw Six f insertion Insertions. lusertione 10 Words. 1 0 2 0 3 0 40 Words. 1 6 3 0 4 0 4J Words. 2 9 0 5 0 FOR SALE, TRADE ANNOUNCEMENTS. One l'lirea Six Insertion. Insertions. Insertiona 20 worfim. l' 6 2 6 3 6 30 Worde. 2 0 3 0 4 6 40 Worde.. 2. 6 3 11 5 6 BIRTHS, DEATHS, IN MEMORIAM AND IRARRIACE. One Three Sir Insertion. Insertions. Insertions to Words. 1 3 6 0 30 Worde. 2 o 5 0 8 6 40 Worda. 3 0 1 7 0 12 0 EDUCATIONAL. Oqe Three Six Insertion loeertione, Insertions 11 WorsJa. 2 0 3 0 .oo.. 4 6 30 Words. 2 6 4 0 oo. 5 6 40 Words. 3 0 6 6 7 6 MONEY.-6d. per line. MISCELLANEOUS SITUATIONS VACANT. rpEQTJIEED immediately temporary Pat- JLL tej-ninaker for 3-4 weeks.—Write Box 3Lll Ofdce. 306A -1 WOMEN AND GIRLS. i< ■ CHARWOMAN 'Wanted for one day a ? week.—Apply Jou ? Richards. 2. CradockrStreet. Swansea,. • 202A6-2V Labi: Gierke.—Henry La viera. Draper. Xa.6stek requires Dissecting Clerks: knowledge of typing a recommendation. Fuli parti cxtlara first jT AD¥ Agent Wanted to eeH our BloQ&e6. A Camiaoles, etc.—Rhodes and Co., 147 "d 149, Newington Causeway. liondon, S,E.  C7?6 -Rv: ANTED experienced Lady Asa?tant for ¥* V. Grooery.-Wnte B.12. Leadr Office. Swansea, 307A7-1 ANTED, Younsr Girl to learn Postal » work.—-Apply Marl berouch-rcad Pest Office. 306A6-27 ¡'I'XT ANTEp. experienced Packer ?nd SOl tQr. INV —ADD)y Baths Laundry. 3C5A6-30 i;Ü ANTED. experienced Female Shorthand I "¡ Tvviat to write commercial correspon- dence.-?- Apply givinn reiexencea wages. to Box R.9. Leader Office. 305A6-30 MILLINERY ANI) TAILORING. 'RAPERY.-Wanted, a Smart Yc<ung V Lady as an Apprentice to Fancy Drapery; No Premium.—Apply personally, John Itichards Drapers, 2, Cradock-street, Bw«tn6«a. 306A7-1 InTTLfl-Alteration Hand for CostumM F Reomred in SwaLsea' short houm-. cood waces: permanency —Write Box B.I. Leader Office.' r1X7 AN'l'ED.-lml)l'over or Junior. Ou?tt t -APDly 6tatin wages. W. Jamæ and fion 94 and 100. Woodfield-street, Morriston. Also Apure,ntice. C6-27 HOUSE-KEEPERS. TANTED. Housekeeper used tc. fti-m t. » work able to milkinsr: Dlejidid home: AlIq about 30; only 3 in famiiv: Wi'itsh pre- ferred.—Apply Willi anus Llanant Farm. Gorsexnpa. 505A6-30 DOMESTIC SERVANTS. t 1 MMANFOED.—Reliable Maid Wanted. ucro 18-20 to do liotisework.-Wi-ite. sriv- ine references and seating waaree required. to R.13. Leader Office. Swansea. 306A7-1 i1\/I.!Ivwänted-ROODeotabl.¡ Ciri m to a3sist in Home: sm?U family .—Apply to JAre. Uavid. at Maesyccel. Pontarduiais. 502A 6-28 ANTED. immeaiatev, experienced (■ » f Cieneral; exceiiaiu leUicmeu essential; two in family.—ilrs. Haydn Evans. Elles- mere," i-ver^ley-ioa-d. {yketty Swansea. J 308AS-28 rVlfANTED, all-round Male Assistant.— rTj Apply J. A. Moffis. Groccr, 31. Tiill- < wyji-street.. 30YA7-1 WANTED, a good Ger-c-ral Servant.- I Apply Mrs. Willie Harris. ilerbert- street. i'ont-ardawe. C7-1 "Vtf ANTED, good General Servant. sli w out.-Apply E Coakley, 1. Goat-street. SwaTsea. 305 A. 6-27 A.N'I'ED. Cc>oli-Ge:ieral.-A only Mr. J. l f T. Davies, Kilffreen. Casweil-road Humbles. 306A6-27 liVSTANTED, a pood General: also House- maid Waitresses.—Anplv Mrs. Owen Baveno. Llandrindod Weils. 306A7-1 ANTED. a good General.-State age, I » wages and references, to Mrs. Jenkins. grocery Stores. Brynamatan. 303A6-27 MEN AND YOUTHS. A yENTS aad Superintendents. Good Jtv openini; for euerKctio men at Pontar- ■ dulais Kinjwbridge, Uowerton, BarryJJOJC: salary, eipenses. anu cúmlliion: advance- ment to sucoesbful men.Apul.v. in conhd- ence Fuli particulars, Prosrress." Leader Office. LlaneJly. U7-2 OOT Trade.-Exoet-ienced Salesman Re- ouired.-Ai), ly Manaeer. Saxone fehoe Co Ltd.. Swaasea 30,3A6-2? -JOŒEBS Wan tad: standard rate Is. 8d i hQur We s?ply Doors. Windows, Woodwork. Timber of ai? dqcriptjOD8.-C. Jennings and CJo, Ltd.. Bristol. C7-10 "l'lIAcTfON" Engine Driv 'r3 Waited for tX Abe?tvettoy district a-dWao4th'eedr dis- tricta: fully experienced in loading ana oaulinK trees.-o. Jeniiing4 and Co., Ltd.. Bristol. C7-o ANTED. at Llanelly. Backsmith. accus- til tomed wagon repair, and re-settinc ftrlnes: wages £ 4 5s. per week.—Write Box | S0. K14," Lea-uer Oilico..xi^Ao-u ANTED, Clerk with nood knowledge of w General Cargo Trade for Steamship  OSSoe in Swansea—Write, ¡tatin experi- i e and salary l-eauired to Shippintr." ]5a?Iy Leader Offlce. *;6A6-28 !:?7'ANTEb. Warehouseman; must have I ? knowledge of Grocery trade.—Apply Jame Jones and Son Goat-ctreet, Swaneea. 305A6-27 flllfANTED. Shorthand Clerk; also smith.—Topham, Jones and Railton, Ltd.. Crymlyn Burr-ows-Swansea.- C6-27 ANTED. an experienced man aa Foro- rjrS man of the Galvanizine Department mt a Sheet Mill Works.—Apply with refer- j Ricet and stating experience and wages ro- Quired to Galvanising." office of this ,I)a per. C6-30 "VIZANTED", two or three Walling Masons: "W South Wales rate.—D Kees and Sorse, Builders. Ystalyfera 302A6-27 v T*7IRELESG. We have this year sent » T out 50 Students to good permanent berths, and have. Sitijat ions waiting for an. other 50 Youths between 18 and TL yeaCs of age tf you want one of these beittis, write or call at Wireless College, St Mary street. s Cardiff, or Castle-street Swansea. "Phona 3we. YOUNG MEN" WANTED for FREE TRAIN- Y ING as V ANGELlSTS in the CHURCH ARMY: C. of E. communicants, 18 to 35. single. Fluency an** hu;b education not ne cessary. Pocket-money and ill found dur- ing training; salaried poets guaranteed afterwards to successful candidates; sick and old axe provision. Foundation for or- dination later .on— Write in confidence, naming this paper, to Candidates' Seere- tary.. Church Army, 55. Bryanston-street, I/ondon. W.1. ( OFFICE AND ERRAND BOYS. "l/VrANTTD, Errand Boy or Girl—An .!•■ y' > » Walter-road. 307 A6-28 WFANTED. Strong Lad aa Frrand Boi-.— » Apply, with references. Morgan Jen- kins and Son 40-3. Waterloo-street. Swansea. 307 A 7-2 SITUATIONS WANTED. AD\FRTlSER has 4 or 5 hours each even- A. ing to spare and would like any li?ht employment to tit same — Apply Hix." Leader Office, Swansea 3G4A6-30 SITUATION W&ntcd bv DiFchmrged S?ier LQ) 4h vears service: 12 years' railway ex- perience: storekeeper, warehouseman, or eiir-ilar work: excellent references; reason- ablt wage?.—Write Davies. Tan-y-graig. Iilanvvrda., Carmartben<?Iiire. • 302A5-27 LOST AND FOUND. i)(iÜD-hlrsečólJtâTnT nl! money.—Apply J- the R.C. Shoe Store, Goat-street 306 A 6-30 IOST, a Gold Bracelet with number of J coins attached, between Central Police Station. Arcade, and Hi{;h-street.—Finder re- warded on returning same- to Central Police Station.^ > 306A7-1 _w .L- IOST, a" Motor Cycle Kit <)f Too]6, most ?J marked B.S.A. between Oxwich Bnv and Gower Inn. Sunday .Tru;e 15th. 1919 be. twee-ti 5 an] 615 p.m. Finder rewarded.— Jenkins. 11. Thomas-street. Britonferry. I MOTOR C 4 S. CVCLES, &C-I' I^Oii SALE. -M ?'el) Car 22 h?7 3-9ueed 7r-"trt(?r: storc(i for ltft 14 Ycar: once cwerhauled- cushion and paintwork like nd L150,-Davief" Danv- | pare, Gcuua Pontardulai-5 C6-27 I^OIt SALE. Gent? Jcl(>,ôd -rëDajr. II Apply 19. Pedel'" reH. Brynhyfryd. » 3^7 A 6-28 T^Olt ALE.a Sve-aeate; Motor Car fS'rl- } dieajev W olükv). in good condition, 14- 20 hoMC power.—Write Box R,lO. Leader i Ofnuc. __?__? 305A7-1 OXE 19i6-BeIsi;-Ciîa.si-fittëd-;ith r?t 1vorry Body and Cab Front. for Sale easy terms or exchange.—R. E Jones, Lt-d. (Motor DeDtj. Dillw.vu-street Swansea. TC SINGER Car for Sale D h.p.. Dynamo ?3 Liht¡J], Spare Wheel etc., Kond con. dition: any trial.-5. Uplands-terrace, Swan- Telephone Cental 752'. 305A6-^ j i rk-12 H.P. Commercial Motor Car, JLU 8cwt.. Bosch Magneto Stepney Spare Wheel in going order, would s-uit fish- Ru pger or similar trade admirably; nearest £7Q drives away.—Box R.7 Leader Oflice 305A6-3I) f?ACWT. Albion Chassis; four for delivery L)\' in July subiect tq bein!' unso?.—R E Jones (Motor DCDt. DilIwyn-street. Swan- sea; TC Ivor L. Roberts' (223 Oxford-street) Announcements. COMERClAL LORRIES.-&gent for Den- V nis, Austin, Karriers Stars, etc. Send i me your Qujries. I ca otfcr Early De- liveries. S ECOND-IIAND LORRIES.-I have a Large k3 Assortment from 1-ton to 4-ton; pric<j« L-.I.I j,:bJ Lu -v-oou. ttfcuu lur hate, Of a" am to calj on you. j 'i\1'OTOR CYCLES-Ageiit "for Triu- -t. B.S.A.. Doula. Sunbeam. A.J.S.. En- field. and M.. Norton* etc Get your name on my waiting lists to ensure early dj,eries. -r- I SUNBEAM 5-Seater Car: cood cocditioB: ")?_'?4?5: I D-Ê NNI s 3-4 ton. complete with bodyTin JL? stock: immediate delivery, ?7bUB Old Car or Motor Cycle taken in JL. Part Payment or Boue?t for Cash. ?Sy kri'l or writ\. with f?D o?rticulars. to Ivor L. Roberta. Oxford-Street. Swansea, TRADE ANNOUNCEMENTS. AN Apology to those of our Customers 1 who naæ not yet been aole to get any oi our-Special Lmesj in Unbleached calico Weare ple-iieci to annaunce tiiat we have just received ai other Large Consignment, a-.iii snail otter saiiiu unti1 cleared. Our epti-iai Line this wcelt, 14 a!J. bon't miftt it. John Rioharas, Draoers. Cradock-street. Swansea. 307A7-2 A LF!TED Tennens. the Ladies' and Gentle- men s 'J'aiior. ciaKca every Kind of j Latiies' Coatumes, Dref-ee.s. rlidmg Habits, Si?ortinK Costumes. Gentlemen's Huits of every -description; BtMc?e?.and all Iiii?ds.of Uirlfomits. both whoicMalo aud retail ? one of the flneot cutters in the trade —5, Cr<t?otK-Mtree t Sw?ns?. ?0&A74 I C!J'r¡k';6'S:ll¿:O-' at the B nw R.U. Shoe btores. Coat?tr?et; lM/Ota that will wear well.{))ó.A7-t 1 :AD Necklets and Bopes, all the tu- > uattenis. from Is. 6d each.—Bullock litos.. Portland-street 306A6-30 CXjSTUMDS and Suits from 4? Guinea:>. Ladies' and Gent.'s Own Aateriala Made ?.?.—T. Berry, Union Coamber?. 27, Union- stieet. Swansea. 305A7-1 j.OIi Ba.?. Trunks, Portmanteaus. Kit ]- and Brief Baas. Week-end Ca-sea a Si. M ialitv.—Swansea S?od.erp C{)" High. HARVEST Implements Going Strong! Mowing Machines Ha.v-rakoi. and Hay- makers: also Cream Separators Dont for- get our Furnishing Department- New DiE- play rf Electro-plated Goods—Harries. li?'.sp Furnishers and Ironmongers, Am- ] manforu.  C6-30 IVOR L ROBERTS Electrical Enineer. wishes to inform hin o!d Customers and the Public generally that hi? Cb ief EIectri- c:d En"weer, who i"ined MM. k'orec?? hM returned to bis emuioy The Electrical De- partment being now thoroughly equipped with an Efficient Staff of Electrical Engin- eers Electrical Work of every description can now he carried out Heating ana Power Installations uiv Speciality. Your enquiries solicited. 223 Oxford-street Swan- sea T "P7 Walton. A. R. S .M.?AnaIyttcal ChemiRt J. and Aammer. Con?uttinK Metallurgiet i^Apert ii Electrical Smelting.—103, Victoria- road. A bera von. 304A6-30 IJUlNTi^U-DE-LUXE.—1.C0Q Cream-laid Biilhead?i Memoa Or Letterheads. 5in. by Sin., gs. Business Cards 6s.; samples and estimates free.— W. li. Jones (Dept. C.), 50. Green-lar.es. Loudon.6 303A7-18 1- .)lÙ>TURE- Positively Cured.—Free Trial 1-'c from Le Brasscur Surgical Mfg Co., Ltd.. Dept. M. Y., 90 and 92. Worcester-street. Birmingham. Works: Pay. Paris. ? J. THOMAS (late J M. James. Union- 8 • street). Undertakers and Cabinet Makers. o7. Plymouth-street, specialist on Antiuuo and Modern Furniture Work. Up- holstering. and rFeneh Polishing. 304A6-28 SIDNEY Palmer's weJl.known Cakes and ? Pastries are made of best inKredients only Wedding and Birthday Cakes in stock and made to order. Noted for Teas a ad Cold Lunciieone.—Palmer's Caie, oppo- site Empire, and Brancheis 304 A6-28 SAFES, 22in. to 48in. high, in stock. fo- Sale: also Steam Wagons. Steam. Carta. 2JU Lbs. pressure.—Birt 47a. Strand Swan- I tea. C6-28 SURGICAL Appliances.—Trusses, Sprays, kj Enemas, Surgeons' Rubber Gloves and Surgical Rubber Goods of every description. Write for Catalogue, sent oost free,-Ie I, Brasseur Surgical Co.. Ltd. 'Dept. D.V.). 90 and 92. Worcester-street. Birmingham. SUN BLINDS <snDas rollers), Hook-uo ;S BUnd9 Tents. Awnine. FJa?e. Tar- paulin*. Cart Covers, anj Loin Cloths- Morgan and Riehardroll (Limited), Manur faciurera, 20. Woman by-street (opposite Ca,stic Clock Towerv. Cardiff ca-I i ■ \-C_lM B'JuRT'S Full Gr-em. Walnut and U ATmond Teffees are now on Sale at h6 O^foid-vStreet Shop^ Pre-War Quality. Tiie F-imt and the Best. 307A7-2 A-V ATCIIES for Ladiea and Gents.. Wrist H or Pocket; travellers' samples; bar- gain u.ices.-Bullock Bros. Portland-stret. SOSA g-4 O"" DIAMOND Rings, all second-hand £ 5 a to £ 100: exchanges made if desire(i Bullock Bros., Portland-Street. 3C5A6-5(I MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. ARTIFICIAL Teeth. Platinum. Gold, Pi' Aver, Bought: any condition; utmost vaiuo cive?. Post narcelM J Chernick 34. Exchanee-street, Cheetham. Manchester. 306A7-1 E} lŒw6R 'to fix Overhead Ropewav Trang. IU Dorter in Wale? reQmrcd: state previ- hU" experience,-Jennimrs and Co., Ltd.. _v,I29:l< Bri!T-c-ç2. JL Nit EES Wanted over Pltwood b7?ze.-ie nins, Ltd.. Woodworkers, Pennywel!- road. Br?tot. Branch at P.,th,awl. %TC ?.?TA?NTED. strong 6ent.'8. Second-hand I Bicvcle also a Lady's suitable for workman: will pay eodd t)rice.-Wrte ?W?rkman.'? Ijeader. ? Swansea, '?4A&-2? ??TANTED, Three Second-hand LifUnw wjtck+i 5 to ? tons, 9 inches a.nd 20 hiches thereabouts when down State lowest Tir,c.-c.-Box Rder- Office As the. Paper with the Largest Guaran- j A teed Circulation. Small Advts carried in the Leader" effect the largest Pub- licity. HOLIDAY AMOmEMIS. I BLACKPOOL. I "O LACKPOQL.—Mrs. Albert Maudcley. 25 ] i Pal:;¡,ti, off C?t'trat DfiVe;' lis. 6d each person. anrat:" j-tendance; home ?bto rts- piano. ? -'h- _44. BLACKPOOL.—Comfortable Apartments. I ls. 3d each person: good beds and I cooking; cleanliness; 2 mins. aaea.M rs. Henry Smith. 41. Erdington-road. off Central Drive.  BLACK POOL.—Mrs. Potter, 14, Ch?rfes- st rect. Comfortable Public and Private Apartments; 3 mins sea, station and all amusements. Stamp rep?y. Piano. ? -B -1,ACKPOOL.-Mrff, Rtishton, ifighneld B House, 63. Cehtrai Beach. Public aa?d Pr?yat? Apartments, overlooking sea Board 0t. Ii)nal §samp reply.. BLACKPOOL.—Mne. Langtor;1 and Maror, JL3 52. Palatine-road (lat»>- 5* Reads-rbad). Apartments, public and private; home com- forts: Piano BLACKPOOL.—Mrs. J. Schofield, Wood- JD land.' 50. Palatine-road, off Central Drive: comfortable apartments; 3s. 6d. each person with attendance; every comfort: piano. BLACKPOOL.—Mrs. and Miss William. JL-1 14a. Manchester-terrace Promenade. Comfort-able Public Apartments, pleasantly eituated, central to all parts; terms moder- ate. Stamp reply. SOUTHS E A .—Now Vacant, p.cdroom and S Sitting-room; hath: close sea HIld: tramsi full lioar.1. 55s.; attendance. Bis — 146. St. Augustine-road. 307A7-2 HOUSES AND SHOPS FOR SALE AND TO LET. BUy Your House and Soave the ltent. Over 'JL3 37.000 Houses have been purchased on for particulars to G: Evans. EHr81eYroad. Si:et<y. 502A6-23 TpOR SAUR: 4-fooiSed House "'situat?'T. I JL 11. Mile End-row. Melincrythan.—Wrte D. F. c/o Daily LeaderJ 307A7-2 F- OR -,¡(fLE:- aeix-rocmed House, ?o. 1373 Natb,Foad: Plasmrirl Swansea —Apply ?for narticulars to J Rees 32. ?nR Oaks? a?enu6. Swansea. 305A7-1 IpOR SALE. Siloh-road., Lan^ore, Fr9piw House, poll stone, four rooms atfd scitl- lery: near cars and station —Write "Alpha." Leader. 306A6-29 ONE Firm Sold ;CSG.OCO worth of Property this year through Sma'.l Advts. 20 worda for 3 insertions 2s 6d in the Cam- hria Daily s Leader. j PAYING Rent does not solve theTHousine: JL Problem. Our Approved System helps y 111 to Purchase your own Houee.—Box 274, Leader. 502A6-28 "f\() those deairious of Purchasing a House. Ir The Provident Association of Londor., Ltd.. issues House Purchaso Policies for 20. t 25. or 30 years' periods.—Profcijectus contain- ing full particulars frpe from Mr. It. Hard- wick. 38 Rosehill-terrace. Swansea T7"ACANT .Poaseseion.—Modern House. 12. » Park-street. Neath hath (hot and coirt). cjcellent condition: Sale bp AucMon. Ca.stJe Hotel. Neath, on the 30th June at V ther particulars from- 6; Queen-etreet, Port I Talbot. C6-30 4 6 W ÉE1{tY-\VJiCPu-rchase ?450 Hou^e: ?4/6 any district; Bosaeabion by arrame- Landlord." Leader. Swansea. TC Messrs. J. Biewitt Jenkins and Sons' Announcements. MUMBLES.—For Sale. with early posecs- Mf3ion, Freehold HouB? near Bays; 2 re- certion-rooms, 6 bedrooms etc. TO LET, Furnished. Detahed Residence 3 JL pni€< from Swansea, ovedooking- Mumbles and Swansea Bay, 2 reception. rcv:;ns. 5 bedrooms, bathroom (h and c). garage dairy, Vte, excellent garden well stocked ^immediate possession. BKYN-ROAD.—Leaseftol l Dwelling-house for Sale at reasonable figure, 2 sitting- I rooms. kitchen, 4 bedrooms, boxroom. bath- room. etc. ?'WYDR?CRESCENT.-8ev'erar'su?.tant?'! GLeaschold Houses for Sale at moderate prices. ?ALV?ERN?TEBHACE-TwoSi?roomed 1'1 Housee in convement • position for Sai-e; letft about 70 years; ground rent £3 9s. per house. \7 INCENT-STREET.-Two good 6-roomed v Houses for Sale at reasonable figure. 11 OR further pal-ticularg of abol-e 111)n0 X to Messrs. J. Biewitt Jenkins and Sons Land and Estate Agenta Surveyors etc.. 4. Cortege-street Swansea. C7-1 J. Pugh Williams" Announcements. QKWEN.-Desirable Modern and Well- O built Villa for Sale, with possession — J. Pugh Williams. Auctioneer and Valuer, I 12. College-street, Swansea. I HOUSES for ale in various t-ali-ta of Swan. JLi. sea and suburbs: mortgages arranged. —J. Pugh Williams. House and Estate I Agent. 12. College-street Swansea. WANTED to Purchase or Rent, in Swan- j J sea and Llanelly commodious Busi- ness Premises with good Hhop Frc)iitage.- Full particulars to J Pugh Williams. Estate Agent. 12. jUollege-street, Swansea, t 6-27 HOUSES WANTED. CHRISTIAN Temple Church. Ammanford. i -Wauted, by the above-named Church, a Dwelling-house, conveniently situated. I with view to purchase. Piea?e commnni- cate with undersigned on ot before July 1 5th. 1919.-Thus. Lake. 39. Heol-las. Amman- ) ford. C7-2 IVANTED, immediately. Furnished ) V House, Sketty or Uplands preferred.— Retvly Wincott, Tchby Hotel. 306A6-27 TTI^AN'iE-D immediately. Part of Large TT Houde in Walt ens-rood or Ullaiici6 district preierred; unfurnished.—Reply. )>emobili-:e.ri." Leader Office. 3J3A6-27 ?M?ANTEb7for August or Dart August a?d f 8epteml'. Rooms or House at New- ton or Langland; four bedrooms required — Apply Mrs. Vaughan. 70 Llandaff-road, Car- dilf. 306A6-27 APARTMENTS AND LODGINGS 'I TO LET AND WANTED. BUSINESS Girl reQuires Bed Sittin ":r0Om JD or would share rooms with another  near town. With or without board.— girl: "l:' "Leader" Office. L'U)'y:- smäj¡ private ItOMf. would rc'?ivR LDaving guests: musical: cjLose West Pier: business gentlemen preferred.—E.. 6. Sill wood-road. Brighton. 305A6-30 WANTED, Two UnfurnMhed Rooms at If Neath, centrally sitaled: no children. —Write Box 78. Leader Office Neath, 302A6-27 TTSTANTED. Bedroon. and Sitting-room at » » Neath or Skewen for Business Gentle- man away daily: state ttrms. with arm without board; must be central.—Box N.17. Leader Office. 304A6-2& EDUCATIONAL. PIANOFORTE, Organ Composition* Courses; Beginners Speciality; Advice Free.Ovrii Baynbam F R C.O., F.T.C.L. L.R.A.M.. Organist Parish Church. 8, Page- street. Swansea. 305A6-30 i;\TlIAT About the Futurc The Interna- tional Correepondence Schools of London give sound. up-to-date p:a.-tic;il training In all branches of Engineering, in Commerce. Advertising. Salesmanship, Mod. erJ) Languages. Architecture. Farming, etc. —Apply for prospectus stating require- ments. to International Correspondence Schools. Ltd.. Castle-street. Swansea C7-21 1 I. I SMALL ADVERTISEMENT ORDER FORM. I 10-  l' C:=. S TTi~ -T»r-mrrT*irtTnTiiTTTir' t. i nTnrn*wr~^nTiirTiinr" imm an to,. J ??. '¡r r=:' 7, ■ l- l, L. | I Please publish the aaove for which I Name and Addre". If desired, Leader" Office. J Th!a form sbouid be' itilfamiii- l Loader," Swansea. I a. I FOR SALE. | TO RICKMA KERS'" Three Traction?En?Bf? B Traction Truck?. Motor Lorries, 35 I Modern 2ft. gungo Brick Kiln Cars Cranes. Portables, and various. Machinery and Tim. ber of all kinds; now oifcred as we are [ finishing our Government contracts.—C Jen- nings and Co.. Ltd Timber Merchants and Woodworkers, Bristol. Seme at our I Branches. Porthcawl. Resolven. Leicester. > C7-7 BUNGALOWS can be lined with o:ï!' JL) Nc-ponset Walhoard 31d. so. foot., <rar- riae p?id' aiso Cement Sheets. Doers. Win- dows. Woodwork, Plywood 'rimber..Fire- wood.—C Jennings and Co Ltd.. Bristol. Leicester and Porthcawl. C6-30 DOORS for Sale. 1.003 at Porthcawl (near Cardiff). 5.000 at Bristol. 800 at New- castlc-on-Tvne. Prices and particulars on application. Inspection invited.—Jennings ami Co.. Ltd;. Joinery Manufacturers. Tim- her Merchants and General Woodworkers. Pennvwell-road, Bristol C7-11 IOP. SALE. White-house Double-range Chip Cart, with Chopper: place for two to -fif-rve; enclosed'with-sliding windows; store cupboard for 3 cwt. potatoes: irood condi- tion.—Apply W. Jones. and Chip Mer- chant. Derwen-road. Ystitadgynlais.- 307A7-2 ''7."UR'.?ALE. MahcRAny-top Counter: t?,. Jt. pieces. 8ft. and 6ft, i ) cxceMcnt con?i- tion.—Apply Rosser Ix)iila^. L'ansamlet C72 I^IREWOOD, free on rail near Newport. Swansea, and other places 39s ton. or carriage paid most places U.K for 59. ton or under.—Jennings and Co.. Ltd.. Peny- wel 1 :mad. Rristol fwd Porthcawl C7-5 Y?()R?U.tE7Yor':Rl?iTp Range. 4it. x 46j Apply Bevan. Cross-reads Goreeinon. 305A6-27 FOR SALE, ahout 220 tons good Rela^ab1" Second-hand Steel Bull head Rails. 80 and 86-lbs.: Flange 75 and 90 lbs. per yard: also all descriptions of Railroad Accessories: 20 h.D. Pteam Spnii-PortahIc Loco-Type Boiler by Marehalls new 1916. -20 lbs. Wj). ,to.-C,c-o. V. Perry. Corabrian-piace, Swan- I KITCHEN Range for Sale,, condition as i JL\ -'■newt—A-pply John Rjahar-d-s. 2, -CradocV- dr-eet. Swansea.. 302A6-27 IOGS (square) suitable for keel block?: J Timber in variety. new and second- hand Inspection invited —Jennir.gj and Co.. Ltd.. Timber Merchats and General I Woodworkers. The Docks Porthcawl (near Cardiff). Similar stocks at Bristol and Leicester. C7.11 QUANTITY Channels and Round Steel foists for Sale.—Send for List and Priceu to Messrs. G. Mercer and Sons, Ltd.. i Contractors. Pembrey-road Llanelly 303A 6-27 11YPTWRITER for Sale. Royal Bari'x>k t (Brief) visible writer. excellent condi- tion Con be seen any evening between 5 and 7.—Apply Ivor John. 65. Crown-street. Morriston. C628 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. GODFREY and Co Ltd., have a Larec Sc- ?jr lection cf Iron-frane Pi?noa (V ertie] and Overstrung) in Walnut. Rosewood. Oak or Ebonis?d cases, bv Oe^ RoKera. CoHard and Collard Witton and Witton, Samfs. and CqllarWd. ^iddington, etc Prices from 50 guineas. Ca-jh or Terms. Write for Free List or call and make a perronal selection. t-Codfrey and Co.. Ltd 22 St. llclen's- road. PIANOS.—Astounding Bargains: 39. 23 -i. JL 39 49, 58 ruineal. two black Ovt:r- strumrs. cheap.-Piano Exchange. 19. Park- strep tSw an sea. 305 A 6-30 r!i¡T{iMP(IN'-ind Slia-kell Ltd 35 castlc- £ street Swansea —Black Collard hano. £ 73: Walnut Collard PiaTio £ 7ti; Walnut Challen Piano. £ %■ Walnut Kirkman Piano 4,' y0- W?tnnt Normfitc Pi?no £ f5: Walnut Brinsmead Piano. £ 105: Walnut Sun ire Piano £85; Walnut Hawkins P'31'O £65 iCs.: Walnut Thompson and Sbackell. Ltd.. Piano JE73. Imperial Organ £ 26 5e.: Jonet Oriraii €15- Ks-f-ev Organ C.-ks ANTED, Second-band Pianos, Organs. »} Gramophones and Records. Good Prices civeri.—D. J. Snell High-street Ar- cade Swansea. P1A NOS.— £ 15. £ 25£ 40. £ 45 upwards Gramophonf's. £4 10s.: Rords frcm ?.: Needles. 6d. l?oc I DJ. SNELL'S (Only) Address: HiKt?strcet D- Arcade, near G.W.R Swansea. 304 A 6-28 =->- MONC. V. -1 bAW, 12. London-ro?d. Ncath. Ma)t? E. Cash Advances from Cb and upwards I Strictly private. Establishedi 3876. TC IF you require a Loan. aprly to George Thomas, Manager. Church-street (oppo- site t Mary's Church). Swansea. Private and confidential. CH3 -l\l-ÖtÚYW-LeM to B?pc-ctahte Hoase- iTi hoklera; Pnv^'&iid (Joniiucntial — Ivor D Thom'ta 4 Warloo-streeL, SwansMi jOOQ MADE for £ 5 For full particulars dwOO as to how small amounts of money mav be profitably employed to give large profits apmy to Graham Marsh and Com- pany. 240. High Holborn London, < £1 UPWARDS. £ I' GOUTHERN JGQUITABLE A DV ANCE CO. (LIMITED), EXCHANGE-CHAMBERS (Queen-street end) 1 EDW-ARD-TERRACL CARDIFF. The Standing of Sound. Straight-dealing Financial Firms is better understood to-day. Fact 5.-Manv opportunities arise to get Value UDOIl Cash Transactions—knowing what ypu are pavIng-than in getting Goods on Credit. Tel. 2399. (Not a Money Society.) Estb. 1880. Branch Office: 11, Chartes-st. Newport Mon. ILarge or Small Accounts may be Opened with the A BRITISH FIRM FOR BRITISH EOR- A ROWERS-THE BRITISH FINANCE COMPANY, Not a limited company with directors and shareholder; to linow your business and consider jour application. NO BILLS OF SALE WANTED., NO SURETIES OR t,uili,ici,ty. ABSOLUTE PRIVACY GUARANTEED. • BRITISH FINANCE CO., 20, BRIDGE STREET, BRISTOL. FURNITURE. F I)RNITURE.-Bc-st Prices given by me I for Second-hand Furniture a.nd Antioue Furniture of any description Drop me a poetcard, or call — Wm James. 8. Fab;n- ■itreet. St Thomas. CTO F UR-NITURE. FUI?iNITUitl, FU ENITURE! X —This is one of the Gieatest Problems of to-day to all parties getting a Home to- gether to know How and Where to get the Becst Manufactured Article at the Lowest Possible Price. Anyone in this dillicuity should eall at once at Hill's (Swansea Branch), being the Largest- Manufacturers in Wales. Can easily explain how to pro- ceed. No photographs to A,hoose from, but plenty of the lioal Article ae it is made,, or making fine selections of Bedroom, Sitting, or Kitehen Suites, and other goods too numerous to in(-rtion.-Plieace note the Ad- dress: Hill's, 23, Gower-street. Swansea. A7 307A7-2 LIVE STOCK, &c. -¡- BEGINNER bouot, four emall, rotigh store pio¡1S at 5s. each, used Karswood Pig r otvdeis as directed, and in five months they realised You can do the Scnue. Penny each, twelve for Is -Davies Bros., Chemists. 48. High-street. Gorseinon. 306A6.2'1 LOH. SAJjE, a good voung Pony. 13.3; no i- dealers.—Apply W. lioo-elreet, Port Ten- t-Vjli SALE (Registered) Thoroughbred Greyhound Hitch (" Mifwany "). known as Fair Lady; 21J inches high; sire,, "The Monarch dame, -Mis", Chatterbox"; own Sister to "Lord Protector", trial given against anything living.—Apply to P. Cum- mine, 21. Uarial-bank Clydach-on-Tawe. 306A7-1 F OOD which is food-not arit or rubbisli. X Karswood Chiclt-Rearmg Meal (Sussex Ground). 3Aib. bag Is. Id. Easiiy digested. Makes rapid gmwt)i.-Slieweri Agricultural Assoc. Ltd.. 231. New-road. Mkewon. 306A6-27 I G"" RINDSTONES cover many sins. bU'. in I X Kars?ood Meal (Sussex Ground) 3lb. bag le. Id., there is none to cover. Every grain is tjure honest food Largely increases egg output, as thousands of poultry-keepers testify.—Davies Bros. Chemiste. Hr-bron- road. clydach. 304A6-20 PEKINGESE Dog. Brown. Lost Monday; £ j JL offered finder or ii formation leading to reovvery; detainer prosecuted.—'Dr. Clifford. 142. Bryn-road. 306A6-27 PERSONAL. I IN Dnclo Bert's" ToNM Shop there i6 JL Sta.ndins Room Only." Uncle Bert and his Son thank yon for your help You are doine: Your Bit as we did ours Thanks!! Swansea. Thank, I v MARRIAGE Events etc. la. and etamp; send age; 40 years' experience.—Mr. Wright. Market- Souare Chambers Ponty- pridd.- 307A 6-30 PAIJMISTRY and Clairvoyancy. Noted JL Indian Pal-mist; 30 years' experience in America. France, London, Australia. Fees from 26. 6d.; cones, invited.—Prof. Kismitt. P.ll.D.. A.B.; 11 to 9 p.m.—11. Parade, Mum- bks. Swansea, S.W. 304A6-28 1 jC? YEARS' -1-iiian ?'J?'? o M.R.P.S. T?st Peidinz Free. Rend birth date and stamped envelope.—5, Arcade. Pontypridd. 306 A 7-1 i I I I ml Š I'  (i: 9Ù Qjü 'g A L E 1 OF I  Millinery SPECIAL OFFER B THIS WEEK OiF 400 a Keady-ta-Wear HATS, OR Usual Prices, 18/11 to 45/11 SEE WINDOWS | 256 and 257, Oxford Street, 1 j SWANSEA. J Na mo BLACK SAVES BLACK-LEADINc. Arp!ieLt once a month will leadirg. leadirI??on crates, stoveg' I (? fenders, fireiron?, b,-(I- t. v<: steads, p,,??mbn?'atorfi, &c. ?"'—? do avray with dally blick- I • ,!J„ LTD. < BR!3TO? LOMDON, CARDIFF, DUBLIN.  From Ironmonger!, Aa.  im»aAta—Mm'Binin«iii iiiMmaamaiartn— in|' 'If "T^JTEXT timcý"j11 I .1. catch the wonder- |I | ful si.g'ht'Qf ¡ i field o fripened corn' corn ready for the sickle I I-say to yourself, that's I|j ? ? the first stage of | IJrdo, I | Jp lour I "No ?oMr like it | I Only the very soundest |1 I of fresh, sweet, clean I: wheat of the first grade goes into KARDOV. It is carefully milled and scientifically blended tc ensure unvarying quality and even baking. That is why KARDOV. made bread, cakes, | pastry and puddings are good beyond description: I and nutritious to a § degree no ordinary flour can possibly attain. 1 KARDOV CANNOT DISAPPOINT. | i ¡"¿;h'ri'"3'id'ïb:'b;'l I ¡ Sold everywhere -where ?pot?Fiourissold. j KINGOV TRADING CO., I11 I Cardiff and Swansea. 1 j Dr. Spenter's A S m am- sm ASTHMA CURE 1 B THE SAFE AND SURE REMEDY FOR ALL SUFFERERS. g GiftS instant reliel from Co:¡h, Suffocation, $1Oftnes5 of Breatb. W It is also a reliable specific for Bronchitis and Hay Fever. H Insist on DR. SPENCER'S ASTHMA CURE. S Price, 2/9 per bottle. From all Chemists in B Wales. If unable to obtain write B GEDDKS MANUFACTURING CO, ? Shirley Chemical Works, Southampton. | PREMISES TO LET & WANTED WANTED, immediately. Premises <-i t v able for Garage, to hold 4 or more cars: central position desirable.— WrPe Mobile." Leader Oflice. 304Ac-30 'rANTED to Rent Yard or Stables suit- j able to accommodate 4 to G Motor L.u;rics.—llei\ly stating rent, etc., Motor." leader Uliico. ,26

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