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;-L d -CI- J r- L ea d er' Classified, Advertisements. APARTMENTS. SSTUATION* VACANt OR I WANTED, TO BE LET. LOST AND FOUND. One Three Six Insertion Insertions. Insertionr, 80 Worde. i o 2 I) 3 0 i 30 Words. i 6 3 0 4 0 I 40 W orde.- 0 o 0 5 0 FOR SALE, TRADE ANNOUNCEMENTS j One Threa Six I abortion. Insertions. Insertions 85 Words. 1 6 2 6 3 6 50 Wor" 2 1 3 0 4 6 <6 Words.- < 6 3 6 6 6 FIIRTHO, DEATHS, IN KsEMORIAM ANI; MARRIACE. One Three Sir insertion. Insertions. Insertions to Words. 1 f, 3 6 6 o 30 Words. Ie. 6 0 8 0 40 Words. 3 t 7 0 12 0 EDUCATIONAL. Oite Three Six I Insertion. In-pertion4. Insertione ? Words.? S 0 ? 0 4 6 ?3 Words. 1 6 .? 4 0 1 ( f 4) Words. 3 0 .? s $ ?"" ? ( MONEY.—6d. per line. 1' "1 ■ MISCELLANEOUS situations VACAPIT. N C1LOTHING.— Wanted, iimnediat?y. Male J Clot:hmg AasistMite: also Young Ladits ?f e?Dpricnoe io' Eats and Caps.-Hod¡:p and Some (Clothiers). Ltd^-wansea. 294A6-16, WOMEN AND GIRLS. rTailor(-sses.-Tmuser and Vegt Harids reauired; also Coat Halld, Those who cau do a ouaiatity preferred: oonstant em. vloYIIlent.-Ma.øtem and Co.. Ltd., Castle- street. 294^649 WANTED. Woman as MoUier? Help V sleep in: not afraid of work.—Puleeton 29. Walter-road. 293A6-14 TOASTED. good Girl. abou 6, to assist III Shop; also one for Housework: Dairy C, o.. 29. Wal- ter-road. &93A6-14 HOUSE-KEEPERS. r'TV'ANTED, immediately. Housekeeper; 2 t. in family, widower and mother; good home to respectable person; district. Tre- bceth.—Apply, with references, to W. J. Eichards. 9. Cecil-road Goreeinon. 294A6-19 ,,WANTLrD. immediately. General llotise- t' ? keener: email house: widower, four children.—Apply David John. Upper Bank. Garnant (Carm.). 296A649 iNl7ANTED, for Widower" good Tlonoe VV. keener who ca.n do all homse duties for working man with three children, youngest 11 years.—Writs Box "N 6." Leader Office. 292A6-17 "fANTED, HousekeeTieT by Widower 7 V* children, 4 itorkinz (younee.^t 8).—Ap- ply. with references, Edwards. 1, Chancery- laho. Alountain Asit. 291A6-17 DOMESTIC SERVANTS. ;C-ÕOK.GËNËÍÜ.L wrintëd-¡Qz.í¡õi1rne: I ? mouth: good wages and outings, and comfortable home in best i>art of BoarAc- =Outh- every consideration shown to suit- able person; or would traiu a willing young I Brirl: references reauired.—Apply to Mrs. I Pa<ieertt. Bourne House. Poole-road, Bourne. I mouth. 294A6-16 -G'ENERAL: small fäInifortable C. J home for good eiri: reliable references necessary.—Apply, between 6 and 8, 1. Wind- street. Swansea. 293A6-17 flATANTED, Gefieral: pood home; good » ? wiwrea; good outinse.—" Glaafryn," Heathfield. gwansea. 295A6-19 ANTED, Cook-General: must be cxneri- ?tT eaced; good wa?? for suitable per- moh: for New Melbourne Hotel, Llanelly.- ApDiv NoDcan. Bosalyn. Ty'rir&n, Llaneliy. 293A6-18 1Hpt7ANTED. Housemaid and Cook-General t VV for Heathfield House. Swansea; only three in family.—Apply by letter, to Mies Bailey. Kilvrough, near Parkmill. 293A6-14 r' \V\V rANTES. aTgood respectable Gereral f-r Refreshment House: able to wash and help to 000k.—Mrs. Morris. 5. Orange-Street, iiwaiifcea. 292A6-17 "Of ANTED, a Youne Girl for Mornings; V, two in family.—Apply 30. Aylesburv- xoad. TC WANTED, good General for Pontardawe; wwalee L, good home.-Box N 2." Leader Office, Swansea. C6-16 XÓ-UNG Eoiieemaid wanted for comfort- r able situation in Bonrnemouth; good wages and every consideration shown or wonid' train youn? Or] not been out before. -APply to Mrs. Padgett. Bourne House. Poole-road. IBo-urn,?motI b. ?,(:: io- ll MEN AND YOUTHS.  AMuranco?oa? TffiSS 'A  to Introduce Agelt8 6u I BusineM; good ?emnfforeucce?il Vorker-libc;a terms.-?r.ie to 1 10. Leader Office. — —— BASIC Slag.—Agent* wanted witi? iWd  fannies <?n"eo?M,-App!y. ?_? 7 Particulars. "Basic." Birch all s r, Cihcea. Liverpool. ? 2WAo-w TTJio"Cl! Teaoired for Provision Mer- V cnants umoe; stale experience <,tilU 1 skjary.- Write "Book." D&ily Leader ? 294A6-1^ 9 j JOINERS Wanted,; standard rate is, 8d <J hour We supply Doors, Windows, Woodwork. Timber 01 all descriptions.—C. and Go, Ltd.. Bristol. 07-20 81 UPERINTENDENTS. A cents (Full and 1 Scare-time) wanted: salary and com-1 1rliss.ion about £ 250 per annum.-Write, etau I intr full particulars Box "N 1, leader Swansea. 291A6-16 WHOLESALE Grocery.- Wanted, by lead- inK progressive firm whose specalitics t ire well known throughout ouutli Vv ales, ) ♦m-rscetio Salesman for Swansea and di- t'riet: aood remuneration offeted to smart mnn oaoOrble of commanding bneinegs — Write, in oozifdence. N 12." leader OffieLl. 1 • Swansea. 294A6-19 T¡-GÕN Eepairera wanted at EmhnJ. ? liery. Llandebie.pply to Manager there. 293.A6-18 + nflTAWTED. Smart Improver or Lather 1 f f f Bov would BUit. for first-class Gents 1 Saloon.—Apply WIll. Cole, Cigar Bo*. 8. 1 Castle-street, 291A6-16 I TIRELESS We have this year Rent YY out 60 Students to sood permanent v.irt hr; and have Sit nation? waiting for an- » ftthfir 50 Youths between 18 and 25 years of awe. if von want one of these berths, write Srtail at Wireless CoJlcire. St Mary-street. Cardiff • or Cabtle-fitrect Swansea. 'Phone ZW. OFFICE AND ERRAND BOYS. f?lCE?oy'for?ho?a!eG?oe?b?? ? Write Centra4." Daily Ikader. 294A6-19 Y(J $T1CE for Anotioneere Elt" A?& om. Dad. inpt. leranK school preferred .-Apply ?-« oa?e O_.8_per, C6-14 I SITUATIONS WANTED. TLDERLY WOIn¡\,n "ii1,til-gitl1'aÜon-a6 J HOU6ekeper; ^Dfpenced. domE???tito- i ? ? bo.est¡ Rood reference-Apply 1 R.. 78. Nea-bh-ro?d. Britonferry 25 3A 6-18 t LIVE STOCK. lAc. C:1CKEKS.-Pure V; ¡ Reds. Susses, Mmorcas, Rocks I?R • prJ bred. T8a. :erossee. 14s., above l(j Week«' iOs.Ducklinffs, 27e. dot.—Lloyd. 384. Pentre- ged-n.rc,g,d. (;ivmbwrls, S 293A6-18 1 CLICKS Chicks. (Thicks; hatchintr every ) week from grand all-round layers- 144d. drz.-M. D. John Sisters Pit Hatch- cri!. (ilais. nA6.17 1 MEDIATE Delivery White Wya.-d?ps j J L ,ehorn¿;. Rhode Chicks 21s. doz; Wyan! Cos mother. 15s,; unrivalled 8trnG. Catalogue.—Mies Edwards, Coaley. <n«e$Btersbire. -0 233A6-18 "VjW on Show and for Sale. 500 White Teg., 1 horn Chicks, pure bred. majority hen ii,,jiled.-Quaiitv Corn Stores. Top of ifigi-t- 253A6-14 SJLNNILS for Bale: nrice £ 7; one milk- j one in kid.Applv Henry Thonias, ^igjy _Lqnlgg.Liar,samlet, 295A6-14 LOST AND FOUND. ,T 06 WMt MoQda?ET<'niBg,?be?ween Em. L te and Gr?d Theatre, Gnt's Gold Bandina:, set with a ruby. Reward.-Rc- turn IDire Ijountre. 294A6-16 r3" C; oof5h. last 4rnday eve ning t L (9 betwn Vicara?P-ro&d and Harry- fetreet/Wriston.—Finder suitably rewarded on retiiinc; sfl.me to Mrs. Jones, Kilkenny ( lis.rr.T-^ct, Jlorriston. 292A6-14 \2TRAy. from Gaer»vwydcT[ Waunnr- O lwi. Blaok Mare Pony. 13.2, white iaark oifrebead and white mark on front < toot ftThite on hind.—W R. Davies. Oaersrw warm. Waunarlwrdd. 295A6-14 MOTOR CARS, CYCLES, &c. A LBiON Chassis. 60 cwt deiiverlee;or5 ?1. in Juno a.M six in July, subject un- I bolli.-E. E. Jone'?, Ltd (Motor Dept.), Dill- wyH-?otreet. Swan6ca. I A NOTHER A.E.C. Four-ton Chassis tordE .1.. livery in 7 days. Wo have been the owners of & fleet of 3-ion motors I!Íll(.ê ;910: our experience in heavy motor repair6 is uijioue. We are now ecllibK all our old ci-assis and buy ins A.E.C. Onr advice is to do likewise.—The*. White and Co., En eirtwrs, Selith Wales Agents Barry. C6-S6 i> EESTON Huaber Cam. 20 h.p. and  "0('1<1 oondiion. inepeotion ir.. nted.-Daniel Jones, R'aosfa. )?rynamman,  293A6-1S iOR SALE Lady's Bicycle; good co?di- FtiOn: will sell cheap.—Apply Jenkin! -N?) 6 Clase-road. '?'torriston. 294A6.6 "L^OR BALE. Get'i-Rövë;-Cycle. M new -L aiso Lady'? Aildoy Cy61e.—D. B Pui!- Dii'wYti-r?-,&d. Skettv 294A6-16 FOR SALE, 15 h.o. De Dion Landaulettc Car. upholstered Bedford cord; bevel- oiate windows, mahogany fittings; suitable lor taxi or prsrate hire: iu good condition, runni' utf order.-=. Clarence-street, fhv.ni- sea. 293A6-1S 770R Sale, Bedford Car. 16-18 h.p.. 4- ooatcr. 1913; Dot worked oast 2J years- tltoroueh order.—Dr. Daviee, Greenfield, Lta?eliy. 291A6-?6 f LADIATOR Motor CM: four-seater bcdv I ? four-cyimder Acter engine, rcq?u-ea magneto only; would make an excellent icrry: room vated; 1.50 -Box M 15," Cam. bria Daily Leader Swansea. 291A6-.16 JAMES Basket Carrier Cycle, suitaWe for tradesman: condition and appearance like new-, bargain; also Wheels for Sale.-5. Rrcaell-gtrefrt. 292A6-14 "VTAPIER Chas £ is"^5-40. 6-cylinder; perfect oonVIition; make splendid charabanc or lorry; price £ 330.—Midland Garage, 6. Broad-street. Biimin&bani. Tele. Centra t 6233. ??_  ?..??.?. ?A6-18 ^MAllT Touring Car for Hire, for lone or Is f>hort journeys. Als" for Sale, Ford 'Sater. conlmèr,Üal traveller's box equal j te new. with cab over driver.-57, Alexandra- road. Swansea. 292A6-14 I C. K. Andrews' Announcements, OVEBIjAND, Mode! 83. Tonria? Car. in :tb. t ?J' ?olutely new condition, complete with self-starter, electric !j?hto. extra Bide-Hshta. det. rinw; finest second-hand car in the dis- j trict; bargain for quick sale—Apply C. K. ) Andrews. Uplandg Garage. Swansea. I ARR?kC.Q-12 h.p.. 4-seatcr, in perfect JL? condition throughout, det. wheels; coachwork as new; real barwain.-Applv 0. K Andrews. Up;wrjs (larage. 8wanea, I ,u 'îtOJÆI.EY-12iI6 h.p.. W 6eqter '?t? dickey; dN,. rime and spare: nrst-c!nss mechanical coBdit'on: real bargain.—Apply C, K. Andrews. Uplands Garage. Swansea. HUMBER—10/12 h.p.. 2.8pater7 with double H dickey: requires painting only; me- chani(?al oondition is A I /"AHARON—12 b.D.. two-seater. double ) dickey: in fir«t-class condition i.liroug?- out: reQuires painting only.—Apply C. K. j Andrews. Uplanda Garaeo. Swansea. All the above Cars are subject to any, reasonable trial and expert examination, and are absolutely ready to drive awav. 06-18 i Ivor L. Roberts' (223 Oxford-street) | Announcements. COMMRClAL LORRIES.—Apent for Den- nis, Austin, Harriers Stars, etc. Send me votir inquiries. I can offer Early De. i liveries. j ks ECON,'D-ItAND LopnlEg.-I have a Lar-co A«&orttp.erft from 1-ton to 4-ton; prices from £ 12o to €650. Send for iistc, or tms. me to cah on you. ) ]\,TOTOR OYCTXS.-Aizpnt for Tr;i- ï B.S.A., Douglas. Sunlieam. A.J.S., En- field. P. and M.. Nortons etc Get your I nMno on my w?itinc list to ensure early I deliTeries. S'tiÑ1ÚlThS-seaterca.roOdOõDditlõn ks R426. DENNIS 3-4 ton. complete with body, in D stock: immediate delivery. Y OUR Old Car or Motor Cycle taken in -L Part Payment, or Bought for Cash. I Rend or writo, with fill] Darticiiiarig. to Ivor I L. Roberta. Oxford-street. Swansea. { FOR SALE. .= I -B-'AlfERS =k-tker-portibi I JL? Oven 4ft. x 3ft. incide; seen in nee daily.- Write Box N 9." Leader Office. 294A6-19 J71OR SALE, Sporta Cent. only -worn tWiè(. -L hushed wool, came? "our. bordered 3 rows pale Hue: c6st 3 ?nincas. take ?3 10- I —BIatch?M. King's-road. Mumbles. 293A6-M I TTOE SALB. Sideboard, cost £ 60, cell for Organ, cost £ 14; Black Cjk Sideboard, c<?t ?153. sell for ?49: B,?d- ) room Suite. ?H: Do.. ?34: Piano. £ 22.—Aprilv l? Nelson.Rtreet. _26 Tj'.OR ?LE. a- cood Living Van; tro J:1 !D¡nug' walk from Jersey Marine Sta- tion and Beach; pood cooking ranpe for bread and paltry in a brick-bujlt kitchen attached to van; suit family of three or four: ooonpied thrtfnghont the winter.— Write ltoc N 8." Mider Office. 29M 6.14 FOR SALE? 1 Ledged Door. JOffc.x 6ft. 8 A sections of FJoorinfr Board, 9ft. x 8ft.: also a Quantity of other Timber and strong- Work Benches.—Apply to Robbins, Crosv. Morriston. 19í)A6- 4 KITCHEN Dre&ser and fcoat-ehaped Per- S -Y ambulator for Sale.—Apply 59, Alexan- dra-road. before 6 o'clock. 293A6-14 QEWIt?Q and Knittin<r ?[achinea.—Inn'ort- ? ant to Bayers. Buv Jones' SeTt-?? Machine: hand and cover: cash £ 6. Why pay more? AYpid the !tan of canvas?era: bprce cheap. Eat. over 47 years.—W. Grif- fiths. 30- (eeD."tt"eet. Neath. ?90A 7.7 c)') DO'-NKEYS Arrivea,kterrima', I. I 0? Crolc-street (back of Walters-road).  Swansea. 94A6.16 f MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. j YT?" DOODING. Gower-ctreet? SwaT'eea'. V?olin Maker and Expert Repmrer. | Lar?o Selection of Inexpensive Violins, Bows, and Cases in ?1 sizes new and old Ppr?n?! att?otioh civen to repairs. The ¡ ?TSion?ValMMc CM Inetrumente a | Speciality. ^S7AM4 j 'QIANOS tZ5) &t 14. 19. ?. ? S9. 48. 58. 60. j A 79. 95 ?ne??.-PiaM ExcbM? 1 P&rh?street. Sw an?e?. ,,9B.6-6 1-'HÕMPoo: år;(! s¡îM:k'eU Ltd 35 Cast ifj 1 street Swansea—Black Oc!? J?'?'? ?78: Walnut CoHara P¡ao £ 7o; \>;wnut I Challen Piano. £ 95: W?tnut ttirkm???'?? £ 70; Walnut Normelle Piano ?6&: Walnut Brinemead Piano, £ 305- Walnut Suuite Piano. £ 85- Walnut Hawkins Piano k65 los. Walnut Thompson and Sbackell. J..td. Piano £ 70; Imperial Oratl £ 26 5a.: Jones Orsran PIS- EiStev Organ 235. MISCELLANEOUS. IjiOR HIRS, on<>MrMX! Wagonette ? seat FB persons and driver: algo one-borsed four-wheeled lorry for lisrht haulage work: driser supplied, j Terms moderate. -ApiDIv W. Fniler. V.C.. 27. Evane-terrace. STvansea. HOW to Win Weekly." an interesting | OUttle Book clearly explaining ho? t, j obtain a Regular Income from Racing. Price M.-I. New Oxford-Street, London. WO 1 Sporting Chat, J OJTWOOD tiid Tr« Hauling to Let in J various fcounti*? South wrtle [id. Wales: long: and short iobs; horsdjs and traction.—0- Jennings and Co., Ltd., Bristol. T?» YEARS' SucceSs.—Lil :an Fletcher. IU M.B.P.S.; test reading free. Send birth date and stamped envelope.—5, Ar- cade. Pontypridd. Glam 291A6-16 HOUSES AND SHOPS FOR I SALE AND TO LET. FOR SALE. Freehold House, 6 rooms at I JL St. Thomas, with vacant possession.— For particulars apply 1. Roseland-terrace. I .c Thomas 293A6-18 ¡ ONE Firm Sold £ 5G.C00 worth of Propc" I this year through Smal Advts. 20 words for 3 insertions 2a fid in the Cam- I bria^ Daily Lf?der. 47? WEHKLY wiirpurchase?E<M?ou?: x/ U any diatriet: pOOe&3lOn by arrange- I mem.—" Latidlord.' Leader. Swansea. TC :1l"ë':is. TO I HOUSE for Sale, wib vacant pOeè8ion. JLi. 75 Cecitetrcc-t, MAnselton. which will be offered by Auction on Wednesday, 38th t June, at the House, at 11 o'clock a.m. On view Tuesday, from 9.30 a.m. to 5 p.m. aDd ij mcrninc of 8ålc. t Ailli DNE-Z,DAY. 18th June, at 11 o'clock > t a.m.. Sale of exceptionally good Homéhold Furniture and Effects a.t 75.  C<dl.etreet. Manselton. On view the 17th I June from 9.30 a.m. to 5 n.m The whole of I thC Effects have been nurchaaed Within the l:t'$t 4 years. and are as eocd as new. Ii^OR SALE with vacant possession. No. í: 133. Rober1>street. Manselton. Tbe ao- commodation comprises:—Sbop. Sitt-ing. I room. Kitclicn Scullery 4 Bedrooms, Coal- honse. Garage. Lease 99 years, from 1886, Ground rent.. FOR SALE, Hawthorne-avenue, splendid j' Dwelling-house; long lease; reasonably troundrent. IpOR SALE, Windsor-street. Uplands, com- pact Freehold Dwelling-house Further partieularn may be obtained of J. Barron Pasooe. Gower Chambers 7, Göwer- bitreet Swan sea.. Çó..17 APARTMENTS AND LODGINGS I TO LET AND WANTED. "fTAjTRD-tWÓ-rthre;ÜnfUrïÙ;hed Hoom? by man and wife (no chi]-! dren) in ITp? di diatriet.-Apply 36. Fr naM.place. Uplands. 293A6-19 j FRENCH reauires Rootni; and j FBoa.rd for several months.— Write, etat- iBtr terms. F. L. B. 132 Eaton-crescent, Swansea. 29?A6.?8 T?AKTED. Sma? House or 2 or 3 Un. W fnrmshcd Rooms bv Married Couple <no children): Upland. RhYddingá, or Wal. 1 ter-road clistri??t.-AT)e?v lói ?aton-creccCBt ) _?_ 29?.k6?17 I PRP-M?SES TO LET & WANTED I TeI,ET. Houae and Shop. Q1, Manser. T streot.; vacant September 25th.—Apply I 11. Christina?street. after 6 o'clock p.m. 289A6-H BUSINESSES WANTED, | 'YTANTEDTeaae Brict?a.?TlantT' goTns T? concern: dowadrafta preferroo.-SherL =-kWOod, Penygraig. 291A6-16 FURNITURE. I T'URNïTUR"Ei. FURNITURE, FVRTTURE! F-Tbis is one of tbt Greatest ProhleaM j of to-dav to all parties gEJttin a Home to- i Kether—to know How and Where to get the; Best Manufactured Articls at the Loweet Possible Price. Anyone in thiL4 difficulty t should call at once at Hill's (Swansea I Branch), being the Largest Manufacturers ) in Wales. Can ouilv explain bow to pro- 1 ceed. No ohótOr'ph to choose from but p!ent? d the Eea! Artielm as it is made.? or making, fine 8eltjon!J of Bedroom Sitting, or Ki?hcn Suites, and othfcf goon- j too numerous to mention.—Please note tbe Address: Hill's 23. Gowcr-street. Swansea 28A6-14 i tJKN ITURE^-Bofet Prices given by me I i' for Secoud-hand Furniture and Antluue j Furniture of any description Drop me a j post-card. or call.—Wm. James. 8. Fabian- [ street. St Tbomac CTO j MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. ¡ A RTIFICIAL Teeth. Platinum. Gold. SllveT I llouKht; any condition; utmost value given. Post parcels: J. Chunick, 34. Ex. I change-street Cheetbam. Manchester, 293A 6-18 LATln wanted: good coudition: about 6in Le-entres: 4ft, bed: scrcw-cuttm?; back KParcd etc. 8tMè full Darticulars and price a(-ared. (,t F 1," Daily Ikader STD to Box 1, r]-.ïjfij -\väed over Pitwood 8ize.-Jn. rLtd., Woodworkers, Pennywe?!- road, Brht.o1. Br&nch at Forthtawl. STC T RA TION Engines or Hoftft Wftnted -On ± Hire, Daywork or Piecework, for Pit- wood and Tree Hauling in various oènn. tiee.—Jennings, LMi. 'Controlled B?tablM.h- 'Ttent? Woodworker, Pccny?eD-road. Bris- t ol. 0 X\7 ANTF.D'UnframeT Picture3. Oiis of' Watercolour: size 15 by 20 inches.— N- N 7. Leader Oqlce. Particulars to Box No. N 7." I^ader^Office. 293A6.18 .c: '(.n.: MONEY. I E LA W. 12. London-road. Neath. Makes :4. Cash Advances from £5 and upwards I fttrictlv private. Lst&hlish&d 18?_2 TOR a, Private Loan noon easy terms, I .r applv to Albert E. Gash. 6, Uplands- crei-cent. Walters-road. Swansea C6-23 i you require a In apply to George I i. Thomas, Manager. Church-street (oppo- site t. Mary's Church). Swansea. Privatp 1 and confidential. ONEY to Lend to Respectable House- M holders; Private and Con fid en ti a K— Ivor D TbomAS 5. W a-terloo-otrect. Swsnsm. X38 M.I%,DF, for L6, For full particulars jbOO as to how Small amounts of money may be profitably emploved to give laree I arofits aonly to Graban3 Marsh and Com- I pany. 240. High Holborn London. I SOUTHERN jgQUITABLE A DV ANOE c o. (LIMITED), EXCHANGE-CHAMBERS (Queen-street end), j 1. EDWARD-TERRACE CARDIFF. Hot a Money Society but ap Old-estabaShed I Registered Finn-ncial Firm. Prompt and Private. No Fees. No Fmea. Forme Free. With or Without Sureties. TEN Branches. I The Leading Welsh and English Firm. Telephone. "2399 OardiiJ Estab. 1883. Branch Office: 11 Charlos-st,. Newport, Mon. i MONEY LENT PRIVATELY. Seerecy is I our Speciality. A Money-Lending Firm- approved and recommended by the Press. That is the unique, proud, and happy posi- tion of the British Finance Co Interest »nd I re-payment the Lowest in fepgland. £ 10 tAan. 10s monthly; jESO Loan. 40s monthly .EKM Loan. ?< montb b: £200 "n, e7 10# moutMy; ?5M Loan. Ri? 10-? monthly ;EI.OM Ijoa n. £3-5 monthly Larger amounta. lower I rat's. Quarterly and yearly payments taken. No bills of sale, sureties, or in" ontuuries Absolute privacy guaranteed —The British Finance Co 20. Bridge-street, Bristol. Telephone: 1675. PERSONAL. LN ,Uncle Bert's Toff" Shop there is JL Standing Room Only." Uncle Bert and j his Son thank you for vovir help Yon are doine Your Bit as we did ours. Thanks!! Swansea, Thanks! I MARRIAGE Events, etc., Is. and ,?txmo: -?JL send atre: 40 yearK' exvprenee.- r. I Wrifrht. Market Souare Chambers, Ponty- nridd. 2S3A6-56 r —WMW. IIP I——* I s{ HERALD OF WALES" IS NOW I ENLARGED SMALL ADVERTISEMENT ORDER FORM. I  _———?——. ——————— J—.——.—— '?——?.?.-j i ?? 'r-l r t !!t-tL' ■! rn I III In. IXIVu'Sm *1 II io.ui I.. I rnrr.i T, It ■■ ■» III < » 'JJI m»—i — ri-tr- T-l V 11,1 I* 1 '■ i. I' V *'1" W j "? j rtri ,r 1 .i —— r 1 lf* ™ « J 1' I i <' .) f ..mi. i"u»L'' iiuf'ifci W-11 t 1 ?? PIOMe PUBLISH, the above •DVWRTIFIEMEAT TIMES, for which I ENCLOSE. 4. Nam. and Addrwat R d?Te4, MpKet 'tn?y be CENT to Box NUMBERS at the Cambria. DAILY I*ader OBtce. THIS FORM SHOULD be ad4romd TO ADVWTISWUENT Dev??" CtTtbr? P&Uy Les#or," iswanses. -.—- -—. ASK YOUP. GRCCER FOR f I E IRI, TUB 8 Miitvre ■■ ■ "I 2-tb. baq fag weivilt. CKAMBERLAIH. POLE & CO. BRISTOL Ltd. Proprietors of" Sno-^ritift" S.R. Flout; Nutrex" Poultry and Pheasant Foods; "Rapid Growth" Chick Food J Rapid Flight" Pigeon Mixture, & £ Established HaU-a-Century TRADE ANNOUNCEMENTS. Ä ïïF. yoU thinking of your Summer Holi- ?-L da,? Go prepared with a reliable Rain- coat. Get it at John Richards 1lmCóat coat. Get it it J<,nii k-iobar(is 2!)4A6-19 | ALFRED TENNENS. Ladies' G-ent' i AT&ilor. makes all kinds of Ladies' Cos. tumeê. Riding Habite. and every kind ofl Sporting and Riding Garmenc* for Gents"; gu»arante63 to he one of the finest cutters < in the trade.-6. Cradock-street Swansea í 287A6-14 BRRiVTHE FR.BELY. Mtroline" Natal -D SpeciRc QUickJy c?rr?ts 6t.uf8nese. &nuf- Hing, na.<Ml digch?ree a?<! obstructions in I M?e and throat of children and adults. Use it to or?vent and cure Cold in the H6ad. laeuenM. Na?ai Catarrh. and Hay Fever Of leadin Chemists eveiTwhere 1/3 (by pst 1/5. Sold by E Bevan. Nelson- strM!t:?.T. David MMsei-etreet. D It. Da?iea St. E?eR's-road: J T. D&Ti?. Ltd (all branches): H. L. HaTard, Bvynymor- roM G. H Kent 45 St, Helen's-road: E. J. Kieft. Robert-street Manselton; ?. )■ ?:T thews. O:dord-strcÙ: B. Needham. Neath. road: OdenB. Cash ûbemíst. Ltd High- I Street: J. and D. Rees. Fabian-street, St I Thomas and Port Term ant: E. T. Rich. Hish street: E W. Eichards. College-street: E I Thoma&. High-street: Wriaht and Son. Walter-road, SWANSEA: W. T Thomas. Gorseiiion; M. L. Beva' 99, Woodfield- gtreet: W. Ltaac. 66 Woodfield-street, MOR- RJSTON: and ail Chemiste in Neath CIGARStteB from 348 1,000, assorted: Sample Hundred in packets of 10's. 4a. 9d. poet free.-Abberley 79. Windsor- road. Penarth. 291A6,16 I G. ENERAL sèTice- Ribbon-on-;nu. d.: I ?.)r postage. 2d. Bilk Eibton, six inches. 1.froo.-}faggs BMS.. 13. Wiiid-etrest. Swa.na,. 294A6-16 TVbR L?&OHERT8E?'ncal E?sineer I wishes to inform bie o'd CustomerB and the Public generally that his-Chief Electri. cal Engineer. ,who ioined H.M. Forces, has returned to bis employ. The Electrical Dc- partment being now thoroughly equipped with an Efficient Staff of Electrical Engin- eers Electrical Work of every description can now be carried out. Beating ana Power Installations mv Speciality. Your etiauiries solicited. 223 Oxford-street Swan. PIANOFORTE TuninFb; H. iis, 25  years with Godfrey and Co.. Ltd., and Ja.o manager of Sw.mea Br&nch; 22. I Chap?l.?rect. MiuuWt-s, ■ 294A61^ PRINTING de LuM.-PricM'D?ht.—? ± BiUh?<Is. 3s. 6d.: samples free. Also our brochure on grintins." and estima te. — W. H. Jones (Dept. C). 50. Green-lauea. London. 1.6. W3A6-18 R-UPTUn-E- Pcs:t]Te!v Cured.—?'ree Tral f rom Le Brasseur SLira?cal ?ffg Co.. ) Ltd.. Dcut. M.Y., 90 and 92. Worcester-street, Birmingham^ Work?: Pass.v. Paris. SiURCflCAL Appliances.—Trusses, Sprays. ) Enemas. SurgeOns' Rubber Gloves a.^d SMr?ica) Rubber Goode of every deacriptiot? Write for CatdogÜa. sent ?st free.—Le Bras?eur Sargicai Co.. Ltd. 'Dept. D.V.). M and 92. Worcester-street. Birmingham. Q A_LADS of all land? Daily Arrival I O direct from tne ya-Ie of Evet5nam Eit.anuel Thomaa andSen Swansea. SALE now on at D^ocS's. Arcatfte, Bar- gains in Novels (New and Second-hand); i Bible under coM: &ct? of Commentaries: I Ercycloprediae. and al! kinds of Books.— Call t()!J_!he stock S9LA6?6 QID?RY PAL?Rs—fhe Kot<.d Firm fo+ J Wedding aU Birthday (?UAce-, Large Assortment of C?jKs and Pa,stri tresh ?aity; Teas and Co?' Oppoeite Empire. Nine Branches 291AM6 QUN BLINDS ?sDrias roUM-8). Hook-un O Blinds Tents. Awnings, Flam Tar. I o?ulins. Cart Cover3 ani Loin Cloths.— I 14orfran and Richardson (Limited), Manu- facturers, 30. Womar by-street (opposite Castle Clock Tower). Cardiff I UNCLE BERT S Full Cream, Walnut and U. Almond Totfec ate now on Sale at bis 1 Oxford-street Shon. Pre-war Quality The I First and the Best >goJ.AS,ts D -jlM:OND Rl?s<?Second-ha.nd a -L? La,rKe Stone in heaYV claw mount. £ 90: 5-stone half-boop, £ 20 • also a. Quantity at lower pric63.—Bnllock B" OA WATCHES for Sale: an 4ifferent. and so in oerfect ?oine order: travellers' eaicplee; offered at wholesale prices. Call and inspect at Bullock Bros.. Portland- j; street ^Swansea. "tTE ca.n Alter any email-sized Watch into j f r a wristiet, in three days, with strong 9-carat Gold Expanding Bracelet, £ 4; in silver And rolJed-^o'd 25a— Bullock Bros.. Portiand-street Sr-ansea. 293A6-18 Mills, English, and Co., Ltd., Swansea, I Specialities. SERVANT GONE?— We have Vacuum Oar. I Pet Sweepers in Stock, 1 r BAE iNG ?-? Rh? for" our"?M)!!?" the i L nuiok t,ure. P ARUHJRFrnE.-The Phnc?f ar&t? ? taohment will save voa U3ins bricke torfuei economy. G I AS.-If you uee it do not forget the sup Ply is reduced, A small Dover" will burn rubbish, and cook and boil for 14 persona We do it. Call and bee. UGLY Fireplaces causo discontent. -Call y and see our Artistic Mantelpiece#, Malkin Panels and Eagle Fire Grates. ?p URN your KitcheB?nto a< Br"wf.;Fl J- room by anc?ing the Twin Interior. which has hot water parlour fire and un- seen oven combined. EDUCATIONAL. WRITE OR I[: w "î;J J. F- j  801 M. M&fy St. | j CARDIFF. | 'i 9 SAILINGS. WHITE STAR LINE. ROYAL AND TTNITED STATES MAIL STEAMERS Passenger and Freight Sailings- LIVERPOOL TO NEW YORK. BELGIO .Sat. June 14 Li V ERPOOL TO BOSTON BALTIC .Mon. June j6 VEDIO .8at. June it SOUTHAMPTON AND CHERBOURG TO NEW YORK. (Via, Plymouth Eastbound. Sailings to be annoaiiced shortly. WHITt: SI A?!- DOM IN! ON LINE. TO CANADA. LIVERPOOL TO QUEBEC AND MONTREAL. MEG ANTIC _Sat. June 21 BRISTOL TO QUEBEC AND MONTREAL. DOMINION .Sa.t. June 14 For further particulars apply to White Star Line Liverpool. Southampton, Bristol: London: 1. Co^ksspur-street. a.WJ. »-nd 38, Leadenhall street. E.C.3.

< Children's Corner.

For -the Ladies. I


