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LEADER CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS. SCALE OF CHARGES. 20 WORDSand under—3, INSERTIONS —ONE SHILLING. PRSVATE NOTICES. Thrae Insertions.-One shilling for 20 words, and 3d. extra for wery 5 wartu more. LOST AND FOUND. Threa I nsartions.-One shilling and six- pence for 20 words, and 4d. extra for every 5 words more. BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, DEATHS, IN fvJEMGRIAM, AND SYMPATHY NOTICES. One Insertion.-Two shillings for 20 words, and 6<2. extra for every 5 words more. This Soaie does not apply to Advartiss- ments from Corporate or Publio Bodies, Bankruptcy or Liquidation Notices, Sales and Let by Tender. HEAD OFFICE- LEADER BUILDINCS. SWANSEA. Telephones: 1134 Central (Eleven Lines). Telegrams: Leader, Swansea." LONDON OFF!CE- 151, FLEET STREET, E.C. Telephone: 2276 Central. LLANELLY OFFICE- LONDON BUILDINGS, THOMAS-ST. Telephsns: No. 174. NEATH OFFICE- ALFRED STREET (Telephone No. 250). TRADE SPEEIALITIC-S. OMATO PLANTS, fiDe. big, fruit eoon, 9d. doz.; Grand Stuff, worth 2s., to clear le. cloz.; Cucumber Plants free. Thousands Bidding Plants cheap, Marguerites, Geraniums, Fuchfties, Sfffrt Peas; Oucuni- kers in pots, M. each; Celery, Is. 6d. 100.— King-'e Nurseries (by the Stream), Ty-cooh- ro-adi, Sketty. 85A6-23 T?AZORS, Scissors, Pea and Pocket Knives, Gardoeii Shears, etc.. ground doily.-T. Ward Davies, Practical Cutler, 7, Nekon- 6trwt, Swansea. 85A6-18 JitlRE New Milk Delivered Twice D-aily, Wholesale and Retail; New-laid Eggs; Gutter and Cream; Prompt Deliveries. Kanjuel, St. Caradog Dairy. Central Tel. IT 3y4. C10-S -< QAST^OFF Clothing and Furniture of Every Description Bought to any Amount for cash; postcards receive prompt a't't(!I'tiOT) best prioeF3 given.—.Note address: fiuck, 15 and 16, Prince of Wales-road, Swan- flea. To Buyers: A Large Selection of goods ^^choosp from.. up as re- quired from our Wholesale Ware- u°'ises. Leading Brands Stocked. William kloyd. Ltd.. Gower-street, Swansea "OR Umbrellas and Repairs try W. Noble. 1, lligh-street Arcade. Re-covering a. Speciality. OTEL Bar Fitters, Manufacturers of Beer Engines, Washups, Corkdrawers, spirit Measures, Seatings, Tables, Games or ll kinds, Skitties-W. I. Vaughan. V'H-prj's-place, Cardiff. OOMFORTABLE ffork at Rome.- nitting Machines, Best and Cheapest; Cash or Hirs. Also a few good Bargains in Second- batid Knitters, equal to adw; reliable. leat- 1.871).-W. Griffiths, 50, Queen-street, el\th. RJ 1? i?d- P, AYA -Afi C,&- ery kind; 2 advice to beginners; also details pay- ',?'S ? agency; easy terms; c&t?alogue free.-  Sandpits, Birmingham C''? P MOLYNEUX, Ltd., Fish Merchants, 1? High-street, Swansea. Cheapest S.°^so "in Town for Fish of all Varieties; ?Gsalo and Retail. Trial Solicited M. Froodmari & Son's Announcements. h EGATTA GLASS.-l(6. 6d.—Powerful ?? Tel,?,?op, 50 miles' range. acromatic lellc,w, minshade; a. bargain—Freedman, ^•^lle-ge-st/rei'^t, Swansea. Q /» GOOD, Powerful OT)em G1<M», 8 per- "? f?-t ?ast. long ra.nE?. good field, rf6('t vision.—Froedman, OoiJege-street, Swansea. -Pi 7? 6d —Powerful ?6aT"' &La?. long ?- r?g? la.r? fild, M?m?ic l?n-.?- •F^edmotn, Swansea. £11Zs, 6d-Very Powerful Marine G?ae? long range, large &€Jd. i?rfMt lu&æ; a hai gain.—Freedmaji. Zs. Od.—»4ecorid-hend Captain's Gløæ. w very powerful, long range; originaLy £ 5.—Friedman, College-street. £4 4&. 0i.-Prismatic Glass. by renowned D.oker, perfect, 10 magnifications, e^«ry dctfi.il perfectionFreedman, College- ,It,lvet, Swansea. C6 13 Myrddin Davies's Announcements. ?YRDDIN'S Indigestion and Liver Ma- 14 ture, an Excellent Prepa-ra?ion for "dipxsstion, Heartburn, Pains in the Pit of ?e Stomach, Vomiting, F!?tn!eucy. Gas- ?"is. etc.; per bottle, Is. &Ti;i 2a. Myrddin ??Ties M.P.S., Chemist, 238, High-street, ??aBsaa (bottom of High-street). T.O. b -Lt. NOBLE'S Backache and Kidney Pills, specially Recommended for Kidney "roubles. Backache, Congestion of the Kid- neys, Inflammation of the Bladder, Gravel. c. per box, Is. and 2s. 6d. Myrddin Savies. M.P.S., Chemist, 2J8, High-street. Swansea (bcttom of High-street). T Q. "VflBDDEN'S Liver a most eflt-c- J; tivo little Pill for Torpid Liver, Bil- "ouscesa Dizziness, Headache, Constipa- on Sold in bottles, 6d. and lOid.—Myrddin Navies, M.P.S., Chemist, 238, lligh-street, twELnsea (bottom of High-street). T.O. THE American Oorn Plaster is unciouot- cdly the most effective Corn Plaster Manufactured. Try ib oncc, then judge; no Jailure, no harassing corns; no paiu or burL lng; easy to put on; readily cures; 7Jd.; tr ;.ost 8d.-Myrddin Davies, M.P.S., 268, ^igh-street, Swansea (bottom of High- Street. T0- "pLARTIO Stockings, 23. 6d. each, 1b. 5d. 2: per Pair; Anklets, Is. 10d.; Kaoe Caps. Leggings, Ea.; all sizes; Briti-.i make.- YIddin Davics, M.P.S., Chemist, 238, High- W'tf fct, Swansea. '(bottom of High-street). T.C. T IT-USSES! Trusses! Trusses! in all sizes; double or single.-Myrddin Davies, 238, High-street, Swansea (bottom "f T.O. MISCELLANEOUS SALES. IP OR SAix,, cheap, a new Automatic Knit- (, ting M,achiue.—Can be seen, at Jones, T n.rhoi"L, Pontardulais. 85A6-18 TjNlTO, for coupling any two Cyclcs feici'e ki by eide; oteering connected; price 17e. •d- Motor Set. 2ie. Illustrated Booklet on i'Jation.-UnitQ Coupling Co., Pit?a? x. 8!)A6-1$ t?IH8MOiD BilMcaloi?CHaeaee (&nita.ble for r the Re?tM.); cost 0 SELL 20a.—?, Nor- '?k-str?t. _u MA6-18 H?OR ALE, ten Meet BBn<)he? <M 8-fctA Be?sl?s.-Apply pr,>prie", Lockky ??, Crad cck-strMt, 8?a,n9e?. 8?A618 ?OTORr?ody?for?aIo.r ? nowT ?ocd. ,Wl bUnd? t?tji?. cushions, aH oomplece. A"Dly' Jonea. Confectioner, 44, Whiottmgton- Neath.  J?R SALE. Q?ntity of BrM?SIa,? ana  Old Iron, at the Old 8wan?. Waggon Orka, Port, Tennant, Swane&a. For parti- e'u J.a.n. a,ppoly Estate Office. Brrtonferry. Co-21 DRAWINGS, "S7"ES~N"rNG Nurabera for the Art Drawing .MIt of Mrs. Bo wen, Trnycoedcae, p -2&, 2238, 432. 1333, r" 341 516. 2392, 2757, 28.U, 507. 567. 175, t753, u.f. Jt}. rJVu, ¡;,¡ ='>.1, I. tv, ?- 2881. 157. ?HVx 21&. 73. 183. ?Z. 2M3, 26C3. M9.  m 936. 2?. 1.W1. 2M. ?59. WI? NT- ? All priMc mu?t. b? o?iisad wl?tn 14 ?-S<?.: &MMM- ah<)mo^ DoEryn-?'L J -??? 0&-19 f LOST AMD FOUND. LOST, Toy White PonnerajiisHi Dog, on Sunday, June 15tli; name on collar, Rocke, Bryaeiii.—Reward given if re- turned to Dr. Daniel Evans, 149. St. S«tei'e- road. 06-18 QTR-AvfTn to Lower House Farm. Port I Eynon, Gower, Dark Bay More Moun- I t-ain Pony, about 11 L-b- long ma-ne and tail, unshod, and in poor condition (with foal running at heel), white star on fore- head. If not claimed in seven daye will be sold to defray expenem.-John above address. 86A6-21 DOMESTIC SERVANTS WANTiiO, NTED, Toung Girl lle General, 18 to V V j 20.—Mrs. Evans, Grocer, 24, Park- etreet. 86A6-Z3 I "\j\rANTED, at ouoo, a strong, willing Girl. about 17, as Betweeomaid.—Mi«. J. 0. Yorke, Langton, Dwrbach, Petabrokeehire. 85A6-1S "OT^ANTED, a good General, aged 20 to Z5; early riaer; able to wash and do plain cooking.—Apply Wansbeck, Amman- ford, 85A6-21 GENERAL Servant, one able to uesiet in bar.—Apply Bed Oow lua, Bynea- 84A6-I8 W ANTED, respectable Girl as General; able to w«eh.—Apply 12, CheddOCBley- terraoe, Swanma. C6-21 GENERAL Servant Wanted, iciiirstli&iy. —Mrs. Davies, Station Inn. High-etrcet, owa,nsea. 85A6-18 AUNDRESS (experienced) Requ"vcL to .1 take family's washing; must be able to glaie.-Write "Killay", Office of this paper. 8ZA6-1ö ERRAND BOY WANTED. RESPECTABLE Boy Wanted; good woges. -Apply 29, Oxford-street, Swaiwea. 86 16-23 BOY Wanted.—We have a vacancy for tn-e J-P Smartest Boy in Swansea; good wages; good hours; no errands after el-ooing.-Appiy Gash Cic?hinc Co? XN..U?-h-??r?t. Swan-  TlT^ANTFD, strong Lad to deliver milk 6.nd to make himself geuorally useful; wages &3. per wook.-W. Sapuel, 1. Humphrey-street- 85A6-18 W A-'NTED, immediately, smart, clean Boy f f for evenings.—Apply Mcuiager, limp ire Theatra, Swaneesa. C6-13 Boyti Wanted for Quick sales of the (5 Leader," and eJ,)o Hwraid of Wales" and Mid-Glamorgan Reraild good money can be easily earned by tlmart and deter- mined boye.-Apply to following offices and a,genti! :-John Morgan, Woodfieid-etreet, Mroriston; Edwin Hemming, 39, Quroor, Neath; Charlie Evans, 72, Brynymor-road, Swansea; Ceaton. Mumbl-es. I ———————————————————— ———————————————! I TAILORS, Llto. rpAILORS.—Wanted, good (?oait U?ad. able J- to make 1Q,(Üœ and gonl's soats; in or outdoors; peimaiiency to saiitable nian,- Address to Tent," Leader, Swansea. 86A6-23 t? ANTED, iimu«li ately, exp?ri-enc?d Voucg La<iy aa alteration hand for Costume Dept.; one able to serre when re- quired preferred.—Apply to William T. Mor- ris, The Ladies' Realm, Uanelly. C6-19 ri lAl-LORS.-Wa,-ited, immediately, First- JL class Goat Tailor; also Trousers and Best Tailors; work outdoor.—Box E-6. Leader Office. T.C. AGENTS, AC., WANTED. S MART Men Wanted as Fuil and Sparo- time Agents throughout Swanooa., Neath, and Ajrtmaii Yaileyrs; early promo- tion amured to successful workers; splendid terms; ajs^istan.ee givou.-DryonU Glew- fryn," Tanylaii-road, Morrieton. 85A6-21 OFFICE BOYS. "V/VTANTED, at once, smart Office Boy.- Apply Box G-8, Leader Offioe, Swan- sea. 86A619 CLERSCS. AITAN=D, smart Youth for Office.-Apply » The British Wagon 00.. Swansea. C6-23 W A-NLTF,D. experienced Solicitor's Clerk; oomp-otent ahortha-ad writer and typiet.-Apply- Collins and Woods. Swansea. 86A6-23 APPRENTICES. SMART Improvers Wanted; to solicit; live o out; state wages.—Tom Lewis, Grooer, Caeaiawr. Morriston. 86A&-19 ""{;¡¡ÁNT};Ð. few good Juniora and lm- or t, provers, by Zõrd i-t-Thomes Bros., Grocery Goree.inon. C6-18 W ANTE-L),, a smart Improver to the Hair- t, dressing.—Apply EaDdY Moore, HaIr- d rearer, Nea.th. 85A6-13 ~\li TANTED, an Apprentioe to the Paintmg and Deoorating.-Apply W. H. Hard- ing, Uplands Yard, The Grove. Uplands. T.O. MISCELLANEOUS SITUATIONS VACANT. WANTED, at once, experienced Baker; W 3t€&dy men Q?ed o?? Apply. W rite Baker," l?dcf Om<?.UM?Uy?_ 06019 iTA) RTVe R-MECil/iNld Wanted, imrHedi- a Lely, to take full charge of garage; statQ age. m:delloo and wa?? requjrd. Apply BcWCH. MineJ-?1 Water Manufacturer MorH?n.  WANTED, good Navvy Ganger and good f" Navvies; muat be accustomed to Sewerage Works.-Apply to Griffith Davies, Contractor, Paxton-pl'ioe, Swansea. 84A6-19 OMART Youth Wanted.—Apply British M Wagon Oo.. Lid., Swan&oa. C6-2o DHODESIA, Jndm, Argentina, Nigeria., ltc. Trading- Houses, Mules, Plantations and clients, tihrcugh our iMormation, have secured excellent fcppoint- menta abroad. High salaries; jpassages paid. Clerks, Shop Aasistante, litze-, Car- pent/era, Mining M-an. and others should send stamped envelope for our arrange- merits, terms, and recent successes..—Meaei's. Coutts, Colonial Agents (Dept. 14), 235, High Holbom, London. 86A6-19 DRAPKRY.—'W anted, immedrieteiy. ei- -L? ??rienoed Young Dady for the Drapery; also Milliner.-?58, Oxiord-etroet? Swansea. 85A6-2 CHAUFFEUR.-Wanted. good Chauffeur, to take charge of Cais and run Electric Light Plant; one willing to make himself o^iierally useful preferred.—Apply by letter to Ikiward Mills. lrt>mey," Lang-land Ba.y, near Swansea- 80A6-21 —?.r?r:?'?r?? exponenced Young Lady ?Y for Stationery and Confectionery Bu.nn«ss;AppU. stating salary, with refer- enoes. to Box G-3, LaRder Offac* Swansea. 'r.ÃKTE-YOUng Man to Deliver .V f t Mineral Waters; must be accustomed to hoiwea- abstainer preferred.—Apply Bow-en. Mineral Water Manufacturer. 3joi, ;r><n 05-21 VV ANTED A Practical and Exp«rienoea W Manager for Aei?t?l Waterworks at Nc?th- good men ocJy ne?d apply, stating wages ??. A?t?." Leader O1ftc-O, Swanoes? '?'" VANMAN, to deliver bread; good saies- V man,-Apply 97, Brynymor-rcad. eSA6-1S "A ?ANTJC?JNERS—A?? dœiring to h?- A ?osn? St&w?rde, &&cW&t-('?sea. Waiters, Barrae.il, Engineers, Stobere. etc., send addressed to Wm. Breakell. Manager, 95, Shakespeare-street, Soutbport. 76A6-18 PIANOFORTE TONING. T^LANOFOKTK TUNING, 3s. 6fL; rwroaa- mendationg from Dr. Turpln. Gladstone, and Broadwood and Sona. Ptaaos frcai Bechstein. Hopkinson. Colb-rd. Brtesjaead, etc. Bale or Hirc.-Oharxe^ 62, Bzanawick-atreet, Swa-asea* k SITUATIONS WANTEU. "O E»SP EOTABLE, well-educated Youth (17) requires Situation in Office as Junior Clerk; willing to make himself ueful.-APPI-Y Box G-2, Leader Offioa, Simnsea. 85A6-I8 c !JRK (23) desires change; book-keeper; 5 years earlier; quick, accurate, ana thoroughly reliable; small salary to com- M-enco.-Apply Box F-4, Leader Office. 83A6-19 WANTED. position as Lady Book-keeper and Cashier; three years' experience; exoelletit reforenoes.-Apply D-9, Leader Offios, Swansea. C.T.D. MACHINERY, &0., FOR SALE. 150 PUMPS TANGYE SPECIAL STEAM PUMPS. 19in. x 12in. x ICin. 16in. x 9in. x 24in. 12iu. x 6in. x 24ia. 12in. x 6in. x lain. lOin. x Bin. x 12in. 6in. x 4in. x 12in. TANGYE VERTICAL PUMP, 9in. x din. x 12in. And Others, including— LARGE PUMPS, COMPOUND DOUBLE- ACTING, 14iu. and 22iii. x 14in. x 12m. COMPOUND DIRECT-ACTING PUMPS. 13in. and 22in. x 10ÜL. bucket x 24in. stroke. SEVERAL WEIR" FEED PUMPS. 3iin. and 5in. steam cyl. x pump. IMMENSE STOCK OF PUMPS FOR ALL PURPOSES. WILL LET ON HIRE OR PURCHASE HillE. LOWEST PRICES FOR CASH. Charles D. Phillips ¡ EMLYN & CENTRAL ENGINEERING wonKS AND FOUNDRY, NEWPORT, MON. Established 1867. Local Representative: Mr. ALBERT REES, Woodland House, Curwen-terrace, Port Talbot. A ROBEY Engine and Boiler for Sate, uncberxype, double, loin, cylinders; splendid condition; would take smaller Engine, pa.rt payment.—To view, appiy Ponsford. Highbury Chambers, Newport, Mon. C6-21 MORTAR MIUi? Engine. Sa-wbMich, aHd .rH. Ston-o Breaker W&nted.—Full partd- culars and prioo to Box G-4, Leader Offioe. Swansea. C6-21 FOR SALE, excellent second-hand 18m. -C cylinder by 36in. stroke Horizontal Oondensing Engines by Tangye, complete with flywheel, belt, pulley and condenser.— Goo. V. Perry, Gloucester-place, Swansea. 83A6-19 IMPERIAL Gas, Oil, Petrol Engines aud Suction Plants from 1 to 100 b.h.p. Manufactured by Keighley Gas and Oil Engine Co., Ltd. Beet and Cheapest Engines in the world. Numbers working in South Wales.—Full particulars and prices from Sole Agent: Frank Mumi, Engineer, Cardilf. C9-3 MACHINE TOOLS of every description; largest stock in Great Britain; workfl equipped; cash or terms; machines ex- c"nged; inspection invited; entire Vit. pnrchaeed; e?tiniat?B free.—Oentaur Tool Works, Ltd., Grove-street, Smethwick, Bir- mingha,m. C9-1 BOILERS (50). up to Itoibs. preesui^e; a,is,6 -D Machinery, good second-hand,—Join Stringer and Son, Dopt No. 65, Blackburn. en FOR SALE. 14-15 N.JkL.P. Loco type Boiler I- by Robey; quite sa new; fitted with Donkey Pump.—Apply to G. a. Richmond, Engineer, Llanelly. TO SUCTION GAS ENGINES AND PLAaN fS Fielding's Patent. Gold Medal Award-id. Size 9 to iOO B.H.P.t 10 B.H.P. foi Id. per hour. Cheapest power known. Hundreds working. CatftiojTues Free. Write presant cost, and we will how saving to be effected. Few Steond-hwd Glaa Cheap. Engines for Cinemas a SpeSialitj. -Sole Makers: FIELDING AND PLANT, GLOUCESTER. CARRIAGES, HORSES, &cM FOR SALE. OR SALE. a. good Second-hand Oart, suit- S ablo for a grocer or fruiterer.—Apply G. Bowden,, Wheelwright, Morriston. C6-13 KIOS SALE, a. Small Brake, carry eight persons, and a Pair of Harnessu—Apply John Jones, 1, Boundary-plaoo, Mason-road, Gomeinon C6-19 HOUSES FOR SALE AND TO LET. fpO LET, to an approved tenant, a modern House in Bay-street, Port Tennant, containing- eix rooms and bathroom, etc.— Apply John Pye, Ovvmbwrla. C6-19 WITL P.Ichave House on Mumbles cAviOtJ Cliff, throo minutes from train; 4 large rooms, back kitchen, bathroom, and large outhouse. Further particulars, ?ro?a," Leader OS<?. 85A6-18I IfbDE- t -Let, 6iX rooms, 42, Fabiaii- —- f,trce% St. Thomae.—Apply Ow?n. The i Rhyddings, Brynmill. 85A6-18 I ijiiii, Ilairt of House, BTyn-road; graud sea view; Furnished or Unfurnishca; Drawing and Dining-rooms, two or three bedrooms^ use of kitchen and scullery, hot and cold ba-ili, telephone and all other con- veniences; two kitchens.—Apply Box G-s, L&ad-or Offioe. 05-21 FOR ,HALE, Freehold liouoo and Laige Garden, at Norton. Mumbles.—Apply S. J. Porter, The Bank. Three Croeces. 84A6-20 !110R BALE. No. t. 3 and 4, Baptist Well- street, with Stables and Outbuildings attached.—For particulars apply G. Coombs, 3, Baptist Well-street, Swansea. 62A6-1 6 FOR SALE. several well-built Houses on Æ majn road at Port Tennant and Dany- graig, with baths (h & c); well let and in good Posit-ion.-Apply 0. Williams and Co., Builders, Cambrian-place. T.C. FOR 'A-LE, I)etaehod Vill" at Drwen •L Pawr, near Blackpill; quarter of acre ground; flao view, healthy position, and con- venient trams and trains; gas and Water throughout; modern conveniences.—Apply C. Williams and Co.. Builders, Cambrian- place. T.C. FOR SALE, Semi-detached Villa, eituare JL Park View, overlooking Cwmdonkin Park, oontaining all modern conveniences; also Semi-detached Villa situate Eaton Crescent, Uplands.—Apply W. H. Harding, Uplands Yard, the Grove. Swansea. EG "Joseph Harris's Announcements] w A-T;fER'S-TEILRACV,, Walter-road.-Ex- cellent House for Sale, with every con- venietide; back entrance.—Apply Joseph Harris, Auctioneer, G«org»nstreet, Swansea. Tal. No. 469 Dock6.. UPLANDS CRESCENT. — Substantially- built Residence for Sale; in vlendid oondition.-Apply Joseph Harris, Auctioneer, George-street, Swansea. Tel. No. 469 Docks. MAESTEG VILLAS, St. Thomas.—Splendid ?- i House for ale, with bath (h & c); grand position.—Apply Joseph Harris. Auc- tioneer G'Gorg.HStreet, Swansea. Tel. No. 469 Docks. WESTBOURNE G ROVE. Sketty.-Well- I built IJOU60 for Sale, cheap; lease 999 yeare—Apply Joseph Harris, Auctioneer, George-street, Swansea. Tel. No. 469 Docks. C6-21 HOUSES WANTED. "jl-rANTBLTON. — Wanted to Purchase, -J- Houee, prMe not to eteeed L?no.-write with full particulans and lowest prioe to "Purchase," Leader Ofiice. 86A6-19 FURNITURE, &0., FOR SALT. TJTOR SAIE? aa?nhoe 00 immediate pnr- L' cr. Baby's Double Ma?lo&r; white b<xly, gTeen abadea.—A??y GumWon. S?. C!?TBnc?atreet,. 86A6-19 -a, 't 4 ■fitOB'SAJiii. PznaT new; J- sell f<w jOs; • i Karsa.in. —F. X'krgftfi. 12. i M;1;=;¿1: j  eYoeji?T.i. fx,n'M<j"L: -i. j street, 1IumI"'t.. l, 33 I MU-FUR CARS, CYCLES, &C.t FOR J SALE. FOR SAIiE, 7 h,p, Indian aaid Milla Juiford Sidecar; both 1913 models; not on the road 3 months; cost with aU accessories 1110; r so,, for selling, owner buying car; sacrifice for £ 90.—Apply W. Ernest Tate. Dental Surgeries, 128, London-road, Neath. C6-23 "|"OTOR. oYOLE for Saiev 34-hjt, Magnowa, good running order; inspection invited; no reasonable offer refused.—Apply 30, Midland-ternace, Morriston. £ 6A6-19 Ol H.P. P. & M. Motor Cycle and Sidecar, "2 2 speed, free engine; all spares and accessories, and in thorough condition.— Apply P. ajid M," LECider Offioe. 86A6-23 1 Q1 9 GENTPs' Cyole, unaoiled, wiLh B?A. 1913 Z?? gear; ?4 4s, b&rgedn.—Write "Avon," Leader Office. 84A6-20 F OR SALE, Motor Cyc:?, ?, Bas'l<Mi Aim- strong, .h; ms,. ?1 for £ 40; only ridden Bico weeks; reason for eoil-ng,l owner buying car.—Apply 84. Oxford-street, Swansea. 83A6-1S Ivor L. Roberts' Announcements. TTUMBKREl7rE Cycle Cat in stock. Please I call and inspect it. Orders booked Bow. Early deliveries guaranteed. C.T.D. BOOK Now for Early Deliveries of A. J-S., Enflelds. Dougias, Humbers, Rudge Motor Cycles; also Swift Cycle Oara. C.T.D. T HAVE in stock oeveml up-to-date S?ccnd- hand Motor Cycica, including 1912 Indian, B.S.A.'s. Triumphs. Enfields. P. and M.'s, Bradbury's, N.S.U., New Hudsons, Premiere and A.J ,8. Prices from £ 10 to £55. Send postcard or call for List.—Ivor L. Roberts. Oxford stme;. r<vr>n«e« C.T.D. M US a C A OECOND-HAND Upright Grand Pianoforte and American Organ for Sale; hand- some instrument; oash. or easy terms.—Sims, Z. Waiter-roed. 35A6-18 G 0 L D MEDAL PIAMUa WADDINGTON & SONS. Ltd.. STATION RUAD POST 'rALBOI' (oppœlt the County ????- E6t&bhah<.d 1838 A C)TETA L PIAI#iJFORIEh ".Ii U>ACI UEEBS PIANOS from 10s. 6d.; ORUAIsS froai AL Monthly, SOLE AGENTS for the Kastner Antopiano and the Celebrated Sterod Interior Playei liano, also Ritmuller Double eound- bosrd Piano, Rinnermen, ivldorf auu other well-known German MAK^'TS. SPECIAL AGENTS for Pianoo and Orgonn by all the Leading Makers, including fvord (of Pari), Alhn. Bell, Mason and Hamlin, Kara, Farrand, Hamilton. fia-. Dominion, Packard, impeiiai Co., £ >priiigfie2d and others. WADDINGTON'S always have a Good Seleo- tion of SHOP-SOILED and oECOND- HAND InstrumeiiUB for Bale at Low Prices. Write for Catalogues* arul partioulara. WADDINGTON'S Allow Railway Fares to purchasers. WADDINGTOJTS, FTATION-ROAD (opposite the Ctvunty Schools), PORT TALBOT. And at CaidifP, Perth and D J. Snell's Announcements. OECOND-HAND Upright Grand Piano, by s J. and J. Hopkinson, in fine walnut case;, a l-eally good piano; £ 12.—D. J. Snell. 14a, Iligli-street Arcade, Swansea 86A6-19 QECOND-HAND Uprigiit Giand Piano, by Coventry and Co.; iron fi-ame; walnut CMe; fine tone and touch; tremendous bar- gain, £ 15 15s. I), J. Gndl, 14a, High-street Arcade, Swansea 66A6-19 QPENCEIc Upright Grand Piano; just re- IV turned from hire, and slightly soiled; full iron frame, check action, beautiful tone; 22 guineas, bargain.—D. J. Snell, 14a, High-street Arctwie. 86A6-19 Y,9 Organ with eleven stops, two knee 6wells, very powerful tone; genuine bargain.-D. J. Snell 1411., High- street Arcade, Swansea. 86A6-19 -n 9 ?-Orga,n by dou?h and Wan-cr, £ 12 with high carved top, 13 stope. 2 knee swellis, beautiful aud powerful tone; fri,ea-t bargain. D. J. Sn^ll, 14a, High-et.reet Arcade, Swansea E6A6-19 NOTICES. .lUMBLEs.Vhitiu'" the Mumbles? cior,?t forget to ?)i and ?? Madame Desmond, the "^cll-know ji .Paimist, who is I carrying on business next to the Cinema, The Dunns. 85A6-13 T> EGATIA DAY" and Thursday, Henry A S?Une'a Dehtal &ooma, 53, High?treet, Swans-en (light opp-osite G.W.R. Station), will be Open as usual from 9 till 8. Country patieiitt3 please not/o: Train fare allowed. New Teeth; Repairs; Misfits Remade; Painlcso Extractions; All Advice Free. 83A6-1S T> E. ?iOMASrih???d'Wa??tc fro: )J. Prefer. late Waunwen-terra(?0, intimat<Ð3 that owing to sickness in family, L??o has left his Briva,t? addrcas for summer mon?hs. Orders m?y now be t?k?n at Hint Mill Yard <?- a?, O?ic?, Broad Quay. Tel.: 137y Central. 83A6-19 'l'HE South w Ea?uiry AncY, Svan- .1.Prompt attention &11 bhsinees; abooluoo eecy guaranteed. 83A6-19 T\Ti5 Y PAY ii?K?p?jc:iMthe?mty W A?ura,u? Society and Buy Your Own Hous'-e. Agents Wanted.-Apply Mr. Cadifor Samuel, Andrew^treet, Llanelly. C6-1D ^MART Turn-outs for Hire; Horses, Ponies, ? T-Po, W01H3tOOø. Governess Cars, I Ralli Cam Brak?. Commercial Vaua.-W. J-T'U, Victoria M?v?s. 6. Franci&street, Avenue, Swaneea..—.??. Tel.: 184yl. 82A6-J8 T LANW3TYD WELLS (Victoria Wells).— Sc-hool-s, ChoirR, etc., Well Oatened 1'01; splendid accommodation; amongst beauti- ful mountain eoenery; moderate ta).-iff.- Jenkins, proprietor. 80A6-23 M ME EANN, L, 1,ECL,&ABS, PariL-kan IfX Palmist, Phrenologist, Ladies' Special- ist Advice daily, 10 a.m. till 9 p.m.—Alex- andra Arcade, Swansea. Engagements ar- ranged for Bazaars, Garden Fetes, etc.. at Special Reduction. BUSINESS PREMISES TO LET. rjX) LET, One ioit-, kft. Igft., good head- 1.1. rQom and light; aleo one Oart House, suitable for motor; situated in Northamp- ton-lane.—Apply David Evans and Co., Ltd., Swansea. 85 A 6-23 TpOR SALE, Double-front House in Glan- J.: brydan-aveiiue; ail modem conveni- ences; vacant Juno 24th. Corner Shop and Premises. Bernard-stroot and Beechwood- road, for Sale, 22ft. frontage, nine rooms and shop also stable or garage at rear.- Apply Edmund Tucker, 31, Glaiibrydaw- avenue, Swansea. 84A6-21 A .N bA'l'li.l'o be Let as from 24th Juno-, spacious Plate Glass front Lock-up Shop, with office a.nd cellar, situate Parade, Neath, opposite Castle Hotel, and at present 4 tnd at present used as a Hairdressing and Toilet Saloott.- Apply to Henry Pariainter, Estate Agent, Neath. 85A6-21 PORTH.-Por Immediate Swle, Valuable Business Premises known the Pala-ce Theatre, PorLh (formerly the Town Hall), situated at the junction of the two Rhondda's; the finest site in the business portion of this important centre. The Premises contain on Ground Floor very large and commodious Shops, with a splen- did Driving Way (easily convertible into an Aroa-de). On 1st Floor large and com- modious Hail and Offioee; excellent situar- tion for a Bon Marche Establishment.- Further particular's and for price, apply Mesera. Champney Fream and Oorke, Solicitors, King-street, Gloucester. 06-18 rpo LET, from 29th September noext., two Offices in Highstiwt.-Write Box G-7, Leader Office. 85R6-KJ TibNOA^fER—'ToTjSToii loosoe. Shop ànd — House, main street, centre of town; an excellent position.—Alfred Stubbs, Askern, Yorkehire. MA19 rLET, Double-fronted Shop in prominent position, High-etreet, Gorseinon; suit- a for arty businelo.-Apply c/o Poet Office, Gorseinon. 82A6-1B —r—- 11111 — J 1 I  -— — —- ?' ?n?'?f!?? 1 ??..?-?. 7-: L-.nj;- b'?N! J'ute t? -?4 SIUI'H, gt% r.; by Nurbv :? :? 'I t .)..r, Hwtu*. '—? ?'?i BUSINESS FOR DISPOSAL. j COAL Busirtesa, Horse, Trolley and Yard for iak, good oonnection; price of lot ,E46.-Ma,D,ey-, 23, Oaerphilly-street, Cardiff. 86A6-19 ]'OR SAIiE, Olydaoh Steam Laundry; new oonoern; modern maohimry .-Apply Laundry Oo., Clydach, near Swansea. 84A6-18 "POR SALE, Two Fruit Businesses, situate in Oxfcrd-street and High-ctreet. Astley Sejnuel, Auctioneer, Swansea. C6-19 A GENERAJJ Business for Disposal m bliy a.liy, with bakehouse; low rental; no re-nableoffer refused.—Apply M.W^" Leader 0ffice. S6 A6-1S TO L ET. Q0EDSAE30N ESTATE, SKETTY.—Ploits, occupying choice ixisitions and com- manding the finest views in the neighbour- hood, for Sale and to Let. On account of the increasing demand for land on this Estate, intending puroL-aisers are advised to make early application to the Secretary: Mr. David Roberta, 19, Heathfield-street, Swapom. ml8 EDUCATIONAL. T>OYAL ACADEMY OF MUSIC, YORK GATE. MARYLEBONE ROAD, LONDON, N.W. Instottrtesd 1822. Incorporated by Royal Charter 1830. THE METROPOLITAN EXAMINATION of Mosrcal ('J'(}mpÇ@.:õra. Performers and 'iv-aohom. Successful Candidates are created Licentiates of the Royal Academy of Music, and have the sole right of appending the lelt,ore Jj.ivA_.ll. to their names. The Examinations are iioid during the Summer amd CiirsstuifiB Vacations. Last day for entry for the September Examination, 30th June, 1913. Syllabus, Entry Form. and all further information may be obtained on application to J. F. FRICKER, Esq, A.R.C.O., Sterndale House, St. Helen's-road, Swansea, Honorary Local Representative; or to F. W. Renaut, Secretary. sT.A,GE *-Iadies, Gentlemen, Talented Chil- dren prepared for Theatrical, Music Hall Profession; step dancing, musical novelties taught-; every requisite mpplied.- Address Box G-5, Leader Office. QTUDETxTS Trained to a Speed of 100 Worde a Minute in PITMAN'S Short- hand. Civil Service Candidates Successfully Prepared for iSxaminations. Numerous &Ðoont Su.coe& L6a.rners and- Sorters, Swansea and Ixmdon. Lessons given in Arithmetic, Book-keeping, Trigonometry, etc., Ladies and Gentlemen. Sncoese Guar- anteed.—Mr. J. Harris, Shorthaad Teacher, 56, Oxford-street, Swansea. Day and Even- it:: Cla. FIXTURES WASTES. l?1 1 -f u R E S W A N T E E). /?BOVESEN?' C?. ha.ve a?m? Open Dates- GApply L. A. Waltem. Hon. Sec., Sunny Bank, Groveoend. 85A6-1S M SCELLANEOU8 WANTS. \4rA.NTED, good wavy ooated Retriever t. Dog; must bo used to children; good guard. State price.-Apply Retriever," Leader Office, Neath. 85A6-16 G- OOD strong 'Turf Required for Vetch Fioeld.-Stat particulars to Secretary, 130, King Edward-ree.d. 85A6-18 TTAULAGE Oontmctors.—Price Wanted for -— 4,000 tons Slag, dolivered on Cockett to Wvumarlwydd New Road.—Bill, Oontractom, Sketty. 83A6-19 41. QUPERIOR Apartments, with or without board; good cooking and attendance; pleasant situation; terms moderate.—Apply Comfort," 44, Maivern-te rrace. 87A6-19 LET. Lodgings for two respectable Young Men; use of bithrooni.56, Danygraig-terraoe. 85A6-21" APARTWE^JS WANTED, w ANTED, in Swansea, for a. lady, Bed- f sitting-room or sitting-room and bed- room, with or without board; preferably near the buy.—'Perma to R. JI. Hanson. High-street, Gorseinon. 84A6-20 SAILINGS. WHITE STAR-LINE ROYAL KAIL TRS PLG-SCREW STEAMER. OLY'MPiC (46,539 tone). LARGEST BRITISH STEAMER. SOUTHAMPTON—NEW YORK. Via Cherbourg and Queeostown. ROTA-L AND UNITED STATES MAIL SERVICE, Calling at Queenstown Westbound and Plymouth Eastbound. Ooeanics.Wed.June 18 Olympic.Wed.June 25 And regularly thereafter. Liverpool to New York Liverpool to Boston via Queenstown. via Queenstown. *Cym ri c.lues. July 1 Arabic.Tuea. July is (a,'Oari-jes only 2nd and class. ♦"Arabic" and "Cymric" carry 2nd and 3rd class passengers only. CANADA WHITE STAR DOMINION SERVICE. LARGEST STEAMERS IN CANADIAN TRADE. LIVERPOOL—QUEBEC—MONTREAL. TeTitonM.TuojDno 17 Lanrentic.Tnee.JuD6 24 For further particulars, apply to the ?l"al Agent; or to WHITE STAR LINE. 30. '¡ataee-tret, Liverpool; Southampton; IL Oockspur-street, 8. W REd os. Leaden. HGUlSAY CRUISES. ROUt-D GREAT BRITAIN without change of steamer, from Swansea once fort- nightly, from end of June, and calling at Plymouth, Hull. Leith (Edinburgh), Dundee, Aberdeen, Stromness (Orkneys), West Coast of Scotland, Bristol and Cardiff; 14 days; fares from iA inclusive of meals.—Apply to 1\1. La-nglands and Sons, Liverpool; or F. H. Tucker and Coy. Adelaide-street, Swansea. OOCKE1TS BRISTOL CHANNEL STL AM r PACKET CO. LTD. EEGULAFE PASSENGER SERVICE and EXCURSIONS—SWANSEA to ILPEACOMBE. THE P.S. BRIGHTON ?E'? ? ?!r. & ? A H 6 '<t.3 ??r j??-? ? s ? ? s? Sails sm iOli1.\W9. weather and other I permitting— I lde&ve Leave Bvufons^o. nfratombe Thursday, Juno 19 9.15 e..m. 7.JQ p m Thunsdiay, June 19 ;-do P.m. 7.30 p.m. E4turtlay. Juno 21 9.16 a.m. 8. 0 p.m. Saturday, June 21 3.30 ¡¡,In. e. 0 pan. Monday^ June 23 8.30 a.m. 5 30 P.M. Tuesday, June. 24 8.30 ami. (j pj^ Wednesdiay, June 85 8.30 a.m. 5.JO p m- Fareo, Swansea to Ufracombe—Day Return 3s. Special tel-me for I 2s. 6d. ckh; 14)i)f300, 2s. 3d. each; subject to pro- vioua arrangemeut. Half-day Excursions, 2s. CANADA United States, South Africa and Australia.—For Lowest Fares and all Information* applY- to Roberta Steamship Passenger Booking Agency. Morriston. EMCRATION. For Cheapest Rates and Earliest Steamers for Canada, Australia, South and East Africa, United States cf America. Argentina, etc., etc., apply 8* once to MOULDER BROTHERS & Co., Ltd. 41, WIED-STRLiii, SWANSEA. PASSAGES BOOKED BY ALL LlNEeJ TO ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD. Telegrams, Houlders. tDelephone, Central 1216. (2 linw). ABSOLUTELY FREE. BERTIE PER-K?S AND W.. pMean?or SteMMhip Department, ?..SoNMK??ce 'Opl the Town llU. ftw^owia, BOOK r??NaERS to Austr",Iia. Sdia Gtm&t.? Atfta?. New ?ea?B?,, ?o? to &a (1.# h -gT "t.A «U JMkT» :¿; 4 d :ill"M! ij £ t „«*« £ » tUP.?-? I At?. \c- I tt?i..? r:. &n? Ce. eK'?etii? for vfce !?\9t »-nd ;.a.r??t i;)rú". ilp I ?t??<*9 ? ? 'Vc<l<i. '? r MONEY. t TTrAIvTED, a Loan of £100 for increasing business; reasonable interest; good security; can have it returned any time.— Apply by letter. Loan," Leader Office, I Swansea. C6-19  CANS.LuA?S'.L 0 A N S? L The oM-csta?bI'?hed British F'in.<lIl Com- uany, approved and ixx,-ommended by the Press, continue to grant loarui, in town cr country, within thiee hours' notice, without any sureties, publicity, or delay. Interest and rc-p-ayments tho lowest in the country. 4-10. repay £ 11 £ 10 ial)my £ 0 12s. month £50. zp,? ?50. „ .621?. £ 100._ „ .eno £ 100 £ 5 Cs. Larger amounts, lower rates. No biLI5 of sale or publicity. Prospectus and Preæ opinions fr&e. "'HE BRITISH FINANCE CO., 20, BRIDGE-STSEBT, 1675. MONEY on Moftga?e.—SeT?raI Pm&ll -?"- Sum? to be Lent on Fre?hcid and Lease- hold Property.—Address Pecuma," Leader Office, Swansea, C6-11 TMMEDIATE LOANS.—The Old-estanllshed London and Provinces Discount Co.. Ltd., continue to LEND Immense Sums Daily from fiO to £ 5,000, on NOTE OF HAND ALONE or ether security. Moderate Interest. Easy Instalments. Special Rates for Short Periods. NO PRELIMINARY CHARGES WHATEVER. Largest and most honourably conducted business in the kingdom. Thousands of our regular- cus- tomers have expressed their entire satis- faction in repeated transactions with us. A gentleman will wait Upon you at once with Cash Call or write (in confidence), to Manager, Mr. HARPER. 48, STOKES CROFT, BRISTOL, or to Loca1 Agent; Mr. Bourne, 1, Willows-place. Swansea. T WILLIAMS and Co., 17, St. Mary- T stNet. Swansea, make P?ivate Loans to Respectable Borrowers. Bills Discounted No Fees. Strictly Confidential. Terms Moderate. Easy Payments Arranged to suit Borrowers.—Trevor Williams, Manager. JONES, Finaneisr, makes Cash Ad- D • vauees from £5 and upwards to Re- spectable Householders at Reasonable Rotes of Interest, without delay. Apply pe' sonally, or by letter. Distance no object. No fees. Easy repayments arranged to suit convenience of borrowers. Private and confidential guaranteed.—Apply 3, Grovo- place. Alexandra-road. Swansea. TyjT ONEY LENT WITHOUT SEC (JRITY .a ————— LADIES or GENTLEMEN can have their own ACCEPTANCES DISCOUNTED or POST DATED CHEQUES GASHED without any security, sure lies, or interviews. LOANS GRANTED BY POST. -LJ Strictly Confidential, on NOTE OF HAND ALONE, by Mr. LEWIN, to Ladies or Gentlemen, Merchants. Manu- facturers, Hotel Proprietors, and Shop- keepers, from £20 to £ 5,000. No feea, commission, or before-hand charges ever made Borrowers dealing with others can have their loans paid oA or increased, and those who are about to borrow should write for full information, which will be sup- plied gratit3 and post, free by the actual Lender. NO ASSUMED NAME. MR. D. LEW1N. 114, Bold street. Liver- ?*j. pool. Before paying fees, commiasion. etc. you cannot do better han apply to above, as No Charges whatever are made if the Loan is not corapieted. I MPORTANT.-Why Pay Heavy Interest when you can Borrow Money on Watches, Plate, Jewellery, etc., at the Re- duced Rate of Fourpence in the £ per month. Establiehed 181Z.-Mr. Henry Bar- nett (successor), Plate Repoitory b, Heath- tield-strcet, Swansea. £10 to v.10,000 to LEND on your promise to repay, or on Life Policies, Furniture, Household Property, or any Security. Principal remains, or can be repaid by Easy instalments. Prompt ness and privacy. On receipt of letter a gentleman will call and band you cash at your house if desired. Distance no object. Do not expose your requirements loually. Deal with the actual Lenders. F. LAWRENCE, Ltd., (The Oldest Company in the \Vest of England) Don Chambers, Cheese Market, Bristol. IT WiLL COST YOU NOTHING TO INQUIRE MY TERMS FOR A PRIVATE LOAN WITHOUT SURETIES, FEES, OR DELAY. DO IT NOW, AND SAVE TIME AND MONEY. J. LEWIS, 1, Pembroke-terrace, Cardiff. LOANS. £5 to &5Ufl ADVANCED promptly and pri- vately on your written promise to pay. Repayments by easy instalments to suit your income. For agreed periods- £5 REPAY £ 6. £ 50 fi £ JJ A Y £ 56. tic „ £ 11. £ 103 II Lile. -923 „ RM. £200 „ £ 220. SPFCITAT, TEiiMS TO FARMERS AND PROFESSIONAL MEN. No Charge unless business completed. 110- mediate attention given to inquiries by Post, 'Phone, or personally, and strictest Privacy Guaranteed. GEO. FRY & CO., 11, Dynsvor Place, Swansea. 'Phone, 36 Docks. Under New Management. MONEY TO LEND. The DISTRICT LOAN CO., of ST. MARY'S CHAMBERS, Church street, Swansea, are prepared to make CASH ADVANCES to Respectable Householders on Promissory Notes Only. Rates of Interest Moderate. Repayments to suit Borrowers' Conveni- ence Call or Write to Manager. SWANSEA TRA9E DIRECTORY. NEEDHAM'S MACIC COUCH CURE. COSTS LESS THAN AN UNDERTAKER. A Compound of the best modem Cough Remedies known to the Medical Profession. One dose relieves; one bottle cures. Price Is.—NEEDHAM'S DRUG STORES, HAFOD, 97W A NqF, A (1&9.1 CARRIAGE, VAN & CART LAMPS, CLIPPING MACHINES, HORSE R U CS, Purchasers of the above goods would do well to call and inspect our Stock. Car- riage Lamps Repaired. New Glasses Fitted. —SWANSEA SADDLERY CO., HIGH-ST. ARCADE. Tel., 103y Central. LEATHER AND CNINDERY. Real Useful Sole Leather Pieces for Boot Repairers can be had at the Cheapest House in Wales. SWANSEA SADDLERY CO., Leather Merchants. ARCADE, SWANSEA C. M. ^ORRTsT 19, UNION STREET, — FOR VALUE AND FIT. — WATERPROOFS REPAIRED. Where to Go on Rainy Days:— Send your WATERPROOFS to FURSLAND AND CO.. AEXANDRA-ROAD, SWANSEA. Waterproof Horse Lpin Cloths, Tarpau- lins, Cart, Truck and Wagon Covers, Nosebags, etc. Hauliers, Contractors, and Horse Keepers, before Buying the above Goods, kindly call and inspect our Stock.—SWANSEA SADD- LERY CO., HIGH-STREET ARCADE, Tel., 103y Central. mt at«•m Do Well > | For Voarself i and get fid of those digestive I disorders which so greatly | interfere with your enjoy- j | ment of the good things of life. Think for a moment how | much is dependent upon hav, i ing the digestion in perfect j order, and you will find that j you can benefit yourself most I effectually if you have re- I course to a stomach and liver > medicine of the proven quality of Beecham's Pills. Success, energy, popularity, health, cheerfulness, all these become j possible by tapjng Beecham's   P:M? jjjg lto hf.-T  y!Tfc)-& J4* (!€R pUbV S??'s?s??? ;??.. ? MEDICAL. X ADIES.—St. Dominic's Tlireapuiic Piilouie .U cure all irregularities. They act in few hours. Marvellous results- Every ca6i> C, cure. Stamp for particulars. Madame Mae- donald, Homtieigh Yuia, Gov«mry-ioeu. oouth Yardley, Birmingham. Cll-5 WEAK-MEN. Nervous and Physical Weaknesses, Qenftw Urmary Troubles, Lack of Vigour, Varico- ale, and all the Allied Troubles. Send for xreatise with full particulars, including liunareds of Testimonials oi uJIDvletc cures. •'O electricity. Seat sealed for three stamps. C. L. MURRAY, 125, High Hofbsrn, London. LADIES. ? The Safest and M05tReliable Remedy is ?eakin & Special Rixtiire 'd It is made from rim ?rbs. and is backed by a repat&taou 01 40 years- Safe and Harmless. Price. Zs. 9d-; by post, securely packea Ln plain wrapper, 3s.—Deakin, Herbalist, 14. Alex- andra-road. Swansea. LADIE-S.' LAD I ES Mrs. STAFFORD-BROOKES, the Eminent Lady Specialist in all Female Oomplaints, has much pleasure in announcing that her HEMEDY tor restoring regularity WITti, OUT MEDICINE is the only positive, safe, certain, and speedy one known. It acts almost immediately, and does not interfere with household duties. I guarantee every case. Send at once stamped-addressed envelope for full particulars and most convincing testimonials (Guaranteed Genuine under a penalty of zol, ploo), to Mrs. STAFFORD- BROOKES, 22. Dept., Ardgowan, Hither Gre-cn, London. o. LADIES H Irr?a!M-!tiea. etc.. removed by an np-te^latei meihod without Medicine or Pilla, Itiaspeedy 9 —someUvnos immedi&tely. Med'ca.1 science i | knows no bet\er cure. Letters of tesHmoniah g rec8¡ved daily. Send ?t onae ata?nped ad- 5 ■ dressed envelope forfull pMticut&ra Nld tMti- l ? monian. gneranteed Kennine under ? pen&l i | o! .OOO.-Mrs. D. STAEMA? MORM& 162, 5 Iwaaa ?c?iaftc.'n Road, r?oodon. N. g «a THE NCW TSENCH REMPD?. M? W.2 No3 "8"!LJE?g3i& ^BpricePleading B BB Kr Chemists. CCRES BLOOD POISON, KtDNKY, BLADDER, URINARY DISEASES. DISCHARGES, WEAKNESS, PILES. SEND STAMP ADDRESS E-HVE-f.OPB FOR FREE BOOKLET TO Dfc. LE CLKRC i.liiD. co, HAVERSXOCK RD, HAMPSXEAD, LOMDOW.HjfC.  mM < J )!)m  f   E '.The 1" usb"S and rP rft & t- Wife's ??a'tMo)n. | j Containing many pages of valuable advice to both sexes. Revised and Illustrated 1913 Edition (Usually sold at 1/6). Unobtainable elsewhere. Special hints on irregularities and ail- ments, indispensable to married persona. Will be sent absolutely Free, with our 76 page Illustrated Catalogue of i SURGICAL RUBBER APPLIANCES | and Sample, in sealed cover, to any j part of tne World. fg We supply the best valn-e for any re- ft mittance by return poet. All customers Iscnd back repeat orders. Ladies may 1 wriw to the Manageress for advice on I all subjects. Send no money but write, IH g mentioning this paper— fi LE BRASSEUR SURGICAL Co., Ltd., I I Dept. F.D. John Bright-st., Birmingham, Works: Passy-Paris, France. England. E8| I Telegrams: Surgical, Birmingham," ffi and" Ardeshir, Paris." I b FREE TO LADIES. If you write, mentioning this paper, I win send you a large Free Trial Packet of my Pills for all Female Ailments. They super- sede ordinary Apiol, Pennyroyal and SteeL etc., and are r-,>mmended by all who use them; or send 16 stamps for Large Box. with full instructions and advice, in plain wrapper, from MRS. ELLIS. 27, SURREY- LANE, BATTERSEA. LONDON. LADIES! LADIES! Without Drugs, Pills, or Medicine, Nurse Rose guarantees to cure irregularities and obstructions, female ailments in married or single women, from whatever cause arising or how long standing; no disap- pointments; every <. ;8 a cure; munerons testimonials; send stamp for free &dvice.- NURSF, HO.q'S LABORATORY. 13, CHURCH; STREET. LEAMINGTON. 08-29 SURGICAL RUBBER APPLIANCES. Enemas, etc.; samples, Is.; best Quality; securely packed. Price List Free.—J. Kitt, 280, Bute-street, Cardiff. MARRIED LADIES. MRS. LAMBTON, BRIGHTON STREET, SEAOOMBE, has a SAFE, RELIABLE REMEDY. Particulars Free. Seud stamped envelope. Please name paper. LADIES-FREEI LAL)iES-FRE-El Ldje3 should write to me before with their money on so-called curee. and I will send them a FREE SAMPLE of my Is J renowned American treatment for ¡¡Jj irre ularities. 1 guarantee one box ooiy to be quite effective even in the most obstinate and unyielding cases. No U&U- seous drugs-no useless injections. Acts j like magic, failure impossible, so why i worry. Send no money, but write to I me and I will send you a FREE SAMPLE packet sufficient for a cure, and testimo- 1 nials. Mention this paper. Price 2/9 &.4/cä. MRS. EVETT KINCAID, I The Renowned American Specialist. 8 | 3. New Oxford Street, London, W.C. | HORTON'S BENEDICT PILLS FREE TO LADIES. In a few days correct all irregularwm and remove all obstructions; also cure amentia. By poet ls. lid. or 2e. 9d- from nc),pmnx AND CO., Chemists (Chief Dispenser from the late Birmingham Lying-in Hospital). (89 Dept.), Aston Manor, Birmingham. Sold over 40 years. Seldom ever fail. All Ladies thould send penny stamp for a free sample cf Pills; also improved Sanitary Towel and interesting Booklet. Post Free. DYEING and i CLEANING I is a modem method 1 | of money-saving. j I 1R/ ■k** speBd moaey on a B?? I i W dress when you can Sam I I fally three-quart?w of ?c I amount by havlng your old dremm E| I or cIoKMiod ? i'¡ Many nn 8M9 ddmg | I just ??7 We kmew ?is ?or a fact? | because we ero fitting such a number of A SMS to be skiifnly I treated at Our ivorks. | IT Dyeiisg and claaning im there g doaa in perfection. IT W clean C-,entls grdta and Oww, coats, and return looking like new. Feathers, Pnrs and Gloves Cleaned or Dyed. C'u?ine and aH Househ*M Fabrics Cleaned and Dyed. F&brics C?aa??ed and Dyed f  The OJdæt EsiabHsh?t &Y?? | CLEANERS In SWANSEA, g I W. E. ViUffiBJU I a CM, Lm.. 2, Gower Street.' ? ?RmK 1 The King ef all Tempcranca j Kir.,r:emper:,ce ———? —-—?.?.?-