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SCALE OF CHARGES FOE PREPAID ADVERTISEMENTS PRIVATE NOTICES. Six lrse.-tion&-One shi.'L'np for 2" words. ana 3d. extra tor every 6 worfis more. LOST AND FOUND. Throe lnsortiotis.-Ons shliSIng for 2P words, and 3d.. extra for every 6 wcras I mora. Six lnsertlon,.t-One shining and sixpence for 20 worde, and Ed. extra for airery I E words mars. BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, DEATHS, fI MEMQ^IAM, AND SYMPATHY I NOTICES. One Insertion.—Ona shilling antS sixpence I for 26 wards, and ad. extra tar every 6 words mors. This Scale does not apply to Advertise rents from Corporate or Publia godisr bankruptcy or Liquidation Notices. Sales and Let by Tender, or Tradesman a bus; I tings Announcement* HEAD OFFICE- I LEADER BUILDINCS. SWANSEA. Telephones: Central 1158 (Eleven Lines) Telegram* "Loader, Swansea." LONDON CFFICE- 1C1, FLEET STREET. E.C. Telephone: 2276 CantraL LLANtlLLY OFFICE- LONOCH BiilLDiKCS, THOMAS ST Teieghvne: tea. UA. EATH GFFiCE— ALFRED STREET (Telephonal. I 5ti« t»«HWtor Utreuiatiun or leaser' I makes it aasiiy the Best Local Paper for ffnall Advertisements. Curing the past I year tliess announcements have nearly I doubiod, and with aur Sales still increas. ing, the public may, with confidence, drpsnd upon better results than are obtained elsewnera. TRADE SPECI.IALITIES. WB~~ When replytng to advertisements, please mention the Leader." TTAVE You a Troublesome Watch? If eo, '*—- take it to Richards Bros., Practical Watchmakers, opposite Station, High-streot, Swansea; and Brynamman. A cure guaran- teed. Cy-inry dewch at y Cymry. 3<iA4-a> EAZORS, Scissona, Pen and Pocket Knives, Garden Sneers, etc., ground cloily.- T. Ward Davies, Practical Cutler, 7, Nek»n- street, Swansea. 2SA4-25 CAST-OFF Clothing and furniture oi every description bought to any amount for cash; postcards receive prompt attention; beet prices giveu.- -.Note address: Ruck, 15 and 16, Pri ace of -Weie^road, Swan- sea. To Buyers: A largc, Selection of goods to choose from. G5-1J SEWING Machines of all mokes, cheap for cash; Oil, Needies, Shuttles, Parts; good Machine from £ 1, a,11 ina.kes repaired. —Yates, Sewing Machine Man, 17, Water loo- street, Swansea. 28A4-S5 "DOOT DEALERS —Pill up Stock as re- DOOT D??RS??FYU*'up8to<Jka3i? bouses. Leading Brands Stocked.—WILLI Ail LLOTD, Ltd. Gower-«treet, Swansea. DO not throw a'ty -YOllr, õll useless Gold Dor Silver Jewellery, W."chc-,?,, etc. Turn I them into cash. Beet offer mada by return when forwarded by post.—M. Foner, Jewel- Jr. High-street Arcade, Swansea, 26A4-2-3 XTRA Pock-ot spring, cleaning you can turn all the broken j Silver or Gold Watches, Chains, Rings, or any article containing gold or silver in to hard cmh.-H. Foner, Jeweller, 4, High- etreeet Arcade, Swansea. 26A4-&S T. URK it into Money for old Silver, Go?d. T Fal&e Te?th. or anything containing Gold or Silver.—Send by post or call at M. Foner'a. Jeweller, 4, Hisrhnstreet Arcade, Swansea. 26A4-25 c HEQUE, Postal or Money Order by return. j potit for Broken Silver Watches, Gold. I False Teeth, etc., by M. Foner, Jeweller, 4, High-street Arocude, fcv. a,nriea. Reference: Metropolitan B&.k. ZGA4,2.3 R-Y Jonts anO, Sens, Brynymor-road, for Bootmakmg and Repairs; Best Material and Lowest Prices. The new Chrome Water- proof Leather in stock. Hand-sewn a speciality. 26A4-23 VOR IDíBRELLAS and Repsire, xry W .1' Noble, 1. HighreeL Arcade. Re-cove^ a speciality. OTF-L Pa.r Fittws. Manufacturer* 01 Beer Engines, Washnpa, Oorkdrawars Spirit Measures Seating*. TaMe*, Games 01 all kinds, Skittles.—W. L Vaughan. Queen's place. Cardiif. I C^OMFOBTABLEW ork at iiojn«.—Knii'Ji. II J Mec'iinae. Beet "nd Cheapest; Caeh or Hire. Also a few good bargains in Second- hand Knitters, equal to new; reliable (Est. 1871)-—W. Griffiths, 30, Queen-Street Neath. 61D. a r ditL BAZAAR GOOUS every KITM advice to beginners; also details pay fng agency; easy terms; cataloguo free.— May, 174, Sandpits. Birmingham. C?-Il MOLYNEUX. Ltd.. Fish Merchants • ISO, High-afreet, Swansea. Cheapest House in Town for Fish of all VaritL.^ Wholesale and Eetail. Trial Solicited. L-. ADIES Renuirrng my Famous Remedy inot ussleae pille and mixtures; send 46. 6d.; worth pounds. never fails; guaran- teed genuine and harmless; beware of J. Lewis. 53, Charles-street, I Leicester. Crown Dairy Announcements. I FINEST Carmarthen Eggs and Poultry, I — Dairy Butter and Milk; Wolah Bacon and Hams at lowest Prkes.-91, Mansel- street, Swansea. C'ONTTNF.IsTAL Table Delicacies. Salami J di Jfilano, Brunswick Sausage, etc.; Cooked Meats ready for table.—91, Manssl- etreet, near Albert Hall. Swansea, alsr Crown Stores, Carmartben. C5-?7 Myrddin Davies's Announcements. 1\fnWDI.Ñ¥IUciig(;íï:Ion-(¡;íÏ(CLvoer Mix- ture. an excellent preparation for Indigestion, Heartburn, Pains in the Pit of the Stomach, Vomiting. Flatulency, Gas- tritis. etc. P^r bottle. la- and 2<s.—liyrddin Davies. M.P.S., Chemist. 230, High-6tr<eet. Swansea (bottom of High-street). C4-24 'D it. NOBLF,'S Backache and Kidney Pill* specially recorumeiided for Kidnej Troubles, Backache, Congestion of the Kid Eeys. Inftammotion of the Bladder, Gravel etc. Per box, la. and Ztt. 6a.— Myrddic Daviee, M.PS.. Chemist, 258, High-street, Swansea (bottom of High-street). C4-24 MYBDD LN' S Liv«r Granules, mcA offoo- Ni tive little pill for Torpid Liver, Bil- liouejiee*, Dizaineee. Headache, Constipa- tion. Sold in bottlea. 6d. and lOJd.—Myrddia I>av iea. J1.P.S-. Chemist. 238, Bash-Street, Swansoi. (bottom of High-Street) C4-24 THE Ainerioan Corn Plaster is undoubt- edly the moat effective forn Piaster manufactured. Try it once, then judge; no failure; no harassing corns; no pain or burning; casy to put on; readily cures; 7d. per poet, Bid.-Myrddin Daviea, IL.P.B.. 238. High-street, 16wantlea (bottom of High. street). C4-.i IE LASNC STOCKINGS as. 6d. each. 4s. 6d per pair; Anklete, la. 10d.; Knee Cape, 2e.; Leggins, 28.: all sizes; Britieh make.- Myrddin Davies, M.P.S., Chemist, 238, Rig-b- etreet, Er.&,nem (botwm of Higb-etieet) 04-24 TTE.USSKS! Trueses! Trusees! in all sizes, double or single.—Myrddin Davies, A.R.P.B., 23S, High-etreet. Swansea (botton High-streets 04.24 4»lfe~~J J—J PIANOFORTE TUNING. MCW- When replying to advertisements, Please mention the Leader." ^>lAN'>FOB,fE TUNING, 3S. 6d.; reoom- • merdat/ona from Dr Tnrpir,, Gladstone, Wud Broadwood and Ronll Pianos from Beetestein, Hopkinson, OoUard, Brmemeid, Ba-te or Hire.-Charles Eadoo, 63. fironswiok-atreet, Hftwaaseo. LOST AND FOUND. ger- When replying to advertisements, Please mention the Leader T OST, on FridHY night. Lady'« Umbrella. between Mrs. Eynon's shop and May- pol-e Dairy, Brynymor-road; finder re- warded •—Puddicoiabe. Brynymor-road. 30A4-23 1 OST, at Ystalyfera, Saturday, April 5th, J Gent's flnnl Rain-proof Coat.—Finder returning same to Police Station, Ystaly- i>ra, will be rewarded. ?SA4-22 i ±Lij trie F?raoB who took a Pair ci ? Brown Leather Leggings from the iletrcpole Hotel at the "lÆader" Smoker, on Friday night, kindly return same to Leader Office. D4-26 T OST. Gold Chain and re- warded on returning to Pank end Co.. 26A4-23 trUinkSTiU btii V A«*« S a« i c fiST- When replying to advertisements, please mention the Leader." TATANTED, a General Servant at 7, Man- selton-road, iLaneeiton. 31A4-26 ao t Harris, Broad Elms, Loughor. 30A4-26 TXTANTED, capable Working ±ioiii>skc-erer, not under 30, to take charge of hou,, and three ciiildi-.en.-Apily before 11 a.m. or after 6 p.m. at 14, C&sile-street. 30A4-26 "Y*7 ANTED, a Young Girl, about 18, i Gene.ral.-Apply. after 6 p-m., 32, Ter- race-road, Swansea. 30-k k \XTA>.TED, strong Girl, from country pre- f.&rred.-Appiy 13, Priorton-terrace, Swansea. 3(LL4-26 ~^A^AXTED, a good strong Girl; fond ox 16, Garden street. 30A^1-^6 XT7"ANTED, good Day Girl; Sundays off; trozu IS to 20; relereac<e required.— Apply Mrs. C. Evans, Brynymor-road. 31A4-2& \7i\,J'AN'l'ED. a. thoroughly experienced 't Houde-Parlourmaid; must give thoroughly good r-eferene-es.-Apply Mns. Morton Peel, South View. Sketty. 29A4-25 "TTU^AJVTED, Young Girl for Housework; strong; sleep out; no washing; refer- ences.—Apply, between 6 and 7 o'clock, 2s, Wait'sr-road, Swansea. 29A4-25 ,V ANTED, at once, good strong Gcneml » Servant.—Appiy Mrs. Martin, Term in ua Hotel, Rutland-street, Swansea. 28A4-24 OOD General Wanted; three in itunm.— GApply 5, Mirador-c-,e-qoenL MA4-24 ANTED, a good experienced General; three in family.—Apply 4G, Maneel- street, Swansea. ESA4-24 TV ANTED, g'ood General; three, in family j t —Apply R.- A. Lewie, High-street, ) Clydach-on-Tawe. 28A4-24 \\TANTED, good General Servant; plain w oookmg; references required; family ?t,wc,Apply, between 6 and 8 pm., 4, St. Janies' Gardens, Swansea 28A4-24 GOOD General Servant Wanted at OD6.- '? Apply EY&ns's. CN68 Howl, Pontar- dawo. C4-23 \V" .A. N'rED. a, g<x)d General ("5-505; must be able to cook and wash; no family, —Apply Park House, Uplands., Swansea. 26A4-Z3 "T ANTED, immediately, Day Girl.—Apply » to Mrs. P. V. Tobiaa, Hairlah." Kazlemer«-rosd, Sketty-avenue. 25A4-22 OOD General Servant wanted—Apply Mrs. Seldon, Rishajdsou House. St. Thomas. 25 A 4-22 (' i OOD General Servant Wanted by 5th of ?? May.—Apply Mm. Wilfrid Phe?<e. ?. Uplands-terrace. 23A4-21 A GOOD General Servant. Required.—Apply 74, Man^ei-terrace, Swansea. 23A4-21 WANTED. 30th April, clean, reliabxe f General; thoroughly experienced; E-mail family; reference—Apply evenings, Thomson, Plae Derw. Penywern, Neath. 22A4-21 RE>1fSTSY OFFICES. rjW- wh en replving to advertisements, please 1tl<,ntiot2 the "Ladr" II/^ISS SMITH. High-class Registry Office l. for Servants. Wanted, Good Generals, Houeeaaaids, and young girl for mornings.- 1, Gianmor-ci-esoent, Uplands, Swaneea. 25A4-22 ERRANO EOY WANTED, ZS.A 4-221 :43?- ?' hen fe??y!? lo advertisements, I please mention the" Leader. "7.ÅED, a ctiir?g Lad.—Apply Samuel, 1, Bamphrey-etreet. oL\.4-26 ?'"ANTED. a clepn, neepectable Boy, ji,-t ? left, school, for D.u,ery Van.-Api?ly Thomas. Lewis and Co.. OsJord-street, Swan- ¡ sea. H4- 1:)OY Wanted; ago about 14.—App0y W- II. Smith and Son, Booksellere. 11. TUgh- tvtreet, Swansea. 30A4-M ?ESPRCTAB?E? Lad KG Errand Boy; one just left school preferred.—Cash Hard- ware Stores, 10, Oxford-street, Swansea. 30A4-26 SHARP Boy Wanted.—Apply WYImm' I ? Bookstall. Hightreet Station, Swan- sea. 2.9A4-25 SEVERAL Boys Wanted, 12 yeaTs at also Boys 14 years of age; splendid ov portnnity to earn money.-Apply Mr. E Hemming. Leader Office. Alfred-street Neath. Wart-d to Sell th7 Ú t- "Leader" every evenins.-Apply Caatoa, I Newsagent, Mumbles. T)OYSWantedto?eU?he" Kf.n.? I P, Gatt and Mid-Glamor?&a Berald at Neath, Meliacryth?n. and earroundiRC I districts every Friday and Saturday. Apply Mr. Edwin Hemmio?, M. Quuen j etrect. Naath. I QKART Lads Wanted to Sell Leaders 11. at Neath, Melincrythan, and districts.— Apply immediately to Mr. E. Hemmins I Publisher, Queen-street, Neath. "V/ £ ? ANT8D, Smart Boys to Sell th. i A' leader after school hours.-Apply 'I to Charlie Evans, the Up-to-date News- agent, etc., 72. Brynymor-road, Swansea £ IADEE BOYS W anted.—Several Good I L < Boys are Wanted at once to Bell Leaders" in Morriston and District, to most increasing demand.—Apply John Morgan. Newsagent. Woodfield-street. Mor- riston. CLERKS. bar- When replying to advertisements, please mention tile" Leader." WANTED, Junior Clrk. amuettmed to l f timber Yard, builder or oontractor'6 oflioe.—Apply Bryn," Leader Office. 28A4-24 CLERK Wanted, must be well up in book- ?' keeping.-Apply SWan6ea Brickworka Co., Ltd., Fforeatfa?h.. near Swansea. C4-M I (JQ'E;¡h'i :a.; co<M » kn???dg'e. &horth.a.nd and typing eseontiai.—Apply Box 16, Lejader Office. 25A4-Z3 OFFICE BOYS. ISO- When replying to advertisements please mention the Leader. WANTED, immediately, an Office Boy; one jnet leaving achool preferred: good handwrifiug e^eential; shorthand an advantage—Write, wiiii copies of testi- monials, and et.ataig wages required, to North Oentral Wagon Co., Ltd., Swansea C4-26 "f^TANTED, saaart Lad for Oflics, about 15. —Apply, in own handwriting, to "Smart." LÐad-er Office. Swansea. 30A4-26 a at-rp. resp-tak)io lacf- r Ce/sh Deek.—Apply Ml asters and Co., Ltd.. Cattle-street. 2^<A4-22 SMAPT Lad Wanted f<or Offi-ce-. shorthand l 7, T'd typewriting essential.—Apply A. L Morcaii. 7. osatlovuv* 4 AGEWTS, ^CM WANTED. B. £ sr~ 11 hen replying to advertisements please mention the Leader." TILl. V FlLLOR and/or Agent Required, well connected With Mineo, to introduce Acetylene Mining Lamps; must be reepect- (tole. trustwürthy and cn-argEtic.-State age, previous experience, and salary required, ZH845, Deaoon's, Leadenhall-street, London. 30A4-23 A GENTS Waited.—Men in regula,r employ A ment can increaee their inceme by selling Boots, Cycles, Jewellery, etc.; well- known English firm.-Apply Boots," c/o W. Roeser, Publisher, Bridge-street, Neath. J 26A4-23 i OYAL London Insuraoce Offices.—Ile- quired. Full and Spare-time Agents at Gowerton, Goreeinon and Penelawciu.— Superintendent: 1, Alban-road, Llanelly. C4-23 iUSIC -W,p,ll-knwn Firm Require a Resident Representative in all towns and districts; no previous travelling ex- perience necessary, if energetic; not under 2-5, and in touch with musical people, choirs, orchestras. a.m.ateur a,nd professional, tea-chars, students, etc.; whole or spare tiEM liberal remuneration oIiud permanency. -State previous employment, age, e,nd if disengaged, to Box A2Q, Leader Office, Swan- &ea. G4-23 lirANTED, Bright and Ambitious Yotuig Men to qualify for Superintendencies tliroughout South Wales by a, and Up-to-date Insurance Company.—Write fully, "Mutual," 9-10, Castle Buildings, Swansea. 28A4 25 ILAN ELLT and Maesteg.—Good Agents J Wanted.—Apply Taylor, Artists, Swan- sea. 2LA4-2.5 ) FiE Oaxtcii-i Life of David Tlc-yd George, Two Volumes now ready.—A Few smart- Men Required in districts not aJ reo d y oovered to book ordei-e for this important publication; high terms offered to good men with selling abijity.—Manager. 22, Western <' Mail Chambers. Cardiff. 28^.4-24 TTS/'ANTED, Lady or Gentleman, with gooC I I coiineetion, to canvass orders for C rood coramiseion given to suitable appli- cant-—Apply Coal," Leader Office. 29A4-2S TAILORS, WJ- When replying to advertisements. Please mention tlie Leader I 0 'TAILORS.-E. Grwk, V?t M?ker, J- would like to make any Quantity of IT ?, e6ts for the tiia?.—220. Picton-lane, Swan- i 23.A4-24 oea. 23A4-24 ^T^ANTED. Tailor or Teiloress; one accuo- tomed to ladies' trade prefcrr,&d.- Apply 145, Western-Street. 26A4-23 T. AUj)RINH.-Wanted im.l{\dia.t.e,ly thor- 'S.zirt Hands for Lauies' Tailoring.—Apply M. M. Thomas, 4, Northampton Gardens, Swa.na.. 25A4-Z2 Mi LLHEHS, cle. gap" When replying to advertisements, please mention the Leader." experienced Milliners; also Youag Ladies and Men Assistants for Fancy and Drapery Sales; Welsh.—Apply J. Rees Eva,ne, 218, High-street, Swansea. 23A4-24 TvULLINERY.—Apprentice, Improver ana J-11- an Assistant Required.—Apply Ed- wards, Drapers, Oxford-street. 25A4-22 I CRESSMAK ERS, ETC. When replying to advertisements, please mention the LeadeT." "T^RBSSMAKER, fully experienoed. Requirwj —" Work by day at Ladies' Kouees or at home; children's clothes a. speciality.—Apply "Dressmaker," Leader Office. 30A4-26 A P ? j'i i; t-i J i C 0 5. i* hen replying to advertisement* ??- ??'h? fe?y:?:? ? a?e?-tMCMMM.? TA7 ANTED, Smart Boy, jusfe left gchool, AA as Apprentice to the Grocery Trade; live in.—Apply, first. Apprentice, Leader Office, Swansea. 29A4-25 Ssl » u A t i u <*», VACANT. When rePlymg to advertisements, ?S** H'?teM t?/ytM? ? ?M<?e?tMe?teM?, EQUIRED, the services of a smart, active Man to fill position ais Manager for the whole of WaJea, to supervioe Agoutis and their Aocounts, and to investigate Claims, M they may arise, cash (security of £ 50; appointment to commence 1st of May; salary to commence at £1!.JO per annuu,, with a special commission on all returns State ago and past employment, or pre-sem,, bo The Secretary, Tue National Hire Pur- chaeens Mutual Insurance and Protection Association, County Chambers, Hounslow, London. C,4-26 BAKbll-S and COnfectioners.—AU^ound Hand Wanted immediately.—Copies of refei-ences to Rees, Clydach Bakery, near Swansea. 31A426 V'l ANTED, eteady Young Man as Driver, 'V by Firm ?hoi-esa?s; Must be ex per I- encetl. State age and rdercncœ. "K&tional." Leader OQioe. 3OA4-M RESPECTABLE and Smart Youth Wanted l, at once; knowledge of har work neces- sary; live in.—Apply No. 10, Swansea. 30A4-26 1* I'ASONS—'W anted, Three good Rubble I .1 X Wallers—Apply Tiios. Jones, Builder. T> AKEBS.—Wanted. SmarT^oung Man "as I -0 Vauman, and Assist Inside; live in: wages, 12s.; references required; good sales- man.—Buckley, Loughor. 28A4-25 /OEAN UNEES.—Persong desiring to be- come Stewards, Stewardesses, Butchers, Bakers, Engineers, Stokers, etc., send ad- dressed envelope; forms free.—W. Breakell, 95. Shakeepaare-street, Southporfc. C&-2 '???ANTED, at on<?, ?tp?naQ??p?cl?er I ? and Sorter.—Apply Mana?eree?, B&ths I Laundry, Swansea. 29A4-25 (I liA MINERS Wanted in Canada, goocr wages suitable men; full particulars upon application. Experi-enced and in- experienced Farmers, Farm Labourers also required.—Bertie Perkins Company, Main Passenger Booking Office, j 1. Somerset- piece, Swansea. 2.5A4-25 WANTED, Smart Youth, 18 to t<> learn Collecting. Apply, stating age, height, and wages expected. Box B2, Leader Office. 26A423 WANTED, Young Man with exp for Show Room and Warehouse.— Jenkins and 00.. Ironmongers, Swansea. 26A4-2i "-T A""TED. 50 Miners for Coal S?am in W Lancashire; regular work, good wages; metal miners may apply; applicants wiU be interviewed in Swansea by appoint- ment.—Apply by letter, Box A13, Leader Office, Swansea. V ANTED, Local Correspondent for Dun vant diatrict.—Apply, by letter only. Ch?f Sub-Editor. Leader Office. i -A-M.AN-Wanted. witb Jmow¡edge of A Ma.c'h'ine,ry and Scrap Iron, with a little Capital.—State salary required, and amount available to "A 31," Cambria Leader, Swansea. S:TUATIONS WANTED. gW" When replying to advertisements, please mention the L,eader A YOUNG Girl Seeks Situation a Nurse, or Day Work; good reference if re- quired .—Apply to May Johns, 3&. Garderi- gtreet. Swansea. 30A4-26 PROfESSIONAL. When replying to advertisements, | phase mention the Leader." 't.?'APSAGB and m{'tr1m,y. in,ludinz H1gh ?Jt- '?t?.?u-?E.cy. Radiant H??t, Electric Nan- heim PLns a.ad other Medicated. Baths, given by Nurse Evans, at la, Ffynone-etreet. Swan- HOUSES FOR SALE AFTB TO LET. KW- When replying to advertisements, | Please mention the" Leader." -v- -=-;1- /"lASTLETOX.—Tydville House to Lot. six ,I bedrooms, bath. etc., etc.; r-ent £26 and rates.—Keys 40, Wind-street. C4-26 V"i^lALYFEEA.—For Sale, Houses, Nos. z, 3, 4, 5 and 6, Churoh-rcad, in rapidly- growing spot; can be approached from the two main ocdr, hou& (hu:d, at 6ine..ll cost, be oonverted into various bueines'? pi'einiaee.—?piy' Jonea, 1. CLmrch-roa?. Godregraig, B..S.O. Z9A5-! H OUSE for Sale in Haslemere-road, oil Sl,,etty-aven Lit.- Apply Gelivdeg, Hazle- mere-road, Sketiy. 29A4-25 ?lYCOCH-RdAD.SKETTY?For?le, 6 1 HouseR and one Shop.—Apply G W. 1'oc.ock, Kingston. Sketty. 21,1- L4! ?VERY -?a.n RM Own Landlord: the best _Ld way to solve the Housing Problem.— I For Sale, cheap, Two Polled Stone Front Houses in Pentre-terrace; garden front and back; large portion of purchase money can remain on mortgage at 4 per cent.—Apply Evan Evans, Beresford House, Swansea. 25A4-24 HOUSE t)? Let, Chapel-Street, Mumbles; -01 eight roon?. bath (b & e); three I minutes from station.—Jones. Butcher. Chapel-street,, Mumbles. 2SA4-24 to Let, nicely decorated; bath (h & c); good garden; sict-a en- trance.-Apply A. 93, Britonferry-road. I ZSAn2 I Joseph Harris's Announcements. BERNARD-STREET. Uplands.—Two at- B tractive and wdl-builu Houses for Sale, cheap; separately if d€?.iMd; evefy conveni- j ence; excellent situation.—Apply Joeenh j Harris, Auctioneer, George-etreet, Swansea. C4-26 ROMW ELL TEKRACE. — Su bst« ntially- c built 6-roomed House for Sale. with bath (h & c); back entrance—Apply Joseph. 1,?,t' Auctioneer, O¡:gV-6tt. Swansea. Auctioneer, Swail?"a. I)SOR-TE R RA-C E. Uplands. Weii- II » built Freehold liousa for Sale. cheap; grand 6ituation.-Apply Joseph Harris, Auc- tioneer, George^treet, Swaneea. C4-26 -r ING EDWA!tl)-IiOAD.-T-o bo let or Sold, .J.i.. roomy Shop and Dweliing-hcuse, with bakehouse aDd oven; back entrance; splen- did position; suitable for baker and con- fectioner.—Apply Jeoeph Harrifi. Auctioneer, I George-street, Swansea. C4-26 DILLWYN-ROAD. Sketty. Attractive I Semi-detached House for Sale, with long lawn in front; every convenience; long lease.—Apply Joseph Harris, Auctioneer, George-street, Swansea. C4-26 i CT. TL'I-i-DPS Tho Well-built (j-roomed House for Sale; facing Jersey Park; splendid, position.— Apply Joseph Harris, Auctioneer, George- 6treeu Swansea- C4-26 HOUSES WANTED. When replying to advertisements, I please mention the 1-e-j.dsr." '1Tilry}Ú)ä6.l'()()nïi-I{o-;t-on :1 Apply Nc<'dhajn. Leader OTce, Swansea. 30A.4-26 I \7^rANTED to Purchase, a Houoo. St I Helen's Ward.-V,, r'lf, with full parti- I culars, St. Helen's," leader Office 25A4-24 TirAJSfTED. a well-appointed House, con- taining two reception-rooms, four or five bedrooms, in Uplands district; rent I from £ 40-. £ 50 per annum. Writo Ved," Leader Offise. Swansea. 28A4-24 FURNITURE, &-g., FOR SALE. I fJ&- When replying to advertisements, ?aE? n'ten fc?/y:? ?o Qj?e?tt-.c?Men?. 17* OR SALE, Navy Blue Carriage-built Pram, and white canopy; nearly n6" Write "Pram," Leader Office. 301..4-26 SAL-i! Walnut Drawing-room Suite — in Tapestry; room wanted.—Apply '?OR SALE. I?'ther ParlQur Suit?TYr?' 1 .Ako Dark Creea Plush Suite; sell fcr £ 3 Es.; must sell; room w:wted "-75. Maneel- terrace, Swansea. 26A4-23 |-| ILL S FOR FURNITURE.—Central Build- ings, Gk-WGr-etrcet. Swansea. Our 40 years' experience in the Furniture Trade has taught us how to be able to supply to the public the most useful and up-to-date I Goods that it is possible to turn out and 3.t the greatest advantage. By being manu- facturers, we supply goods cheaper than u-!y other lirm in Wales, and the gréat I thing to the Public is that we are the only firm that supply goods on easy terms at 'I cash prices, and deliver free to all parts of the country. All we ask is to give ue a I trial, and recomiuendationa will follow. We supply strong Kitchen Couches from 16s. 6d.; Dre^aers from 28s. 6d.; Bedroom Suitee from 3i guineas: Full-size bedsteads from 15s. 6d.; Overmantels, Fenders and Fire Erasses at I your own pi-icef. All Bedding sold by tlB; is guaranteed properly purified, and made 'I' at our owu Works; so whether you want to furnish for cash or easy terms, call at the Right Shop: Hill's, Central Buildings, Gower-I street, Swansea; also at Cardiff, Aberdare, I and Barry Dock. 25A4-22. Dan. Wiiks' Announroments. EESSING Chit Pairs, with Ma.rhle Slab Washstand. only JE3; Solid WaJmit Wardrobe, only £ 3; Kitchen Table, 4in. legs, white wood top, only 14a. 6d. C4-Z5 -?? j{. FOR-fnll Wool Bed Set, W cô] -L??/ Rk)Overt-ay 6d.. Wire Mattrcese? 9s. 6d., Bedstead a.nd Palliaes-se only 12a. 6d., Second-hand Combination B&d&tca?l with Mattress, complete 7s. 6d. C4-25 'I w,*t,a ShapeJ Bevelled Mir- ? ror, only ?4 1. 6d.; Gilt overmc.nt<el./ 5ft. x Mt. 9in.. only 37s. 6d.; cnjpndale Ov?rmaut?Ia, only 25e. each; 4ft. Louis Cabinete, only L2 7s. 6d.; Stair Oe-rpete, Is 4d per yard; Tapestry Squares, 3x3, only I' 6d.; Axminster Squares, 3 x ij yards, only £ 2 51;. C4-25 I 4 LL Kinds of Furniture Repaired am4 re- ¡ 1. upholstered. Wnolesale price- Send postcard direct to the Factory, zz. Richard-' son^street, Swansea. 04.20 OR SALE, American Organ, in good con- Or-o.n., 'n _Pxx)d con- (iiti-on, 10 S+,C)pl%; tkl 1>4) 601deb"p, L7 10B.—J?an Will; 22, Ric-hardeon-et.reet, Swan- Hughes Furnishing Co.'s Announcements. A SPECIAL Bargain.-Light or Dark Wal- A nut or Oak Bedroom Suite, bevelled plate glass door to wardrobe, fuU size 6wing mirror Dressing Chest, with marble eiab and tile-back Waehstand, £ 6 17s. 6d.; money ■returned if not r<& represented.—'The Hughes l' Furnishing Co., 251, Oxford-street, Swansea. C4-22 ¡ WALNUT Sideboard, with large bevelled plate glase mirror, large cupboards and drawers, P,4 !9ti. 6d.; worth nearly double; -tiarailieeci.-TL-o Hughes Furnisning Co.. 251, Oxford-street (opposite Market Corner) 04-Z2 T l^ARGE Selection of Overmantels from ¡ 12s. lid.; nearly half the usual prices; Guaranteed new and in perfect condition.— The Hughee Furnishing Co. (opposite Market Corner). Swansea. C4-22 i. i^vliuE Sel««tion of Bedsteads to cleat 11. at prices below those charged by the makers at present.—Hughes Furnishing Co 251, Oxford-street, Svvenfra. C4-22 KITCHEN Dressers, made in our own workshops, at whokeale prices; must be cleared to make room for new stock; prices from 3&3. lid.—The B'ughe^ FTIrrJÍJJ. irg 00., 251, Oxford-*trcet, Swansea.. C4-22  T    U M Y KAi (iUiiMY When rcf;iying to advertisement.!J. please mention the" Leader." G ENTI.EMAN desires to !>rmsp'-nd with ¡ vehned Lauy. 50; view, 'matrimony; genriae e-iwi confideatial.—Bo* l A17, Leader Oiú. a j EDUC-A-, IOUAL. When replying to advertisements, I I Whefi r<:plywg to a.dvertisements, ] please mention ?te Leader I I GIRL'S Bcardiug aDd Day Schcol.-Durn- :T. 1)3rtOTI. Brynymor-road, Swansea. The House is well situated in its own grounds. Summer term commences May 1st.— Principal: Miss Gailick, A.C.P. C4-30 T ESSGNS BY POST—Study Privately at 1. Home. Firemen's Lessons, Is. 1M.; Gas Co.p Scales, 3rl.; Instruction Book Free. -Cambrian Mining School, Porth, Rhondda. GS-o Ceati?' Q\V?'XSET'COM????'lA.L SCROOL. C?'? j ? Bunding SPECIAL EVENING CLA.SSES. Subjects:—ShortheJid, Type- writing, Book-hepc-p ng, English, Arithmetic, Spoiling and Composition. New Seeeion Commencing. Call or write now for parti- culars. T.e QTUDrNTS Trained to a Sriee.i ot s Words a Minute in PITMAN'S Short ¡ fepnd. Civil Service Caniddate3 Succesefullj Prepared for Examinations. Numeroa- Recent Successes I/earners and Sorter? Swansea and London. Lessons given is Arithmetic. Bookkeeping, Trigonometry etc.. Ladies and Gentlemen. Sncces* Guar II anteed.—Mr. J. Harris. Shorthand Teacher jj 66, Oxord-6treet. Swansea. Day and Even j f^asgoQ. i MUS?CAL MST-RU M E^TS. I ä tFhen replying to advertisements, please mention the" Leader," p EAMOPHONE and 20 Double-sided Records for Sale. £ 2.—Apply to 7, Williams-place, SWS.r:a.êa.. 31A-5-26 TJIANO. only shop-soiled; list. price ;)8;:8.. ocil for £ 24 cash, or 15s. monli,y.- Sims, 2, Walter-road- .7JA4-26 TpIVE HUNDRED Reoorda Wanted.—T. Laurence. Dealer in Second-hand Furniture, Old China. Curiosities, Gramo- phones. etc., Royal Stores, 64, Oxford-street. Swane&a. Goods bought privately. Te.: 900 Central. 26A4-23 VIOLINS by the beat mah-r?: iBps V ItRUana; Sti, ngg for a.U InstrumeBt? Expert. Repair to all Stringed Instrument- Bowe Repaired 1 J. T. Woodinc, Vioi! Mo)ier and Repairs-, 22. Gower-stre-at. Swao cea, Godfrey & Co.'s Announcements. O ENUINE BAKGATN.—Secopd hnrd Piano V by Woolley, of London. Patent iron frame; very fine tone and touch; in good condition; 10 guineas cash, or 6s. momthlv.- Godfrey and Co., Ltd., 22. St. Helen's-road, Swansea. 30A4-26 Gi ENUINE BARGAIN.—Second-hand Piano r by Remy, Paris. Iron frame; full trichord; check action; ivory keys; rose- wood ca-se; in perfect, condition; 12 guineas cash, or 7s. 6d. morithly.-Godfrc-y and Co., Ltd.. 22, St. Helen's-road, Swansea. 3GA4-26 BLTTT'INEE Upright Grand; Elightly .1) soiled; the finest German Pianoforte possible to obtain; used by all eminent pisnists; noted for their exquisite tone, flexibility of touch, and laeting qualities. Original price 85 guineas; reduced to 56 guinea3 ea.3h, or 25s. monthly.—Godfrey and Co.. Ltd., 22, St. Helen's-road. Swansea 3004-26  0 A L P 1 A N ? & (V"0 L D M ED A L P I A N u a W ADDJKGTON k SCN&- Ltd.. STATION dlOAD, PORT TALBOT .'opposite the County School). Established 1S38 crr T,' Pl ANOFORTE MAKU?'A?'r?J3KRS PIANOS from 10- 6d.; ORGANS from ?. Monthly. SOLE AGENTS for the Kastner Autopiano and the Celebrated Stems ln'«-ior Pl.-iye- Piano, ak-o Eit.cnullor Double sound- board Piano. Kinnerman, Polr?orf and other well-known German Makers. SPECIAL AGENTS for Pianos and Organs by all the Leading Makers, including Bord (of Paris). Allison, Bell. Mason and Hamlin, Karn, Farra-na. Hamilt<>n, Sajnee, Dciainion. Packard, Imperial Co., Sprir.gfi'fli and others. WA DDINGTON'S always nave a Gobd Selec tion of SHOP-SOILED r, n (I SECOND- HAND Instruments for Sale at Low Prices. Write for Catalogues and oa rticnlars. J WADDIXU'fOX'B ADow Railway Fajee U> purchasers. WADDI!SfGTON'S, STATION-BOATS (cpt>oeit<- the County School), PORT TALBOT. n-r* fit (" "—•'V nf MISCELLANEOUS SALEfi, DflT* When replying to advertisa please mention the" Leader. 4 LARGE Quantity of good Garden Soil can be had flee. on cart at 203, High- ctreet. Apply oil job.—D. Jenkins, Ltd., Builders and Contractors. 30A4-26 T~>OR SAIaE, strong Rocking Horse; cost ï £7, eoll for Sots. A1-i() Drawing-room Suite, 68.75, Mansel-terraxse, Swaneea. 29A4-25 S AFES (Fire-iesisting). all sizec, for Sale, barga llloS; oesgond-hand Donkey Pumps, Saw Benches, 20cwt. Platform Weighing Machine, etc. Enquiries solicited for new and so<>ona-ha.od Plant and Machinery.—Birt and Co., 47a, Strand, Swan- sea. 2SA4-24 it in splendid condition; will sell cheap.—Apply 32, Nicboll- sti-eet. 28A4-24 FOR SALE, Yost No. 4 TypewriteA in good working order, for £5 5s. cash.—Box A19, Leader 01r.ee. Swansea. C4-23 FOR SALE. Bookcase, weH-made, 7ft. lOin. high, 20in. deep—For particulars write Bcokea,&o," Leader Office, Swansea. 25 A 4-22 QEVFRAL Tons of Firewood and Old ron for Sale.—James, Ship Siores, Ltd., Pier-street. Swansea. C4-31 kotjcesT When replying to advertisements please mention the Leader. ♦ STROLOGY.—Your Future, Important .1.'l. Eveuts Foretold. Ma.rriag?. Pa.rLmT de- scribed, Bucnu?a. SpeculeHon, Char.gec Legaciee, Lucky Daya, Pianet, etc. ?nd bL'hdat. 6d. P.O. and etajup?d envelope — Madera Marion, 4, Roberteon-a^venue, Edin-j burgh. Strictly private. Immediate replies. 25A4-22 SMART Turn-out for Hire or Sale; Com- '? mcrcia? Vans, Horses. Ponies, Trape, Waggonettes, Governess Oars, R-aili Care, BraJies.—W. -Tarvis, Victoria Mewe, 6, Francis-street, Swansea. Nat. tel. 184Yl. 2.5A4-22 POULTRY, DOCS. LIVE &TOCK, L Ias- When replying to advertisements, please mention the Leader FOR SALE, 4 Muling Paire Birds, mated, 3 Linneto, 1 ùoldfirwh. alN pair Nor- wich Canaries with young.—Apply lC, Lewis- atre-at, St. Thomas. 50A4-23 ]^GGS from Grand Pcu; Blue Andalusian3, Ewell lacad, good winter layers, 3s. 6d. Sitting; and 3 Buff Orpington Hens in full lay.-T. Grove. 4, Prospect-place, Sketty. 29A4-25 L^OX Terrier Dog. 12 months, black tan head, marked body, beautiful from; keen guard; trained house; faithful with children; 10a.—Jones, 5. Sheffield-place, Mumbles. 28A4-24 c White Wyandot tee, 7s. M. \V"I.J-c Lù-e n .u.v ;1. 1 tl, ¡r,. a I doaea; Cainpice Eggs, a sitting; Lewis Jones's strain. White Leghorn Chicks ready Thursday, 24th.—Mrs. H. Conibear, (i, 2>I.ers-6treet St. Thomas, Swansea. 26A4-2S Ai-lx.UK 'ierr?r Bitch, 12 moDthe, rich biack tan colour; good guard and CIOL Ipanion; champion ratter; 2.56.-Llewely n. Wellfi-ald House, Ammanford. 25A4-22 ?Hl??T?-hicks! <Jl7?kA' 66. p.M?doz7; 'I _C. l)..CA.' IJ(', oz., ? White OrpiEgtcos, Brown Leghor1l6. Black Mmorcia, everybody delighted Note: Wanted, Bantams and &ahhit.6.-Xeill, Swansea-; a.ieo Market Swal. 24A4-i2 ETOGS"! Egisl Egg>! FTyraouth Rocks E (barreni. Slater's stra.in. 2e. 6d. per sitting.—Morrie, Gower Inn. Parkmill, 21A5-3 I j MACHINERY, &c., FOR SALE, j ¡ (SIr" When replying tc advertisements, j please mention the" Leader. FQHSALE OH H13S, POHOHASE-aiRE v n l¡ u,. In t s í i.li: 1.1 u. tl. n sea LOTS, includin, I I Wr:;R FEED, etc,, STEAM PUMPS, I 9jin. x 7 £ in. s 12in. & 14in. x lCin. x 20in^ etc I STEAM WINCHES, 4in. x &in- Pin. x Liln., 8in. x S4n.. ?im x 14in., I etc. I HAULING ENGINES, I Two Drums, 2ft. wide; Cylinders. 9in. x 30in. ALso -Miff, double rlram. self contained, Eln. s 32in. STEEL BUILT STEAM HAULAGE SET .1 I THOS. W. WARD, Ltd. BRITONFERRY. IF OR SALE,"T43rai.P. Loco type Boiler J- by Robey; quite as new; fitted with I Donkey Pump.—Appiy to G. S. Richmond, Engineer, Llenelly. TC. I. BOILERS (50) and Machinery, good second- ba.nd .-J ohn Stringer and Son.. 55, BIa.ckb?ra. C7-3 i FOR SALE. [-» FOR SALE. 10,000 T3AM SLEEPERS, I 3ft. 6m. x 5;in. x 2iin. iLARCE QUA.^TSTY OF MAIN LINE SLEEPERS, 9ft. x lOin. i 5in. I Also Quantity MAIN LINE SLEEPERS Suitable for COGWOOD. j BUYERS OF OLD TYPE RAILWAY WAGGONS FOR DISMANTLING. [t DOUGLAS STEWART AND CO.. Metal, Machinery, and General Merchants, Telegrams: Stewnrt, Quay-parade, Swan- sea. Tel.: 306 Central. QUCTION GAS ENGINES "AN LÍ PLAN' j i Fielding's Patent. Gold Medal Awarded Rize 9 to 300 B.H.P.; 10 B.H P. I, Id. per | honr. Cheapest power known. Hundred* working Catalogues Free. Write present cost, and we will e. Saving to be effected. Few Second-hand Gas En^ine^ Cheap. Engineg for Cinemas a Speciality, j -So1a Makers: FIELDING AND PLANT, t GLOUCESTER. | FOR SALE, 600 Tons teel Rolled Joists, various sections; Buildup Girders, Angles. Tees, and Rail. Also a Large Assoft- ment of Tanks, Stretching Screws, etc., etc Inspection Invited.—Shopbreaking Co., Ltd., King's Dock, Swansex C.T.D. BUSINESS WSE.VIFSES TO LET When replying ty advertisements, please mention ¡""e Leader. I l -pacous p Shop, TOU-:1;0U& indi:'l.l:¡;hop, oentral part Mount PI?.?a.m; esj^ially £ uit- ?,7,.bl,3 for hairdresser, etc.—Apply a Box Bo, Leader OS?. 31A't-?i SALE. Grocer's Shop and House, tc.. 1: get her with outbuildings; situate, in one cf the chief dwelling parts of Swansea.; long leaiio; have bscÆn in occupatwn for years; a reasonable offor not refused.—For particular write to "Lea £ e," Office of this paper 50 A 4-26 'T'KREE valuable Freehold Shopc, w LL Dweliing-houses, lor Sale at Pontar- duleis; best position.—Address "B4." Leader Office, Swansea- C4-26 OHOP to Let. suitable for any business; s ?r. rosds; i side ?utranc?.—Apply Thomas, Post Office, Brynljyf-yd 28A4-24 TWO convenient, gocd-sined Rooms to Let as OiSoea; rent moderate; fjood posi- ti. Cakih and Co. (W. A L Tur. 5. College-street* Swansea. 2EA4-14 TO LET, Premises at MiTmbles with Sevan Bedrooms, los. weekly inclusive.—Apply Lncaa and Son, Auctioneers, Swansea. I 26 A 4-23 TO LET, Double-front Shop at, 15.3. per week—Apply Lucas and £ -:>n. Auctioneers, Swansea. 26A4-23 1=H.0T of Land to -Tat, back S? Helen's- — aTenuD; a?c Y&iJ and Wcj-l?hop, back 17, Paxton-plaoe.—Write "Investor," Leader! Office. ( 26A4-23 j ST. HELEN'S-ROAD.—To Let, Large j Shop and Premises.— Appiy Jenkins, j B. Uplands-crescent, Swansea. 261A4-23 OUSE and Shop to Let at Fforestiach, I plate-glass front; suit any business; good opening for Colonial Produce; rent 12s. per week.—Apply CrocLer. Station-road, re, fac h 2 6'-?? T, that commodious ard up-to-date Grocery or Drapery Double-fronted Premises; house, bakery and stable at- tached; High-street, Ogmore Vale.—Apply James. PentrebaiJy, Blackinill. 25A4-22 c C)Iil.!ODIOUS Shop and Pteinises To Let at Sketty; good position.—Address B:.x A15, Leader, Swansea. 25A4-12 T? OUR OS"<? tc L?t on &&oond floor of ii. Wind-snvet. &wanae&; will let in pa?ra if required.f'h mcdqrn and well-ligh! d fuitee can b? viwed on application to F]t; Brothere axid Davies, Ltd. C4-9 THTf^F "ioes to L&t on £ r»t Soor. and T Two T?'Ce on second Pc?r. of Xo. F Wind-street. Swansea; possession March A. C June Quarter Days respectively.—Thee? mod-ern and well-lighted suites can be 1, viewed on application to Fitt Brothers and Davie. Ltd. T.C. CARRIACES, HORSES, Ac., FOR I SALE. I IW- When replying to advertisements, I please mention the Leader." T^OR SALE, 1 Cob. 13.2 h.h.. age 7; 1 Cob. j 14.2 h h., 6 y-ftars, suitable for pleasure I or tradesman; also 1 Cart Horse. 16 h.h., 7 years, good iu shafts or chains.—Apply Owen Jenkins, near Church. Liansamlet. I 25A4-26 OR SALE, MareTCart, and Hnrne?sv^ Write Leidei- Office. 2qAc-251 FIRST-CLASS New Surrey Trap, rubber I è1 tyres; also three second-hand Rustic Trails; onA Butcbo!"ï"8 Tr:1p -Apply Jones. Garage, Ammanford. C-4-24 FOR SALE, Small Governess Car, suitable for pony or donkey; bargain.—Morgan. White Horse, Llandilo. C4-22 jrS OVERNESS Car for Sale, rubber tyres. cheap; or Exchange for Ralli Trap. Spring Cart for Sale, suit cob.-W. Jenkins, Gower-rosd, Sketty 25A4-22 BUSlNeS-S (œ- When replying to advertisements, Please mention the Leader. fPO LET, Drapery, Millinery, Outfitting Busiuess. Swansea district; unique opportunity for gocd man; rent very moderate.—" E.D. Leader Office, Swansea. 31A4-26 j JOR SALE or to Let, modern Steam L Laundry near Swansea; growing pro- greeai'tTe district; good centre; excellent prosp&cts; inspection invitod.-Apply Box 882, Leader Office, Swansea. 29.A 4-25 PATENT Fuel Factory and Business for Sale, near Cardiff, Newyxirt, Barry; low price immediate purchaser; terms arranged suitable parties; present owner going abroa.d.-Write Fuel," Leader Office Swansea. 28A4-24 OOp Old-fashioned Country Grocery Business for Disposal. — Write "Country," Leader Office. 23A4-24 RESTAURANT Bus?neae for disposal;  g:\ind opening; ?xc&lient et&nd, near I Th-eatree; profits large proved.—Apply Box i A.J4," lx-ader Office. 25A4-22 TO LET, the old-established Business of Boot and Shoe Dealer, situated at 5, Brecon-road, Abergavenny; good position, maiD road; double-fronted; stock low. Also Branch E?pairing S?P: _.ntr_ttl'l Boaeon di??a?T, "going aSr?ad'.—yo?B S ort, Aborgaveniir ZLA.A-7Z J i MOTOR CARS, CYCLES, Ac., FOR SALE. Eaf When replying tr advertisements, please mention the Leader. SALE. a I^ady't Rover Cycle; also .J.. G'¡;'DL'ri Hiiiobfr: 30s; eaoh.—Apply 15, T^OB SALiE, Gent, s Second-hand Cyciei, Premier make, 26m. frame, exoeHent condition, tools. Brooks' saddle, B90, also Eadie coaster hub, Ll; a bargain.—-Appiy 148. Wtstern-sti^eci. 26A4-23 r 91i7R££UgrD-Ti-Tph, in l'i¡ 1911 oondition; be&t oS'er over 30.- Sutton, 38, Woroee;er-place. Swansea. 26A4-23 191") FORD Two-seater; practically new; tJ best offer .-er cost £ 140.— o- Sutton. 38, WorcesteiNplaoe, Swansea. iU>A4-23 f Q13 GENT.'S Cycle, uDsoiled. with B.S ?. peeù &e?r; i?4 4s, bargain.—Writa "Avon," Leader Office. 26A4-2.3 TF You Wish to know the Exact Brake- Horse-Power of your Motor Car Engine, call at Melbourne Garaget, 7, Melbourne- pla^-e, Svtan.ea. Can give it for a small fee. 1 have a. special appaxatue for the purpo&a. C4-ZZ "OEIJSIZE CARS.—I can give immediate Je- —— livery of any of the 10-12 h.p. Models, and early delivery of all other Models.— Book your orders now for Whit sun with the Agent: C. K. Andrews, Uplands Garage. 25A4-SS Will Jones & Co.'s Announcements. ? Q? '? ?R?-MIER. ? h.p? tWû-8pe:ed. fr,,m U Ù ??ck. ?6. c?Be 1913 S:EA1.: 23 h.p., two?pe? frr.ni "LtJ-LO t-lrck, £ 63. C4-26  Q"! '} ? h U- PREMIER. in clinking ecD? J-?.-L?. (.{Jt??? o?y ?7 10s. C4-2S iyiJL kV PREMIER and Sidecar^ £ 3v • 04-26 1 Q11 h.p. F.E. P:&EMlE OIUY J-°1 L £ 35. C4-24 £.5. C4.26 QOLE AGENTS for Swansea, Valley for tui U Sunbe.am Motor Cycle. Order now to avoid disappointment.—Note the A/drireas: 1. Oapei Buildings, Clydach, S.O. C4-24 J Brayley's Annouaoemonts. iq? MODEL DE LUXE Rex. ?<.p<?d, t1. bought new J&inja?y. 19U; £5û. or offer. C.T.D. rpRlUMPH, 4 h-p- EZD. C.T.D. 1912 NEW InTDSO. 4 h.p.. th —— gear, free engine; .50. O.T.D. DER F.N. Motor Cycle, jo? 1 < b.?.n c-erha-ul?i and reDova??d by makers; pnoe zEA. C.T.D. L^ORD CAR, in perfect oondition, £ 60. C.T.D. DI 9 5-6 H.P. Clyno "'ndsi;tiCi; -nJ±?. ?rf?ct COndJtloD. £5). C.T.D. TMMFI>iA'rE Deliveries from Stxvk of New Hudson. James, ArjeL and a.tc.,v Agent for Rover and F.N. Motor Cycles, ard Singer's Cyrie-Cars.—Oa.ll or write for list, free.—J. Brayley, 215, Oxford-sLraet. Swan- So6a. C.T.D. Clarke's Announcements. C-URIE;S G&r;.g-.e:-Port Tø.Ibot, h1 satitfaction. C4-25 t.ut)plr Fu n boa me, Sheffield Simplex. Vulcans. Enfields, Alldayn* Belsize. Fords, &c. C4-23 OMALL Cars and Cycle-Cars.—Book your order at once and save disappointment. At present I oan deliver Morris-Orford Small C.a.r, five weeks; Perry Car, four weekst; Kumberette from stock; Chater-Lea, 10 d:;y"- 04-23 OTOR CYCLF-S. x -*■ Zenith Gradua. 6 h p., from stock. Triumph, from stock. Caloott, 24 h.p.. 33 guinees. from stock. Eazelwood, J, h.p-, Twin Jap, Armstrong 3-sp&ed. 53 guineas, from stock. Zenith Gradua, 8 h-p., 10 days. Zenith Gradua., 3J h.p., one week. Clyno, 14 DAY P. Rudge, one week. 04-Zo. SIDECARS in Stock. D4 23 SECOND-HAND MOTOR CYCLES. ks 1912 Zenith, 6 h.p., kick staner.: ?M 10 0 1932 Budge Standard 35 0 0 1911 Zenith, 6 h.p. <5 0 0 1)12.13 Rudge Multi 46 15 0 1912 h.p. Âllday6. 34 0 0 1932 Clyno, 6 ii-P 48 15 0 193C Humber. 24peed 24 0 0 Ma ny others. C4-23 CARS aud Motor Cycles Aceetysorie6 in great variety, also Second-hand Tyres, read Lamp. Radiators, Stepneys, Coiis, Back Axles, Ac., Joe. Inquiries solicited. When in Port Talbot do not forget to calL Telephone—No. 37. Clarke's Garage, Port Talbot. Ct-23 Hedge's Announcements. 20 H.P. C.P.T. Delivery Van for Eale; ').'? H.P. C.P.T. D?ivery Va.B for Sa?; cost £ 390 new; splendid value at £ 220. 04-28 1 9 '?-P- Two-Cylinder D&rr&cq Oar, J-'J L- four?pa?t<:r. h-aod screen, I&mpe and tools; in good running order; £oW. 04-21 BO t A TRIUMPH Motor Cyc?e. B. ?S A.-t,ed with free en?TX clutches; 3i h.p., Z-6peed chain drive James. 1912 model, with new Ganolet Sidecar, 511 splendid order, JEcO cash.—Apply at Hedge's Garage, Neath CM-22 fusr L. Boborts* Announcen>e«t?. TTUMBERETTE Cycle Cor in stock. Piefw^ call anf] inspect it Orliers booked now Early fMiveritx-. C' J C TD. BOOK ??'w tor E&rty Dftt-.e:?? cf AJ.6- Enfieids, Douglas. Humbeis. Budge, Eifie??ds, Doug! ia. Rumbers, BudM r-IIA VE'in dock H\¡'Q,i up-to-uiae ?M?u- baz.d Mow!' Cycle&. iEcIadic? im Indian. B^-A.'s, Triumphs, Enfields, P. and M.'s, Bradbury's. N.S.U., New Hodeons, Premiers and A.J.S. Prices from LIC to JE55. Send postcard or call for Last.—Ivor L. I^borls r -) CT.D. APARTMENTST &a. OW- When replying to advertisements, Please mention the Leader T^URN]^HED Sitting and Bedroom; also oomfortabl0 Bed-Sittii'g-room to T.p.t.. overlooking bay; frne position; every rnn- venience: close to parks and beach; with or without board.—1, Priorton-terrace. 28 A 4-35 TO LET, Frot FumMhcd B00-8iU.ing. T room, sun maiTied couple. 7s. wkly; also ba,z'k do., 5s. 6d. week.-n. Man^ei. terrace, three minutes from Albert Hall. 25A4-25 K'EATH.—To Let. Bedroom a.odSitt?n? ? rocm. in ?o?d locality; 6uit married couple —Apply B. Leader Office, Neath. 26A4-Z3 APARTMEhTS WANTED, Wheti replying to advertisements, please mention the" Leader. :,TED. by Two Young LådieŠ Furnishded Bedroom and Sitting-room. —Apply, with terms, to E.T., Leader Offices, Swansea. C4-23 r r r ——- r ——— ..„. T ———————— PARTNERSHIP WANTED. A7. TED. a Partner to take bull-share- value 115&-in an up-to-date Bruoa Foundry; only practical men need apply.— c/o W. Rosser, PublisIere, | Bridge-street, Neath. 33A4-2I A DVERTISER (Lady; would llke-Partner: A ship in Business with Lady or Gentle- man; will assist in Suitable busirew.-Writo Suitable," Loader Office, fewansea. 2dA4-2i C;.E\ and anet.i.=WaUed-PUt; C, ?- -? 1 ?-' for Palace near Man?Uy. £ 3 weekly guars-n* £ *vi. or half shares; now runnm? f.ur??<f?U! ar?i 3?p?<-?.noD &T&t cb&nc<—'?'ntX Box 'XS?"TXad?T""5Bi-?. UA*r2i