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AMUSEMENTS. BfiTp IRE OXFORD STREET. SWANSEA. Monday, April 21st, and Twice Ntghtty a.& 6.50 and 3.3 during the week. The Huntsman Ventriloquist. TOM ED\VARDS, In an Entirely New Act, Ventriloquial B!oodtess Surgefy. STELLA AND STANLEY, Presenting Singing, Dancing, Palter and Hat and PARK'S ETON BOYS and Cirton Cur!: in Vocal &- Dancing Act. CHASS LEW'S, Novelty Ventriloquist. VAN DER KWRS, Quack Illusionist. ETHEL NEWMAN, In a Miniature Comedy, The WktOW." FREO MA!TLAND A CO. In a Burlesque Sketch, "Ne. 1 Cerrard." New Series of Up-to-date Subjects on THE AMERtCAN BtOSCOPE: W!LD, WILLIE & WEST, The Ac.roba.tic Nawies. GRAND THEATRE SWANSEA. MONDAY. APRIL 21st, and during the week at 7.30, and < MATtNEE SATURDAY at 2.30, Mr. Philip Michae) Faraday presents the Famous Musicat Comedy, in Three Acts, entitled— THE PINK LADY. The Full Company of London Artistea include Mr. Fred Wrtght, Junr. NEXT WEEK— ROYAL DIVORCE." THEATRE ROYAL. WIND STREET, SWANSEA. Proprietor Jc Licensee-William CouttS. TO-NIGHT at 7.30, and during the week, EPNESf E. NORRIS and London Company preotent ARTHUR SOURCHtER'S SUCCESS, .í THE WALLS OF JER!CHO." Sea,ts may now be Booked at Gwynne H Biader's. Tel., 291 Central, and '.21j! Central. NEXT WEEK- 'THE TmEF and "THE W!TNESS FOR THE DEFENCE." PICTURELAND THE WORLD'S BEST PICTURES Are on View Every Evening at 7.4J throughout COUTTS' CIRCUIT. TO-NIGHT'S i'c'not'Ís are M iuUows:— AT THE SHAFTESBURY CiNfi,,1A ST. HELEN'S-ROAU, SWANSEA. A Woman's Wt:es iN u I. cl i Suzie to Suzaalit) "itag.apü. the Odice Boy s ihrthday .Edisuu. Levels (Coioured) Eclair. riigh COL or Aeductiuu A. J. Around Agra and Lueknow.i'Lint)uu. From the Oepths .C. du M Pathe's Animated Gazette oi tha World's .News, Publi&hed Tues- day, April 2!Zud, 1913. A'i' THE PALACE, WtCH STREET, SWANSEA. Tue .same Programme aa at the Shaftesbury Ctnema. ?' AT THE TIVOH, CWMBWRLA. A Remancc of tfte Western HH!s A.H. Funnicus Serenade .Eclair. Animat-ed Putty Kineto. The Ltttie Organ Ptayer of San J uan Selig, The Ab:ent-illlnded Valt.L. I'uriu .Cosmo. Miss Taku of Tukio rhanhauser. rhe VHago Blacsmith Lubin. AT THE PICTUREDROME, MORR:STON. The Vetce of (; iGt.Tiia3a)aa user. A Tender-hearted b&y.A.H. A Pair of Boott. 8eiig Business as Usual .Clarendon. Mrs. Lerrtpre's Legacy Vie. Johuny Goos Duckiug .Kalem. A Timely Rescue Lubin. A Uangerous Wager Kalem. jaumont's Graphic of Topical Events. AT THE GLOBE C!NEMA, CL YDACt- Tnt) Same Progracune an at the Ptcturediome, Morr!aten. AT THE PAVILION, PONTARDAWE. Trapped by Ftre .Invict.t. rhe Anair of an Egg A.B. Dick and the Hustle Lo-tion. Urban. The Knock-out .Eineto. .owe of Long Ago .Thanhauser. he Ring or a bpani&h Grandee. Melies. Fhe Talisman .Bison. A Ttip up the Seine .Lubin. A Prisoner's Story .Lubin. Opttsah Selig. AT THE PLAYHOUSE, YSTALYFERA. The Stune Programme as at the PawUton, Pentardawe. AT THE COLISEUM, YSTALYFERA. LAST WEEK OF STOCK SEASON. To-night (Tuesday), "THE CORStCAN BROTHERS." Wednesday—MONA. Thursday—The MA!D OF CEFN YDFA Fhday—THE RUSStAN SPY. Saturday—Ft RE MATCH THE TROOPER. 1:- AMUSEMENTS. ) THE P T U R E HOUSE, H!CH STREET, SWANSEA (Next Door to Davied & &hort). Maxiagilag Director.Wittiam Coutts. The Last Word tn Cinema Theatrex. ? TO-DAY at 3, SPEG!AL MATINEE. ? Aftarnoen Tea Prowiaed Fre< of Charge. '¡ TO-MtCHT, Continuou Pwtoirmitnod tran! 6.3a till 10.M.. Mr. W. H. Hoarwe OrcHMira< Bond ? Ptays Ewery Ewentn& ? TODAYS PROURAMME- < CtNEMATOCRAPH SUCCESSES. A Romance ef the Western HiHs A.B. ? Furnicus Serenade Eclau- ? F- 1 a I r. Ajiima.ted Putty Kineto. ? The Little Organ Player of ? San Juan ..Selig. ? The Absentr-minded V<Liet. Vit. ? Tarin .Cosmo. ? M<SS Taku Of TotdO Thanhauspr. ? Pathe's Anima-ted Gazette of the WorM's News, Pubhshed Tue&- ?? d&y, April 22nd, 1913. Change of PtcturM Every Monday, ? Wednesday, and Frtday. Conttnueus Performance Every Satur- s day frMn 3 th) 10.30. ? OXFORD ELESIRtB THEATRE UNtOM STREET, SWANSEA. The Premier Hall of South Wates. A Ceaseteas Performance of Exceeding Excellence from 2.M tttt 10.30. PROGRAMME FOR TO-DAY:— EXGLUStVE FOR SWANSEA- "OUR NAVY," by Alfred West, F.R.G.S. IN THE PYRENEES. A MOTOR BOAT PARTY. A FOUR-FOOrED HERO. HOW THEY COT THE VOTE. A LOYAL DESERTER. TOPtCAL BUDGET. THE OXFORD tMPERtAL LADtES ORCHESTRA Ptaya Datty treifn 2.30 till 10.3C. Afternoon Tea Free of Charge to All Part< of the House. AU Trame Lead to the OXFORD." PMtaree arc projected on the Wonderful CHRYSTAI. MIRROR. POPULAR PR!CES:—3d.. 6d. and is. ALBERT HALL, SWANSEA. I'RESENTED BY R. WHITTAKEB. PROF. MAX REINHARDT8 MASTERPIECE, THE M!RACLE COLOURED LYRICSCOPE PLAY, MONDAY, APRIL 28. AND DURtNC WEEK. At 7.45 p.m. MATINEES AT 3 p.m. on THURSDAY AND SATURDAY. RESERVED SEATS—2s. 6d.. 2s.. a.ad Is. M. UNRESERVED—la. a.nd 6d. B:x>kiug Gwynne H. Brader's. Heathtield-street. Swansea.. PUBLiC NOTICES. CHAMPION HACKNEY, MACAULAY \1.18Z) V/1LL STAND AT FAIRY GROVE FARM. KLLLAY, FOR bE60¡'¡ 191J, A-Ni) WiLL aKEVE MARES AT THREE GUINEAS EALn .rl D FIVE 8R1LL1NG8 GROOM FEE. t. r lmt.aar paj'Ucuiaj'& to .Mr. iii4NXY J .U,t.bd. PLEASE NOTE—NO LIMrr. ELEVEN EIGHT EIGHT (1138 CENTRAL. THREE LINES) Are the New 'Phone Numbers for T. BARFOOT, Tuif Commiaaion Agent. 6. WORCESTER-PLACE, SWAMSEA 'DUBLIO lVIEDICAL QERVICE. owing to the rush of a,pphca.Liooa for menabor-3hip the oitice will be open every evenuig from 6 t« d p.iu.. for Lhe prette.nt, in a.ddtUfu to the UISoual oifioe bdum (Signed? ROGER. THOMAJ5. a?cretAry. O&oea:—89. XfUMel-etreet- p 0,N TALDA W h R 6 !IA-L -DisikLI(A COUNCIL. WANTED. WATERWORKS FITTER for the Ca.egurwen District., wagea, 26; weekly. Applic&nM must. be either regiatered j plumbera or have h&d oojnaidera.ble expe- rtence in Plumbing Work. List of dutiee may be inspected at the Coumdi O&ce, where forma of 26PPlication may be Á.pplica.tion6 must the Council OB&cea not later tha.n TUESDAY, the J9th instant. WYNDHAM LEWIS. Clerk. OouacU Omc<!ft. Ponta-rdawe. 18th AprU, 1913. Swansea Football Ground. GRAND ATHLETIC SPORTS (Under A.A-A. La.w6 and N.C. U. Ruiee) on WHIT-MONDAY (MAY 12th. 1911). Under the pa.ti'ona.ge of the MAYOR OF SWANSEA; Aldenaa.n D. Williams), who has kindly ooneented to l're.ent FREE a La<iy'a or Gent. s BICYCLE to the holder of a certain Numbered Ticket purchased on or before Saturday, May 10th, 1913. ¡ TICKETS SIXPENCE EACH. EVENTS. 128. 440 a.nd COO Ya.rda Flat Handicaps, Open. .Half and 2 Mile Cycle Hajtdica-pa, Open. One Mile Scra.tch Cycle Race. 120 Yiu-d& Boys' Iia!iuica,p for "The John Da.vi<ee Cup and Prices. Half-mile 1'radœmen't\ Boys' Cycle Ra.ce Throwing the Cricket Ball. MuaicaA ChelJ"f'. Cycle Competition. —ENTRIES CLOSE MAY 3rd. 1913.- I W. J. MORGAN. A.A.A. Ron. Sec. "Wnrld of Sport. Of&c*. Beaoh-street, Swanoea. ?_ SA<.ES EY ¡'UCT!ON. BRYMH-FRYD. SWANSEA. TO P.n.lJd'ln o\VAL.'S. L\VTORS. AND OTHERS. Mr. Dav<d Roberts F.A.I.. Hac been instructed to SELL BY PUBLiC AUCliON, at tne. DILL IN ARMS, LLAN- GYFE.LACli-1WAD, miYNHYI-RYD. SWAN- SEA, on FR.1DA1, I Zilù., lSU. a.t 7.J¡) In the VALUABiJe. LeaseiioiJ Properttes, Kl1()WIl LOT L—AiI tll"L lJwea:wg-hou6e. No. 86, .LIa.iigyie.i&ch-roa.d, COill4.L.Lllllg 2 sitting- room. kricuen, ecuiiory, j /.>t;ûlOOw'fS, wni.1 ga.raen a.t, leal'. In ti.te (xx;ul)aL!.ii of Mlb. Dajiiei ix:d" a.nd wonn an eitmaleu renMU oi b6. weeh., ia.ntiioid paying ra.bed a.ud t6.X. 1,01 Z.—All La" Shop ajid DweÜ.llg-hoUB-E>. \()6. 87 aud Øb, .Llau';Ylcl;;l.(;ll-l'U.w., cUllt.alll- lILg 2 ,utt.wg-rov.1u->, t\.1tÁ;hll, t IJo6U.LO()ili, uo wnh "uûI"&L v(¡w, IV .1..1 i<et uo Air. W: lJaVle<i ou l-e-.e ioi 114 yca.ic iiuui Mtii-ch 25t.ii, 1.tiA, aL :L.,>ÁJ I.-er ajiu.utu, 1,,11'<'> J:a aüd t.a. .no. UOi.Llg ln6 are hcld (willi otoor pre- Illli U.LJ.ÙJbr a.n InUentu.1'e <ji ior :f¡ y'ca.ib ironi 2Ji,h ;eV(;cll.l.OOr, l.tttt4, but. f.-ee from tno payment M aiiy p&rt of the ground rent r6tilerved by such lcae. I,OT o.—Ail tjiooe Koe. 7 &nd 8. PetiyulLa,, each ciontain- ing siHing-room, llVlug-coom, Z Oedi,ovUL6, with ioug gan!eilS a.t 7 16 let to Xr. T. (jAn'ol. on a. t.eua.ucy at 5&. per week; .No. 8 is let to Air. D. Job, on a weekly tenancy at 46. 6d. per week; landlord and taXeB ill each 'l'h.i3 is held lillder an Inuenture of 1,.ea,se for an of 5 hvea aJid a tenu cf 99 yea-rs, computed froia Decemb.?r 26th, 1875, at the N-etiriy rent of JE2. The Aines and Minerals under all the Lots aje reserved. Furtbar particulars and conditions of aaJe may be obta.ined trcm .Î.ee6I"S. K Austin Wil- U&me and Son, S::>l1(;itors, 14, Temple-street, Sw.maee.; or of the Auctione&r. at hie OffloeR, 19, Hea-thneid-etreet, Sw&n&ea.. Tei.: 233 DDckB. THE PENTWYN ESTATE (Residue of), PONTARDULAIS. Messrs. James and James, F.A.I.. Have been favoured with instructions from the Owner, D. Jones Poweil, Esq.. to SELL by PUBLIC AUCTION, at the FARMERS' ARMS. PONTARDULAIS, on FRIDAY EVENING}. APRIL M.h, 19H, at 7 o'clock. the whole ot the Residue unsold of the above estate, comprising: Freehold Pasture Land, BUtLDtNC StTES ANO MINERALS, Viz.: Lota 1 to 4 inclusive.—FOUR BUILDING SITES, with frontages of 44 feet each, and containing an area. of about 35 perches ea.ch, situate off Reoiwyilt-road, PonuHdulaiB. Lota 5 to 7 inclQBive.—TRREK LARGE BUILDING PLOTS or one good Feature Field, abutting upon the public road lead- ing from Heolwyllt, Pontardulais, to Cefn- drim. and containing by admeaourement a tota,! area of 4 acres 2 rooda 9 perches. Lot 8.—Ail the MINES and MINERALS underlying the PENTWYN ESTATE, PONT- ARDULAIS, comprising 22 acres or there- abouts Further pa.rticula.ra may be had from the AUCTIONEER, or from E. M. CLASON DAHNE, Esq., Solicitor. Pontardulajs and Swansea.. "PEMBREY." 10, PEMBERTON-A VENUE. Mr. Arthur S. T. Lucas Ha.6. been iuatruct&d by Mrs. Ho'u.tio Phillips (who is leaving for South Africa.), n SELL by PUBLIC AUCTION, at.. the above addn,i. on TUESDAY, the 29th day of APRIL, 191J, the whole of the HOUSE- HOLD Furniture and Effects, It:dudingg Sitting-room Furniture Suites. Kitcbeu Furniture. Bedroom Suites, Bed- øwads, Bedding, and other Furniture and Eiiects, full particulars of the same ap*' Rearing ou the Auction Posters. Also a Remington Typewriting Machine in good corditiort. Tup Gooda on View the day prior to Sale from 2 tc 6 o'clock p.m. The Sz,,1,3 to Commence at 11.30 a..m pre- cisely. Terms, ca-sh. No reserve. PartMaIa.ra from Auctioneer's OSlces. 6, Swansea; and at Miimbles. Tcl. Ceimral 230. (OiBoe for Patents, Trade Marks. &nd Desigua Regiatra.tiou.) SHORIP NOTICE. FRIDAY ANT, SATURDAY. APRIL Z5 A 26. 22. W A'.l'BH..LÜO-TRBE'I' A:D PAEK- STREEr FURNITURE STORES. CORN Li!. PAR.K.STREEl'. S'L\êEA. Mr. Arthur S. T. Lucas Has boou fa'ou[\J with inatructious by Mr. Gilee Cock, the well-known Reuse Furnisher, to SELL BY PUBLIC AUCTION, the whole of his Valuable and Hlgh-Claæ London-made Household FMrniture, BEDSTEADS, PIANO, a.ud Other Ejects, to m&ke reborn for the Ruiidera, previoua to the of prmi6eti, Randoome Bedroom Suites in Oak and Wal nut, Massive and .L\Dble Oak and Walnut Sideboarda, grand BLack Loma Cabinets, 6 very aubdo.m.Lal Parlour and Dining-room Sniten in various coverings, 30 handsome Art Oolonr and ollier Bødb-t;. Wire a.nd Wool Mattfee&eat, }-oo,thN B<;da, Ilundrede, of Uoo- ful Household lui6i1,œ, <&c., &c. Sale to c,,inin4,.rce each day at 11 a.m. ajid 7 p.m. loriuis: Ceeh..Ko Reserve. Aactioneer'e Offiles: Swansea. ajtd Mumblee. WEDNESDAY, AfULL Mrd, 1913. TO BULLDERS. CONTRACTORa. FARMERS, AND OTKER8. Important Sale of Surplus CQntractors' Pkt.at, Machinery. etc. Mr. Frededck F. Meager (.h,Ü(¡w ui the Auctioneers' lru>tiLure), Of the thin of hitsero. Seynon &nd Meaner, if, fa,voui-ed with matructioiia from Metiara. Pa.rkintion and Kodgene. owing to coni- pletiun of Building C<jutr&cte m Swanaea., to SKLJL BY PUBijiC AUCTION, on the above da.te, at their STRAND. SWAN- SEA (rear of Vauglla.u'¡¡ 'LentineLLta),,EL L&xi;,a Quantity of Surpiua BU!LDER8' AND CONTRACTORS' Plant, vtz.: Man's BLeam 5-ton vVIgcjn in arst-clajae order.. Winch to lift 2 tollà. nearly new; la.rge QuanHly of Second-hfmd Doom, Door Prajnes, Windows fLnd &t<tahe&, a Quantity of 8t&ble a.Qd Common Bricks, a large number of Plasterers' ordinary Trestles, a Quantity of SLatea, R-idge Create. Heavy Sling Ctia.iiM. Ca.rpente.r'e Clajnp, L<&dder&, Scaffolding Poleet, Flooring Board&, Red Spruce Deala, Slate Slabs. EnàIOO8 Cha.in Pulley. Zinc Cda- t<ern. Quantity of :an,y and other Wheel- barrows. Caslis, Hoda, Ck)rrugated Zinc Sheeta, Concrete Platforms. Ashes and Sand Screens, Quantity of Slating Naila. Second- hand StadrB, Quantity of Roop Iron and Buildera' Centrea of various sizes. Firewood, Ropes, Ac. Terma—Oaah. Sale to commence at 11 a.m. sharp. Crooda on view Morning of Sale. Auctioneer's Omcea: Melbourne House, 7, M€lbo!irn€-pla<'e. Swaiis-a Docks Tet.: 335 TO LOVERS OF SPRtMC FLOWERS StR JOHN LLEWELYN Will be glad to OPEN HIS GROUNDS AND GARDENS at PENLLERCAER to all Lovers of Spring Flowers on itHURSDAY, MAY 15th, Jh'cm J to 7 p.m. PUBLIC NOTICES.  'DHONDDA AND SWANSEA T?AY DAILWAY. WELSH CUP FiNAL—RE-PLAY AT MtD-RHONDDA, THURSDAY, APRIL 2tth. SWANSEA T8WM V. PONTYPRHD. KICK-OFF-4.50 P.M. A FAST HALF-DAY EXCURSION will run to TONYPAMOY (via Trcher- bert and Taff Vale Railway) as under:— SWANSEA dep. 1.45 ?/Q DANYGR.A1G d?p. 1.43 —" PORT TALBOT. d.ep. Z.1C ?/? (A-bera.von Stai.i<yn) '*?'' ? CYMMBR dep. 235 1/6 BLAEN?WYNFY d€.p. 2.?5 -? ? ? The Return Trairr will Iea.ve ToByparfdy at 8.5 p.m. the same day. For full particulars see Hendbilla at Sta,ttona JOHN DAVID, General Manag-er. Swaneea, April, 1913. s T. HELEN'8-RD. CONGREGATlOiNA.L /?RUBCH. ? THE Sale of Work (FANCY ARTICLES. &c.) will be held in THE SCHOOLM3MS, ST. HELENS RD, NEXT THURSDAY, APRIL 24th. NOVEL ENTERTAINMENTS. COMPETITIONS, Ac. Opening Ceremony at 2.3C p.m.. by Mrs JOHN WtLDAMS, Du!a!S House. Friends will please keep the day in mind. SWANSEA Ali L;6.CA!, QOCiETY. Dr. D. VAUGRAN THOMAS. M.A.) SIR EDWARD ELGAR'S THE APOSTLES." NEXT PHACTSCES FRIDAY9 APRIL 25tH; MONDAY, APRIL 28th. AND EACti f:WCCJ;lEDll'iG MONDAY. at 8.0 p.m.. at, ST. PAUL'S SCHOOLROOM. NEW MEMBERS INVITED. DOUBLED IN 3 YEARS! Tht steady anS substantia! increase in the circuiation of ths CAMSRjA EtAtLY LEADER." AUDiTORS' SEHTSFiCATE. 91 and 93, Stshopsgate, E.C., 9th ApD), 1913. To the Directors of THE SWANSEA PRESS, LtM'TED. Dear Sirs,—We have examined the pub- tishing boohs in refereiice to the Cambria Daily Leadar" (tr)ctuding your Saturday's is.!ue The Sporting News "), an<i certify that the incrcaoas in the net sates were as fo!)ows:— 19iG over 1S39 37.7 per cant. 191i OVtli" 13M 69.3 per cent. 1912 over l9M 65.5 per cent. thus showing that the saios have almost exactty doubted in three years. Yours faithfu!!y, SEARLE, HOMEYEOURME & CO., Chartered Accountants.

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 South Wales !Musicai Festival.

I "PRO PA TR IA. ",,

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