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A L K S over TV, Knr No.3 Its vu Method of Preparafion fg VHE effect which your daily bread has upon your ? ??? g health is something which you have never perhaps ? ?? A deemed worthy of serious consideration. If, however, ? ? you desire perfect bodily vigour combined with sound, ? a mental activity, then your bread t;zitst contain those con- ? stituents necessary for building up bone and muscle, tS ? enriching the blood, and which will replace the usual losses & consequent upon tissue changes. ? In the preparation of Turog these necessary qnalities are kept ?)r ? ? specially in view and the result is a brown bread which exactly meets the R needs of the human constitution. TUROG contains cone of those irritating ?L ?' ? fibrous particles of the whea.t-berry which are found in coarse wholemeal ? ? and which are apt to injure the deiicate hning of the organs throueh which t theypa.ss. All that cannot be reduced to the necessary degree of fineness ? t is discarded in the preparation of TUROG and all the vital parts of the e wheat-berry are ? When you eat TUROG therefore you are eating a bread which contains ? g the pure nsturs.1 satts of the wheat-berry and the exact balance of carbo- g ? hydrates and protein which is necessary interfecl bread of absolute purity. t9 ? Order a trial toaf now. You can get it at any good baker's, s J1.. t Th? TUROG ?RCWN FLOUR CO. LTD, CARDIFF. J) Th -? TUROG bROWN FLOUR CO. LTD., CARDIFF. S .———————————————.————————————-——————. N ? Most Rooel Bakers sell Turog. ]i' you have any diUhcuIty a g in obtaining it, write us, mentioning this paper, with name g6 ? and address of your Baker. Endose 3d. staTDps to cover ? S posta'ge when we wi!] send vou a iar?e toaf as spmn' te SN H E <————————————————_ -—————-—— g 'è' ?aM&!JN)MBBK?t??aN9i6H!<!?_ ? c. D"' m.tt(.¡, ????m??????????????????????????????????????? 't,. :¡: íiIi .,I!¡ ",I!ti I: J. ¡ ¡¡t"ti1 ciI ;>' u' II -ALL SR!T:SH—— ? ??? W!? W?!IE & PBFPE ? fiTTED V!TH WHiTE & POPPE ENGltE, Ready for the Rt?<'nU')c?HfJ? e?Kt?1n?i ?wt? hJPj) s? THE FIRST OF THESE CARS TO BE DELIVERED IN WALES W!LL BE ON VtEW ON AND AFTER ? I THURSDAY, 24th APRIL, 1913, AT ? OUR WORKS, LtTTLE WIND ST .UJTCHINS CO. LTD. I SOLE AGENTS FOR SWANSEA & DISTRICT. ? ..=a_.illt:}¡¡¡.W'& Ii ?? ?r t? '<* ? AR??Q ? all i??&?in?h?aM ? !? &c '1' d .1 1 d u La!} ar.: ) Th3 Word's Best Small Car) .,i Cyinder Engine, 9.5 H. P, & Heal Ear in rviniatüre, Met a Cylpie Car. Speedy 40 MIles per HeMr. 40 Miles per Galion. CDmplete with 5 Sankey De. tachable Wls, Tyres, 5 Lamps, HOijd, Screen, Tcets, etc. Ai-r,P,ge for Trtat Run wtth Agents: ?? S me Swansea Motor Car Co.. Ltd.


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