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SUNDAY SERVICES. Pantygwvdr Men's Meeting. 'XXDEXOMISATIONAl. YO-MORROW (SUNDAY) at 3. IN pASTYGWYDR GAPTIST CHAPEL. UPLANDS. SPECIAL MEETING Conducts by NATIONAL OOMMEIWIAL TEMPERANCE LEAGUE. Chairman—Mr GWILYM MORGAN, J.P. I Speaker—Mr. A. AUBREY JONES.1 Soloist—Mr. B. J. DAVIES. Mr. D. MORRIS SAMUEL and Mr. F. BEOR will aieo take part, in the Service. 11 and 6.30: Rev. A. Beynon Phillips p A-XTYGWYDR B APTIST CHAPEL. I rpABERNACLE E G LlSH gAPTIST QKAPEU I TO-MORROW (SUNDAYi. APRIL 20th. I Morning at 11: Rev. R. J. WiSioughby (Paftor). Evening at 6.30: THE PASTOR'S (Rev. R. J. WIXI/OUGHBD MONTHLY SERMON TO YOUNG PEOPLE ¡ Stibject-" lSFLUEXCE," Solos will be rendered by ILis* Hettie Davies. Sunday School at 2.5 p.m. MEN'S BIBLE CLASS at WAUNWEN BOARD SCHMLS, LION-STREET, at 2.45 p.m. THE DIRECTOR OF EDUCATIOX- MR. T. J. EEES, B.A. Will Sp^-ak at WESLEY BROTHERHOOD. TO-MORROW (SUNDAY), 3 to 4. Oil "ELEMENTARY EDUCATION: YESTERDAY, TO-DAY & TO-MOSiiOW." Chairman—Mr. Councillor DAVID DAVIES (Editor, Daily Post. CIRCLE GLEE SINGEES will give selections. Following Sunday—Speaker: Mr. T. W. Jameo, Solicitor, on "Citizenship." CANAAN CHAPEL, ST. THOMAS. ANNIVERSARY SERVICES TO-MORROW (SUNDAY), APRIL 20th. ,I Irea,c hero:- Me ruing at 11: Rev. E. WORTH tNC, Evening at 6.30: Rev. C. J. EVANS, B.A. Afternoon et :0.; MUSICAL SERVICE AND ORCAN RECITAL. Orga-niet-Mr F. H. DANIEL. WESLEY CHAPEL, OOLLEGE-STREET, TO-MORROW (SUNDAY). APRIL lith. Preachers-Morning at 11: fR. H EMMIN G. Evening at 6.50— I R EV STANLEY M. B UTTERS. B.A. WESLEY BROTHERHOOD. 3-4. Speaker-Mr. T. J. EEES, B.A. (Director of Education;. —Men, Come in Crowd& ^LBEBT HALL. SWANSEA. THE R EV. OSCAR gNELLTNQ Will Preach (D.V.) NEXT SUNDAY in the ALBERT (LARGE) HALL. At 11 a.m. and 6.30 p.m. Seats All Free. w A-LTEIL ROAJJ CONGREGATION AT CILUILCIL. TO-MOBEOW (SUNDAY), APRIL 2frth. Preacher- lptev- JENKINS (Futor). Services: Morning at 11. Evening at 6.30. Sunda.y School at 2.45 p.m. Adult Class conaucied by the Pastor. YORK PLACE BAPTIST CHAPEL. TO-MORROW (SUNDAY;. A-PRIL 20th. Preacher- R EV. rp AA, 7. GEORGi; (Neath). Services: Mo rain g at 11. Evening At 6.30. School And Bible Ca-,es at 2.45. s KETTY ENGLISH BAPTIST CHURCH (Council &UOC)&. Ul.r:c"lroa.¡¡). TO-MOREOW (SUNDAY), APRIL 20th. Preacher- REV. JULIAS VANS. Services: Morning at 11. Evening at 6.30 Sunday School at 2.45. Adult Bible Classes. F LEET-ST. CONGREGATIONAL CHUECH. TO-MORROW (SUNDAY). APRIL 20th. .Preacher- R EV. g QYKON J^EWIS (Pastor). Services: Morning at 11. Evening at 6.. Sunday School at 2.46 p.m. RIKIT-IVE METHODIST CHURCH. PKLLrSTEEET. TO-MORROW (SUNDAY), APRIL 2fth. Preacaer- R FV. gAMUEL BRYANT- Services: Morning at 11, Evening at 6.30. MEN'S MEETING AT a. Chairman—Mr. FRED TUCKER. Speaker-Rev, S. BRYANT. Soloist-Mi liettie Da,yiee. Everybody Weloonie.. CIlBISTADELPHLAN MEETING ROOK. St. Helen's Hall St. Helen's-road. You are cordially invited to a FREE ECTUBE on SUNDAY NEXT (D.V.), at fi p ra. Sabje-et:- fELL: WHERE IT IS, AND WHAT IT IS." By Mr. P. LLEWELLYN. q bring your Bible for reference, re Free. XO CoUeettoa. i SUNDAY SERVICES. Y.M.C.A. TO-MORROW (SUNDAY) AT 3 P.M. }IEN'S OWN. Speaker— REV. W. MEREDITH Piani&tr-Mr. A. Davieev, F.R.C.O A.R.C.M. —ALL MEN HEARTILY INVITED.— s T. A NDREW'S pRESBYTEEIAN k3 j?L t c RUWH. ST. HSI»EN'S-EOAD. TO-MOEEOW (SUNDAY), APRil, 20th. Preacher- Rev. Robert Greenshields, M.A., ED. Evening' Subject:— "THE UNOBTRUSIVEXESS OF GOD'S WAYS." Free Seats. All are Welcome. gALVATION k BMY, g WAN SEA. TOMORROW (SUNDAY), APRIL 20th. COMMISSIONER EDW. J. HIGCiNS will Address SPECIAL MEETINGS in the GRAND THEATRE, WESTERN-STREET, a.t 3 and 6.45 p.m. The Commissioner is the Leader of the Army's Forces in the United Kingdom. He po\Ss*e«eee rich stores of information, and is a most acceptable Speaker. ^50UNT jpLEASANT c HAPFJ- SWANSEA. TO-MOEKOW (SUNDAY), APRIL 20th. Preacher: -z" REV. H. C. MANDER (Pastor). Soo ioef: Morning at 11. Evening at 6.30 MOUNT CALVARY BROTHERHOOD U.L MANSELTON. TO-MOEEOW (SUNDAY), APRIL 20th. (From 5 to 4). Speaker—Mr. H. S. SMART (Secretary, Swansea Y.M.C.A.J. Subject-" TEMPTATION." Soloist—jlisi* Dorothy Phillips (Waunwen). Aceompanist-Mitis G. Howells. C.R.A.M. C hainnan—Mr. GRIFF. WILLIAMS (ilanselton). ALL MEN INVITED. The Rev. W. F. KNIGHT (Pastor) will preach at 11 a.nd 6.30. QAPEL GOMEE, SWANSEA. TO-MORROW (SUNDAY), APRIL Wth. I Preacher.—Morning at 11: I Rev. 11ERMAS EVA?S (CwmbwrltL). Evening at 6.30: Dr. GOMER LEWIS (Pastor). Sunday School at 2.30 p.m. OXFORD-STREET UNITED METHODIST CHURCH. TO-MORROW (SUNDAY), APRIL 20th. Morning at 11: Rev. G. W. HICKS. Afternoon at 2.45: Pastor's Bible Class. Evening at 6.30: F. SPARROW. Welcome.- BETHESDA ?BEDYDDWYR CYMREIG) ÁbR'lA WE.' YFORY (SUL), EBRILL 20, 1913. Pregethwr: p jplLLCE (Sweinidogi Boreu 11, Hwyr 6.30. Ysgol Snl 2.30. Seddau rhyddion a chroesaw i bawb. Cyaniiideb yn oedia'r hwyr. MEMORIAL BAPTIST CHAPEL. WALTER. ROAD. SWANSEA. TO-MORROW (SUNDAY), APRIL 20th. Preacher— RE". J. "W KETTLE (Paator). Services: Morning at 11, Evening at 6.30. Hearty Invitation to All. All Seata Free ANNIVERSARY SERVICES, SUNDAY. APRIL 27th, 1913. PreEvcher—Eev F G BEN SKIN, M.A. 'Bristol). RHYDDINGS PARK C.M. CHAPEL. EHYDDIIMGS PARK-ROAD. TO-MORROW (SUNDAY), APRIL 20th. Preacher: IR, Ev. E. P. JJUGHES (Pastor). Services: Morning at 11. Evening at 6.3C. Prayer Meeting n* 10 15 a.m. s T. HELEN'S BAPTIST CHAPEL (Madoc- JO street). TO-MORROW (SUNDAY), APRIL ZOtà. PreacMr- INI R. E. J. SADLER. Services: Morning at 11, Evening at 6.30. School and Bible Classes at 2.45. MANSELTON ENGLISH CONGREGA- TIONAL CHURCH iManselton-roai. 8wansea). TO-MORROW (SUNDAY). APE EL 20th. Preachers.—Morning at 11: v. GRIFFITH J. EVANS, B.A. (Pastor). Evening at 6.30: Rew. T. LLYNFI DAVIES, M.A. (Canaan). Sunday School at 2.30. ■jyjmiNT ZION BAPTIST CHURCH. TO-MOEEOW (SUNDAY), APRIL 20th. Preachers.—Morning at 11: Rev. LLYNFI DAVIES, M.A. Evening at 6.30: Rev. E. WORTHING (Pastor). Sunda-y School and Bible Classes 2.45. BRUNSWICK WESLEYA.N CHAPEL. aT. HELEN'S-ROAD. TO-MORROW (SUNDAY), APRIL 28th. Preachers- Morning at 11: Rev. T. LLEWELLYN JONES. ETening at 6JO: v. W. STEPHEN GILL. T. PAUL'S CONGREGATIONAL CHUECH, SWANSEA (near the Hospital). TO-MORROW (SUNDAY), APRIL 20th. Preacher- REV. J. GILBERT REES (pastor). Services: Morning at 11, Evening at 6.3C. AEGYLE CHAPEL ST. HELEN'S-ROAD, SWANSEA. TO-MORROW (SUNDAY), APRIL 20th. Preacher— REV. A. WTNNK fHOMAS ( Services; Monung at 11, EVGitwr at i..W. ) RAILWAY ANMOUNCEMENTS. "^g7w7R^ EXCURSIONS. COLWALL RACES. MONDAY, APRIL 21.-DAY TRIP to HEREFORD, COLWALL, and MALVERN. Leave Swansea (High-street) 7.30 30.111., Neath 7.58, Bridgend 8.56, IAajitrisant 9.17 a.m. LUDLOW RACES. THURSDAY and FRIDAY, APRIL 24 and IZS.-DA Y TRIP to BROMFIELD (foe the Raceoouree?. Leave Swansea (High-street) ?7.30 a.m.. Neath 7.58, Bridgend 7.53, Uan- trisant 8.22 a.m SATURDAY, APRIL 26.—HAIiF-DAY TRIP to BRIDGEND (Eugby Football, Bridgend v. Abcravon). fjeave Neath 3.20 p.m., Port Talbot 3.35. Pyle 3.47 p.m. BETUEN hD p.m. For details see bills or send postcard to Stations or Offices. FRANK POTTER, General Manager. SUNDAY SERVICES. ST. JJELEN'S-BD. CONGREGATIONAL QHUBCH. TO-MOEEOW (SUNDAY), APRIL 20th. Preacher- REV. THOS. SINCLAIR EVANS. Services: Morning at 11, Evening at 6.30. —A— Sale of Work (FANCY ARTICLES. &c.) will be held in THE SCHOOLROOMS, ST. HELENS RD, NEXT THURSDAY, APRIL 24th. NOVEL ENTERTAINMENTS, COMPETITIONS. Ac. Opening Ceremony at 2.30 p.m., by Mrs JOHN WILLIAMS, Dulais House. Friend6 will plea6e kep the date in mind. y^LEXANDEA (C.M.) QHUECH. ANNIVERSARY SERVICES, SUNDAY AND MONDAY, APRIL 20th & 21st. Preacher:— REV. R. ROWLAND ROBERTS (Chester). 11 a.m., 3 p.m., and 6.30 p.m. MONDAY EVENING at 7.30. SKETTY BROTHERHOOD (UNSECTARIAN). THE USUAL MEETING will be held at WESLEY CHAPEL, SKETTY. On SUNDAY, at 3 p.m. Speaker: REV. W. CLASNANT JONES (Dunvant). Dr. J. A. EAWiuNGS, J.P., will preside. The BROTHERHOOD STRING BAND will lead the singing. —All Men Cordially Invited.— THE FORWARD MOVEMENT. CENTRAL HALL. TO-MOEEOW (SUNDAY), APRIL 20th. Preacbe- REV. W. w ATKLN ^TILLIAMS Soloist—Mr. S. Evans. Afternoon at 3: MEN'S OWN. Speaker- Rev. WATKIN WILLIAMS (Pastor) ¡ Soloist- Mr. Humphreys. R H Y D DIN G S CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH (Top of Finsbury-terroce). I TO-MORROW (SUNDAY), APRIL 20th. Preacher- Pt EV. J. T RHYS (Pastor). Servioes: Morning at 11, Evening at 6.30. Hymn Books Provided. All Seats Free. EBRACE ROAD C.M. CHAPEjL SWANSEA. ¡ TO-MORROW (SUNDAY), APRIL 20th. Preacher:— REV. W. W. LEWIS (Pastor). Services: Morning at 11, Evening at 6.30. School and Bible Classes at 2.45. —A Cordial Welcome.—




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