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SCALE OF CHARGES i FOB | PREPAID ADVERTISEMENTS PRIVATE NOTICES. One Insertion.—Sixpence for 20 wrnls, ) and 3d. extra for every 5 w^rtls mom. Three for 20 wotds, and M. extra far every i words more. Six insertions.—One shilling uir 211 words, and 3.J. <uira. fcr i,ry^5Wi>re:^ tr.-ro.^ LCST AND FOUND. One insertion.- Nincjiance for 29 words, and 3d. extra fcr every 5 words mere, Throe laser i.jsis.—Civ, srihiiiig tor 2D I words, and 3d. extra tor every 6 woros more. Six insertions.—One shilling and sixpence for 2J wc-nis, and 3d. extra ftor 5 woros mora. BIRTHS, CARRIAGES, DEATHS, IN I! MEMùRjAM, AND SYMPATHY NOTICES. Ofia ;n3?rl)on.—One shilling and sixpence for 2a dxords, and 3o. extra tor every 5 words mors. Tms Siaie ÓCfjS not apply to Advertise- ments Corporate or PuO-iic Bodies. I BaiikrL'Mto or Liquidation fcoticos, Saies I and Let by Tender, or Tradesmen's Busi- I ness Announcements. HEALS OFFICE— LEADER OC'iLDIWCS, SWANSEA. Tftiep,ic;ies: Centiai 1C55 (Elevsn Lines). Telegrams: 1 Leader. Swansea." LONDON OFFICE- 151, FLEET STREET, EJ3. Central. LLAKEILY CFFSCfc— LO.NCGM EUiLDiWGS, THOMAS ST. Tcicc-hor.c: N. 174. I *tEAT.i úfHCE- Ai r RED STREET. I CARMARTHEN OFFiCE— lahmas street. B R j ljC £ H a QF.~JC £ — QL3 POST OFFICE. Telephone: Ho. 51 Post. i -=.. I The Superior Circulation of the" Leader" I rr.ikc: it ¡:ii.1 the Best Local Paper for During the pasti S,r.all A- .?  l i e m- r year these announcements have n.ar¡y I djitbied, and v.t.1 "ur Sales still ircreas- íq;, ths may, with confidence, depend upon fceiier results than are obtained elsewhere. r.. -.¿- TP.AQE SP £ Ol A LiTI-ES. 1- K l-e- >cpif<ng to advertisements plcesn mention the" Leader." "f) Vi-Ll'iAl. DEL; VEItl'. ¡st Ffaldau Nute Jj reduced t? ?5*C?.' ?'ai Coal Co., 44, .■Waiu-r-i'Oiiu. 'ielepneno ovV Centml. 246A1-29 c WG,S! Cl,)gd! l,'or ail gc-),l and Sons, Port 'ienuiXf'i-toad, at. Thom?h. 24i)A'-S t^LOGS, Wholesale.—300 mire ?' \?' .-?t .?n' t?t Top ?:ii -ii cheap to immediate '.??y?)' room wanted" .245A2-10 —Vv rite Ciog?.' i?a.d€.r Ottic? '245A2-10 '0 Mortt '?ua'e'-s L<?st —Try b?bitig?on's .i 1 is. 6d. I?'-ubl? BlJ A"alm,. ;,pocwLty, Watch Ecr*Bebiugt jn, Watchmaker, biJda II 2"3A2-1 "1JA/.OSS: lY,iY Razor6!—(around &ud JL< ??.. oi ?J.? !.y. c?. —A. Wa ra Da\i?-, r, Neii»oii-w'_ie-et, .flwansea. Ra-zorzi from l. upwards. 241A1-31 1 ??K??COL is a wonderful remedy for lia?L '1 ("'t,IJ, L?t J.< OLi. or 16. 3d. botti. 1o-r:4:. wu.oL will u":ely conviuce you; a.11 loau.iig cueiniiits and Stoieti. Agency—5. ) Weiift'-rcai:, a.varisea. 242A1-%J j TOli? ??GdTt??ALE'??rucucal Boa.t iiuilc'er Jiid madder X aker.—laddere, M. rung; Boats, -Ii. i?er Cc?t, w order.— I Workniioy iiytydd road, l»aja>dore, »waiii»ea. Z41A1-50 j D. "U(i Id. BAZ?R COOD6 cv?ry kiud; 6i 1 advice to begiu.-iera; alco dftalis pay- i ing agwicy; e<èY t.en; ??atatc?-ue free.- it?y, L4. aandpits. birmingham. C7 16 i -P-)' L! X 1 >' v'}, h u ¡- _t:. tÂú. 1;_ ..Ae.; ,a,u t. 12;Uisa-street, ,sv.ai;?ea. Cheapest I house iu lOWll tor Fisi: of all Viiriet-ies, I ItPtail. Trial Schemed, I IJESIIjfJMS in ?M?&itou and IHstrjc pl, are ;?? ftaiL?, Vi,'tti E. J. E-iEi'T, .M P S '?.? Man?en.ou Chemiot, who lia? had ever 23 y?'.?' I?ot.don «ud Provincial e?l?rM?ce. an.! iioida the 3 £ ajor Diploma of Ij the Pha: raaceutical Society of Great BricOiu. b)nneny with Po,. Boacb and Son, Pall Mull. London (Chemitoj; to the Kmgi.—?jme AdJr: On the Conner, 72, Eni.<??-cm Cl-?0 I -L= i,iOTICES. —— | |i £ B~ L kcr, Mpiyuig tJ advertisements I phase •■vi'r.tun the Leader" K'OTICE toÏl¡;:cÐ Agents a-'d Oth?r?.— J.? ?once i? ?ie?e'?y Given th?t no money ) 1, t'? ba paid 011 th<- death of Johu Wivthim, I Halfway inn. Lia.t?R.miet., without the 1 mgnaturo of hi6 widow, ii?ry Watkiu«. M6A1?9 OliL'EUS ryken for delivery of all I, don ii aiift and Weeklieis, aud all other uevvvpaiiers; Kiiay and buxrouniliug dwstrici.—Apply William iievthewb, \e-Wt3- i agent, Xiilay. 246A2 4 ) -C\"LD.L-=\e:'a:teamn; 1'uli. Secure j J &&iia mnimdia.L?iy, paying am&H  <i€pCBit.—?ef!:io Perkins Company, 11, ) fcouiereet-place, immediately opposite irown Ran, ?wan-ea. -Ai-oO j ASi'-utr1 Clothing and Fui-nituro (A | ) ?'.?;y Ufi-cripnon Bought to any I amCEnf kr c?ah; ??tcards rccoiv? pr?Mpt i IIttelltion; beet prices given.— -Note Address: j Buck. 15-16. Prince of \fa;rçal1, Swansea. rto Buyer.s: A Large Selection of Goods to cli'xjse from. 234JA2-4 ITOTEL Bar Fitter3, Manufactur??-s?z XI Beer ?ngirte?. W'ashups, Corkdrawem Spirit Measures, ?Eatings. Table,?, <?amb6 01 ] &ll kim's. Skittles.—W. I Vanghan, Queen'. place. Car.iii? £ DUOATi ON AL. aw- T .!ieyt rcplytrg to ati-,Ypiiisei7ie-tits please msntion the Leader. CLAIMS C OL LEGE: A' 6' W A N SEA. A branch >>i ciie iamouiii Civil Service and Business University of London. Without leading Swansea your Boys and Gifls can now receive a London Training for 3.11 Civil SerVJce Exams, and Business Appointments. ,0i_Ú Successtul Students, O.Ef i\" FIHbT PLACE3 in Civil hervk-.e h*.a t»s. A good saiariei pOBí- t!Ou 1 >und tor every lii'siuoss Train- IU CCI",e 'Stadeut whta proficient. I & EVENir-C CLASSES I j JAlso Postal Tuition direc io fche howe. j I Call ur icritiJ\.r /n// particulars. CLARIS COLLEGE. 1'\ t \J l; V .u u r. Pagefield ?f'.M.???. H??M'? Rd $H ,4 /v iL A. — P iU AT -'i; i t-ió;=p-I)i-p"d lor p t lic bl?c LiniNer6iti'?S <md the Professional oxaininatioiu,.—ii. MiaK Williama, 16. Heathiioid. C2-21 o\V AX SLA CO IiLMliii-C LaLSCHOOL, Castle O etieet icoruw ol Coiiege-ttreet) .—Day and Evening (Hasses in Shorthand, Type- W rltÜ, <1;1\.1 JbouK-keepiug. 'iais iusvitation giveb it specialised training in thete sub- jects. lie btudentfc breatlie a bugineeg &t.m0t>l:a;e, are encenraged to 8I"k q'Je&- tiouD. ana state diihcuitiea, have their mincla •ccustomea to Business lermu and Pro- cedure, and on leaving the School are able to begin half-way up their iae iaddei iu stead oi at the 001 torn. MliSL>G ?'XAMjr?ATiOJSS.—Special Short D Courses for Junior .md ?uo-iiispcc?ra, Kaaageid, Surveyors, EkctriL:: PH. Firemen, and Scholarship Candidates; ntT* t?h?oi- IOOES ready; personal instructiou t, b:lCI< ward 8tudeut8 given d?IIY f.7ri immedi, atelv fcr new oyMt?bnsas. Secretary Cam- brian iuning School. Cemetery-road. Poi-th, ¡t Bnoudda. Gas Cap Deletion Daily. Gas Cap Scales. 3d. safllh. Cl-31 CTUDEST8 Trained to a Speed cf 100 O Words a Minute in PITMAK'S ShorV hand. Civil Service Candidates Successfully I Prepared fer zan inations. Numerois jfceoent Successes. iearnera and Sorters, OW.LLLL,ea and London. Lessons Kirez: in I Arithmetic, Book-keeping, Trigoaoiuetery. etc.. Ladies and GE'uYm.e/J. ';uœ Glnr- Mitred. -"Mr. J HAKRi-* Shorthand 1\;a.?her. 56. O?lard-Bt??e?. Swansea. Day <md E7en- ng Cla?M:- I CENL otatnpea Addressed Envelope I 0 for NIXON'S Surgical Appliance iFt. -Address. LAU, Rye l LOST AND FGlTiD. £ &&- When replying to advertisements plaase mention ike Leader the Peiibon aeen taking Bajnpro<)i' v ? from rack 01 5.) tr^iii, Victoria, S^nirday, pieaee return to "Needy." c/o I etuio*- OflEice. 246A2r31 LOST, 'ustireea Co-operative Stores, L A.ùtw6H, ana Bryncoch, on Alor? a? Purse containing money and important 1'i:,t"FlIld!' rewarded OIl returning sa.itke to iitios Police Station, Pontardawe. CST, on Sunday, Januaiy 26th, from Oilwendeg, riynone, Swanaea, a VYmie j ox Te-rrler i-t.,pps-, with brown and white head.—Viuder rewarded on returning sanie t0 above uddieofc.. 243A2-1 1 OST, Stolen or &tr&y?, from Gwaun- -ij cao-Gcirw?c Common, ? Chwtnut (?oil, aoout 7 montiLs olu; white luce, lorehead to nose; white fetk.-ck lei't hiud ieg; missing femes January 4ih. rinder rewarded.—in- fo vmaticn to J. Hadley, 17, Biook-terrace. G w a u u -cae-G tt rw en. C.T.D. IjHJUND, Bay Pony, 12 hands. If not .r claimed within three days will be sold to defray etpensee.—Fred Milit, Contractor, A!>eravcu Cl-30 DOMESTIC SERVANTo WANTED. AW- When replying to advertisements please mention the Leader. HOUSEKEEPER Wanted ior?Vorking jdaii; state age and salary; abstainer 'pfen'ed.; no children.—Apply Bo* 5, i-ieader udice. 246A2-4 RESPECTABLE Day Girl; good reftrencos. JA; —10, .-it. Alban's-road, 6 to 3. 246A2-4 "i)üK-GJS;EiiÁ i.wante(le;:i of Febi u- ary, for family of three; good wages. —Appb_ ?, St Jg.m GarJn6. 246A2-4 i<A'fEÚ- rlo uirl-about 18 C" d?tly.-An)iy betweeu 5 and 6 to 32, Gwycu Cio-scent. 246A2-4  GOD Strou? General.—Apply Morgan, LX 13, Woodlands-terrace, Swansea. 2?6AZ4 i> aIsTLL, capable General, with refer- V V. e.iu<?; two m famiiy; good -?age, to suitable i>erson.—Miss Lucus, West Cross, near Swansea. 2o4A2-^ "I^LOEiS'lU.—Wanted, immediately, coxa- J. petent Stueswoman; must be experi- ajid smart. Fuil p-suticuiars with Mist kttei.—Apply "Florist," Leaaer Office, Swansea. S45A2-0 <EiSEKA_L Servant Wanted immeciiately. j O" -Jlrb. liavies, Station lIlIl. High-street, Swansea. 243A2-3 \¡XTID, a? once, a clean, respectabie \-(jLla n as liout?ke?per, age ?0 to '?. —Apply Rebpectable," Office of this paper. 245A2-3 Al ANTED. a Single Woman as worker t t lor general honsehoia work; refer- ences required.—Appiy Single," Leader Oflioe. QZ-3 ? ?'oklG??EHAL, age 20-?, a?io to wMh.?- ? App.1 Mis. Taylor. Park-road, Clydach. 2-s "TV^ANTED, eiperienced Waiti'essee, at t T ouce. -App?y Sidney Pa.im?r. Con- fectioner, 24?. 0ÜoHitreet. Swansea. C2-1 -¡- A.V' TED at once, a good Oook-Generai l'oi t V A4NTED at once, a gc,,oi C?Gok-Uenei-al foi Bn¡;,y-Üvu, 4?. Bryn-road, Swazi >ea. 242A1-?1 G OOD General Wanted; four ,n family; ?T ;.<.f :'€i.c? rf?uJ red.—Apply u. Cia.r?u? QO, ¿ketty, Swausea. i;42Al-31 "1,-fA-TEÙ, Young .6,-17, smaJI fa?nily. f -Apply 60, Herbert-street, VoiLnrday?e. 24iAkol f ^]"UiiSE-iiOUSEMAiD Ke<iaire<i iiumedi- 1.. e^ely; must lie good neeciewouiaji.— Apply Mrs Corbett. 4. Gwrydr-gai-dens, Up- ianjs, Swansea. ?EGY???Omc?for ?rva.nts.—MrB.IjIe?. -Lt, ??.weit, 221, (.):?<jid-?r<?et ?pp0t.ite the "'ilcob). -aitt-iliacdb ior G?r? l? to 18 years of age. -4 ERRAND BOYS WANTED. J&- Wnen replying to advertisements please mention the Leader." QMARi Lad Wanted as Messenger.—Apply tJ <jtorge W liiiame, 69, High-etreet, or 2uo, Ox ford-street, Swansea^ C2-.) u1iJ. lpetb"le-hy Wa.Ht?I.—P.ts?'?? 0 a.ad Son. th? W?bt End 'ii?ior. 7U. 1St. iieien s-ro4ul. 42-1 "7\ .AXl.¡J-, lately, smart, strong, V V clean Lrraud »oy; ,('Ie' en jes.—Davie^ and Co., Pork Purveyors, 1..). High-street, S ansee.. 243A2-1 L'?'ERA-L Boy& W.an, 12 yea.rd oi &g?; O also Boys 14 years cl age; cpi?ttdid op- portunity to earn money.—Apply Mr. B I Hemming, Leader Othce, Aifreu-strest, Neath. BOY'S Wanted to Sell Hie Neath Gazette and Mid-Glamorgan Herald a" Neath, Meiiucrythau, and a?rr&uadmg II diHtricts every F'riuay and Mtttu'-da?. Apxdy Mr Bawin Hemmu¡g, M, Queen tn':t, JVi a.th. SMAKT i?dc Wanted to 8fU Leader" o at Neata, Melincryt.han aud districts. Apply immediately to Mr. E. Hemming, Publisher. Uueen-strcet, Neath. )[G}TE[.=-BOYWailted ?oSQli the "L<^Ader" eery evening.—Apply Ceaton ?"wsa?eH?. Mumble. A,N;AN-j'F,D, Smart Bc)yo to sell the If Leader after nchool hours.— Apply to Charlie Evnas, i'ae Up-to-date N ewo-j s.gent. etc.. 72. Brynymor-rcad. Swauuea. LEADEB BOYS Wanted.—jyaverai Good JLj B. ys are Wanted iw once to Sell Leaders" ia Morriston and District, to meet increasing demand. Apply Johu Morgan, Newsagent, Woodfieid-street, Mor- riston. CLERKS, ETC. ¡ iff When replying to advertisertents please mention the" Leader. i "T A:N-TED:-at "w, g\?d i?uy &n?utha.ns .? V. Typ?.—?pply, ?iYii-gnJ? part.tcula.r? isalaxy required, to Box A, Leader Oftk-e. 246A2-4 JuaOR. Clerk required by Chartered Accountant; shorthand aud typewrit- ing.—Apply, 1ll own handwriting, to Frank C. Bev-aa, Metropolitan Bank Buildings, SwaaiseiU 243A2-1 OFFICE BOYS. JB?* When fe??o ? ttJoe?h?etKdntt please metil. 3 Leader." piea.L;e mer4l. 3 "Leader." TV'ANTJiD, in Esta.tc A?'uts O?M. 6mart :v Y ON:? i?y; o'i? j'?L leavm? school p'.?err?d.—Apply E.K.S. o:nco cf c1U8 p.i?'. 24?A2-1  Ori'lCE Boy Wanted for boiicit?r's C'm':?. j 0 -Apply" La v, J?ad€r U?ioc. 241A5-30 A 1::E5-nal't, l-ti.:bfYlll:e-Zted 'f, ()ce Boy, jui t "av,?1,9 CC 'i.- fitoo Opportunity," Leader Ofiicv, &>vaneea. ""lAl-oQ ACENTS, Ac., WANTED. When replying to advertisements please mention ilie Leader." ?.tT'A-KT??a.siua.rt Yo?? ?&n.a?e abou< 2? to ?U, for Insurance Co. do- and Accident Business.—Apply ^^}>ient, Leader Olfice. 24SA2s5 A GENT Wanted to all upon steam Ue?s? ¡ ?. whole or spare time; llit liberal t?rms; splendid opportunity for eueig??ic ntr?t?—Appny Box 21, Leadex OBj?e, Swansea. C2? (iA MOBE Smart, Live Agents wanted to 100 iepresent the Old ??'& Firm for Xor- n?Mt? Pi<M<)tMt.ri, Trec?oeth, Bonyaiaeu, ?bath, For? TA!bot, Cwm Clydach, Bntoa- ferry, Mumbles, Goweiton. Gorseinon, Pont- arduiais, Pontardawe, Ammanford. ana any district where not represented. Others I are earning 2.W. to 36s. c, week.—Ap^ly Lnited Prize Tea 00.. 7. a aaiseo. 46AZ-4 AGENTS Wanted to cain>n u^is <.f Lubrioants for Steam, Gas and Oil Engines, Dynamos. Motor Cars. liberal commission; tuit insurance agent.—"Oar." Leader ufhoo. SW. 245A2-3 ^?AKiii a. good Lady Canvassei,, at V ? once.—Apply to Energetic," Leader OSce. 245A1-30 V 1 U?EY-MAKI?G WORK oSered, whole or lY!_ ttpa.i'?um?, particulais; a?eo pocket rubber stamp of your name and aodress I free.-G. hichford, Soowhill, London. 24-3 ANY Boy, Girl or Adult can earn £ 1 to A £1(i o,'nr? tm? with Cho?o?a-Le Ciub?. ?o outlay—Particular^ Samuel Driver, I I Bt?&ton-?-o?, I>.eus. 243A2-3 T -1 -rE.POÜL- V iria. Legal Friendly '1..1 ??i??y (Eet. IM??.—W&nt?d, Cflecwra ana Ca&.vd?6?rs. \/b<<Le or part tun?; liberal tena« ? industrious Dln of ?o&d chrad I aN1 ability- .?p?ij' A. Harries, 54, St. KelTi'tr-ioad, Swansea.; J" )L Evaii?, Wood- jl&rids." Yniutdw?, Clydach; H. B. W'Uli&ms. <lianta.we 'iem?, Abercravo, K.S.O 'xho akove old established Society has formed an Amoved Society to work the National In- mruitce Act. 241A2-8 .N- EA11i.-W:J.nt.ed! immediately, respect- abxe Agent, Sick Visitor, for Approved I splifiidii chance to right man.— Aoply Secretuiy, We^te^i Equitable, Ox- ford Buildings, Swansea. 241A1-30 I WEEh-TY.-Perso-na W-,Ptei im,. 1) m mediately for Circular Addressing (work at home).—Write, enclosing stamped I envelope, Watefjoan Qreat Jame&-otrt-<n I k Loud.ua. A II-- AGENTS, &C., WANTED. 2,W- Rhen t??yM:? to a d ?e?<?e7K<'nts please mention the Leader." Ageuts.—Respectable House- bolders in iegu.a.r employment ts.ido toi ciel i.'aideraj, Swanisea diairict, Glam. r- gall, Carmarthen Counties, regular weekly j income derived Sel?iiij Turniiure, Bedi:nen. All Other Household RequMite?. Ladi?t*. Gr&n?.'? Clothing, Boots, CyciT?.. ?tu?m?. jn- .k.t,.ILM,Ont6, Sewing Machines, etc.. etc.; weekly credit pian; agent paid weekly; I commission; 15s. tc. 26s. easily made; pat- terns, barnples, terms submitted agents' j homes. Give occupation, period, district.- Weekly Wage," Leader, Swansea. 236A2-3 APPRENTICES, &c. LW- When replying to advertisements please mention the Leader." RTiCLED PUPII,??n having I A an exteasive a6d varied practice, has a Vacancy for a young gentleman as Articled Pupil; premium rfftUÜ ed.Uolumn," Daily i I Leader. 246A2-4 GROCERY.—Wanted, at once, Smart Junior; Wei till; abstainer; outdoors — I- Lii particulars, with ref., first It Iter. | James, Hong Kong Stores, Neath. 245A2-S TXTANTED, an Apprentice for Electric "f Lighting.—Apply E. Neener and Sons, Diliwyn-street, Swan. 240A1-30 AN TED, Erpert Knittei-s and Toung T Girl Apprentices for Griswold Knitting I Maciunes; regular employment, good wageo. —Apply My ratlin Hosiery Co., Carmarthen. €&< MISCELLANEOUS SITUATIONS VACANT. 1£. When replying to advertisements please titer..Iioti tiie Leader." "\V^ANTED, Experienced Knitters and Ex- 1 perienced vviuaers—Appiy Parry and Bocke, Ltd., Swansea. 245A2-4 (i Strong Lad, make himself generally useiul, live in if uesired.—Fuil iiarucuj.ais tirst letter, Mouic. Market Stores, ->eath^ 246a2-4 ?0 WnEE'L.WRlGiri'b.—?'.tnt?i. at?cu?' A a good ail-iound Man.—Apply D. Lloyd add ÜO., i'H4-vkill, Swansea. 24i>A2-3 \\T A a TED, tanLa,bit,, Ui.-i,, ae V f Peelers .?ud 1'?cKer?, etc., in our PicKliug i>epartment.—Bo'.ven, i&arso Works, M.OlTl&Lúll. Cl-3 TIT ANTED, an intelligent Woman as VV Assistant; must nave business ex- perience.—Appiy Box 361, Leader Office, ¡'Uh.-iÐ<.L, Q2.) OAW YEK.—Wanted, a good »aw>ei y. « O ference given to otie lhyed to boX-IUJik, ins and erat«wood itade, permanency for capable man.—Appl. giving refers net-si, eA- perience, and wages repaired, to Timbei Cj(J Leader Office. 243A2-1 ? tj'Ol?MA.X ?' .t?ou Wanted to take charge of Swausoa joo.—Appiy, giving fdl pal'. ticul&rs, to S. Andra?? and Sou, Ca rdilf. Good referenc?e required. 245A2-3 ,¡ Al\ '.l' ¡:j)ii.n1u.(¡;.bt.l¡' -cod Doubl?rs.— .fT? —Appiy 'Knplates," Leader OtieD, Swansea. 02-1 \\rAN FED, a1houman; mU6t be ex- V V peiuencect. i nil parucuiars, CV1JLW of recent teo..moa»ai«, wages required, eH. to I Box m. Liiuor Uftice. 242.U.2 TAT"ANTED, Man sell Coal (lewt. bagei; fr, good ,-aleoman; honest; speak both i languages; n&ve good references.— James, 243A2-1 QTROXG C j 0 -Appiy Hohuos's Stores, M; Brynmcr- road, bwant>«a. C2 1 i ~I/\7"ANTED, ,smut Boy; one JHGt le?t Tt..?hout t ?j.?rrtd.—Appiy Bradford Oxford-street, Swansea. kWoA21 'il::D: a Youth for Wholesale Con- teletio iy ?arehuue?; ai? a trust- worthy Yumig Lady for Sweet 6tall at Swansea, Maak&t (Saturdays oMiy;.—????? Holt, Waasail-square. C2-1 nTA.1'E, a Few Young Me-n, ?ith know- )f C- 111(1 ?ie*ia!7ul.?-3-, to become .u'ncia p?i'd (with ?maii 4a"ary, to large Metailaigicai Company in South Wales, with to taking uupuitain ap- pointments abroad. Candidates <1.!J1JvlIlted, if found compotenu, "1 be gli(eii all agrt ment for a lerm vi years.—Appiy, with lull particulars, to iladium," • Otiico oi this pu-per. Cl-31 rplIE Swansea Valicy Permanent AK?n-y X SDelcty, nd. iCapital ?'?.COO) R?quif? a Brancn be- retaty at Neath; must deposit I £20; part time; good remuneration to cap- able man.—Apply, gniue references, to Giyn lhoma3. Crown Chambers, Sv/acoea. Cl-30 LABOJ-REitS Wanted at New Hotel, Lan- -Lj wen, near ünÜwyn. Wages 6jd. per hott r. C2,) C-'ÜRttE;¡¡)O: jj ,L' Wanted'for McrT isKju C and D18n<Apl'ly. in first piaoe by letter only, stating age and experience, to Snb-EdiUir, Lfcoaor Buildings, b >» a yea. SilTUATIOWS WANTED. IMW- w hen replying t, advertisements please mention the Leader. YOUHI (20) Requires responsible position JL with hrat-cCass lam, thorough know. ledge oi othce routine; shortnand and type- writing.—Reply iouth," Leader, Swaufiea. 242A1-31 FOR SALE. g«r- W hen replying to advertisements please mention lilt Lender. 13ARTY Leaving Town wishee to Sell J. Privately, household iUiiiiLuie, in- o-uamg Vkainut L.Ü1Li;; Suite, bedroutn Suites. Feamer Bens, UaK Writing L)sbx ana £ josoabwii-uciivii ana a large quantity ol oth?r Furniture.- Apply, mt?rnoouo ?r avejiue. 240Ai-3 ayenue. -3 ovenmgs, 2a, Oovxi&a/ttion-orescent, fcihetty- IT'.Oli SALE, Baby Ca.rrÜ.e i in good ccc- J. dition; ou?i?p.—Apply ?1, E vers-ley- Ciles Cook's 02-3 i" > ILFIS OOOK and Co. for Furniture, Bed- Vjf steads, G!a £ >ses, f.i.C.; Cheapest Houte 11. ,Ü=; .1 ;)Odb :;uld for cast); 110 Credit; ioae Bargain Furni- ture Store-s Park-«u-eet, swanaea. 24.A-1 MASSIVE Carved Oak Sideboard, 6ft. x ?IL o?iy 'Wù g 1ùea8; slt. do., only £ 3 15" Pretty Scud aniut Sicleboa?-?. 4n., 4 guiueao; Large Cabinet, high hal t, £ 4 0 .,L.I .:I b "L. c. 158.; cheaper..? ?6 ureal Baigains.—Giles Cook and Co. 243A2-1 FAELOUB and Dining SU?'LeS, t3 l?.'?d. and £ 4 109.; Heavy DIvan Suite in baddiebags, i6 Caeaterheid Buite in M??'c??e veivet, ?10; couches from 15s. 6d.; Easy Chairs in ??..tri?r, lZS 6a. to 2Z, £ kl.; btuails 48. 6<[.—UiJes Cook and Co. Z??A?-l HANDSOME Walnut Bedroom Suites, with UL side mirrors, ?7 1?. to £ 9 i(?s.; Oak Bedroom OUjL' £ 6 1,?s. to 2'0; Satin VV'aiiiut H?droom bufH). £ 6 "6s.; cheaper IINO gUlIl, Cotooge Suites from £ 2 los.; gOud Cheat of Drawora, <?&. &ti.—Uiit? Cook and Co., Da abov? H3A?-.i I ? LtA? Cupboard DIr &nu Siieiv?? ?3 G.Jt> good Centre 'l'IÚê, 10s., 1?. 6d Uj Ihs. 3d.; 6ft? Dining iaOle aiid Screws, 4Us.; Kitchen Arta Cnairs, Id. 6d.; Smalls from 2e. (xi.; Odd Warurobee from 50s.—Glien Gook and Co., Park-street Furniture Stores, II Wateaioo-streot end. Eswuiiished ol y«uo 243A2-1 Hill's AnnounceiTvants. G~S OOD ??At! for Courting Coupl&s.—?.U G Fumituro Reduced at HiU'a, Gower- j>;reet, Swansea. Largest and handsomest in town, to be oleared regaruleas of cost. Handsome Kitchen Couch given free with all furnishing orders. ticods stored iiee j until required. Largest Stock of Betletcads ill Wales, to clear from 14s. 6d. Special luioe 111 Bedsteads, complete with New Mat- j tress, Overlay, and Pillo ws, 25s. to clear; cannot repeat. Several handsome Second- hand Sideboards to clear; 110 reasonable oSer refused. Kitchen Coaches, 16s. 6d.; Overmantels from Be. lid., few of this description to clear. Handsome Bedroom Suites, 51 guineas; Dining-room Suites from 01 guineas We are prepared to miike terms to suit customers' convenience. Absolutely the only place in Wales where you can get ezlsy termd at cash prices. All gooda made at our works ,and guaranteed. na3.r terms at cadh prices. No deposit required.—Hill's, Central Buildings, Gower-atreet, Swansea; aleo at Cardiff, Barry Dock, and Aberdare. 242A1-31 BUSINESS FOR DISPOSAL. &W- When replying to advertisements plea-se mzvitiu, the Leader." tSor SALE, a Good Welsh Flannel and X Hosiery Bu^inege; near Station (only liajitiei Snop m Pontardawe^; lli-hltb being reason for (jelling; strictly cash trade. —Fox particulars apply Williams, 16, Her- bert-street, Pontardawe. C2.1 (*} WEETS, Minerals, Milk, Tobacco, Grocery O Business (or Sale; taxing £8; ingoing £ 40; bargain; Laige iiving looms; rent 98. ciear.-Baker, 13,3, Highueid-road, Saitley, Birmingham. 241A1-30 — o_! i ■"Trn-ffww; DRAWS ^CS, &Q, Imr When replying to advertisements I please mention the Leader." T iil, ART UNION Drawing in a,id of JL Morris Thomas, Clydftch, has been postponeti until March 1st.-—James John, ^tecietary. Cl-31 HOUSES FOR SALE AND TO LET. Imr When replying to advertisements J please mention the" Leaier." HX) LET, 21, ,-o;eriq=C-Ct-;lt, ?wanA?a. X ia w eeli, 6 room? ana batn- ?a.Zppiy 6. Palmer, 2?S, Oxford-street-, jtKJiiiSa. C>4 I l}H.'r:-(,OCH.-Well-buUt S;N;oom.liou&& V for &t; e? (.client location.—Apply 'l9-{)n'Vcí!!l:_3' ;¡ HOUSE to ?et, 13, T?rra?e-foad ?Tov.n J L i l?id?, towaneea—Appiy k'. 8. Prtc?, Hutui Cnainb-?ic, 11, iiea?in?id-?.t.i??t-, ?a; s<?- 243 A 2-1 C LYD\C li-=" ;;l¡-U-llt-&ven-rooin- Rou<? ? lor a Ie, corner of Down-street ;mLL Biook-street; excellent location.-Apply Air&. i Anuie Hopkin, Brook-oueet, Clydach. ?4lAl-?u U?iALL Comfortably-i'trrnish?d House to ? I?t; c'e?tral; eveiy convenience.— F. W., ieLUw? odice. Z41,?i-36 SALE, to immediate purchaser, a I.l. couifortaole live-room £ ouse and a large seunery, in man^eitoii-road.—ivpply, aijer 6 p.m., t0 N0. 20, Slanaelton-road. Mr. Nevison Crieve's Artruuncemcnts. T?i?L)L?TR?r''? ini\.e ?rr'?"" -i- ? Dwelling-houses, now let 96. 6J. each P&r wee?; iea?so 75 year? unexpired; total ground rent £ ii lbs. 6<1.; will sell separately U required. Cl-31 rPREBOETH.—Good Dwelling-house, now J- letting at 6s. per week; lease about 70 years; ground rent £ 2; for Sale to close an bstate. Gl-il T^Oil SALE, Two Houses in Lion-stieet. -L ?(?v i? 7c. per wee? each; a bargain to imiuedja.t? p?ircha?-er. Cl-?1 Bc iÚCK of rive Dwelling-houses for Sale J-» in Uplands d?trict; each contains R i I rooms, and now w?u let. Cl-31 =:L:ORS.ALl:<T\Ÿo we?U-built Houses on t'i? J- ?anty?wydr Est&to; th? greater por- tion of the purchase money wHI IÆ allowed to remain on mortgage a.? 4 per Mint. Cl,¿j MORTGAGER.—Several Amounts t;r- Cll,\ I It.1. ?'??'? on mortgage in large and small ?uihn to suit borrowers. Cl-?1 j? RYJJDI?'GS ( ? ?X-RU/. D?FoF" ?-? 1' xt Dweiiing-hoiiee near King Edward I ?a-d:'?ry convenient; a b.T-g?in. Cl-3? j\,fR. ?EV'lSu?CRiEVt?AucYi"?. to. ,.c..i. Á\' L" 1: H.UCLl()!t:, -Lr-L and Valuer, 2M, Oxford-Street, will Io ¡ plea?d to supply any further parUeulars of the aoove. C1-31 I Joseph Harris' Announcements. r_WYDR?i!RACi-:7l?Yands.?For??' an I '? at.)."acnvf residence in exceil??t c?n- aiuon; good po?cn for ccn?o.reiOD into but?n.:? pr?miMe.—Apply J<M&ph Marns. .AuctioIjr, C-cr?6-?t:'<mt, Swansea. C? '( T.l:'Y: O!\ .ÉTERRACE .=-'Si}ler; d icl'-6,r;me{; House, v«'ith b?.hroc? (h ? cí and scul- iory. for ale; exc?U?nt position.—App.y Jo.?jh Harris, Auctioneer. George-st i»."t. Swansea. (??.<; ??OODLA?DS?'E?RACE?'Attra?ivc and AV Lal'g tx?hoid H?aid?nce tor Sal<; in gtxid ccndition.-Appiy Joseph RarrM, ¡ Ap?:ju?p..?r. George-street. S?'Srr?a. (?2-4 iCHAEWw-STEEET. -'Wj?b?ir"6;?. jL t roomed 'HOU tor R?e: long iec, ??; wai 'ct- Appiy J.?ph Harris, Auchon?r' be?r?o-?.M-et, S??jtt&ea. C2- RHYDDINGS PARK-ROAD.—For Sale, Two G,-? PA 1,4? OAD. Ti?,) I ii? good C,01!LiiL,iUli; Apply Joseph Harris, Adctionefi, George- street, Swansea. R OD EY-STREl-f\rîear St. Ht\1,)ll'c-r0äd.-1 ..JL 10 k-e Soid. cheap, Six Houses in ex- cellent condition; will arJl separately.— Apr.-ly Joseph Harris, Auctioneer. Geor^e- 6tHt, Swarleea. C 2-4 HOUSES WAMYEO. 6-N- I, iten replying lo advertise men-is please mention the Leader HOUSE (cix-roomed) to Rent WanTedin Cockett, Sketty or Liansamlet; illudraw llt.APPlY "Rural," leader j Othce. 243A2-1 I 1' AN Tii)-PUrchaee, House, Uplands, TT Beecnwood-road pre?'-r?d; or Crom- weli stieet, Mount ri?a?a.fn. — App" | "Aipaa," leader Office. 243A2-1 ———— ,I MUSiCAL INSTRUMENTS. E<?? ??t;M f??/ytM?' to advertisements ?''c??t: <Mct?)?n ike ?faJe?." p IA.*iOS.everal Shop-soiJed Irstl-u- -L ments. like new, by leading makers, io oe iloit at reduction for cash, or bire- purcnase. A call fcolicited.—Sims, 2, Walter- 1- £ ail.Swansea. 245AI-30 V'lOi.iNS oy, the beat makerbT liues- Italians; &?rmgs for a.U lustrunmnta, Expert Repairs to til Stringed inbtrum^nt-; Bow Repaned by J. T. WOOdl05, VioUn M&ker aud Rcp?iref, U, Gower-street, Swan- sea. Godfrey and Co.'s Announcem^r-ts. I N-TEUG-.è.E¡¡'lct-h¡Lnd, in penact CMl 1? aiLi\.u; full hOll frame, full triefcorti, overstrung check acnun; redwood ?.?e- original price 4& guineas, reduced to 26 I guineas cash or 10s. 6d. monthly.—Gotifrey I and Co., Ltd., 22, St, Jttelen's-road, Swansea _?_?_ 246A2-4 D. OMINION Organ; 14 ^op* 6 s'e? 01 r'?JT JLJ' ?tiee swells voiy pc?-eriuj tor?. hand- I ?oin? designed mahogany caoo with mJrror top; ? gULnfa? cash, 10s. 6d. m<)n? biv ab- ?o'!H?ly the best va.iu? ever offered —God- hey al?d Co., Ltu? ?, St. Helen's road, Swansea. 246A2-4 PECIAL Bargain.—Upright Grand by D VValdsteiu; just arrived from hire; condition equal to new; lull kon k-irofi, overstrung, fuil trichord, nnderdamper oitecK action, ivory xey.-j, rosewood case, tone and touch exquisite; original prioe 52 guineas, reduced to 3fs guineas cash or 176, 6d. monthly.—Godfrey and Co., Ltd., 22, St.' ile.kns-road, Swansea. 246A2-4 D. J. Snell's Announcements. j ECOND-HANL- (lernian Piano, in beauti- O ful walnut good tone, and in ex- cellent condition; £ 9 10s. to a quick buyer, —D. J. Sneil. 21 aim 22, High-«street Arcade, Swansea. 245A2-3 OaO.MJlU.Ni) Piano by D'Al?a.if)?. "jn O beautiful burr wahiut c?eo; 5)lo ions: bargain, £ 11.—-D. J. Snell, 21-22, High-street A i cade, Swansea. 245A2-3 SECOND-HA^ U Malcolm Organ; beaut iai tone; bargain, £ 5 10s. Sl>Cllù-hand Pianos and Organu bought for cash.—D. ,f Snell. 21 and 22, High-fltneet Arcade. bwan- sea. 243A 2-3 GiiAMOl'HONES from db,; new ?m?i?.-  eided John Hull Records, 16, 6d. each, aU n.?w Litl<?i. l..arg Swck JH Walé.- D. J. Su-Oil, l'ki, liigh-atieet Arcade, Swan afco- 245A2 3 Cwynna H. Bradcr's Announcomsnts. J QECOXD'HA?D'Pi?.no6?&ev&ral i ire? ) O cia?s P?a?os i-eturu?d 1,-cm hl Ie; genuine bargains; inspection invited.— Uwynne 11. Bra-der. 245 A2-3 I- rz.La e. iuTi j Ü J trichord, underdamper tape check action, rosewood case, thiee bevelled panels, very tine tone and quality; beer, used en; mouth oniy; 46 guineas, reduced to 6::1; geti,.iinb -bar.-ain.-Givyuii,e H. Brader. 245AS-3 -NEW Model Upngut Grandp iano; ¿t.¡) ail over iron frame, fuil trichord, uiulei'damier check action, walnut case with fine art front; warranted 15 yea's — Gvvynne H. Brader. 245-12-3 1913 Model Upright < — Iron Grand Piano; full ii-on traine. full trichord, overdarnper tape check actIOn, inlaid Marqueterie panel in mother of peari; iinest vaiue m Suiith Waieo; war- ranted 10 yeere.-GwYlluo H. Bnttter. 23 £ A2r3 J-UST ARRIVED.—New Models Overstrungs tjt by Cramer; a perfect drawing-room Piano; 50 and 35 guineas; inspection invited U Y n L 245A2-3 245A2-3 Grand, all 3y*i~X. over iron frame, underdamper tape check action, very fine tone ;.a,JI(j quality; rosewood case, Marquetarie panel; warranted 11J years.-Gwynne H, Brader, lk Heataheld-strvct, Swansea. 245A2-3 MACHINERY, &c., FOR SALE. When replying to advertisements please mention the" Leader.' SUC"l'lVNÜl lli A?D Pl.U\liS.¡ 0 ? i<?du? a Pa.t?ut. wia ?.?a-i Aw?rdt<i Size 9 to 300 ?R?.; m B.H.P. WI' Id. pcr 'I hour. Cheapest power known. Hund/eus working. Catalogue Free. Writ? pr??st coot, and we will show Savii i!? to b? I e'?octed. Few Second-hand Gas Engines Choap—SoloMa???: ?'i?i?LNG ? ?'i?-ST. G LO C CES'iijlt- 1 tOK SALE, Electric Lighting Plant (Petrol I JD driven;, 33 volts, 14 ainpo; suit country residence; inspection by arrangement.— I Watson, Ynistaiigiwa, Clydach-in-Tawe. I 243A2-1 SALE, Chip Machine, Peeler, and jj Cutter, complete; a.!so Swoot Botiieo, i Show-cassb, Fittings, Coal Weighing Machine I with two 561b. weights.—Apply 4, Great Weetern-cre-soent. Llanelly. Cl-31 VjToiLERS (50) and Machinery, good secoad- I" IA hand.— John Stringer and Son, Dept. liS, Blackburn. 02-16 FOB, SALE, SOO Tons Stoel Rolled J^isu. I' various Sections; Built-up viirdei^: r Angles; Tees; and Rail. Also a Laugo Assortment of Tanks, Stretching Screws, etc.. etc. Inepcetion Invited.—Sbipbreaking I Co- Ltd., King o Dock. Swauaea. C.T.D. J MISCELLANEOUS SALES. gar- w hen replying to advertisements l,e4i d er. picase mcntion thc "Leader," AFES (Firo-resktiiig), all sizes, for Sals, IJ bargains; also Second-hand tdl Heating Stove (for She p or Office), Donkey Pumps, PcrtaDie Engines, etc.—i!-rt, 47a. Strand, Swanaea. 245A2-3 illOR SALE, Milk Pram, Cliut-n, hand Can, X measures; a complete turnout, all brass-mounted; very rhowy; ooaeh-linislied t-asy running cheat- lot.—" Milk Pram," Leafier Office, LlaueLy. C',¡-.) QTOCKING MACHINES.—Four Griswold 0 for Sale; v.hat Also 2JO Bobbins.—Write "Bargain," LeaLici. Lliiic 245A2-10 SALE, a New Set of Theatrical jl Scencry, suitauie for any Welsh drama. -.civi>iy D. Llewelyn Jones, Ciyuacu-on- Tawe. 243 Al-30 V(Œ-¡:A-j-Ë-¡;'ou I' Powerful Electric Arc A1 Lamps, in good condition.—Appiy Ligút, LeaÚer Office, Swansea. BUSSKGSS PREMISES TO LET, §»*~ ii hen replying to a:!¡:er[¡",eme;d.:S please mention th-i "Leader, OFFICES a.nd Workrooms to Let.—Apply Ivor Tohmas, 21, ib(Yitnsea- 24OA2-3 T 0 LET, a conimodiouis and- very central X House ana Shop; best place iu High- street, .1, Quoen irtet, Neath. 24.Jii.2-tf r'OULTrii, LlGsjfi, LSViE STiiCX, |3BT" V,hen replying io advertisements please mention ib.e Leader." ?A?.?H?!S.—apleudid ?ong?t?ic, grand KJ LOllClO!I'; Champion Soeus, etc. Now is the time to bros., Spacialiets, vv mu street, Swansea. 24oa1-30 4 AiMll), Span.el Dog; must be o\er VV distemper; 110 vico.-Api)iy beiore 12 octock, u. 1 nomas, 1, Kembie-atreet, Bryn- miii, Swansea. 243A2-1 ."i\-iJ';Cb Airuale Dog; etroiig ?uu?; 21 ,tl months; hous? tia.u?d, excellent guard; nu vice; lhangybi, Card 241A1 ou A il A Fi T iyi E Y4 T S. When replying to advertisements please mention the Leader." T\/ANTED, by two business gentlemen, board anu Lodgmgo; tel. Thomas pre- itneu; motierj-te ;}kb.7 Leader Onice, Swansea. (;2-4 ""üU)';G Man would like to snare lwm X with anoiiier, about 22-, Christian; or would lute to gd wii-n loç,"p"au.i> christian family.— Ail particulars to Reg," Cnnee of UL" paper.. 246A2-4 (COMFORTABLE Lodgings, or Two ?ur- J liished Rooms; batu (n and C/).}, Ar- gyit: street. 246A2-4 tc ON GEN fAL Outdoor Appointment is upec. ? to ??cmiema't with lnnnenc-j amongst bujiness and professional men; permanent uiid progressive situation requiring eneigy and personality.—"Permanent," Leaaer Ufu u:: 246A2-33. ? '0-fy<jHTABL? Apa?ment? to Let.— Front Sittii.g-room with one or two Bed- rooms; bath (hot and colo), and otnei con ..¡;.t; HHlOlJ6; govr1 cooking awl attendance — Apply E. illGkt>, 26, Pantygwyar-road, Up- lands!, Swansea. 245A2-o li.'RONT Room to Let, suitable us an olfice, X bank, etc.; ceitLra,! p?on?.n m Cwut- garw-ioaa.—Apply Jones, Butcher, Cwm- garw-road, Brynamman. C2-6 j^RONT Room to jL?t, suitable for an othoe, ? central podtiuti in CwiN??rw-rcad.- Apply D. W. jue-vvis and Son, Brynammau. C2,3 (>OM.FOR'iABLE Home for cue or two J young gentlemen; tvo in family.— Apply Taylor, 6, Cradock-stree 1, Swan- sea. 243A2-1 ;YUN'rA1WA W i'r;-Let, ?r*Tw? ? Room, suitable for D?utiet or OaiMs, mai^ n street-, near otaticn.—Apply VViHiams, Gwalia In,use. Pontardawe. 241A1-30 MOTOR CARS, CYCLES, &O'J I FOR SALE. Imr Wn- replying to advertisemenis please mention the Leader. _?_ ) G-i b.Yl' Cyci; ulli:.erakhed, wuh Stunney r, Arcner 3-speed gear; ?4 4?.. bargain.— Appiy Leader ùdice. 2HlAl-o0 t.-) 2 Standard Triumph, £..0; boLh iu CX- cellent oiuer.—Jack Lvans, Vvesita, fSLrad- gynlais. 241 Al-30 Ivor L. Roberts' Announcements. HUMBERETTE Cycle Car in stock. Pieuse cll wa m>;lJtYL it. Orde? booked now. Early deliveries guaranteed. BOOK NOW for Early Deiiveiues of A.J.S., Humbers, Budge, Iviotor Cycles; also Swift Cycle Caiw. C2-I0 IU.d.L ia stock several up-to-date b<:C011å. j. hand Motor Cycles, including 1>12 j indian, B.S.A.'s,' Triumphs, Eniields, 1'. and Bi-adbury'e, N ,b, J., New Premiers and A.J .S. Pi ices from £ _10 to Jioo. Send postcard or call for ??t.—lvor .u. Rooerts, Dxf'ord-btreei, Sv«auoeA. C2-J.0 j Kou?rts, U?'ord-ftrtat., Rv..ttit?.'?. j MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. tff- When replying to advertisements please mention the Leader." IDE-OAR Wanted; cane or coach built; 'O must Ut) oomiortable, and condition uo new -tate lowest terms to "X," c)o Daiiy ?n.d"r. 2'i6A2? | ¡'VT ÂJ<rlïj:D,gÕd-SË¿'onÙ-l1úd-DOUbie.-l;o.;1 TV. F??ti and Chip R?ugo; cash pa7meIH for same.—Apply giti. Reos, 31, Water-street, Llanelly. Cl-31 PIANOFOflTE TUNING. jw- When replying io cavertuements j please mention the "Leader," Dl'ANOf?BTHT?UNYNC, Xs. 6<r !-Mo? mendations from Dr. 'furpu, Gladstone, | Rnd Broad wood and Sons. P?anc? Îrum Bechateia, iicpkiuson, Collard, Brinsmead, etc., Sum or Hire. C'larl&s Eadou, W. Brunswick-street. Swansea. Swasisua Tiade Oiraotory. &waua T?'a?e 0??{.to?y. P?EM??LE?S?V?W'?E?LLAR? Saves Tour Laundry Hills. Instantly Spoused Clean No Rubber; no Celluloid; an Ordinary Collar specially prepared, and looks exactly the same; Is. each. HALE, Collar Specialist, Top of Temple- street, Swansea. NEED HAM'S MAGiC úOUCH CURE. I COSTS LESS THAN AN VSnKRTAKEB. I A Compound of the best modern Cough Remedies known to the Medical Profession. I Oue fhiC relieves; one hottie cures. Price Is.—NEEDHAM'S DHUG STORES, iLvTOD, SWANSEA. CA R R lACE VAN & CART LAMPS, CLIPPING MACHINES, HORSE RUGS. Pmctiasers of the above gooda would do weli tc inspect our stock Car- I ft;}? Lamps Repaired. New Glaii? Fitted —b?A.K?A ?AD?t.tjUY CO.. HIGH-8T. I A.N 8 ?11 '(",ADE. Tel. 133.v Cei,-tr &L LEA'?NLR A?b J??Jt.? 7 Ke? I U=efut Soie Leather Pieces for p,,¡)t Kepairers can be had at the Cheapest itclueI in Wales.—SWANSEA SADDLEUY CÛ. leather Merchants, ARCADE, SWANSEA. C. M. fVIOHHlS, 19, UNION STREET, — FOR VALUE AND FIT. — W A T t R PHQOFS H E PA I hiW. VIíe lo Go on Kainy D».?9:— Send your WATERPROOFS t? FCR?LAND A NP ^O.. A1.F?A KbRA-RqA?\_e? ? ? ? ? ? j Wate?prc&t ?iors< L&jn C!oths, Taf paullns, Cart, Truck, and Wagon Severs, Nosebngf, etc. Hauliers. Oontra<;tora. and Hor»e Keepers, before Buy?s the above GO??ds. ).wdly ?al! and inspect our 9t,r.K. 1;1A SA?U- LERY CO.. HIGH-STREET, ARCADE. LLF-Y 00., ARCA.DF- V/ ,U  g, ? £# t;i¡ 1$ ? (!I/ .Y ^\g2i   V- C I   ,Äao I?) I U It tit fi <' If iROIfSHIOfS ff 2 Wfedeiag jij ? ?, TS?!HyMd?y<??!'? ?  I 1 M'"))MM' y C hk V ? E:?B SfRS?. ? 1 1'íH ?? S????L??? C li T j|ijl i gup r.n 0 f" fc ti fauiti f&BL ¡ f11 J;,> i f:i ? :1 ill Iil i d 11' '"tH1Jij tœ t j]; PROCEEDING. j it i I I I MI G A L. I IJ1L'r When replying to advtrtiser.ienti please ¡¡¡C:I;Hu. the Leader." JS U ADi.ES.—Our JL 1 itii-tiph 7 L T?hie:? tor irr?u?a.rtt:.? a.? gua1an. !t<?d eJ1ùüLVè under o?? nour, ho?e'?r GO- stmate C" Xhey act iu? um?ic w?nr? ,eaieiiies. fc*»\om it -1..jl' Eeokiet, ."•J-ampiea i res; is. I4U.. 2c. u 4s. UU.—ue uia«.«-ui' ^uifeicai W.. Ltd., D?Pt. C.J?.. I joh? HrraU'?t'??t. Birnungoam. ?o.??c. Pat?y, Pando ?/t'Aij.\A? ?E??UItU. Palmist and .U?- 11V1 L>t¡l h/: :t:¿:-lEi';lfC:i: Swansea, tuid will ue at ttie above until tne end of -Y. LADIES. The Safest and K^iiable Remedy is Deal:ins Speeiai Mixture, it is made from Pure Herbs, and is becked by a reputation of 40 Saie and Haimioss. i) r; ca. 2. 9d.; by post, secai'eiy packed in plain wrapper, 3-i.—Deakin, Herbalist. 14, Alei- j 'J 'Hi 1,t-r('8.,L Sv.a 1lf.x:d. "TaoTesT LAOIES! j L 11;1. U.. Mre. STAFFoRD-iiiOOKiiS, the Eminent Lady Specialist in ait iemaie I has much pleasure in aamouncmg mat her liLMEDr ior restoring regularity WITH- • OUT MEDlolNE is the oniy positive, certain, and speedy one known. it acts almost llliJi.6(L.iktf. and does not interieio with household duties. 1 guarantee every j c?&e. -&,d(ii-e666ci envelopi? &end at on. 6t.ampe4.a.ddrd envelop for full particulars and most convincing 1 iestiruoniais (Guaranteed Genuine undar penalty of f-i,00(i>, to Mrs. STAFFORD- BROOKES. 22 Dept., Arugowan, Hither i Cioen, London. J ] 1 D. -I ^—L.ADIES- 2Irregularities, ek.. ictuoved by bn ul-Lc-d3,be | R method without Medicine or Pills, His speedy j! —s?i.uenmc? lmmediai-oij. MedicaJ t cionce l ,no,i?s LeLte-so.. testin,?,niEtIF,I rj :eceived daily. Sena at crc6 stamped ?u-i- S I ::n0:;{¿;;e f7;1 t.a' J:,i1e: 1 ionials, guar&uteed ?indc, :?aa.lt: I t ?.AjO—Mr?. D. STAKMAN MORH?. iij" |I 1 roke >,VAymt<ton Koac, Loa-ion. N. MARRIED -ADI £ S. M te. LaMGToN, BriglioL, s,, elut Sea- ccmbe, has a RELIABLE REMEDY. ¡'¡3l'l.wal" Free. Send stamped envelope Please name lJ.D:JT. CZ-1 ,-+- 'THF: "tE? :Z:"l¡H-! PEMEBY. Mo' Mo? Mo3 THERAPIOWS™ O.. r r: t,J 'JCi1'n,it: C.¡}fœS BLOO POL,ON, K11JNEV. BtADDER, U?IMASV nly.f'S, DISCHARGES, 'WEA??!?S,t':t,ES. SE?nST,\MPA!;r'.<?S ENVELOPE !'OR FREE SCOX?ET TO DR. LE CLERC A1. Co, RSTOCxRD,HAmPs..EADxLoNDO, il:,NG. LAU M:) LAUlEb I | Without Drugs, Pilla, or Medicine, Sinn* H0bd guarantees to cure irroguiaritiea and obstructions, female ailments 111 married or single women, from whatever cause arising or how long standing; no disap- pomtments; every case iL cute; nutneii.11 ) send stamp for free advice.— I ??.:??SE RO?'S LABJKATURX. 1?. CRURCH I STREET, LEAMINGTON. MME. JEAN jS'e .r,.t,o LA1RE. P?tsian | Palmist, ?ht'«n?iogi':t-. 1.. adj' HiJedal. 1 1st. Advice daiiy. 10 a.m. till 9 p.m.—Alex- andra Arcade, Swansea. tngagemeuts ar- ranged for Baaaars, Cardial F'etes, etc.. at Special 1-educ:iur.. MARRIED Ladies.—Nurse Dale has a &aie, 11' reliable r<:m?dy: gu;uau!?'u ?Nc-ctual no matter how long SLaii?lug; e,cry case a cure; ?diea 6h0uld writ" at ùIW; etrict??t privacy.—Send etattiped envelope: 19, Nor- ton-str-eet, Knighton. Radnorshire. 241A1-30 AD IKS should send Id. stamp for FREE .U RA4LPI? ot R?A?CHA?u' Pil.L?.. They supersede Pennyroyal, Pit Cochia, Bit- t.?" Apple, etc. Sold at is. ltd. a Box by Boots' Branches aad a.ll chemists, or post I tree from Leslie Martyn, Ltd., Chemists, 34. I nalston-iaue, Iiondon. 05-8 SURGlCAL Jlp¡;.lanOO6, EIlemw., etc.; t? &&mpi&o.? ls.; b&tt quarry; Recure!? j packed Pric lic-. hill-. 'ana. St.Ma?-?!.rc?t,. Cardiff. R H E" mug M A T SPEEDILY CURED. MR JOHN EPPS, of Kin?f. Heath. Di,m!1 iT.i. ham, very ?trougiy reoommsnda a really I WONDERFUL CURE For Rheumatism, (iout, Sciatica, &c FREE INFORMATION for iiddreeiged snveiope. Myrddin Davies's Annjuncemsftts. '?? 1'RDDi? S iBmE?uon and i?ver Mixture 1 J. ?u exc?i?m rreparation for 1?- (ilgeg io r? Heart burn, Pains in Lh& Pit of the Stomach. Vomiting, Flatulency, etc. Per Bottle, Is. and 2s.—Myrddin M.P.S., Chemist. 23b, ?a.t? ?atwur Exchau?e;. C2-24 Dii. NOBLE'S Backache and K:dnev ??l?. 1 sp?ci?ily recommended for Kidj?y Backache, Congtti'not; of the hiu- i.?y?. iutt?ama.tion of the Bladder, Gravd. etc. '?r box, la. and ?. bd.-??Kit;m Davies, M.P.S., Chemist. 233, High st-e^, i Swansea (i&te Labour Erci«an £ e). C2-24 MYRDDIN'S Live, G1'J.uui:-¡-ic- l' Hvc imie pui for 'iornd Ldver. BU- ií.ÚU6!i6:S, Dizziness, ,litMU.a ue-, Ounstipa- tion. Sold iu bottles. 61I. and KMd.—Myrdain Davies, M P.S., Chemiel, 233, High-«5treet, swimsea (late Labour Exchange). CZ-24 THE American Corn Piaster is undoubt- JL edly the iiicsi -e Corn manufacturod. 'try it onoe, then junge; no la.uure; no harrasing corns; no pain 01 burning; easy to put on; readily cures; ijd.' per pofet, bad.—Myrudin Dav-M,, M.R.P.S., 236, High-street, Swansea uate i^auour Ey- caauge). C2-24 t, L1.s;lTc-šTiSël-:I);GS-6(f'-ca'h. 4. 6(;- ij p?r pair; ?uk.?. 1?. 10d.; Knee Caps| 2s.; Ije??mgo, 2s.; ?li e.zee; British Make — ?ynidiji D1tvi. M.R.P.?.. Chbi?u?r, 2.38 High-st.reet, Swansea (late Labour Ex- change). C2,4 TRUSSES! Tr usees Trasses! in 1. double or single.—Myrdain Davien, M.R.P.S., 238, High-street, Swansea (Hie > 1 -a bour Ex ha 11 ge b C?24 MOTELS. S-Sr- W hen replying to advertisements please mention the" Leader." I ONDON.—Carlton PrTvata Hoteh U. J Craven-street. Charing Cross. Room and Br&H.kta?t frcm <,i. | F- -Ø;¡ j Noon's Hole! 1;0, ? 1 VA, j 69 70, HIGH HOLECR?! I 1 Convenient for all parta of London. | Comfortable Bed room and Pull Break 11 fabt, 85.6d. a-ud 4s. 6d. No extr?. BEST 1/3 LU?CBE'0? f | ? LalÑ. i Restaurant Seats 280. | fciTW' .TOV nv.'l lj IIWilMIII II— III ■!  ?'E.?'K "fti k w Nervous and Physical Weaknesses, Genito- Urinry Troubles, Lack of Vigour, Yarieo- cale. and all the Allied Troubles. CeTid for Treatise with full particular*, including Hundreds of Testimcnjale of complete cures.. :\0 ek.;trjdty. nt sealed for three stampc. í C. L. MURRAY, I 125, High iioVcjrn, Lorabr.. I 23. BUTE-STREET, CARDIFF. i MONEY. D to develop rem unerati v« |, t f juoito», estabiisaeu thive Ji-&d, j ll':ôre.stt 5 tier (0(-11 '(,1.' :.utiulal \it j Boa us," care of Leader GjlL, ?4fA2-4 IMMEDIATE LOANS.—The Old-established JL London anu I'rovincea Discount Co., Ltd., continues to .L..t.1\D Immense zume Daily. ironi to i'.6,i!00, on lioTE of HAND ALONE or other Security Intd ést. liisy instalments. Special gates for Short i-oriou, ivO PRELIMINARY CHAU.jrES WHATEVER. Largest and mo?t honourably conducted b?siaf;? in th* Kingdom. Thoutsanua of our regular cus- tomers 1.o.Vé. expressed their entire satisfac- tion in repeated transactions with us. A. gentleman will wait upon you at on e with Casb. Call or write (in confidence) to Manager, Mr. HARPER, i6, STOKES (JU:: i" BRISTOL, er to Local A.ent; Mr. Bonnie. 1. Willows-place. bwajMt?. WILeFa ,vi S and Co., 17, St ilary- X. • «?t-reet, Swansea, make Private Loana t;, Respectable Borrov, era Bills Dig. conuted. No Fees Strictly ConbdentiaL Teriua e. Easy Rcpaymects Ár- "tmged tv omit 1:k,rroweL'5,lr'cvûr Willi2.ili.S, Manager. £ 20 t^ £ 570Sb™ADVANC!ED By Private ijende'' on Simple Promissory Note. No Bills oi Saie Taken, and Abtlo. lute Prk aoy Guaranteed. First Letter ol Application reoaives prompt attention, and intending borrowers aro waited upon by a Representative who ii empowered to com- plete transactions on terms mutually ar- ranged, NO CRAHGR being made unless Busine?? Actually Completed. Special Ouo- tations for kiaoi-t Loans. Write in confid- ence to C. Weils, 1G CSare-st, Bristol -])'-Jl) a-U:uciem"k.e¡;-Ca@h Ad- o vances froc< £ 3 and upwards to Re- spectable Householders at Reasonable Rates oi Intoreat, without delay. Appij psr- fconaily, or by letter. Distance io object. No fee. Easy repayments arranged to suit convenience of borrower^. Private and conhdential guai ar.teod.—Apply 3. Orov. pluvt, Alexandra-'oad, Swansea. alONEY TO IjENO. THE DISTRICT LOAN CO.. of ST. MART'S CHAMBERS, Church-street, Swansea, are piepared to make L.;H ADVANCES to Rejpoiisible Houaehoiders on Piouii*sory Notes i)niy. ftake of interent Moderate. Repayments to suit borrowers' Conveni- ence. Call or Write to G. BRINLZY '1 ii O-ttAS. M ii uger ONEY LENT WlTHtJuT SECUHITYT LADIES or GENTLEMEN can have tfeelr own ACCEPTANCES DiSCo UK TED or POST DATED CHEQUES CASkLD without any tsecurity, sureties, or interviews. LOAMS GRANTED BY POST. JU Strictly Conadential, oa NOTE of HAND ALOXVE. by ill. LEWIN. to Ladies or Gentlemen, Merchants, Manu- facturers, Hotsi Proprietors, and shop- seeper. from .'ZU to £ 3,000. No fees, commission, or beiore-hand cijarpuo ever made Borrowers dealing with others can bave their loans, paid oil or increased, aaid those who are abouL, to borrow should ,vnLe t?r tuil information, 'tuch wul be supped gratia ana post free by the actual Lender. A S jr NAME. MB. D. LEW kN, w..l3?1-Street. Liver, ?'JL p?oi. hefor? p?ymg icM, commission, etc., you cannot do better than appiy to above, as No Cnarg^-i whatever are m&de if tho Loan is not completed. IMPORTANT.—Why Pay Heavy intoreat i wnen jou can Borrow Money on Watches, Plate, Jewellery, etc., at the Ito. duced Rate of tourpenco in the .9 per monihl Established 181i.-M.. litury bar- nett successor), i'iate Repository, 5. Heuth- heid-atreet. Swansea. LIO to to LEND on your promise to repay or on life policies. Furniture, Household Property, or any Security. Principal remains, or can be repaid by Easy inatalmenta. Promptness and privacy. On receipt of letter a gentle- man will call aud hand you ca.-n at your house if desired. Distance no object. Do not expose your requirement* looallj. Deal with the actual lenders. F. LAWRENCE, Ltd., (The Oldest Company in the West of England) Dan Chamois, Gfteese Market, Bristol.  LOA¡S. X5 to £51;8 AavANCED promptly and pri- vately en your written promise to pay. Repayments by ezsy instalments to suit your income. For agreed periods— L5 HE PAY 96. f.50 REPAY .£55. If-in „ Ell. C. igo „ £1:C. £ Z-J II 4.22. £ 200 „ £ 220. SPECIAL TERMS TO FARMS US AND PROFESSIONAL MEN. No Charge unios* business completed. Im- mediate attention given to inquiries by Post, 'Phone, or personally, aud strictest privacy afJ u red. GEO, FRY & CO., 11, Dynevor Place, Swansea. 'Phorp. 36 Do" lJnd" New Mmagntnent. SAILINGS. ABSOLUTELY FREE, BERTIE PEHKlNS AND OC.. passenger Steamship Ltepartmsnt, 11, sopposite the Town Hall), Swansea, BOOK Piitsongars to America, Australia, India. Canada, Africa. New Zealand, and to all ptirta of the World. Handbooks of information and all par- ticulars absolutely tree. Cables a-re received daily of the arrival oi various Pa=beager Steamers at Ports Abroad. Bertie Perkins and Co are Agente for tbe Best and Largest Passenger Steamship Lines in the Wot id. (HUN AUD UNl'L ROYAL MAIL STEA.. FASTEST VESSELS IN THE WORLD. From I,IVET?.POOL (via QTJEENRTOWN), To NEW YCav To BOSTON. Camuania. ,S: t.Feb. 8 Ivertiia.Tues.Feb.18 Til GAM At) A. FROM SOUTHAMPTON TO PORTLAND, Maine. FREQUENT EAII.INfJS- PERSONALLY CONOUCTED PARTIES. Write for particulars. For further particulars, apply to Local Agente; or to CUNARD LINE, 51. Bishops- gate, Lonrlon. E.C., and 8 and 12, Water- street. Liverpool. .-L- WILTSHIRE C ? ?T? A 1"" bA?jAG&5. I ''I jî".¡!t.J! .ll.t 'tLl v i -.ir, We are now receiving daily supplies of the 1 Royal Wilts Sausages. per fNdI b. TAYLOR Bf Co. I LTD, I 6j CastSe Sq., Swansea. I OXFORD FTRFFT, Telegrama I 33, WALTER ROAD. Tsyl-am, g 100, BKYNYMOR ROAD, Teiepnoae; IllER DUNNS, MUMBLES Docks, No. 4.