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 i Leader' Classified Advertisements. APARTMENTS, SITUATIONS VACANT 03 WANTED, TO BE LET. LOST AND FOUND. One Three 8ix insertion Imsertiona. Iniertioils tO Worde. 1 0 2 a a 0 30 Words. 1 6 3 0 _aua 4 0 40 Words. 2 0 4 3 5 0 | SALE, TRADE ANNOUNCEMENTS. One l'brea Six Insertion. Inaertiona, Insertion* jW Worde. 1 t. 2 6 3 » 30 Worde. 2 9 a 0 4 fc 40 Words. < 6. 3 i. 6 6 ifelKTHS, DEATHS, IN MEMOR1 AM AND MARRIAGE. One Three £ •; inaction. Insertions. iBserHona ? Words.. t? i ?.? 6 0 30 Words. 0 r. C f 0 40 Worde. 3 0 T 0 13 0 EDUCATIONAL. 0-io Three Su Insertion. Imsertiona. Insertions hi Words.t 0 i 0 4 6 30 Words. 2 6 4 0 6 < 40 Words. 3 0 6 6 1 i MONEY.d. per tina. VACANT. RAG Pickers and Wool Sorters retained immediately; Rood wages: permanent: railway tare paid.—Charles- Davwfj and Co.. Priimess-street. Llanelly. a9A8-14 WOMEN AND GIRLS. A GOOD Tailoress Wanted at ojicc.-Apply A E. Marcus. 27 Union-chambers 44A8"Jd 44A6-lb • ^titaNTED. smart Yountf Lady for Cash Office, one accurate at Hgureg and I wit l gof)d knowledge of book-keeping and shorthand.—Write giving age and wages, j etc. to "Advancernent- Daily Leader, Swansea. -12A3-15 i ANTED. a Lady Ai-sktant for the News. Vt Stationery and Fancy Business; must i be able to dress window and take charge.— state age and experience to N. DaIlv, Leader Swansea. 44A8-.6 HOUSEKEEPERS. ITT ANTED, immed lately Workinsr House- i •. Vf. keener. Widower, four iu family, col-j ije.-Y district.—Apply David-I) Evana, iilwyn. load. Cwmgorse. Qwaupcaegurwen 44A8-19 I liliiwtSTlC SERVANTS. r — ENEEAL 1,4e-,vant wanted.- A p pl,.v, '&- 8Onally. with refen'ncca. to West ?i??rs' Anns, Bkewen. TC 17" 1TCHENMAID Wanted; young general ? mi?ht suit.—Apply ?s. Wa.it?rs. I)eii-? ian Swansea.  42 A 8-14 WANTED, resooctable Girl da,iIy.—A?y Mrs. G. Snarkee, 24 Bridge-street, Neath. G. SI)arkes, M Bri(tgc-;ireet .TAVf'E, D. an experienced C<>Ok Gener;"l'l l t good wag:—Apply Mr*. C. II. Mills. iL.} ai\ jencr.ilt, Muml>let> 41A8-16 AvANTED, a ;rood. trustworthy, General ?''t Servant for Private Hou?e.—Appiy. fit instance Pugsley and Son. 24, Water- OO-6treet. C8-15 "n, -nn'" VirAXTED, staid, experienced. good all. I v v round Domestic Help to Assist yomifc Maid with work for small family; plain cookine good home and short tiou,s.-State I' age. capabilities, etc.. Gowerton," Leader Ornce. Swansea. 41A8-16 MEN AND YOUTHS. BOOT TRADE.—TWO eood Benchmen wanted; top wages naid: constant, em. piti y xnentW a Iter 6. Poiitar dp. v, e. 0i>-16 AS Engine.—Driver Wanted. abl. to do repairs and attend to suction plant; previous experience absolutely necessary.— Abply by letter to R." Leader Office, Swan- HH. cs-i 7 f ITAIRDSESSING.—Wanted, a <?ood fm- iA prover or Assistant,—Apply IV, ) j p'AINTKKS Wanted at once: long job for I reliable men; also Apprentices.—Apply ■ IIenry Billings and Sons Trafalgar Yard I 1 C845 1>A- JNTERS Wanted.—Good ErtislOiands." L Apply Wm. E. Isaac. Builder and Con. tractor. Sketty. 41A!-76 T\7"ANTED, for Llanelly, experienced < Baker: must be Rood at smalls.-Write < <o Daily I.eader. A AITFD. for first two weeks September. | trood Haircutter and Shaver; prood i ancl return fare naid —Edwin FTnll. j oj vos'te the Hoepital. Swansea. 44A3-19 I Traveller, whole or p-art, tiine, » » Sale of Oonf^;tionerv; salary and com. ¡ s iTtuf&ion.—Write "Confectionery," leader icc. 44 AR, 14 • rVV ^TED. Electrical Wireman.-Apply W. í Swansea. 44 AS-13 W'^J«TED, immediately, for Coal and ) Shiprang Office. competent Clerit for: ('(,rrp<)!H!enoo and RCOunu.; male or fe-j ?iaj?.—???jy? =tatin? oxt?rienee. o?. and I salary reauired "Consul," Daily Leader. ( 40A8-15 V^IEELESS Tel eg ra cb J.— 5 .SCO Qualified I are uvEently wanted at roTnmencins' ealaries of £ 120 rising to £250. Eprv Student now at our School has a berth waiting for him. and wr iqiin-c iriore to oualify as early aA possIble.—Apoly "Wireless Training College. Cardiff 0: Mvun SITUATIONS WANTED, SITUATIONS WANTE ^EmTTbtliSED sc0.B E.. Ena;Tne —? D:ivp".L?co. or Stationary, qpcks Sitviat?,? n.-B Ford 11, Wer;i-road, Landore ?—.???_?_ 44AS-19 f MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. TAIIjOHS' Clips ureently needed, xend t card to Wyraan, 65. Dyfatty-street. ¡ Svansea. who will Day you full market. alue. HA 8-16 rP8EES Wanted over Pitwood size.— Jen- oinga, Ltd.. Woodworker, Pennyweli- Brayieb at Portli eawl. IQTC WANTED, well-bred Pekinese Puppy (Bitch), not more than 4 months old. VLrito Box (17. Leader Office. 44AS.J5 ANTED to buy. a Second-hand Piano. If C suitable for boy learninp.-Writil- -ttt. in" Dl'k-e required to "Workman," I-rader | Office. Swansea 42A8-14 T).O You Want to Sell Anything? Send it -0-Y to the Auotiori Mart, 119, Hiffh-street I Scrkln will Sell it for you. pp. I BUY Furniture; best prices given;-New JL or Seoor.d-hand.—Scrkin, 219, High-street, DROP mea Post'-Iord ayicl i will call.- < L J. Serkin, 219, High-»treet. pp. SALES conducted in Town or Countryfl: igh- commisioD .-J. Serkin. 219. High- street. pp. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. GODFREY and 00. Ltd. are offering Second-hand Pianos bv Oollard and Col. lard Monington and Weston, Avill and Smart, etc.. et(?., from 25 sruineaaC; ollaid. FiaBoa by Kosers. Collard and CoMatd. ?ameB. Wition and Wittoa. Cr&mer. etc.. from 50 BruineM: catib or term, Player- 1ia1lœ by the Leading Makers from )4j ,"uineu, Writ*) for Free Lisi or call and make a Personal Se?ctiou—(Godfrey and Co.. Ltd1.. 22. St. lielen's-road Swansea. 34A9-15 ORGAN for Sale.—To Choir Secretaries, etc.—A Small One-Pedai Organ, suit Schoolroom or Mission; a bargain.—Apply Bev. James Evans. Sailors' Reet Swansea. 42A6-14 OECQND-HAND Pianos by bollard tmd 1 C5 Collard, Spencer. Morington and Wee- Ton and other well-known makers. Inspec tion invited. Gramophones from £ 4 4s; New (loll ble-,sidef] Records from Is. each Larse stock. Lists free.—D. J. Snell. 21-U. High- street Arcade. Swansea I 41A8-16 HHHOMPSON and Shackell. Ltd. 39 Caetle- X street Swansea.-Black Conard Piano- £ 78; Walnut Collard Piano £ 70; WaJruit Cballen Piano. £ 95? Walnut Rirkman Piano 470: Walnut Normelle Piano 4k65: Walnut 1-,1 1 0 5: Woinut Scui,re frinsmead Piano. £ 305; Walnut Sonire Piano £85; Walnut Eawkins Piano. £65 iDs.. Walnut Thompson and Sbackell, Ltd., J i îiano t?O. Imperial Organ f-26 6«.; Jonet kli: E^ev Oreran f,35 LIVE STOCK, &c. for a e. 1) Coci-.ei-ela, March 1919 Blue Black and hlte lOs, 6d. eaeh.-Applv M. lirowii, 2. Water-lane. Morriston. 40A8-15 IN NETS.—Warranted fcock Brown Lin- j I J netz well on seed. Is. 6d. eo«h-—Apply j Webber,i lO. Beddow»-row Cwm. Borijrmaen, I near O-VII) School. 42A8-16 i c E B, y Marc 13.3. and Colt. e kin a. Pen-y-Waun Dairy. Middle-road, tlendroB. 42A8-14 l L_ l=- FOR SALE. EMPIRE Typewriter; excellent working: -LJ order: nearest offer to £15. Aeo Arm- "trong. £1ü.- Write "Typewriter." 46. Wai- ters-road. Swansea. 40A8-15 Olt SALE, 1621 acres, very extensive house and buildincs. excellently planned, on roadside Ilereford-Monmouth borders. Kood soil, immediate possession. Weonards, Hereford. 44A815 FOR SALE. Second-hand Billiard Table. L half-size, and Accessories—Apply M.C.. 4. The Croft, Neath. t'8-15 VOR SALE.—A jimited number of Shell 1:' Oaees collected from the battlefields of f ranee and Belgium. Those desiring to Purchase as a War Curio apply, enclosing 3- t.o cover cost and postage, to D. D. Eq\.Jl and Co Tvltta! M.erohan r.g, Exchan^s Buildings, Pontardulais, Glam. C8-16 MARKET Trap for Sale, pood as new, t-uit cob 14.2.— Apply Richards, Beiiallt Each. P^ntardula is, C8-15 SINGER'S Boot Repairing Machine for Sale, in thorough working order; £50; barsrain,—Thos. P. Jones. Glan-y-nant. Gar- luaiit. Carm. 42UV8-24 SALE, or Lease, Stables and Yard: accom- 0 modate 13 borsee; adaptable garage, iTiaisufacivory, etc.; low eround rent, R Jones. 3. Brunswick-place. I TRADE ANNOUNCEMENTS. I¡ A" -;MAXF; solid -idn".l1ir th: A none to b?at tbe Anmanford Ch,,ir, and for Value in Solid Leather Suit Caees I none to t?at Harries' Compete House '!Jr- nicbers and General Ironmongers -118-14 BARGAINS at Enoch's. Areg(le.-For >ew J or Second-hand Boob, of all kinds, caj] at above address. Several Settl of Bible C^ ommentaries lheap. Fine Assort- ment. of Bibles. Welsh and English: also Teachers' Bibles and Scofleld's. tfine Assort- ment of Novels, If., etc. ^2A8-16 C HOCOLATF,I; Galore. I-licb-Class Confec tions. Wholesale only.—City Confec- tionery Co., 20. Church-street Mancliester 41A8-16 C AMOOS.-Ili, will nrobably be the last opportunity for some considerable time to purchase good Unbleached Calico at 8?d. [ and Is. Old. per yd. We have on offer Quito a larce quantity of both qualities but they I will soon be cleared. So act at once.—John Richards Draper, 2. Cradock-street, Swaji- j I eel" 42A8-18 I D- I..BlOND RilH. 3 fine h?Hiaptn in alI I -L? vhtinnm rin. ?ICO- ?Jso a number of Second-hand Rings from £ 5.—Bullock Bros., Portland-street. 42A8-18 I IVÕRLROHERTs Electrical Engineer, wishea to inform hM oh< Customers and the Public eeneraHy that hi* Cbief Electri- cal Elljneer who iO ined H.M Forces, has I returned to his employ. The Eh?crrica) De- partment. being now thoroughly equipped with an Efficient Staff of Electrical ?nEin- eers Electrical Work of every description can now he carried out. Heating- ana Power Installations me Speciality. four II enquiries ealicited. Z23 Oxford-street Swan- sea P ii,,N-HALE.'g Sports Sale Visitors are ad- JI vised to Inspect, the Bartraine at 232 High-street. 3C0 Gent's Grey Flannel Trousers to clear, 'a,, Ld., worth 27s. 6d.: I Youths' ditto. 150 pair to clear at 156 lid.. worth 25s 6d.: 150 Donegal Sports Coats to clear at 39s. lid.. usual pricJ, 55s.- 100 Gent's Grey Check smartly-tailored Suits 97s. lid., worth £ 6 6a. Iiarcains in Socks Is. Hid worth 2s Ud.: Smnmer ShirfB 6s. 6d., worth II &a lid. &e window5.-Penhale 232 Uiph. Street. CS-K QPECIAL '?bott? Cruets. bMt Electro- ) 0 plate, Ensueh glass. 3&f.—BuJIoch Bros.. ) PorHand-street. 42A8-18 SIDNEY Palmer's well-known Cakes and Pastries are made of best ingredients only Weddine: and Birthday Cakes :? stock and made to order. Noted for leas and Oole) fjuncheone. — Palmer's Cafe, oppo- site E!np!re. p.ad Branches. 41A9-16 SU'R'O lCAL -A'm;Úince,=Tr-üSSM:-8pra' I Is Enemas Snrgeon8' Hubber CHoveg. Dd Sureical Rubber Goods of every description. Write for Catalogue: sent post frte.-LO Bra<sseur Surgical Co. Ltd (Dept D.V.). 90 and 92 Worcester-street Birmingham. TC MOTOR CARS. CYCLES, &C. A LBION Chassiti.Ve can offer delii,ei,.y of 4-ton Chassis iu August, 60 cwt. Sep- tember, and 50 cwt. September: subject un- sold. Cash. Easy Terms., or Exchange.—R. E. Jones (Garages), Ltd.. Dillwyn-street. A E p COM-MERCIAI, VEflICLES.- • ili»• Al] Snare Parts; in Stock.- Thomas White and Co., Engineers Barry; South Wales Agents. CltO-24 Lady's Rudgo Whitwoiti Bicycle: exccUer.t condition; latest modal: bargain.—Mendleson, 164. Oxford- I str-et. Swaneca. 40 iB.15 j OR SALE, 1915 Premier Motor Cycle, with I three-speed counter shaft eear; price £ 65.—E. E. Jonee. Ltd.. Motor Dept. TO OR SALE, 1915. Ford Touring Car: first- class condition.—Apply R. T. Evans, Alexandra Garage, Swansea 4V. A ft-1ft F OR SALE. Ge-nt.'q Cycle, new tyres, tubes mudguards new back wheel; a bar- gain. L6- seen a.ny time.-Billiard Hall. I Tonna. near 42AS-14 j F OR SALE.-Overlatid 5-Seater Motor Car. 1 25 II.FL. Bosch '0. Oaaden Hog. son Carburetter. Opgn. nv trial and ex- amination: £ 375 — Price. Butcher. Gorseinon. CM6 I"lmEDIA'rad eil v rrB a r r y. 45 b.a 3 4 ton JL A.E.C Icrry with uernianent Cad and dfia-chable sicJM.DDly. S013 Sou*" Wales Agents; Thomas White and Co.. Engineers. P,P-rr. T £Dr.S-Tto:r?'- Triumph Bicycle for Sale. J immediately.—An ply M. Salmon, Train- irur Colleee. Swansea 41AS-15 R'()YAL-E-iF;r;D.3- H.P. Motor Cycle for JLL Sale. Excellent condition. Apply Lonsmore, Hay Merchants. Oxford-street. 41AS-13 m"O X MODE"L 5-Seater Torpedo To?rins- | t) Car. Wire Wh?L" ?pctric Hfm and Roerh Hood and Ride Curtains: I' as new: splendid condition; ready for road: £ 400: first cheque secures.—Davies, 57, St Helen'g-avenue. 41A8-13 liat .-i-OEl MISCELLANEOUS. TXTANTED. Boiler and Steam Pip« Cover- w or? Ilsed to Silicate Cotton Mattrewes ¡ and Steel Sheet Covering —Apply Mill:). Fn?isb and Co.. Ltd.. Swansea. C8-15 S the P?per with the Largest Onarar J\ teed Vi atii)r. Small AdvtP carried In the "Leader" ('trod the Largest Pah 1 icily- LOST AND FOUND. £1 REW ARD.-llÛftt. at, MnmbiM on Fri- c?j. dav Arrow-Fhapcd Diamond Tienin cr??t?pntimcnta] vaiu? to ex-soldier Return to Po'lee. Mumbles. 43A8-15 LOST, o i Tuesday, the 5t" ?!=t.. '?ar Ilkon (hurch. ?! 'kmi)l a Lady's Gold and Re' Enamel Watch with Br?r?h —Who. e"fr win rc?tprp the ?me to Mr= ?'il'f'. J\1IHQl\h. Parkml1l. will bo reward w?h -U_- ¡ FURNITURE. I FÚnN ITURE.-B'St Prices given by me I Ffor Second-hand ?urnnnre and Annaue I Furniture of any description Drop me a ) postcard, or cail -Wm James. 8, Fabi,-D- ) street. St Thomaa. oro HOUSES AND SHOPS FOR HOUSES AND SHOPS FOR APPT{ESV:co:neEwt Cheap J.JL Rates in House Purchasing.—Apply I SuperYi&or 7 Smyrna-street. Piasmart. 4a A 8-19 IB uy Your Own House with the Rent. I B Nearly 40,000 houses bought this way. J —Write for full particular, to G Evans. Eversley-road. Sketty. 44A8-19 i T70R SALE, a Four-roomed House and j A Slope, No. 31, lorwerth-street, Mangel- ton.—Apply at No. 33. 42A8-16 ) "ITiOIt SALE. Old-fashioned Freehold House 1: a.t Loughor; near river, station post ofHce: bath-room, gas, water: vacant posees- | sion.—Apply Humphreys, IJwyn Hall. > lJwynhenclv. 39A8-14 HOUSE to Let on Sen. Front, Mumbles, for jt. J L remainder of August and September.— Apply Ford. Newsagent. Mumbles. 43A8-18 T LAN SAM LET-For Sale, a Divided Ji House. 6 rooms and 4 rooms (opposite Peniel Green Schools); imoJediate possession of 4-roomed house.—For particulars apply D. | J, Thomas. Peniel Green Boot Stoves 4LA8-I8 I TI.-rANY Buy their Houses th;,g wav. Why iVi not you ? Immediate advances, easy payments after, cheaper than rent.—Write for nartieulare. 08. Leader Office. 44A8-19 SALE, immediate noesc-esioid, Leasehold House. Brunswick-street containing i reception. 5 bedrooms, kitchen, scuilery. bath. 2 w.c.'s.—Jones. 3. Brunswick-place. Swansea, 4OA.15 TO LET Two or Three Empty Rooms at Oromwoll-street —Write "Cromwell." I leader Office. 44A8-H "\7 ACANT House for Sa!? in Bernard. I street. Uplands: ieaEehdd: two recep. tion rooms. five bedrooms, etc.—For further particulars apply to Messrs. J Blewitt Jet kins and Sons. Land and Estate Agenf y, 4. College-fit reet, Swansea. C8-15 £ WEEK f.Y will Purchase f450 House: I O anv district: possession by arrange- f merit. La.ndlor, Leader, Swansea. TO APARTMENTS AND LODGINGS TO LET AND WANTED. A P,kRT'I%fENTIS.- Wanted. 3 Empty Rooma. A or more by Respectable Couple (one child) with nice people: commission paid for information: would lilie House.—Box "B 55," Daily Leadcr, 37A814 ANTED, at Gorseinon. by married t couple, 2 Furnished or Unfurnished Rooms; state terms.—Apply Box 03 Leader Office. 42A8-18 BUSINESSES FOR DISPOSAL I,, OR. SALE. Free Double Lictnsed House in Swansea; lone lease-Write Fox C2. Leader Office, Swanpe-. HOUSES WANTED. \\TAN1^ED to Purchase. H, ouse with pos- t V. session in Octobcr, 5 bedrooms, bath- room: position convenient for town.—Parti. culars to Box No. C4. Leader Office. 43A8-19 MONEY. ELAW. 12. London-r?a? ?.ejtb. ake611 E. Cash Advances from ?S and upwards Strictly private. Established 1676. TO P you require a Loan apply to' George Thomas. Manager. Churcn-ntreet (ODoo. site t Mary's Church). Swansea. Private and confidential. MONEY to Lend to R?p<tet&bie Hukim I If..l. holdcre: Private and Con6dentia).— Ivor D Thonrs 4 Water loo-at reet. Swansea. ?00 MADE for .E5 Po7 full D&rticu?a,rN wW as to how small amounts of ml"l.l may be oroCmbty employed to give lare profits anoly to Grabam baargb and Cotn- pany Rillb Holhorn lymdoa Large or-Small Accounts may be Opened with the gOUTHERN JgQUlTABLE J^DVANOE 1 QO. (LIMITED), EXCHANGE-CHAMBERS (Queen-street end) 1. EDWARD-TERRACE CARDIFF Not a Money Society but an Old-established Registered Financial Firm. Prompt and Private No Fees. No Fires. Forme Free. With or Without Sureties. TEN Branches, The Leading Welsh and English Firm. Telephone. 2399 Cardiff Estab. 18&). Braneh Offiet- It CharIes-st. Newport, Mon. A ?J?H FIRM FOR BRITISH 8()R J? R.OWEH&-TH! BBtT?H fiNANrP? U-?P?NY Not a Umited compa? whh directors and saarchotden- t? kno? vour I '?" and consider your application LOANS £ 10 to £ ioouo NO B1LLS OF SALE WANTED NO SURETIES OR PbBi.lCITY ABSOLUTE PRIVACY (1DA &ANTEED. BRITISH FINANCE CO., ë 20. BRIDGE STREET, BRISTOL. I PERSONAL. I I IN Uncle Bert\s" To}feH ghop thereT5 uwdUJg Room Only," Uncle Bert and hta Son thank you for vo?r help. You are     we did "■ThMk"" 8, ansea. '1 ba,nk6 III P:20FlTEERJNGattlJe-èx:Oen;of thë P dear little children Buy. the Popular Swept* -m per oz at tb Old ?lrm. Head -9ra!reet. 41Aa.16I "OEllisONS starting ProfessionaT Life and Ui>eott^ NervouM?ess or Want of to ??" «Pecial ?sc of Trann• ♦. C ii, Ler qffi_ce. 4U8..19 "jpALMISTBY and Clairveyancy.Noted -L Indian Falmist 30 years' experience In America. France, London. Australia. Fees from 2s 6d. Correspondence invited.-Prof. Kisnutt. Ph. (11 a.m to 9 p.m) 92. Manselton 40A8-15 Pl,tid-"am Palmist, 30 years' experience in America France. London. Australia. Fees from Za. 6d. OorresPcndenee invited.—Prof Kismitt. PH.D A.B (11 a.m. to 9 p.m ) oj Cecj!-street Manselton. 3.bEí8 '■po Solicitors Bankere. and OthfTe.—An? ? T person knowing of th& existence or eori. cornea iii the preparation of a will made by the late Frank Victor Charles Jay. of Brisbane. Australia but up to 1914 manager of Messrs Wood ley and Go Swansea, But- chers. would oblige by communicating with Meager and Harris. Solicitors, 15. Castle- street Swansea. 40A8-14 i-vl -%I. B.P.-g test reading fre-, sent with date and stamped envelope.—5. Arcade. Pontypridd. Glam. 44A8-19 EDUCATIONAL. I Parents and Guardians enjoy a beneficial PEACE regarding the future of their girls and boys enrolled at THE DE BEAR SCHOOLS, LTD. where no effort is spared to train for SUCCESSFUL COMMERCIAL CAREERS Write or Call for Prospectus, Castle Buildings, Swansea. Tel.: ntral 587. Tel.: Central 587. I SMALL ADVERTISEMENT ORDER FORM. I I I I „ ■ I — I ,— I ,1 -»■— ~r tf iiT«. ♦ rwwrn-nnWMMWi ———. ——— .———— -1'1. 1 I- I j Please publish the above adrettisemeal times, for which I t I enc;l6Se.6.d. Name and Addr?me: i If diréd. replies may be sent to Box N'ttta??rs at t?e "C?Mbr? Daily j I?a.der"0&ce. This form should be IUldreued to Advettie?men? Department, v C&otb?& Daily ¡, L?Kler," Swaceea. I "—————————————————————————

Children's Corner.


——-———? i I For the Ladies.…
