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Business lUiSrsssss. p U B L I C c A U T ION. BE ON YOUR GUARD DON T BUY D'T Ii. YE AT AN Y PSICE 'IOAPS, 8 ks OIL, GREASE, AND ACIDS, DANGEROUS COMPOUNDS. bev skin the hands, poison the blood, create and?, and fester the flesh; they damage iinen and cotton goods, spoil woollens, injure flannels, troy colours, ?,nd make th« clothes A cr?amy" ite they dissolve quitldy, and their Greasy Acid her neither washes, cleanses, nor purities, and some "scented" to bide their na.ty sickenius smell. washing, personal, and domestic use they a.re o=t useless, and too .;ear at Id per pound. well advised! ])O'T USE SHAM "SCIENCE SOAPS Have the Real. the True ybltv. 7 i.I.i.OW SOAP. JESSE "Y^TILLIAMS'S LD YELLOW So-kpl The Kweet, Healthy Soavi of other days. he Wholesome Soap uiade ill the old style. Tne of the Olden Time. tell :(),11J as was mad ■ before Adulteration began; i Soafj as was made before Imposition started Mich Soip as was lualle before "Science 11 was known nu THING HUT TALLOW AND FINE ALKALI, J ESSE "^riLLlAMS'S OLD YELLOW SOAP. It tho euuhiy wnsijHS and cleanses the clothes. It thoroughly sweetens and whitens the clothes. It gives Flannels and Woollens a silky softness. It gives Blanket- that d-wr.y and wool-like feel. It preserves ind biigiitens all colours. It is a complete purifier of th- skin. iz, is a leal cleanser fur uomestic purposes. JKSSE WILLIAMS and Co. make the Old Yellow Soap upon their own premises, iiiid guarantee its Absolute P'rity thi-y w.ir:ant it to be Free from all Chemicals it issolelv and simply a genuine Home- made Soap. Fairlv try it, honestly test it. 3d for One-poun.l "Tablets 7-d Two-and-a-half-pound liars 27s od per Hundredweight. KETAIL AND WHOLESALE, 7, pAEK JJALL llJILDIKGS, QUEEN-STKEET, CARDIFF. Send for Old Yellow soap Caii for 01,1 Yellow Soap BERRY AND co. I ARE NOW MAKING A g'PEClAL JQ I S P L A Y I OF NEW GOODS IN EACH DEPAKTMENT, And are offering Special Advantages to Ptirchasers of J^RA WING, JOINING, AND JgEDROOM JIURNITURE. DINING KOOM bU.'L'I'E S-)Iid O..k i racueji, Upholstered in Superior American Cloth, Stuffed Back Small Chairs La- 10 0 DRAWING-ROOM SUITE Solid Walnut Frames, Upholstered in Rich Utrecht Velvet JE710 0 BEDROOM SUITE in Solid P,tch Pine or Asii. including Wardrobe with Glass Door, Dressing Cbest with Gloss and Jewel Drawers attached. Marble T>p WasbslanU, with Tile Back, Towel Kail, Pedestal, and Two Chairs, best finish £ 10 10 0 The whole of above are Warranted. Illustrated Guide with Estimates Post Free. 34, QUEEN STREET, AARDIFF, Zm kTUCAN OKNTJSTRY PttUFKCTl.Y PAINLKSS. rpRETII. Donta! Notice. rJIEETH. X mvLVfi A. <;Aiii)iiiF. JL AbSISTE.) KY Dr. GUAKLKS KNABK. ATTEND DAILY 10 TILL 7. F. OWEN can also be consulted every Thursday at 72, CI IOC K HIC11BTO W N, r\ v> 42. mjEKN-Sl UEKT, (VAUwrr. OWEN'S CONSULTATION FIIFI,; OF CHARGE. fllEKTH.—OWEN AND CO., M.R.D.E., JL SURGEON DENTISTS, From London (Established 30 yearsi, 4, OXFORD-STREET, SWANSEA. GOLD STOPPINGS. — AMERICAN \J SYSTEM. Teeth, no matter bow badly decayed, by the aid of pure gold and other Dlaornl". can be retained in the month for years. In fact, by Owen'* American system 1:1 cro.1Inlo: and facing teeth with enamei, which is so artistically matched in every wav that detection is mpo^sible, many decayed teeth ami apparently Useless shells can be effectually restore!, and made sound and useful for mabticatiou. without the slightest pain or discomfort American stoppings from 59 L tooth. rjpEETH OF SURPASSING J>EAUTY. OBTAINED SIX PllIZE MEDALS. Owen's new speciality or CR 'WN DENTISTRY. Artistic, Painless, and Perfect. Crown Dentistry," thei test speciality in English American, and French. The adjustment of Artiticia'l Teeth either permanently or otherwise, eutireiy with out plates, wires, or palates, and as no extracttons are inquired there is absolutely no pain. Single Tooth from 2s 6d. Upper or L..wer Set from El 5s. Consultations free daily. from 9 a. m. to 8 p.m. ,580e FURNISH ON EASY TERMS OR FOR CASH, DIRECT FROM THE MANUFACTURERS 5 ST' J0HN'S gQuA»Et c ARDIFF. THE ATLAS FURNISHING CO. continue to SUPPLY FURNITURE of EVERY DESCRIPTION DAILY to ALL CLASSES in any station of life, on their SPECIAL HIRE PURCHASE SYSTEM, the EASY TERMS of which will be found to be the MOST ADVANTAGEOUS in CARDIFF The ever-iacreasing Business of the H ATLAS and the very considerate manner in which they treat their patrons, has made this Company the Most deservedly Popular in Cardiff. TERMS £ 3 payments, Is 6d weekly. CAgH PRICES £ 6 „ 2s 6d „ I £ 10 4s Od I Carriage Paid £ 20 6« Od „ /Within 30 Miles R SS! BATH CHAIRS, INVALID AND BABY CARRIAGES, LENT OUT on HIRE by the DAY or WEEK, and WITH OPTION OF PURCHASE. SPECIALITY FOR THE SEASON:- A FASHIONABLE PERAMBULATOR FOR EIGHTEEN PENCE WEEKLY, ON OUR HIRE PURCHASE SYSTEM. A LARGE AND VARIED STOCK FOR SELECTION. PROSPECTUS of EASY TERMS, with PRICE LISTS, may be bad GRATIS AND POST FREE ON APPLICATION to the MANAGER, r TLAS THE A FURNISHING £ JOMPANY, 6, ST. JOHN'S SQUARE, CARDIFF. filEETH.—Complete Set, One Guinea J_ Single Tooth, 2s 6d. Five years' warranty. Dr Andrew Wilson, R.N., say. "They conduce greatly to health and comfort.' Re-models, repairs. Painless Dentistry. Gas, 4c. — GOODMA.N WB CO., 56, Queen atreet, Cardiff, and 1, Oh' Dock-streelb. Newport. 395 ISnsnuss ^ii!&r £ ss*s. "yiSITORS TO THE CARDIFF EXHIBITION are respectfully invited to inspect the Goods displayed by JJEVAN AND "COMPANY, THE CARDIFF FURNISHERS." "UEVAN AND COMPANY St Mary-street, Cardiff, exhibit a quantity of Furniture of very choice quality. The dining, drawing, and bedroom suites which are displayed are well worth seeing, and indicate to what a great extent the artistic ■ nters into cheap as well as expensive Furniture. The Bedsteads are remark- ably line. One of them, in ornamental brass of a most elaborate description, and another with mother of pearl settings, seem almost too magnificent for the use for which they are intended. Specialities of the standard Folding Bed Company, for which the Firm are Agents, will doubtless be seen with great interest. They are very ingenious in general cunttivance. South Wales Daily News," September 13, 16S8." "Messrs BEVAN and COMPANY, of Cardiff, House Furnishers, have really a magnificent show of dining, drawing, and bedroom suites, and musical instruments, all of the best make and appeirance."—"Western Mail,' September 13, 1333. "Take the display of Messrs BEVAN and COM- PANY, whose Furniture Warehouses are in Duke- street and St. Mary-street, where the stock would far exceed that found elsewhere in South Wales. The ,an with no eyes would describe it as a large assort- ment of furniture; but there is not a single article exhibited which does not show considerable improve- ment upon similar articles foulal in other warehouses. Their combination bedstead, cabinet, wardrobe, dressing table, and washstand, all united in one, is a marvellous exhibition of skill and artistic taste. The whole furniture of a bachelor's bedroom concentrated in one article, occupying but a small spa e, anil easily removed from one place to another, is what has never before been attempted. Then there are bedsteads and other articies ot furniture decorated and fitted only for the mansion of the nobleman, wiiiie alongside are similar ai tides, simple and yet artistic in design, which may serve to decorate the co*cage of the iabourer, and cultivate in his mind a taste for the useful and the beautiful combined. It is in siicii things as these that an exhibition of the kind becomes a means ol lifting the people up the ladder of cultivation." Cardili Argus," September 19, loSii. Equally attractive are the Immense Stocks of every description of HOUSEHOLD F URNITURE, BRASS AND IRON BEDSTEADS, CARPETS, MATTINGS, ORGANS, HARMONIUMS, PIANO- I. FORTES, &c., AT I 1-2 D U K E R T R E E T. AIIID TS ST. 1VI. A R y. S T R E R T, CARDIFF, CONSTITUTING AS THKV DO THE LARGEST, BEST, AND CHEAPEST SELECTION IN THE PRINCIPALITY, While .the large and over increasing business of this firm affords the most conclusive proof that the prices are very considerably under those cf I any other house. LARGE ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUES, FKEK ON APPLICATION. DELIVERY OF ALL GOODS FREE BY ROAD OR lAIL WITHIN ONE HUNDRED MILLS OF CARDIFF. I jg E V A N AND Q 0 M P A N Y, REGISTERED A3 fJlHE £ JARDIFF j^URNISHERS." G. A. STONE & CO., COMPLETE FUNERAL FURNISHERS. EVERY REQUISITE FOR FUNEUAI.S OF ALL CLASHES. Proprietors of Cars, Hearses, bdliuio¡. I superb Flemish Eorses, Coaches, Broughams, and every necessary equipment for F unerals. PRICE LIST ON APPLICATION. —- lib 10, 11, & 12, WOILKCNG SNIK.IR | CARDIFF. I « FURNISH ON OUR I NEW HIRE SYSTEM. NO OBJECTION ABLE AGREEMENTS U3KD. HOUSES OR APARTMENTS COMPLETELY FURNISHED ON A NEW SYSTEM ADOP- TED SOLELY BY US, WHEREBY ALL PUBLICITY, EXPOSURE, AND IN QUIRIES USUALLY MADE BY OTHER COMPANIES ARE DISPENSED WITH. Wo have an immense stock of JJO USE HOLD j^URNITURE of cheap and superior quality. All goods sold on the Hire System AT READY-MONEY PRICES. We make NO EXTRA CHARGE FOR CREDIT, and all goods sent home in a private van free of charge NO STAMP OR AGREEMENT CHARGES MADE; NO BILL OF SALE.. Everything Private. No Security, Arrangements completed without delay, and, being manufacturers, w9 guarantee quality, and will under- take to supply furniture, &c. eqnally as good, at ten per cent. less than any price-list issued by any firm in Cardiff. Eleven showrooms. Call and inspect uur immense stock, and compare prices before purchasing elsewhere. WE WILL SUPPLY 23 WORTH Is 6d WEEKLY £ 6 WORTH 2s 6d WEEKLY £10 WORTH 4s Od WEEKLY L15 WORTH 5s Od WEEKLY L20 WORTH 6s Od WEEKLY And so on in proportion Special terms for large quantities, PLEASIt IVOTIC THK ADDEJSS:— gOUTH WALES F URNISHING CPMPANY, 31 cASTLE -ITR.EET, ks (Opposite the Castle), 970 CARDIFF business Afrftrisses. I GWILYM EVANS* In Bottles at J 2/9 & 4/6 each. { QUININE j BITTERS. T H E B E S T R P, A, ME D Y 0 F THE AGE. RECOM- MEND K D HY PHYSICIANS, Analysts, & Chemists foK iadigestion, Affec- foK iadigestion, Affec- tion" ot the Che3t, Nervous Disorders, Liver Com. plaints, Dsnra<sion of Spirits, and Debility, as well as numerous Cool# plaints to which Females and Children are subject. It is unanimously ad- mitted by all who have given it a fair trial to be the best tonic medicine ever yet introuueed. Hundreds of testimonials testifying to its virtues and efficacy are received yearly, and these include the testimony of persons in various stations and professions in life, who have been cuied of divers di -ea= *s from which they had lonik suffered without obtaining any relief. Gwilyui Evans" Quinine Bitters. Gwilym Evans' Quinine Bitter. Gwiiym Evans'Quinine Bitters, RECENT TESTIMONIALS:— Llysuioddyg, Blaenan Festl- iiiog, :-el)t. 11th, lZ6d. Mr Gwilym }o;v,ws,-lt gives me I!,r8.Ü pleasure to testify to the efficacy of your preparation in ca.ses of General Debility, Indi- gestion, and Nervous Palpita- tion.—It. DAVIES EVANS, L.K.C. S.E.. M R. C. P. I., L.S.A., Lon. July28. 18S8.—To MRGWILYM EVANS —Dear S¡r,-lL gives me particular plensure to testify to tin* wonderful effects of your Quinine hitter-, which I have t,iken upon the recommendation of Mr Parsons, 205, Severn road. Canton, Cardiff. I feel ex. tremely thankful to MrParsons and to yourself for this excel- lent remedy, and gratefully tes- tify that I am quite another per- son after taking your Quinine Bitters. I iSnfferetl for a l"ng time frulll severe paiiis in my left side. from DEBILITY and LOSS of APPKTITE, but I AM NOW FREE from all of them. My son also, who was LONG A MARTYR to tbe same disorders, t. ok a course of your Quinine Bitters, and ever since that time has not felt the slightest attack. I can therefore most heartily recommend the Quinine Bitters to all who sutfer from the same disorders, Yours grateful y, DAVID THOMAS, 4b, Mortimer road, Cùuton. Sunny laiil- Hou-.e. Penvillia Hoad, llrynhvfryd, Oct. 18th, 183/ '.Nlj, GWILYNT EVANS,- Dear Sir,—I have, great"plea.,ure in informing you that your Quinine Bitters havecompletdy cured me, atter suffering from Bronchitis and pains in the chest for nearly 4 months, and could get no relief until I took your valuable medicine. I tried many doctors, and all sorts of medicine, but they were of no avail. Thanking you for your valuable discovery. I remain, yours truly, ALBliRT DAVIES. Gwilym Evans' Quinine Bittets Gwilym Ivans' Quinine Bitters Gwilym Evans' Quinine Uitters At this season of the year no one should be without it. A conrse taken now will be invaluable in giving tone to the system,new life to the blood, and in bracing the nerves. Avoid imitations. The unparalleled succfss of Gwilym Evans' (^yjnin>. Bitters has created a ho^t of-base imitations, somewhat similar in name and appearance, but possessing none of the virtues of this Great Natural Remedy. Remem. ber that none arc genuine except GWILYM EVA:'i' QUI.MNE BITTERS." See the name mi the stamp, iabel, and hottle. Rt-fuse all others. Insist upon having the Genuine GWILnl EVANS' QUININE BITTERS, Should any difficulty be experienced in pro- curing it, write to the Proprietors, who will forward it pe*- leturn Parcels Post, carnage paid, to any aounu at the following prices Bottles, 2- 3d; ."oubie Size, 4s 6d Cases of Three Large Bottles, 12s bd. So!ci by I j Chemt-ti and Vendors of Patent Medicines in the Kingdom. Ageuis 1Il all parts of the World. PROPRIETORS :-QUININE BITTERS MANU FACTURING COMPANY, LIMITED LLANELLY, SOUTH WALES. 1130 GREAT CLOTHING SALE CENTRAL CLOTHING CO.'S STOCK '•l (Of Cardiff), Bought of the Trustee? at 57 per cent off Coefc, SELLING THIS DAY AT THE L IV E P, POO I, it OUSE, 6 AND 97, COMMERCIAL ROAD, EWPOR T. WONDERFUL BARGAINS IN ALL' DEPARTMENTS. 794 WATERPROOFS. ATERPROOF COATS. "7 ATERPROOF MANTLES. "yyATERPROOF J^EGGINGS. ATERPROOF RUGS. EVERY WATERPROOF REQUISITE FOR SPORTSMEN. GUARANTEE LABEL ON EVERY GARMENT. ANDERSON, ANDERSON, AND ANDERSON, INDIA-RUBBER AND OILSKIN MANUFACTURERS. 4 QUEEN STREET, CARDIFF. WORKS-BOW, LONDON, E. 785 WHOLE MEAL BROWN WHEATEN BREAD. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED BY DOCTORS FOR EVERYONE TO USE, ESPECIALLY CHILDREN, As a Bone and Muscle-forming food and Natural Medicine. SHOULD BE EATEN AT LEAST WITH ONP MEAL EVERY DAY. Only obtained of- STEVENS, 122, QUEEN STREET, CARDIFF. READ OUR OTHER ADVERTISEMENT. 677 MONEY ADVANCED HJL TO ANY AMOUNT. HIGHEST PRICE given on Goods of every description. 4d in the Pound Interest charged on sums over jB2 at qoleman ROLLICK's, PAWNBROKER, &c., 40 4 41 D RIDGE STREET, CARDIFF. UNREDEEMED pLEDGES Constantly on Sale, consisting of WEARING A"PPARI<;1. to suit all classes, OVER- COATS, BLANKETS, QUILTS, SHEETS, and WELSH FLANNEL SHAW LS in great variety. GOLD and SILVER WATCHES, CHAINS, WEDDING. KEEPER, and all kinds of RINGS and JEWELLERY of every description at very low prices. Note the Address— COLEMAN FOLLICK, PAWNBROKER, Itc., 728 to & 41. BRIDGE-STREET. CARDIFF. ^H5ilt £ SS £ toSS £ 5. JMPORTANT JNFORMATION FOR THE NUMEROUS VISITORS NOW COMING TO CARDIFF. They should certainly Pay a Vis t to gWEETING'S "ESTABLISHMENT, 13 DUKE. STREET, (JARDIFF, HOSIER, HATTER, gHIRT Jy £ AKER, G LOVEP. ETC. TIES, COLLARS. UMBRELLAS. BBACES, HANDKERCHIEFS, AND GENIS UNDERCLOTHING—LAKGE STOCK. LADIES', GENTLEMEN'S. AND CHILDREN'S HAIR JQRESSING JJOOMS. MODERATE PRICES AND COMPETENT ASSISTANTS. LAVATORY ALSO HOT AND COLD BATHS ALWAYS READY. SILK HATS IRONED AND PRESSED. UMBRELLAS RE-COVERED. 863 late for (Classifiration. WANTED, a good General Servant, about 20; good references.—Apply 58, Cominercial-road, Newport. u 914 FURNISHED or Unfurnished Apartments to let at F 72, Adam-street, Cardiff terms moderate.— A pply a t same place. 29 WELL-FURNISHED Apartments piano one or W two bedrooms; suit married couple (without attendance) or gentleman dining out terms moderate; —54, Partridge-road, Roatli, Cardiff. 19 LOST, Oil Saturday last, a Glazier's Diamond. Finder will be rewarded on returning it to 47, Cathays-terrace. 30 WANTED, Smart Young Man light work; per- w manent; hours, 7 till 5.—Apply 6 to 8 p.m., Johns, 24, Courtybella-terrace, opposite Lime-street Bridge, Newport, Mon. SPANISH Mahogany Wardrobe, two large plate- glass doors, price, £ 7 7s, cost £ 15 15s splendid dining-room suite, £9 9s, worth double; couch in leather, 16s 6d: splendid sideboard, bargain.-Old Curiosity Shop, Bridge, Newport. Mon. SET of Silver Plated Harness, double stitched all over ames, price, £ 6 6s, cost £ 12 12s, never used. Apply Old Curiosity Shop, Newport, Mon. D~ RKSS AND MANTLK AIAKING.-W-,tnte(I immediately, apprentices and improvers.—Miss Lewis, 43, Tudor-road, Riverside. 17 BOY wanted for general work in Ale and Porter Store- One used to the business preferred.— Apply 114 Miskin-street, Cathays. 18 mo LET, a Butcher's Shop, as a going concern, 87, I Wuodville-road; large premises, back entrance; rent jB-M good opening for pork butcher.Apply 34, Castle-road, Cardiff. FOR SALE, 20 this and last year's Fowls, 2 Guineas; 2 Belgium Hares, half grown. 15s 4 half Hare and Rabbits. 10s, with or without cubs and fowls' run W. Wills, 24, Bertram-street. Roath. 15 WANTED, a good General ."Servant: good refer- ences.—Apply 6, Partridge-road, lloath. 14 BIRTH. JOHNS -October bth, at Shell Villa, Victoria-road, Porthcawl, the widow of the late Captain Johns.of a SOli.

1=---------ISOUTI-I WALES…

t I The Man About Town.
















.::.:-.:..===-THE SECRET OF…

-.-,-- I FALL OF A HOUSE.…




