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ffiftncattaital. j; AN EXPERIENCED, certificated, college-trained^ ] lady teacher, with highest references, desires engagements. Pupil teachers prepared tor scholarship and certificate examinations. Children's home lessons Superintended. Day or evening engagements at her and certificate examinations. Children's home lessons Superintended. Day or evening engagements at her own ornunils' residences. Terms-moderate. —Address j Scholastic, Daily News" Office. Cardiff. 2 1\TuRSJmY-GOVERNISS-wà'lltt;(l immediately, IN, one who vv,)til,l liot object to go to Havre. She j luust be fond of children, good seamstress, and willing to make lierse f eenerully^useful. Good references re- quired.—Apply "ersonaiij', or by letter, to Jirs i. Atscinx, Kernley House, Severn-road, Canton, Cardm. CHOOirEolTlilwS-aid' Preparatory. Class for K? fioys Cyril-crescent, Roatli. Principals, Ihe "liases Kv.iu.-i. Private lessons giv_eu in raUH,c' -cy. JL Merc. H tile documentsattended to carefully and promptly. French and Italian taught by a modern and successful method.—Mr Adolpne Berger, 16, Neville-place, Riverside. 411 iihtsual. COTT AG E PI AN O FO ft l'K (splendid full-tone) for Sale, a bargain, iron frame trichord, witli all latest improvements. Also pig- skin saddle, by Hay- Ward.—Apply 50, Miskin-strect, Cardiff. OHC UE.STRAL VIOLIN and lot" of '"AccSsories 15s, carriage free.—For particulars see South Daily News" this day.—Carr. Colchester. 409 ii!Jm5tíc ^fritants. IRL (about 16) wanted.—Apply 82, Wyndham- VJJ road, Canton. ENERAL SERVANT (experienced) wanted at once three in. family.—17. Windsor-place, C'r. i. 377 IRL (respectable, steady, and industrious)" wanted JT as general servant.—Appiy between 6 and 3, 2'i4, £ iewport-road, Cardiff, Situations Vacant. LI;SS AND MANTLE MAKER (experienced) wanted, knowing; the millinery comfortable come o^ered. — Apply, statins particulars, David •Evans, Cemmes, Montgomeryshire. 515 ( | FI' I'-E BOY wanted at once, from country pre- > > 111U!iC lje quick at figures. — Apply '» Arcade-chambers, St. John's-square, s Vardifr. 247 PRlNiiNG.—Vacancies for one or two strong, 'pectal.le Lads (14) as apprentices.—Apply couth Wales Printing Works, Westgate-street, Cardiff, 2722 SANDER, (competent) wanted immediately. — J. Sessions and Sons, Enamelled Slate and0 works, Cardiff. 541 SOUTHS (few respeccable) wanted at once to Sell .1. the Cardiff Evangelist." Good eciiiniissioii.- Apply Editor, Rostrevor House, Crwys-road, Cat- hays.- 365 ^toDgings. ^jjortmeuts. ^c. 11 APAKTMBNTS for one. or two Gentlemen.— Apply 40, Wyndham-road, Canton. 2315 4 PA ll'l'ME NTS (Comtor: able) for two Young Men at 29, Plamaganet • street, Riverside, Cardiff. Moderate terms. 159 A PARTMENTS for one or two respectable men. A minute from trsin. Terms moderatet.-Apply 17, darriett-street, Cathays, Cardiff. 4 PARTMENTS to Let (unfuriiished, fi-riiit sitting room and back bedroom) two minutes from the Great Western Station terms nioderate.-Appiy 37, Tresiilian-tenace. Penarth-road, Cardiff. .PICII.NIO-ND-ROAD.-Unfuriiish-ed Rooms to Let Jli to respectable people; terms moderate.—Apply t Richmond, "South Wales Daily News" OSicej Cardiff. -6 Houses, &c„ let BRYNDERWYN-R(M.D, l\.JAINDFm, NEWPORT. —Several ten-rooftied Residences channel view, lu1.?6 Sarden, bathroom, w.c.'s, hot and cold watar, gas OLtings, Venetian blinds, ground floor kitchen rent ""ouerate.'—'J". Gcldsworthy, High-street. Newport. l^^ABLDIFtf.—Xo bo Let shortly, extensive Business V- i remises, in th« very best position of this inipor- # *•}"! ''a.nictly-incvaa.siug town. Shop, ?.0 feet front. I,??' i,;fP deep two show -rooms, 77 feet long 4v»nrv I ,eet frunt back entrances, ami Very ',ire opportunity. I'laiis on apj'lKatioii—liei-,1, Estate A»;«nt, Cardiff. 890e gai-deii. Pent, tonVirv If .A!so J;ivS'er, 8s and 9s.—Mr Mont- difF Ag-nt, Cowbridse.road, Canton, Car- ^^<v__rTr. 308 N EVrA^0^'—Centrally situated oftices to bo BriJnch Office Newpo^ SeC°nd flooi'APPly Ech°" Rent lo^-Aifoiv '• St Cardiff. South ^*les Daily News Ojhce, -—^ iHi ce I I an ? a us. -A. SSr OPPORTUNITYT-l00~Kewing (on credits 1^ lHr!S!es. or Bassinettes to be Sold for >. payment ti. of 9d per week.—Appiy early oculars io J. w. Buckle, Wood-street! Cardiff. "iS -lJA^ro^I^'t~Pcny carfc aiui haniess 5 suifc Sieen- suit ifri,, or coa^ haulier. Also small pony T«"P«r/ncerTow!,aren-_AlJply 12' Eisteddfod-st«et> 0 ran^ Yorkshire" Cooks, in full song. Jenkins aa .r good; 8i only, worth double.—Tom ,_Irehcl'bert-street, Cathay; Carkiiff. 412 < teood strong Chesnut), strong Tip SMina i.V;? for sale, nearly new, owner Blar,.],. ?,use f"v them.—l«'or particulars apply comer I'Che-bireet, Pearl-street, Itoath, Cardiff. 343 COAl. CART (alon-)-for .-S. ale, P,8 10S. Coal retailers ard;ff Ri- 1, Windsor-road, Newtown, four-"sides (medium size) home-cured iiaC'ri '» £ °i"Hd Bacon, Hams, lOd lb.—Aw ply Oftice, Ciivditi. 3a.b 1 tln,liiB-8 BOOKBINDERS"—ForSaie.o'n loag Litil0„ 01 ll'edit. at low prices, several Letterpress, Prhnfi.,v c; Ouillotin-, and Bollinj! Machines, Soils .r„nd Aruilne Presses.—Apply Jcft'eries and N stationers, Bristol. 233 THOUSANDS.—Jubilee Brooches ^1c'1H!S. ,'splendid value. Sample, seven ,4; Order early.—Samuel Poeton, i Uoi^ ooventvv. 549 I (ntvr) ioVSaier-^lppjy 26, South Lnton- '— 'aid i f>. 359 -— iftisallaiwmis. A £ URNISHING~CO. t>. St. John's-sauare hold ami t!a-' establishedto supply all kinds of House- Easy Tt k<:e Furniture on the new hire system tpayments to suit everybody's convenience I^URIS^SH ON THE HIRE SYSTEM — £ 5 worth 4120 2s 6d per week, £ 10 worth for 4s per week, vyeek 2'yor id per week, £ 50 worth for 16s pel P°rtioii ■ AVuit'' for £ 1 pfi' week, aud so on in pro- Atla*; i special terms made for larger quantities.— —Jtrnishiiiq; Co., o, St. john's-square, Cardiff _A FURnTshTnG CO. charge the very lowest No extra charge for credit. Inspection John's-square, Cardiff Jp ORNISH ONl'lTE llirtE SYSTEM.- Drawing, loon ,°p.m suites iu walnut from six guineas AtlaL & s. 'n leather or horse-hair from six guineas.— ^^iiyiishing Co., b. St. John"s-square, Cardiff. A J-i'AS !'■'UNG COri'or ^bedstead.s, feathar ln'lU»uff Oeds, blankets, sheets, bedding, ^-2. • Johii's-sciuare, Cardiff. 8^URNlSH ON~xnE HYRK~SYSTBM.—Housed, 1'e'rUiii«Vi,ail;Uu;"Cs> alul Offices Furnished. No security "Jas-dif? "Itlas Furnishing Co. 5, St. John's-square, A 1 J;.v:'s) FUltNlSHING CO.—Carpets, Linoleum, auov' c!ut!l. Clucks, Fenders, Fireirons, (Cabinet Furniture —5, St John's-squaie, Cardiff. r viVwlSH O^THE~mRE^YSTBM.—An exteu- AtUs Si,'Vti ^ock of Perambulators, single and double.— — urnishinjv (jo., o, St. John's-square, Cardiff. -ATI'IAS FURNISHING CO.—Before going else- the K erB, set their prospectus and view their stoct, !<••>(.. a"d cheapest in tbe town. Perambulators "u hi'e for a single week for 2s 6d. 1224 Jp*^RNl.sa7)N~fHi"ifulE^YSTEM^Easy repay- sQiiavVnrJlts"a,s Furnishing Co., 5, St. John's- 1H ,d" Cardiff. 866a URN'ISH on our New Hire System. Houses or URNISH on our New Hire System. Houses or tei,, Jiarllne'its completely furnished on a new sy3- e*bn«n |°Ptec' solely by us, whereby all publicty, pa- e> and inquiries usually made by other com- Siocl-a5? c''sPenscd with. VVe have an immense qiiu; ^ousenokl Furniture of cheap and superior lii0l' •' >11 soods sold on the Hire System at ready- #,id nii')r,ce,s' msike no extra charge for credit, Jv0 goods sent home in a private van free of charge. ev«rvfv"^ 01 ^reeuient charses made no bill of sale deij, "'S private. Arrangements completed without ^i,d beins manufacturers, we guarantee quality, Cent Ull<!ertake to supply fmniture, ifec., at 10 per Cardiff3 ^uy price-list issued by any firm in even si.ow rooms. Call and inspect our eivff. stock, and compare prices before purchasing SlC J,11' supply £ 5 worth for 2s 6d weekly Worti, weekly £ 15 worth for 5s weekly £ 20 teimvV °St >V{,ek'y- a,u' so on m proportion. Special SOlVrti r^er quantities. Please note the Address Jil, WALES FURNISHING COMPANY, 31 -ljC?PPosite :he Castle), Card iff. 12733—2491—( 8a Z* ANACIISS F amed, inch Black and Gilt, 6d %.elSew,e- ls Newport Picture Frame l>ort SiV^ t-r-x* P anoforte Shop, Clarence-place, New- \\(rN'fJÜTË-1 EiÙAJ:N[i;rs. -r ä;I..a!lte n 'TEP Xi Un)c slides ok bire. Special terms schools.— -■ 4, M.\ckintosb-plrice, Ro.jtb, Cardiff. ?2E 1 N SOCIAL PURITY and the INFIRMITIES of I' MAN. Addressed specially to young nieim, with idvice on Health, and containing Recipes that will estore the nervous and debilitated to the full power If Manhood. Free for the benefit of all who desire a ;afe and speedy cure, without the aid of Quacks. Send one stamp to prepay postage.—Address Secre- tary, Institute of Anatomy. Birmingham. 961 1 /Ot/T^rb, WOKKMEN wanted to know that LOl/.yW? tiie Quinine Tonic Cup, the wonder 3t the day, in-y be had for fed, by post 7id free. District Vgsnt, Rev. J. Jones, Mount Pleasant, Mill-street, H.berdare. q3 jRisttllnnrllUS ISlants. ¡ [XG^AFF^vanted, about 50 feot high, new or second hand.—Price (low) to 33, Sevenoak-street, Srangetown. '• Srangetown. '• 4501 G ENTLEMEN'S snd all kinds of Left-off Clothing Boustit by Mr and Mrs Green. Dumfries House 52, Caroline-street, Cardiff. Post Office Orders for all parcels sent. 52, Caroline-street, Cardiff. Post Office Orders for all parcels sent, 9bs rgv:lTCK (light) wanted suitable for grocer.— C. X Skinner, 90. Castls-road, Cardiff ^^7 ANTED, a family's washing, by respectable H person. Terms moderate.—Apply E. D., licho" Office, Newport,Mon. 439 WANTED, Ladies' and Gentlemen's cast off Clothing. Good opportunity for families going into mourning. Parties attended on personally. Full value remitted for parcels sent to Mrs Robins, 192, Commercial-road, Newport, oil. J jllauBiJ. O LOAN OFFICE. .Llq NO ENQUIRY FEES. LOW INTEREST. Mr C. LAWRENCE is advancing daily to working men and other "on their own. security sums from £ 2 to £100. Apply personally or by letter to 5, Llantrissant-st, Cathays, Cardiff. 9e IMPORTAN i NOTICE.—It you want money send I 1. stamp for prospectus, before borrowing elsewhere :o Mr Pike, Q3. Salisbury-road, Cathays, Caidiff. 669 €tASll ACCOMMODATION.—The Caidiff and ) County Advance Bank continues to make ad- rauces upon any approved security repayible by in- itiihnents or otherwise, at moderate int. rest Bills iiseounted.-Apply Manager, 9, Caroline-street, Car. iis(, diff. EstahlHtetl GO Years. 0 A S H ADVANCED A -T K PER CENT O APPLY CARDIFf AND COUNTY ADVANCE TIANK, 9, CARULINE-SXREET, CARDIFF. 928 HilHE SOUTH WALES LOAN and DISCOUNT JL OFFICE ADVANCES CASH rem £ 3 to £ 300 to Householders, Farmers and others ithout security. If Borrowers cannot obtain an advance at this office they cannot do so by applying elsewhere. All business done strictly private and confidential. Apply, personally, or by letter, to Lewis, Manager, 1, St. John's-square, Cardiff. Office hours 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. 210 PRIVATE GENTLEMAN has seyeral sums of cash I;, to advance in sums of S3 to £ 300.; apply by letter only.—Address, 13:3, Rishmond-road. Cardiff 7ge O Y O U W A~N_T M 0 N E Y Then applv personally or bv letter to HARRIS LEVENE, 229, CO WBRIDG E ROAD. Sums advanced from £ 2 to £ 150 without delay. 22a p B 1 V A T E |^0 AN ^JOMPANY 19, BUTE-STREET, CARDIFF, AND 45, LLANARTH STREET, NEWPORT (Next to Bristol and West of England Bank), are pre pared o ADVANCE CASH froin:23 to E300 to House. holders, Farmers, Dowkeepevs, Market Gardeners Mechanics, and others, upon their own security and without sureties in the strictest; secrecy. No Pre- liminary Fees charged, and Cash advanced the same day as application is made. 887e "BJ. P. THOMPSON? 71, Adam-street, Cardiff, is still advancing Cash from £ 2 upwards to house- holders. Application to be made by letter, or between 1 and 5 p.m. 384 ANTED, to Borrow £ 7 by a lady from a private source until 19th January. Good security deposited. WiiIgivH B5 for the private immediate -Address N. 0., 11 South Wales Daily News" Office, Cardiff. ^"JoNE'irr" T^ONEY i -^joney n Cash Advances made at a few hours notice from B5 to £500, to Farmers, Market Gardeners Cowkeepers, Tradesmen, and others, on their own security. No sureties required, No inquiry fees. Money lent on deposits, also tradesmen's bills discounted. Apply, personally or by letter to Mr A. Jordan, Manager, Private Loan Office, Dock-street (corner of Skinner street), Newport Men 681 ~»~T)VANGES MADE DAILY in sums from R5 to A S300 to Tradesmen, Farmers, Market Gardeners, Householders, and Woiking Men, at a Low Hate of Interest. Repayments to suit the borrowers' convenience Distance no object. Strictly private and confidential. Office Hours, 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Apply to tbe Secretary, CARDIFF AND SOUTH WALES LOAN SOCIETY 14, Custom House-street, Cardiff. P.S.—Enclose stamped envelope for prospectus and tJarticulars. 998e80107 lost aitft ffiuintfi- F~ OUND, on the XOtli, a Parse.—Apply at 89, Elm- street, Koath, Cardiff. ^56 LOST. on Wednesday. 5th inst., a Setter Dog, liver JLj aud white, from 41, Adam-street, Caraitf. 277 LOST December 26th, a Brown and White Spaifiel Do<>. -Finder rewarded by returning to the Pearl-street Dairy, Roath, Cardiff. Anyone detaining him after this notice will be prosecuted. 364 W II E l E TO DINE. THE COMMERCIAL" RESTAURANT, 17, ST. MARY-ST. DINNERS READY AT 12 O'CLOCK. Chocs and Steaks from the grill always ready. TRIPE SUPPERS ready at 7 p.m. every Tuesday and Friday. Sausages and Mashed Potatoes every evening. 613 THOMPSON'S BURDOCK PILLS. THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER.—Purify the foulest blood and relieve every disease of stomach, liver, and kidneys. These wonderful Pills cure diseases which could not be reached hy any other medi- cine. For Rheumatics, Lumbago, Piles. Gravel, Pans in the Back, Scurvy, Bad Legs, Wounds, or White Swelling, Scrofula, Cancers, Blotches on the Face and Body, Swelled Feet, &c., Jaundice, Dropsy, an<X Fevers • )all kinds. In boxes aj; Is lsd and 2s 9d each.old by ali chemists, or from* the manufactory, 44, uxioiu ttrfet. Swansea, for 15 or 35 stamps. 08 A FACT WORTH iiJSOWJJNG BEKC HAM'S PILLS Are admitted by tboullanus to bewortli above a GUINLA a BOX for bilious and nervous disorders, such as winit pain in the stomach, sick headache, giddiness fullness and swelling after meals, dizainess and drowsiness, coiu chills, flushings of hoax, loss or appetite, shortness ot breath, costiveness, scurvy, aud blotches on the skin disturbed sleep, frightful dreams, and ail nervous and trembling sensations, tc., Ac. Every sufferer is earnestly invited to try one Box oi these Pills, un(i they will be acknowledged to be WORTH A GUINEA A BOX. For Femaies of all ages these Pills are invaluable. No female should be without them. There is no medicine to be found to equal Beechaui's Pills for removing any obstructions or irregularity of the system. If taken ac- cording to the directions givtu with each box, they will soon restore females of ages to sound and robust health For a weak stomach, impaireli digestion, and all dis- orders oi the Liver, they act like MAGIC, and a few doses will be found to work wonders upon the most importaut. orga.ns in the human machine. They strengthen the whole inuscuiar system, restore the long- lost complexion, bring back the keen edge of appetite, and arouse into action, with the ROSE-BUD of health, the whole physical energy of the human frame. These are FACTS admitted by thousands tlillomcill" all classes oi society, and one ot the bast guarantees to the Ner vims ami Debilitated is Beechanrs Pills. They have the largest, sale of any patent medicine in the world Prepared outy by the Proprietor, T. BEECHAM I Chemist, St. Helen's, i.anc«mra, in Boxes at Is lid and 2.s "d each. Sold by all Patent Medicine Dealers «n Uidted Kil1:rlÏom. 6Rhe N "n!i ,iirl"ct,ions "II'" !,j. with chbo 2378 ^EWPORT.—SOUTH WALES KCHO. The SOUTH WALES ECHO is published at the NEWPORT OFFICE, l.Tredcgar-ulace -is follows .FIRST EDITION 3.0 P.M. THIRD EDITION 4.'S0 P.M. SPECIAL EDITION 6.30 amusements. OAKDit'-F. rjlHEATRE ROYAL, CARDIFF. LESSEE AND MANAGER .Mr EDWARD FLETCHER. < AciiNG MANAGElt .Mr JOHN SHERIDAN. GREAT AND UNPRECEDENTED SUCCESS. COME EARLY! COME EARLY!! Stag* Door snd St. Marv-street Entrance open 6 p.m. TO-NIGH i, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 12th, ] The Gorgeous Christmas Pantomime, j^OBINSON 0RUSOE. Magnificent Scenery by Mr F. ERSSER JONES. The Charming Burlesque Actress, Miss L. BOONE. The Celebrated Messrs N'SLi and MARTIN. The Marvellous Star Trap Act by HARRY MARTIN. REVIEW of the AMAZONIAN ARMY. GRAND VARIETY ENTERTAINMENT. jfcT EE THE COMIC HARLEQUINADE GRAND DAY PERFORMANCES EVERY SATURDAY. Box Plan at Messrs Thompson and Shackell's. Dress Circle, Ss Juveniles under 12, 2s. ] rjlAYLEURE'S GRAND CIRCUS, WESTGATE-STREET, CARDIFF. ATTRACTIONS GREATER THAN EVER. ENTERTAINMENTS NEW, NOVEL, AND i MATCHLESS. 1 WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 12TH, And every Evening during the week will be produced on a scale of Magnificence the Grand Equestrian i Spectacle, ST. GEORGE AND THE DRAGON, Seven Champions of Christendom, or The Good Fairies of the Palace of Memphis. BRITTANICAS MADAME TAYLEURE. GRAND MID-DAY PERFORMANCES EVERY SATURDAY, at 2.30. ] Open every evening at 7.15. commencing at 7.45. Ilalf ) price at 9 o'clock to all parts except gallery. 23-12 PHILHARMONIC MUSIC HALL. ( Proprietress Mrs RHODA MORRELLA Manager Mr C. M. RODNEY MINNIE JACOBSON, AGNES BUBNS, MAUD WILSON, E. DOYLE, SIGNOR MARTI, WILFRED ROXBY, GEORGE HARRINGTON, GUS ELEN,' TOFF WALL AND PARTY. 978e NEWPORT. VICTORIA THEATRE, NEWPORT, V MON. MANAGER Mr F. C. COW LARD. NOTICE.—Doors open at 7.15. Saturdays-half-hour earlier. Performance punctually a t 7.45. Special Engiigtment of Messrs 0. K. MURRAY and WILTON itE PD'S Powerful Company of London Artists. TO-NIGHT, and During the Wesk, for the First time in Newport, tbe Great Drama, DRIVEN FROM HOME. ACT I.-Scene l THE PARISH CHURCH. Act 2.-Seene 2. WALTER HATHERLEIGH HOME WESTGATE HOTEL AND TOWN HALL BY NIGHT (Local). ACT 3.-Seeiie 1 JACK ANDERSON'S HOME. EXTERIOR OF BATCHELOR'S SAW MILLS (Local). ACT 4.—Scene 1 BACK TO THE WORKS. ACT b.—Scene 2 THE MISSING Boy. THE WRONG MADE RIGHT AT LAST. Monday, Jan. 17th, New Drama. from the Grand Theatre, Birmingham, entitled NOT GUILTY. PRICES OF ADMISSION.—Boxes (single seats'), 4s Orchestral (Reserved) Stall, 3s Balcony. Is 6d Pit, Is; Gallery, 6d. Private Boxes by special arrange- ment. Half-price at 9 o'clock. Seats may be booked in advance at Mul'ock and Sous' SoSe USEFUL CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. OIL PAINTINGS, WATER-COLOUR DRAWINGS, PROOF ETCHINGS AND ENGRAVINGS, PRINTS, CH.ULQMOS, A large Collection of which can be seen at J. R. WOOD'S FINE ART GALLERY, 3, CASTLE-STREET (OPPOSITE THE CASTLE), 49o CARDIFF. 2372 The most artistic Picture-frame Maker in Cardiff.' alt5 hy udínn. NBV ATTRACTIONS AT THE AUCTION AND STORAGE COMPANY HIGH-STREET. MR BERUYMAN (late Fell & Co.) is NOW OPEN with a SELECT STOCK OF CHINA AND OTHER GOODS, SELECT STOCK OF CHINA AND OTHER GOODS, suitable for every home. Inspection invited. SALE BY AUCTION EACH EVENING, j 63e Seven o'clock 2459 TUESDAYS an i FRIDAYS at Two o'clock. 11 b I irafious. New Edition. Price 2s 6d. By Post, 2s 8d. DIAGNOSTICS OF AURAL DISEASE, JL-F By S. E. SMITH, Esq., M.R.C.S. Eng., Surgeon to the late National Ear Institution, London author of a treatise on Deafness and Diseases of the Ear; and Inventor of the new method of introducing remedial agencies into the cavity of the Tympanum through the Eustachian Tube. Mr S. E. Smith's "Diagnostics of Aural Disease" has reached a fifth ed tion. and to the original work Mr Smith, whose skill is well known audjustly appreciated, has added results of experience and investigations since the 1îrst edition, and descriptions of his newly- invented instruments tor the treatment of those diseases of the ear in which electricity is of service. Mr Smith's reputation will be enhanced by the addi- tional matter, and the book rendered more interesting and useful by the new illustrations.—Bristol Times and Mirror. ATTENDANCE DAILY FROM 11 TILL 2 O'CLOCK. 978e HIGH-STREET ARCADE CARDIFF. 1778 ihutfrimj uddï£5. HE CARDIFF BUILDING SOCIETY. Under the revised Rules, now offer the following advantages TO DEPOSITORS. I.-Deposits received aud paid out daily with the same facility as in Banks. NOTICE.—Present Rat6 of Interest on Deposits 4 and 4^ per cent. N.B.—OFFICE OPEN on SATURDAY EVENINGS, 6.30 to 8. TO SHAREHOLDERS. 2.—Five per cent. compound interest guaranteed from month of entry. 3.-Bonus added to shares which have remained in force for more than two years. 4.—Shares withdrawable at one month's notice, with Interest and Bonus added to date of withdrawal. Prospectuses, Hit] es, and information may be obtained of the undersigned, PETER PRICE Secretary. I-lead Office 5, Croekhcrbtown, Cardiff. 954el251 THE FINE ART gTUDIO, QUE ION-STREET ARCADE. Mr CHAPMAN'S PHOTOGRAPHS Are giving every satisfaction. Most complimentary expressions of opinion from all who have beeu Photographed. Prices 2s 6d for 3, 4s for 6, and 7s for 12 All taken by the Latest, Best, anrl and weather reaily no & gTIFF'S STARCH, s TIFIF'S STARCH. gTIFF'S STARCH. STIFF'S STARCH. s TIFF'S STARCH. STIFF'S STARCH. s TIFF'S STARCH. s TIFF'S STARCH. STIFF'S STARCH. s 'FIFF'S STARCH. STIFF'S STARCH. s SO^e 126Sa 1314 ^-Picture Boxes. ™!d.ln,51b. Packets. 3 rade Mark—Queen Bes Uniform Quality Warranted Pure Most Economical. For Collars. For W ristbands. For Shirt Fronts. For Neckties For Cans. For Cuffs. Fo.- Lace. Ilor Lizien. For Muslins. For Curtain*. For Table sloths. Ask for Stiff's tarch. Note the Caution Label Observe the Trade Mark Sold by Grocers. Sold by Druggisti. KSTAHI.IS'UEU 1818. Wholesale— STIFF Jfe CO., 1 i.EDCLIFg-ST., BRIS'H L jglLL-POSTING AT NEWPORT, MON. J. DE REES, ISO COMMERCIAL.ROAD, NEWPORT, BILL-POSTER aud DELIVERER for TOWN and COUNTRY Rents all the principal Hoardings in Newpc" <*r. Work esecutcd witb despatch 1009 I fgtisiness ^frftrissgg. AUTUMN AND WINTER. STYLISH SEASONABLE SPECIALTIES. SUITABLE SELECTIONS. BESPOKE AND PREPARED CLOTHING DIVISIONS. gT. mARY STREET, QARDIFF. JOTHAM AND SONS with due respect adviso vou of their PRE- PAREDNESS in the BESPOKE SECTION for AUTUMN AND WINT ER. The progressive preference for their HIGH CLASS TAILORING DRESS attests its INIMITABLE VALUE, and ;he judgment and approval of PATRONS are auly icsarded. JOTHAM AND SONS rightly anticipating an increased request for ORDERED GARMENTS, have made ultra- orovision of FANCY and STANDARD SUIT. INGS, VESTINGS, TROUSERINGS, OVER- COATINGS, the CHIEF VARIETIES of the PRINCIPAL ENGLISH, SCOTCH, and [RISH MANUFACTURERS, which place their MEASURED-FOR CLOTHING DE. PARTMENT on an equality with the FIRST WEST-END LONDON HOUSES. JOTHAM AND SONS have favourably revised many prices, and the 3harges throughout are on that very CONSI- DERATE SCALE which has created such a iVip, DISTINGUISHED, and GENERAL CIRCLE OF PATRONAGE. A continuance of your favours or lirst orders will be highly Esteemed. <'1- JOTHAM AND SONS have provided COLLECTIONS of PREPARED CLOTHING, which are "ALL AND IN ALL' for the SEASONS, and the closest resemblance to BESPOKE.; D-HESS possible to produce. fheir position itS the CHIEF AND CHEAPEST CLOTHIERS will be fully sustained, and pur- chasers will have a CHOICE AGAINST THE WEST OF ENGLAND AND SOUTH WALES. JOTHAM AND SONS advise the examining of ANNEXED SPECI- MEN-, they will guide in selecting, and show the EXTREME EXCELLENCE and CON- FIRMED CHEAPNESS of the FIRM'S BESPOKE AND PREPARED APPAREi.. The GREATEST SAVING. PLEASURE, and SATISFACTION are experienced by those who do business in any department with JOTHAM & SONS. ST. MARY-STREET, CARDIFF. CARDIFF. IANOS.—WHY BE WITHOUT ONE When* yeu can become the owner of a nice nstrument for the small payment of 10s 6d PER MONTH ON r rjpHOMPSON AND gHACKELLS (LIMITED HIRE SYSTEM? No security required, and the instrument delivered to purchaser on payment of tirstniontlily instalment. Every instrument guaranteed, and exchanged if not approved ORGANS AND HARMONIUMS ON SIMILAR TIC RMS. Catalogues free on application. THOMPSON AND SHACKELL, PIANOFORTE AND MUSIC WAREHOUSE, QUEEN'S BUILDINGS, CARDIFF Also at SWANSEA, NEWPORT, MERIHYR and GLOUCESTER. 240e A R pl, Jg R O S., TAILORS, 04 kST. M ARY.STREEt', C< A R D I F F. 937e 1528 O WORKING MEN MUSICAL JL MECHANICS. &C. A HANDSOME WALNUT COTTAGE HARMONIUM, Five octaves, double bellows, Guarointeed to stand, way be purchased at E. jjpwMAN AND ksoiis, NEW PIANOFORTE WAREHOUSE, NEWPORT, MON., ON PAYMENT OF 2s 6d PER WEEK FOR 13 MONTHS or a WALNUT GOTHIC AMERICAN ORGAN With Knee Swell, at 4s PER WEEK FOR 12 MONTHS. 843e x-. x QARPENTER & CO'S CELEBRATED CAINSCBOSS FAMILY Å LES AND STOUT, S. PER GALLON, Carriage Paid. Brewed from Best English Malt and Hops. Cannot be equalled at the price. Once tried always kept in the house. AGENTS- TAYLOR & SON, 917e .L63, CASTLE-ROAD, CAR IFF. X X f- A NERVE AND BRAIN STIMU. MUNDAY'S LANT AND IONIC. Is recommended, and can be taken with the most satisfa.ctory results in Dyspepsia, COMPOUND Indigestion. Nervousness, Neural- gia, Sleeplessness, Over worked Brain, Hysteria, Mental and Physical Exhaustion, Diminished Physical Exhaustion, Diminished PHOSPHATED Vitality, and all forms of Extreme or Nervous liebility. Sold in Bottles 2s. 3d. and 4s. each JgLIXIB MSgA"" "ta>' Prepareo only by ° J. m UNDAY, QUININE. CHEMIST, 1, HIGH-STREET, CARDIFF. 90e gALSAM S U y"E R S E £ > E D MAT MILTON'S AMERICjAN HERB PASTE. MAI- MILTON'S MAT MILTON'S MAT :\lII:JON'S MAT MILTON'S MAT MILTON'S MAT MILTON'S MAT MILTON'S AMERICAN HERB PASTE. MAT MILTON'S AMERICAN HERB PASTE. 747c Is warranted tp cure an\ discharges fromflhe urinary organs in either sex* Thoroughly relaUe Teuient to take. In tii si 2s 9d and 4s 6d each. by post 3d extra. HEWSON'S COMPOUND! PENNYROYAL PILLS FOR FEMALES- In boxes. Is lid and^s j*u each; free by post 2d ex"™; Local Agents: r(ii Munday, Chemist, 1, p street; Newport, M- y! Phillips, 92, all street; Swansea,' Mr £ «a J- Chemist, 199, High-street., F. II. Hewson, 8, VicK'iia-, & venue, Maindee, Neifl}"r-j Mob. Loudon: B:krcliy & 6"r' < A^KRICAN IIERB PASTE. AMERICAN HERB PASTE. AMERICAN HERB PASTE. American Herb PASTE. ,JA'r MBLTON'S AMERICAN lIERB PASTE. MAT MILTON' AMERICAN Herb PASTE. Ion Cashless ^ti&rgssgs. BUY NONE BUT ENGLISH WATCHES. INVENTORIES' GOLD MEDAL-HIGHEST AWARD. WATCHMAKER TO H.M. THE QUEEN. J. W. 1:> E N S 0 N BENSON'S SILVVjR No wotking LUDGATE lear 6houi(1 bol without this nr i mrttr 4- A s sound and reliable WATCH. 3*0 OA Watclj."—LLOVD'S. gENSON'S I LUDGATE WATCH. BENSON'S SILVER "Deserves the D success it has TTTDG4TE tain ed."—Daily LUDUAift TELEGRAPH. TO.„W QUALITY «A good AYalch vYAlvJjl. at a moderate 4? 7 10s Plic«-Ecti0- JgENSON'S LUDGATE W ATCHj OENSON'S gold b!ia?*iair £ 3-9 sound English LUDGATE 4J»1 O I werkmaaship, and J ow JL -I. <-<»' Uitsiefore superior TOATFFF to American,Swiss, OX1. ;,v country-made Watches."—TIMES. B ENSON'S LUDGATE WATCH. BENSON S GOLD ENGL'SH 3-piate Lever in massive LUDGATii BEST Sterling Silver Cases with Crystal WATflTT QUALHY Glass, best London make, and jewelled if* "J A jj A throughout. True BENSON S Si'Chronometer balance. LUDGATE LUDGATE WATCH. Benson's Illustrated Pamphlets of Watches from 22 2s, Clocks, and Jewellery, free. J. W. B B N s 0 N SOLE MAKER, STEAM FACTORY, 62 & 64, LUDGATE HILL, E.C. 23, ROYAL EXCHANGE, AND 2b, OLD BOND-STREET, LONDON. —-— 88.'e BENSON'S CLUBS.-AI)plications for Agencies to form Clubs invited from Foremen, Pay Clerks, and ethers. Liberal terms. Bonus to Members. D I gECOND TO ONE! LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S WOOLLEN SHAWLS, WRAPS, CLOUDS, CROSSOVERS JERSEYS. JERSEY SUITS, WOOL COSTUMES, & OVERCOAT". HATS, CAPS, MUFFS, BOAS. GLOVES, MITTS, CUFFS, &c. LADIES' and CHILDREN'S UNDERCLOTHING of every description. FRENCH and ENGLISH MILLINERY and TRIM- MINGS of every de-cription. PLAIN and FANCY APRONS and PINAFORES, in all the Latest, Styles and Patterns. LACE and LACE GOODS in great Variety. STAYS, CORSETS, CRINOLETLES, and DRESS IMPROVERS. MOBCAPS, MUSLIN APRONS, and FRILLINGS, in great Variety. SILK, LINEN, and CAMBRIC HANDKERCHIEFS. EVERY DESCRIPTION^LADIES'& CHILDREN'S HOSIERY and UNDERCLOTHING. For Genuine Good Value All Round our Goods are to be found SECOND TO, NONE! W. KÖRNEl & CO., 27, 28, 29, 30, & 31, ROYAL ARCADE, CARDIFF. 8e ESTABLISHED 1865 2422A MOST MONEY LENT ON PLATE, WATCHES. DIAMONDS, JEWELLERY, &c., AT P. PHILLIPS', 13, CAROLINE-STREET. CARDIFF. LOANS ABOVE £10 AT 11 PER CENT. INTEREST. 2 45e A large Assortment of unredeemed Watches, Chains, Gold Rings, Ac., for Sale at marvellous Low Prices. F OR CARVING AND GILDING, FOR FRAMING PICTURES, FOR A GOOD ENGLISH GOLD FRAME, FOR RESTORING OLD PAINTINGS, Go to G. J. ROBERTS, SENR., 35, THE ROYAL ARCADE. THE OLDEST FIRM IN CARDIFF. 13e F uii-N IT URE REMOVALS. WHEN MOVING, EMPLOY MITCHELL S FURNITURE VANS. All Orders Carefully and oniptly Executed. 8, NORTH-STREET, CARDIFF. 31e I 1 ARSIEL AND 0OMPANY. ADULTS FUNERALS. 1st Class, with bt Hearse and Coach, on the most modern principle, with a pair of their well- known Flemish-bred Horses to each, one inch Mm Polished Coffin, best registered furniture, with elaborate name-plate engraved, fine satin trimmed robe, and self attendance. £ 5 5 0 Marsh & Co.'s 2nd Class ditto, ditto. 4 4 0 Marsh <fcCo.'s 3rd, with improved carriage 3 3 0 Marsh <fc Co.'s 4th, ditto, ditto 2 10 0 CHILDREN'S FUNERALS, Including pair Flemish-bred Horses, modern Coach, with all the latest improvements, Po. lished Codin, lined with ttne flannel, and attendance. Underoneyear.SIM 0 Under two years 111 0 One-horse carriage, including coffin covered in black, blue, or polished, lined with flannel, modem coach, and attendance. Under six months. 0 18 6 Under one year 1 0 0 Under two years. 1 1 0 And so on in proportion. Handsome Car, Carved or Plain Hearse, Mourning Coaches end Broughams, Ostrich Plumes, Ac. „ 634 Address- 0, St. Mary-street Cardiff I I LIVERPOOL EXHIBITION, -'LJ 1836. Messrs TYLER and CO. have sained the Highest Awarded PRIZE MEDAL for South Wales Flannels, the Dim-tanu-atto" (or Unshrinkable Shirting), Stocking?, and Yarns. Maesllvn Mills, Uanlly 024e EBusiness l-Siirtssea. HEATH'S PIANOFORTES ORGANS AND JJARMONIUMS -BJL JJ E A T II AND SON S- THREE YEAi'S' SYSTEM Is Applied to the Higher and Purchase of Instruments by all Makers, from 10s Monthly. Every Instrument Guaranteed. Co-operative Prices for Cash. The Largest Stock in Wales to Select from 12, Crcckhevbtown Cardiff. 2b9 "RUSSELL'S WATCHES." 1 (Worth £ 6).—In return for remittance gljtf JL U I send free and safe per post one of my own specially made "RELIABLE" KEYLESS LEVER WATCHES (Lady's or Gentleman's -ize). This Watch is full jewelled in rubies, has chronometer balance, and soundest keyless work; in massive sterling silver cases, flat crystal glass, gold winding button, and gold joints. N-| A—The same movement, of finest finish, called JL" the "CHALLENGE," in a specially massive and heavy 18-carat gold case, with flat crystal glass. figy—" THE £ 2 LEVERS," in two sizes, for Ladies and Gentlemen, are famous timekeepers, and are guaranteed by the tinn. Send your Watch and Jewellery Repairs by Post registered), which will be given only to skilful work. men. Estimates sent before doing the work, and I take risk and cost of carriage back. WATCHES El TO £ 100 (Illustrated Pamphlet sent Free on Application). Railway Fares Paid when same do not exceed 5 per cent. on Watch Purchases. MR T. R. RUSSELL, MAKER TO THE QUEEN, CATHEDRAL WORKS 18, CHURCH-STREET, 12701 LIVERPOOL. 913e HOBDAY, WILLS, AND H OBDAY. JJOEDAY, ^TILLS, AND JJOBDAY. HOBDAY, WILLS, AND JJOBDAY. TROUSERS. SUITS 13s ) ( 558. 138. I SPECIALITIES. 558. 138. J l55s. TROUSERS. SUITS. 79, ST- MARY STREET> 79. 79, ST- MARY STREET. 79. 70 LSN T. M. ARY TREET. 7fi i7, ST- MARY S™E- 79. 0 Y A L R 0 A D E, J"L. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN S JJ AIR-DRESSING SALOON. NOW OPEN. Proprietor, W. B. DUNFORD 933 35 ROYAL ARCADE CARDIFF. WITH A WEALTH OF WARMTH, & JUST AT THE NICK OF TIME.' W. PRICE & SONS' WINTER OVERCOATS, REEFERS, YACHTING JACKETS, SUITS, Ac.. Are offered to the Public at the lowest possible prices- all bought before the advance at Wool Sales. PRICES OF OVERCOATS—Newest Fashions— 15/ 20/ 25/ 30/ 35/ 40/ 45/ PRICE OF OVERCOATS, with Capes— 40/ 45/ 55/ PRICES OF WATERPROOF COATS-Indiarubbers- 5A1, 10/ 15/ 20/ 25/ 30/ 40/ 50/ PRICES OF KEEFERS AND YACHTINGS— 10/ 15/ 20/ 25/ 30/ PRICES OF WINTER SUITS— 17/6, 20/ 251., 30/ 35/ 451., 651-. Address:- THE CARDIFF HOUSE, FASHIONABLE CLOTHING AND ODTFITTING STORE 50 <fc 51, ST. MARY STREEX and46 A47, CAROLINE. llle • STREET. CARDIFF. 1007 IMMEDIATE RELIEF FROM COUGH I "THOMAS'S E MULSION." A TRULY EFFICACIOUS MEDICINE For Coughs, Colds, Induenza, Bronchitis, Hoarse ness Asthma, Hooping Cough, Difficulty of Breathing Incipient Consumption, aud other Affections of the Pulmonary Organs. Sold iu Bottles, at Is ld and 2s 9d each. "THOMAS'S EMULSION" Composed of tbe active properties of Herbs, Roots and Balsams) will .be found to act with wonderful efficacy in each of the above-mentioned complaints. It soothes, heals,' and aUays irritation, and removes that feeling of suffocation so often attendant on the more violent and advanced stages, which, if not relieved, causes great prostration of the whole system. Asthmatic and aged persons derive the greatest comfort by taking an occasional dose and, if taken at bed-time, it mostly ensures a good night's rest it pro. motes gentle expectoration, aud gives ease aud freedom to the Lungs. As a remedy for Children in Hooping Cough, or Coughs arising from Colds, Fevers, Teething, &c., it stands unrivalled it is taken readily, being agreeable t the taste, an advantage which will be at once appre- ciated by those who have experienced the difficulty o administering nauseons preparations. At adyin (iloticestai- writes to say that she considers Thomas' Emulsion worth So a bottle. I "I? ODE RICK'S ¡ I JJHEUMATIC QORDIAL." Price, Is lid and 2s 9d. This favourite remedy has long been justly esteemed as a specific for Rheumatic Gout, Sciatica, Lumbago, Gout, and all kinds of Rheumatism. A few doses taken at the commencement of an attack will in variably ensure relief. -+- "MO^AL DESTRUCTION OF THE JL CORN CROP AFFER USING IJ1HE AMERICAN cORN AND WART CURE!" Price 7d and Is. per bottle. By post, 8d and Is 2d. Gare liiii Bath. Sept. 30th, 1886. Sir,—Having tried The American Corn and Wart Cure," I am thankful to say it has relieved me of two most troublesome corns.—Yours truly, E. A. S. To Mr Roderick. Sole Proprietor of the above Preparations, T. RODERICK, CHEMIST, PONTYPOOL. Sold by all Chemists. London Depôt :-10, Bow Churchyard, E.C. 1283 AGENTS CARDIFF :-Coleman & Co., Chemists, High-street. PENARTH :—Proctor, Chemist. SWANSEA :—John Davies, Chemist. 31, High-street. NEWPORT John Young, Pharmaceutical Chemist, High •street 918e I JGRIDGE?ST7, 0ARDIFK CM FOLLICK, PAWNBROKER.—Most J ■ Money lent on gold and silver valuables. OVER S2 AT THE UATE OF 4d IN THE POUND INTEREST EXCEEDING £10 AT 3d IN THE POUftD INTEREST. Large assortment of gold and silver watches and j diamond l'ings very cueap Special lots of gold | wedriinz rinss and keeper*. — < BUSINESS AUURESSES. qd. RELIEF FROM COUGHS AND COLDS IN FIVE jk' MINUTES BY TAKING rjiuDOR WILLIAMS'S pATENT JJALSAM OF HONEY. P IF you are suffering Bight and day with a dreadful w wearying, harassing Cough, and scarcely iy>Ie to }• talk, or walk, or Iggpathe, you should use II TUDOR WILLIAMS'S PATENT BALSAM OF HONEY, | which relieves the Hacking Cough, Old Standing Cold, Shortness of Breath, Hoarseness, Spitting of Blood, S Croup, Whooping Cough, Bronchitis, Asthma., Quinsey, > and all disorders of the Throat, Chest, and Lungs. It will instauteously relieve these terrible diseases, and will positively cure nine cases out of ten. Be kindly and affectionately advised, be friendly and respectfully persuaded; don't trifle with common colds; don't play with common coughs; don't put dependence upon simple home treatement but TUDOR WILLIAMS'S BALSAM OF HONEY for children suffering from whooping cough, bronchitis, and cough: it relieves them instantly-a. sure cure. TRY IJ. I have much pleasure in testifying to the marvel- lous efficacy of your Balsam of Honey. I have been taking it myself, and it Las invariably relieved me of my cough and hoarseness. My boy also, who has been for many years a martyr to bronchitis, has been using it, and ever since he has not had the slightest attack of it. I can, therefore, inos; heartily recommend your Balsam of Honey to all those who are subject to hoarseness and bronchitis.—Yours laithfully, JOHN WYNDHAM LEWIS, C.M. Minister, Carmarthen (Chair. man of the Carmarthen School Board). Nov. 2,1883. From the Leader of the Cor Neivr. "Allow me to express my gratitude for the great benefit I have derived from taking your Tudor Williams's Balsam of Honey fer tightness of the chest and hoarseness. It is the finest remedy I have yet, and with confidence I can recommend it to al1.- G. R. Jones (Caradog), Cardiff." [Conductor of the South Wales Choir, the wiuners of the Thousand Guinea. Prize at the Crystal Palace, London.] Doctors and Chemists recommencT Williams's Bals. in of Honey. In November, '82, my children had severe cold, incessant cough, and bronchitis. I gave them Tudor Williams's Balsom of Honey, which relieved theoi instantly of their cough. I can conscientiously recom. mend it to all respectable families, knowing it to be a bona fide medicine. I have a great sale for it here. Yours truly, T. W. Evans, M.P.S., Chemist, Treherbert. Ask distinctly for Tudor Williams's Balsam of Honey, and see that the trade mark (Beehive) is on each bottle, withont which it is a forgery, Sold by all Chemists, in bottles, Is lgd, 2s 9d, and 4s 6d each. Great saving by taking the larger bottles. A case containing three 4s 6d Lotties sent, carriage paid, direct from the Proprietor for 12s. Prepared only by the proprietor, 9058 •• D. TUDOR WILLIAMS, L.D.S., MEDICAL HALL, ABERDARE. THE FINEST THING IN THFI WORLD f FOR CHAPPED HANDS. FOR CHILBLAINS. FOR SORE NIPPLES. FOR CRACKED LIPg. PARAFFIN AND M CAMPHOR BALLS, I PRICE liD EACH. Is 5io PER DOZEN. M PREPARED AND SOLD BY JPESSE ^J^ILLIAMS AND £ JO., M 7, PARK HALL BUILDINGS. 1 95e CARDIFF. J M U N D A Y'S |j| "yifilDINE,1 QORNS c ORNS i 0ORNS £ JORNS CORNS CORNS! CORNS! CORNS i 0ORNS CORNS! £ JORNS £ JORNS £ JORNS CORNS c ORNS! £ JORNS QORNS CORNS £ JORNS 0ORNS £ JORNS c ORNS! j 0ORNS QORNS IJORNS QORNS £ JORNS £ JORNS 0ORNS CORNS! £ JORNS 0ORNS QORNS QORNS c ()RNS! 0ORNS QORNS c ORNS 1 QORNS CORNS! xraae Marsj, no. ooitno.. « A C E It TAIN j CURE FOR CORNS, I Painless and Harmless. This infallable remedy introduced by J. MUNDAY has obtainedaworld-wide reputation. The efficacy of VIRI. DINE" may be judged by its having J Cured Corns of over 50 years' standing i which had resisted all other remedies. It succeeds where al Plasters and » Caustics have failed a IN REMOVING BOTH HARD OR SOFT CORNS AND WARTS TESTIMONIALS. From Mr A. W. CAMPBELL, Pia Hotel, Ilfracombe. Mr Munday SlR,- I feel I owe an acknowledg. nient to you for supplying me with your wonderful V1RIDINE. For years I suffered a great deal of pain from a very | obstinate corn, but since applying your 3 remedy it is entirely gone. I may add | that your "VIRIDINE' has removed three troublesome corns from members of my family. From Mr HOPKIN HOPKIN Gorseinon, near Swansea. Dear sir,—I heartily congratulate you for yourtreatment for corns. The bottle of "Viridine you sent ma some time ago has proved almost miraculous to the corns I had on my feet. It is exactly the remedy whac you recommend it to be, and I hope it jk v will become more known in the prin* W cipality, for there are, no doubt, hundreds of persons that would be glad to know of its effects. x From Mdlle. MARIE MULLER, I Amsterdam, Holland Mr Munday.. 4 DEAR SIR, — I bought a bottle ot your oenuine Viridine some six months ago in Paris, which cured me and as I am a principal dancer you know my feet are my living. The bottle « I bought did the service you recom- mended it, but I bought another one afterwards which was forged and no good. As T want a bottle of genuine for a. friend of mine, who is nearly mad with pain, will you please send me one direct. Mdlle. MARIE MULLER From Mr D. ANTHONY, Swansea. Dear Sir,—I myself have suffered with corns, aud tried several of the certain cures which people boast they K1IHF have, but they all failed in my case. I jgg» then got a botll* of your Viridine, &$K and by apply f some nighly to the S ] corn I was surprised to find that I could iftjfli F draw it clean up. I now enclose stamps Jag j for another bottle for a friend of mine. CAUTION.-As there are several im. 'aQ itation& of this preparation, the public are requested to ASK FOR ^IB|^S MUNDAY'S Wk "VIRIDINE," Wm And SEE THAT MY SIGNATURE is 011 the end of each package. By oadering Com Cure' you may receive one of the many so-called v remedies' which only give relief, -.J or some worthless imitation of Viri* A dine." In Bottles, price Is, by post Is 2d. 1 FKKFARED ONLY BY < J. M U N D Å Y j CHEMIST, 1, HIGH-STREET, CARDIFF Agents; London—WILCOX <& Co.. Chemists, 239, Oxford-street, W F. NEWBERRY <& SONS, i SANGER, SUTTON, HOVENDEN, &c Liveypool- SYMES t Co., 58, Bold-street. Dublin-HAi ES & Co., 12, Grafton-street. Paris-PHARMACIR BERAL, 14, Rue de la Paix. Ainstardam -PERRY | & Co., 97, Kaiverstraat. And all Chemists and i Patent Metliciue Vendors. 12584-962e INJECTION DAY. An INFALLIBLE > jL REMEDY and certain cure for all Discharges from the Uriuary Organs in either sex, whether acquired or constitutional, receut or chronic; cures ill a few days without medicines. Sold in bottles, 2sbd each (by post 2s 9d), by all chemists. Loudon agents, F. Newbery and Sons, 1. King Edwaid-streft, E.C. Agent for Cardiff J. Munday, Chemist, 1 HI;b-stie?tl2582 37ii«