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Advertisement Tariff. Q r Small Prepaid Advertisements. 20 Words SIXPENCE. Three Times NINEPENCE. Six Times ONE SHILLING. c- WORDS ONCE. ™|SE TIMES. 20 Words J 0 6 0 9 1 0 -¡-i- 30 Words -j 0 9 1 0 1 6 40 Words -j 1 0 1 6 2 3 50 Words 3 9 60 Word.13 1 6 06 These charges ^pply o^TkTtiie classes of tteiifc stieciliptl below, ami :ne strictly coiihned tt those which arc ordered ior CCNSKCUXIVE insertion an d PAID I'OR PREVIOUS TO INSERTION I if eitljei' oi these con- ditions is not conplied with, the advertisement will us charged by the business scale :— APARTMENTS WANTIiU. I HOI-SKS TO B!5 SOLD Apartments TO LET. MONTY WANTED. ARTICLES LOST. Mo.NJJY TO LEND. AKTICLKS FOUND- MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. BUSINESSES i-'OR DISPOSAL M ISCLM.ANLOUS .UI.ES. BUSINESSES WANTED. PARTNERSHIPS WANTLO. HOUSES TO LET. SITUATIONS WANTEL*. HOUSES WANTEI* SIXUAXIOIH VACAM. HOUSES TO LET. SITUATIONS WANTEL*. HOUSES WANTEI* LI: UL,I: I fjni I' A ct, Jr. Advertisements of the above cla.ts insn'ted in the SOUTH Walks DAILY NEWS," lite "(Jahdii'k TIMES, and SOUTH WALES ECHO" at the following rate :— Six times in t;_ Daily News Six times times 0,)Ce jn in i, s. Cardiff Times WORDS. {.South Wales- aad Daily News. SIX times m 'Cardiff limes. goutij Wales Echo, « (] f. A. P. d. BO Words 10 16 2 0 30 Words 1 6 I 2330 40 Words 2 3 3 5 4 6 50 Words 3 9 5 8 7 6 60 Words 4 6 6 9 9 0 ;.— (BiUtraticmaL TiTAYTGATiO N SCHOOL, eoT-RichmovuUo id. _Lvl Roatli. Masters and Mate* prepared for examina- tion by Capt. H. C. Mills. Evening classes (mathe- matics). 97a ..musical. IMMENSE SUCCESS.—Polka-Mazurkji Irene by Istev, as played by Hulley's County Band, Ts fed nett. Roderick, Commercial-street, Pontypool. S43 ilowesttc ^rUants. jp^OOK~(thorough good) wanted must bare pood references.—Apply between 1 and 3 at 46, Park- place, Cardiff. CI IRLS (two young) wanted as General Servants, one X for two young ladies, one for young couple with one baby t'niust have good references.—Apply at once, 17, Beauchamp-street, Riverside. 62 IRL (retectable) wanted as General Servant a;¡\1 G aiiont 17.—Apply 12. Neville-place, Riverside. 63 CI IRL (respectable) •wanted, age about 14. One JT from the country preferred.—Enquire 6?, Bed- ford street, Roatfa. 938 Eoitgtnijs, áparitttcuts. &c. APARTMENTS to Let (unfurnished, front sitting room and back bedroom) two minutes from the Great Western Station tel1Jw moderate.—Apply 37, Tresillian-terrace, Penarth-road, Cardiff. LOIXtINGS (comfortable) for on or two Young JLj Ladies in husiness terms nioclerate.-Apply 40, Wyiulham-road. Canton, Cardiff. 2315 Ifansfs, &c., ijEa lEet (CARDIFF.—To be Let shortly, extensive Business I Premises, in the very best position of this impor- tant and rapidly-increasing town. hop, 30 feet front- age, li4 feet "deep two show-rooms. 7 feet Ion,- basement, 124 feet; front ar.d back entrances, and dwelling-Louse. Very rare opportunity. Plans oil upplicatioii.-Hern, Estate Agent, Cardiff. 890e To i e Let, two rooms over the "South \.f Wales Daily News" Offices, St. Mary-street. Rent low.-Apply "South Wales Daily News" Office, Cardiff. ia3rj. SHOP (small, grocer's) with bakehouse; central position of town.—Apnly B. W., Daily New* Office, Cardiff. 9*8 Jar ^ak\-Miscellaneous. B" iTLTARD TABLET splendid article, great bar 13 gain.—Bevan and Cottir-aiiy, Ilie Cardiff Fur- visiters, 21, Duke-street, Carrliff. 941 BOOKS! Parents. :-chools, and Everyone should B send for Eydill's Catalogue of New Books, enor. mously reduced.—Rydill, 78, Market-place, Sheffield. 840 X\RT U :ood, stmnjr, t-pring) for Sale; to be sold cheap.—Apply 21, Janet-street, East Moors. 996 PONY (good mare), 14 hands, good for any work, price £ 3.—George Widlake, Glamorgan-street, Canton. 42 i EAL BARG Usefiil Carts and Tra-o, fro ii £ 8. Soda-water Van, Wagonette, Phaetons, "Whitechapels, <tc.—Avery, Dock-street, Newport. S2i> ^KFITLE BAGATFLLFr^MRCKaood larje), also Vc5 Tables and Benches, for Sale; bargain.—34, lpesiger-street, cathays. 45 iKisaiUrttfozts. TLAS FURNISHING CO. &. St. Johu's-sar.aTe, Cardiff, established to supply all kinds of Housa- bold and Office Furniture on the new hire system Easy repayments to suit; everybody's conTeriarce FURNISH ON THE HiRiB~systbm.— £ 5 worth t'ov 2s 6d p?v wek, £ 10 worth for 4s par week, jg20 worth ior 7s id per week, £ 50 worth for 16s pe: week, £100 worth for £1 per week, and so on ill pro- portion. Special terms made for larger quantities.— Atlas Fumishinc Co., 5, St. john's-square, Cardiff A TLAo FURNISHING CO. charge the very lowest prict. No extra charge for credit. Inspection JnTited. 5, St. John's-square, Cardiff UrnWhToN THE HIRE SYSTEM.-brawing- rooiu suite* in walnut from six guineas; dining- rooin suites in leather or horse-hair from six viiineas.- Atlas Furnishing Co., b. St. John's-square, Cardiff. A CO. for bedsteads, feathsr ..tv and millpuft bed; bianKets, sheets, bedding, Ac —5, St. John's-square, Cardiff. IjIURNISHT ON TBOlBB SYSTllM^House^ J Apartments, and Offices Furnished. No security required.—Atlas FuruisLilig Co. 5. St. John's-square, Uardiil A TLAS FURN IN Lilioleiiin, _t& Oilcloth, Clocks, Fenders, Fireirons, Cabinet nd ciuer Furniture.-5. St John's square, Cardiff. ORNI,SH O.N THE: F sive stock of Perambulators, sinilie and double.- Atlas Furnishing Co., 5, St. John's- ^uare, Cardiff. TLAS FUUN ISHING~C0.—Before goinjc else- where, get their prospectus and view their stock, the best and cheapest in the town. Perambulators lent out on hire for t single week for 2s 6d. 1224 FURNISH ON THEIsiRE SYSTEM.—Easy repay. nients.—Atlas Furnishing Co., 5, bt. John's- ^jjiare. Cardiff. 866e ^firiNTKIf ENTERTAINMENTS! aiasic Lanterns V with slides on hire. Special terms £ o schools.— j. Hills, 2, Mackintosh-place, Roath, Cardiff. 728 FURNISH Oil our New Hire System. Houses or Apartment* completely furnished on a new sys- tem adopted solely by us, whereby all publicty, exposure, and inquiries usually made by other com- panies are dispensed with. We have an immense a:ock ot Household Furniture of cheap and superior quality. All goods sold on the Hire System at readv- niolley prices. We make no extra charge for credit, and all goods sent home in a privtte vaii free of charge., No stamp or agreement charges made no bill of sale; everything private. Arrangements coinpleted without delay, and, being manufacturers, we guarantee quaiity. ntul will undertake to supply furniture, Itc., at Ie. per I cent, less than any price-list issued by any firm in Cardiff. Eleven si,.ow rooms. Call and inspecc cur mnwnse etock, and compare prices before purchasing cl^cwhere. We. will «npp!y £ 5 worth for 2s 6d weekly £ 10 worth, 4s weekly £ 15 worth for 5s weekly £20 worth, fcs wst'sly. and so on in proportion. Special terms for larger iiuantities. Please note the Address SOUTH WALES FURNISHING COMPANY, 31 CaHle-it. (onpgsite the Castle), I /~«upt«TMAS BOXES.—500 beau:ifully illustrated SmeTe-.tsfranie.l m black and gold; worth »c.i] e"ch Pictures framed cheao <)ut Company, next Pia.o- "(U lw- Bndgf, Newport, Mon._ ITTITTT\M'"RADNBDGE, Cabinet Maker, liphol- sterer, 44, Salisbury-road, Cathayj, tardifi. Vevl^an Blinds re-taped, cleaned, and repaired. AH orders promptly attended to. 236 Vv v VoclAL PITHITV and the INFIRMITIES of I i ai aV. Addressed specially to youus men, with P „ Health and .-oiicainuvj; Recipes th't will adv.ee <»" <UbiUtated t» the full power rf:?re. u" C ^eforthe beuetii; of all who desire a ?f'"e and speedy cure, without the aid ot Quacks. Send one stkmp. t« prepay tary, Institute or Anatomy Bnmnuh^n.. 9S1__ i.srell "I!Iec its Mants. ("^HII t>'S PKItAM BL-LA 1 OR (second hand)w.in^.ed j condition, cheap.—State particulars to C.P., Echo" Office. Cardiff. 45 2r"i i- \TTEM KN'S and all kinds of Lett-orf Clothing I j *Kou"it by Mr ami Mrs Green. Dumfries House S2?Caroline-street, Cardiff Post Office Orders ior. all paresis sent. -"w— lid WASHING WANTED by a gVod Laundress. Good drying ground.—Apply iyCho Cardiff. jt!att1'!I A DV\WPSMADFDAlLY"in s«ms from £ 3 to ^350 to ivadifflCD, Farmers, Market Gardeners, Interest, 11Eepwinmh to "It the borrow- convenience Distance no object. Strictly private and confidential. Ofiice Hours, 10 a.u). t° 0 Apply to the Secetary, _m CARDIFF AND SOUTH WALES LOAN SOCILl\ 14 Custom House-street, Cavdif.. P S—Enclose stamped envelope for prospectus anil S9Se—S01f7 particulars. 0 LOAN OFFICE. NO ENQUIRY FEES. LOW INTEREST. Mr C. LAWRENCE is advancing daily to working men and other "on their own scurity" suuis irom £ 2 to £ 100. Apply personally or by letter t:¡ 3, Llantnssant-s., Cathays, Cardiff. ^Je M°c!S^If COMPAN\iiY ADVANCES MADE DAILY from £ 3 to £ o00 to housenoldsrs, farmers, and the general public on their owniy, approved trade bills discounted.—Apply, pojooiial y by letter, 175, Cowbridge-road. Canton. ^e Co"i NOL BANK. < (otF CAII £ 3 to £ 3C0 immediately advanced to all Borrowers" on their own secunty. Als1° Surplus Stock, Pianos, etc. Trauc b.lls d^onnwd. No enquiry fees. Distance no objcct. a.O-IAo t~lASU AC :o JlMODATlO.N.-The C'.udilt and ) County Advance Bank contmuos to make ad- vauces upon^iv- approved security repayable by in- f talmonrs or otherwise, at uione ra. to )n. v reVu hi discounced.—Apply Manager, 9, Caioluie-suoo^ < ai- diff. K.srabli«lied_60jeard. Hid—.asj A S 11 A D V A N CED A T r PEP. CENT o APPLY CARDIFF AN? COrNTY ADVANCE BANK, 9, CAROi'I^j1]'-ljL1' CARDli.F. J..U r^nino s(iiri~Fi^vAloan awJ pi^coux r OFFICE ADVANC £ CA.^H vchn £ 3 to ^Oo to Householders, Fanners and others without security. If Borrowers cannot obtain an advance at this office they cannot do so by nJlyiW claim here. All business done strictly private and confidential. Apply, personally, or by letter, to JJewis, "er, 1, St. John's-square, Cardiff. Office hours 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. 2le DSIVATE GENTLEMAN has several)f cash i. to advance in sums or £ o to £ ^j., c P^l by letter only.-Address, 13: Ri=hmoi^ad. Caidj_ft_<9e D O YOU W A N T M O X F. Y Then apply personally or bv letter to li Tlieii apply personally or bv letter to VlARHls LEVE> E, 229, UOWDRIDCE ROAD. Sums advanced from ggtTsiSO without delay. ?2e p It I V A T E 1-4 O A iN O M P A N if 19, BUTE-STREET, CARDIFF, AXi) 45, LLANARTH-STREET, NEWPORT (Next to Bristol and West of England Bank), are pre pared o ADVANCE CASH from S5 to BSOO to House- holders, Farmers, Govrkeepers, Market Gardeners Mechanics, and others, upon their own security and without suretie-3 in the strictest secrecy. Iso Pre- luninary Fees charged, and Cash advanced thesame day as application is made- rr.„. U,NEY I 'EY 1 JJONEY:! -LT- Cash Advances made at a few hours notice from C6 to £500, to Farmers, Market Gardeners CowKeepers. Tradesmen, and others, on their own security. No sureties reouired, No inquiry l'eet. one,, en on deposits, also tradesmen's bills discounted Apply, personally or by letter to A- Joulan, i.Ianagei, Private Loan Office, Dock-street (corner cf street), Newport M n 1_ if MpORTAN Ml'riCE. —If yo'.i want money send JL stamp for prospectus, before borrowing e sewheiv to Mr Pike, 43, Salisbury-road. Cathays, Caidift. 06^ "KUSSELL>S WATCHES." ~e /vS avorth £ 6).-In return for remittance 1 T Vend ivi'O and safe per post one of my 4„V „ .f.fiu ,Ale "RELIABLE" KEVLESS IrvER WATCHFS (Lady's or Gentleman's «izo). Th\ Watch is full jewelled in rubies, has tsu «* ss^gj^s work • in massive s:erlmg ^'lT8r case., flat crystal glass, gold winding button, and gold joints. n-i The same movement, of finest finish, called JblO the "CHALLENGE," in a and heavy 18-carat gold case, with flat ci y stal glass. Ort—" THE £ 2 LEVERS," in two sizes, for Ladies 6W/-W and Gentlemen, are famous timekeepers, and are guaranteed b the firm. Send your Wath and Jewellery Repaii-q by Pos registered), which will be given only to skilful work- men. Estimates sent before doing the woiu, ana i take risk and cost of carriage back. WATCHES £ 1 TO £ 100 (Illustrated Pamphlet sent Free on Application). Railway Fares Paid when same do not exceed 5 per cent. on Watch Purchases. MR T. R. RUSSELL, MAKEK TO THE Qcken;, CATHEDRAL WORKS 18, CHURCH-SPREEf, 12701 LIVERPOOL. 9lJS A FACT WOJtlTiJ. KNOWING BEECHAM'S PILLS Ave admitted bv thousands to be worth above a G 1. !-• -a a BOX for bilious and nervous disorders, snch as wii: t pain in tha stomach, sick headache, unfniness iuiiue;> and sweiliny; alter meals, dizziness and urowsmess, coni chills, tlushings of heat, loss or appetite, snorsness or breath, costiveness, scurvy, and blotches on tiio SKIII disturbed sieep, frightful dreams, ana all nervous ami trembling sensations, Ac., Ac.. EVSTV sufferer is earnestly invited to try one Kox of these Pills, and they will be acknowieuueu w be WORTH A GUINEA A BOX.. For Females of all ages these Pills are invaiuaole. No femaie should be without them. There is JlO mQliídl1 to be round to equal Beechani's Pills ior removing any obstructions or irregularity of the system. It taKen ac- cording to the directions given with eaen box, thoy will soon restore females of ages to sounu anu robust health For a weak stomach, impaired digestion, and ail dis. orders of the Liver, thoy act like MAGIC, anu a lew doses will be found 'to work wondera upon the most important organs in the human machine. They strengthen the wÍloIe muscular syscenj, I-esto, lost complexion, bring back the keen edsie oi appetite, and arouse into action, with the ROSE-BUD of health, the whole physical ener-v of the human frame. These sre FACTS admitted bvthousandsembracing al! classes or society, and one of the best guarantees to the Ner »ous auu Debilitated is Beecham's Pills. Thev uave the largest sale of any patent medicine in the world Prepareft only by the Proprietor, T. BRECrIAITi Chemist, St. Helen's, l.ancashire. in Boxes at is l»,cl and 2" 9d each. Sold by all Patent Medicine Dealers in tiju IT,]1 ,elt ICincuom. I',R"ü V H. Full <iirections ar* ?iven with nchbo 2371" INJECTION DAY. AirOTXLLfBLE JL REMEDY and certa in cure for all Discharges from the Uvinavy Organs in eitlter sex, whether acquired ov constitutional, recent or chronic; cures in a few d*ys v.ithour medicines. Sold in bottles, 2s6d eacji (by pc>3t 2s 9ti), ).y ail chemists. London agents, F, Newbeiy and Sou.i, 1. King Edv/ard-streH, E.C. Agent for Caraiff, j. M'.m'.iay, Cijsmist, J,Uifiii'3UWtlS§8J w/C'C ^mnsenttnfs. GAi-iDIFF. ^IHEATKE IIOYAL, CARDIFF. LESSEE AND LDWARD FLETCHER, ACTING MA.NAOEH Mr JOHN SHERIDAN. GREAT AND UNPRECEDENTED SUCCESS. HUNDREDS TUHNED AWAY NIGHTLY, COME MAHLY: COME EAULYit Stag Door :;nd St. Ma: v street Entrance open 6 p.m. EVERY EVENING EM5KY EVENING Mr FLETCHER'S Ma-niiicent and Gorgeous Christmas Pantomime, O B I N S O N Q II U SOE, Written for this Theatre by J. J. BISCiOOD, B.A. Most chanuiu^ scenerv ever seen in Pantomime, by Mr F. JiRSSER JONKS. Beautiful Costumes, exoresslv designed by Mr MARTIN BYAM. New mechanical effects, by Mr FRED BLAOKLER. Musij compo-ed anu arranged by MrCclAS. LAMShEV. POWERFUL COMPANY OF SPECIALLY SELECTED ARTISTES, Including the Popular Burlesque Actress, MISS LIZZIE BOONE; tlu Favourite Prima. I)ciiiia, Blanche Gerard; Miss Alice Dorse, Miss Louisa Gymcnm1" Mr Lloyd Townrow, Jlr Will Cuthliert, Mr W. Manninc, and the Celebrated Martin Family. fjpAY L E UR E' S EA T ME RICAN CIRCUS, WESTGATE-STREET, CARDIFF. GREAT BILL OF FARE FOR THE CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR' FESTIVITIES. GRAND ILLUMINATED DAY PERFORMANCE THURSDAY. DlW. 30ril. Every Day until Fur her Notice. Great and Astounding Programme fur THURSDAY, DEC. 30'n:. when will be produced the Grand .Spectacular Paiitomiuiical E>:t'avaga;i;i, THE MORNING STAR, introducing VENUS, MA US, and .7 C PITER. The Entertainment will be properly varied, and the whole of the resources of this vast, estahiisbment will be T,, bear ozi one great object, that object being to keep hi;11 IetIVal 111 honour of Old Father Xmas, jpiIILHARJIOMC MUSIC HALL. Proprietress Mrs RUODA MORRELLA Manager Mr c. M. RODNEY Extra Attractions for the Xin-is Holidays. Engage- ment Extraordinary of Mdlle. HAFAEL :11\[\ RluARETTO, the Statue Marvels: MICHAEL NOLAN', Miss ELORRIE ST. LOLIS, ESKE nnd Special Engagement )f tile BROTHER'S HARRISON, Irish Knockabout Comedians. For Six Nights Only, RIVALLI, the Eire Prince, in his Grand Fire-proof Entertainment. 97ge M p- £ > 0 D D's JUBILEE CONCERT, NEW YEAR'S DAY. lIIR AITTI-IUP. CASTINGS. MILITARY BAND and other ATTRACTIONS. NEWrOilT. ■\7iCT0RIA THEATRE, NEWPORT. V JlOl. Manage MrF. C. COWL A ED. SOTICE.-DoOlS open at 7.15. Saturdays—half-honr earlier. Performance punctually at 7.45. Great Attraction for the Christmas Holidays. TO NIGHT, AND nURIXG THE WEEK. Important Engagement oi Messrs ELLISION aud ARTHUR'S Dramatic Ccmp&uy in the Great Morsti Drama, A MOTHER'S SIN, Written by Mr W. Reynolds. Tableau I.-To" Cottage by the Sea. Tableau 2.—TheMaudevilla R-uik. Tableau 3.-Th Harvest Field. Tableau Bugles ton Mill. Tabien.i b.—The Ruined Witter lil!. Tableau 6.-The Conspiracy. PRICKS OF ADMISSION.—Coxes (single seats), 4s Orchestral (Reserved) Stall, 3s Balcony, Is 6il; Pit-, h; Galierv, 6d. Private Boxes by special arrange- ment. llalf-pric? at 9 o'clock. Heats may be bo jked in advance at Mul'ock and ùSC; ¡ SYV ANSEA. L LVI-NO JU LEVINO LEYINO LEVINO LEVINO LEVINO LEVINO LEVINO J^RILL- HALL, S W ANSEA. TO-NIGHT, THURSDAY, DEC. 30th, A.Nll jKVKPY EVENING EXCEPT SATUn. DAY at 7.45, PROF. EE VINO in MES- MERlsjI Dolph and Susie Levino in Rival Arts G irci 'ii, the Comical Panto- mime Clown, oa the Crazy Globe Titus and Co in Snectres; Master Robert, Juvenile Cornet Soloist Val. Miller in Puro Ven;ril<mnisi)i. Popular prices Ba.ck Area, 6il Balcony and Front Are Is and 2-, Children half-price. Levino, Drill Han, Swansea. 12S01 2606 "="=- "pSEFUL" CHRKTMAS PRESENTS. A PAIR of GOLD SPECTACLES, or FOLDERS ¡ fitted with the FINEST Pebbles, and accurately auapted to suit th? Siyrht. Opera Glass, MAGIC lantern, Aneroid barometer, Registering Thermometer. j n WOOD, PRACTICAL OPTIC AN 3 CATTLE-STREET (opposite the Castle), 4 e CARDIFF. 2372 < £ >oks iin Anmcm. ^NEVVATTR ACTIONS AT THE AUCTIOX AND S'l'ORAGE COMPANY "lilUH-STREET. MR BER.MYHAN (late Fell & Co.) is NOW OPEN" with A SELECT STOCK OF CHINA AND OTHER GOODS, suitable ior every home. Inspection invited. SALE BY AUCTION EACH EVENING, 63e Sevell o'clock. 2459 ^nbliranmts. NEW Edition price-is 6d. By Post. 2s 8d. DIAGNOSTICS OF AURAL DISEASE, By S. E. SMITH, Esq., M.E.C.S. Eng., Surgeon to t National Ear Institution, London autiior of a treatise on Deafness and Diseases of the Ear and Inventor of the new method of introducing remedial agencies into the cavity of the Tympanum through the Eustachian Tube. Mr S. E. Smith's Diagnostics of AUf.lt Disease has reacliect,t filth ed tieu. and to the original work Ilr Smitn, whese skill is well known llndjustly appreciated, has added RESULTS of experiei'co and investigations since the first edition, and descriptions of his newly- invented INSTRUMENTS tor the treatment of those diseases of the ear in which electricity is of service. Mr Smith's reputation will be enhanced by the addi- tional matter, and the boos rendered more interesting and useful by the new illustrations.— Bristol Times and Minor. ATTENDANCE DAILY FROM 11 TILL 2 O'CLOCK. 978e IIIGH-STkEET ARCADE CAR DIKE. 3773 rjpoYS i- 1 1 AT ™ ALLIANCE 33 ST. MARY STREET, /CARDIFF. V/ £ 19 gTIFF'S S'iAUOH. gTIFF'S STARCH. gTIFF'S STARCH. STIFF'S STARCH. gTIFF'S STARCH. gTIFF'S STARCH. STIFF'S STARCH. gTIFF'S STARCH. STIFEIS STARCH. gTIFF'S STARCH. &OTFS STARCH, K> SMe H14 Sold in lb. Picture Boxes. Sold in 51b. Packets. Trade Mark—Queen Bes Uniform Quality. Warranted Pure. Not Economical. For For Wristbands. For Shirt Fronts, For Neckties For Cans, For Cuffs. J o; Lace. For Linen. For Muslins. For Curtains. For Table i 'lufhx. Ask irv Stiff's Starch. Note the Caution Label Ob -erve the Trade Nlkric Sold by Grocers. Sold by KstAB'.ismcii liis. V>holesu!e— STIFF <t CO,, !6»siiwss ^^rgaggs. -TER. AUTUMN AND WI-, STYLISH SEASONABLE SPECIALTIES. SUITABLE SELECTIONS. BESPOKE AND PREPARED CLOTHING DIVISIONS. jgT. ARY gTREET, Q A R D I F F. J~OTHAM AND gONS with due repect advisa \'on of their PRE- PAB EDNESS in tlirs BESPOKE SECTION for AUTUMN AND WINTER. The progressive pieferencc for their HIG11 CJ,AS'J'AI1.0H.IXG DRESS atte6ts its INDIlTABLF VALU E, and the judgment and apnroval of PATRONS are truly regarded. JOT a AH AND gONS rightly anticipating nn increased request for ORDERED GARMENTS, have made ultra. provision of FANCY and STANDARD SUIT- INliS. VESTINGS, TROUSERINGS, OVEI. COATINGS, the CHIEF VARIETIES of the PRINCIPAL ENGLISH, SCOTCH, and iRisn MANUFACTURERS v.hich place their MEASURED-FOR CLOTHING, DL'- ,n all equ;,Iity wit! the FIRST WEST-KND LONDON HOUSES. JOTHAM AND gONS have favourably revised many prices, and the cliarg".s throagiioat are on that very CONSI- DERAT'E SCALM which has createi! such a WIDE. DITlXUUllHm and GENERAL Cl RCLE OF PATRONAGE' A continuance of your favours or first orders will be highly esteemed. JOTHAM AND gONS have provided COLLECTIONS of PREPARED CLOTHING, which are "ALL AND IN ALL' for the seasons, and the closest resemblance to BESPOKE DRESS possible to produce. Their position as t,)Cilli,"F AND CHEAPEST CLOTHIERS will be fully sust'-intd, and pur- chasers will hav a CHOICE AGAlN>T THE WEST OF ENGLAND AND SOUTH WALES. JOTHAM AND gONS advi>c the examining of ANNEXED SPECI- MEX-, they will guide in selecting, and show the EXTREME EXCELLENCE and CON- FIRM El > CHEAPNK.ss ()f the FIRM'S BESPOKE AND PREPARED APPAREl.. The GREATEST SAVING. PLEASURE, and SATISFACTION are experienced by those who do business in any department with JOTHAM & SONS. Q T. MAUV-STREKT, .J jJi..It CARDIFF. _9063 IU 4 0 j^KIDGE-ST.; ^ARDlW | < FOLELUE, PAWNBROKER. —Most v. Money lenton gold and silver valuables. OVER £ 2 AT THE RATE OP 4.1 IN THE POUND INTEREST- EXCEEDING :£10 AT 3d IN THE POUZND INTER EST. Large_ assortment of gold and silver watches and diamond rings very cheap Special lots of gold wiMuiinvrin^s and keepers. 02-3 A WEALTH OF ^VARMTH, & JUST AT THE NICK OF TIME.' Vvr. p 1:11, 1 C E S O N S' WINTER. OVEliCOA'i.VDEFERS, YACHTING •1ACKETS. UIT, Ac., Aro offered to the Public at the lowst possible prices- all bought before the advance at Wool Sales. PRICES OF OVERCOATS—Newest Fashions— IS/ 20/ 25/ 30/ 35/ 40/ 45, PRICE OF OVERCOATS, with Cape— q0i.,5; 55; pitic L" OF WATERPROOF COATS-Indiarubbers 5/11, 10/ 15/ 23/ 25/ 30/ PRICES OF it.EK.FERS AND YACHTINGS— 10/ 11; 20/ 25/ 30/ PRICES OF WINTER UITS- 17/6, 20;" 25j" 30/ 45/ Address :— T H K C A It D IFF If 0 U S g, FASHIONABLE CLOTHING AND OUTFITIING- STORE 50. nl. ST. MARY STREEx and 46447, CAROHN R. llle STREET. CARDIFF. 1007 HE R E T O D IISTK THE 1 COMMERCIAL" HESTA VitA KT, 17. ST. MARY-ST. DINNERS READY AT 12 O'CLOCK. Chops and Steaks from the grill always ready. TRIPE SUPPERS ready at 7 p.m. every Tuesday and Friday. Sausages and Mashed Potatoes every evening. 6a rjpHE JUNE y^RT gTUDIO, QUE i N-STRE UT ARCADE. Mr CHAPMAN'S PHOTOGRAPHS Are giving every .satisfaction. Most complimentary expressions of opinion from all who have been Photographed. Prices 2s 6d for 3, 4s for 6, and 7s for 12. All talien by the Latest, Best, and Quickest processes, nnd weather really no object, 17e IMMEDIATE RELIEF FROM COUGH. I "rjMiOMAS'S I^MULSION." I A TRULY EFFICACIOUS MEDICINE For Coughs, Colds, Influenza, Bronchitis, Hoarse ness Asthma, Hooping Cough, Difficulty of Breathing Incipient Consumption, and other Affections of the Pulmonary Organs. Sold in Bottles, at Is lAd and 2s 9d each. "THOMAS'S EMULSION" Composed of the active properties of Herbs, Roots and Balsams) will be found to act with wonderful efficac in eacli of the above-mentioned complaints, t :;ooth'3, lieals, and allays irritation, and removes that feeling of suffocation so oft- it attendant oil the more violent and advanced stages, wuich. if not r elieved, causes great prostration of the whole system. Asthmatic and aged persons derive the greatest comfort by taking an occasional d. se and, if tal-n at bl(.ti111e, it. mostly eusuves a good night's rest it pro- motes gentla expectoration, and gives ease and freedom to tile Lungs. As a remedy for Children in Hooping Cough, or Coughs arising from Colds, Fevers, Teething, tc., it stands unrivalled it is taken readily, being agreeable to the taste, all advantage which will b" M: once sppre- ciated by those ivho have experienced the difficulty o administering n:HIS'OI11> preparations. Al adyin Gloucester writes to say that she considers Thomas's Emission worth £ J a bottle. j "JJODBRICK'S HE U M ATI C QORDIAL." Price, Is Hli and 2-s 9d. This favourite remedy has long beeu justly esteemed as a specific for Rheumatic Gouc, Scwiioa, Lumbago, Gout, and all kinds of Rheumatism. A few doses taken at the commencement of an attack will in variably ensure relief. mOTAL DESTRUCTION OF THE JL CORN CROP AFTJm USINti j THE" amekican J £ jOEN AND WART CGIE I" Price 7 ù and Is. per bottle. By post, S¿d and Is 2d. Gare Hill, Bath. Sept. 30th, 188;. Sir,—Having tried The Aiiiai,ictn Corn and Wart 't Cure," I :1.111 thankful to say it has relieved me of two most troublesome corns.—Yoius truly, F..A.S. To Mr Roderick. Sole Proptieiov of the Presavstions, T. RODERICK, CHEMIST, PONTYi'OOL. Sold by all Chemists. Loudon Depôt :-10, Churchystd, E.C. 1233 ACtl'NT.s CIT.UIJ?P Coleman A Co., Chemists, Higii-strest. PKNAKTJI :—Proctor, Chemist. swansiCa ;-Jobn Davies, Cheri.ist, 31, High-street. Ki.WJ?WU';—Jcfcn Young, Pbiinicttcutical Cbexm'st, High-itjeeV. 012s IhtsinflBs :lè(}rt5£$. ASK YOUR GROCER FOR C ARE Y PjH H 0 M A$S j PURE M IDLOTIIIAN Q AT MEAL i AMP OATFLOU R, Mads ciily from 4 finest growths ai Midlctli'Un whicti are tha FINEST IN THE WORJ.D, This meal will uuka mare porridgs U'cii} a givi» wei^lit ihau any other, The OaUiour ia especially Valuable for In.'ants and j Invalids. Sold everywhere in lib, packets auij 4Jb. bas>. S79e—31732 ASHWORTH'S MARKET, r N E, JUISU JO UTTERS, | Jl- —- 6il, 8dl lOLl, and la per lb. JjMNEST JQAIRY Is Atl pci' lb. ASHWORTH'S 9, Uriti^e-iUfCi, Se PIANOS.—WHY P>E WITHOUT ONE When you can become tha owner of a niej nstrumeuc for the small )iayiiiou; of 10s td rEI:, MONTH ON rjlHOMPSON AND gHACKELLS (LIMITED Dum SYSTEM? No sectitity required, and the instrument delivered to purchaser on payment, of first monthly instalment. Every initruuieut. guaranteed, and exchanged it not approved ORGANS AND HARMONIUMS ON SIMILAR TERMS. Catalogues free on application. T H O M P S O N A N D S H A CKEL L, PIANOFORTE AND MUSIC WAREHOUSE, QUEEN'S BUILDINGS, CARDIFF Also at SWANSEA, NEWPORT, MEI17HYR and GLOUCESTER. I)e IJSEFUL Q II R I S T M A S <U p R E S E K T S JfEW Y EAR'S Q. I F T S A very Large and Choice Assortment of SILK HAND auu NECKERCHIEFS. Choice Assortment of LADIES' WOOLLEN and SILK SHAWLS, WRAPS, and CLOUDS. All the in FHrLLIG,3, MOECAPS. and N E'CKTIES. FEDORA FRONTS, COLLARS, and COLLARETTES, in Silk, sarin, Pius! and Lace. A very Choice Lot of L V DIES' and CHILDREN'S APRONS and PINAFORES, very cheap. GETUlE:S DRESSING GOWNS ami SMOKING CAPS. LA1>riVL,^Vl pK-yTLEMEX'S best London-Made t MmO-JJjA. m :ill the newest tlesi^us. One of the Largest. Stocks to select from, ai-ti at prices ower than ever before. LADIES' and CHILDREN'S JERSEYS of very superior quality, at extraordinary low prices. LADIES' and GENTLEMEN'S GLOVES of every description. The Largest Stock of SCARVES and TIES in South W ales, comprising all the latest novelties. A well,sclected Stock of -LADIES' and CHILDREN'S UNDERCLOTHING and WOOL GOODS. All the Latest styles in ENGLISH and FRENCH MILLINERY at Moderate Prices. LADIES' and CHILDREN'S MUFFS and BOAS. GENTLEMEN'S CARDIGANS and TRAVELLING REGS. FOOTBALL JERSEY S and KNICKERS in all sizes. HOSE and HALF-HOSE of special qualities. i Cuffs, Collar, Fronts. Braces, Baits. Garters, Studs Links, Solitaires, Ties, Bows, Gloves, :11 rl", Pant;, Veats, &c.. <fcc„ &c. All the goods will be found very cheap; infact.cheape- thun ever before. W. K6rner & C°" 27, 28, 29, 30, <fc 31, ROYAL ARCADE, CARDIFF. 5Ce ESTALLISHED 1355. 12781 2422 ^^OlJDAYr^T^TILLsrANirjJOlJDAY. JLJL v v JTjfOPPAY, ^^ILLS, ANU JJOBDAY. HOBDAY, WILLS, AND jJOEDAY. TROUSERS. SUITS. "t to-s. 1°. j i oi) HjT SPECIALITIES. -I 55s I T J 155s- TROUSERS. SUiTS. 79, ST. MAET STREET. 79. 79, ST- MARY STKEEr' 79. 79. ST- MARY STRES- 79. j I MARSH AND COMPANY. JJfJL ADULTS FUNERALS. 1st Class, with best Hearse and Coach, on the most modern principle, with a pair of their weil- known Flemish-bred Horses to each, one inch Elm Polished Collin, best registered furniture, with elaborate name-plate engraved, fine satin trimmed robe, and self attendance. £ 5 5 0 Marsh <t Co.'s 2nd Class ditto, ditto 4 4 0 with imp,-t)vcd carrii.-e .3 3 0 Marsh & Co.'s 4to. ditto, ditto. 2 10 0 CHILDREN'S FUNERALS, Including pair Flemish-bred Horses, modern Coach, with all the latest improvements. Po. lished Coffin, lined with tine flannel, and attendance. Under one year £ 1 10 0 Under two years 1 11 0 One-horse carriage, including coffin covered in black, blue, or polished, lined with flannel, modern coach, and attendance. Under six months 0 18 6 lined with flannel, modern coach, and attendance. Under six months 0 18 6 r Under one year l 0 0 Under two years 1 1 0 And so on in proportion. Handsjme Car, Carved or Plain Hearse, Mourning Coaches and Broughams, Ostrich Plumes, ó:c. 654 Address— 0, St. Mary.street Cardiff i A K E. J. B A K E TAILOR, 5) CROCKHERBTOWN, CARDIFF, ■ 72 IS NOW SHOWING 16S9 SPECIALTIES IN WINTER coons. 0 R A N G E S 1- 0 RAN G E b Best Palermo O/anye Ss to 5s 6d per box: Special Prices fi-r Lots of 10 or 20 Boxes. Bordeaux ONIONS, ju^t airived, splendid condition. Apply H, ILOOK Market-dtieet, Newport. C.W.BULLBTT&CO 57 C 1, 0 C K 11 E V, b T 0 NV K, CAPT F. JI. NEW AND CHOICE NOVELTIES FOR 0HRISTMAS & NEW YEAH) I.VCLL'DINCi J APANESE, INDIAX &c. -iL ALsO JJENARES WARE AS SHOWN IX COLONIAL EXHIBITION. INSPECTION INVITED. 50 HEATHS PIANOFORTES QFvGANS AND JCjTARMONIUMS JLJL JJ E A T H AND g O N S rjpilREE YEAHS' SYSTEll JL IL 0 Is Applied to the Higher and Purchase of Instruments by ad Makers, frc r. 10s Monthly. Every Instrument Guaranteed. Co-operative Prices for Cash. The Largest Stock in Wales to select from 12, Crockherbtown Cardiff. 2c9 JT> o Y A L RCAD E, LADIES AND GENTLEMEN S JJAIR-DRESSING gALOON. -JLs- NOW OPEN. Proprietor, W. ]>. Dl'NFORD 933 33 ROYAL ARCADE CARDIFF. l.f°n CARVING AND GILDING, FOR FRAMING PICTURE- FOR A GOOD ENGLISH GOLD FRAME, FOR RESTORING OLD PAINTINGS, Go to G. J. ROBERTS, SENT. 35, THE ROYAL ARCADE. THE OLDEST FIRM IX CARDIFF. 13e rjlEETH TEETH TEETH Prize Medal London, 1352. Gold Medal, Paris, 1S&7 M R li E, A L L, SURGEON DENTLST (31 Years' Experience; d Years in Swansea) IPS, HIGH STREET, SWANSEA Just below the Great Western Railway Station), Begs to intimate that he can produce a perfectly fitting er. of Teeth in one clear day. The very best workman- ship guaranteed. Painless Dentistry by Gas. Partial Sets fiorn 5s per Tooth Upper or Lower Sets roin Two Guineas. KEALL'S TONIC AND NEURALGIC MIXTURE, Sure and Speedy Cure for Neuralgia, Tic Doloreux Rheums, Toothache, and ai] Nervous Pains. Is LUi and 2s 9d per Bottle. Through any Chemist ^oiema: Cardiff; Young, Newport; J.G.Isaac (late 742o Haymari), Neath E. C. Evans. Cardigan. 1053 EPPEI"'S TA-NLNIIN THROAT JL GARGLE. Tannin Gargle should be within the reach of all in tbc least uegiee subject to throat affections, whether inflammatory relaxed, ulcerated hoarseness, swollen tonsils, e:1Iar!!ed unÜa., weakened voice, &c, Those constantly speaking, singing, or reading, by using the Gargle prevent tlle huskiness, dryness, and irritatioil so frequantly attendant on over-exertion also of pro. ducing unusually sustained powers without injury to the. mucous surfaces of the throat Tannin is a gnõllL puriiier, and so useful as a mouth wash in cac-es of disagreeable breath, arising from de. cayed teeth, disordered stomach, mouth lacerations, and other causes. As a cure for orciiiiary., ore throat, with its usual painful and sometimes dangerous symptoms, the Tannin Gargle is far better than anything". Bottles, lsotl. Sold everywhere. 'PEPPER'S WHITE COUGH MIX- 'I'L PI" 'he most reliable, speedy, and agree- able cure for coughs, colds, asthma, bronchitis, con. sumption, and all diseases of the lungs and air. ol:, passages. It is soothing, comforting, and tranquil. lizing in its action, quite different from ordinary cough remedies. Affords relief after second dose Bottles, Is ljd and 2s_9d e;ich. Sold by all Chemists. CRACROFT'S ARECA-NUT TOOTH PASTE.—Regularly used every morning the teeth are kept in beautiful order. All decaying and destr uctive tartar is removed from the enamel, which assumes its ivory, ike appearance. riRACROFT:S PASTE reiiioves all causes cf decay, and will preserve the teeth intact for mally years. Branded Pots, Is each. Sold everywhere. CRACROFT'S ARECA TOOTH PASTE. By using this delicious Aromatic Dentifrice the enamel of the teeth becomes white, sound, and polished like ivory, it is exceedingly fragrant, and specially useful. Get Cracroft's DEAFNESS, NOISES IN THE EARS, &c. DELLAR'S ESSENCE FOR DEAF. JU NESS should always be tried. as in numbers of case-, seemingly incurable, it has done wonders. Slight deafi ess, obstructions in the ears, and the incessant irumm ng ounds so frequent with affected hearing, are removed. Sold everywhere. CORXS! CORNS!! CORNS BUNIONS AND ENLARGED TOE JOINTS! CLJRED IN A FEW DAYS. DELLAR'S CORN AND BUNION PLASTERS are the only real remedy. They differ from all plasters, shields, or compositions. By instantly softening the callous surrounding the pain goes at once, the Corn ooon following. Bunions ami enlarged toe joints require more: time; but the actio:; and relief is certain. Boxe. Is ld. Sold everywhere. LLPHOLINE SOAP (a soap contain- s ing sulpholine), is a delicately reaned, chemi- cally pure Soap, intended for penerai use, but specially by those endowed with sensitive skins. Common im- perfectly prepared suaps, scented with injurious acrid oils, frequently cause skin diseases. For washing a. all times, and bringing the skin to a soft, plidc.e, healthy condition, Sulpholine Soap holds the LIV. place. Its odour is very pleasant, nnd the; Soao ;J' expensive. Tablets, tel eaca. LIVER COMPLAINTS, BILIOUSNESS, INDIGESTION. CURED BY STOMACH DERANGEMENTS, DANDELION & QUININE LIVER PILLS (Without mercury), Act effectively oil the liver, and, whilst mildly aperient, are all that can be desired. Dr. King's famous Pilis purify and clear the entire system by freeing the liver from sluggisnness, causing the stomach to properly per- forlll its rv.nctions, ouickly and entirely removing ;¡,;i feeling of heaciuche, dizziness, oppressions at chest nnd back, disagreeable taste, nausea, indigestion, spasm, sensation of heaviness, and irritating depression atten.\ ing bilious attacks and liver derangemeuts, liE SURE TU HAVE DR. PILLS. 615 SOLD EvKitvv.'HKiu.. JTEWPORT. —SOUTH. WALES ECHa The OVTH WALES ECHO is published at the NEWPORT OFFICE, 11,Tredegar-place .as follows; FiRST EDITION 1.50 ? M THIRD EDITION 4.S0 ivi' SPECIAL EDITION SPECIAL NOTICE.—The FOOTBALL EDITION cf Saturday's Echo is published at Newnopt at 9.3'J p.m. This Edition eontaius Reports of Matches i» every part cf the countrv. lustnws )..ùÕrts5fS. REGISTERED ACCORDING TO ACT Of X PARLIAMENT. X RELIEF FKOI COUGHS AND COLDS IN FIVE MINUTES BV TAKING rjlUDOR -yyriLMAMS'S pATENT JJALSAM OF HO-NEY. IF you are suffering night and day with a dreadful wearying, harassing Cough, and scarcely able to talk, or walk, or breathe. you should use TUDOR WILLIAMS''BALSAM OF HONEY. Re.ieves the Hacking Cough, Old Standing Cold .arortness ot Breath, Hoarseness, Spitting of~Blood' Croup V>. looping Cough, Bronchitis, Asthma, Quinsev' and ad disorders or the Throat, Chest, and Lun^s lhe peculiar vu-tues of this BHsam conist in its cvpec.orating and healing Tirout-rties it dissolves the piiieem. e.'ianles the patient to expectorate freelv, and to breathe wuen lying down without fear of suffocation- u neals that soreness always felt at the chest from severeand continued coughing, and they who have long been deprived of the r necessary rest at niirhc oil taking the BALSAM OF HONEY, experience the blessing of undisturbed sleep. T IN THE NURSERY It is invaluable for children suffering from Whoopin Cough, Old Colds, Broncmtis and Cough relieves them instantly. Once tried, always used. relleTe5 wenj fTt-STIMOMALS ] From Mr Damd Jenkins, Musical Bache A bcri/stu-yth. Aberystwyth College, Nov. 2nd 1883 DEAR SIR,-It gives me pleasure to testify to the soothing influence of your "Ealsam of Honey" on the vocal tubes. As I bad to sing at three successive meetings, I can venture to express an opiuiou as to its effect iu securing for the throat freedom of action and flexibility. Doctors and ChemuU rtcommena Tudor Williams' Patent Balsam of Runty. In November, '12, my children ha.d severe Cold. incessant Cough, and Bronchitis. I gave them TUDOR. ILLIAMS s BALSAM OF HONLY, which relieved them instantly of their cough, and by the end of the week they were quite well. I can conscientiously recom- meud it to all respectable families, knowing it be a bonâ. tide medicine. I have great sale for it e.- Yours truly, T. W. EYAS, M.P.S., Chemist Treheibert. FACTS WORTHY OF NOTICE. Caradog states — A marvellous remedy for a cough. Sauvage Cured my bronchitis. Dyfei I can speak highly of it for hoarse- ness. Maoou, M.P., states-It is worthy of being extensively known. Lie w Llwyfo Effectual remedy for tight chest. Mayor of Leominster states-1 can speak in the highest terms of its efficacy. Sola by all Chemists and dealers in Patent Medicines. In bottles Is 2s 9dt and bd each. Great saving by taking the larger bottle. Ask distinctly for Tudor Williams's Balsam of Honey. A case containing three 4s bd Ootties sent direct from Proprietor for 12s. Prepared oniy by the proprietor 905e D. TUDOR WILLIAMS, L.D.S., MEDICAL HALL, ABE RD ARE. QUR J^OTED QYERCOAT, AT IHE ALLIANCE, 1G lOD. 33, ST, MARY STREET, C1ARDIFF. J 919 J[S JjIFE WORTH LIVING I THAT JJEPENDS UPON THE LIVER, The Eest Medieine in the woild for SICK HEADACHE, STOMACH AND LIVER COMPLAINTS, INDIGESTION, And those diseases commonly called Nervous or Bilious, is JJUNDAY'S pI L L S, As evidenced by the ten following reasons, and valuable testimony of those who have used them I.-They are compounded from purely vegetable in gradients, comprising aperients, alteratives, and stomachics, and are thus rendered purifying &nd strengthening to the stomach and bowels, whilst re- moving diseases of the liver and other organs. 2.-They are manufactured on ac alkaline principle, rendering them perfectly soluble, therefore do not cause gTiping pains, unless there be a large amount of poisonous matter in the system to be dislodged. 3.-They are entireiy free from mineral preparations, consequently do not leave the patient in jeopardy by taking cold by exposure. 4.—They may be taken at any time by persons of both sexes and of all ages, even those advanced in years. 5.—They re particularly soothing to people whose occupation produces irritability of the mind. Nervous, chilly, and fretful persons will find them invaluable specially in cold, melancholy weather. 6-—They are highly recommended for sick headaches palpitation of the heart, shooting pains in the limbs' giddiness, pains between the shoulders, &c. 7.-They are a great boon on board ships and on foreign stations, as they keep for any period, and the distressing effects of change of climate are effectually warded off by their timely use. < 8.—All heavy, drowsy sensations (the forerunner of apoplexy, paralytic strokes, epilepsy, and many othe serious affections), are thoroughly removed by a few tloes. C.-They also produce sound, refreshing sleep, nujir-trt such pleasing serenity of mind, vigour atid lichtnsss of body, and keen appetite for the plainest food as must be ;elt to lie believed. 10.—1'or elderly peoole, mey are uuduaote ily the most comfortable medicine that can be recommended, gently strengthening the system, that cause continued cheerfulness, thus serenely prolonging life to the latest po-.sible period. Prepared only and sold iu bosea it Is, 2s 6tl, and 4s bit free by post, by J U N D A Y CHEMIST, 1 HIGH-STREET CARDIFF SOLD BY ALL CHEMISTS AND PATENT MEDICINE DEALER.- 1283 638 TTIOMP- ON'S BLPDOCK PILLS. JL THE GnEAT BLOOD PURIFIER —Purify the f; ulest b'ood and relieve every disease of stomach, liver, and kidneys. These Pilli, diseases which could not beieucbedby ra.y other medi- cine. I'Vr Rheumatics, Lumbugj. Piles, Gravel. Puin's in the Lack, Scurvy, End Legs, Wounds, or Whita Swelling, Scrofula, Canters, IL-.iciies on the Fate and Body, Swelled Feet, &c.. Jaundice. Dropsy, aud Fevers o iall kinds. In boxes at b 1.,(1 and 2s by ali chemists, or froxr, the manufactory, 14, Oxford- ujtiei, bWinu, (or lij er stamps. .e