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LONDON LETTER. -1" ;j.2C'i:l!:Y By 1; Correspondent. L.t:}t: q:: 'l< =-"l=Lt. Alreauy, t;ioy kavj tiustc a llluutlt iu otace, the Conservative Govern- ment ary m ;m oiubiirrasjirag position. rlLe sbuiiciie.s of Jdr (jlh.z-l'js iaiwls ;ind Tur ilvodrick in tin Ll'-ns-j of Coinivj*\z on Friday lli, alj the c-iiiitnoncs ui tho C'l- sei'vativo piv.s> yecit-.r.u'.y givtt a^uvj indica- tion. of tiio tuduu-; «>t iiuuiihauiju in the Conservative vutiko :t the attitude iv^v-med. by thou- lc;r.lo :•-> m vu.joo'jt of iiari Spencer and the i'araullic. i>ut it LJ only Y, iaiut indication. in pvivato convev&iiso.i the ConsvWLiLivcs arc loud and unsparing in tlieir denunciation of the men who have, in tho ca::Iiu<fc days of power, pat themselves and tho.i: i'riciius under t*te y.dco of M r Parntii. Apart n'om the very pauuul fueling that tho Constitu- tional party are truckling to a body whom they have frequently d'.niounced a.i seditious, is the fact that there will I>o no :vL-;M*i,ie return for tho enovuiuu i unco paid. Tiie Paniolutes iuvo goc a bill uoaUug with the Purchase clau^i of the Lund Act, a measure projected by tho lab; Government. Timy iiavo 'also enjoyed ilie e:o. j :.ii»ite jiivarjure of making Ihu C< nscr/at-ivu ministry insult i'Jari Sp«y.ce: ami deal a deadly blow at tue -i-.X'-cuuve in Ireland. Proheutiy chvy wtii u.iv b>r Homelliiu^ mor-i £I,:lll if thtry u ituc 4L .5 they 1/1 turn u;'¡:¡ the preS0!1 t Ooveriua-jsio thu slightest regard tor i;.rs Y.ruuv; f'\ilil Illlll in time.s past. L the it:o.s« u. ^ir.ou. oody vc men to liavo wour.d the conaci-j.re •>. Co.ise,r»-ative in tuy ilvuisj of C 1.■ .■ 11.-j o.< Friday. There is a ."jtr.^ir-.g sentence in tlie editioiial column •> »• £ tho ^itimlard of yuster- t!ay. Dealing n itu tbo Afghan question, tlie iitundard say•> "it V.*IH Ller ë furjn'ioe in i arii c.iac -• i 1. attached but little value t» e raicij was a welcome ;r." :~■ \va.r > declare rhac- lie insist ;il)Ul, r::3 i-s au \¿j.;S iLvijrj;»ti.'U >Litt; o; t lLl 1'í.)1)8C u j i.uc iz e»ia- noc be supy)o.syd t'-ao t;j iearits it now for the linri time. \v'heu we lvm-.m- oered tuu abiuo Ir.:»pe>u*i„>u the iace Govorumeut t:ar^an;jnr, an- ;u tile Con- servative prosi, beeaii:5e, :i> t!, was aiiegod, they had '4 abandoned i'e.e! W'o liud «. striking iilustraiion of the to vvhioii puiitical pa-»;io.i will carry men. he conductors of the L >'»d >:i journals have beeil ofacialh' iniornsod that thj prc-s will be excluded from the c ..y oi the wedding o; ihauce ideury of .u.Cieu- burg t<> i'ritieess Deatrice. Thii is :ui unprocedentod ae: Vr'h. ;ii h;ii r.a uv.iily caused much mdlgna. ion. Tnere is tail: of ij[uieily igiionn; *Ue pfoc'.Uvlin- <j, whieii would b- <•(. v^ry ju.t and a', .per course a take, iiut noiiji! oc tiio khiu will be j tioiie. xiie .onduu proas is, in v<hac is iiteu a ludicrous degree, divided by jealousy. tiiere are no means existing for takincr tommon notion, and in the absence of 101 uud.usiaa nag ote-ry nap ;-r will pick up, by r.ny UK>a;ia wuaievs.r, jM^ieuiass it villi ;>jcUiV, i'-U'.l I;j \\Lii ii-Vu; ol'.rj morj uemonstraced to whomsoever it may concern, t:iat a;:}" ^aehnu-odnje may wit;i impunny snno t ne1 ;in. jt por* emrd ]>iess i;i I the World. The z':t:te;11ünt ;tl (-:lL by tho 1!1hlicatiou of the l'iill Jlaii (i'd^Ats articles is dying away aiinost as ]*apn'Jy as it arose, aim any permanent eii'ect which has been caused has yet to be seen, i-leprints ot the articles, the original papers it being impossible to the original papers it being impossible to procure, have had an extraordinary sale, but on this point a word of caution may be given. Strange us it may seem, the unau- thorised reprints are the only faithful ones winch are to be bought, for the F'all MvlC's own republication is distinctly an expurgated one. Thousands throughout the country who read this official reprint will be tempted to think that the outcry against the phraselogy of the articles was prudish and uncalled for, because the very portions which excited the deepest indignation among many who sympathised with any rational movement for the prevention of vice have been cut out. As Hospital Saturday has this year been held in the middle of July instead of in cptember" heretofore, it is to be hoped that the street collection will prove a handsomer one than in previous yeais. jhe exceeding smaliness of this, when the size and wealth of London are considered, has been a atandiut; uiscredit iv the metropolis, and to palliate it various excuses have been put forward, such as the vast numbers, especially of the richer classed, who are out of town in September, and the frequent wetness of the Saturday at chat time of the year. >ow that the collection is in July, these excuses will not avail, and the result w li 'I .) e Sarah Bemhardt's success has been a qualified one. Wlat has qualified it has been the hot weather and tlie hinh prices. The great actress is great still—but she is growing old, or what is sadder sail, she looks as if she was growing old. Time is making many little notches oil a face which presents but a thin surface for its operations. Moreover, the play is stupid. There are tine situations in moments when Theodora looks more like a tigress than a Jewess, but (these apart) the play is heavy- The Frencii have a great fondness for tirade. We tolerate :t in sensation pieces, where the appeal is j Alwav3 to the gailery—to that sixpenny uaUery that never fails to respond. i>Ut the Gaiety gallery is a 4s gallery, and its occupants surfer too much from the gas to ic care to increase their warmth by dispiaving it. Guinea. stalls oven for Madame D-crn- hardt are a mistake, and the French plays are not this year "fashionable." At normal prices they would have paid. >1. Gounod, after ail, is not going to Birmingham. That, at least, is dw htlst report." The composer is very much puzzled by the peculiarities of the English law. Ha knows that he cannot bo deprived of his liberty simply for not paying a debc, and yet his English cf)us advice has been a ken 011 the matter—lias warned him that if he comes within English jurisdiction he maybe imprisoned for contempt of court, the contempt or c'ut being 1:1 tuis case the damages which he declines to to be due. M. Gounod adopts the advice, but reserves his opinion on the English law. The Junior bar are in epinss. A quarter of a million of money is to be divided amongst them in the course of the next three months. One hundred ard t wmity-threo gentlemen vail net apiece for acting as revisiug barristers. Tho n'w Lord Chancellor will appoint, but Liberal buvyers need not despond. i'vered' .v is Tin* breath legal nostfUs, and the is that tii ■ new Chancellor gels » list his predecessor If the appouttmento he; would make. Both will be rep re- routed.












Terrible Boating Disaster…



