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-::::::=-=-'-"-  AT EIN GOHEBWYR.j

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ADDIIF.SS TO WITrl P.FEl- To THEIR DUTIIR-S AT THE APPKOACHINU- etkctton Trinitarian Protestant Dissenters are no insignifi- cant portion of the Electoral body in this town and throughout the kingdom. The part they may take in the present momentous straggle i3 of great im- portance to their own honour and consistency, and will have a material influence on the result of many Elections besides that of Li verpool. Whatever attempt may be made to draw away attention from the real question to he decided hy the approaching General Election—that question is a very simple one. The constituencies of the three kingdoms are appealed to for the purpose of determining whether the system of commercial policy established by Sir R. Peel, and carried more fully into operation by Lord John Rus- sell shall be reversed as unjust and unwise, or shall he maintained and gradually perfected by the applica tion of its principles to the complete removal of all re- strictions on the trade and commerce of the country. In addressing Dissenters, it is not necessary to ad- duce arguments in favour of commorcial freedom. With few exceptions, they are, and ever have been ardent advocates of that enlightened policy, the effects of which have now been ascertained hy the experience of several years. Its inestimable value has been de- monstrated by the vast increase of our trade and commerce, by the continued productiveness of taxa- tion notwithstanding the large repeal of taxes by the increased employment of the industrious classes without any reduction of w:tges-ai1:I by the abundance and cheapness of the prime necessaries of life—producing as its natural results, a diminu- tion of pauperism and crime, and the universal pre- valence of contentment, loyalty, and peace. True religion leads all who feel its influence, to consider the poor, to look even with deep interest on the con- dition of the millions who are doomed to toil, and who can at best earn for themselves and their families only a moderate share of the necessaries and comforts of life. It was the confident hope that the condition of the working classes would be ameliorated by the removal of the taxes on Corn and other articles of or- dinary consumption, which nerved the exertions of Christians and philanthropists in that protracted struggle which was finally crownerl with success. The result has more than justified their anticipations. Plenty blesses the land. There is bread enough and to spare. Humanity, benevolence, and religion, unite their voices in calling upon every man who prizes these blessings, to put forth all his energies in securing the return of staunch Free, Traders to the Commons House of Parliament. Their continued enjoyment is nbsoluteiy essential to any improvement in the sanitary, the educational, the moral and the re- ligious condition of the people. Now, Lord Derby and his colleagues are the open and undisguised oppon ents of this system. In that character they attained to power. They avow their conviction that it is wrong in principle, and ought to be reversed. They assert that it is unjust to the owners and cultivators of land, and they declare their fixed determination to compensate that class for the supposed injury they have sustained. Every candidate for a seat in Par- liament, however smooth and fair his pretensions, who is a supporter of the existing administration, ought to be strenuously opposed. Let no such nlan be trusted. If you wish the blessings that have llow- ed from Free Trade to be filched away,—if instead of advancing in the oareer on which the Nation has so auspiciously entered—you wish that we should go back or at least stand still—if you are willing to see the contest of class against class perpetuated and em- bittered, illciteall of dying away by the permamcut es tablishment of justice to all classes—if your desire be that the example we have set before other nations of a generous policy should be misrepresented by our own follvas a failure and a mistake—and then its ex- tension throughout the world retarded and discourag- ed—then you will give your votes to Mc. Kenzie and Turner. If on the other hand your object is as we firmly believe it to be-the reverse of all this—then Cardwell and Ewart will have your support. Among the many attempts that are made to dirart the attention of electors from the true and only point at issue—viz.. Free Trade—there is none more diligently persisted in than the cry about the preva- lence of Romanism, and particularly about the en- dowment of Maynooth. As this is a point on which Dissenters are very sensitive, and as they are con- scientiously opposed to the religious sentiments and practices of the Romanists—and therefore justly anxious to avoid everything tlt,.t might indicate in- difference to the errors of that system—the bearing of this subject on their conduct at the present Elec- tion demands careful attention. G-reat effort;, are mailc just now manifestly for party purposes, and in many instances by persons who know little and care less about religion—to represent the support of Liberal candidates a3 calculated to encourage the growing power of Popery. From this pretended fact it is inferred, that it is the duty of all good Protestants to assist in returning Protectionists, or at least men who will give their voice and vote to maintain Lord Derby and his colleagues in office-all good Protes- tants being, as is implied in the argument, Dread Taxers. Now conceding, which we most willingly do, that it is the duty of Dissenters to oppose all grants of money by Parliament for religious purposes—and conceding, further, that grants to Romanism are more objectionable than any other,—still the question arises—Is the Ministry now in power less likely to continue the endowment of Maynooth, and similar payments from the public funds, than a Liberal Ad- ministration would be ? What say the antecedents of the party, and what say their recent declarations on the subject? Have not the Tory party always been the most decided advocates for religious endow- ments—those to the Romanists not excepted? Was not Maynooth first quartered on the public by Mr. Pitt at the time of the union with Ireland aud that too, (as many persons well able to judge contend) as part of the compact-as one of the conditions of the union, and which, therefore, national honour compels us to abide by ? Have not the Tories always been the most strenuous supporters of the scheme for en- dowing the Papal priesthood in Ireland? Is it not a fact that Sir R. Peel had the support of the great body of those who now call themselves Conservatives in carrying his Bill for the permanent and augmented endowment of Maynooth ? Did not the present Premier deliver a powerftd and effective speech in advocacy of the measure ? How many of the present Ministry voted against it, or have ever uttered one syllable either before they came into power or since, indicating any intention or wish to withdraw it ? Has not Lord Derby very recently distinctly declared that he has no present intention to interfere with the settlement made by Sir R. Peel's measure ? The truth is, there is not the shadow of a probability that either the Maynooth endowment or any other grant to Romanism, will ever be withdrawn, whatever party may be in power, so long as the Irish Church remains in its present state, and other bodies of pro- fessing Christians continue to receive money from the public purse. Away, then, with the impudent pretence that by voting for Mackenzie and Turner you are supporting Protestantism, and opposing Po- pery. It is not true. The cry about Protestantism being in danger is a mere delusion but even if the danger were real instead of being a mere election- eering sham, the Conservatives are not more likely to protect it from the attacks of the Papacy than their political opponents. A Ministry of which Lord John Manners is a member, and which has bestowed the first place of patronage that came into its hands 011 Dr. Thorp, a decided Piv eyite, is far less worthy of the confidence of real Protectants than one which placed Dr. Sumner and Dr. Musgrove in the highest places of the Church, and which has, in the distribu- tion of its patronage, shewn a decided leaning to the Evangelical party. The wretched attempt of Lord Derby to manufac- ture political capital by declaiming about Demagogues and Democracy, was utterly unworthy of his station and character. If ever there was any danger to this country from that quarter, it originated in the ini- quity of the Corn Laws. Oppression and injustice in Governments is the aliment on which Demagogues live,—take that away, and they die. Since the repeal of the Corn Laws, the power of ultra-democracy has  been languishing and has at, length expired. The land is now one uniform scene of harmony, loyalty, and peace, with the exception of the miserable wail of a few grumbling monopolists, bemoaning the loss of their unrighteous gains. The noble Premier must have been hard pressed, when he stooped to the paltry artifice of representing his predecessors in office as the patrons of Democracy, and his own advent to power as the salvation of the country from Repub- licanism. Ludicrously absurd, however, as the insi- nuation is, it is not without significancy, coupled with the distinct intimation that, in his opinion the educa- tion of the people ought to be regulated and controlled by the Clergy, it shows very plainly to what parties he looks for support, and that he is not ashamed to pander to the worst passions of the worst portion of the Aristocracy and the Church, in order to bolster up his power. Let every elector who wishes to see a prudent and constitutional change effected in the representative system, which shall render the voice of the House of Commons what Lord Derby virtually I admits it is not now— a true expression of the intelli- gence of the nation, and who wishes that the educa- tion of the people should be conducted on principles I of justice and freedom, take care to use his power in sending men to Parliament who will relieve his Lordship from the burden of office. Brother electors,—we make this appeal to voii under a deep conviction of the important issues that hang on the approaching content. Be trne to your: own principles, which are those of equal laws and equal rights to all. Stand firmly hy the interests of the working man, whose comfort, and that of his family, depends on the abundance and of food, which nothing but Free Trade can secure. Be not deluoed by a spurious affectation of zeal for Pro- testantism, assumed for party and political purposes, but refuse your votes to men who degrade religion by seeking to ally it with injustice and oppression. If an extention of the suffrage, and the freedom of your schools from clerical domination, are objects to which you attach importance—then, assuredly, the sup- porters of Lord Derby are not the men for Yon. Every consideration that can he adduced—wr as? p(?ot in which the KUbjwt c?n he viewed, points to rC.AtIVDl W ELL and EWART as the candidates entitled to your votes, THOMAS BLACKBURN' H. STOWK BliOWN THOMAS HenLEY. WILLIAM CROSFIELD JOHN FOULEKS. RnHEltT GEE. JOHN HUG 1 [ES J- R..TEFFERY. RICHARD JOHNSON THOMAS LLOYD. TrtOYtAS MORE CROFT J. A. PIC TON. THOMAS PIERCE. DAVID PRICE. ELIEZER 1*1 G H. T. STAMFORD RAFFLES. WILLIAM ilE ES. WILLI AM P.! *BEPiTS. CHARLES ROBERTSON JAMES STITT. OWEN WILLIAMS. PETER AVILLIAMS. THOMAS WYLIE. I

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Family Notices

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