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Cupiss's Constitution Horse Balls. TO Sportsmen, Agriculturists, Postmasters, and all Proprietors of horses, these Balls are particularly recommended in all cases of swelled legs, cracked heels, loss of appetite, and vital energy for Coughs, Colds, Feyer, or Inflammation, they are the best Medicine that can be exhibited, moreover their operation, though effectual is so mild, that they require no alteration of diet, and if given with a bran mash on Saturday night, Will not interfere with the ensuing week's regular work. NEAT CATTLE. The Constitution Balls are strongly recommended by many highly respectable Gentlemen, (ace Testimonials) for Cows and Oxen as a most valuable medicine in cases of Hove or Blown, Scouring on turning out to grass, or from bad food, Gargate, Hide Bound, Loss of Appetite, Staring Coat, Distemper, Epidemic, or Influenza. Bul- locks fatten much faster by occasionally giving a Ball. PREPARED ONLY BY FRANCIS CUPISS, M. it. V. C. And Author of the Prize Essay on the Disease of the Liver of the Horse," Diss, Norfolk and sold by all res- pectable Medicine Venders in Town and Country, in Packets, six Balls each, 3s. 6d. per packet, with a wrap- per giving full directions for the use of the Balls, and treatment of the Horse whilst taking them. Also a Pamphlet of Testimonials from many Gentlemen who have used the Balls in various Complaints. Any Gentleman using the Balls may consult the Proprietor gratuitously, either personally, or by letter, post-paid. ROWLAND'S MACASSAR OIL. THIS faithful assistant of nature has, from intrinsic worth alone, during the last half century, acquired the ESPECIAL PATRONAGE of the several SOVEREIGNS and COURTS and with RANK, FASHION, and Disci3iiN-MEXT^%upersede6 all preparations of pro- fessedly similar import. This Oil is pre-eminently successful in nourishing, i. mproving and beautifying the Human Hair, in all climates, and in all stages of existence. The following Is a brief notice of some of its PRINCIPAL VIRTUES, as a mild stimulative, corrective, and preservative agent, for the HAIR. The subject is more fully treated in a small Pamphlet which accompanies each bottle of ROWLAND'S MACASSAR OIL, and wherein important hints and advice will be found on the Culture of the Hair in infancy, and on its preservation and beauty through the several stages of hwnm life. INFANCY.—Its balsamic properties nourish the Hair in its embryo state, accelerate its growth, sustain it in niaturity, and continue the possession of healthy vigour, silky softness, and luxurious redundancy, to the latest period of human life. Genial and purifying, it dispels all scurf and impurity, and renders the use of the fine comb unnecessary. BALDNESS.—Its re-productive powers are constantly and surprisingly shown in cases of Baldness from what- soever cause arising (proved by numerous testimonials open for inspection at the Proprietors,) in eliciting Unerringly, from the latent stem the active progression of vitality, so that in numerous instances where other Specifics have been tried in vain, ROWLAND'S MACASSAR OIL has superseded the ornaments of art by re-instating 1n full plenitude of beauty the permanent graces and utilities of nature. GREY HAIR.—Its nourishing properties are eminently successful in the PRETENTION of Grey Hair, and in the RESTORATION to its original colour-also proved by testimonials. f, WHISKERS AND MOCSTACHIOS.—Its extraordinary fecundity is singularly displayed in creating these orna- nlents of manhood, and in the production of strong and beautiful Hair. CURL AND EMBELLISHMENT.—Its invigorating pro- perties induce a strong tendency to curl: on Artificial air it bestows a look of vitality and lightness—sustain- g the Head Dress in all the beauties of decorative forma- hon, glossy curl, and silky softness, unimpaired by the eated atmosphere of crowded rooms, or damp weather. SEA-BATHING AND VIOLENT EXERCISE.—After in- d igmg in either of these, so apt in their consequence ( ) opening the pores) to exhaust the nourishing matter secreted at the roots of the bulbs of the Hair, the Macas- sar Oil will be found most efficacious, both in preserving and in immediately restoring the hair to its usual appear- ance of health with renovated brightness. CLIMATE.—This inestimable Oil preserves its virtues Unimpaired by change of climate, and is alike in use from the frigid to the torrid zone, from the assemblies of St. Petersburg to those of Calcutta and the remote East. C.UTIO-Un principled shop-keepers, for the sake of gaining a trifle more profit, vend the most spurious trash under the title of "MACASSAR OIL:" It is therefore imperative on Purchasers to see that the *°rds ROWLAND'S MACASSAR OIL are in two  on the Wrapper of each bottle, and on the inside Of the wrapper nearly 1,500 tinp.ining 29,028 let, 1rice 3s. 6d., 7s.—Family Bottles (equal to 4 small) lo s. 6d. and double that size, 21s. per Bottle. Sold by the Proprietors A. ROWLAND AND SON, 2 Hatton Garden, London, and by Chemists and Per- Juniers. All other MACASSAR OILS" are FRAU- NT COUNTERFEITS. ALL MAY BE CURED!! THE EARL 0L D B 0 R 006 CURED BY HOLLOW AY'S PILLS. Extract of a Letter from the Earl of Aldborough, dated Villa Messina, Leghorn, 21st Feb 1845. TO PROFESSOR HOLLOWAY. Sm,- Various circumstances prevented the possibility of my thanking you before this time for your politeness 1n sending me your Pills as you did. I now take this opportunity of sending you an order for the amount, and Ilt the same time, to add that your Pills have effected a cure of a disorder in my Liver and Stomach, which all the most eminent of the Faculty at home, and all over the Continent, had not been able to effect; nay! not eVen the waters of Carlsbad and Marienbad. I wish to have another Box and a Pot of the Ointment, in case any of my family should ever require either. Your most obliged and obedient servant, Signed, ALDBOROUGH. A wonderful Cure of Dropsy of Five Years' standing. copy ofaLetter from Mr. Thomas Taylor. Chemist, Stockton Durham, 17th April, 1845. TO PROFESSOR HOLLOWAY. SIR,—I think it my duty to inform you that Mrs. Clough, wife of Mr. John Clough, a respectable farmer of Acklam, within four miles of this place, had been suffering from Dropsy for five years, and had had the b('st medical advice without receiving any relief. Hearing of your Pills and Ointment, she used them with such surprising benefit that, in fact, she has now given them Up being so well, and quite able to attend to her house- hold duties as formerly, which she never expected to do "■Sain. I had almost forgotten to state that she was given up bv the Faculty as incurable. When she used to let 11 pin the morning it was impossible to discover ? feature in her face, being in such a fearful state. Tills cure is entirely by the use of your medicines. ?- c &-c-, I am, Sir, yours, &c. &c., (Signed) THOMAS TAYLOR. A Cure of Indigestion and Constipation of the Bowels. COpy of a Letter from G. R. Wvthen Baxter, Esq., Author of the Book of the liastiles," &c. &e. The Brynn, near Newtown, Montgomeryshire, North Wales, March 3rd, 1845. TO PROFESSOR HOLLOWAY. v?tR,—I consider it my duty to inform you that your 1l,l1.11," a few boxes of which I purchased at Mr. Moore's, '?ggist. ofNewtown, have cured me of constant ind!- fesion and constipation of the bowels, which application to ?terary pursuits had long entailed upon me. I should "tron?y recommend Authors, and studiously-disposed Persons generally, to use your valuable Pills. You  my permission to publish this note, if you wish to ? ?o. I am, Sir, your most obedient servant, (Signed) G. R. WYTHEN BAXTER. t. A Cure of Asthma and Shortness of Breath. ■p tract of a Letter from the Rev. David Williams, Resident esleYan Minister at Beaumaris, Island of Anglesea, North Wales, January 14th, 1845. s TO PROFESSOR HOLLOWAY. '?.—The Pills which I requested you to send me \y„ /6 ? a Poor man of the name of Hugh Davis, who be01'0 took them, was c7?/:o.?MMa?e to walk for the V-fj of breath.' and had only taken them a few days ?"o/'?'<M?.' and had only taken them a few days lell he appeared ?H'e cHo?- man; his breath is now e(I ? and Mf?M?'aJ, and he is increasing daily in strength. (Signed) DAVID WILLIAMS. !l1"¡i. TVondn:ful ].fC(Ucine can be recommended with the est confidence for any of the following D?ea?es :— Skh?' Asthma, Bilious complaints, Blotches on the '111, ]BoNvol omplaints, Cholics, Constipation of the tol?N. Is, -??y' Dropsy, Dysentery, Erysipelis, Female ?re?' i?' ?'s' Fevers, of all  Fits, Gout, Head- ir, Ixi-ities Pevers, of all kinds Fits Gout, Head- c, He Tr1;Ses^on» Inflammations, .i aundie Liver com- TlmbaS°> Piles, Rheumatism, Retention of the ?rin?.. thrats, Scrofula or King's Evil, Secondary ?''nt?' ?? and Gravel, ? Doloureu, Tumours, ?Icer v enereal Anections, Worms of all kinds, Weak- froin u, ?,tever cause, &c. &c. Thp truly invaluable Pills can be obtained at the estahlfv of Professor Holloway, near Temple Bar, London an" ????spcctable Vendors of Medicines ?ou?h '? Civilized World, at the following pnces: —ii o d., 4". 6d., lIs" 22s., and 33s. each box. ?-? T??'' ?- ? 4.s. 6d., Hs., 22s., and 33s. each box. ?rei?*Arable saving by taking the larger s i zes. ? B Directions for the guidance of Patients in every ?sorder 'a'? anH<x.pd to e?ch box. SPECIAL NOTICE.—To SECURE THE ADVANTAGE OF Tills YEAR'S ENTRY, PROPOSALS MUST BE LODGED AT THE HEAD OFFICE, OR AT ANY OF THE SOCIETY'S AGENCIES, ON OR BEFORE 1st MARCH. MUTUAL ASSURANCE. SCOTTISH EQUITABLE LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER. EDINBURGH—26, ST. ANDREW SQUARE. LONDON—61, MOORGATE-STREET. PRESIDENT, HIS GRACE THE DUKE OF BUCCLEUGH AND QUEENSBERRY. VICE-PRESIDENTS. THE RIGHT HON. LORD GRAY. THE RIGHT HON. LORD ABERCROMBY. The Assurances effected last year amounted to nearly THREE HUNDRED THOUSAND POUNDS. THE EXISTING ASSURANCES EXCEED TWO MILLIONS STERLING. THE ACCUMULATED FUND EXCEEDS THREE HUNDRED THOUSAND POUNDS. THE ANNUAL REVENUE EXCEEDS EIGHTY THOUSAND POUNDS. THE PROFITS ARE ALLOCATED AMONGST THE POLICY HOLDERS EVERY THREE YEARS. The next Allocation takes place at 1st March, 1817. The SCOTTISH EQUITABLE being a MUTUAL ASSURANCE SOCIETY, their Profits are not, as in Proprietary Companies, divided between the Partners of the Companies and the Assured. The WHOLE belong to the Policy Holders. These PROFITS or BONUSES may, in the Option of the Assured, be applied thus:- 1st, They may be ADDED TO THE SUM ASSURED payable at death or 2nd, They may be COMMUTED INTO A PRESENT PAYMENT to the Policy Holders; or 3rd, They may be APPLIED IN REDUCTION OF 3rd, FUTURE ANNUAL PREMIUMS. THE ADDITIONS TO POLICIES. At the Annual Meeting in May, 1844, LARGE BONUSES were made, besides reserving upwards of THIRTY THOUSAND POGNDS for future division. This reserved Fund is now increased to FIFTY THOUSAND POUNDS. EXAMPLE. A Policy effected before 1st March, 1832 for £2000, is now increased to TWO THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED AND FORTY FIVE POUNDS. If the person die after 1st March, 1846, his heirs will receive TWO THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED & NINETY- SIX POUNDS, being an addition of THIRTY-FIVE PER CENT. on the sum assured. Other Policies in proportion. It is impossible for any Assurance Office to give greater advantages to Assurers than the Scottish Equitable affords. ROBERT CHRISTIE, Manager. AGENT FOR PEMBROKE. JAMES R. BRYANT, Surgeon. MEDICAL REFEREE—Dr. J. W. PAYNTER. CAUTION.-All Persons advertising Succedaneum for Stopping decayed teeth, fraudulently attempt to imitate Mr. Clarke's original Succedaneum and if any Succedaneum than Mr. Clarke's be purchased, it will be discovered useless. Mr. Clarke can say, without the slightest exaggeration, that he has sold 3,000 bottles of Succedaneum within 16 months; & 2,800 individuals have been able to use it successfully; and most of the other pur- cliasershave been to,Nlr.Clarke, athis residence, 61, Lower Grosvenor-Street, London, to have their teeth stopped, without any further charge than the original cost of the Succedaneum, price 5s. Sold wholesale to all the che- mists in town and country; and none is genuine unless had through Messrs. Barclay and Sons, wholesale Medi- cine Warehouse, 95, Farringdon Street Edwards and Son, 67, St. Paul's Church-yard; Hannay and Co., 63, Oxford Street; Colleclc and Afoseley, 139, Upper Thames Street, London and other respectable wholesale Medi- cine Warehouses or Mr. Clarke can send it by post to any part of the United Kingdom, on receiving a Post- office order. FOR STOPPING DECAYED TEETH, HOWEVER LARGE THE CAVITY. Patronised by Her Majesty the Queen Dowaaer, TTer Royal Highness the Duchess of Gloucester, His Grace the Duke of Wellington, and the principal Nobility. Mr. CLARKE'S SUCCEDANEUM for Stopping Decayed Teeth is far superior to anything ever used before, as it is placed in the tooth without any pressure or pain, be- comes as hard as the enamel immediately after applica- tion, and remains firm in the tooth for life not only rendering extraction unnecessary, but also making them again useful for mastication. All persons can use Mr. CLARKE'S Succedaneum themselves with ease, as full directions are enclosed (price os.) and sold by all res- pectable medicine-vendors in town and country, and can be sent by post on receiving a Post-office order.—Pre- pared only by Mr. Clarke, Surgeon-dentist, 61, Grosvenor Street, Bond Street, (removed from 53, Harley-Street, Cavendish-Square. ) LOSS OF TEETH. Mr. CLARKE still continues to supply the loss of teeth, from one to a complete set, upon his beautiful system of self-adhesion, which has procured him such universal approbation in some thousands of cases; and recom- mended by Sir James Clark, bart., M.D., and Dr. Locock, Physicians to Her and numerous other mem- bers of the medical profession, as being the most in- genious system of supplying artificial teeth hitherto invented. They are so contrived, as to adapt themselves over the most tender gums or remaining stumps without causing the least pain, rendering the operation of ex- traction quite unnecessary and in order that his system may be within the reach of the most economical, he will continue the same moderate charges.—Mr. Clarke, Sur- geon-dentist, No. 61, Grosvenor-Street, Bond-Street, London.—At home from eleven till foitr. Messrs. R. and L. PERRY & Co. may be consulted at 19, Berners-Street, Oxford-Street, Lon don, daily, and at 106, Duke-Street, Liverpool, every Thursday, Friday, and Saturday; & at 10, St. John-Street, Deans- gate, Manchester, on Mondays, luesdays, and Wed- nesdays. "THE SILENT FRIEND," ON HUMAN FRAILTY. Price 2s. 6d., and sent free to any part of the United Kingdom, in a Sealed Envelope, from either of the above Establishments on receipt of 3s. 6d. in Postage Stamps or Post Office Order. A MEDICAL Work on Physical Decay, Nervou- -AL Debility, Constitutional Weakness, excessive In. diligence, &c. With Observations on Marriage, &c with 10 fine Coloured Engravings on steel. By It. and L. PERRY and Co., Consulting Surgeons. Published by the Authors, and sold by Strange, 21, Paternoster Row; Hannay & Co., 63, Oxford street: (jordon, 146, Leadenhall-street, London; Newton, 16 and 19, Church-Street, Liverpool; Rawle, Church-St., Liverpool; Ingham, Market-Stieet, Manchester; D. Campbell, 136, Argyle-Street, Glasgow; Ie Lindsay, 11, Elms Row, Edinburgh Poweii, 10, Westmoreland, Street, Dublin; J. W. White, Guildhall-Square, Car- marthen, and by all Booksellers and Patent Medicine Vendors in Town and Country. OPINIONS OF THE PRESS. We regard the work before us, The SILENT FRIEND, as a work embracing most clear and practical views of a series of complaints hitherto little understood, and passed over by the majority of the Medical profession, for what reason we are at a loss to know. We must however confess that a perusal of this work has left such a favourable impression on our minds, that we not only recommend, but cordially wish every one who is the victim of past folly, or suffering from indisciethm. to profit by the advice contained in its piies. Age and Ar?is. Ag,,e ,rhe Authors of Tim SILENT FRIEND accm to be thoroughly conversant with the treatment of a class of complaints which are, we fear, too prevalent in the present day. The per- spicuous style in which this book is written, and the va- luable hints it conveys to those who arc apprehensive 01 entering the marriage state, cannot fail to recommend it to a careful perusal.ERA. a This work should be read by all who value health and wish to enjoy life, for the truisms therein contained, defy all JOURNAL. THE CORDIAL BALM OF SYRIACUM, Is a gentle stimulant and renovater in all cases of Debility, whether Constitutional or acquired, nervous mentality, irritation and consumption—by the use of which the impaired System becomes gradually and effectually restored to pristine health and vigour. Sold in bottles, price lis. and 33s. The 1:5 Cases may be had as usual at their Establishment. THE CONCENTRATED DETERSIVE ESSENCE, an anti-syphilitic remedy for Secondary Symptoms, searching out and purifying the diseased humours of the blood, removing all' cutaneous eruptions, Scurvy, Scrofula, Pimples on the head, face, &c. Price lis. and 33s. per bottle. PERRY'S PURIFYING SPECIFIC PILLS, Price 2s. 9d., 4s. 6d. and lis. per box, Have long been used with perfect success in all cases of Gonorrhoea, Stricture, Inflammation, Irritation, &e. These Pills are free from mercury, capaiva, and other deleterious drugs, and may be taken without interference upon in every instance. Sold by all medicine venders. Messrs. Perry expect, when consulted by letter, the usual Fee of One Pound, to be addressed to the London Establishment, where all communications and orders are requested to be forwarded. A minute detail of the case is necessary. Messrs. li. and L. Perry & Co. may be consulted as usual, at 19, Berners-strect, Oxford-Street, London, daily, and at 106, Duke-Street, Liverpool, every Thurs- day, Friday, and Saturday, and at 10, St. John-Street, Deansgate, Manchester, on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays, punctually, from 11 till 2, and 5 till 8. On Sundays from 10 till 12. Agent for Carmarthen, Mr. J. W. White, Chemist, Guildhall Square,of whom maybe had the Silent Friend. BRISTOL GENERAL STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY Office 1, Quay, Bristol. THE following STEAM VESSELS are intended to JL Sail from CUMBERLAND BASIN, BRISTOL, and as under mentioned, with or without Pilots, and with liber- ty to tow Vessels, during the Month of JANUARY, 1846. FOR CARMARTHEN, CALLING AX TENBY, PHCENIX. Friday, Jan. 2. 8\morn I Friday, — 9 3 after. | Friday, Jan. 16. T'imorn I Friday, 23 l^after. I Friday, /^morn FROM CARMARTHEN, CALLING AT TENBY, I PHCENIX. Tuesday, Jan. 6 11 morn Tuesday, 13. 5 after. I Tuesday, Jan. 20. 8,morn  ) Tuesday, ?7. 4imorn FOR DUBLIN. I VICTORY, Fridays. I Friday, Jan, 2. 8jmorn Friday, 9. 3 after. I Friday, Jan. 16. 8 morn I I Friday, — 23. 1 Rafter. I Returns Tuesdays. I FOR CORK. I ROSE, Tuedars.-SABRINA, Fridays.* I Friday, Jan. 2. S'.morn Tuesday, 6.12 noon, Friday, 9. 3 after. Tuesday, 13. 7 morii I Friday, Jan. 16. 8 morn I I Tuedav, 20. 10 ',morn "Thursday, 23.H noon. Tuesday, — 27 C morn I Friday, Jan, ;iU ?i morn Return Tuesdays and Fridays. FOR WATERFORD. NORA CREINA, Tuesdays.—OSPREY, Fridays. I Friday, Jan. 2. 8\morn Friday. 8,morn Friday, 9 3 fter. Tuesday, — 13 6 morn I Friday, Jan. 16. 8 morn I Tuesday, — 20 10'morn Friday,— 23 Rafter. Tuesday, r 27. 6 morn Friday, Jan. ;¡U. 8 morn I Return Tuesdays and Fridays. FOR TENBY. STAR, Tuesd, ,tys.-Pl' (El NIX, Fridays. I Friday, Jan. 2 S^morn Tuesday, 6.11 noon. Friday" 9 3 after Tuesday. 13. 7 morn I Fnda.y, Jan. 16 7imorn I Tuesday, 2 0.10\morn Fridar, — 23 1 Rafter. Tuesday, 2ï. 6 mom I Friday, Jan. 30. 7gmorn FROM TENBY. PHCENIX, Tuesdays.—STAR, Saturdays. I Saturday, Jan. 3.10 morn I Tuesday 6 .2morn Saturday, 10. 5 morn Tuesday, 13. 8 after. I Saturday, Jan. ]7, 9 morn Tuesday, 20 III Ilorlt Saturday, 24. 3 morn Tuesday, 27. 7morn Saturday, Jan. 31 » morn FOR MILFORD, PATER & HAVERFORDWEST CALLING AT TENBY. STAR. Tuesday, Jan, 6 12 noon Tuesday, 13. 7 morn | Tuesday, Jan. 20. 10',morn 'Tuesday, _7. 6 morn FROM HAVERFORDWEST, CALLING AT PATER, MILFORD & TENBY. STAR. Friday, Jan. 2. Rlm.om I FndsLT. 9. 3 attpr. I Friday, Jan. 16 7,morn I Friday, — 23. 1 after. Friday, Jan. 20 » morn FROM MILFORD. STAR. Saturday, Jan. 3. 4 morn Friday, 9 11 nirht 1 :\nl'day, Jan. 17. 3 morn  I Friday, —23.9ni?ht Saturday, Jan. 31 ° morn FOR SWANSEA. COUNTY—Tuesdays & Fridays. BERESFORD—Thursdays & Saturdays. Thursday, Jan. 1. 8 morn Friday, 2. 9 morn Saturday, 3. 9 morn Tuesday, — 6. 1,2,aftor. ,Thllrday, 8. 3 morn Friflav, 9, 3'morn Saturday 10. 4 'morn Tuesday, 13 (;I niorn I Fridav, Jan. 16, 8 morn atlll"r1ay, 17. 9 morn Tuesday, — 2IJ,10'morn I Thursday. — 22. 1 morn I Saturday, 21. 3 morn Tuesday, — 27. 6 morn 29. 8 morn Friday, — 30. 81,niorn Saturday, Jan 31" S'.morn FROM SWANSEA, ORD -Tiies(lays & Fridays. COUNTY—Thursdays & Saturdays. Thur-?v Jan.I. 9 mow F'idav, — 1n,Tnor" S,itur?lay .10moru Tnpsda.y, —6. I morn Thursday, — 8, 3'mom Fridav,' — 9 4'morn Saturday, — 10 5'mnrn Tuesday. — 13 7'morn ;df. = L:: r morn Fridav. Jan. !*). 9 morn Saturday, — 17. 9 morn Tuesday. MOT m I Friday, "nturdav, —94. 4 mO"l Tuesday, — 27. 7 morn Thursday, 29. 8 morn Friday, —30.8mom Saturday, Jan. 31  9 mom I FOR CARDIFF, LADY CHARLOTTE. Friday, Jan. 2. lmorn I Monday, — 5 11 morn Wednesday,— 7. 1 after. Friday, 9. 3 after. Monday. — 12 5'morn Wednesday— 14. 6'morn I Friday. Jan. lfi 7 mom ?or.(?y, — ?. 0 morn Wedne; .21 m, orn I Friday. — 23. 1 after. I ?Inn'?y. ?/i.lmorn Wednesday,— 28. 6 morn Friday, Jan. 30. 71morn, FROM CARDIFF. LADY CHARLOTTE. Thursday, Jan. 1 fi'morn Saturday, 3.. i',morr, 6. 10?iiorn Thursday, — 8 1 after. I Saturday, 10. after. Tuesday, 13. 5 n'orn Thursday, 15. 6 morn 1 Saturday, Jan. 17 r, morn Tuesday, 20 8 morn Thursday, 2-2 10 moi-n ,t.v' 24 I aft(,r. Saturday, — 24. ] after. I Tuesday, -27 .O'mom Thursday, 29 6 inorii Saturday, — 31 7 morn those marked Long Passage. The whole of the above Vessels are fitted up for the conveyance of passengers and goods.- Female Stewards on Board.—Carriages and Horses shipped with care. Horses and Carriages to be shipped two hours before sailin- Particulars may he obtained bv applying-at the Bristol Steam Navigation Company's Office, Quay, Bristol; where all Goods, Packages, Parcels, &c„ should be addressed:— for Swansea, to W. Terrell 8c Sons, 33, Back: and G. C. Glasson,12, Quay street:—for Cardiff, to R. H. Johnson, Clare street Hall, Marsh street:—and for Newport, to J. Jones, Rownhan-i Wharf, Hotwells. AGENTS. Mr. R. STACEY, Carmarthen Mr. George Hughes, Tenbv; Mr. John Rees, Haverfordwest, Mr. Palmer, Milford Mr. Bowen, Pater Mr. John N. Smart, and Mr. E. T. Turner, Swansea: Mr. Pridham, Bideford Mr. Martin, Ilfracombe and Mr. J. Clarke, Lynton. NOTiev.The Proprietors of the above Steam Packets will not be accountable for any Cabin Passenger's Lu'r^asre. (iflost or damaged) above the valneof £ 5: nor for any Deck Passen- ger's Lu^araKe (iflost or damaged)above the value of2As. un- less in each case entered as such. and freight in proportion paid for at the time of delivery: nor will they be answerable for any other parcel above the yalue of 40s. (ifl'ost. ordamaiedl unless entered as such, and freight in proportion paid for the same at the time of delivery. Not accountable for any Goodswithout Shipping Notes. All letters seeking information to be post paid. Bristol, January, 1840. LA'MERT ON DEBILTTY, NERVOUSNESS. AND ALL DISORDERS ARISING from EXCESS, &c. Tie who in pleasure's downy arms No ,or lost his health or youthful charms, A hero Ii,s, and .iusth" can p' Exclaim, in me behold a man Just Published (in (I. sealcd, envelope), Twelfth Edition, price 28. 6d. or sent by post,.ree, to any address 3s. 6d. SELF-PRESERVATION a Popular Essay on those t? Concealed Disorders, originating in vonthful ex- cesses, or infection, and terminating in Nervous Debi- lity, Local and Constitutional Weakness, ann all those Sinkings, Anxieties, and Tremors, which afflict the Weak, the Sedentary, and the Delicate. With Practical Ob- servations on & on the Anatomy, Physiology, and Diseases of the Reproductive Organs, with plain Directions for their perfect Restoration By SAMUEL LA'MERT, CONSULTING SUKGEON, 9, Bedford-Street, Bedford-Square, London, Matriculated Member of the University of Edinburgh, Honorary Member of the London Hospital Medical Society, Licentiate of Apothecaries' Hall, London, kc. REVIEWS OF THE N OIIK. "1\fr bein<2; a regularly educated member of ^he medical profession, and possessed of the highest i. is a strong inducement alone to r(leonim(iii,1 his work to tlu> llprnsalof all who feel interested in such matters, for it i. a snhipct of as much importance to the moralist as to the n1('- dipal practitioner: and it really is surprising to see that nothing worthy of notice is to lie found on a matte1" 00 im- portant in the various writings of standard autho'-s. This cir- I'U111"tanC" appears remarkable and unaccountable, whp" Px- perience has shown that local weaknesses and p either hereditary or acquired. constitute the great ma.e>ritv. perhaps nine-tenths of the causes of nervousness, menfil imbecility, and constitutional weakness. We must conf"-« we are astonished at the extent of human suffering anxie v. and miserv which is poiii-ti-aved in this work. as emansm<r from peculiar causes, which are not less ruinous, because tl,f,i- are not supposed to exist, UnfortunaMv. there i. r1; also r e- licacv and a false refinement in the present a, whmh rathe- seek s to "loss over immorality than to combat and su «iuo it. We can only sav. that everyone who reao* this extra- ordinary work ivill be gratified and enlightened its j)rrl1-1 sat -hAtL" "Rv.u.. » Unquestionably this is the most extraordinary and sVW work of the kind ever written. It breathes, throughout, n hi"h tone of moral <eolin<r and ou«ht to he extensively cir- culated: for it is quite evident th.:1' there are peculiar habits acquired at public schools and private semmar-es. which are totally unknown and concealed from the conductors of those establishments, and which cannot he too strongly reprobated and condemned. The author has taken up the subject in a masterly and perspicuous style; and being written by a duly qualified medical practitioner, will doubtless be the means of saving many a youth, as well as those of mature age. from the various evil consequences resulting from such indiscretion"—MAOXF.T. Published bv the author, and sold in London bv S. Gilbert, 51 and 52, Paternoster Row: Davev, Broad St., Bristol; Cambrian Office, Swansea; Shackell, Book- seller, Carmarthen Times Office, Hereford and by all other Booksellers. Mr. La'Mert is to be consulted daily at his Residence, and Country Patients, in their letters, are requested to be as minute as possible in the details of their symptoms, age, general habits of living, and occupation in life. The communication must be accompanied by the usual Consultation Fee of JE1, without which no notice what- ever can be taken of their application and in all cases, the most inviolable secrecy may be relied on. 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Parts 1 to 77 may also be had in 17 vols., handsomely bound in cloth, os. per volume. Catalogues forwarded, on receipt of a postage stamp, to any part of the kingdom. COOPER'S NOVELS, complete in One Volume, handsomely bound in cloth, price 8s. 6d. The Pilot, Tne op" v, The Pioneers, Last of the Mohicans, Lionel Lincoln, The Prairie, Red Rover, Water Witch, Ima- gination. Printed from the original text, and without the slightest abridgment. London: Bruce and Wyld, 8f, Farringdon-street Watson, Edinburgh; Macleod, Glasgow; Le Messurier, Dublin; Philip, Liverpool; Hey wood, Manchester; E. W. Shackell, Carmarthen; and Sold by all Booksellers in the Principality. FOR STOPPING DECAYED TEETH. PRICE 2s. 6d. PATRONIZED BY HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN, His lloval Highness Prince Albert, Her Royal Highness the Duchess of Kent, His Majesty the King of the Belgians, His Majesty the King of Prussia, His Grace the Archbishop of Canterbury, And nearly all the Nobility, the Bishops and the Clergy. MR. 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White, Chemist, Guildhall-square, Carmarthen; Mor- timer, do.; Mrs. Evans, near the Cross, do.; Morgan, Mer- thyr Tydtil; Phillips, Cardiff; Williams, Brecon; Morgan, Abergavenny Williams, Newport; Goulstoue, Llandovery Fanor, Heath Monmouth; Jones, Brecon; Phillips, Newport; Williams, Milford Harries and O. E. Davies, Haverfordwest; and by all Chemists and Medicine Vendors; or the Pro- prietors will send the Succedaneum free by post to any part of the Kingdom. LOSS OF TEET. Messrs. THOMAS and HOWARD continue to supply the Los; of Teeth without springs or wires upon their new system of SELI-AjJHESION, which has procured them such uni- versal approbation, and is recommended by numerous Physicians and Surgeons as being the most ingenious system of supplying artificial teeth hitherto invented. They adapt themselves over the most tender gums, or remaining stumps without causing the least pain, rendering the operation of extracting quite unnecessary. They are so fixed as to fasten any loose teeth where the gums have shrunk from the use to calomel or other causes. rhey also beg to invite those not liking to undergo any painlul operation, as practised by most members of the profession, to inspect their painless yet etlective system and in order that their improvements mdv be within'the reach of the most economical, they will cori- tinue the same moderate charges. Messrs. THOMAS and HO TVA RD, Surgeon Den- tists, (54, Berners-strect, Oxford-street, London. At home from ten till four. Those interested in the subject will find this statement of their superiority over all others, to be entirely and scru- pulously correct. Their new method of fixing Artificial Teeth has obtained the approbation and recommendation of the following eminent Physicians and Surgeons -.—Sir .James Clark, Bart, Physician to her Majesty; Dr. Locock, Physician Accoucheur to her Majesty Dr. Ferguson, Physician Accoucheur to her Majesty; Dr, Bright, Physician Extraordinary to her Ma. jesty Sir B.C. Brodie, Bart., berg. Surgeon toller Majesty, the late Sir A. Cooper, Bart. Serg. Surgeon to her Majesty; lL Kcate, Esq., Sergeant Surgeon to her Majesty, Dr. Merriman, Phv-icianto her R. H. the Duchess of Kent; Sir C. M. Clark, Bart., M.D.; Dr. Paris; Sir M. Tiernev, Bart., M. D. D. James Johnson; Dr. Chamber Dr. Conquest, and numerous other Members of the Medical Profession. CAUTION. —Unprincipled individuals prepare the most spurious compounds under the same names; they copy the labels, hills, advertisements and testimonials uf the original Thomas's Succedaneum. It is therefore highly necessary to see that the words Thomas & Howard" are on the wrap- per of each article. 'f" All others are fraudulent imitations. STEAM COMMUNICATION BETWEEN Liverpool and Tsristol, calling at Swansea and Milford, a During the Month of JANUARY, 1816. THE NEW AND POWERFUL I F J IRON STEAM SHIP, TROUBADOUR, JAMES BECKETT, Commander J.S intended to Sail from Trafalgar Dock, Liverpool, J L with Goods and Passengers, for BRISTOL and SWANSEA, CALLING AT MILFORD. Tuesday, Dec. ;jO.lD morn Saturday, Jan. 10. 8 inul-ii Ty:1ay, Jan. 20 1 after. J Flh!a, -io 11 mar,l j From BRISTOL CALLING AT SWANSEA & MILFORD. I I Monday, Jan. 5 U morn T hursday, 15 7 morn j Saturday, hn.2L. 3 after, j I FROM SWANSEA. I Tuesday" Jan. 6. 0 morn Friday, 16 6 murn Monday, Jan. :?6. 5 morn ¡ FARES To Liverpool, Cabin, zEl Steward's Fee, 2s. 6d.; Deck, 7s. Gd. Goods intended for the above Steamer, from Liverpool, must be at the Trafalgar Dock two hours before the ad- vertised hours of sailing. For further particulars apply at the Office, No. 2, St. Stephen-street, or at the Wharf, Cannons' Marsh, where is a lock-up warehouse for the accommodation of ship- pers, and where all Goods are landed and discharged. Goods forwarded free of commission. AGENTS.—For Bristol, Mr. GIW. H. EVANS, 2, St. Stephen-street; Liverpool, Mr. THOMAS M'TKAR, IO, Water Street Swansea, Mr. JoH?EoWARUS; Milford, j Mr. C. H. N. HILL.




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