TO PARTIES FURNISHING.. BEFORE DECIDING DO NOT FAIL TO PAT A VISIT TO SOINPS EXTENSIVE SHOWROOMS AND STEAM CABINET MANUFACTORY, Aud save Intermediate Profit. Our Long Career in this Town makes us known and trusted, and our Customers may rely on getting Value for Money. HIGH STREET & MORRIS LANE, SWANSEA. ESTABLISHED OVER HALF A CENTURY. MR, ERNEST COLLIER, M.S.A., I ARCHITECT, I 4, QUAY STREET, I CARMARTHEN. MACKINTOSH BAKERY. POWELL & SMITH 3, PRIORY STREET, CARMARTHEN, Have now opened their New Premises with an Assortment of BREAD, CAKES, and CONFECTIONERY. All Orders promptly attended to. [6447 SPRING, 101O. Misses LEWIS & CLARE HAVE PLEASURE IN ANNOUNCING A SPECIAL SHOW f OF High-class Millinery Models & Novelties for Spring- Wear, >7 INSPECTION IS CORDIALLY INVITED. ■ CAVENDISH HOUSE, 41, KING ST., CARMARTHEN. [6650 THB CARMARTHEN BILLPOST1NG I COMPANY, 16, BRIDGE STRSST, CARMARTHEN. BILLPOSTING and ADVERTISING in all its Ct Branches, throughout the Counties of Carmarthen, Pembroke, and Cardigan. R. M. JAMES, Manager. I JAMES JONES, BILLPOSTER AI ADVERTISING J AGENT for KIDWELLY and Neighbouring Villages. 111 work duly executed. Address Station Road, I Sldwelly. [6872 WEDDING CARDS AND ENVELOPES.—A Choice Seleotion.-Stationery Department, WILSHKAB Printing Works, Carmarthen. [6532a SPECIAL VALUE. I "R M TT T? T? Q' NOTE, 6id. POUND. JJ.raA .I.1 1V.XJXVO ENV., 6M. PER 100. WILLIAMS'S NOTE, 4M. POUND. NOTELOPES PAPER AND ENVELOPE 1?0 COMBINED, 1 PACKET. BOX E S NOTE AND ENV., 3d., 6d., 1/- AND 1/6. ENVELOPES FROM ld. FOR 25. WILLIAMS, LAMMAS STREET, CARMARTHEN. When you next require a Dining, Drawing, or Bedroom Suite, Overmantel, Cabinet, Sideboard, Carpet, Bedstead, Bedding, Pianoforte, &c., &c., pay a visit to one of BE H Us k am KEVIN £ COMPANY'S SEYEN. HOSE FURNISHING ESTABLISHMENTS! As the largest Furnishers in the Principality, they are able to defy all competition as to prices, whilst the position they have attained as the result of an unbroken record of sixty years' trading is proof positive that the reliability of their goods is beyond question! Save 20 to 30 per cent. by placing your orders in the hands of this well-known Firm! Catalogues gratis Delivery Free up to 200 miles! CWMBACH BUILDINGS, LLANELLY; ABOVE POST OFFICE, SWANSEA; CARDIFF; NEWPORT; &c. MEMORIAL CARDS.—A Large Assortment kept in I i?i. stock. Stationery Department, WzMHMAN Printing; Works, Carmarthen. [36626. I THE CELEBRATED CROUP AND COUGH MIXTURE, HEN SIOP MORTIMER. To ensure your EsTAB, 1810. getting the best re- JL suits in the treatment E.a?!?'?-?? ? ?.?e?  '-?. of Croup and _?, ?? Whooping Cough, be *?. ????———— ? ? careful to ask fw the ■ *i "■ «- OLD SHOP;" fepici iMI SL CROUP & COUGH 'iit/. MIXTURE, and see that you get the bottle with the picture of Mortimer'8 Old Shop on the h 19be1. It is the Specific Remedy for Whooping Cough, Croup, and Colds. If you want to 8ave your Chi?dre., iit on having the bottle WIth the piotnre of Mor- MOBTUCBB'S "OLD SHOP." timer's Old Shop. In Bottles, 1jlt and 2/9. By post. 3d. extra. PREPARED OSLY BY ARTHUR ARTHUR (FOEMMELY MORTIMER), Dispensing Chemist, CARMARTHEN [6417 EDUCATIONAL ANNOUNCEMENTS. OLD COLLEGE SCHOOL, CARMARTHEN. Prtnaipale-Reve. JOSEPH HARRY & J. B. THOMAS t SUCCESSES FOR 1905-9. 40 Matriculants (Wales and London), 15 in the First Division. 89 Passes to Theological Colleges (Wales and England), I with numerous Firsts on Lists. 10 Scholarships (Norip/al, John Jones, &c.). 61 Passes to Banks, Pharmaceutical and Commercial Posts. Grand Total for Five Years-200. For further particulars apply as above. Limited number of Boarders kept at Mr. Thomas's House. [2702 CARMARTHEN UOUNTY SCHOOLS. THE GRAMMAR SCHOOL. Road-Manter-E. S. ALLEN, M.A. (Cantab). COUNTY GIRLS' SCHOOL. Head-Mistress—Miss B. A. HOLIE, M.A.. Late Open Scholar of Glrton College, Cambridge. FEB8:— £ 1 Ss. per term (3 terms in the year). Reduction for two or more members of the same family. The Term began Tuesday, January 18th. Boarders can be received at the Gtammar School. JJIGH gCHOOL FOR G IRLS, CARMARTHEN. PBIBIDK-NT OF COUNCIL THZ LORD BISHOP OF ST. DAVID'S. LADY PBINCIPAL Hiss A. F. CLARK, B.A., London University The Sohool gives an excellent education on very Moderate terms. Admirable accommodation for Boarders. Pupils prepared for LONDON MATRICULATION nad other Pontic Examinations. RoYs as well as Girls can be received in the Preparatory "lu. ",ud the KINDERGARTEN DEPARTMENT. Next Term begins Wednesday, April 20th. Boarders return Tuesday, April 19th. ff,71 If7'! rutlnIar" apply to the Lady Prlnolpal. [1714 LADIES' HAIRDRESSING. I The New Fashion. TURBAN FRAMES, Is. 3d., 2s., and 3s. each. (Note the difference to London Prices.)] Your Combings made up to cover above, or in Tails, Is. per oz., post free. Every Article for Hair and Toilet at Lowest Prices. J. HODGES, HAIR WORKER, TENBY. (3741 ( EMIGRATION. ( CANADIAN. PACIFIC DIRECT SERVICE FROM GREAT BRITAIN TO &. THROUGH CANADA BY MAGNIFICENT "EMPRESS" STEAMERS AND COMFORTABLE EXPRESS TRAINS. SPECIAL CARE TAKEN OF WOMEN W CHILDREN EMIGRANTS FOR. FURTHER PARTICULARS APPLY Canadian Pacific Railway, 24, James Street, Liverpool; or Local Agents everywhere. [6470 THE SWANSEA MERCANTILE BANK, LTD., OF 18, PARK STREET, SWANSEA, MAKE CASH ADVANCES DAILY FROM P.10 to €600 Fo FARMERS and ALL CLASSES of Respectable Householders upon their own Note of Hand, and other kinds of Securities. ALL TRANSACTIONS STRICTLY PRIVATE. Apply to H. B. JONES, Manager; or W. D. PHILLIPS, Auctioneer, Salutation Hotel, Haverfordwest (Local Representative), who will be prepared to meet Clients kt Whitland any day by appointment, if ^desired. [2241 ALLAN LINE TO CANADA Under Government Contract for Conveyance of Canadian Mails. From LIVERPOOL TUNISIAN, April 7 From LONDON (Via Havre). CORINTHIAN, April 23 Weekly Service from Liverpool at low rates, all elates; also from London, 2nd and 3rd Class only. Unsurpassed accommodation. For Handbooks, Maps, and all information, apply ALLAN LINE 19, James St., Liverpool; 103, Leaden- hall St., E.C., 5, Pall Mall, S. W., London or Local Agents. low Weddizig, ^Keeper, and Engage m ent Rings. ? All 81"e", Shapes, & Weights In Stock. ? The Largest and Choicest Collection in 1 B the- United Counties. fl 1 JOHN WILLIAMS, I m Siop y Modrwyau," M 10, LAMMAS STREET, M CARVABTHXK. BEN. EVANS' I GUINEA BALE OF » Lace Curtains. 1 Pair Handsome Design Drawing-room 5 PAIRS Curtains, 4t yards long by 72 inches I J wide. White or Ecru. for A<f 2 Pairs Choice Parlour Curtains, Quite I ?j /? New Patterns, 3 yards long by 63 211m t;. inches wide. White or Ecru. Carriage P ,aid. 2 Pair8 Bedroom Curtains, Splendid arrlage ald. Weanng, 3 yards long by 54 inches wide. Whilst it is obvious that a large number of Curtains (of a lower grade) can be sold for 2V-, the above are all typical examples of the well- known Ben. Evans' high standard of style and quality, and, as such, represent the utmost limit of value at the price. Money willingly returned if not satisjaetory in every way. Ben. Evans & Co., Ltd. Swansea. 111 1 BOOKBINDING! BOOKBINDING!! THE I Welshman" Steam Printing AND Bookbinding Works. EVERY DESCRIPTION OF BOOKBINDING EXECUTED WITB NEATNESS AND DISPATCH. BOOKBINDING-In all its Branches. BOOKBINDING-Fancy and Commercial. BOOKBINDING-In best Russia and other Leathers. BOOKBINDING-Bibles, Albums, Music, Ac., bound in any style. BOOKBINDING—Periodicals and Magazines bound in Publishers' Cases FOR PRICES, APPLf TO The Manager, 123, Lammas Street, Carmarthen. THE WELSHMAN" £100 Free Insurance UNDERTAKEN BY THE OCEAN ACCIDENT & GUARANTEE CORPORATION, LTD. (Empowered by Special Act of Parliament). Principal Office: 36 to 44, MOORGATE STREET, LONDON, E.C. INSPJSCTOB: MB. J. SHENTON, 1, GUILDHALL SQUARE, CARMARTHEN. J" "J'-J ,f' -r" THIS COUPON-INSUBANCE-TICKET MUST Nor BE DETACHED. -+.-    WILL be paid by THE OCEAN ACCIDENT AND GUARANTEE COR. /T\ J || f*\ I PORATION, LIMITED, Principal Office, Nos. 36 to 44, Moorgte Street, s t t t t | London, E.C., to the legal personal representative of the bona fide holder of I if I |l II II this Coupon-Insurance-Ticket if the holder shall be killed or fatally injured by an accident within the United Kingdom to any Railway Company's passenger-train in which the holder is travelling as a ticket-bearing or fare-paying passenger. Providing that the above undertaking is subject to the following special conditions, which are of the essence of the contract, viz. :— (a) That death result within thirty days after the accident: (b) that the holder shall, prior to the accident, have written his (or her) usual signature in ink in the space provided underneath (c) that notice of the accident be given to the Corporation at its Principal Office in London within fourteen days after its occurrence; (d) that medical certificates and other information be furnished by the person claiming upon request for the same by the Corporation and (e) that this Insuranoe applies only to persons over twelve and under seventy years of age, is limited to one Coupon-Insuranoe-Ticket for any one holder, and holds good for the current week of issue only. This Insurance entitles the holder to the benefit of, and is subject to, the conditions of the « OmAn AcdDBST AND GUARANTEE COMPANY, LIMITED, ACT, 1890," Risks Nos. 2 and 3, when they are not incompatible with the special conditions above stated. The possession of this Coupon-Imurance-Tieket is admitted to be the pa?t€?? of a premium under Sec. 04 of the Act. A Print of the Act can be seen at the Principal C?j? of the Corporation. Week of ismce: April 1, 1910. Signature of holder > Jjj AL- As A Family Medicine j < nothing has yet been put before the public to be compared with Dwb=,s I KIK. For over half a century this medicine has been an easy First ftvourite J? in countless households, and the name and fame of Beecham's PUU have !t spread all over the world. The reason for the enormous popularity of this !tr i remedy is not far to seek. Experience has shown that there is nothing better for derangements of the stomach and digestive organs generally. Taken in ► accordance with directions, Beecham's Pills give quick relief, stimulate the < organs to healthy action and have a tonic effect upon the whole system. 1 i They are compounded of the best and purest ingredients and there are very r ( few people who would not feel better for an occasional dose of t? i Beecbam's Pills 4 If you have not tried them and have any doubt as to their real value and efficacy, get a box and Judge for yourself. You will And Beecham's Pills a i valuable aperient and unequalled in regulating the stomach, bowels, liver, > and kidneys, and restoring the powers of digestion. A periodical dose will enable you to keep well and "fit," ready for work or play. By eliminating impurities from the system, Beecham's Pills increase the appetite, promote assimilation of food and establish good health. No household should ever t j be without a box. Many thousands have proved the worth of Beecham's Pills ( and there is no doubt at all that they Are Tbe Favourite Remedy. RAPACIOUS RATS I Relish Rodine, the never-failing Rat Poison. Rats like it, devour it greedily, die, dry up, and leave no smell. Safe, sure, speedy. Never fails. Complete clearance certain. 6d., Is., 2s., 5s. Post 2d. Harley, Chemist, Perth. AOItNTS-W. Lloyd, Chemist, Carmarthen; J. Nicholas, Drug Stores, Uandovery J. J. Davies, Chemist, Llany- byther; W. J. L. Thomas, Chemist, Laugharne; J. laewellyn, Chemist, St. Clears; A. W. Toohig, Chemist, Narberth. [4186 NO DEAD CHICKS. ARMITAGE'S DRY FfiKD CHICKEN FOOD.— L The Original and the Best. Chickens reared on this Food weigh 20ozs. when five weeks old. Pullets commence to lay at five months. In bags 4d., 8d., is. 4d., 2s. 6d., and 5s. MANUFACTURED BY ARMITAGE BROS., LTD., NOTTINGHAM. Sold by W. Lickley, 12. Queen Streer. and W. S Morris, 25, Bridge Street, Carmarthen. [658a