IMITE0 COMITIES A8RICULTURAL SOCIETY. I DIITED COUHTlES lTURAL SOCIETY. I A meeting of the Council of the above Society was held at the Boar's Head Hotel, Carmarthen, on Wednesday last. Mr. C. Morgan Richardson presided. Other members present were: Dr. L. M. Bowen Jones, The Friary, Carmarthen; Mr. J. Lloyd Morgan, Rhiwfelen Rev. R. G. Law- rence;" Mr. J. W. Harries, Pilrhoath; Mr. David Harries, Penllwyne; Mr. R. Footman, Hafod- uen Mr. J. Seourfield, Blaenwernddu Mr. David Evans, Llw vncadfor Mr. J. B. P. Thomas, Der- Ilys Court; Mr. J. Davies, Capel Dewi; Mr. E. Lewis, Cillefwr Mr. J. Francis, Myrtle Hill; Mr. C. W. R. Stokes, Tenby Mr. J. Griffiths, Penally Court; Mr. P. J. Wheldon, N. P. Bank; and Mr. O. Daviee, Derimoilon. WHAT IS A TENANT FARMER ? The Secretary (Mr. D. H. Thomas) read corres- pondence with Mr. W. F. Humphreys, Garthmill Hall, Montgomeryshire, with respect to the win- ning by the latter of the late Sir Blundell Maple's ■cup for the best Shire horse or mare two years in succession. The cup was for tenant farmers, and the point was whether Mr. Humphreys was really 41 tenant farmer in accordance with the definition of the term laid down by the Executors of Sir Blundell Maple, seeing that he was the owner of land and had tenants. The correspondence began with the Secretary, acting upon a resolution of the Council, asking Air. Humphreys whether he had any means of livelihood besides that of farming? Then Mr. Humphreys replied to the effect that he considered Mr. Thomas' questions as impertinent. He did not know of any tenant farmer round there (his own neighbourhood) who had not got small means to keep at their back for a rainy day. With the money he had got he would not be able to live, And he had taken to farming as a livelihood. He understood that the Secretary had asked two per- ns iu hil-; locality to compete at the show in order to beat his (Mr. Humphrey's) mare. The Secretary's reply denied that he had tried to get two persons from Air. Humphrey's locality to come down to beat his mare. It was true that he had sent notices and schedules of the show, but tha.t was work which was done in the interest of the Society. Dr. Bowen Jones said he took it that the fact th.Lt a tenant farmer had a bit of means at his back made him none the less a tenant farmer. He thought that the definition of a tenant farmer would be that his principal means of livelihood was farming. The Rev. R. G. Lawrence said he did not think Mr. Humphreys could oome in in the definition of the term ''tenant farmer" as given by Lady .Maple. Air. C. W. R. Stokes—Can anybody say that, reading Mr. Humphreys' letter, he is a real ten- •an £ farmer ? I can' t. Mr. John Francis asked whether it was ascer- tained that Mr. Humphreys had property. The Clerk to the Guardians could tell them. He thought that unless a tenant farmer had some- thing at his back he could not take prizes at agri- cultural shows. Mr. David Evans, Llwyncadfor, gave some par- ticulars as to the family, and said Mr. Humph- reys was married to Sir Green Price's daughter, and Green Price's daughter would not marry a tenant farmer. Mr. C. W. R. Stokes remarked that there was some trouble before when Mr. Humphreys was -awarded the prize in 1903. The Secretary said that at that time he was asked the question. He rather tried to evade it, but then said he was a tenant farmer. In reply to the Chairman, who asked to whom Mr. Humphreys for his land (400 acres), Mr. David Evans, Llwyncadfor, said he thought it was to Lord Powis. Mr. P. J. Wheldon said that to him it was per- fectly clear that a man was not a tenant farmer if he had any further means besides what he had invested in his farm. There was no mistake in the words of the definition of the donor. The Rev. R G. Lawrence then moved That having regard to the definition of Lady Blundell Maple he does not come within the definition of a tenant farmer." Dr. Bowen Jones seconded, and the motion was ,ca,rriod. VOTES OF CONDOLENCE. Mr. J. W. Harries, Pilrhoath proposed a vote ,of sympathy with the family of the late Mr. David Davies, Newcastle-Emlyn, who was a member of their Council. Air. David Evans, Llwyncadfor seconded, and the motion was carried. The Chairman then rose to propose a vote of condolence with the family of the late Mr. W. J. Buckley, who was one of the founders of the Society. He could recollect the efforts Mr. Bnckley made, and to nobody were they more in- debted in founding the Society than to him. Mi*. John Francis seconded, and the motion was carried. A letter was read from the Carmarthen Town Council declining to reduce the charge for the use of the Recreation Ground for the last year's show. The Chairman—So we tire bound to pay (laugh- ter). A communication was read from the Secretary .gÍ the Glamorganshire Agricultural Society, stat- ing that at the last meeting the members decided TMt, to amalgamate with the Joint Coumties Agri- cultural Society. Mr C. W. R. Stokes—Personally I am very glad (laughter). Mr. J. Seourfield said that if they had not re- plied by that day he intended moving a resolution that- they should not amalgamate. Mr. Seourfield proposed that in the special prize for a pen of three shearling ewes given by Mr. Yorke that points be given as for a first prize. This was seconded by Mr. J. W. Harries and -carried
KIDWELLY TOWN COUNCIL. APPOINTMENT OF MEDICAL OFFICER. The monthly meeting of the Kidwelly Town Council was held at the Town Hall on Tuesday, t)io Mayor (Mr. H. E. Smart) presiding. Other members present were Aldermen Daniel Stephens j J. G. Anthony, and John Jones and Councillors A. Stephens, W. Wilkins, W. Young, S. H. An- thony S. H. Evans, D. Gower, O. Harries, B. Griffiths, D. Rowlands, and George Jones; to- gether with the Town Clerk <Ir. D C. Edwards), the Surveyor (Mr. J. Morgan); and the Sanitary Inspector (Mr. J. Davies). Plans were sent of a stable to be built at the "White Lion Inn by Messrs. Buckley, Ltd., and letters were received from Dr. Griffiths and Mr. John Phillips objecting to the erection of the building adjoining Mr. Phillips's premises. Alderman John Jones asked whether the by- laws stated that stables should be built a certain ,d,istanoe from dwelling-houses? The Clerk said that there was a general law that they should not be built in any position which would make them injurious to the public health. Mr. A. Stephens said that the plan showed 24 feet from the dwelling house. Mr. George Jones thought they should be built ,as far as possible from the dwelling house. Mr. Phillips's was a new house and the stable was not wanted close to the back Kitchen. The Clerk thought that the Surveyor, when he 'C4me down there next, if he were told of the mat- ter, might set it right. Mr. A. Stephens proposed that the plans he passed subject to it being agreed to build the atable at the bottom of the garden, 44 feet from lktr- Phillips's house. The suggestion was adopted. Plans of three houses to be erected for Mr. Davies, Priory Street, were submitted. It was stated that the frontage was too small, dlete being insufficient cubical space in the rooms. Mr George Jones said it would be better if there wefe two houses instead of three. Mr. A. Stephens—There ought to be some re- commendation. The Clerk-Refer the plans back to the Medical Officer of Health and the Surveyor to see what are tFse cubical contents. Mr. D Rowlands said there were some houses mwiv being built in Kidwelly only a foot larger than these were. Alderman DI. Stephens said that since the hous- ing <}ution was coming to the front more and more they ought to deal with the matter properly, and ?plenty of room for people to live in. Mr. A. Stephens said they were trying to fight consumption, and he thought the larger the house the healthier would it be for everybody. Mr. D. Rowlands—I think we should deal with all alike. The Clerk's suggestion to refer the plans back to the Medical Otfioor and the Surveyor was then agreed to. Plans of two houses to be built at Llangadog for 3Ir. Daniel Gravel, Goitre, came for the Council's approval. Mr. George .Jones said he thought they should gt!>t Zn undertaking that the out-houses near by ffiiaonkl not be utilised as such. T13e. Surveyor—The cow-houses are far enough. Mr. George Jones thought that if they allowed the nitt-bouses to be utilised the refuse from them w«;sicl be running in front of the new houses. -Wq-. Gower-Xo, no; it will be at the back of j the houses. ¡ Mr. George Jones-I went there yesterday to i see the spot. I Mr. Stephen Evans- What will be the distance between the houses and the stable. Mr. D. Rowhmds—About ten yards. I It was ultimately decided to adopt Mr. George Jones's motion. Tenders were received from the following for I the carrying out of the new water-works scheme I for Mynyddygarreg, the water to be got from Cae Ffyniioncefn: Mr. Rees Davies, Carmarthen, 1:825, Sanitary Engineering Works, Bridlington, .tl,lGl; -Nir, D. Evans, Trimsaran, £ 1,250. Mr. J. G. Anthony moved, and Mr. Wm. Young seconded that Mr. Rees Davies's tender be ac- cepted, and this was carried. Mr. Young then said he thought they were lucky to get Mr. Reeos Davies. He was a capital fellow, and could do his work well. Mr. A. Stephens—When will the work be finished? Mr. Young—When Mr. Davies takes it in hand it won't be long. Mr. A. Stephens—Shall we stipulate the 31st of July? The Clerk—That will give him four months. Mr. George Jones— Yes. It is not a Cray water scheme (laughter). It was decided to fix the 31st of July as the date when the scheme should he completed. The Clerk read two applications for the vacant post of medical officer of health for Kidwelly, viz., from Dr. Griffiths and Dr. Lewis. The Mayor said he had a letter from Dr. Lewis withdrawing his application. Mr. Wm. Young—What was his reason? Mr A. Stephens—I suppose he thought he would not get it (laughter). Dr Griffiths was then appointed, it being under- stood that it was an annual appointment. Mr. D. Rowlands— What is the reason for draw- ing a line? The inspector is appointed for three years, and I move that this appointment shall also be for three years. Alderman Stephens—I think that the Council should be the master, and not the officer. If we do what Mr. Rowlands says we shall certainly be making the officer master. The matter then dropped. A circular was received from the authorities of Aberystwith College asking the Council to sup- port the claims of that town as the most suitable place for the National Library. Mr. A. Stephens—I move that we support Aber- ystwith—out of the world. Did you ree that car- toon in the Western Mail," Out of the World" (laughter). A letter was read from the officials of the Ivor- ites Lodge, held at the New Inn, asking the Coun- cil to use their influence with the magistrates in support of the renewal of the licence of that pub- lic house. They stated that their lodge had met at the New Inn during the past 60 years. The letter was laid on the table as not in any way concerning the council.
THE MEXICAN HAIR j' RENEWER. I Is not a die. Prevents Hair falling off. Reotoreei it to ita natural colour. Prevents Dandruff, and is The best Renewer known. Should be on every Toilet-Table. Of all Chemists and Hairdresserll Price 3s 6d per bottle. [447
—M——————■——|———— I GOSSIP FROM UAKDILO. I [Br "LYNX."] I "THEY SAY" That never before in the annals of local elec- tions was so much canvassing indulged in at Llan- dilo as on the occasion of these last Guardians' elections. The reason for this is not far to seek, for candidates offered themselves for election who had absolutely nothing to recommend them to the consideration of the ratepayers. No public meet- ings were held—to the advantage of a few no doubt. Of the candidates selected, this is about all that can be said of their qualifications Mr. Homfray Davies is a bank manager, ought to make a good financier, and look after the rates if anything. Mr. D. E. Williams is note d for his good stockings, may make a good councillor, it's quite possible. Mr. D. Stephens is a chemist, one of the five in the drug trade at Llandilo he is an old member, and so is Mr. Rees Griffiths. Mr. David Evans, general merchant, Crescent Road, is one of the new blood." A man of good business capacity, a Congregationalist. One of the Rev. W. Davies's disciples at the New Chapel, ought to make an ideal councillor, and be a good acquisi- tion to the Board. He will look after the rates well. being of an economical turn of mind. Mrs. Edith Roberts adds yet another to the number of women who have already found favour with the ratepayers at Llandilo. She is the wife of Mr. E. A. Roberts, and a Churchwoman, who, I be- lieve, now goes to the Methodists. As usual, the Nonconformists are in good majority on the Coun- cil. The surprise of the election is the rejection of Mr. Evan Jones, an old and tried member, who has represented the ratepayers on the Council for a considerable number of years. That the Liberal women of Llandilo are now talking of inaugurating a Women's Liberal As- sociation for the town and district, on the same lines as the old Association, founded many years ago by Miss Katie Jenkins (now Mrs Freeman, of Swansea), when vice-chairman of Llaneadock School- Board. Whatever of the capacity of a woman as a pub- lic speaker, I must admit that they are a greater success as-canvasseris than ever any man can hope to be. When women go out canvassing they wear their most winning smiles, talk so sweetly, and can be so very pleasant (almost unnaturally so) for the time being. Under these circumstances it is not to be wondered at that a woman often suc- ceeds and makes headway where a coarser fibred man would often stumble. Women are making headway these days with a vengeance. Last week the Bill for granting women the right and privilege of being elected on the county councils and other important bodies including Parliamentary representatives, passed its second reading in the House of Commons. Women have entered the ministry; there is a lady pastor of an Unitarian Church in one of the Midland towns. Women are now elected as deacons (among the Nonconformists even), and sit in the big seat-" set fawr." The late Dr. Joseph Parker, the greatest Non- conformist divine of his time, started life as a mason. However, one day while descending the ladder, he threw down his empty hod and ex- claimed: "God Almighty never meant Joseph Parker to be a mason, and he ain't going to carry lime and build houses any more." Later on he became a school teacher and started preaching. He attributed his success in life to his wife, whom he looked upon as an angel, and a God-send. Divorce proceedings are so prevalent these days, and the daily press seems so full of such corrupt cases as to make the marriage ceremony appear as a mere blasphemy. In the face of the present state of society (or what is known as such), it is refreshing to recall Charles Darwin's account of his married life. He expresses himself thus: I marvel at my good fortune that she, so infinitely my superior in every single moral quality, consented to be my wife. She has been my wise adviser and bright and cheerful companion through life." It needs a clever man to discover the good and divine quali- ties of a woman! A Sunday school class was asked what did Adam first set in the garden of Eden ? Of course it was his foot, but the whole class had no idea what it could be I At a Revival meeting the other evening the pastor, at the close of the service, asked those who were for Christ, and anxious to go to Heaven, to stand. The whole congregation (minus a man who was fast asleep) stood. He then asked those who were not for Christ to stand. This man, now disturbed from his sleep, stood up, and eyeing the congregation ventured to remark that you and I are going to the other place, but I am glad I am not going there alone, he added, but with the min- ister!" The following are inscriptions copied from tomb- stones here and there:- "Yma gorwedd Lettuce Haggar, Obry yn isel In y ddaear, Os carar'r bead fel y carodd y gwely, Hi fydd rhy ddiweddar i adgyfodi. Two sweeter babes you ne'er did see Than God Almighty gave to we, But they were taken with awful fits, And here they lies as dead as nuts." The Labour candidate mentioned as likely to oppose Mr. Abel Thomas, K.C., in East Carmar- thenshire, is Mr. Alfred Onions. Whatever this constituency is, it certainly is not a Labour one, and the electons will never swallow the doctrines propounded by Onions! Sir John Williams as a politician is an interest- ing study. Not long ago Sir Michael Foster. M.P. for London University, threatened to resign as Conservative member because he did not feel he could support the present Government in the Edu- cation Bill before it at the time, and which has since become law. Sir John Williams promised to stand as Unionist candidate and supporter of the Government. However a canvass of the voters gave Sir Michael a majority, thus saving aii,election. Last week, at Carmarthen, Sir John Williams was on the platform as a supporter of Mr. W Llewelyn Williams, one of the Liberal candidates for the Carmarthen Boroughs (who is intensely Radical) at a. meeting he held to foster his candidature. It is a fact which cannot be gainsaid that often- er than not we find two or three Liberal candi- dates fighting the same constituency. This never happens with the Conservatives. Then we never find a Tory candidate trying to sneak a safe seat from another Conservative, as we find the Liberals doing in Carmarthen Boroughs for instance.
We regret to learn that the Rev. Geo. Huntington, M.A., the aged rector of Tenby, lies very ill at Bath. NEW EDITION OF TENNYSON.—The well-known pub- lisher, W. Heinemann, who lately gave the public a first-rate edition of Shakespeare in neat sixpenny volumes, bound in green cloth, is now issuing a care- fully printed edition of Tennyson in the some form. The volumes already issued include The Idylls of the King," Maud," In Memoriam," English Idylls," Early Poems," and The Princess." "LINSEED COMPOUND" of 38 years' proven Efficacy for Cougha andcqldg, 9icl aiad 13id.
NEWCASTLE-EMLYN. BOARD OF GUARDIANS.—This Board met on Fri- day. Present: Ald. J. Lewis, Meiros Hall (chair- man); Alr. B. Davies, Blaenythan, and Mr. E, Thomas, Coedllwyd (vice-chairmen) Mrs. Evans, Esgair, Pen bryn Mr. W. J. Wallis Jones, Pen- oader; Mr. T. T. Jones, Gellyfaharen; Mr. J. Jones, Llwynbedw, Bo neat h Mr. W. Marks Pen- yrallt; Mr. D. Davies, Maengwyn; Mr. J. Powell Blaenbarau Mr. J. Davies, Pontgareg; Mr. T. Williams, Pontbren Mr. D. Lewis, Frondeg; Mr J. C. Jones (V.S.), Newcastle-Emlyn; Mr. T. Davies, Bronwion Mr T. Morris, Cefnmaesmawr; Mr. D. Thomas, Felincwm; Mr. J. Rees, Plas. newydd; Mr. T. Bowen, Pencwarau; Mr J. Griffiths, Gwndwn; Mr. J. H. Evans, Penrallt- fachnog; Mr. J. Jones, Bwlchclawdd; Mr. G. Davies, Alltycordde; Mr. D. Davies, Dolau- 1 Air. T. Davies, Cilweunyddfawr; Mr. D M. Davies, Clunfelin Mr. T. Thomas, Pen- wern; Mr. W. Jones, Pencraigwen.; Mr. J. Davies Abereinon and Mr. D. T. George (clerk).—The Clerk reported that there was a balance of £1,084 13s. Id. in the hands of the Treasurer, bearing in- terest on the sum above £.300.-It was proposed by Mr. Evans, Penra'lltfachnog, seconded by Air. Jones, Bwlchclawdd, and agreed, that the thanks of the Board be tendered to the Rev. E. Phillips (C.M.), for conducting religious service for the in- mates. It was proposed by Mr. Jones, Pencraig- wen, seconded and agreed, that Mr. J. C. Jones, V.S., Newcastle Emlyn, and Mr. J. Davies, Pont- gareg, should superintend the weighing of coal a the station for the use of the Workhouse. LLANDYSSUL RURAL DISTRICT COUNCIL.—This Council met on Friday at the Workhouse. Pre- sent: Mr. B. Davies, Blaenythan (chairman); Mr. T. Davies Bronwion (vice-chairman); Mrs Evane. Esgair; Mr. T. T. Jones, Gellyfaharen; Mr. J. Davies, Abereinon Mr. G. Davies, Alltycordde; Mr. J. Jones, Bwlch -Ilr. J H. Evans, Penralltfachnog j Mr. D. Davies, Maengwvn • Mr .J Re-es, PlasnoiN-ydd; Mr. D. Thomas, Felincwm r Mr. T. Morris, Cefnmaesmawr; Mr. J. Powell, Blaenbarau Mr. D. Davies, DolatieNt-ei-chyr; Mr. i Gtiffiths, Gwndwn Mr. T. Evans and Mr. E. I Thomas, stirv ot-m; Mr. J Bowen, inspector of nuisances; and Mr. J. Evans, clerk.—The Sur- veyors read over their monthly reports. Mr. Evans was of opinion that it would be useless to negotiate m respect of Penfedw Quarry for the sake of better terms. It was unanimously agreed for Mr. Evans to find the best quarry at the most reasonable terms.—A long letter was read from the County Council in respect to taking over the road from Cwmcoy to Gogerddan Arms. As the terms were not quite clear it was agreed that the surveyor should ascertain exaotly what the County Council require.—It was proposed by Mr. j j Davies, Bronwion, seconded by Mrs. Evans, EB- gair, and unanimously agreed, to petition in favour of Aberystwith as the most suitable place for a library for Wales.-Mr. J. Bowen read his lengthy report. He had fumigated a house at Henllan after scarl et fever. For the purpose of lessening epidemic diseases he advocated the clos- ing of poor cottages. PHTTT SESSIONS. -A meeting of the magistrates was held at the magistrates' room on Friday laet TherH were present: Mr. A. H. Jones, Penrallt: Col. and Capt. Lewes Llysnewydd; and the IWv. W. Powell.-P.S. W. Harries charged Thomas Thomas, Halfway House Inn, Capel Evan, with keeping a dog without a licence. Fined Is. and I THI ie same complainant charged John Jones Penboyr, with a similar offence. Joined Is and costs.-P.C. R. Davies charged DI. F? P<?yrgaib, Cilrhedyn, with working an "?? nced chaffcutter. Fine? Is and costs.-Same complamant charged D. Davies, Blaenfforest, with a similar offence. Fined Is. and costs.-P.C. R. Davies charged W. Jenkins, Llandyfriog, with being drunk while in charge of two horses. Fined El, including costs.-P.C. R. Davies charged T. Tirdref, and W. Evans, Charles Street, both in the town of Llandyssul, with riding their cycles without lights. Both were fined Is. and costs. Mr. J. A. Byrne, Excise officer, charged H Davies, of SYant, and E. Jones, Fronfelen, with using exe ted dogs for sporting. P.S W Harries and P.. H. Davie. proved P S W?: Mr. Davies was defended by Mr. E. George, ooJ- icitor Both were found guilty and fined Ll each rT?? ?°St J"" P J. 1,1?yd, of Gi'fachw?' Handyssu charged James Davies, Pantyforyn, U- I David Davies, of Pandy Mill, Pentrecourt ?" ?'.? in Private waters, part of the river Tivy. E'inedlR. each and costs.-The licence of T Rpo' c'V k Cottage Inn, Felindre, was transferred from 1. Hughes to J Thomas, the present occupier. LINUM CATHARTICUM PILLS Purely Vegetable. Agreeably Aperient. Of all Chemists.
Detailed Lists, Results and Guides
Week day 8UDday n '' a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. a. in. ud. i.m .m., ]p.m a.m. p.m. ..m. a.m Pr, adIdjflngt. on .19 16 cl8 0 5 30 9 0 M90—?:noM35'33!)4!e9Kt-n Gloucester ..194?— I 6B6— v 50 — E. 2 6 — 12 46 — 8 05 Bristol 13 55 — 5 55 8 87; 10 40 1 — — 2 a 9 8o! 2 46 — 12 6& — New od 2 2 I efIb 53 a 87 ? 10 do! 1-56, ?3. M? <of e 19 12 6 6 18 do 9 50, is & 3 go, i so? 6 a 2'518 Car'lirr ,I "— | 7 1669i I 8 ?3? 1 10 54 1 9 « 8 i ■ 4 £ T 5 6f so soI ? &M h. 8 31 10 54 1 ? M I a ? z sTi 5 5f1 I 3 156 45 ..3 42 6 0 8 3W 9 16 11 39; 1 62. g- 3 83 6 12; & 6T1 3# 3 4810 60 7 33 a 30< 9 16 11 39 l M & ea t ? 6 40; 7 3" 3 4910 M T 33 Swauses .1 3 45 15' 8  93 11  2  ij I' 3 33 4 0 5  6 M? T  9 5 9 5 3 4M1 5 7 45 Landore 4 4 8 4 8 M 9 1 2 0] 2 22 6, S? 45 4 B 6 14 5 36? 7 Si' 8 15 9 10 4 411 19 8 0 H&neUy 42983491?1018 1933963? ? 4 u!4406?6Ti 7 M 8 tV 4 8911 49 8 33 Pembrey 18 ?3 10 2 H 43 3 0 I i 4 M 6 6  8  8 M  Kldweiiy 8  j00 39' 12 43] 3 4 ill 6B1 8 43 r 8 54, 12 W 3 I 4 60 6 • 6 17 8 6 8 56 2 9 8 M Kldwealildje 9 2 10 47 1 2 U 910 £ § 1 6 5 S 1 8 6 sa 9 8 1118 9 1 Kidwelty 8 16' 12 1* 9 1 Carmarthen M. 6 916 94611 lj 11 1 a5 4 41 6 25 6 52 9 36 J CMrn?rthan dep.44B— 9MH8t 130 340 ?— y 0! — CMmMthenJano. 6 0 — O l, — — — I I 21 ? I 10 Hi 6 019 30 113 Barnaa. 10 01180 135 3 eo I *19! I I "ió 8am?. 18 0 siiso 14? ?3M 60 5 9) 7 9li ?1"0? U 6 e Ouiiaa3w 0 e9?l3 _Oie<Hra ar. 5 30 — 10 2011 42 1 57 1 10 6 18 — 7 84 6 80 9?39 SBt?. -!S =N!g"" ?S g= S! I ? = 9 41 Hav,erfozdwes 6 10 ;11 0 I 2 40: 1 I 60 8 iii, I 10 66 101- 10 18 &SS?'" E? = ii? ;? I s= S? M"?- ?S N*W Mlllord M 640-?11 96 1 310? 1615 SM' |U 16 6 40 1040 Not on Monday morning A train loaves Llanelly lor Carmarthen at 7.45 a.m. on Saturdays only. I A train will leave Swansea at 9 30 p m, arriving at Pembrey at 1018 p m oa Taesdrfyi Ael Saturdays only Printed and Published by THE WELSIDUN" NEWS- PAPER AND STEAM PRINTING COMPANY, LOOTBD, at 123, Lammas-street, in the Parish of St. Peter, in the County of the Borough of Carmarthen, Friday, April 7th, 1905.
CARMARTHEN INTERMEDIATE SCHOOLS. I A special meeting of the managers of the Car- marthen Intermediate Schools, held in the Guild- hall, Carmarthen, last week, was presided over by Mr. Charles Lloyd, Waunifor, and there were also present: The Rev. J. Marsden, Llanllwch; the Rev. W. W. Lewis, Zion Mr. John Lewis, Ar-y- bryn; Mrs. H. E. B. Richards, Castle House; Mrs J H. Thomas. Quay Street; Miss Griffiths, Pen- llwyn Park Mr. James John, Picton Terrace; Mr J. Lloyd Ponybank Mr. J. P. Lewis; and the Clerk (Rev. D. J. Thomas). Mr. J. Lloyd had given notice to move the re- cission of various resolutions with reference to the capitation fees to be paid to the Headmaster j and Headmistress, and also that relating to the discontinuance of the girls' school as a school of science; further to move that at the earliest date possible the girls' school be re-constituted as a school of science. That the following resolution passed on June 11th, 1894, be rescinded: That the ordinary school fee at the boys' school be £ 5 •5s. a year." And that for the future the fee for |j boys be £4. 4.: a year. Principal Evans, a member of the Managing Committee, sent the following letter Green Hill, Carmarthen, March 27th, 1905. Dear Sir,- Kindly convey to the managers my apologies for not attending to-day's important meeting. Hav- ing taken part in so many discussions respecting the proposed science school, I feel I may fairly de- cline further controversy. But there is one ques- tion on the agenda which is new, and which I hope the managers will carefully consider in its bear- ing on the honour of public bodies. Some months ago the County Education Committee invited our headmaster and headmistress to undertake addi- ticnal duties at the school, in connection with the pupil teachers' centre at increased salaries of £ 50 and jE40 respectively and now on the initiative of one of those who were responsible for that ar- rangement, it is proposed to take away from the headmaster, by a re-arrangement of the Capita- tion fees, the f:50 which was given him specifically for extra work. Whatever the economists on our body may have to say, I can certainly be no party to such methods of procedure. On the general question, I think that the salaries of the head teachers at the Carmarthen schools are by no means excessive in view of their academical at- tainments, and the work they have to do, and this particularly true of the headmaster, who is almost by the terms of his appointment, a married man, and has a large official residence to maintain, at a cost out of all proportion to its usefulness to him. If £50 must be found for the reduction of the school fees, it should oome. surely, out of a public and not a private purse.—Yours faithfully, Walter J. Evans." In proposing his motion, Mr. Lloyd said they must not forget that those schools were rate- payers' schools, and i-t-,A-as their duty as managers to manage the schools according to the wishes and in the interests of the ratepayers of the district. They spent JC133 more last year than their in- come in maintaining the schools, and that despite the fact that they were bleeding the parents to the tune of £ 5 5s. a year in tuition fees. That wa.- El Is. more than paid in any other school in the county, and in face of the fact that they had in grants something like £ 1,200 a year. That anamoly was more apparent and more glaring when they remembered that there were private venture schools in the county whose only source of income was fees, where they did not charge more than 4 guineas per year. There they were with an income of £1,200 a year in grants behind their backs, charging 5 guineas. Carmarthen schools were the most excessively worked schools in the county. Compared with Llanelly, which was a fair comparison, they found that whereas in. Carmarthen the per boy pupil worked out at JE16 5s., at Llanelly boys' school the cost per pupil worked out at E9 17s Id. The pupils in Lian" ly girls' school cost JE9 19s. 7d., and in Carmarthen £ 11 11s. 8d. Then, again, the headmaster of Car- marthen received JE4 14s. 9d. per pupil, and if they added the house, which was rent free, it came to 1!5 14s. 9d. The salary of the headmaster at Llanelly worked out at JE3 3s. 2d. per pupil, and the salary of the mistress worked out at £ 3 66. Id. They would, therefore, see that there was a great dfference between thei salary of the headmaster of Carmarthen school, and the salary of the head master of Llanelly school. In order to meet the great deficiency in their working expenses there was no other alternative than to increase the fees of the pupils, which would spell disaster to the masses of the district, although possibly higher fees might bring joy to the hearts of some people who had an idea that that school should be worked in the interest of one particular class of the com- munity at the expense of the ratepayers in general Mr J P Lewis considered that in the interests of the working classes of the tow», and in the inter- ests of the children, he was justified in seconding the motion. Rev. J. Marsden said it would be a bad thing for the school if the master's salary was reduced. If that motion was brought forward on the resig- nation of the master he would be thoroughly with Mr. Lloyd, but it was a difficult matter to reduce a salary which was at present in existence. There was a good deal of what was called human nature about them all, and reducing one's salary did seem to have a strong tendency to dishearten the man, and a disheartened man was not a very good work- man. That was his only objection to the scheme. The Chairman disapproved of the motion, and said personally he would rather have larger fees, and give more money in scholarships and bur- saries that would mean that those who really needed bursaries would have had larger bursaries given them. These being so small at present, it made people think that they might just as well not be given, and therefore they were given a little bit too freely. He thought everyone of them would allow that people when they asked for bursaries had been given them without the man- agers having gone sufficiently deep into the matter and they took money from people who were really in need of them. He pointed out that they had an agreement with the headmaster for such and such a salary, and if they passed that motion that agreement would be broken. The County Educa- tion Committee were going to give the headmaster another JE50 on account of the pupil teachers' centre. If Mr. Allen was too well paid, why did the Education Committee do that? They must have thought he was worthy of it before they would have offered it him. He should certainly vote 4igainst the motion, as he was of opinion that there should lie a uniform rate of fees chargeable throughout the three counties. That would be the only satisfactory solution, but as they had en- tered into an agreement with the headmaster he did not think it fair to dock him of E50. It was an agreement to which he felt responsible. 'After some further discussion the motion was carried by six votes to two. Mr. Lloyd then moved his second motion for a school of science, reiterating his arguments in favour of the re-constitution, the principal being that the school would earn an extra grant of about klOO a year. The Chairman said he was afraid he was an old fossil, but he must vote against the motion. He did not like to see all boys and girls of the same pattern. Mr. John Lewis seconded. He believed science should be taught as formerly because now if a girl wanted to go in for her B.C.'s she would have to go elsewhere for the training. [r. James John—I have always supported this proposition, and I am going to support it to-day. The motion was put to the meeting and carried nem. con. Mr. John Lloyd then moved his third motion with respect to the reduction of the fee. He was in favour of free education in secondary schools and universities, because heavy fees prohibited many brilliant boys and girls from reaching the top rung of the ladder. He hoped the day was not far distant when they would see the son of the future Mayor of Carmarthen sitting alongside the son of his father's coachman—(laughter)—and the son of the High Sheriff of that ancient bor- ough—(laughter)—sitting by the son of his father's gardener in the same secondary school or university, both working for the same examina- tion, and competing for the same prize. The Chairman—They do now sometimes. Mr. John Lewis seconded. Rev. J Ma.rsden-I did not second because I am an interested party (laughter). I have two children in the school, and so shall save my pocket (laughter). Mr. John Lewis said that if they got 20. pupils to the school it would mean £ 85. The Chairman said that he felt out of place, in the chair, because again he could not go with Mr. Llo d. Ever since the fees were first made there had been a tendency to increase. Mr. J P. Lewis said that he was sent there that day to support Mr. Lloyd. He could bring dozens of parents from the town who bitterly complained of the prohibitive fee. There were too many extras all the time. Mr. James John did not see how j61 was going to stop parents sending children to the school. Mr. John Iloyd-I have known cases where brothers and sisters in service have come to the rescue and helped their parents to pay the pro- hibitive fee for a brother or sister. fla a year was a great consideration to many. The Chairman-I sincerely hope Carmarthen school will fill. Mr. Lloyd—By bringing the fee down to four guineas we are now coming down to the level of Llandilo and Llandovery. Seven voted for the motion, which was carried.
PRIORDY (CARMARTHEN) AND THE RE- I VIVAL. [To THE EDITOR OF THE WELSHMAN.J,1 I SIR, Very apt in these days are the following verses :—" Remember the days of old, consider the years of many generations; ask thy father, and he will shew thee, ask thy elders and they will teach thee." "And when the Lord saw it, he abhorred them, because of the provoking of his sons and of his daughters. They sacrificed but not to the God who had sustained them in the past, but to gods whom they knew not, to new gods that newly came up, whom their fathers knew not. The reference in a recent issue to the Priordy revival, and the suggested excommunication of the poor publicans' widows prompts two ques- tions Has the Church chosen a new God and a new Christ.? Is its mission to call sinners to repentance, or to refuse them? It would be well to bear in mind that Christ did not found any religious sect, so that Priordy is on a par with other churches in that respect, and it is only a small organisation which ought to have for its ?J?ct the propagation of the simple truths oiof t^ he Christian religion, and its adaptability to the present generation, but what do we find there? The idea that church membership is an end in itwlf, instead of being the means to an end, and that end ought to be the realisation of the Divine Fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of man. No one doubts that the liquor traffic, when abused is a curse, but will any sane person deny that smoking, dancing, gluttony, pride, and mam- mon worship are not curses also when indulged in. But I seriously think that any person who sug- gested excommunicating bankers, grocers, jewel- lers, tobacconists, butchers, fancy drapers, etc., simply because they trade in things that are being abused, would be considered a worthy inmate of a. spacious building, conveniently situated in the vicinity of Carmarthen. When a woman caught in adultery was brought to Christ, he did not condemll her, but quietly re- buked her accusers, and asked them Let him who is without fault pick up the stone and cast it at her." The result was rather startling. Her accusers all fled. In the face of such an example it behoves us to ask: Is excessive drinking or rather traffic in liquor the only sin that remains among the church members at Priordy ? If not, let them think of the little stone which played havoc with the Phar- isees of old, and possibly they may know them- selves better, and also see some virtue even in plfblioan's widows. It would also assist them to give credit to the stubborn deacons, who fail to agree with the new order of things, that they are also sincere, and true to their convictions. Apart from any other consideration, is it likely that the Temperance cause would benefit from such a course? I am quite unable to realise that it would, even if the persons in question disposed of their licences, because it would only remove the frequenters of their houses to other places, pos- sibly under the control of persons who are them- selves addicted to the drink. From the tone of your report, Mr. Editor, the ladies in question bear exemplary characters, so that considering their temptations and environments Priordy Church ought to be very proud of the fact, and ought to redouble her efforts to secure other and less fortunate landlords to join their society. Remove such characters from our public-house bars, and replace them by persons who have not sufficient self-respect to seek church membership, and what will be the result? If it would be a gam to Temperance, then sooner the better the churches are closed. Christ emphasised that that which enters a man cannot defile him, but rather the things that proceed from within a man, viz., evil thoughts, covetousness, wickedness, deceit, pride and foolishness, and as those weaknesses are found more or less in all churches, and cannot be detected by human observation, can we do better than act on Paul's advice? "Let each man ex- amine himself, and so let him eat of that bread, and drink of that cup, and if any one does so un- worthily, he shall be guilty of the body and blood of our Lord and will duly receive his punishment." At a recent Revival meeting I heard a pastor state that he had not realised the grand me6sage of Christianity until he came in contact with mem- bers of the Pentecostal League, but that he had now been brought into new realms of spiritual reality. He attributed his failure in the oast to the desire of capturing prices, and attaining scholastic distinction. To him evidently such prizes and honours were as much of a curse as the drink is to the poor drunkard, but has he made an effort to remove those stumbling blocks from the rising students, who have every inducement to err in the manner that he did? If not, let us hope that he will do so, and also advocate the closing of Carmarthen College, or be a little more charitable towards persons less fortunate in their spiritual and worldly blessings than he now M. That the true Revival and Reformation spirit will soon permeate Priordy Church is the wish of CllWY-DRYN. [This letter should have appeared last. week, but did not arrive until we were overcrowded.— ED.]
Detailed Lists, Results and Guides
DISTRICT COUNCIL ELECTIONS, I LLANELLY (No. 1 WARD).-W. Wilkins, 66o; J Simlett (Lab.), 518. Non-elected: Aaron Stone Ùl BUBBY PORT.-J. B. Williams (P.), 397; H J. Brown (P.), 330; Rev. J. H. Rees (P.), 318 W. Howell (P.), 275; Thomas Evans (Ch. and C.), 245. Non-elected: R. T. Hammond (P.), 184; W. M. Griffiths (Ch. and C.), 163 D. Hugh (P." 157 E. Evans (P.), 147 J. Eager (P.), 95. LLA.NDILO.-D. R. H. Davies, bank manager, 281; E. Williams, hosiery manufacturer, 278; R. Griffiths' smith, 221; D. Stephens, chemist, 199; D. Evans: general merchant, 189. Non-elected E. Jones, tailor' 183 T. H. Powell, 164; J. Hurley, licensed victualler' 138; H. G. Phillips, 110., LLANDILO GUARDIAlqS- -Edith Jane Roberts, married' 256. Non-elected Letitia Phillips, married, 168. AMMANFORD. *David Drynffin, gentleman 426 William Jones, draper, 359; *Evan Evans, check- weigher, 352 Benjamin Richard Evans, draper. 313; *Henry Davies, carpenter, 288. '-Noii-elected: David George, miner, 267 'Samuel Callard, chemical manu- facturer, 197. facturer, 197. -*Mr T. H. Lewis, 183 *MrB. Havard 150 *Mr H. Lewis, 149 Mr John James, 132. Non- elected Mr W. E. Jenkins, 131 Mr D. Phillips, 106. MILFOBD HAVEN.—"Dr Griffith, 496 Dr Davies, 476 *George Cole, 437; W. Walkley, 378; *W. Hire, 294. Non-elected: OW. J. Gill, 249 A. S. Chugg, 237 OH. J. Evans, 216. NEYLAND.— W. Davies, 252 *Capt. Sharpe, 201 R. Jenkins, 186 *G. E. Carrow, 182; *W. E. Drake, 162. Non-elected William Williams, 159; C Lewis, 147; Wm. Gwilyta, 113; Trinder, 100; *W. Evans, 70.
Detailed Lists, Results and Guides
GREAT WESTERN RAILWAY. Week day Sunday UP. aep. a.m, a.m. a.m a.m. «.m.'a.m, p.m. p.m. p.m. B.n.'p.m 1P.Mip.m. m a.m pm p.m. NewMiUord j — 8 901 i !10 36j 1 0i j 4 40 630 & 40 10 30 6 80 MiUord. — — 610? 10 2S MM 1 14 4 30 62M — I — — I HaTerfordweet — — 8 43, ?10 £ 8 — I 1 84,! I /5 7 65 j 6 Cy IT5, z 6 64 CiyDderwea 9 8 ?18? 118; i I 5 34 716 « 11 15! 7 16 Wh1and — 9 n' H 47 9 61 3 54 5 56 730 ? ?ll 26 '80 6.. Clean — -'9 6 9 37 ?12 3 9 18 '6 610?« 5 !n38 — T« Carmarthen ?9 17 9 47! Samaa. — — 9 17 947 112 19 — I 837 4 16 6 20? ? — 111 45 — Carmarthen ar. — 9 30; 9 59 12 241 a 39 4 28 693: 815 "2 — — — Carmarthen dep. T la 8 11011 10 5 10 16 12 32 1 10 24r, 1 4 33 6 401 746 ? — I — I — Carmarthen Jane. ,834 I I 1 I 83 0 7 42 11 68 6 5! 8 3 Carmarthen Juno. 6 241 !10 23 1 !9 9 67 4 47 6 54 -13 19 5 19? FaMaide 7 37 8 17? m ?io 36 1 39 3 ,I 4 67 7 4 12 20 5 B7 Pembre, 7 47/8 69) & 10 461' :I 1811 6 7? 7 14/ 9 35 119301' 6 871 7 411 9 8 1529? i S 10 n 10 58 1 5| 1 67 3 30 5 90 7, 7 28 836 9 47 8 14 1119 2 30! 5 5 By?' Landore l r 41 ? 6 #8 i S "io Pembrey ar. 7 67i I Il 0 11 30 1 33 9 99 4 4/ 5 60 8 1 9 2 21 0 16 $401 1 14 6 21; 9 1 8wu188 ar. 68 451 'o "o •« 11 221" 1 40 ? ? 1 63?9 40' 4 SO 6 6 es 2 o i,15 1' 0 27 8 66 1 So! 686 9 16 Neath ? I 8 5110 18 11 22 11 08 1 65 3 3; 4 97) j 6 11 8 2311 924 8 68 1 46 6 60 9 84 B?ri'd?ge' nT d .? 99?ai? 06.? g 11661337 a j 3 35! 6 7' 6 6a 9 10 957 9 30 9 67 9 ga io sr, 5512'9 1 i 3 35t 6 1' 162 9 io? 9r)y 66 230, — 9 24 Newport ar. I0 1718 32j 12 90 1 is2 57? 4 ii 6 11 1 so 9 53- Ion 9 56 3 28 -11 Lo 17 12 3 I, 824' 4 34 6 29' 8 I (12 0 10,19 4 11- 10 69 sorr. 11 so 230 ? 3 "51  r.,o 9 50 1 iils2 iD o 111 1 268 5 5 51 556 5 19 0 8 30 6 45 7 55 9 60 I i 189810 0 8 80 — I — 8 30 Gloucester lLr. ? I i go 6t 0 go I '?8 80 11 46 -MO 9M-a3c
CARMARTHEN EDUCATION COMMITTEE. TO THE EDITOR OF THE "WELSHMAN." 6IR re" I given in your issue of to-day of what passed between Mr. H. W. Thomas 1a? myself at the recent meeting of the Carmarthen Borough Education Committee is so inaccurate in some relSpecU; that I write at once to correct it. The r^J?ort says: Miss Spurrell said she was the only Church member prc?sent and she blankly contradicted the statement. She challenged any- one to name a single case of a parent or child who had been thus approached." What I really said was that as I was the only Church member,of that Committee who visited the schools I could only suppose Mr. Thomas referred to me. To this he replied: I do mean you." I then told him that I contradicted the statement entirely, I and that I challenged him to name any parent or child whom I had tried to influence, or any person to whom I had given information on the matter. I take this opportunity of reiterating what I said at the meeting. I strongly resent the im- putation that I have taken advantage of my position as a member of the Committee in order to attempt to get the children of Churchmen trans- terred to the Priory Street Schools, and I now call upon Mr. Thomas to forthwith prove his charge against me, or to withdraw it. I am having a copy of this letter sent to Mr. Thomas. J am, yours truly, I EDITH SPURRELL. I EDITH SPU Ri-ELL. I 38, King Street., Carmarthen. 31st March, 1905. I'
-1 to ] I I [To THE EDITOR OP THB WELSHMAN."] I IR,-liss Sptii-roll has, through her solicitor, I Mr. T. W. Barker, forwarded me a copy of a letter she states has been sent to you in reference to the report of the proceedings of the last Borough Education Committee. Allow me to confirm the acouracy of your report, and to say that Miss Spurrell put words into my mouth which were never uttered by me, in fact her report has been through the process Known as "trimming." With regard to her challenge, any future action on my part will be taken at the proper time and place. Yours, etc., H. W. THOMAS. I
[To THE EDITOR OF THE "WELSHMAN."] Siit,-The brilliant and scathing contribution, signed "Crefydd bur heb Ragrith," which ap- peared in your issue of the 31st ult., has, I think, afforded considerable satisfaction to a large sec- t,ion of the public of Carmarthen, because whilst palpably intended as a condemnation of divers sensational developments at the Priordy, it acute- ly diagnoses the bogus Revival spirit now preval- ent in other Churches in this neighbourhood. Un- happily the present religious upheaval has pro- duced a class of self-opinionated, rude, and vin- dictive persons, whose influenoe has been the means of bringing a measure of ridicule and con- tempt upon the movement which by the-exercise of wisdom and firmness on the part of Church officers, might have been avoided, and it is sad indeed to think that good discipline and the spirit of reverence have been so long outraged wi?Elr"it any protest from sober-minded, sensible members. We fl?arn that a "leader" at Priordy described certain members as idiots. leader forsooth Why, such offensive conduct proved at once that the person was absolutely devoid of that charity which is one of the fundamental elements of the Christian religion, and I conceive it to have been the bounden duty of the officials to have severely rebuked the culprit. Did they do so? In the interest of Welsh Nonconformity will you let us know by what process of logic men who six months ago were sodden in drink, mean and selfish in their habits, and spiteful, can now be held up to quiet, earnest people as characters to hold tip t?o J P Have their fellow-workmen and neighbours altered their opinion of the present 11 models." and is a life long reputation for ver- acity, honourable conduct in every-day life, faith- ful and unostentatious service in the Christian cause of no account? Again, can it be correct that "three or four have been publicly named as the only men in the possession of the new life? What mortal man dare make such an assertion, God only can read the human heart, and He cannot be deceived. Were it possible to say that only three or four members of the Church were saved, then the condition of the scores of others would be inexpressibly terrible. Professed Christ- ians, yet not of the elect! HumSle followers of the Master, but unacknowledged. Assuredly, as your correspondent remarks, this is not the faith that has shaped the destinies of our Fatherland. Despite the dicta of the men who now harass many little Churches, I choose to believe that our loving Father will not spurn the gentle, nor will he coun- tenance the petulent and noncharitable. In conclusion may I quote the words of the worthy Rev. Peter Price, of Dowlais, respecting the bogus Revival, Cerdd yn ol gnawdol dan." Young truly, HEN GIIEFTDDWR. Carmarthen, April 3, 1905. [It is not for lIS, nor, we think, for any human being to pass a dogmatic judgment on the'Revival. The fact that it has had some bad results at Priordy and elsewhere proves nothing one way or the other. The trouble may be less in the nature of the Revival than in the mistaken zeal of indi- vidual workers. All such'movements, it seems to us, are bound tc be abused so long as people hold a radically wrong idea of what conversion im- plies. Some people, when they experience con- version, think they have reached perfection, whereas the best of them have only reached the bare threshold of the spiritual temple, and ought to sit, metaphorically speaking, on a penitent form until months, or perhaps years have proved the reality of the supposed change in their char- acter. Growth in spiritual life is like every other form of growth in God's universe. It begins with the seed, and progresses slowly, sometimes stands still, and develops again by imperceptible degrees in spite of continual obstacles and attacks of de- termined enemies. Even in the case of that model convert, the Prodigal Son, the Father judged it necessary to apologise in a sense to the elder bro- ther for welcoming the younger back to the house. Don t," he said in effect, "grudge your poor heart-'broken brother a fatted calf when your pos- sessions are so great-ALL I HAVE IS THINE." Ac- cording to the notion of many of our modern con- verts, the Prodigal should have said: "Never mind, Father, I will take pos??ion of all that is thine, and we will provide for this stay-at-home idiot by giving him the fatted calf for his por- tion." -ED.]
HUBHARME Ullfl PENDINE NOTES. A movement is on Joot, I understand, to form a. farmers Club in this district. Several farmers have mentioned the matter in my hearing, urging that such a club would be of the utmost advant- age to the farming fraternity in the neighbour- hood. My humble opinion is heartily in favour of such an institution. It works well in other dis- tricts, and this being an entirely agricultural neighbourhood, the sooner the better that farmers and others put their heads together with a view of establishing one. I should like very much to get Mr. Ji,ditor s view on the subject. [The Editor's experience leads him to think that the club would very probably succeed, and do much good in the neighbourhood.—ED.] m?n\°f ? ?? members of Bwlchnewydd T.e^tli k • {\a"sse^ away at Brynonen on Sunday last week in the person of Mrs. Amy Hutchings, in her sixty-fifth year. Her mortal remains were in- tered ???chnewydd Burial-ground on the fol- lowmg 1hursdav, when Mr. W. Saer, Cross Inn, officiated. The Western Mail" of the 30th lilt. con- tained a note that motorists find it difficult to get suitable tracks where the speed of motor cars, etc.. I may ue tested. On the following day a letter ap- peared in the same paper by Mr Fred. J. Renfrey, lieacn Hotel, Pendine. suggesting a trial on the Pendine sands. The Secretary of the Motorists' Society has now decided to bring the matter up for discussion at their next meeting, after which there will probably be an omcial inspection of the noted sands in question. That the place ie well nadj ap^ ted for this there is not the slightest doubt so I am informed by several motorists, and the m-ondei- is, th £ y say, that the spot was not thought ^Q There is every likelihood, therefore that -in addition to the contemplated horse, foot, and bicycle races on the sands during the coming summer that there will also be motor car races, ,etc., which will be a monstre attraction to the place. As has been pointed out over and over again in Rinnan Pendine only requires to be  to Kk;no5°' and to be known would w?out the slIghtest doubt make it one of the tt r ?ay and P,easure resorts in the Kingdom. It behoves the inhabitants, there- Xfl™ 6' to fall into line, and with an united effort 5? "? ?? ? ? speedily make the place the most fre- by 6vPisi.^ tors, etc. By so doing they would have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Among the entire horses to travel this season in this district is the excellent two-year-old bob Ex- celsior the property of Mr. D. Davies, Brook Farm, Laugharne. "Excelsior" is out of that celebrated trotter Jenny by High Trotting Gamb- ler. Jenny s sire was that well-known cob Trot- ting Britton, and she is generally considered one of the finest trotters in the three counties. Ex- celsior," therefore, has a grand pedigree, and is himself a splendid mover, with fine actions and points, and is in all respects what may be rightly termed an excellent cob. Mr. Davies, I under- stand, does not intend travelling him this season but to serve at home only. Breeders would do well to see the horse before making their bargains. The Laugharne (Township) Parish Council held its annual meeting on Thursday evening last, Mr. It. H. Tyler (chairman) presiding, when the usual routine of business was transacted, after which a parish meeting was held, the same gentleman in the chair. The Rev. J. Thomas, vicar of Laugharne, as trustee of the respective charities connected with the town, produced his annual statement, which showed that in consequence of there having been a slight fall in consols there was a small deficiency this year. The Vicar's exhaustive report was con- sidered highly satisfactory, and a hearty vote of thanks was accorded him for attending. The rev. gentleman, in responding, said that he would be delighted to supply the parish as well with the re- port of the charities, but unfortunately he could never get to know when that body held its meet- ings.