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E. C 0 L B Y E V A N S. GUILDHALL SQUARE, CARMARTHEN. PIANOFORTES and ORGANS BY ALL THE LEADING MAKERS, INCLUDING Broadwood, Brinsmead, Collard, Hopkinson, Alexander, Bell, &c., FOR CASH OR ON AN EASY INSTALMENT SYSTEM. SPECIAL. ATTENTION GIVEN TO PIANOFORTE TUNING Patrons can with confidence entrust the most valuable Instruments to my care. Worn Pianos entirely renovated. Tone and Touch restored TUNER VISITS ALL PARTS PERIODICALLY. OLD PtANOS TAKEN IN EXCHANGE IN PART PAYMENT FOR NEW ONES. TOYS IN GrREAT VARIETY. A DISCOUNT of 2d. in the SHILLING allowed off all BOOKS not marked NETT. [9127 -.— The name COLQUHOUN has for the past twenty years stood for all COLQ.UHOUf<tJ I that is genuine in SCOTCH \VooLLEN Goons. They are guaranteed to be manufactured from pure wool only, and go through the various pro- I cesses to the nnitihed article in the mill, and under Mr. CoLQUHOUN'S GENUI_Nr ? E I supervision. BOX OF SAMPLES POST FREE, BOX OF SAMPLES POST FREE, ———————————————_ Containing a select range of LADIES' & GENTLEMEN'S TWEEDS, RUGS, BLANKETS, KNITTING WOOLS, Etc., latest styles and shades, will be sent on request. O??jL?? G???f?Tnr Anv length cut at Mill Prices. All Carriages Paid. Writefor Samples. — ——————————————————— TO WOOL GROWERS. TWEED S d WHAT DO YOU DO WITH YOCR WOOL? Do you make the most of it? TWEEDS and You can do this by sending it direct to my Mills and having itmanu- factured into any kind of Woollen Cloth. I have over 400 patterns, and pay carriage on all wool sent me. I send patterns post free for patrons KN ITTIN G to select which cloth and pattern they like their wool made into. — ? L A. COLQUHOUN (Dept. 105), ????- o facturer in Scotland YARNS WAUKRIGGMILL,GALASHIELS. AGEXT8 WANTED WHERE NOT REPRESENTED. L9644 SPECTACLES! SPECTACLES!! SPECTACLES" SONS, OPTICIANS, Mr. A. R. Davies, F.S.M.C. (Freeman of the Worshipful Company of Spectacle-makers, London), has made a special study of Visual Optics, and gained the above diploma. SIGHT CAREFULLY TESTED. IF AN OCUUSrS SERVICES ARE KEEDEO YOU W!LL BE PROMPTLY TOLD SO. AND NO CHM6E j WILL BE MADE. OCULISTS' PRESCRIPTIONS MADE UP WITH CARE. DAVIES c3Z,- SONS. OPTICIANS, 6, GUILDHALL SQUARE, CARMARTHEN. r4i2p NOW IS THE TIME. MOST IMPORTANT TO FARMERS. Give JENKtNS' PREPARATION for the Prevention of Black Leg or Murrain ("Chwarren") in Young Cattte. TIT L F- RF.GISTF-ct I: n F,A RIM'E R S'? Directions for using Jenkins' Farmers' Fortune. For CALVES of from six to eighteen months old :—Give in August or September, or even later, one drench to each calf in about a pint of warm gruel, keeping the calves without food for two hours before the drench and two hours after. In farms where the disease is very prevalent, the drench should be given twice a year, as directed above, about the end of May and September, &s well as bleeding a quart from each calf from six months to one year old. Bleeding is not abso- lutely necessary. Price-9d. per drench, or 9,. per dozen. Carriage paid. Not only is the drench useful in preventing the murrain, but is of the ereatest importance to prevent the calves from husk, hoose. or worm in the windpipe. This preparation has proved a success for the last twenty-eight years among farmers. COPY TESTIMONIAL. u I POSTY FARM, NARBERTH, August 12th, 1903. SIR,-Please send me three dozen drenches for my calves, as usual. I have proved them to be so good that I have not lost a single calf ever since I commenced giving them twenty years ago. Hoping that you will be abl to send them this month without fail. I remain, Yours faithfully, J. T. BUSHELL. Mr P. G. Jenkins, Whitland. POSTY J<ARM, NARBERTH, August 20th, 1903. SiR,—Your letter to hand. lamonlytoopleasedto allow you to make any use of my testimonial and name as you may think fit. I may also add that I have never lost a single calf through scouring, husk, nor murrain, after giving your drench. I remain, Yours faithfully, J. T. BUSHELL. Mr P. G. Jenkins, Whitland. & Prepared only by the Proprietor—P. G. JENKINS, WHITLAND. ? [9987 ?? ?Tr< t .?- A disease neglected inevitably means ?? tt i 3.Ken he&lth lost. No one can &ffofd to be M M ilL Sickness is costly, painful and ? 18 n daa?erous. When you commence to ? NM ) M?t?t i feel fun down, give N&ture a friendly ? M Jift. Help it to throw off the impurities ? N t!mf? that clog the system. There is nothing ? I1ke ,J- ø "P"I.\I- "r"r..r;¡\: "fi1S-¡' '8: ¡\r..1 J t' T" ? to put the Bowels in. good wording CQ'??? N?? ? order? to repair the Liver, to improve ??iVC ? the Digestion and banish Headache N N! and Insomnia. A few doses will make dangerous M you feel like yourself. Beccham?s OangerOHS ??t ? Pills will do this. They prove all ? ? M they claim. They save time, worry tilS N and I ??? Sold Everywhere tn Boxes, price tw. lid. (56 p::ts), and 9e. 9d. (t68 pills). ? ? ? A L B I ON HO US E, 47, KING STREET, CARMARTE' N. J. H. THOMAS,. BEGS TO INFORM HIS NUMEROUS PATRONS THAT HE IS NOW PREPARE 3HOW A FULL RANGE OF ?  NOVELTIES IN ALL DEPARTMENTS, ? HIGH-CLASS MILLINERY, JACKETS, MANTLES, SKIRT'31>(?;!S, GLOVES, LACES, &c., &c. ?? )F NOTED for HOUSEHOLD DRAPERY GOODS at MODERI, -.& PRICES. J. H. THOMAS. BE.REEVES. WATCHMAKER <& JEWELLER, 54A, KING STREET, CARMARTHEN. Large Stock of SOLID SILVER and BEST ELECTRO PLATE, suitable as WEDDING PRESENTS. 2VeM) Stock of Clocks just received, and marked at Low Prtces, from 2/6 to ;S20. Private Room for the Sate of Wedding Rings and Engagement Jeweiiery, <&c. I English Lever Watches from 30/- INSPECTION AND COMPARISON INVITED. TO THOSE ABOUT TO FURNISH OR RE-FURNISH. THE GUILDHALL FURNISHING Co. MANUFACTURERS, CARMARTHEN. -—————— t" ?.?? THE UP-TO-DATE FURNISHERS. t Before deciding to go out of Town, please give us a call. We make and j supply every Article of Furniture to suit all Classes, and at Prices equal to any London Warehouse. BLINDS, CARPETS, AND LINOLEUMS HUNG AND LAID BY EXPERIENCED MEN FREE OF Cl-lAnGE. PRACTICAL CABINET MAKERS, UPHOLSTERERS, AND FRENCH POLISHERS SENT OUT AT A MINUTE'S NOTICE. SENT OUT AT A MINUTE'S NOTICE. All Goods delivered Free in our own Vans. [9109 TO PARTIES FURNISHING. BEFORE DECIDING, DO NOT FAIL TO CALL AT DOWN & SON'S, WHERE YOU HAVE AN ENGRMOU8 STOCK TO SELECT FROM, AT PRICES WHICH CANNOT BE BEATEN. c, BEDROOM SUITES IN STOCK FROM £5 6s. to P.50. DINING & DRAWING ROOM do., P.4 10s. to P.40. r All Goods guaranteed sound and well made in fact, the durability of our Goods is a Household Word. tLLUSTRATED CATALOGUES FREE ON APPLICATION. CARPETS AND LINOLEUMS MADE AND FITTED FREE. Carriage Paid on all Orders above J&10, or delivered Free in our own Vans. STEAM CABINET WORKS 2219 HIGH STREET, & MORRIS LANE, SWANSEA, ESTABLISHED NEARLY HALF A CENTURY. Telephone No. 240. [6509 The Cure for Gout, Rheumatic Gout and Gravel. Safest and most The Universal Remedy for Acidity of the Gentle Medicine for; Stomach, Headache, Heartburn, Indigestion, Infants, Children, < ? Sour Eructations, Bilious ASections. Delicate Females, ? t and the??"? t!t ??? ? ? ??'??M!?BMa ?!W!??? ???N?EES?ESE 97171 FLOWING TIDE IS WITH THE ? FENIX." ONE WEEK'S SUCCESSES. A UG UST, 1904. SILVER MEDAL, Welsh National Show, Aberystwyth. SILVER MEDAL, Cheshire Agricultural Show. SILVER MEDAL, Lancashire Agricultural Show. Being the Highest and Onty Awards made to Creant Separators and Churns at each Show. FENIX holds the Record for Clean-skimming and Easy-running. Don't be misled by untrue statements to the contrary, but send for '1 estimonials from Users constantly coming in. G. LLEWELLIN & SON, .ROrjLZ, PRIZE CHURN WORKS, HAVERFORDWEST. T. P. HUGHES, OF TENBY'S ANNUAL SALE of DRAPERY Now proceeding, and continues until 65 EPT EM BER TIIE 117TH. The whole of the Stock, amounting to Many Thousands of Pounds' Worth of High-Wass Drapery Goods, will be offered at EXTRAORDINARILY LOW PRICES. In addition to Ordinary Stock, T. P. H. will offer many Clearing Lines recently purchased at Half- Price. DEPARTMENTS.—Silks and Dresses, Household Linens, Cotton Dresses, Blankets and Down Quilts, Cretonnes and Tapestries, Lace and other Curtains, Madras and Art Muslins. &c. Lace and Ribbons, Gloves and Hosiery, Umbrellas and Furs, Mantles and Costumes, Ladies' Underclothing, Silk and Moreen Skirts, Corsets, &c., &c. DRESSMAKING and MILLINERY a SPECIALITIE. I shall endeavour, by marking All Goods at Extremely Low Prices, to make tMs one of the Most 3r:ccessful Sales ever held in this part of the Country, MY Principle being to start each Season with an entirely New Stock. SPECIAL—FREE TRIP TO TENBY: THE NAPLES OF WALES. T. P. HUGHES, as a Special Inducement to Customers coming from a distance, will pay 3rd Class Return Fare from any Railway Station between Pembroke-Dock and Whitland to Purchasers of Goods to the amount of -S3 and upwards. The Return Half of Ticket must be shewn. T. P. HUGrHES, 12, HIGH STREET, AND 1 AND 2, VICTORIA HOUSES, TENBY. r- YOUR LAMBS WANT M A corrective medicine at weaning time, or during the Spring and Summer months, as all have M tapeworms more or less, which weaken the system and cause Fever, Husk, Scour, and Debility in ?? Autumn and Winter. The beat remedy for this purpose is STEPHEN PETTIFER & SONS' ? It is a real cure and preventive of fevers, "——— debility, scour and worms in lambs and ??t j)t TM**f E ? t ?*? I?\f/ Tf'?*??" t? calves t t\t N Used on the Royal Farms, known all over ?M?- <AA -J<6- J!t- ?? t 6 the world, and pronounced by all over SANF"L"iOVIN ? the world, and pronounced by Professor Buckman Worth its weight in gold." (,HERBAL TOXIC OR FLOCEMASTEB8' FRIEND) Of all Chemists, in bottles of 30 to 40 doses ?????? for lambs, 5s. each, or direc t ;Cl worth and cash orders carria g e paid. ilT,?,8?O?ftly Address SHEEP BOOK FREE. ttobe P ett ifer&Sons HEALTH FOR 32 pages, illustrated, and with useful information and MA, LMESBURY WiLTs. world-wide testimony. For and preventing fly use S. P. S. 's Specinc Lotion. Bottles, Is. 6d. & 3s. 6d. ? Representative for SOUTH WALES-F. C. FR!ZELL, GRENFELL ROAD, tt HEREFORD. ?? FOR UPWARDS OF ?tXTY YEARS HOLLOWAY'S F????HULLUWwFtt 0 ?S??? PILLS & OINTMENT ????J?y?HME HELD FBOtiT RMX AS THE BEST FtMtLY )!)E)MCt)!E!. '?? ? 5? THE PI LLS cure Indigestion, Pits of Depression, Biliousness, Heada.che, Jaundice and other Liver Complaints. They are especially recommended for Fema!eSt THE OINTMENT &e&!s Old Wounds, Sores, Bad Legs, Burns, ScaJds, Pitm, Fistulas and Skin Eruptions. I HOLLOWAY'S PILLS AND OINTMENT ARE BLESSINGS IN EVERY HOUSEHOLD. I only at 78, l'iew Oxford Street (latc 533, Oxford Street), London. t -————— gratis, daily (Saturdays excepted,, at above address, betiveen tile hours of 11 and 4, or by letter. ?