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E. COLBY EVANS. GutLDHALL SQCARB, CARMARTHEN. PIANOFORTES and ORGANS "Y ),). tHt! LEAOtfTG MAKERS. INCLUrHNG Broadwood. Brinsmead. CoUard. Hopkinsoa. Alexander, BeU. &c., FOR CASH OR ON AN EASY INSTALMENT SYSTEM. SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO PIANOFORTE TUNING Patrons can with ooi-ifidmnoo entrust the most valuwe Instruments to my care Worn Pianos entirely renovated. Tone and Touch restored TUNER VISITS ALL PARTS PERIODICALLY. OLD PtANOS TAKEN !N EXCHANGC !N PART PAYMENT FOR NEW ONES. T()Y8 I N (T 1-? MAT VA RI RTY A DISCOUNT of 2d. in the SHILLING allowed off all BOOK. not marked NETT. '——-————-———————————— [9M7 NOTHtNG WEARS LIKE I I PARRY & ROCKE'S CSWANSEA) Welsh KcittMg Yarn & Bosiery. ALL PURE WOOL A WOMAN sat we&ry aad careworn and sad Idogm Disappointed a.ad troubled wa.s she I For the stockings she knitted oae short week since iBSSt Were now she plainly couJJ 1;00- The secret wa.s this-She ha.d bonght the yarn che&p ??S?????? So had knitted her stockiag? wuh bo?h ?L T ? ?? Andfound thut her labour h?d been all iav?in ? ???K. For they shrunk a.cd ios? colour first waah' S ??BS'Sp???. ??croputous makers oft pnt in (heir yarns ???????????\ 'lr:Hhy 8tuff,qt1,lte nnfit for the body. Of wool, you wiii fid til?? pc"'enta.ge but ten. The balaace of nlllety 1.'3 bhoddy. So øo.d("lened yet wiser -oJ" Aad donne<i her best bonupt and frock. ??S??????j??._ Then went to a. store where ,;he purcha.sed a Hank ??.??J!?????? With the bnmJ of famed ?Ai-l RY 86 FiOCKE. Then getting to work with her fingers so deft. ???N?????'? Of good stockings she a p-tir, And found, ?fter wa.shm?g, the cotours undimmed, And the hose Evertu.Bng for wear. ..otSTEa?. YOU CANNOT be deceived, each Bank of Yarn and pair of 'Tis now the pet theme of her every d.tyta.!k, StcdjDgS have ocr That Pure Wootfrom the Fte?cie?t Wethers, ???? ? NIME and TRADE Is made into yarn b) fanned PARRY &ROCKE. IV-.AIRK LABEL And thfir Trade Mark the Welsh Plume of 'I-/f attach(d; without this Feathers. Bonetre gtBrnne. OF ALL DRAPERS AND DEALERS. Name of nearest sent on appttcation FA:R;F:"S" H.OC!S:E, I..TD_7 S"VTA.NSEA.. r8716 ??Open Sesame? f?????? '4- ? ?"&\ ?' B&ba.'a diNCOvery m the \!?? ?'?* ? \??' ? ?? c&ve were no richer treasure* ? 3????? '?' ????\ ?\. th&n thoee discloaed in ??\? lW?tF?'??? ???H. SAMUEL'S ???\ Mammoth ???MJ Catatogue. ? ? ? ???? ?? ? ?? yon OMt h&Ye & copy FREE if ????????? yoa write for it to-day. Watches, Ctocks, Rings, Jewettery, Mustcat instruments, at prices unknown In ordinary shops. tMMEMSE VARtETY OF BONUS PRtZES to aU purchasers. For instance, a Solid SILVER ALBERT is given FREE with every purchase of a 25;- ACME WATCH. 3,000 tLLUSTRATtONS! 230 PAGES!! If yom would gain a prize or secure a bargain write at once for Catalogue containing particulars. H. SAMUEL, No. 933, MarketStreet, Manchester. -7 aMr ?Tr? ? ? <? A disease neglected inevitably means ?t T t.. health lost. neglected inevitably means ? Taken health lost. No one can afford to be ilL Sickness is costly, painful and ?? t M 3H ?? da?erous. When you commence to ? In feel run down, give Nature a friendly ? ? lift. Help it to throw off the impurities M N ? m ? ?? ?? the system. There is nothing ? oEECHAM? Mt P-PtLLs? ?? ? ?SSN tM?? MM? ?t ?M to put the Bowels in good working ? ? '?7? N ?j order? to repair the Livert to improve ?M.vC ? j ?N the Digestion and banish Headache ?N ?aannd Insomnia. A few doses will make ? ? tt ??t*?tt C MJ you feel like yourself. Beecham's Utm ? Ci UUO MaN Mj Pills will do this. They prove all ? ? ? they claim. They save time, worry iliS< N and expense. ?? Sold Everywhere tn BoxM, price te. lid. (s6 pUis), and 2a. 9d. «68 pM&). TO THOSE ABOUT TO FURIII OR RE-FURN SH. TUB GUILDHALL FUNISHIN& Co. MANUFACTURERS, CARMARHEN. THE UP-TO-DATE UBNISHERS. Before deciding to go out of Town, please ve us a call. We make and supply every Article of Furniture touit all Classes, and at Prices equal to any LoudoW arehouse. BLINDS, CARPETS, An LINOLEUMS HUNG AND LAID BY EXPERIENCED MEN IF nP, E C) IF C-, T' A 1::? G PRACTICAL CABINET MAKERS, UPHC.STERERS, AND FRENCH POLISHERS SENT OUT AT A MINUTER NOTICE. All Goods delivered Free in our own Vans. [9109 TO PARTIES FURNISHING. BEFORE DECIDING, DO NOT rAIL TO CALL AT DOWN & SON'S, -no" UA.N NO'I' BK BEATEN. BEDROOM SUITES IN STOCK FROM £5 6s. to £50. DIN ING & DRAWING ROOM do., J6410s. to ae40. All Goods guaranteed sound and well made in fact, the durability of our Goods Is a Household Word. tLLUSTRATED CATALOGUES FREE ON APPLICATION. CARPETS AND LINOLEUMS MADE AND FITTED FREE. Carriage Paid on all Orders above JE10, or delivered Free in <ur own Vans. STEAM CABINET WORKS:- 221, HIGH 8TRERT, & MORRIS LANE, SWANSEA. ESTABLISHED NEARLY HALF A CENTURY. Telephone No. 240. [6509 TAMES JONES, BILLPOSTER & ADVERTISING <j AGENT for KIDWELLY and Neighbouring Villages. All work duly executed. Address Station Road, Kidwelly. [6872 MIDLAND GUN CO., DEPT. 4, Demon Gun Works, Vesey St., 8!RM!NGHAM CUNS FROM 25/- TO .E25. FAR-KtLUNCCUNS AT WHOLESALE PRICES.—Double Brfpchloaders from 25/- to J610. Hammerless from .65 to .620 Hammer!ess Ejectors from J68 to .835 5,000 Gans and Rines usually in stock ready for immediate delivery, bend three stamps for a Price Liat. We moke every part of a cuo in our own works, and sell direct to the user at one amati profit. We send any gun on approval. py carriag'e both ways if not satisfactory, and return cab in full. We ttke any second. hand gun, central or pm Srp, breach or muzzle-loiding, in part payment for a new one, or will buy any second-baud gun for Ottsb. m t & ? ,¡ K)R ROOKS, PtCEOMS, RABBtTS.-15/- Single barrel 12-bore breech.Ioading shot guoe, converted from rifles and bored by an improved process for long range and great penetration, u.iequalled for rook. pigeon, rabbit, wildfowl, and ail ioDg-diatance shooting, pnce 15s.; or better quality and improved safety act'on, price 20a. CUN REPAtRS.—G"ns by any maker pfOtEptly repaired, very beat material and workmanship at about half dealers' charges. Np.\OI stocks or new barreta filted barrola browned or bored. Gun convo'ted from pin to central Sre, and done np as new, at smalt cost. Kxact price given for all iepa.irs if deaircd before the work is commenced Guns may be sent from any part of the United Kingdom by parcel post for Is. CARTR<DCES. 'Bagt of A! The boat Smokeless PuWtier Cartridge ever made. pricR 7a. per 100. or 500 for 33s., l.COO for 63s. Sudden Death." The beft Black Powder Cartridges. 5a. per 100 or 47s 6d per 1,000. Lots of 100 and upwards delivered carriage paid to I any station in England or Wates. Everything in Guns. riiflcs, Revolvers, Gun Implements, and Caaes. at WHULR8ALE PRICKS. f8742 I MEMORJAL CARDS.-A Large Assortment kept in i?t. stock. Stationery Department, WELSHMAN Printing Wo<ks, Carmarthen. ?;532A I J. B. ARTHUR, I WHOLESALE GROCER. CORN, FZO!7R, AND SEED MERCHANR, PRIORY STREET, & THE QUAY STORES, CARMARTHEN. BARLEY, POUND AND FLAT CORN, FLOUR, t INDIAN MEAL, BARLEY MEAL, MIDDLINGS, BRAN, &c., ATLOWEST PORS18LF, PRfEa. THOMAS' Pf!OSPHATE! THŒUAS' PHOSPHATE A large conaignment just arrived. PRICES VERY MODERATE. Sole Agent for the DUBLIN & WICKLOW celebrated MANURES. NEW ZEALAND SKIPPING COMPANY. TENTERIFFE. CAPE TOWN, TASMANIA, AUS. TRALfA (via HOBART), & NEW ZEALAND. T?./rONTH?Y SERVICE. Excellent accommodation. _i ? i Low ?ares, Special terms to Families and Round the World Pteasure Tours. SEPT. Sth-PAPA BOA (twin screw). 6.563. OCT. lith-TUP-AKINA (twin screw), 8,027 tone. Apply to J. B. Westray and Co., 138, Leadenhall- 8treet, London, E.C. in CardiS to C. Stewart, 35, Mount Stuart Square. [7939A ? W eddinlF, ?? Keeper, and EngagemoMt ?? Rings. N All gmea. Shapes, & Weighte in Stock. ? ? The Lorg"t and Choie(-st Seleotion in tha ?H PntM Oounti". aa ? JOHN WILLIAMS, ? ? Siop y Modrwyau," ? ?L 'o- L?.\tM'\? sr?EHr j? ?? CAUMARTH3CN. r The Cure for Gout, D IN Uheumatic Gout and Gravel. T? he _Un?. crs?l ,? Remed.y f.or A.ci.d,t.t.y cf .t.. he Sa.festtndmoat The Unif'rsal Remedy for Acidity of  Gentle Medicine for Stomach, He&dache, Heartburn, Indigestton, Infants Children, S<mr Eructations, Bilious Affectiont. Delicate Females, and the _?———?———— Sickness of Pregnancy. ? ? ???????????===——=-=- ? ?!??????g?!?Q t.- 97171 FLOW I N (jr i IDE IS WITH THE FENIX." ONE WEEK'S SUCCESSES. AUGUST, 1904. SILVER MEDAL, Welsh yationalShov, Aberystwyth SILVER MEDAL, Cheshire Agricultural Show. SILVER MEDAL, Lancashire Agriculture Show. Being the Highest and Onty Awards made to CM&M Separators and Churns at each Show. ————— < FENIX holds the Hecord for Clean-skimming and i asy-running. Don't be mled by untrue statements <o the ontrary, but send for 7estimonials from Users constantly coming in. G. 1J.EWKLLIN & SON, ROYAL PRIZE CLI URN JVORKS, HAVERFORDWEST. 12, HIGH STREET, & 1 & 2, VICTORIA HOUSES, T E Tsf B Y. T. T3 TETTT?HT T?Q ?? ?JT L JL JLl U ?JT JLl Cj 0 B. HARRIES) IS NOW SELLING MANY IMPORTANT SPECIAL PURCHASES OF GENERAL AND FANCY DRAPERY A FEW LINES ARE QUOTE 1) BELOW:— BLOUSES. A clearing line of 550 charming Blousea in Voile de Sole, Fancy Muslins. &c., beautifully trimmed French Stitching and Lace Yoke and Steevea, all perfectly fresh and beautifully coloured. The usual price, 13/9 now selling at 5/11. Another line in Mercerised Lawn-usual price, 9/11, clearing at 3:6. COTTON DRESSES AND DELAINES. AU-wool Delaines, 1/44 quality now selling at 8Jd. yard. 25 pieces Fancy Cottons-usual price, 8id. clearing at 3:3 Wool Dresa Materials-I III for 1/03 LINEN AND CRASH COSTUMES AND SKIRTS An extraordinary line in these goods, all high-class styles, now selling at hall-price. MILLINERY. The whole Stock of Summer Millinery marked nearly half-price. DRESSMAKING. A leading line is now being made of a 2 Guinea Costmne in a Black or Coloured unspott'.ble Venetian Cloth, beautifully trimmed, well made, and a 6t guaranteed. All kinds of Household Linens, General and Fancy Drapery, Laee Curtains, Cretonnes, Tapestries, &c., &c. T. P. HUGHES was for many years Buyer to one of the largest and best-known Houses in the West End of Lon'ton. He frequently visits the Markets, and knows where to buy. Tenby is now at its best. Fay it a visit, and don't forget to call at 12. HIGH STREET (Next Door to the Market). r YOUR LAMBS WANT, <t A corrective medicine at weaning time, or during the Sprinsr and Summer months, as all have ))!j ? tapeworms mnre or less, which weaken the system and cause Fever, Hu?k, Scour, and Debility in Nm N Autumn and Winter. The beat remedy for this purpose is It is a real cure and preventive of fevers. debility, scour and worms in Iambs and calves. Used on the Royal Farms, known all over the world, and pronounced by Professor Buckman "Worth its weight in gold." Of all Chemists, in bottles of 30 to 40 doses for Iambs, 5s. each, or direct. ;CI worth and cash orders carriage paid. SHEEP BOOK FREE. "HEALTH FOR SHEEP." 32 pages, I illustrated, and with useful information and world-wido testimony. For maggots and preventing Ay use S. P. & S.'s Specino Lotion. Bottles, la. 6d. & 3a. 6d. STEPHEN PETTIFER & SONS' SANTOVIN I (HEBBAI. TOXIC OR FLOCEMASTERS' FRBEXD). ReI-)rese??tative for SOUTH WALES-F. C. FRIZELL, GRENFELL ROAD, .1 )t HEREFORD, ?? FOR UPWARDS OF SIXTY YEARS ER0 L L OW Y S ????M? PILLS & OINTMENT HAVE HELB FROHT MWK AS THE BEST FAMtLY MEDMMMES. THE PILLS cure Indigestion, Fits of Depression, Biliousness, Head&che, Jaundice and other Liver Complaints. They are especSa!!y recommended for Fematea. THE OINTMENT beals Old Wounds, Sores, Bad Legs, Burns, ScaMs, Pil- I Fistulas and Skin Eruptions. I HOLLOWAY'S PILLS AND OINTMENT ¡ ARE BLESSINGS IN EVERY HOUSEHOLD. lanllfacturell only at 78, ,Lot" ;)3:), Street), i AdN,ice gra*,is, !ilv — of 11 and 4, or by k-tter.