MR. E. JAMES, VI IfESI])ENT SURGEON DENTIST, CTORlA COTTAGE, BARN'S ROW, NEAR THE HIGHER MARKET GATES. P'FEC ARTIFICIAL TEETH on the easiest terms, ZR,'ttactions without the slightest pain by the Nitrous cbdd, ?as (pleasant and harmless). Consultations (free) every day. [1362 () WILLIAM LLEWELLYNJ NET ][AKER and upholsterer 4 & 5, ST. PETER'S STREET, ? Agent for the Sale of -Venetian Blinds, -thJ?"? the" Nobility, Gentry, Clergy, and In p,habit"t8 of the Town and County of Carmarthen, and the t h r ep'7 that he has l? toek a l quantity of Home-macte Goods of all descrip- ?<M?ta ?d of the best workmanship. ?*?r Beds and Hot Water Bags lent on Hire. Estimates supplied on application. Carttarthen, June 26th, 1873. [2377 NOTICE OF REMOVAL. RUFUS JONES, c04CHBUILDER § WHEELWRIGHT\ 17, SPILMAN-STREET, CARMARTHEN,  thanking the Nobility, Gentry, and Inhabitants of J? -?alarthen and its neighbourhood for their kind 4tirOllal-e during the three years he has been in Business, t *° "Ornate that he has removed from the Quay to y?orp "?Mnaive Premises at the above address (in former tte Occupied by Mr Lewis, Coachbuilder), near the Ivy liah oyal Hotel. He therefore trusts by strict attention <*t B tsiaess to merit a large share of public support. n 0-?ct-o- b?e?r 8-t-h 1873 r2703 rthen, October 8th, 1873. r2703 ?t? LANDS IMPROVEMENT COMPANY. (Incorporated by Special Acts of Parliament). Coinage, Reclamation, Farm Buildings, Labourers' Cottages, DIRECTORS: »  Cotton. Esq. E PrWk L. Dashwood, Esq. Jlo Farquhar, Esq. T?e ? "larl of Galloway. Ohl1 Horatio Lloyd, Esq. ?''??lIeR.Ryder/Esq. Granville R. H. Somerset, Esq., Q.C. Henry W West, Esq., M.P. Chas. Watkin Williams W ynii Esq., M.P., Chairman. J HE Company advances money, unlimited in amount ijj for all purposes of agricultural improvement, includ- ? 4 "he erection of cottages and farm buildings, to the ?"° ?rs of settled and other estates, and to the clergy in ?'-?ct of their glebe lands. umlauts may, with the consent of their landlords, execute the necessary improvements upon the farms which they ? ?Py, charging them with the costs.  variety of cottage plans and specifications, issued b ?  Inclosure Commissioners will be furnished gratis to h °rrowers on application. Utilisation of Sewage.-The Company also advances ^J*ey for the purpose of works of sewage irrigation. ?-he whole outlay and expenses are liquidated by a rent- ??e upon the land, redeeming principal and interest, over ears No investigation of title is required. b or forms and further information, apply to GRANVILLE aiteeDJl:R, Esq., Managing Director, No. 1, Great George Storey's Gate, Westminster, S.W. r93QQ CURE FOR ALL. HOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT. Pouchitis, Diphtheria, Coughs, Colds, and all Derange- ments oj the Throat and Chest. ? any of the above diseases, immediate and permanent .? is obtained by effectually rubbing this detergent Oint- r?ent twice a day upon the neck, chest, and back, and in aU Ja?es of influenza, settled coughs, and wheezing at the the same treatment may be followed with efficiency 411 safety. Legs, Bad Breasts, Old Sores, Wounds, and Ulcer i, By rubbing this Ointment perseveringly upon and around th affected parts twice a day, it will penetrate to the tI* sau'as beneath, and exert the most beneficial influence th .a ation soon diminishes, the pain becomes less lera le, the matter thickens, and a cure is soon effected. t"? long standing cases Holloways Pills should also be t4 e]Q, as they greatly assist in expelling all depraved "?ours from the body. Shin Diseases of all kinds. j, la this class of complaints, no matter the age, the sex, ?l".e Place or under what name the disease may be classiBed, "?'aediate ease and ultimate cure, may with certainty be Procured if thi Ointment be plentifully rubbed upon the ?t affected, while Holloway's Pills are taken m appro- ?te doses, night and morning to purify the blood. Gout, Rheumatism, and Glandular Swellings. Every one suffering from these excruciating complaints h ould have recourse to these purifying remedies, as they ftVe rescued thousands from a lile of torture, after all other means had failed to give tfccm relief. The Ointment aad Pills used conjointly will act so searchingly and Certainly, as to effect cures in the most hopeless cases. Piles, Fistulas, and Intend Inflammations. „ Persons amicted with th?e distressing complaints will ?d in this wonderful Oir"'?nt instant means of relief, and ? can effect their owr cure without explaining their in- I ?tQity to Holloway's Pills, if taken in small dores, greatly the Ointment, as they purify the blood ?d regulate th??°?? ? an extraordinary manner. nseases attendant on Childhood. For a)1 diseases incident to early life, this invaluable Oi^tip-Jc should be regarded as a Household Treasure in p-?ry family, as it never fails in bringing out the rash in h?alea and scarlatina; and for the removal of all skin "!Ile-es its effect is miraculous. In cases of whooping "'Jllgh and croup, the Ointment should be well rubbed twic ?y upon the throat and chest, and the youngest invalid I derive therefrom the most soothing relief. b lJoth the Ointment and Pills should be used in the fol- lowing coraplaints.- Bad Legs Fistulas Scalds 118,d Breasts Gout Sore Throats gurus Glandular Swells Skin Diseases ■^unions ings Scurvy Chilblains Lumbago Sore Heads Chapped Hands Piles Tumours Contracted and Rheumatism Ulcers r. Stiff Joints Sore Nipples Wounds Corns (Soft)  I'hc Ointment and Pills are sold at Professor Holloway's establishment, 533, Oxford-street, London; also by nearly ,erY respectable Vendor of Medicine throughout the li"ibsed World, in Pots and Boxes, at Is l?d, 2s 9d, 4s 6d, ?.?' 228, and 33s each. The smallest Pot of Ointment con- ?s one ounce; and the smallest Box of PHIs four dozen, UH printed directions are affixed to each,Pot and Box, J. can be had in any language, even in Turkish, Arabic, Fenian, Persian, or Chinese. LEA & PERRINS' WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE. Pronounced ■■ Be careful by Connoisseurs to ask for THE ONLY pgj nA & PERRINS" OOOD SAUCE." SAUCE. See name on wrapper, label, bottle and topper. Sold by Crosse & Blackwell, London, and by all dealers in Sauces. 1a'W A.RE OF COUNTERFEITS. LEA & PERRINS, WORCESTER. [224ií [2240 OHARLES E. ALLEUj (LATE OF HAVERFORDWEST,) BOOTMAKER, (Prise Medals at tlte Great Exhibitions of 1851, 1862, 1867, and 1870,) 74, PRINCES STREET, LEICESTER SQUARE, LONDON, W. R. L. DAN SON. t COACII-B UILDER, l. ) 32, BPXLMAW sirrD-crnm, (Formerly Foreman to W. H. MASON, Kingsland Road, London), BEGS to inform the Nobility, Gentry, and Clergy, that he has commenced the above Business in all its Branches, -C? and trusts that from years of practical experience, combined with first class Workmanship and Material, to gain a share of patronage and support. 28th October, 1873. [2756 1873. AUTUMN AND WINTEE FASHIONS. EDWARDS cSs JONES HAYING returned from the markets, and their arrangements for the Seasons being complete, they will be prepared, IOII and after FRIDAY, October 24th, to show a well-selected Stock of the NEWEST and most FASHIONABLE GOODS in all their Departments. They have pleasure in submitting a list as below, and rspectfully invite an inspection of their Stock -M»Ti-ilrlinery, Felt and Straw Hats, Flowers, Feathers, Velvets, Crapes, Furs, Corsets, Skirts, Umbrellas, Shawls, Paletots, Jackets and Materials, Fancy Dress Goods, Merinos, Serges, Winceys, &c., Silks and Poplins, Robes, Pelisses, and Lace Goods, Woollens, Outfitting. Hats, Caps, Rugs, Trunks, Portmanteaus, Waterproof Coats, &c. MILLINERY and DRESSMAKING executed with taste, style, economy, and promptitude, under the management of two experienced Young Ladies. TAILORING SYSTEM-Punctuality, Moclerate Charges, and good fit. Grocery in all its Branches. SEWING MACHINES, BY THE BEST MAKERS, KEPT IN STOCK. THE EMPORIUM, 1, 2, 8f 3, KING STREET, CARMARTHEN. 23rd October, 1873. l2750 COMMERCE HOUSE, GUILDHALL SQUARE, CARMARTHEN. EXTENSION OF PREMISES. JOHN LEWIS BEGS respectfully to state that, having completed the alterations and additions to his Business Premises, he is now L F enabled, by means of increased facilities, to meet the demands of a growing trade also, to offer greater accommo- dation to Customers, and more efficiently to attend to their wants. Several New Departments will be gradually in- troduced, but the Proprietor specially calls attention to the MILLINERY and DRESSMAKING DEPARTMENTS just added, both of which are under the management of two experienced young Ladies. AUTUMN & WINTER PURCHASES, 1873. JOHN LEWIS having just returned from LONDON and completed his purchases for the present and approaching Seasons, he begs most respectfully to invite an early inspection. The Show Rooms and General Stock have been replenished with a choice assortment of the latest SPECIALITIES in each Department, viz:—Costumes, Satin Skirts, Dress Materials, Cloth and Real Seal Jackets, Waterproofs, Furs, Millinery, Ribbons, Feathers, Flowers, Hosiery Hats, Gloves, & &c. SPECIAL GLOVES. J. Lewis's Two-buttoned Ladies' Kid 2s. 6d. Dent's Ladies' French Kid I 2s. 6d. „ „ Extra 2s. lid. ALL GUARANTEED. The SHOW ROOMS will be OPENED on TUESDAY, the 14th instant. Commerce House, 9, Guildhall-square, rn«u Carmarthen, Oct. 7,1873. L2694 MORGAN & DAVIES, PROPRIETORS OF "THE WELSHMAN" STEAM PRINTING OFFICES OARMAETHEN, ARE prepared to submit Estimates for all kinds of PRINTING, MACHINE RULING, and STATIONERY BINDING, upon application. Having an extensive Plant, comprising Paging, Cutting, Perforating, and Ruling Machines, in addition to the usual appliances of a Printing Office, they are in a position to undertake work of all kinds in the above Branches. Being in a position to purchase Papers, and other Materials, in the most advantageous maimer, and having a large Staff of Men in their employ, they are enabled to do all work entrusted to them promptly -"I'd cheaply, especially when high numbers are required. Receipts in all forms Printed and Bound, and when necessary impressed with Receipt Stamps. Rent and other Estate Books Ruled, Printed to Pattern, and Bound. Farm and other Agreements printed to order upon stout handmade paper. Ack-ertiseiiients inserted in English, Scotch, Irish, Welsh, or Foreign Papers. MESSRS. BRIGHT & GARRARD, OLD FOUNDRY, CARMARTHEN ENGINEERS, IRON FOUNDERS, MILLWRIGHTS, AND AGRICUL- TURAL MACHINISTS, Manufacturers of Engines, General and Agricultural Machinery, Architectural and other Iron Work, including the following;- STEAM ENGINES, Fixed and Portable, for Winding, Pumping, and general purposes. WATER WHEELS of the various descriptions. PUMPS of all kinds, including Forcing and Drawing Lifts for Mines. CORN MILL MACHINERY. CIRCULAR SAW BENCHES, &C. STONE BREAKERS, on Blake's system, for Mines, Quar- ries, and for breaking Road Metal. BRIGHT'S PATENT CHAFF CUTTERS. THRASHING MACHINES for Horse, Water, and Steam Power. HORSE GEARS. BRIGHT'S PATENT MALT KILN. BRIGHT'S PATENT HEATING APPARATUS. AGENTS for the most approved Makers of REAPING AND MOWING MACHINES, HAYMAKERS, HORSE RAKES, &C. In the FOUNDRY DEPARTMENT, Messrs. BRIGHT & GARRARD'S very extensive Stock of Patterns, gives them unusual facilities in supplying nearly every kind of Casting required in the various Industries and in the Agriculture of South Wales. [2335 THE LONDON MANURE COMPANY, I ESTABLISHED 1840, Have now Ready for Delivery, in Dry fine Condition, PURSER'S PURE DISSOLVED BONES, SUPERPHOSPHATE OF LIME, BONE TURNIP MANURE, SPECIAL BONE MANURE, NITROPHOSPHATE, URATE, CORN, MANGOLD, AND POTATO MANURES. OFFICES—116, FEN CHURCH STREET, E.G. EDWARD PURSER, Secretary. Storekeeper at Oarmarthen-JOHN LLOYD, 12, NOTT SQUARE. For the convenience of Customers in North and South Wales, the London Manure Comftanv have established Depdts at Newport, Mon., Aberdovey, Carmarthen, and Saltney. AGENTS: Mr S. S. David, Laugharne. D. G. Davies, The Bridge, Cardigan. Evan Davies, King's Mills, Denbigh. Joseph Davies, Bush Inn, St. Clears. „ T. C. Davies, Merchant, Llandyssil. Evan Evans, Aberavon, Port Talbot. G. L. Griffiths, Pembroke. D. Harries, Cwmyar, Llanybyther. Messrs. Harries & Palmer, Haverfordwest. Mr J. Howell, Bridgend. Thomas Hughes, Chemist, Llandilo. Messrs. Jones & Harries, Pencader. Mr Evan Jones, Caeglas, Lampeter. Rees Jones, Llandovery. „ David Lewis, Llanybrdd, Llanstephan. „ Evan Williams, Pembrey. 11 W. Lewis, Narberth, Mr Walter Lewis, Victoria Shop, Llan gadock, John Lloyd, 12, Nott-square, Carmarthen. >> T Mathias, Saundersfoot. John Morgan, New Market-square, Shrewsbury, Thomas Morgan, Lisworney Farm, Co abridge. H. Norton, The Brewery, Carmarthen. J. R. Paramore, Preswylfa, Neath. Messrs. Rees & Francis, Ivy Bush, Carmarthen. South Wales Mercantile Company, Brecon. Air John Shears, James Town, near Tenby. j, James Roch, Narberth. „ J. Sharpe, Thornwell, Chepstow. i „ J. S. Stone, Newport, Mon. Jabez Thomas, Glendwr, Carmarthen. > Thomas Watkins, Trecastle. 011 .1 David Williams, Draper and Seedsman, J t;1630 Carmarthen. GLOGUE SLATES AND SLABS. GEORGE MORGAN, B UILDER, KING STREET, HAS IN STOCK A LARGE SUPPLY OF trtOGUE SLATES AND SLABS, GLAZED DRAIN PIPES, FIRE BRICKS, CEMENT AND PLASTER OF PARIS. YARD AND STORES NEAR THE CARMARTHEN STATION. [2331 DYNEVOR HOUSE, 80 LAMMAS STREET, CARMARTHEN. MISS M. E. LEWIS, MILLINER, J-e. (LATE OF THE CAMBRIAN HOUSE, CARMARTHEN), REGS bo thank her numerous Customers for the generous support accorded to her during the time she has been in Bisiness, and desires to intimate that her SHOW ROOM, which will be opened on Wednesday next, October 15th inst. is now replete with a nice selection of the Latest Novelties in Hats, Bonnets, Head Dresses, Feathers, Flowers, &c. ALL KINDS OF LACES, ORNAMENTS, VELVETS, 4-c., KEPT IN STOCK. ORDERS EXECUTED ON THE SHORTEST NOTICE. Dynevor House, Oct. 13, 1873. [2722 FOREST TREES! FOREST TREES! WRITE THORN QUICK, for Hedges; FRUIT TREES and ROSES, all of the best and most approved Sorts; VV CHOICE TREES and SHRUBS, and all kinds of NURSERY STOCK. PRICI LIST ON APPLICATION TO JOSEPH COYSH, NURSERYMAN, SEEDSMAN, AND FLORIST, LLANELLY, CARMARTHENSHIRE. INSPECTION RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED. COYSH'S NURSERY STOCK has the great advantage of being Acclimatised to Wales. VICTOR & Co., KING STREET, OAR MARTH EN, PAINTERS, DECORATORS, ECCLESIASTICAL GLAZIERS, GENERAL PLUMBERS, BELL HANGERS, HYDRAULIC (HOT AND COLD), SANITARY, AND GAS ENGINEERS. pVERY KIND OF BRASS AND COPPER BRKZIERY FOR LOCOMOTIVE AND OTHER ENGINES, CHEMICALS, BREWERIES, CULINARIES, &c., MANUFACTURED ON THE PREMISES. GOODS AND MATERIALS IN THE ABOVE DEPARTMENTS, SUPPLIED WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. [2293 THE IMPROVEMENT OF LANDED ESTATES, BY DRAINAGE, INCLOSING, CLEARING, &c. THE LAND LOAN AND ENFRANCHISEMENT COMPANY (Incorporated by Special Act of Parliament) t advances Money- ist.-To the Owners of Settled and other Estates, for the Erection of Farm Buildings and Cottages, and for tie Drainage, Irrigation, Enclosing, Clearing, and General Improvement of Landed Property, in any jart of the United Kingdom. 2nd.-To the Owners of Settled Estates in England, for ihe Erection or Completion of Mansions, Stables, and Outbuildings. 3rd.-To Landowners generally, to enable them to Subscribe for Shares in Companies for the Construction of Railways and Navigable Canals which will benefi- cially affect their Estates. 4th.-To Incumbents, for the Improvement of their Glebe Lands, by Drainage and the Erection of Farm Build- ings and Cottages. 5th.-To Copyholders for the Enfranchisement of Copy- hold Lands. The amount borrowed with the expenses would be charged on the Estate benefited, and repaid by a Rent-charge terminating in Twenty-five years. No Investigation of the Landowner's Title is necessary. Forms of application and all further particulars may be obtained of Messrs. Rawlence & Squarey, 22, Great George- street Westminster, S.W., and Salisbury; of Messrs. Ashurst, Morris, & Co., 6, Old Jewry, London, E.C.; of Messrs. Gillespie & Paterson, W.S., 81A, George-street, Edinburgh, Agents for the Company in Scotland and at the Offices of the Company as below, the Company as below. T. PAIN, Managing Director. EDWIN GARROD, Secretary. Land Loan and Enfranchisement Company, 22, Great George-street, Westminster, S.W 2325 THE CIVIL WAR IN WALES AND THE MARCHES. Will shortly be Published, to Subscribers only, A COLLECTION OF papers and LETTERS ILLUSTRATING TIIE HISTORY OF WALES AND THE MARCHES DURING THE CIVIL WAR, With Sketches of the principal characters; and a COMPREHENSIVE INTRODUCTION, by JOHN ROLAND PHILLIPS, of Lincoln's Inn, Barrister-at-Law, Member of the Cambrian Archwologicil Association, &c. WALES took a very prominent part in the War waged between Charles the First and the Parliament. The W border counties of Chester, Salop, Hereford, and Monmouth—included in the Marches-were also conspicuous. They had for some time the misfortune of being the battle ground between the contending forces. Welsh blood was freely spilt on the one side or on the other;-scarcely a family of note stood unconcerned. Strange to say, there has been no attempt made hitherto to write the History of Wales during this eventful epoch. The materials are ample, though scattered. Numerous pamphlets, broadsides, and small newspapers were printed at the time, and a great many letters were written, which, collected, throw considerable light on the history of the period. The above Work is intended as a contribution towards illustrating the history of the Principality during the Civil War. The task of compilation has been of a very laborious nature. For the last five years the Author has devoted the chief part of his leisure time to the Work, and no pains have been spared in collecting together the scattered leaves from every available source. A slight idea of the labour involved may be inferred from the fact that the whole of the King's Pamphlets in the British Museum—between thirty and fifty thousand in number—" huge piles of moulder- ing wreck unedited unsorted, not so much as indexed, wherein lie things memorable, as Carlyle remarks, have been most carefully overhauld, as have also the mass of letters and documents affecting the period of the Civil War which are preserved in the Record Office. ?? ?n' ?ne introductory chapters (which will occupy about 300 pages) a succinct History of the War, so far as concerned Wales and the Marches, will be given. The Introduction will also contain an investigation into the social (ondition of the inhabitants of the Principality at that period, by means of which it will be attempted to account for the part they acted in those troubles." ? The remainder of the work will be devoted to a Collection of most mterestmg Papers and Letters of the period. Of the papers, some were published at the time, cither as broadsides or in a pamphlet form. These are now so scarce as to be well-nigh unattainable. Of the letters, some have from time to time been made public, but many will here be pub- lished tor the first time from the originals. For this purpose the contents of the Public Archives and of some private collections have been most carefully examined. The work will be well printed on good paper, and handsomely bound in cloth. It has not yet been decided whether it will be in one volume or in two. If in one, the price to subscribers will be one Guinea but if the extent of the work renders it necessary that it should appear in two volumes, the price will be 30s., in which case it will be illustrated. In submitting this prospectus to the public, the author trusts that it will secure for his work that support which his countrymen have ever afforded to all attempts to illustrate the History of their country. Two hundred more Subscribers are required before the Work can be put in the Press. Names received by Messrs MORGAN & DAVIES, Welshman Office, Carmarthen; or by the Author, at 4, Brick Court, Temple, London, E.C. [1791 C^HOCOLAT MENIER for BREAKFAST. Awarded I M:a the Vienna Exhibition. Beware of Imita- tions.—Observe Trade Marks and Real Name. ClHOCOLAT MENIER for LUNCHEON. Awarded C Medal at the Vienna Exhibition. Beware of Imita- tions.—Observe Trade Marks and Real Name.  COCOA  in -L and Alb packets and llb MENIER'S COCOA Sold in ? and ?lb packets and lib J?JL tins. Awarded Medal at the Vienna Exhibition Beware of Imitations.—Observe Trade Marks and Real Name. MENIER'S ESSENCE of COCOA Sold in ?Ib and ilb tins, 2s per lb. Awarded Medal at the Vienna Ex- hibition. Beware of Imitation.-Observe Trade Marks and Real Name. MENIER'S CHOCOLAT POWDER Plain and Vanilla iTJL flavour. Sold in llb and lib tins. Awarded Medal at the Vienna Exhibition. Beware of Imitations.—Observe Trade Marks and Real Name. CHOCOLAT MENIER defies all honest competition. Annual Consumption exceeds 8,000,00)lbs. Awarded jftfeial at the Vienna Exhibition. Beware of Imitations.— .ave Trade Marks and Real Name. Factory and Warehouse, Southwark-street, and Worces ter-;t?ee [2733 On October 1st will be pttblished THE NEW QUARTERLY MAGAZINE. PRICE 2s 6d. A High Class Literary and Social Periodical. The New Quarterly Magazine will contain more printed matter than any published Magazine, will be printed on the bes paper and in clear type. The Magazine will contain, in addition to Papers os Topics of Social and General Interest, Two or more Tales of considerable length by Eminent Writers. The Tale will invariably be completed in the Number in which they appear. The Magazine will likewise be open to Authentic Works of Travel and Biography. A very High Literary Standard will be maintained. Contents of No 1. Travels in Portugal Our next War Olivia Tempest: a Novel. By John Dangcrfield, Author of Grace Tolmar Rabelais a Critical Biography A Spiritualistic Seance Horses and Riders Giulio Vescona, Poet and Painter a Talc Annual Subscription lis, post free. Payable in advance. London WARD, LocK, & TYLER, Paternoster Row. n [2644 INVESTMENT-FIVE PER CENT. INTEREST CONSERVATIVE LAND SOCIETY. Total receipts to Michaelmas, 1873, as per published accounts < £ 1,959,465 Gs. 3d. Rate of Interest on Shares 5 per cent, per annum. Rate of Interest on Deposits. 4 per cent. per annum. The Principal can be withdrawn at any time, on short notice, under the Rules. Prospectuses post free on application. JOHN ASHDOWN, Secretary. Offices.—33, Norfolk-street, Strand, London, W.C. [2104 YOUNG TREES FOR PLANTING. 200,000 LARCH 21 to 3t feet 200,000 Do 1 £ to 2J feet 50,000 SCOTCH FiR. 11 to 2 £ feet 25,000 SPRUCE FIR It to 21- feet ASH I. 2, 1to 5 feet Ornamental Trees. Evergreens, Flowering Shrubs, Ameri- can and Alpine Plants. The above are all stocky, sturdy Trees, grown in the open fields. Prices sent, post free on application. INSPECTION RESPECTFULLY INVITED. Apply to WM. BARRON, Sketty Nursery Farm, near Swansea. DINNEFORD'S FLUID MAGNESIA. iTVjR Thirty Years the Medical Profession have approved  of this pure solution as the best remedy for acidity of the Stomach, Heartburn, Headache, Gout, and Indigestion:; and as a mild aperient for delicate constitutions, especially adapted for Ladies, Children, and Infants. When com- bined with the Acidulated Lemon Syrup, it forms a most agreeable effervescing draught, in which its aperient and cooling qualities are much increased. In warm seasons and warm climates this simple prepara- tion, when taken REGULARLY, has been found highly beneficial. DINNEFORD & Co., CHEMISTS, &C., 172, New Bond Street, London. Sold by all rcspeciable Chemists throughout the World. CAUTION.—See that Dinneford & Co." is on each bottle, and red label over the cork and use DINNEFORD'S FRICTION GLOVES AND BELTS. [193 STEAM COMMUNICATION BETWEEN BRISTOL & CARMARTHEN, Lianeiiy, Bryn- amman, Burry Port, Cross Inn, Cwmamman, Gower Road, Garnant, Kidwelly, Llandilo, Llandebie, Llanwrtyd, Llandrundod, Llandovery, Llangadock, blaiigenneah, Llanwrda, Loughor, Pontardulais, Pontysato, Ponty- berrem, Penolawdd, Talley, Veliuvole, and all places adjacent. The Llanelly Steam Navigation Company, Limited, beg to announce that at the request of influential Firms in- terested in the Trade between the above Ports, the ? Fast New Iron Serew Steamer ?i,  ?? CAMBRIA, A 1 -\?-    ??. (Being Etted with a new boiler, and the I machinery put in thoroughly emcient order) WILLIAM THOMAS, Commander, Is intended to Sail as follows (with goods only). NOVEMBER, 1873. Loading Days at Bristol. I Wed., & Thurs., Nov. 5 G Tues., & Wed., 18 19 Discharging 4" Sailing from Carmarthen. Saturday Nov. 8 Saturday, 22 Sheep conveyed at 9d., Pigs Is. W All Goods to be alongside the Packet before five o'clock p.m. For further particulars please apply to Mr David Baile, Railway and Dock Company, Llaaelly; Mr John Lloya, 12, Nott-square, Carmarthen Messrs. Thomas and Son, Back, Bristol, [2158 CARDIFF TO A NEW YORK. Direct Steam Communication between the BRISTOL CHANNEL AND THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA & CANADA. THE SOUTH WALES ATLANTIC STEAMSHIP ± COMPANY'S New, first-class, full-powered, Clyde- built Steamships GLAMORGAN 2,500 Tons 500 h.p. PEMBROKE 2,500 Tons 500 h.p. CARMARTHEN 3,000 Tons 600 h.p. Or other First-class Steamers, will Sail regularly between CARDIFF AND NEW YORK, These Steamships are built expressly for the Trade, and fitted-up with all the latest improvements for the comfort and convenience of Cabin and Steerage Passengers. Steerage Passengers provided with mattresses. A Stewardess carried for the female emigrants. Passenger's railway fares paid to Burnham and Bristol, andsfrom which places they are conveyed free to Cardiff. The S.S. DELTA will sail on Monday, November 17th. For further particulars, apply to Richardson and Co., Swansea; W. J. Presswell, 1, Castle-street, Merthyr Tydfil; E. G. Price and Isaac Thomas, 24, Seymour-street, Aber- dare; S. B. Sketch, Pembroke-Dock; Richard Mason, Tenby J. May and Co., 2, Victoria-place, Haverfordwest; Launcelot Lowther, 21, Quay-street, Cardigan E. Evans, Stationer, Aberavon John J. Chalinder, Post-office, Llan- elly; J. Bagnall, Carmarthen; H. A. Lewis, Postmaster, Ebbw Vale or at the Company's Office, 1, Dock Chambers, Cardiff. 11242 "ALLAN" ROYAL MAIL LINE. Shortest Sea Passage to CANADA and the UNITED STATES.-Sho)-test Route to the WEST. THE superb Steamships of this Line now run direct A every Tuesday and Thursday from Liverpool to Quebec and Portland, forwarding Passengers to New York and Boston, and to all Cities and Towns in Canada and the United States. Front Liverpool to Quebec. Canadian, Tuesday, Oct. 28 Polynesian, Thurs., Oct. 30 From Liverpool to Portland. Scandinavian, Thus. Nov. 6 Nestorian, Thurs., Dec. 11 Manitoban, Tuesday, 11 Canadian, Tuesday, 16 Prussian, Thursday, 13 Polynesian, Thurs., 18 North American, Tu. 18 Peruvian, Tuesday, ,,23 Caspian, Thursday, ,,20 Prussian, Thursda;, 25 Phoenician, Tuesday, „ 25 North American, Tus. „ 30 Sarmatian, Thurs., 27 1874. Corinthian, Tues., Dec. 2 Nova Scotian, Thurs. Jan. 1 Circassian, Thurs., 4 Phoenician, Tuesday, 6 Waldensian Tuesday, 9 1 The Mail Steamships for Halifax, Norfolk, and Baltimore sail as follows, forwarding Passengers by Rail to all parts of the Middle Western, South Western, and Southern States. Hibernian via St. John's, Austrian, via St. John's Tuesday, November 4 Tuesday, December 2 Nova Scotian via St John's Manitoban, Tues., Dec. 16 Tuesday, November 18 Cabin Passage to Halifax, Portland, Quebec, Norfolk, or Baltimore, Sl8 18s, or X15 15s, Boston or New York, £ 16, or X19, St. John's (Newfoundland), X13, or £15, according to accommodation, including Provisions, but not Wines or Liquors, which can be obtained on board. Return Tickets at reduced rates. A limited number of in- termediate passengers are taken in each Steamer at 49 9s, including Beds, Bedding, and all necessary utensils, dining apart from steerage. Application for berths to be made in advance. Steerage Passage to St. John, Halifax, Quebec, Portland Boston, New York, Norfolk, or Baltimore, X6 6s, including a plentiful supply of cooked provisions. Steerage Steward- esses are carried by this line to attend to the wants of female passengers and children. Baggage taken from the Ocean Steamships to the Rail. way Cars tree of Expense. V Any information required concerning Canada, can be obtained from Mr Dixon, 11, Adam Street, Adelphi, Lon. don Agent for the Canadian Government Pamphlets on Canada supplied gratis by our agents. Shortest Route to SAN FRANCISCO, virÎ, the Union Pacific Railroad. Through Tickets issued on the most favourable terms, i or I reiglit or Passage, apply to ALLAN BROTHERS &. Co., Alexandra Buildings, James Street, Liverpool, and 85, Foyle Street, Londonderry. Or to DAVID WILLIAMS, 10, Johu-strect, Carmarthen. COMPANY'S SPECIAL NOTICE TO EMIGRANTS. We advise Passengers to obtain their Tickets from our Agents before leaving home. [2106.