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),JETROPOLIS SEWAGE AND fcSSEX RECLAMATION COM- PANY. 11orporated by Special Act of Parliament. I Pital JE2,100,000, in 21,000 Scrip Certificates of £100 each. to be hereafter divided into Shares of £ 10 each. b ePOsit, on application, Y.2 per Certificate, with further Payments of X8 on Allotment, and Y,10 on 2nd October next. b, Subscribers will, in exchange for their Letter of zi Ot,aent "? Banker's Receipt, receive Scrip Certificates, ?hich oil P??snt of the sum of ?10 (payable on 2nd ?ober '? ?o?f). will be exchanged, under the pro ,,is l. ot's of the Act of Parliament, for Registered Sh?e. of tb 0, and the Shareholders will b.? credited in the B?oks e Uompany £2 in respect of each Registered Share. Directors. ""I L?IGHT Hol, THE LORD DE TABLEY. G. FCLATER-BOOTII E-q., M.P., Member of Sewage 'f 0"tt"rl, 1864 and 186-5. Th*. RD RICHARD H. BROWNE. JAME.??"? CURRIE, Esq. ??RI? ?MMO?D. Esq. A?BUT C. GUTHRIE. Esq. ?fRS?? -?IBERT, Esq. jOSEPH S. ?SYCHBR, Esq. ?EH?'??"? W- ?TRE. CGL SIR WILLIAM RUSSELL, Bart, C.B,, M.P., Member of RFTO, 1864. MAjnR i* C°mniittee. 1864. J. A "'Dlt THE BON. S. P. VEREKER J. w PERRY WATLINGTON, Esq., M.P. G W Engineers. O. • J-a, ^MAN, Esq., C.E., &c.; J. F. BATEMAN, Esq.. C.E.. F.R.S., &c. Consulting Chemist. «e<a ? PRorEssop J. T. WAY, Member of the ?y?l Commission on Rivers, and of the late Royal Comll ission on Sewage. Bankers. Messrs. GLYN, MILLS. CUHRIE, aod Co. MESSRS. HRUMMOND. T Mcs?. SPARROW, TUFNELL. & Co. (Essex.) TaE? OF SCOTLAND & BRANCHBS,1 ? Ut? ?? ? SCOTLAND & BRANCHES,") Titp, BANK o?? ? MA?CHESTER, j Wilt atso Ti,yi r,IRMIN GHAM BANKING Co., ? Su"bSsScrip- £ >• Barbeh *ke*Ty & Co(D,;blin> tsn X «I«ERN BANKING Co. (Belfast) J „ Solicitors. Messrs, BAXTER ROSE, NORTON & Co. Messrs. WEST & KING. Brokers. Messrs. P. CAZENOVE & Co. Mtsrrs. SEYMOUR & Co. Secretary, pro tern. WALTER A. MICHAEL, Esq. Offices -60, THREADNEEDLE STREET. -I". 'V "'n. THE INTERNATIONAL FINANCIAL SOCIETY are authorised to receive Subscriptions for the Share Capital 'of tbis Company, which has been Incorporated by Special Act f Parliament, for the purpose of Utilising the Sewage of ? Northern area of the Metropolis, the Concession of I,Ich has been granted to Me?Rrs. NAPIER & HOPE. THA R DC68S'on from the Metropolitan Board of Works to ^•sats N & HOPE as now confirmed by Act of Par lament i f Scheduled to the Act, and both may be inspected the n«68 the Company. Tb Con8^°- l°n has been nested in the Company on con ?'t?ncft payment to Messrs NAPIER and HOPE, under L5E PFO'isioDB^^tVhe A.ct, of £ 50,000 in fully paid up Shares the Compdn, ?? ??' ? ?0.000 in futiy paid up Shares ')'-P -3, -.d a s"?? contingent per centage of the The Co?cesslon recites, that in the opinion of the Board, the W orke PtoPosed by Messrs. NAPIER and HOPE are the Works «'!thK e by Meaars. NAPIER and HopE are caleal.ted to effect the three f.H.win? .bjeot.. na?Iv -• *o albert the Sewage from the Thames, 2. To render it innocuous, by its application to crowiM" crops, 3. To realise the greatest money value of the manure ft. contained in it.  'V Article confers upon Messrs NAPIER and HOPE "theah"t ? and exclusive right to, and property in the Sewao » > [ a period of 54 years from the passing of the Act, makes the following provision in reference to the 'PpHcat*'°° the net profits resulting from the scheme after the exnt°" °? 4 years from the passing of the Act. ^fevion/t tl i £ expiration of that period, all the profits ?suits tn <? expiration of that period, oM the pronte After 0 t e CQIpany. After dedu et-'On of the annual ohrge fpr "money borrowed" and of the working and establiahment ex- Pei2eea th 0 net Bro?t.han ? .???— l. ?. F i ll.?.- &ln paYQlènt i interest at 5 per cent. per annum on tb I 8h-re C- Pital ■nd in ^?ent 10e<iual moieties to the Shareholders  ,tropoliun Board of the further profits up 3 to 1,5 percent 3rd,-In divisio n °/ profits exceeding 15 per cent. and up cent. ??cn the Shareholders and the MetroDolitnn °ai in the proportion of one-fourth to the former J the fore?er and ??e fourths to the latter. 4tb-After ?6 per cent., the division again to become equal. Po'itan Crdft!8eBt!Pulatioa8 is, that while the Metro- ?t"D ?oar? » ?"tual?y to receive half the profits, yet, ?at in order tn give a greater security, and therefore greater ?"e to the Sh 8 Heater security, and therefore greater Value tot e area the Shareholders are to have a prefer- elice t'D t e extent of 5 per cent,, which is made good to the ■?^ecte ropoHtan ft °^ ? between the points of 15 and 25 per ^t-, at whirK i point each party receives 12? per cent, 913d t e division is then continued equally. Thus, the Eb apital of the Company dfrives the advantage of the "recaDita)?. "?" Three Millions sterling, expended b y the  the North side of the Thames, for the action Of the Sevage at the point of its delivery to the Company e At the eip illatioll of 34 years, the Board have the right, 8>*ing tvv(f»pn. notice, to require a revision by arbitra- "°" of the aPP°rt,onraent of profits. The ConcM stip.1 ates for the construction of a circular ?ck culv s810n  for the construction of a circular bric u ITert, 9 feet 6 inches in diameter, shown by the red ? ? the ?? ?°?'?"? Map, and running from the -ort era On Sewer to the East Coast of Essex, and ?thcr. for ,aniatI0n of the tract of foreshore and Band coior he ?'°" ? ? '?ct of foreshore :md "a ??010 rein on the Map (about 7,000 acres). The "'tentionbein? "?te the lands in the district through ?ch the evil ♦ asses, and to utilise the surplus upon the Kelaim? '?eba?? ? been entered into wi-th Mr William ebater (,.h 0 v constructed more than one third of the ^ain Drain Worb of the Metropolis, including the Crassness Ontf m rikesneas Outfall), for ??'* construction of the works men- tioned above, together with the necessary pumping stations, for tho ? °' XI.853,448. To this must be added the  to ''? P"? to Messrs. Napier and Hope in Shares, as bef*re Mentioned; the cost of land, engineering, Parlia- :entary and legal expenses, Buperintendenee, and man-ge- njg together with interest at 5 per cent. per annum on the capital during the construction of the culvert, estimated t  total of ?546,552; in all L2,400,000. The Act auth J-868 Directors to raise the amount of £ 700,000 in I)ebeinture, .-but of ?"' ?? above shown, only X300,000 will a Probability be required. The p °» ??? ?? right of taking, without any pay-  dur1D the firBt four years, as much of the Sewage as they can nt r lse" From this source an imm edi.te return n,ay he n?t '-t so that the return upon capital during n,av be nv, s?"oa'i.d be much in excess of the interest pro- Tided. tificate thTn October next of the £ 10 per Cer- tia,,dthen due the Certificates of.ZlOO, will be exchanged Aecordine to 10 neach- AOrd?' 9 10 the calculations made the eventual revenue of tbe Comnan* 8 !8t,mate<i at about £ 720,000, and the working expend. ? management at ?50,000. Applic#tions arineiled form abould be left with the Bankers, who willtbe annexed form should be left with the unleøl accompanied ot, bowevr,  ?Y applications un&??* ???'?b?ya ? ?<'? of ?2 certiGcate on the  ment IB made tho dep08.PIed for. In cases where no allot- Ment is likado the d eposit will be r;,turzied in fUll and should a smaller number t har, il applied for be aMoted the balance returnable to the applicant will be a?Pli.d towards payment of the amount due on allotment. 0 In caes. where .? allot. to forfeiture the deposit Paid o, a ^aNotbe uot Pa^ ment is made, if the balance du e 04 allotment ?iH be liable within the term fixed by the leUer o( a]>°tment, and the allotment will be liable to cancel!? ?tment?nd'pad Icribers in due payment of the Y'lo n? ?'?"It by Sub- payable on 2nd October, 1865, will, in i;ka? ?°?er the Scrip Certificate subject to cancellation a??<'?"° amount theretofore paid thereon to forfeiture. c amount Prospectuses and forms of application anybc okt •ed from the Bankers and Brokers and at the onicee of ther? pany, No. 60 Threadneedle street, E. C., London. om- METROPOLIS SEWAGE AND ESSEX RE- CLAMATION COMPANY. FORM OF APPLICATION FOR SHARES, TO BE LEFT WITH THE BANKS. NO. To the Directors of the Metropolis Sewage and Essex Reclamation Company. Gentlemen. 611 of Having paid to the on being a deposit of X2 per Certificate Cert'fi t Certificates, I request you to allot to me Cprtic i of fIOO ???' in THE METROPOLIS SEWAGE AKD '1?OEX RECLAMATION COMPANY, in conformity with the Prospectus issued by the International Financial Society (Limited) and I hereby agree to accept (subject in all respects to the terms of the said Prospectus) such Certificates or any less number that may be allotted to me, and to pay the sum due on allotment thereof, at such time as may be fixed by the Letter of Allotment, and to pay the further sum of £ 10 per Certificate on 2nd October 1865. I am, GENTLEMEN, Your obedient Servant, Signature. Name in full Address in full Reference Date. MEMORANDUM ON THE METROPOLIS SEWAGE AND ESSEX RECLAMATION SCHEME. I This scheme has for so long been a subject of public inte- rest, and has been so fully discussed by the pres. that it is unnecessary now to add more in justification of the prospec- tus, than Rie a brief summary of the Parliamentary pro- ceedings in relation to it, and an estimate of the profit likely to accrue to the Shareholders. It was for the necessary powers to construct the works named in the Concession that application was made to Parliament; powers also being obtained for the reclamation of the Dengie Flats, and for the construction of the Culvert shown by the Blue Line on the Map, should it hereafter be deemed expedient further to develope the operations of the Company. After the second reading of the Bill in the House of Com- mons, which was supported by the Right Hon. Wm. Cowper, Her Majesty's First Commissioner of Works, it was, on the petition of the Corporation of the City of London, first sent before the Referfes, that the Engineering features of the. scheme might be thoroughly sifted. They reported as fol- lows The Referees are of opinion that there are no objections in an engineering point of view, and that the estimate is sufficient." The Referees were M. D. Hassard, Esq., M.P.; Sir William Gibson Craig, Bart.; and Col. Stuart, M. P. The proposed undertaking was then enquired into by a Select Committee of the House, who received a special in struotio'i from the House to "inquire into the most useful and profitable means for disposing of the Metropolitan Sewage on the North Side of the Thames." After a long and patient inquiry, the Committee summed up their Report as follows Upon the evidence, your Committee are of opinion that the scheme which has been submitted to them is a useful and profitable mode of applying the Sewage of the Northern portion of the Metropolis, and they have no reason to suppose that any more useful or profitable scheme could be devised." Tne Committee consisted of- The Judge-Advocate General Mr Ayrton, Dr. Brady, Mr Clay, Mr Knight, Mr Taverner John Miller, Mr Paget, Mr Sclater-Booth, Colonel Smyth, Mr Turner. In the disousflion which ensued on the presentation of the Report to the House, Sir George Grey and Mr Henley both expressed their approval of the scheme. The scheme was again enquired into very fully by a Com- mittee of the House of Lords, where the Bill passed through all the different stages, and having received the Royal Assent is now an Act of Parliament, and has become Law. On the division in the House of Lords upon the third reading, 49 Peers voted in favour of the Bill, and only 4 against it, His Royal Hig' ness the Prince of Wales being one of the 49, and giving to this Bill the countenance and support of his first vote ever recorded in the House of Lords. Of the value of Sewage as a Ila, ure, there is, as stated in a leading article upon this soheme, published in the .1 Times" of the 2nd March last, "no dispute." The only question in regard to the Sewage of London being, as the I. Times" says, whether that value is £ 400,000 or L4,000,000 a year." This latter figure is the estimate of Baron Leibig, and the Corporation of the City of London for the Sewage of both sides of the Metropolis; or roughly, about £ 2,66 ,666, as the yearly value of that portion of the Sewage which has become the property of the Company by virtue of their agreemeLt with Messrs. Napier and Hope, but the Directors concur with these gentlemen in believing that his estimate is greatly exaggerated. However, the culvert which the Directors have contracted for is of an in- ternal diameter of 10 feet, instead of 9 feet 6 and by means of the greater carrying power thus obtained, together with the means at their disposal for storing the Sewage in the Reservoirs of the Metropolitan Board, they will be enabled to utilise at least 120,000,000 tons of Sewage per annum, and from this they look for an eventful net profit to be divided with the Board of upwards of £650,000 a year. The experience of forty years' application of Sewage upon pure sea sand, and other soils, near Edinburgh, and of several years upon various soils near Croydon, shews that when the Company's operations are fully developed and in full working the return from the Company's own land should be not less than L210,000, and this would absorb 35 millions of tons of sewage, leaving 85 millions available for sale to the farmers along the line of culvert, wiicb in the same ratio of value would produce no less than £ 510,000 a year, making a total of £ 720,000 and this figure is singularly borne out by the experience and opinions of those most conversant with the subject, and is qu'te within the estimates given in evidence before the Houses of Parliament. One farmer, Mr Wagstaff, of South Oxendon, who farms 1,200 acres on tbe line of culvert, stated upon oath that he would be prepared to give twopenoe per ton for such quantities of the Sewage as it suited him to take-a value strongly in- sisted upon by many high authorities; at which rate the yearly value of the whole would be no less than One Million Sterling. Another rough estimate of the realisable value of Sewage which has been given in evidence by many authorities, name- ly, one penny per ton all round would produce X500,000 a year, so that the estimated return of zC720,000, arrived at by independent calculations, is as near as poseible the mean I between the two estimates. J. HE. SMITH SO Go., Medical and Chemical Hall, Carmarthen, (formerly Tardrew and Smith, King-street), NO. 19, QUEbN-STREET, Chemists and Druggists, Wine and Spirit Merchants, Hop and Seed Merchants, have a Stock of FRESH TURNIP SEEDS. Agents for—The Royal Insurance Company, Horniman's Pure Tea, Cassell's Choice Coffees, Ridley's Antioorrosion Paint, The London Manure Company, And Henri's Horse and Cattle Food. THE FRESH MEAT PRESERVER. PURE WINES AND SPIRITS QUEENSLAND OOTEBXMBNT EMIGRATION OFFICES. LONDON. EMIGRATION TO QUEENSLAND. FREE GRANTS OF LAND. ALL persons paying their own full passages to .fjL the Colony receive a X30 Land-Order-eq ual to thirty acres of land,—for each member of their families of 12 years and upwards, and a 115 Land Order for each child between 12 months and 12 years. FREE AND ASSISTED PASSAGES are now given to eligible persons without restriction as to age. HENRY JORDAN, Agent-General for Emigration for Queensland. Appointed Agent for Carmarthen.—Mr. R. LLoYD JONES, Journal Office. TEETH WITHOUT PAIN AND WITHOUT SPRINGS. OSTBO EIDON FOR ARTIFICIAL TEETH EQUAL TO NATURE. A SINGLE TOOTH, FROM 5?. COMPETE SETS 4, 7, 10, and 15 GUINEAS. A PERFECT FIT GUARANTEED. ??CABR/? L THEOLD ESTABDSHED ?S?T))S1? 27, 'l™ a2? 7. HTT?, .?? C?.?.,?? W. C'<<?/?<,?-???. 64: Legate H.LL 6i (tour doors f,om the Railw.. I' :d .y !!) l? PIKE-.STREET, LIVERPOOL; 65, NEW STREET, BIRMINGHAM. Only one visit required from Country patients. G ABRIEL'S TREATISE ON TEETH GRATIS. JOHN DANIEL, OLD PLOUGH INN, LAMMAS-STREET, CAEMARTHE N- BEGS to inform the public that he has on hire a HEARSE, which will be supplied on the shortest notice. MR. HARRISON, Member of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons of London and Edinburgh, BEGS to announce that he will visit CARMAR- BTHE.N on the first WEDNESDAY in every month, and may be consulted professionally at the BOAR'S HEAD HOTEL. Mr EIARITISON, V.S., will also visit CAltDIGAN on the first THURSDAY, in every month, and may be consulted at the BLACK Lion Hotel. MR. JOSEPH POWELL, GROCER & PROVISION DEALER, Auctioneer, Appraiser, and General Com- mission Agent, PEMBROKE. OWEN PHILLIPS, ANGEL COMMERCIAL INN, POSTING HOUSE FAMILY HOTEL, 36, SAINT MAR Y S T R E E T, CARDIGAN. Wines and Spirits of the best quality. GOOD STABLING & LOCK-UP COACH HOUSES. UNIVERSAL SAUCE FOR Fish, Game, Steaks, Soups, Gravies, Hot jL and Cold Meat, and unrivalled for geueral use. It is manufactured only by the sole proprietor, DAVID DAVIES, Operative & Pharmaceutical Chemist, 42, Iligh-strect, Cardigan. Drags, Chemicals, &a., &e., of the purest quality. DENTAL SURGERY. MR. A. F. BAYNTUN will visit CARMARTHEN (52, KING-STREET, opposite the AssemblyRooms), on Friday, July 28th, and Saturday, July 29th. Swansea, April 6th, 1865. DENTAL SURGERY. VV". J. EVANS, DENTIST, TREVANE HOUSE, N-EAR TENBY, WILL visit CARMARTHEN on the first WED- W NESDAY and third SATURDAY in every month and may be consulted at the Ivy BUSH ROYAL HOTEL. CENTRAL WALES EXTENSION RAILWAY. LOANS ON DEBENTURES.-The Directors of L this Company are prepared to accppt Tenders for Loans in sums of not less than XIOO, for periods of 3, 5, or 7 Years on the security of their Debenture Bonds, bearing interest at £.1) per cent, per anuum, payable half yearly. Application to be made 10 the Secretary, at tne Offices of«i Company, 11, Manchester Buildings, Westminster, S.w.  By Order, JOSHUA DEAN, Secretary. Offioel, -11, Manchester Buildings, Westminster, S. W. STARCH MANUFACTURERS TO H.R.H. THE PRINCESS OF WALES. GLENFIELD PATENT STARCH' USED IN THE ROYAL LAUNDRY. THE LADIES are respectfully informed that Tthis Starch is EXCLUSIVELY USED IN THE ROYAL LAUNDRY, and Her Majesty's Laundress says, that although she has tried WHEATEN, RICE, & other POWDER STARCHER she has found none of them equal to the GLEN FIELD, which is the FINEST STARCH she e-ver used. WOTHERSPOON & Co., GLASGOW, & LONDON. fo FARM SERVANTS. WANTED, a sober Man, to cultivate a small Villa Farm, on which two Milch Cuw are kept. Wages, 13s per week, with a four-room cottage free. Apply to Mr T. H. JENKINS, jeweller, Gmidhah.Square, Carmarthen. WANTED, immediately, a respectable and well- educated youth, as an Apprentice in the Drapery Business, also a Junior Hand. Apply to Mr P. DAVIES, Cardiff. July 5th, 1S65. NOT ICE. A LL Persons having any Claim against the Estate of the late Mr W. BOWEN, of Cwmynis, are requested to send their Clxim forthwith, Fo thst the same may be paid also, all CLliillS due to the Esthte are request- ed to be paid to the hands of Mrs ELIZABETH BOWEN, Administratix. Castle Howell, July 3d, 1866. GOAT.STREET, HAVERFORDWEST. MRS. PENROSE'S Establishment for Young L idies (formerly condur.ted by her sister, Miss HILL) will RE-OPEN on WEDNESDAY, the 26th instant. July 3rd, 1865. PARKYVELVET ACADEMY, CARMARTHEN, Master: Mr. T. LEWIS. (Undergratuate of the London University.) THE duties of the abov? School will be re- Tsumed on MONDAY, the 24th of JULY. Mansel-street, June 30th, 1865. GRAMMAR SCHOOL, CARMARTHEN. PUPILS are prepared at this School for the | -L Universities, and for any of the competitive or middle- lass examinations; also in the general subjects of a com niercial education. The Head Master has made arrangements for receiving boarders at very moderate terms. The School will RE OPEN on WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 2nd. ENGLISH MIDDLE CLASS BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL, QUAY-STREET, CARMARTHEN, Conducted by Illi- BEE CHEF, M.C.P. MR. B., in re-opening the above Establish — ment, begs to assure those Parents and Guardian who may honor him with their confidence by entrusting the education of youth to his care, that his most earnest efforts will be made in order to facilitate a rapid improve- ment in every branch of a polite and useful EducatioD, such as is calculated tll prepare them for the Learned Professions, Bankers' and Merchants' Houses, and General Trade. The system adopted by Mr BEECHEY is the result of more than Thirty Years' experience, and will be found to com- bine all the advantages of the Public Schools, with the usual routine of sound Commercial Tuition. The next Quarter will commence on Monday, 17th inst. Terms on application. ST. DAVID'S COLLEGE, LAMPETER. AN Examination for SCHOLARSHIPS and A. EXHIBITIONS of Students who propose to enter this College at the beginning of the next Term, will be held on TUESDAY, the 3rd OCTOBER. There are four Scholarships vacant, two of the va)Mc of £ 25 and ?20 re- sectivelY; open to all Candidates, and two others, each of t ge ra'ue D r.' v of Wa j es. There aective[y-, of 2tlp?S. t 1o0 ne, r gn in ,a;FcrmJ¡ty'{8 are atso i.uree gn.o £ 16 per annum. The Subjects for examination are The Medea of Euripides; Cicero de Officus, Lib. I.-II. Euclid, I.—III. Algebra; and English Composition. Candidates must produce certificates of charaoter, and must send their names to the Vice-Principal, on or before the 20th September. N.B.—The Scholarships will not be awarded unless a suitable standard of attainment is reached ST. DAVID'S COLLEGE, LAMPETER. THE course of instruction in this College Teomprises Theology, The Classics, Matbematics, Na. tuul and Moral Sciences, English and Modern Languages. Scholarships and Exhibitions are annually given away to the C amount of about £750, and ranging in value from £10 to £30. The college has by charter the power of conferring the degrees of B.A. and 1} U Ihe entire necessary expense per annum do, a u 0t exceed 1:42. Further particulars may be obtained on application to the College Manciple. ESTABLISHED 1820. vv. L. MORRIS (SUCCESSOR TO HIS LATE FATHER, J. L. MORRIS, PLUMBER, COPPERSMITH, BRAZIER, &c, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL PIPE AlSD SIlEET LEAD MERCHANT. BEGS to return thanks to the inhabitants of Carmarthen and its vicinity for past favours, and trusts Jj to merit a continuance of the same. 5, DARK-GATE C A R Al A R T H E N. CHILDREN'S DIET. ERO-WN POLSON'S PATENT CORN FLOUR. PA CKETS 8d. THE name has been adopted on cheap qualities that Counterfeit the Appearance of BROWN and POLSON'S TBROWN and POLSON'S (second quality) INDIAN CORN FLOUR is supplied at 6d., and superior to the best offered by other Makers. Sold by the most respectable Chemists and Grocers, and Wholesale and Retail by R. M. DAVIES, Chemist, 49, King-street, Carmarthen. LAWES' MANURES, 1B65. THE above Manures have been manufactured by J. B. L?WES for a period of 23 years they are now Tlargely used in every part of the United Kingdom. A supply for the present season can be obtained of Mr. LAWES, or through his appointed Agents. LAWES' TURNIP MANURE, LAWES' MINERAL SUPERPHOSPHATE of LIME, LAWES' WHEAT, BARLEY, GRASS, and MANGOLD MANURES, LAWES' CONCENTRATED CORN AND GRASS MANURES, Agents:- Messrs. TUCKER BROTHERS, Abergavenny. Mr. J. M. HALL, Cardiff. Messrs. T. & B. G. JONES, Pembroke Mills, Pembroke. Messrs. DAVIES & LOWTHER, The Bridge, Cardigan. Mr. JOHN MORGAN, The Square, Shrewsbury. Mr. THOMAS HUGHES, Haverfordwest. JOHN BEISTISTET LA YVES OFFICES—1, ADELAIDE PLACE, LONDON BRIDGE, E.C., AND 22, EDEN QUAY, DUBLIN. A.qents required in Towns not represented. "PURITY Be EXCELLENCE OF QUALITY" ??s?s?? y??t??S?!? le bye0 -Z E Alto,    OP?DINI   $  >? S RETAILED IN EVERY TOWN THROUGHOUT THE UNITED KINGDOM. Z4r E Y, 'A THEIR GENUINE AND DOUBLE SUPERF'NEARETHE QUALITIES PARTICULARLY RECOMMENDED FOR FAMILY USE. THEilt  RETAILED IN EVERY TOWN THROUGHOIJT THE UNITED KINGDOM. '?-?————————?—————?-?———' SPRING FASHIONS. CAMBRIAN HOUSE. JOHN HOVTELL BEGS to inform the Public, that on and after TUESDAY, the 18th inst., he will be prepared to SHOW JD a Large and Choice Assortment of MILLINERY and STRAW BONNETS, SILK and CLOTH JACKETS and MANTLES, CHILDREN'S DRESSES, STRAW and FANCY HATS, SILK, MOHAIR and FANCY DRESSES, SHAWLS, PARACHUTES, also a large assortment of Hosiery, &c. The favour of a Call will oblige. Lammas-street, Carmarthen, April 13th, 1865. D. <&; W. DAVIES ARE now prepared with a large ASSORTMENT of NOVELTIES suitable for the Season, at their Warehouses, iNos. 1 AND 2, GUiLDHALL-SQUARE, CARMARTHEN, Consisting of MILLINERY, PLAIN and FANCY STRAW BONNETS and HATS, MANTLES SHAWLS, DRESSE, SILKS, RIBBONS, FLOWERS, FEATHERS, PARACHUTES, Gentlemen's SHAWLS, DRESSES, SILKS, COATINGS, TROWSERING8. VESTlNGS, REAL WELSH CLOTHS WATERPROOF GARMENTS, COATINGS, TROWSEPINGS, VESTINGS, REAL WELSH CLOTHS and FLANNELS, UMBRELLAS, HATS, SCARFS, TIES, SHIRTS, COLLARS, &c., &c. Two Respectable Youths icanted as Appre7itices. May 5th, 1865. AT AN END.-THE WAR IN AMERICA. Consequently a reduction of 30 or more per cent. will be made in all COTTON GOODS, at JOHN LEWIS'S, COMMEECE HOUSE, GUILDHALL SQUARE, CARMARTHEN. Having just returned from the London Markets, J. L. is now prepared to offer to his Friends and the Public generally the full benefit of the great reduction in Cotton Goods. The Stock embraces a good supply of FANCY DRESSES, GLOVES, TIES, COLLARS, SHAWLS, PARACHUTES, HOSIERY, CALICOES, WEST of ENGLAND and YORKSHIRE CLOTHS, IRISH and SCOTCH FRIEZES, &c., &c. Prints at old prices, 5d. and 6d. per yard, warranted fast colours. A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF STRAW HATS, In all the leading shapes, at prices not to be surpassed. -GENTLEMEN'S SILK HATS, in every variety of shape, at 10s. 6d. & 12s. 6d. each, Quality and Workmanship not to be excelled. An Early inspection is solicited. TERMS-CASH: Hence J. L. is able to sell cheaper than other Houses which give long credit. Guildhall Square, May, 1865. FURNITURE, CARPETS, BEDDING FURNISHING ORDERS, DELIVERED CARRIAGE FREE TO ANY RAILWAY STATION. L A V E R TON & Co., BRISTOL, HAVE always on hand for selection the Largost Stock of well-manufactured CABINET GOODS jLl CARPETS, and BEDDING, in the West of England, and with the aid of their new improved and Extensive Steam Machinery, are enabled to supply GOOD MODERN FURNITURE, warranted in quality, MUCH CHEAPER THAN ANY OTHER HOUSE IN THE KINGDOM. AN ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE, Containing over 300 Engravings of Household Furniture, with Prices and Estimates for furnishing the Cottage, "-&.I..L\.8, *v«, 0- O'oCi'- -r-ro.rriTAXT riT) A mTC" LAVERTON &; Co, STEAM CABINET WORKS, MARYLEPORT STREET, BRISTOL. NEW PAT ENT CONCRETE STONE, MALE WITHOUT BURNING, For which the Commissioners of the Exhibition of 1862 have Awarded the Prize Medal, and which for Sharpness of Outline, Beauty of Appearance, Durability, and Cheapness, stands unrivalled. It surpasses every other material in its applicability to every description of ARCHITECTURAL EM- BELLISHMENTS, CAPITALS for COLUMNS and PILASTERS, CHIMNEY-PIECES, TRUSSES, &c., &c., &c.; also for PARKS, GARDENS, CONSERVATORIES, &c. and especially for FOUNTAINS, VASES, TARDINETS, STATUES, BALUSTRADES for TERRACES, GATE PIERS, CAPS, and TER. MINALS, EDGING for GARDEN BORDERS, &c. MONUMENTS, TOMBS, & ALL KINDS OF CEMETERY REQUIREMENTS. For Prices, Specimens, and Illustrations, apply to MESSRS. FREDRICKS & JENNER, PATENT STONE WORKS, KIDWELLY. SOLE LICENSEES FOR MONMOUTHSHIRE AND SOUTH WALES. PIANOFORTES LET ON HIRE. THOIMIFSOIISr SHAOKELL, BOOKSELLERS, STATIONERS, i YEIVS-AGENTS, MUSICAL INSTRUMENT WAREHOUSE, GUILDHALL-SQUARE, CARMARTHEN, BEG to announce that they LET on HIRE the following Pianofortes for THREE YEARS; after which, JD and without any further payment whatever, the Instrument becomes the property of the hirer:— No. I.-The 28-Guinea Piccolo, in Rosewood or Walnut, 2 and-a-half Guineas per quarter. No. 2.—The 42-Guinea Drawing-room Model Cottage, in Rosewood or Walnut, L3 18s 9d per quarter. No 3.—The 60-Guinea Exhibition Cottage Piano, Rosewood or Walnut, zC5 5s per quarter. Every Instrument is warranted of the very best manufacture, and highly calculated to resist the damp climate of Wales. Quarterly Payments are required. THOMPSON and SHACKELL have also several capital Pianofortes for Hire, at from Five Guineas to Nine Guineas per annum Harmoniums for hire at as. per month. OLD INSTRUMENTS BOUGHT OR TAKEN IN EXCHANGE. Saxhorns, Cornopeans, Drums, Fifes, Flutes, Concertinas, Accordeons, and every other kind of Musical Instrument cheap and good. P R ICE LISTS SENT POST FREE. ALL NEW MUSIC, HALF-PRICE, and obtained for Customers at the tame price if not in stock. PIANOFORTES TUNED AND RENOVATED. Terms for Tuning :—Town, 5s.; Country, 10s. 6d. 2d. IN THE SHILLING FOR CASH OFF ALL BOOKS, CHURCH SERVICES, PRAYER-BOOKS, BIBLES, AND MAGAZINES. A very large assortment of all these Articles & ACCOUNT BOOKS of every description kept constantly in stock. FANCY ARTICLES, PURSES, POCKET-BOOKS, &c., AT LOWEST PRICES FOR CASH. FREDERICK BE N T L E Y, BOOKSELLER & STATIONER, 4, WIND-STREET, SWANSEA. GLOUCESTER DEPOSITORY. j ROAD •• OR [n!????????P?[??LJ RAIL. 'MOUSECLS?u RN' T u??  rpHIS ESTABLISHMENT, from its Extent and X Contra! Position, offers to Families REMOVING or WJ. AREHOUSING FURNITURE, advantages not to be surpassed. M 0 U S E L L S IMIIROVED SY8IKM OF REMOVING FURNITURE, PLATE GLASS, PICTURES, &c., WITHOUT PACKING, TROUBLE, OR RISK TO THE OWNER. Estimates given for the entire Rem-TO I of Household Goods from House to House, however distant. VANS lO &UI1 ALL RAILWAYS. Djy and Separate Rooms ior Warehousin~g Furniture, &c. Strong Room fur Plate. MOUSELL'S Crry DEPOSITORY-GLOUCESTER.