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UM-, oi the new provisions which have just been added to the Revised Code, has an im- portant bearing on the spread of education in Wales. Our national system of education has given unequal advantages to different parts of the country. It was so planned that only the more populous parishes could obtain assistance from the Government, while the poorer parishes being unable to comply with the regulations, were left to themselves. This defect in the system has long been felt, but its magnitude was not fully realised until after the appearance of a report laid, before Parliament in the last session, by the Committee of Council. There are in England and Wales 11,877 parishes, and of these 8,761 have a population of less than 500 inhabitants and 4,149 out of the 8,761 have a population of less than 200. The report showed that of 618 parishes with more than 5,000 in- habitants, and an aggregate of 10,772,623, no less than .63 or 91-5 per cent, received annual grants from the State while of the 8, iGl pa- rishes with less than 500 inhabitants, and an aggregate population of 1,966,422, only 8-8 per cent. received grants. In fact, as Mr Brucc stated last week in the House of Commons, in the one case all but 8 per cent, received State assistance, while in the other only 8 per cent. were in receipt of it. The various attempts which were made from time to time to remedy this state of things have utterly failed. About two months ago Miss Burdett Coutts suggested a plan which was at once most favour- t"'o b '1'1 1 f ably received by the country. The principle of this plan, to use her own words, consists in the schoolmaster being the ambulatory centre of unity to a group of schools, carried on under his superintendence, according to local resources and capabilities. By this method grants of the public money would be given in aid of small and scattered parishes, while a sufficient gua- rantee would be secured for the efficiency of the instruction given. The scheme is as follows — t I. That, in the first case, an union of a certain num- ber of contiguous small parishes be formed, and a Com- mittee of Management be appointed J at' in the secoud "? one Committee be ap- pomte? for the whole path III. That in each separate small parish or in each Bub-divmo" of the large parish, a school, not unlko the Sft»r ??°'- be established. A smtl room in a cottage »oll. painstaking  mIght be found fit for purprjSIV A painstaking woman moif gh"t r be ^oun1d ?fit /f ° i" *'ork' would >'e raeI|quired ^IIln SXP™l,S80me schools ad)T«is,,aa„ one master, who 8^°uthese^ooms^as'cL^rooms^of one school. That he should work hirmulf in each small school in m<.<.M,im, for me day M* tM d or for i -?.'?'.y ti?e th.t .?hrt?r,t.d°'' T lie sho,uld be entIrely responsiblo for the instruction of the children, for the orginiz?ition of the schools, for the proper keeping of the registers for the aUe care of the school materials-in short, for all that a master has to provide for and lor-fr aft or in ? ordinary school. V That th.r °TltteG should determine the amount ofthesc?o ??nd?'? ??  er?nethe amount  the school fee and recei ve the f™1 pence, arranging with each teacher t to the definite payment to be made to each. "yj mi addition to one annual meeting, tho Children children, with their teachers, should, if possible, occ?- Rinnall^ i brought together and examined by the Sf>ir n quarterly examina- firm 0 °f 2l p mm j tteo and that a care f u l quarterly exam i na- hon of the children be made and recorded by the mas-  and that they be tried by the usual standards of the  Code; a! that an inspector be requested once a-vpnr + ° e/a?'-n e ° ??? ?" inspector be requested up to th? '? ?-?"? such children as can be brought up to tese standards, in order to maintain the thorough effi- cciie?ncy ro?f the schools. VTr ????°?°'???'o?ceive all the school Dence sh!fir| i80?"80 8ubscriPtions> and pay their head master and iSi their separate schoolmistresses, fixed salaries wHh » °me S increase, both to the mistress ??d??hT:?h ?' for each child who p?d ac- cording to Its stan6ard Committee supply all school materials, so th? ;v, "at0ri;lI,S might at any tim be removed and thus n schools would 1" the pro^ a?ndtyth?u.tht?:??? ?-?? t?pro; This scheme was submitted to the Committee of Su° ncil and Miss Burdett Coutts is now in its maetienl,V5 '? ?--P of ?hoo 'fe commIttee approve;f.f i.t" believinw tint it ",ill meet the difficulties of the case? without departing  the leading principle that State assistinoP T U be S?'en only where the teacher of a school is a certificated master The consequence is, says Mr Bruce, that we have inserted in the Revised Code a provision for carrying this scheme into effect, and now any number of schools not being less than two nor more than six, of which no one has within a mile and a half of it a population of more than 000, and in which the aggregate number of scholars is not less than 40, may be united under the superintendence of one certificated master or mistress, who must have been trained for not W +£ an two years at a normal school, and mift /.iavc received a certificate after the usual Probationary scrvice. The day scholars of all the U"lted schools must be assembled for inspcc- one of ??' ??csty's inspectors once e'c"'Y 3'e-ar at some sellool-i,ooiii under ins p ect i on. everv v. "h SOm° ?cIlool-™om under inspection. Thev u examined in the usual manner, Mid the /aym0nts, will be made as now to all the other inspected schools. We have laid this tahne d o J h .J2fUCCt^ before 0UJ readcrs in the hope that it wmy K T 1>tCf the thinly populated parishes of Wales, ?'" for the wailt | of State a?is?e no ?' yet ?"? made for the ?ucra?on Jet boen We have no doubt it ?-? ? ??c P00rer c lasses- satlsfactonl y. foun d to work

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Family Notices

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