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THE CORN TRADE. LONDON, Monday. Up to Friday the weather was unexpectedly warm and brilliant, quite forcing vegetation forward but since then it has been doubtful. Farmers haxe been, therefore, very busp with their preparations, and the sowing of Lent corn, which bar been put into the ground already to some extent, and in the best order. The young Wheat is said in some places to get on too fast, as in proportion to its growth being prematurely stimulated would be its danger in the event of any future severity. Tne same apprehension exists on tie Continent where the season proves equally forward. Markets have continued drooping, but without equalling the London decline. In some places the fall was resisted, stocks getting short, and, on the whole, the reduction scarcely averages Is per qr., though occasionally exceeded. The Polish question seems to have lost its influence at Danzig, the want of foreign orders been more than an equivalent, and prices have given way Is to Is 6d per qr. Some reduction is noted also at Hambro' for goods on tne spot, and the Ruassian corn market are dull. The rapid growth of the young crop in France seems to have made holders of native produced much more dispose! to sell; prices therefore have slightly receded in Paris, and nearly all the country markets have tended downward. The great shipping ports, again, have been in a s'ate of stagnation while Belgium and Holland show little change. New i YiJrk, with prices varying according to the eouiv of ex. change, has lately been executing mere foreign orders, which will, of coarse, soon becoming on. Stocks of bread- stuffs thrre, at the end ot the year, were about 590,000 qrs. Wheat, and 500,000 barrels Flour but with a s nail pro- portion of quality fit for shipment and domestic wants No important increase is expected till after May. when less may be forthcoming than anticipated, and Peace would diminish the outward bound materially. Last week's supplies ot wheat, barley, and flour were plentiful, but short of other grain. The exports were, 6-50 qrs. wheat; 350 cwt. flour. Ol English wheat tliere were 4,627 qrs of foreign 27,951 qrs. Very few samples were sent up this morning from Kent and Essex but the market being very much of a holyday character, tne little business done was at last Monday's reduction. The same may be said also of the foreign tra le. Of country flour there were 15,590 sacks of foreign 1,529 sacks 26,537 barrels. Almost nothing was doing in any description but the few sales of Norf,,Iks American barrels, and other foreign, and town- made qualities were without change of value. Of British barley there were 4,278 qrg., of foreign 21,807 qrs. also 156 qrs. from Limerick. Scarcely any English malting was on show, but there was no inquiry for it, and foreign of all sorts was Is. per qr cheaper. The malt trade wis very sluggish, and to force sales it would have been necessary to accept less money. Of oats there were 17,190 qrs.-viz., 5,708 qrs. qrs, English, 107 qrs. Scotch, no Irish, and 11,375 qrs. fo- reign. Fresh corn being scarce, maintained its value but all other descriptions, whether on board ship or in granary, were dull. Of native beans there were 442 qrs of foreign 953 qrs Small new English, were Is. per qrs. cheaper, and the entire trade was slack. Of English peas there were 256 qrs., of foreign none. With so little English on sale, prices were unaltered. Of linseed there were only 853 qrs., and the exports 870 qrs. Prices of crushing seed remained firm. The seed trade found a fair business, clovers-ed about main- taining former rates, but tares, canary, and mustardseed were dull. CURRENT PRICES OF BRITISH GRAIN AND FLOUR IN MARK-LANE. Shillings per Qr. Shillings per Qr. Wheat-Essex and Oats-English po- Kent, whit, 41 to 51 tato 23 to 26 Ditto, fine old 49 — 54 Ditto, Scotch feed 20 23 Ditto, red, new 40-50 Ditto, potato 24-27 Ditto, old 49 — 52 Irish feed, white- 16 19 Norfolk, Lincoln- Ditto, fine 20 — 23 shire & York- Ditto, black 16 19 shire, red, new- 40 -,50 Ditto, fine- 20—22 Ditto, old 49 — 51 Beans—Mazagan -29 31 Barley-malting 28 38 Ticks 29 31 Grinding 26 —^ 29 Harrow 31 3-5 Chevhlier, 34 411 Pigeon 36 -42 Distilling 30 34 Peas-new, white, Malt-Essex, Nor- boilers 37 — 40 folk and Suffolk 60 — 68 Maple 38 40 Ditto, fine- Gray 34 35 Kingston, Ware, Flour—Town house- and town-made 60 — 68 holds, per sack of Ditto, fine -1 280 lbs. 40 47 Brown 50 57; Country 30 31: Rye—New seed 34 -351 Households 35 37 Oats—English feed- 19 23j Norfolk & Suffolk, ex ship 31 33 ARRIVALS THIS WEEK. Wheat Barley Oats. Beans Peas. Flour. Qrs. Qrs. Qrs. Qrs. Qrs. Sacks Brls. English. 5243 2084 5758 691 294 16103 — Scotch — 613 133 10 — Irish — 1900 — Foreign. 15429 17392 35494 3445 15 1453 17091  Total.. 20672 20089 43285 4136 319 17856 17?91 FOREIGN. I The Paris Flour market during the past week was ex tremely dull, and ab iut I franc per 157 kilos, lower, prices of the first quality being from 56 to 61 franf's per 157 kilos. (equal to 36s 2d to 3Us 6d per 2801bs. Engliso). The six marks were, however, improved in val te-for the current month quotations were 61 francs (39s 6d. per 2801bs.), and the same for April. The wheat trade was very heavy, and influenced by the decline in London, as well as the favour- able advices from the country, to 33 fr. 50 c. per 120 kilos. (17s 6d to 51s 6d per qr.) Rye wat unaltered in value, there still being buyers at 20 fr. per 115 kilos (30s 6d per qr.). Barley was inc»lm at unaltered rites (say 16 fr. to 17 fr. 75 c, per 100 kilos.). Fine quality O its were still in demand, for Seed quotations were 14 fr. 25 c. to 15 fr. 50 c. per 100 kilos for parcels on the spot Nothing waa pas- sing for future delivery. A demand still obtained for Cloverseed at former prices; and this was also the case with Trefoil. White Cloverseed 130 to 150 francs per bale. But little change obtained in the country markets but the general tendency was downwards. Roye and Senlis were Is. 2d per qr. cheaper, and liarle 10d lower per qr., though Houriin was as much dearer Nantes was excessively dull. Bordeaux and Marseilles in perfact calm. In Belgium there were some fears, in consequence of the rapid growth of the young Wneat; and this, perhaps, has served to maintain prices in their former position. At Antwerp some Stettin Wh"at for April delivery was sold at 52s 6d, and some native for May at 53s, with offers subse- quently at 52s 6d Rye for April delivery brought 33s. Courtrai was rather in favour of buyers, both for Wheat and Rye. Liege lost the previous week's advance of 7d per qr. The weather for a week past had been very favourable at Strau bic With a well provided market there was a good attendance of buyers, with fair amount of b isiness. choice W be at to 43s 6d, jnferior 41s Rye to 26s 9d, Barley to 20s 6e, Oats 12s 3d to 14s. Very little change in prices of cereals was noted at Berlin, where there had been fair sales. Tne lakes and rivers of the interior being free from ice, early arrivals were expected, and these were much wanted, from the reduction of stocks. The want of export orders made Konigsburg dull, and rather lower; for Wheat quotations ruled from 39s 6d to 46s, for hign rvixed red to 43s 6d, Rye to 29s, Barley 233t Oats 15s. The weather at Danzig had been extremely mild. Fresh arrivals were coming in, without much business, and prices had given way Is 6d to nearly 2s per qr. on Wheat" SAIOII in a week were about 3,800 qros., at from 43s 6d to 53s, Rye to 32s, Pear 25s to 30s, Barley 21s 6d to 281. The low freight3 ruling ct Alexandria served to maintain the value of all grain. A fortnight's business amounted to 130,000 ardebs Wheat 23s 6d to 29s 2d, Beans 25s 6d, LiD seed 54s. Freights to England 3s 6d to 3s 9J per qr.; ex- change 98 piastres per JE. The price of corn generally at Venice was well supported, with the exception of Wheat. The weather there had been dangerously forcing to the young Wheat. Sales of Banats were made-say 1,600 qrs. 42s to 45s, and of the saine quantity of Odessa 35s 6d. Azoff hard Wheat to 50s. Native Maize to 30s, Danubian to 27s ditto Barley to 30a 6,1. The season was favourable at Algiers to the growing crops. Arrivals were light, and taken readily for consump- tion, stocks being small. Native hard Wheat 27 fr. to 29 fr. 50 c. per 100 kilos, (equal to 49s 6d to 53s 6d per qr.)- No foreign remained in granary. Though 8,000 quintals of Barley had arrived from Syria, this itrain was firm at 17 fr, to 17 fr. 10 c. per 100 kilos. Small salos of Beans were made at 24 fr. to 26s fr. to 50 c. Flour was dull, but with some indication of improvement, from the slenderness of stocks. Prices 38s to 46s per sack of 280lbs. The Spanish markets noted no change, with trade in calm. At Valparaiso Wheat and flour had both declined, and where still dull. The price of Wheat had given way at Sun Francisco, scarcely anything was worth over 44s to 44s. Prices of New York continued to fluctuate with the ex- change. Advices mept a good demand for Flour for export —extra Stite to 7 dols. 75 c (19s 6d) per brl., extra ship- ping Ohio to 7 d. 95 c trade brands to 9 d. 50 c. (23s 9d), extra St. Louis to 10 d. 50 c. [26 3d) Red and amber Wheat 5 to 7 c. per bush. dearer, choice Mihite very scarce. Lat.r accounts not a further rise in Exchange, say to 1884, and an equivalent advance in prices making little change in English money. CURRENT PRICES OF FOREIGN GRAIN Shillings per Qr.i Wheat Dantzic, mixed 51 to 55 Ditto, high Ditto, extra 57 — 62! Konigsberg 50-54 Ditto, high 54-67 Rostock 50 53 Ditto, fine 54-55 Ditto, extra American, red 47 491 Ditto, white. 50 5411 Pomerania, Meek and Uckermark, red 49 521 Silesian, red 48 521 Ditto, white 50 531 Danish and Hol- stein 48 511 Russian, hard 40 -42 French Ditto, white St. Petersb. and Riga 41 -49 Shillings per Qr. Wheat—Rhine, and Belgium 50 to 52 Barley—grinding 23 -25 B Distilling 30 35 Oats-Dutch, brew, and Poland 18-23 Ditto, feed — 16 -21 Danish and Sweed feed 18 22 Stralsund -19-22 Russian 20 22 Beans-Friesl. and Holstein 33 37 Konigsberg 30 35 Egyptian 30 — 32 iPeas—Feeding 35 39 Fine boilers 38 -40 jlndian corn-white 32 -31 Yellow -31—33 Flour—French, per sack 38 42 Spanish, per sack 38 43 American, per brl 22 24 Extra 24 28

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